The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 25, 1906, Image 4

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    Mat 11,1870.
Columbus gcmrual.
Columbus, Nelr.
at tbm Poatofioe. Cohunbaa, Nebr., u
litlufcis Joirnal Co.,
OMrav.brnaU,potace prepaid....:.
... .78
RENEWALS Tbe data opposite toot name on
yoar paper, or wrapper shows to what time your
111 Million is paid. Thus Jan05 ahowa that
paraMBt has been received np to Jan. 1, 1905,
febH to Feb. 1,1905 and so on. When payment
ia main thr date, which answers as a receipt,
will be chanced aocotdinjib.
DISCONTINUANCES Bflsponsible sabecrib
en will eontinae to receive this journal until the
pabliabers are .notified by letter to discontinue,
when all arrearages must be paid. If you do not
wiah the Journal continued for another year af
ter the time paid for has expired, you should
previously notify ua to discontinue it.
CHANGE IN ADDRESS-Wh'en ordering a
ehange in the address, subscribers should be sure
to give their old aa well as tiieir new address.
State op Nebraska, )
County of Platte, $ ss
Frederick H. Abbott being firot duly
sworn, on oath deposes and says that
he is the editor of the Columbus Journal
and that the average weekly circulation
of the Columbus Journal from January
1, 1906 to March 7, 1906 was 1860 copies,
X366 of said circulation .being within
Platte county.
Frederick H. Abbott,
Editor of the Columbus Journal.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this 13th day of March,
1906. C. N. McElfresh,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Just one week ago today the Gold
en Gate City with its half million in
habitants was all but snuffed out of
existence by earthquake and fire.
Today the sound of the hammer, busy
in the rehabilitation of that city,
drowns the sobs of grief stricken wo
men and the heart-piercing cries of
hungry children.
A great city has fallen. But the
indomitable spirit of the West which
built that city did not perish with it.
And that western spirit is already
planning a new city which in a few
years will be as muoh grander as the
old as is the Chicago of today grand
er than Chicago before the fire. The
flame Nature which finds it necessary
in working out the scheme of the uni
verse to change the wrinkles on the
earth's face, unmindful of the casual
destruction of a few tiny human ant
hills which have chanced to get in
the way, seems to have planned the
American race for a race f conquer
ors. Floods and fiires and earth
quakes hold no terrors for Ameri
cans among whose most spirited types
are the men and women of San Fran
cisco. But more remarkable even than
the American spirit which is rebuild
ing San Francisco, is that other
American virtue of practical sympa
thy, which in the twinkling of an eye
has flooded the sufferers with abun
dant relief from every corner of the
earth where floats the stars and
stripes. Never before has the world
witnessed such an exhibition of practi
cal charity and such a demonstration of
brotherly love. The lesson in opti
mism taught to humanity by
the San Francisco catastrophe is
worth the loss of life and property
involved. Where in the history of
the world can be found a parrallcl to
the relief work at San Francisco?
Who dare read the record and then
maintain that the world is "rowing:
We hear much these days of com
mercialism and selfishness and soul
less corporations. But when before
was there ever a class of men so skilled
in the art of commercial intercourse
that the resources of a continent could
be laid at the threshold of a suffering
city within a fortnight? When was
there ever seen such unselfish dona
tions from rich and poor alike?
What other government would ap
propriate a million and a half for the
relief of suffering in a single city?
What government or private railway
system could have shows more soul
than did the railroad corporations
that carried free of cost supplies for
the sufferers?
After all is there not a leaven down
deep in our commercialism that is
raising humanity steadily toward a
higher plane? And is it not necessary
for us once in a while to be jolted out
of the rut of our every-day business
even by a destructive earthquake, in
order to gain the proper perspective
from which to look at ourselves?
Can the democrats carry the next
state election? They profess to think
they can, and this hope has led them
to work for an early state convention
in order that they may capture the
republican platform. This un
usual democratic activity is creating
tittle alarm in republican quarters. I
The average voter does not forget in
ten years. And it was only ten years
ago that the same democratic agita
tors knocked the gubernatorial per
simmons with. the same anti-railroad
pole which they are using now. Then
it turned out that Uncle Si's anti
railroad pole had been carefully se
lected by the railroad companies, and
Uncle Si didn't forget this fact when
he lowered the railroad assessment
which had nidde Gov. Crounse unpop
ular with the railroads. Those who
have watched the railroads in their
fight against the republican officials
who have increased the railroad assess
ment have strong suspicious that the
railroads have again cut the pole for
the democratic agitators. Judge
Reese, a square deal republican, was
defeated by the railroads who prefer
red "anti-railroad Silas." But the
people are next. They will have no
more democratic antis.
One of our democratic contempora
ries attempted to define a "peanut
politician" the other day. In his
haste he opened his political diction
ary at the wrong place. He said that
a peanut politician is a man who has
the nerve to stand up and fight against
men in his own party, when he thinks
they are wrong. Then he proceeded to
roast the "peanuts" till they were
black. Here is the definition the
Journal's political dictionary gives for
the "peanut politician:" A stump
speaker who begins every sentence
with a personal pronoun, first person
singular number. A newspaper man
who tries to launch his candidacy for
office in his .own paper; who works
other papers for interviews and then
reprints them in his own paper; who
"rakes" the "muck" in the ocean to
hide the inlet into his own muck-
bottomed bay.
Our local contemporary last week
got two of his editorial head lines
mixed. The editorial under the head
"Nebraska Politics" should have gone
under the head "Peanut Politics" and
vice versa.
From the Tiaiou.
Miss Florence Truman, who Las been
stopping with her grandfather, George
Trumun east of town, for the past three
months, departed for her home in Den
ver Wednesday.
William Uickey lias a cow that de
serves a stall in the White House stables.
She has a record of seven calves in four
years. Monday the cow storks, present
ed her with a pair of twins for the third
Joe Fnrby was operated upon for
appendicitis at the Columbus hospital
last Friday. Ho was feeling well
enongh Saturday to phone his family
that he passed through the ordeal sue
cessfully and expected to be able to re
turn home in a few days.
At a meeting of the boys of the Ge
noa high school held Monday even
ing, it was decided to organize a hall
team for the season to compete with the
high 6cuool teams or surrounding towns.
George Matson whs elected manager,
Will Wiggins assistant manager, and
Bert Hoover Captain. Captain Hoover
says the team this year is not as strong
as the learn last year, but thai the boys
will give a good account o themselves
in all contests.
On the 25th of the present month,
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Ball expect to leave
for a trip to the 1'acitic, stopping
in Idaho while encoute to visit Mrs.
Ball's sister.
Cliff Brown is in an Omaha hospital
where he was taken a few days ago to
be operated upon for rupture sustained
while in performance of his du:ies as
station agent at Bloomfield.
The gums and resins obtained from
pine trees nave long been recognized
as highly beneficial in the treatment
of backache, kidney and bladder
tonbles. Pine-ales is the name of a
new medicine, the principle ingre
dients of which come from the pine
forests of oar own native land. Sold
by HcClintck & Carter.
From tbe Democrat
Lula and Walter Gehr weWt down to
Colnmbus last Saturday 10 spend Sun
day visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Art Wolf. Mrs. Gehr went down
Sunday returning Monday evening with
the children.
Mr. and Mrs. P. . McKillip and son
Gene left yesterday for Los Angeles,
California, to visit a couple of weeks
with Mert Ryan and his father and
mother. They will probably take ad
vantage of tht opportunity to see
wrecked Sau Francisco
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
German southeast of town last San
day there was an interesting gather
ing of relatives. All the children of
Mr. and Mrs. German, bat one, called
to spend the day with their parents
and with them came 23 grand chil
dren. "Twenty-three grandchildren"
said Mr. German, "and I am proud
of it. If anybody can heat this rec
ord I wonld like to know it. : In all
there is 25 grandchildren. One is
dead and one was not present at the
gathering last Sunday.
From the Advance.
Homer Merrill brought his son Or
ville borne from St Mary's Hospital
of Oolambns yesterday afternoon. Or
rille had been confined to the hospital
for'tea weeks, and is reported very
nek improved.
Mrs. A. O. White retmraed home
front Omaha Taesday afterBooa where
she had been at the bedside of her
husband, who is taking medical treat
ment at the Delone hospital. Mr.
White's condition is reported very
little improved.
The infant son born to Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Voight Sanday, April 15, died
on the afternoon of the same day.
Funeral services were held Monday
afternoon, the Rev. G. M. Heigberg
er offioiatins. Burial was had at the
Evergreen cemetery.
Mr. W. A. Hosford died at her
home at Albion Monday night after a
long illness. Funeral service will be
held in Albion today at 10 o'clock,
ttarial will be bad at Evergreen ceme
tery at this place. Mrs. Hosford is
well known to many St. Edward peo
ple, having lived here for a number of
Mr. and Mrs S. E. Rioh left yester
day for Denmark where they will
spend the summer. They sail from
New York the 26th of this month ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Laurita
Johnson, and Sorren Peterson. , Mr.
and Mrs. Rich were accompanied as
far as Omaha by their son Charlie
who will work in tne general omce 01
the ioneer Implement company.
The tar that is contained in Bee's
Laxative Honev and Tar is harmless.
'It is not coal tar, but is obtained
from the pine-trees of our own na
tive forests. Bee's Laxative Honey
and Tar is the bent remedy for colds
because it acts on the bowels thus
expeling all colds from tbe system.
Bee's is the original Laxative Honey
and Tar. and is best for coughs,
colds, crouo, whooping, coogh, lung
and bronchial affections. Sold ate
Otluock?& Carter.
District 44 and Vicinity.
Miss Hensley assumed the duties of
her school again Monday morning
the 10th after a weeks' vacation
The farmers have about all finisbed
sowing oats, the potatoes are planted
and the condition of winter wheat
shows about SO per cent. Frank Ruth
undoubtedly has the best field of
wheat in his vicinity The field con
tains about 20 or 30 acres.
In an overland trip to Oreston the
20th, some very rough roads were en
countered. The farmers were very
busy in the fields and seemed to be
well along with their work. Sowing
and cultvating in oats seemed to be
the order of the day. and a few had
just commenced plowing for corn,
nearly one half of the land is made up
of hills and ravines which ib utilized
for grazing purposes, and some of the
farmers take milk from the cows
wnile seated in rnbber boots. At
noon e met our friend Dick Rossiter
the surveyor in the little town, taking
dinner, which is one of his failings,
he was engaged in surveying some
land about three and one half miles
northeast of that town. We also saw
Frank Adams formerly of this place
and Mr. and Mrs. John MaGill who
used to live in Columbus. The form
er was engaged in hitting a large
piece of iron with a red end, and
making a squat every stroke, and he
seemed to enjoy the little Vesuvius he
was putting up of his own. Frank
had also built an addition on the
south of his shop and was doing a
good business in the sale of Farm Im
plements. Tbe present prospects for fruit is
Each as we have not had since 1901,
most of the- peach trees are loaded
with strong healthy bads ready to
burst out in full bloom at any hour.
The apple tree? ani cherry trees are
also loaded with fruit buds to suit
the most factiduous growler So let
as be thankful that things are as
good as they are.
Forest Butler and lady wero In this
vicinity driving Sunday p. m.
When you see those ponds filled
with water in the spring of the 5 ear,
that year we will have good crops.
Cored Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"Several years since my lungs were so
badly affected that I had many hemorr
hages," writes A. M. Ake. of Wood, Ind.
"I took treatment with several physi
cians without benefit, i then started to
take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my
lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I
recommend it in advanced stages of lnng
trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops
the cough and heals the lungs, and pre
vents serious results from a cold. Re
fuse substitutes. McClintock & Carter.
District Ho 4.
Carrig and Iossi started last Wednes
day at their big herd of cattle to take
them up to Clear Water on their
ranch for this summer.
U. F. Donehue bought two new
riding plows. He says walking plows
are out of style.
John Murray was driving arouad ia
this neighborhood Sunday with a
brand new red topless boggy.
Ernest Iossi was sick a few days
last week.
Farmers are well pleased with the
fine weather we are having now.
Most farmers are starting to plow.
It is not difficult to relieve blind,
bleeding, itching or protruding pile
with Man Zan, the great pile remedy.
It is put up in collapsable tubes with
nozzle, and may be introduced and
applied at the seat of the trouble.
Steps pain instantly. Sold by Mc
Clintock & Carter.
H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, Neb., was
present last evening at the annual ban
quet and meeting of the Albion Com
mercial Club. Mr. Bushnell being the
president, of the state association gave a
very instructive and interesting talk to
the club and about one hundred and
fifty of the citizens of Albion listened to
this address with a great deal of at
tention and the city will certainly un
dergo many improvements the coming
year through the effort of this organiza
tion. Elder Deara of Emmet, Idaho
who is in town in the interest of his
state gave an eloquent address on the
lines of Commercial clnbs and civic im
provement. The wives of some of tbe
members of the club superintended the
banquet part of the program and a
splendid three course supper was served.
Mrs W. A. Hosford of this city diet!
at her home here Tuesday morning and
was buried today at Saint Edward, Neb.
The Hosford family were among the first
settlers of the county.
Salve I Salve ! Spread the salve, but
let it be Pine salve, natures remedy
for outs, burns, sores, etc Sold by
McClintock & Carter.
FENDANTS. Rebecca S.Hogsett; and Thomas H
Hogsett, Phoebe M. Hollingshead
and Milton Uollinssheat ; Elizabeth
Whipple and Casper W. Whipple;
Nathan W. Jones and Jones
his wife, first and full name un
known, non-resident defendants, will
take notice that on the 2nd day of
April, 1906, Wesley E. Cole and Re
becca J. Taylor, plaintiffs herein,
filed their petition in the district
court of Platte county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, impleaded
with William B. Jones and Blanche
Jones ; Marv Kelley and Charles Kel
ley; Baiclay Jones and Ida Jones;
Cynthia N. Thurston and Bertha
Jones, defendants, the object and
prayer of which are :
To have the plaintiff, Rebecca J.
Taylor, and thedefendanta.Rebceca S.
Hogsett, William B. Jones, Mary
Kelley, Barclay Jones, Phoebe Bf.
Hollingshead, Elizabeth Whipple,
Cynthia N. Thornton, . Bertha Jones
and Nathan W. Jones decreed to be
the only heirs at law of Barclay Jones,
deceased. That tbe said Rebecca J.
Taylor may be decreed to have had
legal right and authority to deed and
transfer the following lands to-wit:
The West one half (W .)of 'be North
west one quarter) (N. W. '., ) of sec
tion six ((), Township Seventeen (17)
Range two' (2) West of the sixth ()
P. M. in Platte conntv. Nebraska to
the plaintiff, Wesley E Cole That
all the defendants herein, and all
other persons may be decreed to have
no interest whatever in paid
lands and that the title thereto
may be found to be in and forever
quieted and confirmed in the plain
tiff. Wesley E. Cole, and for
such other and further relief as equity
may require.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 14th day of
May, A. D. 190C.
WeBlev E. Cole
and Rebecca J. Taylor.
By G F. Rose, Their Attorney
Dated this 3rd dav of April, WOfi.
Thursday, April 26
Holden Bros. Latest Success
What Women Will Do.
One of the Novelties of the Season.
This Play contains All the sensation of
a melodrama; All the beauties of a
Pastoral Play; and as many launhs as
a farce comedy.
A Picked cast of Capeble People in this
great Play.
Don't Fail to see What Women Will Do
For Love and Revenge.
Seats on Sale at Pollock's
Reduced Prices:
25c 35c and 50c
A Snap
In Land...
Good 160 Acre Farm
Belongs to non - resident.
Two miles northeast of Oco
nee. Present price
$40 per acre
One-half cash, balance on
time. This is good level
land and a bargain.
Apply to...
Oconee. Nebr..
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown andBridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
Men and
Young Men
of Refined Taste
Will appreciate the indi
the individuality of our
The richness of design, artis
tic cut and tailoring, and the
graceful fit, readily distin
guish them from the ordinary
kind. They represent the
highest standard of the tail
or's art. Let us show you
the many beautiful patterns
in the season's most popular
weave Grey Worsted. We
know they'll strongly appeal
to you.
A Full Line of
Art Goods
Lessons in all kinds of Em
broideries. Mrs. B. M. Sumption.
Kelso Millinery Store
10C 25Cff B sroj.!At..afc3iiwcKTpiETA ; a AT ALL
50C kJh; . Sf8 J? fP""GGSTS
SKXmlrw they I
They reach the seat of the trouble and assist nature to remove the eauso
and resume natural functions. Purely Vegetable. Contain no injurious
ingredients. Highly recommended and endorsod. A trial will convince
you of their merit.
THE ncKNiarlT-CRAPSER REHEDY CO.. Colorado Springs. Colo.
Going East
Five fast daily trains via the Union Pacific R. R.
and the North-Western Line take you through
to Chicago without change of cars over
The Only Double Track Railway Between
the Missouri River and Chicago
Pullman standard drawing-room and
cars.composite observation cars, buffet
smoking and library cars, parlor cars,
dining cars, free reclining chair cars
and day coaches.
Direct connection in Omaha Union
Depot with fast daily trains to Sioux
City, Mankato, St. Paul, Minneapolis
and Duluth.
For rates, tickets and full information apply to
Agents of the Union Pacific R. R. or address
S. F. MUBL At. SmI Fit t Pass. Aftnt
Chicago II North-Western Ry.
San Francisco or Los Angeles. Tickets on sale
April 25th to May 5th, 1!)0G.
For The Round Trip
To accommodate delegates and others
to the Meeting of the Mystic Shrine
this remarkably low round trip rate to
Los Angeles has been granted by the
Union Pacific
Short Line
Fast Trains
Be Sure Your Ticket ReiuU Orer This Line
Inquire of
W. H. I5ENHAM. Agent
1- A '
If: 13 Vl
Kinraiil & ? if
Kincaid &
Leaky Roofs
Are a source of annoy
ance as well as a sure
destruction to your build
ing. I am prepared to
repair Tin, Steel or Com
position roofs and make
almost as good as new
at a small cost. Also
new roofs put on and
guaranteed for 5 years
against leaking.
Ijas. Pearsoll
i Shop in Murray Bid?., W. l.'Jth St.
tourist sleeping
No Delays
I Wood. A I
Attorney - at - Law
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State
Bank KuiUjing.
Attorney - at-Law
Ottico over
OM State ltank IMg. COLUMHU8. NEHU
Attorney : at : Law
Getumbus. Nfc.
0i Olivt Hr., focrth itoor north of Vint
5 Nothing but the finest
i T7v7 P:i3ocfes
Coliitnliu.4, NVbniKkn
ancLVriaac PflintlllQ
lain and ornamnntal Painting ot all
Kinds, tiltu or Country.
nd. Tel. 2142. COLUMUUS. NKB
Attorney - at - Law
Zinnockor lfldir, Columbus. Neb.
Carriage Fainting
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Work Guaranteed
l curry th beet of everything
n my lint. The drinking pub
lic ih uivUeu to come in Knd se
for themselves.
JrtS. NEVELS. Proprietor
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. 110
A Home School
The Standard Square Inch
Tailoring System of Chicago.
Sewing taught free to each
;upil. . Weteai'tito cut and
tit by actu:ti measurement
without hange or alteration
Mrs. A. G, Boone
.First door north of Drs. Martyn
v Evans" oilice.
To make good bread, you
must have good yeast. It's
the first requisite. You
never saw a sweet, well
raised loaf without it.
Every loaf made with Yeast
I'oani is sweet and well
raised, good to look at and
better to taste.
The root of indigestion is
sour, heavy bread which
forms acid in the stomach.
The cure is light, digest
ible bread raised witn
Bread made with this
wholesome, vegetable yeast
retains its moisture, fresh
ness and wlicaty flavor
until tbe last of the batch
is gone.
The reason is simple:
Yeast Foam leavens per
fectly, expandingand burst
ing the starch cells and
permeating every particle
of dough.
The secret is in the yeast
Each package contains
enough for 40 loaves, and
sells for 5c at all grocers.
Try a package. Our fa
mous book, "How to Make
Bread," mailedyVrc.
I Good I
Yeast I