The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 25, 1906, Image 8

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Special Sale o . .
Saturday and Monday
TIME Tlftl F
I 1Mb
Ho. t,Orerland Limited. 12:10 p. m
Ho. , Colorado Express 6:55 p. m
No. 5, California and Oregon Kx ... . 7 :45 . m
fJo. 7, Lob Atweles Limited, 1:47 p.m.
Ho. S.Fast Mail 4.0$ p. tn.
Ho. 11, Colo. Special ,"n- m
Ho. IS. North Platte LocaL 11:00 n.m.
Ho. 59. Local Freight .:00 a.m.
Ho. 2, Overland Limited 5:50 p.m.
Ho. 4. Atlantic Express :00 a. m
Ho. 9, Eastern Express 222 p. m
No. 8. Loe Anselee Limited 8JBp.ia.
Ho. 10, Fast Mail 12:55 $ m
No. 12, Chicano Special 5:25 a. la
Ho. 14, North Platte Local 1:47 p. m
Ho. 60. Local Freight 5:80 p. m.
Ho. 28, Paaaenmr 80p. ni
No.77, Mixed 701 a. m
No. M, Paaaenxer 12:l4r' p- m
No. 78. Mixed 7K)
No. 21, Passenger
Ho.79, Mixed 7:00a. ni
Arriye .
No.2. Passenger 12:55 p. in
Ho. 80, Mixed S.-OOp.m
Horfolk passenirer trains ran daily.
No trains on Albion and Spalding branrl
Bandars. ....
All main line passenger trains dally.
W. H. Benham. Aitnnt
Mr. Frank Rain of Fairhury, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Roeu Sun
day. Mrs. C. J. Garlow wnt to Madison
yesterday to attend a Woman's Club
Fred Garlow of Lincoln spent Sun
day with his cousin, C J. Garlow
of this oity.
A pretty souvenir with every
glass of ice cream soda at
Poesch's Saturday.
LfOST A pair of fratneless spectacles
with gold trimmings. Finder please
leave-at Clotber hotel and receive reward.
Mr. Sullivan's "ten" of the Epis
oopal guild will give a musicals to
might at the home of Mrs. -O. D.
From Creston is announced the birth
of a eon last week to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Lohr and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ed Bossiter has been appointed dep
uty tax collector by Treasurer Becher
and his work of collecting delinquent
taxes began this morning.
There will be a meeting of all those
interested in the Presbyterian church on
next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock
at the church. Important By order of
A special excursion will be
rum from Albion Friday to
bring Albioi people to bear
Rev. Lyon Friday night.
Don't fail to attend the Rummage sale,
benefit Grace church guild, begins to
night. Gottschalk building, eleventh
street, two doors west of Galley's store.
District No. 3 of the Independent
Telephone companies of Nebraska
met in this cityFriday and organized.
Delegates from tne companies at Al
biea, Petersburg. Belgrade, Belwood.
Tilden, Platte Center, Monroe, Sur
prise and Columbus were present, re
presenting territory where 3689
phones are used. The following offi
cers were elected: G. J. Garlow,
president- I. Lightner, Monroe, vice
president; A. S. Brown, Surprise,
secretary and treasurer. At the close
of an interesting meeting Mr. Black-
ledge, salesman for the American
Electrio Co., gave the delegates a
Rummage sale, benefit Grace church
guild, begins tonight. Gottschalk build
ing. Eleventh street, two doors west of
Galley's store.
Word was received in Columbus last
week of the death of Audrey, the infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFar
land, of Glasgow, Montana, on the 16th.
Mrs. Carl Kramer accompanied bv
her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Keliey, re
turned yesterday from Chicago where
Mrs Kramer was called several weeks
aro by the death of her FiFter, Mrs.
Ben Mayer Mrs. Kelloy will visit
here a few weeks whilo her bus band
is making his western territory.
W. J. Welch was in this city yesterday
to swear nut a complaint against Nick
Coppock who is charged with soliciting
.nsurance without a proper license.
Welch says lhat he paid the defendant
$30 ami thtfc W. II. Piigbsley paid him
815 for policies in the Aetna Life and
Accident company, and the policfcj
were never icceived The home ollice
of the company claims not to know
J. W Parker, a workman on the exca
vation gang of the new creamery, was
painfully injured abont his head and
face yesterday. The grouud caved in
striking Partter on the head and shoul
ders. He was completely buried and
had to be dug out. The blood flowed
profusely from his head and face and
he was takeu to his room at the
Clother hotel where he is under the
physician's care.
Holden Brothers, who control near
ly a dozen different plays, will pre
sent their masterpicee, "What Wo
men Will Do," at the North Opera
house on Thursday April 26 The
plav will give a fall scenic pro
duction, the same as seen in all the
great cities last season. This produc
tion is under the personal direction of
Mr. H. M. Holaen. Special reduced
prices 25, 35 and 50 cents.
The Art department of the Woman's
Club met with Mrs. A. J. Smith Sat
urday afternoon. Some very inter
esting papers were lead and some
very pretty pieces of china were exhi
bited. Miss Ross read a paper on
Persian Rugs, Miss Grabam one on
School Room Decoration, Mrs. Geit
zen one on Home Decoration and Mrs.
Sawyer, on up-to date China Paint
ing. MisB Martha Turner showed a
fine piece of chip carving and Mrs.
Smith some very pretty pieces of nasd
painted china.
One of the most interesting produc
tions that will come to the North Opera
House this season will be the Northland
singer, Mr. Ben Hendricks, the celebra
ted Swedish dialect comedian in his
play Ole "Olson." Mr. Hendricks holds
a prominent place in the ranks of I he
singing comedians of the country, he
has a well modulated high baritone voice
and knows how to use it. He has re
ceived such high praise for his warbling,
that he will this season make it one of
the features. Mr. Gray has surrounded
Mr. Hendiicks with a strong company
and a complete production.
A liquid cold enre for .children
that is pleasant, harmless, and effec
tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and
Tar. Superior to all other cough
syrups for cold remedies, because it
acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy
for coughs, colds, coup whooping
cough and all curable lung and bron
chial affections in child or adult.
Pleasant to take. Sold by McClin
tock & Carter.
Destinations San Francisco, Los Angeles.
Via Portland and Puget Sound $6g.50 round trip, one
way via Shasta Route.
Dates of Sale April 25 to May 5. Return limit July 31.
Stopovers Points between the Missouri River and the
Pacific Coast
Routes Good vga direct routes; for instance, to San Fran
cisco or Los Angelee, via Denver, Scenic Colorado,
Salt Lake City.
To San Francisco via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake
Route through Los Angeles.
No tour of the coast is complete unless it includes the
Puget Sound.
Train Service Daily through Pullman Standard and
- Tourist sleepers to San Francisco via Denver, Rio
x Grande Route, Salt Lake City; Tourist Sleepers Thurs
days and Frikays, personally conducted.
Daily through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Los Angeles, uia Denver,
Rio Grande Route, Salt Lake City, thence Salt Lake Route; Tourist
Sleepers Tuesdays and Saturdays personally conducted.
Write or call for California descriptive matter, "Pacific
Coast Tours," folders, berths, information. Describe
Jrour proposedtrip and let us advise you how to make it at
east cost.
L. F. RECTOR, Agt Columbus, Nebr
- Rev. and Mrs Nemmarker visited in
Madison Sunday.
Jj The masquerade at the Maennerchor
last Saturday night .was well attended
and a most enjoyable function.
Ifchlwi ami Vicinity.
Henry Schoeder attended a meeting
of the Knights of America at Colum
bus Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Stevenson had
Mrs H Schroeder as their guest over
Mrs. E Eklebsrry of North Bend
arrived Tuesday for a visit among her
kith and kin here.
Mrs. Fred Barnhold died April 16
and was buried here last Thursday.
Mrs Barnhold was a patient sufferer
for many years and death OMne as a
relief. Deceased had many friends in
this county and to know her was to
love her.
The neighborhood Card olub sur
prised Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yonkie a
week ago last Sunday evening. A
royal time was had.
Mrs. Joe DiEchner, Mrs. Henry
schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. John
Dischner attended the funeral of the
latter's mother at Columbus Friday.
The Richest Man in the World.
The richest man in the world can not
have his kidneys replaced nor live with
out them, so it is importsnt not to
neglect these organs. If Foley's Kidney
Cure is taken at ihe first sign of danger,
the symptons will disappear and your
health will bie-torec, as it strengthens
and builds up these organs as nothing
cIsh will. Bowman, Lebanon,
Ivy , writes: "I have need Foley's Kid
ney Cure and lake great pleasure in
etatini: it cured me permanently of Kid
ney disease, which certainly would have
cost me my life. -.McClintock te barter.
Cedar Chips.
Nels Hasselbalcn drove across to
Grt-shnw Saturduy afternoon to meet
his brother Otto, who came up from
Jordova for a- visit ,
Mablon and True Bonner are suffer
ing from a severe attack of dogwood
poison. They went to the river Fri
duy to cer, Cedar trees and got more
than they bargained for.
Mr and Mrs. Messing and ohildren
visited in Columbus -Saturday and
Harry Price shelled corn Saturday.
Mr. Prieb of the tableland is haul
ing lumber from the niear Creek mill
to build an addition to his house.
Miss Lizzie Schmit has gone to Al
bion for an extended visit with her
aunt and uncle.
The carpenters are making great
headway with W. M. Housers new
barn. They have part of the first coat
of paint on.
MiKfi Mary Staley and Miss William
House went to Duncan Sunday and
something or other or something else
caused a hot box. they bad to stop at
Clouse's to cool off.
Mr. Phillips has built him a nice
new barn.
Stomach and Liver Trouble Cored.
Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syrup cures
stomach and liver trouble as it aids
digestion, and stimulates the liver and
bowels withont irritating these organs
pills and ordinary cathartics. It cures
indigestion and sick headache and
chronic constipation. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe
and is mild and pleasant to take. Re
fuse substitutes. McClintock & Carter.
Platte Center.
Quite a delegation of Platte Center
teachers took examination at Columbus
Saturday. Among the number were the
Misses Alice Zingg, Alice Hughes,
Kittie Gentlemau and Kathryne Hen
nessey. Miss Mae Considine visited in Colum
bus Sunday.
Miss Genevieve Considine and Ethel
Thomazin were Columbus visitors Sat
urday. Mrs. Thomas Mylet is quite sick at her
home west of town.
Mr. and Mr?. Thos. Regan and
daughter of St Edward are visiting
with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Regan.
- Miss Mary Murphy returned from
Iowa last week and will remain here for
an indefinite time.
Miss Suzanne Niemoller visited at her
home in Monroe Sunday.
Miss Josie Clother departed last Sun
day for Xew York where she will visit
for some time with relatives.
Last Saturday Miss Mary Cronin fin
ished a successful term of school in the
Mary ville district.
Mrs. L. R. Huffman held an auction
sale of household goods last Saturday.
Mrs. Huffman intends to leave for South
Dakota this week to Join her husband.
Miss Augusta Nelson left Monday
evening for her homestead in South
The Easter ball given in Platte Centre
was a financial as well as a social suc
cess. A very enjoyable time was had by
all who attended.
For headache, constipation, eta,
Dade's Liver Pills are best. They
cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by
McClintock & Carter.
Route 4
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith,
Saturday, a son.
Chas. Posegate and family left Fri
day for their future home in Alberta,
Jo Barnes dipped his cattle Monday.
Ed Early was on this route Friday.
Steckleberg Coming.
The Ladies Aid society of the Con-
I gregational church have been fortunate
vuuuKuuieeuHR) Oir.'KJHTl aiecKieoerg,
famous violinist; for a recital in the
Congregation! church on May 25. This
will be of especial interest to lovers of
fine music and an event that the public
in general will wait for.
A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Brook last week.
The carpenters are building an ad
dition to Herman Schmidt's house.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamapp were
guests of the family of Otto 'Sennits
Sundayl r
r John Doecsh andwife were in Co
lumens on business Tuesday.
August Wahls lost a valuable horse
last week
Will Schluntz who was visiting in
this vicinity a few months returned
to his home in Harlan county this
Gus Loseke and family were guests
at the home of Gerd Rosche Sunday.
Seal Etaate Loans.
We are prepared to make loans on
all kinds of real estate at the lowest
rates on easy terms. Becher. Hocken
berger & Chambers.
A dose of Pine-ules at bed time will
nually relieves backache, before morn
ing. These beautiful J little globules
are soft gelatine coated ; and when
moistened and placed in the moutn
you can't keep from swallowing them.
Pine-ules contain neither sugar nor
alcohol just gums and resins obtained
from our own native pine forest, com
bined with other well known bladder,
kidney, blood and backache remedies
Sold by McClintock & Carter.
Route 5.
Robert Church and Miss Bosetta
Butter were married today at Shelby.
They wili live in the Sam Bell house
Mrs. M. E. Kirschner was a Ulysses
visitor this week.
Earl Sweringen of Lincoln is visit
ing relatives here this week.
'the Original.
Folej- & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popnlniity of "Fole"- Honey
aud Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Thee worthies- nnita
tions have similar sounding names He
ware of them. The genuine Fles
Honey and Tar it in a yellow packatre.
Ask for it and refuse u Mibstitute.
1 1 is the best remedy fur coughs and
colds. McClintock & Carter.
Mt. Pleasant Items
Mr. and Mrs Newton and Mr. and
Mrs. Stornbaugh visited Mr Gilleno
Mr. and Mrs Henry Crosier visited
Mrs. Elmira Buck Sunday.
Mr Stout's gave a surprise da:ce
last Friday evening in honor of Roy
Bivin. it being his eighteenth birth
day An enjoyable time was had.
Light refreshments were served.
Mrs. Elmira Buck and daughter
flattie went to Columbus Tuesday on
Mr and Mrs. A. O. Foote spent
Sunday with George Foote's.
Very Low Bates to California.
On account of the convention at Los
Angeles, Cal., May 7-10, 1006. of the Im
perial Council Ancient Arabic Order
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Union
Pacific has authorized a very low round
trip rate to San Francisco and Los An
geles. Tickets on sale from April 25th
to May 5th, 1906.
For rates, sleeping car reservations
and California literature write to
W. H. Benham, Agent.
Nearly all of the farmers are
through sowing small grain.
J. Berlin and ohildren from Genoa
attended services at' the Palestine
Baptist church Sunday.
Amy Wagner of St. Edward is visit
ing at J. Andersons.
Misses Mae Burrow and Alice Wag
ner of St. Edward visited at Tom
Thomazin's Sunday afternoon.
The teacher and pupils of District
62 are prepairing to give an entertain
ment in the near future.
Mrs. J. Anderson spent Friday
afternoon at Nels Clang's.
Charles Eke and Nels Johnson visit
ed at Bonde Peterson's Sunday.
Mrs. P. Welin, Miss Elfin, and Mrs.
Dr. alker and son Harold of Lindsay
visited at J. Anderson's Thursday
Little Joe Nelson is quite sick.
Rev. Benjamin will preach bis fare
well sermon next Sunday, April 29.
r wtttA h. fCYs -'
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;,r :, v
A ,'
to per
fev ,.
.4 SJB U U S. - - -
Used m isie fes fe$
Dies foe wo?& oue;
Pineules i
Rev biscoftrf
Pt b'P ill S 156
nj for the Kid
Mrs Mi Bladder.
muss on out
sot mi sou
IHmUrsr Pills
V - r-
invested in a package of
Uneeda Biscuit
teaches you many truths :
That soda crackers are the best of all food made from flour.
That UlMwda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Untwda Biscuit are always fresh, always crisp, always
As ras latter
"! OB
Sold v McCiintork A: Carter.
IH !'.
Special iIumt.ot)ktrs Rules: 1st and
3rd TiJO'ditys, low excursion rates ti
the Nortli Plain? Vall.-y, the Bif Horn
Basin and other frontier territory.
Personally conducted excursions on
1st ind 3rd Tuesdays of each month
for those peeking free homestead of
JM0 acres of mixed farming and dairy
ing. Write D. Clem Denver, Agent
Homeseekers' Information Bi;renn,
1004 Fnrnaui St.. Omaha. Nebraska.
Irrigated Lands: If you have any sur
plus money, you can do nothing better
with it than to get hold of nn irrigated
farm now. If this appeals to yon,
send for irrigation literature.
Low Vacation Tonrs to Colorado, Cali
fornia and Puget Sound: The Sum
mer of 19(M5 will bring a great variety
attractive low rate excursion tours.
The greatest railroad journey in the
world, to California and Puget Sound
is within your reach at about half
rates daily from April 25th to May lth,
also after June 1st. Ask about excur
sion rates to San Francisco for the
teachers' big meeting; also about the
cheap rates to Colorado for the Elks'
great gathering early in July
To Western Resorts: -Low rate excur
sion tickets to the Black Hills, Hot
Springs, South Dakota, Sheridan,
Wyoming, (Eaton's Ranch, Big Horn
Mountains) and Yellowstone Park; ak
about special camping tour of 21 days
from Cody through the Yellowstone
Go Somewhere:- Life is short, see
America. Think over the kind of a
trip yon would like to make, and ask
the undersigned to help von plan the
most interesting trip at the lowest
possible cost.
Agent C. B. & Q Rv.
G. P. A. Omaha.
I m J 'assuVSk I -J
m w - -
Get acquainted with
and you are strangers we will send
vni i the maoazme three montllS
free that you may get acquainted.
q SMITH'S is the biggest illus-
rrated macrazine m the world I U
nases of readme? matter and Dic-
tiiTM- the same size Dace as the big
standard magazines like Harpet's
and Century.
5f SMITH'S is made up of the
hMtr nr fvervthin? best stones
that can be obtained, best ulustra-
iton. that clever artists can draw.
and the best soecial articles, written
by writers who know their subject
thoroughly and wnte as entertain
ingly as they are instructive. .
fl SMITH'S aho prints every Booth a
score or more preuypuiuniu. iu tuiois, ui
beautiful women. Taken all in all. there
ionn fvtti-r hx!k than SMITH'S
in fact, none nearly as good, bo matter
what the cost.
q Write to-day. A portal wiD do.
Address DepL F, Smith's Magazine,
BSSeventli Avenue, new loricuiy
iHOUSA2DS of grateful customers in
everv state attest the WONDERFUL
The Only Liniment that Htals without a Scar J
It cures cuts, sprains, bruises. sore. swellings.
lamenes. old wounds. lumbago. chapped hand-., frot
bites, etc.. and is the standard remedy for barbed
taire tmts on animals, harness and saddle gulN.
scratches, grease heel, caked udder. Itch, mange.etc.
It heals a wound from the liottom up and is
thoroughly anfi-ntic. KING CACTUS OIL is
sold by druggiMs in 15c.. SQc. and 51 bottler. 3 and
to decorated cans, or sent prepaid by the manufac
turers. OLfiEY G McVAIJ). Clinton, otto, if
not obtainable ut your druggists'.
The original
LAXATIVE cuugli remedy.
For coughs, colds, throat and lunjj
troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic
Good for every body. Sold every where.
The genuine
a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes.
Prepared only by
Foley A Company, Chicago.
Sold by McClintock & Carter
$' tiWiiia 3 Sli. .:.
iiiji . . '
ft -
' 1 sl .
. '"
. -- -.-- llPftrt
MyrCS-fn &?W
3JJi-I t V. -i ."IU
-c--. mw a . K - u..:
- fr? -. O"
. v7i-3
jrw -
y -w
1 i?SrW
ly s Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects tlie
ili"j;itl membrane. It cures Catarrh anil
irives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Jlestores the Senses of Taste and Srnell.
4t.y to use. Contains no injurious drus.
v lied into the nostrils ant absorbed.
Larp; Size, .r0 cents at Druggists or by
nail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrm St. Naw Yark.
THROUGH Standard and
Tourist sleepers, chair
cars and coaches to Union
Passenger Station, Chicago,
every day from all points on the
main line of the Union Pacific
Railroad. These car are carried
on through trains arriving in the
heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m.,
9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford
ing a convenient choice of hours.
Route Union Pacific Railroad
Milwaukee and St. Pan!
Any ticket agent of the Union
Pacific will send you East via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway if you ask him to do so.
It is worth your while to insist
that your ticket read this way.
Complete information about
rates, routes and train service
sent on request.
General Western Agent
1524 Faraam Street, Osaka
m&izwim's EHGL3SH
tl T
21 J5 VV!
Safe. Alav reliable . Uniai:it lor
I'siM' i;x;mmi .- n-i ma
iiilil niHlallii: boxi-s. s-nlel :'!i bl n nl!ioa
Take no odier. Kffttoi- i!sn;rf(iii -ul.ati-lutitiiMiiatl
iiuiialiont. I.:tu, j -jrDnJtsin,
or t!itl lc. 111 :tamj.s for I.r:ifit:.-ir. Tr.:j
mnil ami -Itvllrr fur Jtiii." ii Mler,
by rrluru .Unit. It;.(HH'lVtimi.niaI- xAa by
all linigir-st.
SIOO 3JaUiM.-n Su:tr-. J"1.A SA.
l;ri;llo this sa;fi
Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets
Spring Wagons
Lot us build you one. We
put nothing hut the very het
materia! ami vnrkm:ui.-hip in
them. The price is right.
FA ft .M KICK, Jiring in your
tools and itiipkmeiitr to he
sharpened and rejiairod now.
It will s-ave you time when
the spring work opens up.
We kelp only the Latest iud
Hiiggirfj & Carriages
All Kin.lHof-
..Farm ImpleniHifs..
S?Onr 12orsu).shoe8 stick and
don't lamo your horse - try 'em
J- - 4 -VS