Jts- The . Food Value of a Soda Cracker ' Bm fSuAbk!! HbbKb bbhbbbbbbbbV bbbb bbbbbkbbbH bVbbbbVbb3 Slwfi pSaB bHb'bbbbV bbbbI VF -b li:jaO 2kS HbV VhbIbbA bP bbMbbb OPPORTUNITIES Nothing' Short of Remarkable, For the LAST THREE DAYS of Our SPRING OPENING SALE Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 Case ol Misses' Hose, 3 pairs for 36-in. Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk, $1.00 quality, last three -Q days of sale at VC 75c Fancy Silk, last three days of sale at 49c $1.15 72-in. Bleached Table Linen at OOC $1.25 Black Umbrella, last Q three days of sale vOC fctJXL1 tAWMJMWXHI 25c Neckwear at 1-2 price last three days of sale 12c 50-in. 75c Mohair, per yard 59c 40c Colored Table Damask 27c $15 Ladies' Suits at . . $11.50 $20 Ladies' Suits at . $17.98 $5 Skirts in Beautiful line - of Styles at $439 25c Imported Cloth Brushes at 15c ifniinnnwii -sa 20c Embroidered Doilies, last 3 . days of sale ... C All wool Carpet, last thres days of sale 49c Corset Cover Embroideries per yard 29c RIBBONS Nos. 2, 4 and 5 Sold by the bolt only, bolt of 1 0 yds. Z5 C Nos. 7, 9 and 1 2, per yard . . 5c Nos. 16 and 22, per yard . . 8c Nos. 40, 60 and 100 per yard lOc I SaSHOESSat X23R23BS2aESBS& EKTCSSZZa Re Alum in Km FOOD Calumet? L Baking S Powder J The onlv hiRb crado t y Hakim; Powiler cold , f nt a molttrate price. JA AH afl BOkHZ! UNION PACIFIC TINET1RLE . WEST BOUND, MMN LINE. No. 1, Overland Limited 12:10 p. in Mo. 3, CoIoradoJxret8 :" p. m No. 5, California and Oregon Ex.... 7:t p. in. Wo. 7, Los Anceles Limit"! 1:47 p. m. No. S, Fast Mail 40tp. m. No. 11, (.kilo. Special H. a. m. No. 13, North I'latte Local 11:00a. in. No.r.9. Local Freight 7:00 a. m. EAST BOUN All 11? No. 2, Overland Limited WO p. in. No. 4, Atlantic ExpresH HKX) a. m. No. 6. Eastern Express. 2i2 p. m. No. 8. Los Angeles LimiUtl .8.3.' p.m. No. 10, Fast Mail 12:.Vi p. in. No. 12, Chicago Special 5:2.i a. m. No. 14, North Platte Local 1:17 p. m. No. 60. Local Freight 5i!0i. m. NOBFOLE BBANOB. Depart No. 29, Passenger 8.K)p. in No. 77, Mixed 701 a. m Arrive No. 30, Passenger 12::4Sp. m. No. 78, Mixed 7-00p. rr. ALBION AKD SPALDING BBANCB. Depart No. SI, Passenger 225 p. m. No. 79. Mixed 70a."m. Arrive No. 32, Passenger 12:r5 p ra. No. 80, Mixed 8KWp. m. Norfolk passenger trains rnn daily. No trains on Albion and Spalding branch Bandars. All main line passenger trains dally. W. H. Bknbax. Agent. Mt. Pleasant Items Hira Jennnie Crossier entertained aboat twenty of her friends Wednes day erenins. The evening was speut in mnsio and games. Light refresh ments were served. Mise Alca Olark was on the sick list lat week. The Misses Mabel Thompson, Grace Geea and Messrs. Herman Webb and Fred Frank spent Easter at the home of Hattie Book. Charley Justus went to Albion on bmsiness Thursday. Oscar Marshall left for Dakota Fri day, where he will live on his claim. Floyd and Laura Stumbaugh drove to Belcrade last week Mrs. J. B. Welch is reported sick with lung fever. . . .- Mrs. Fred Back visited -Mrs."- Henry Orossier Monday. '' h -, A social will be given at the-. :Mt. Platte Center, Ed. Maber was ill the first of tbe week but is reported improving Miss Mary Cronin will leave for her homestead in South Dakota next Sun day evening. Simon Tinton has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be up and aronnd. Bert Lamb came up from Lincoln last week for a few day's visit with borne 'oiks. Miss Margureite Regan was a Co Iambus visitor last Saturday Mrs. Steve Koras living near Tarnov is very sick. Miss Mary Murphv returned to her home in Iowa last week after an ex tended visit with her parents and other relatives. Miss Murphy was called here un acconnt of the illness of her father. I T-jyno ssrVaH-i &SJ Stomach and Liver Trouble Cared. Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syrup cures stomach and liver trouble as it aids digestion, and stimulates th liver and bowels without irritatmn tlie-e organs pills and ordinary catharties. It cures indigestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or ,'ripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Re fuse substitutes. -McClintock & I'arter. Pie 20. it church Friday evening April . - - '- - i, r It ia aotliffiomlt to rejievo'-bliad, bleediajr, itckiig or protntfing pile? with Maa 2'trTfatjlle. remedy. It to Bt'ap.la;eoilaple4pr -with Stops amia imaaUy.; T&l;j Mo OUatobk Garter, -. -rl, Sherman Township. No rain on Kaster Sunday will surely help the farmers to do their spring work. Gns Loeke was on the sick Hat a few days the past week. Herm G. Lueschen drovQ 20 head of cattle to Columbus last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hesler o near Co lumbus visited at the home of Louis Hollmau Sunday also Louis Diche and Misn Anna Koch of Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ILimliiu; re ceived a telegram of Spencer liord Co , that their son Stephen had been serious hurl in a runaway, while on ids farm doing spring work. Mr. and Mrs. William Wurdeiuan of near Leigh attended the Becher-Heil-busch wedding Monday. C. G. Luedtke drove to Columbus on business Saturday returning Sunday. For headache, constipation, etc., Dade's Liver Pills are be6t. Thev cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by McClintock & Carter. District No 4. Christ Iossi put up a dinnef bell a smoke house and side walk last week. John Grosnicklans was the first one that sowed oats in this neighborhood. Ernest Iossi went to visit cousin, Albert Hessler Saturday and Sunday. Will Gossman had a bloated cow Sun day night. D. F. Donehue painted his hog shed last week Sam, and Sabistine Hoesly went to church to Columbus one day last week to look at some cattle. The lightning last week struck in the telephone and, bnrned out .a fuse, and t.liA nAnnla in this rliafrio! sniill r-. ' phone to Platte Center for two dayB. y The Manxman. Most people aie familiar with the vivid and natural pictures drawn by the pen of Hall Cain in his charming and interesting stories of the Isle of Man and will be pleased to learn that Co lumbus i to hiive an opportnnity to witucfS the dramatic version of one of the latest of these. The Manxman. Some of the most pronounced successes in the theatrical world have been made by the dramatizations of Mr. Caine's. The Fternal City and the Christian which were insignificant when com pared to the furor created by the pre sentation of the Manxman. The play is deep in plot, strong in sentiment and filled with climaxes of great beauty and dramatic intensity. The Richest Man in the World. The richest man in the world can not have his kidneyo replaced nor live with out them, so it is important not to neglect these organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of danger, the symptons will disappear and your health will beiestorec, as it strengthens and builds up these organs as nothing else will. Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ivy., writes: "I have used Foley's Kid ney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it enred me permanently of Kid ney disease, which certainly wonld have cost me my life. McClintock & (barter. Palestine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watts of Genoa visited at Andrew Larsons Tuesday and Wednesday. Eddie Gustafson was enrolled in Dis trict 62, Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. Walker and son Harold of Lindsay are making a two week's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Welin. Rev. Benjamin sold his fine driving horse last week to Mr. Roberts of Genoa. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor visited at Mrs. Stenzels. Sunday. Gust Scblyter visited at Henning Bergstroms Sunday. EfBie Welin and Gertie Anderson spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. An drew Peareon. Tuesday as Mrs. 'Clans Johnson and daughter Esthe'r were returning from J. Petersons, they met with quite a serious accident. One of the horses stumbled, fell on the tongue and broke it. This frightened the team, they be gan to run and ran into the fence, the buggy striking a post, throwing Mrs. Johnson to the ground. Her face and head were bruised quite badly. One of her hands was also hurt. Esther escaped without being injured. Tbe horees were not hurt but the buggy was slightly damaged. Rev. Benjamin has resigned his posi tion as pastor of the Palestine Baptist church to accept a cali at Norfolk. We are very sorry to have him and his estimable family leave us. For bloating, belching, indigestion, etc.. eat: a King's Oyspesia Tablet after meals. Sold by MoUlintook & Garter. Creston. (Fromtly (statesmen) Ernest W. Parks and Miss Leota Kemper were united in marriage on Wednesday evenng ; Rev. W. R War ren, officiating. The young couple need no introduction to the people of this community as they have been very active in church and society work. They will occupy a residence in the east part of town. Fred Henry met with what might have been a serious accident on Tues day. He was putting the saddle boards on the roof of the Nye, Scnnie der, Fowler Co. lumber shed in the morning while the roof was vet fros ty, and lost his hold, slid down the roof and falling to the ground light, ing on his back. He was taken to his boarding place and Dr. Morris summoned. No broken bones, but a pretty bad jolting up, and will be confined to his bed for a few davs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gammel have gone to housekeeping on their piano southwest of town, known as the Panhe farm. Fritz Venz, jr , was considerably brnied up .on Tuesday, in a rnnaway, The team became frightened and in some manner he was thrown nnt of the wagon getting mixed up with the lines so he could not get loose, and was dragged some distance. Cared Hemorrhages of the Langs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemorr hages," writes A. M. Ake. or Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physi cians without benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lung., and pre vents serious results, from a cold. Re fuse substitutes. McClintock & Carter. Route 4 John Swalekbf Ron'e 4 was brought to the hospital at Columbus Igst Friday suffering severely from spisms. A. E. Campbell is on the sick list, being severely alllicted with grip." John Quinn is ill with rheumatism. John Edner is improving his farm buildings with a coat, of paint, which improves the appearance wonderfully. D. F. Donoghue painted his new hog shed last week a gaudy red. J. C. Dawson transacted business in Platte Center Monday. Frank Bugji was in Columbns Monday. The tar that is contained in Bee's Laxative Honev and Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, but is obtained from the pine-trees of our own na tive forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the best remedv for colds because it acts on tbe bowels thus expeling all colds from tbe system. Bee's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is best for coughs, colds, crouD, whooping, cough, -long and bronchial affections. Sold Mc Otlaook & Carter. Yon have heard that some foods furnish fat, other foods make muscle, and still others are tissue building and heat forming. You know that most foods have one or more of these elements, but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda craefcer The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water, are richer in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made from flour. That is why Uneeda Biscuit should form an important part of every meal. They represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air, moisture and dust the price being too small to mention. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Best tor Couohs. Colds. Crt, Whoetinf Tbe red latter veir bottle. Vnaairtky C., Ckltt Sold by llcOiiutock V Carter.: fljgOE 2Q QZ.SlZgJ i9B RzQnI kvm. w v oa J m V Route 1. The farmers on Route 1 are all busy these days too busy to talk, so ntuva is scarce. County Supervisor Newman has bo n over the roads of bid district directing tbe road ovefeeers where to commence the spring ro.ul work. Miss Uertba Brattcher returned to town after a few days visit with her brother Albert. Jobu Abrens is doing considerable fencing, enlarging bis pastures, Easter services were held at the Luth eran church by Rev. E. Denninger. Prsture for Cattle and Horses For cattle and hcrses, call at F. A. Olcott's, eleven miles southwest from Columbus Terms, 50 cents a montb for cattle and 75 cents for horees F. A. Olcott, Route 5. Columbns, Neb.. Tel. A 1222 ,".t Pasture. I have pasture for cattle and horses. Will take them from stock vards at Columbus and stock-yards at Genoa on May 1 and deliver back to stock -yards at end of season. $2.50 a head for cattle and $3 75 for horses for the season. Plenty of salt and drnkiug water. DAVIU THOMAS, COLUM BUS. NEBK. :it A dose of Piue-ules at bed time will nually relieves backache, before morn ins. These beautiful little globules are soft gelatiue coated aud when moistened and placed in the montn you can't keep from swallowing them. Pine-ales contain neither sugar nor alcohol just gums and retina obtained from our own native pine forest, com bined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache remedies Sold by McClintock & Carter. Route 5. John Rrunk, Jr. is suffering from a se vere attack of rheumatism. Ed.Hawn sold fat cattle nt the Colum bus market Monday. Miss Mary Gerhold of Polk county was an Oceola visiter laetjweek. There are a couple of dances on the tapis lor next week. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of tbe great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for tbe genuine. Thee worthies imita tions have similar sounding names. Be ware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. McClintock & Carter. LitO UNDr. PATt"7!. ufJMftKiNr.nrri.wu Pi ."""'.nM'U WAVIV- in . iowj: THE GREAT HEALER DHOUSANDS of grateful customers in everv state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of the WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL The Only Liniment that Heals without a Scar It cures cuts, sprains, briiisos. bores, swellings, lameness, old wounds, lumbago, chapped hands, frost bites, etc.. and is the standard remedy forbarfied Wire suts on animals, harness and saddle trails, scratches, grease heel, caked udder, itch, mange, etc. It heals a wound from the bottom up and is thoroughly antiseptic KING CACTUS OIL is sold by druggists in 15c..f0c.. and St bottles. S3 and $T decorated cans, or sent prepaid by tlio manufac turers. OLNEY O MCDAIV. Clinton. lotia. if not obtainable at your druggists'. isrvs" j rfwrx. rr i JL S tsSLS XtJLA. A X - xk' J ywT Very Low Hates to California. On account of tbe convention at Los Angeles, Cal., May 7-10, 1906, of the Im perial Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Union Pacific has authorized a very low round trip rate to San Francisco and Los An gelas. Tickets on sale from April 25th to May oth, 1906. For rates, sleeping car reservations and California literature write to W. H. Bexham, Agent. Boys Attention The Nebradkd State Board of Agncul, ture buvc appropriated $150 to be distri buted as follows To the boy under lb vars of ae growing the largest told of orn on oao acre of ground, 30. I'o tua boy growing the second largest yield, 10 To tlio boy growing tbe third largest yield, $30. I'o the boy growing the fourth largest yield, 20. To the boy growing tbe fifth largest yield, $10. The following specifications and re quirements to noern in tins onte&l The entire iaitor ot preparing the ground, planting, dillixitmg and hir vesting of his acre of co.n io be per. formed by the contestant, who has en tored tho contest bv rpoor bng his n ui. in the olTue of V It .ileilor, riectntarj of th Stato Board of Vgrirjulttm. n -t later than May 2Uth. lUUC -aid aero to U incas'iireiS, hu-ked and weighed in the presmv of tlire disinterested fw-hold-r, residents of s.ud cainu in which toe said wen ot corn is licar-d said commit tee to forivai.! Micir nlliu ivi s as to weights and reiiircmeiits of speeifiea-ti'-ns in this acre or crn under their n speetion to the H eretaiy or the StitL Hoard of Agrn ultiire. not later than Nov Js-l 1SHI6. The contestant to file also uith the seeretarr a foil and d tailed account of. his method of perr ruling th work, fer tilizers used, if any. md detractor of the soil on whit b tin- crop was grown. A samnle of ten ear" iMit be exhibited by prize winners at the ollice of the Scre-' tary. Lin o'n. FOLEY'S HONEMAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For" coughs, colds, thrbat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is ia a Yellow package. Refuse substitute. Prepared only by Foley & Company, Chicago Sold bv McClintock & Carter r - ,r,& gi: big fjp .zsmk lvs Creasy! Balm This Semedy is a Specific, Suro to Civo Satisfaction. C.VES RELIEF AT ONCE. .! leans...-, Bootben, heals, and protetts tht ii s.l ii embrittle. It cures Catarrh and rtv saway a. Cold in tie I lead quickly. 't stores the Senses of Tuste and Smell. i-y to use. Contains n injurious drugs. Apldied into tho nostrils a.'ii absorbed. Lstrge Size, HO cents at Drnggitn or by mad; Tri il Sie, 10 cents by mail. 5d-Y BROTHERS. 56 Warran-St. Naw York. II I 1 . n... h. TOR T0CTJO OR OLD IHE BEST PILL SOU) 1 Dade's IPSrU W Little Liver Pills W Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets CURE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES. HAND MADE Spring Wagons Let ii:? hiitld yon one. We put nothmir but the viry be.-t nuttenn! and workmanship in them. The price i right. GHSOHESTER'S EKOUSH PEHMYRQYAL FILLS FAK31EKS, Ui inr in your toos and implcimnts to he sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. Xir6 rLW XL-P ftifr. Alnrat 9 rrliabl-. l:JIU-. a.sk lr sjt jr CIIH'HKSTE'K'.S E.M.1.1MI Hr:l -ii( Cifild metallic boxes. !"! t" . I. . jtioa Tnfaenoutlirr. K-fii.- il.ii:jTCTOti. scil.ti lutiotiHanrt imitations, lt'i ir'r :-'. or send Ic. in stamp f..r I'nrliritlt.. rsti moniaU and "-IlrlU-r fr !-.: i in I'lter by return 31 nil. Hi.ttOirliv i.on JL noM by all Orupistg. CHICHESTEH CHFiriCAI. CO. llfJI 3Tss.1ism .iiu.ir-. I'EIII.A.. PA. 2XsnlIa thU !) We keop unly th Lutetit find BEST ir Buic & Carriages -AH KindB ot ..Farm Implements.. ItgUOnr Horseshoes stick and don't lame yonr horse tr 'em lOUIS 5CHREIBER. A J-" - y- -;- -xJLfcj