ukSSSK fxjjife&a f t I- Fv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl SBBBBBB& SBBBBB, BBBIbBB. BBBBBBBl BSBBBBB MAKING CYC J AT MAtYJANC. Of A Ithe CO I MsC wivlk ,L1l:JkW i $3 " itfr-JOWm. Zr,, 5TI . 9W SB 4 -t (. fcSPWAf . I ofTicT iop V Tin .ujt.. wewii DID YOU EVER .STAND BEFORE YOUR MIRROR cJUJT BEFORE YOU WENT OUT TO MAKE ACALL AND FEEL A-SHAMED BECAUSE YOU KNEW YOU WOULD MEET PEOPLE BETTER CLOTHED THAN YOURSELF? IF SO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEEL.S. WE HAVE IN OUR .STORE MANY, MANY TrHNGS IT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL PROUD TO WEAR. IT S DRAWING CLO.SE To MAY-DAY NOW. IJ THI-S NOT THE VERY LATENT DATE ON WHICH YOU .SHOULD APPEAR IN YOUR NEW .SPRING GARMENTS? IF YOU GET THEM NOW THEY CAN BE WORN JU.ST THAT MUCH LONGER AND YOU WILL HAVE J)ST THAT MANY MORE TIME.STO FEEL PROUD WHEN .STANDING BE FORE THE MIRROR. WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU CAN RE.SI.ST WISHING JoME OF THE-SE TEMP TATIONS. A Splendid Cravenette for . . $6.00 Ladies' Spring Style Suits at . . .$0.75 The Latest Cut in Spring Jackets . $8.60 The best line of Silk Coats from $6.00 to . $30.00 Anything you may desire in Spring Tailored Suits from $5.00 to .... $30.00 The most perfect fitting Shirt Waists, 50c to . $6.50 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT s I DRUDGERY Why not cut out part of this drudgery on wash day? Let us send you any Washing Machine you may select on trial and prove to you that you can make wash day easier which comes in well regulated households 52 times during the year. If we cannot we will call for the machine and ask no cxuestions. 'BEATS ALL i Circular tub made of best Louisiana cypress, galvan ized hoops, light speed; easy in operation; plunger releases clothes after each revolution. Nicely finished; all metal parts painted in aluminum. No better &4Z ff machine for the price The "SNOWBALL" WASHER. It makes -washing light and washday a delight. Points of Advantage: The claRlier grips the clothes, freely jwinjjs them, washing very clean. Children cannot get lingers or hands caught in gears as they are enclosed. Changing the handle in Hy wheel give- regnlar or high speed. Wheel' can be easily put on :ind taken off. The tub is locked at once when the lid is closed by the fc T9 simple latch. 'Price tV IL. e il fi JisiiiiKliiiiwW i liligilMWIi B il HH-SmmsB la Ii fisv5fBMpi I if J-'iiJB'l I Mfew 8 jthan a cutting at least once a week. We have a line of Lawn Mowers which will make the caring of a lawn a pleasure instead of a bore. They do not chew off the grass but cut it. We have mowers of all prices. Let us show you the best lawn mower ever made. This mower with ordinary care will last for 10 years and then still be better than the majority of mowere used. MowersAn m tj0. 13 and up Grass Catchers, $1 and up. Garden hose, sprinklers, couplings washers, etc H H B iVilllB H R-rOLAETD1 THAT GOOD CLOTHES will REFLECT THE GOOD TASTE T"t WtARCR the JAMt A Mlfcfcol? REFLECTS CooD CLOTHEJ". DONT THINK THAT PEOPLE WONT JUDGE TOO BYbue CLOTHE FOR THEY WILL. YOlfDO. BUJTEfc CMlWCO. Cut It WASHER.' Qw';jMM "ONE MINUTE" WASHER See the fly wheel under the bottom of the tub? That's a feature of the -'One Min ute" Washer exclusively its own. This tly wheel is driven by gear wheel with crank attached, and revolves on little steel balls just like the wheels of a bicy cle. YouM be surprised how hard it is to stop the machine when once this wheel gets up speed. Tub made of the very best Louisiana cypress Price $io LAWN MOWERS. Nothing sets off a home more a well kept lawn. To keep lawn as it should be requires Dr. FmnL dentist. Herrick for farpitmre. Jonrul ads bring remits. Dr. Mark T. MoMahoa. dentist A new line of chiua at Buschman's. Prof. Sike, teacher music Barber bldg. Dr. D. T. Martyn went to Schuyler Friday. Get toot shoea hined at Park Bar ber shop. tf Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th St. Jeweler. -jtf Otto Zuelow of Schuyler was in our city Satnrdny. Herrick has a $75 side-board whioh he will sell for $83. There will be a social dance at Orpheus hall tonight. Coal and baled hay awlays on top at Newman & .Welch. tf Try a Journal "want ad" if you hare anything to buy or sell. Will Willard went to St. Edwaid Sunday, returning Tuesday. Mrs. Homer Robinson returned from a visit in Omaha Saturday. Ed. North of Omaha spent Sunday with his Columbus relatives. George Scott returned Friday night from a few days trip to Kansas. The new Swift building on 11th street is fast approaching completion. Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new Colnmbus State Bank building. Robber boots mended with a vul oanizing substitute at Carl Schubert's. Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with tDr. Lueschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st. Try our Rex Lump Coal $7 at the yard. P. D. Smith Co. Bothtel. No. a 11. S. Dickinson made a business visit to Loup City Friday, returning Satur day. The little six months old daughter of Prof. Waters is very sick with catarrhal fever. Elm, ash and mulberry trees suit able for door yards for sale at Albert Stenger's. 3tp The Competitor $3.00 Fountain Pen special at $1.00. Ed. J. Niewohner, the jeweler. ' Tliero is a larger number of buildings being erected in the city this year than for many years. Wnnn you want baled hay that is bright and coal that is clean order from Newman Welch. tf The $1 00 Shumate guaranteed Ra zor, the best money can buy. Ed. J. Niewohner,' the jeweler. A free souvenir with every glass of ice cream soda at L'oesch's next Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Rhodes of Chicago re turned home today after a visit of several weeks with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Martyn. A special series of addresses on the Ten Commandments wiU be given by Evangelist Lyon at the tabernacle to night, tomorrow and Friday evening. Half the housekeepers worry comes from not having good flour. U60 Shell Creek Creek valley flour and do away with'all worry. Made by Peter Schmitt. Do you want to make your rooms look new this spring? Then seer G. R. Prieb. He has the latest designs in wall paper and will do you an ar tistic job. LOST : A brown leather purse con ta ining a sum of money, between the residence and office of Judge Albert. Finder please leave at Judge Albert's office and receive reward. For sale or rent 80 acres in Colfax county seal. Good improved buildings. For further particulars inquire of F. V. Stibal, owner Gretna, Neb., or Joseph Zerzan, agent Schuyler, Neb. 4t p For wedding stationery, vis iting cards and fine stationery call on the Columbus Printing & Specialty House tf 3 R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans, dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked. Agent for Germania iteam dye works, Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St. Quite a number of Columbus fisher men took advantage of the fine weather Sunday and the banks of the various lakes and sloughs in the neighborhood wer6 fairly lined with the disciples of Isaac Walton. In "What Women Will Do." which comes to the North Ojrera house next Thursday night, wiU be seen one of cleanest, purest and most moral plays on the American stage today Special reduced prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Mrs. A. D. Hinman and daughter Edna, and J. P. McCnllough and daugh ter Louise arrived Friday noon for a visit with Aire. G. E. Willard. Mrs. Wil lard will remain until next week, the others' returning to St. Edward Satur day. Miss Agnes Scott who has been spend ing the week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, at the Clother house, will return to Kansas City with Mrs. Joseph Dawson. Mrs Dawson, who is a sister of Mrs. Scott was called here a week ago by the death of a neice near Central City. Mr. Hendricks is probably conceded to be America's foremost Swedish dialect comedian and ranks in the same cate gory as a singer. In his coming presen tation of "Ole Olson" at the North Opera House, Thursday May 3rd he will make his singing one of the principal features, having added several new songs to his repoitore. 01e Olson" is an old play but each year has a new dress, so to speak, and is a play that is always a fa vorite with the public. No matter how often they may have previously wit nessed it there is in it something lacking in other plays that strangely appeals to humanity in general and therefore always succeeds on its own merits. Witt ai Oil Nanus You may have an accident or runaway which can always be avoided by baying one of Weaver's Own Make Harnett. A few dollars pnt in new harness mayeae life as well as money. Don't neglect bat buynow. L, W. Weaver and Son CmI ui Hamn Til. Hi, 74 For Sale or Rent by Owner. The two story brick store building located at 619 West 11th St. Very reasonable price. For particulars call at Journal office. Inquire of Herrick. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Mrs. H. G. Person is seriously ill. Kodak9 and supplies at Newohner's. Go to the Bnschman Racket store for bargains. Carl Schubert has complete camping outfits for rent. tf The Journal wants all the news. Phone or write it in. A new supply of shells and guns at Carl Schubert's. Dr. O. A. Allenburger, office iaaew State Bank building. Miss Emma Wake went to Seward Sunday for a few days visit. If your eyes,rears, nose or throat give .(on trouble see Dr. Lueschen. H. Gass, jr., made a business trip to Omaha one day last week. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con sultation in German and English. Mrs Murray has moved her dress making palors to 103 West 14th St. Mrs. Hickok has been confined to her bed for the past week with a severe cold. George W. Wertz one of the leading attornevs of Schuyler was in the city Monday. A. G. Rolfe of Woodville was in this city Monday and Tuesday on business. Carl Schubert nas a nice line of Zonophones, and Talking machines and records. Mies Stella Krause of Genoa is a guest of her aunt. Miss Bertha Krause of this city. Miss Grace Liubker was given a sur prise last Friday night by a dozen of her girl and boy friends. Miss Anna Geitzen with little Mary Bvrnnes went to Omaha Sunday night to vicit friends a few days. Supt. E. B. Sherman and Will H. King went to Schuyler Friday after noon to attend Masonic lodge. Mrs. E. H. Chambers was a of Mr and Mrs. B. R. Cowdery of Humphrey two days this week. Mr. Richard Mulcahey and his sis ter Miss Katie were guests of Mr. J. T. Cox and Miss Cox from Saturday till Tuesday. Halley Waide, of Schuyler, who has been working for Ernst Bergman, at that place has been transferred to the tombstone factory here. Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Evans and Mr. and Mrb. Edgar Howard were in Omaha last Saturday to attend a meeting of the Shriners. The Columbus friends of I-Dr. and Mrs. IT. H. Geer are grieved to lean of the daeth of Dr. Geer's mother at Grand Island on April 12. ilyomei costs you nothing unless it cures you of catarrh. Deposit $1 with Druggist Chas. H. Dack and if Hyomei fails to cure, he will return your money. If it is pleasant there will be a brief song service at 7 :30 this evening on the corner of Thirteenth & Olive Sts., preceding the tabernacle meet ing. Mrs. S. E. Cushing of Wenattchee, Wash., and Mrs. Robert Olapp of Fairbury will arrive here tomorrow to be guests at the Chambers' and Evans' homes for several weeks. A couple of traveling ministrels en tertained a large crowd of oitizens at Poesch's corner Saturday night, with singing and moving pictures. Mon day evening they chartered the North Opera house and had quite a house. Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Equipped Optical OMiees li The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glaaees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE MEN MISSES AND r MADAMS J - with fresh spring costumes no doubt ' you'll want a new '' photo taken. We have the reputa tion for ARTISTIC WORK. If you want like nesses at your best your most at tractive expression your easiest pose, have yonr pictures taken this spring time at the ciUuter SMii OLIVE ST., Columbus, Nebr. Over Phillipps Store Herrick for baby go-carta, A fall line of hunting coats, cape, hats, pants boots; etc, at Carl Sena bert's. FOB SALE: Typewriter of Standard make and nearly new. Inquire at Jour nal office. FOR SALE A set of the Internation al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the Journal office. WANIED: Good farm loans at 6 per cent. No commissions, W. L. May, Omaha, Neb. WAT UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it. Buy your ice cream sodas at Poesch's Saturday and get a pretty, souvenir free. FOR 8ALE-Cottonwood lumber, wood and sawdust. Also a No. 1 Chicago oottage organ, price $30 cash. Clear Creek Mill. Mrs. James Pearsall returned home last week from Eaa Claire, Wiscon sin, where she has been visiting at the home of her son Earl. HORSBS FOR SALE : I have three spans of good work horses and one span of drivers for sal6. David Thomas, Columbus. Nebr. 2t WANTED: One cook and oae din ing room girl. At Oreston Hotel, Oreston. Neb. Reference required. H. O. Stadley, Proprietor. 2t North Evans came home last Thurs day from the Kearnev Military "Aca demy remaining till Monday. Charlie Javenat of Lincoln, who is also a student in the Kearney school, was North's guest durinc the brief vaca tion. "What Women WiU Do" whioh comes to the North Opera honse on next Thursday night, April 2G, con tains all tne beauty of a pastoral play, all the sensation of melodrama and as many laughs as a farce comedy. Special reduced prices 25, 35, and 50 cents. Miss Mary Pimpara and Mr. Ed ward McNurlin were united in mar riage on Wednesday. The ceremony took plaeo at 9:30 a. m., at the Wil son Catholic church, Father Deroal officiating. Only the relatives and close freinds were present. Leigh World. O. A. Speieo, the aged Columbus pioneer, who for several months has been lying very near to death's door, was made most happy last week by seeing at his bedside he faces of all his children. The stroke of paralysis from which he is suffering had de stroyed his power of speech, bat his peroentive faculties are still active and he wis able to recognize all his children and understand their con versation. Dr.W.K. Speice of Chicago returned home Sunday after a week's visit and J. M. Speice of Kingfisher, Oklahoma is still here. Columbus is soon to have one of the largest and most up-to-date creameries in the state. F. N. Stevenson, mana ger of the Columbus Cream Co., showed a Journal reporter the plans of the new building, which last Thursday were placed in the hands of contractor. The building will be a two-story brick structure 88 feet by 22 feet and it will occupy the lot north of the Meridian hotel. The very la test and best machinery will be in stalled and sanitation will be the guiding principle in -the construction of the entire building. The base ment and the first floor will be of omnent.. The basement will be used for the engines, and churns. The sales and delivery rooms will occupy the first floor and on the second floor will be the offices and ware rooms. This substantial improvement in Co lumbus does more than to mark the phenomenal personal success of F. N. Stevenson in the creamery business It marks the growth of a manufacturing industry in this city which, by en couraging the dairy business, adds thousands of dollars to the wealth of Platte county farmers, and makes Co lumbus the chief trade oenter where that wealth is spent. The Journal has always felt a pride in urging Platte county farmers to patronise this home industry, and it is with special pride that tbi paper an nounces this new building whicn in itself will be a monument to the Platte county dairyman whose patro nage has made it possible. Factories when utilize the raw .material from the farm, are the fatoories that count in an agricultural community and in this new factory farmers and business men alike will feel a just pride. The new plant will be occupied about Juael. IKS'f lmamamaf m wl' I lmamamau tniiiMHHimiiiiiiiiiiitiMiiiiiitiiiiim Henry Rap W Co., Nitaska PInm 29. liftpttM Pirns 29 Mi 229. ALFALFA SEED We have the best, i that can be procured This tSeed is Crown in Western Nebraska We have given this alfalfa seed business a great deal of attention and study and know that our seed is right. If you expect to sow this spring or foil, now is the time to buy your alfalfa seed. The supply of fancy seed is limited. Leave your orders now later you will have to take what you can get. We also have a large stock of Grass SeedST-such as Timothy, White Clover, Red Clover, Red Top Millet, Cane Seed, Blue Grass, etc., etc, and a little later will have plenty of Seed Corn. Garden Seeds That Grow .... We carry a full line of Garden Seeds ;; both in bulk and packages and several var :: ieties of good onion sets. Make out a list of your wants in garden seeds and let us :: put them up for you before the spring rush :: begins. fin M Groceries, Crockery, Glassware and Seeds iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""ttttitiiiiiiiit Spring and Summer Goods We announce to the people of Colum bus that our new line of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS is now open for your inspection. We are now showing one of the most complete lines of Summer Wash in the city, in all the latest novelties, consisting of Figured Linen, "D. E. Soie," Arnold's Silks, Chiffon Ombre, Print ed Silk Mulls, Dotted Swiss Mull, Queen Batiste, Tokio Brilliants, "Henely" Serges, Donzelle Organdie,;1 Queen Percales and Madras Cloths. White Goods... India Linens, White Waist ,Goods,-Mercerized Suiting, Silkized Poplin, Persian Lawns, White' Organdies, Batiste and White Linen Suiting. This promises to be a big sea son for White Goods. New line of Zion Laces, Insertions and Allover Lace. Also a new assortment of Swiss and Hamburg Embroid eries and Insertions. F.T.&ftC. mings to match. Also a New Stock.of Rain Proof Suitings, Broadhead Dress Goods and Waist Patterns. New Table Linens, Napkins, Stamped Linens and Dresser Scarfs. Lace Curtains and Bed Spreads. Also a complete lime of Staple Dry Goods which we offer for sale ot the lowest cash prices. Agents for the -"Standard Fashions" and "The De signer. Subscriptions to the J. H. 505 Eleventh Street, jpsMjk m k2. cleanest alfalfa 'seed in this country. k We sell the Francis T. Sim mons Kid Gloves; also their Silk and Fabric Gloves. A new line just received. NEW LINE OF DRESS SILKS... For Silk Waists, and Suits. Silk Ribbons and Dress Trim- Designer reduced to 50c a year. GALLEY Columbus, Nebraska C8H. The Improved.... U. S, CREAMplPARATOR Won Gold Medal-The Highest Award Lewis & Clark Exposi tion, Portland, Oregon. 50O lb. Capacity, $75.00 Sold by W. P. DODDS, Columbus, Nebraska. ..-stt- , s-atffea ,4ftjtdHr 4 i &V-riJK&TMiii) jjr--" "-r,feiJtS'VgUrf A.--sL-". tl .ar - -- .- fctfUg! LfarCiiAir' - ' r- r.-j,.T. JktciJ' . -