The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 18, 1906, Image 4

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Mat 11,1m.
Columbus gouraal.
Golumbuv Nebr.
FoatoBoe, Colambaa, Nabr., M
ftlubis Journal Co.,
i or mnsoBZpnoii:
prepaid $LM
msxucx e. Anon. warn.
RENEWALS The date opposite roar name oa
yoar paper, or wrapper shows to what time your
ambaeription k paid. Thms JanOS show that
iiaj wit haa been rewired np to Jan. 1, IMS,
KbflB to Feb. 1,1906 and ao on. When payment
is made, the date, which answers aa a receipt,
will be chanced aocordinRly.
DISCONTINUANCES Beaponaible subscrib
ers will continne to reeeiTe this joornal until the
psjIrtialMira are nouaea oy leaer to aisconanae,
when all arrearages must be paid. It yon do not
wiah the Joomaleontinned for another year af
ter the time paid for haa expired, yon. should
piwrioaaiy aoory oa to awoonnnoe iu
CHANGE IN ADDBESS-When ordering a
--r in the address, subscribers should be sure
to sto their old aa well as their new address.
State of Nebraska, )
County of Platte, J83
Frederick H. Abbott being firat duly
sworn, on oath deposes and says that
he is the editor of the Columbus Journal
and that the average weekly circulation
of the Columbus Journal from January
1. 1906 to March 7. 1906 was 1860 copies,
1366 of said circulation being within
Platte county.
Frederick H. Abbott,
Editor of the Columbus Journal.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this 13th day of March,
1906. C. N. McElfresh,
(Seal) Notary Public.
The estate of E. C. Swift, who re
cently died, is valued at more than
ten million dollars.
The postmaster general has issued
a notice that all rural mail carriers
have the right of way on all country
roads, and that other conveyances
must surrender the right-of-way to the
President Roosevelt warns people
against being much rakers. Not only
is one who works steadily on without
lifting his eyes to the offered crown,
who sees no better way a muck raker,
but also those who shut out opportuui
ty, those who gossip and carry about
malicious uews, those'who jejoice in
anothers misfortune or ruin, are muck
Dont be a muck raker.
The following from the versatile
pen of Bixby. in Monday's State
Journal is both trite and timely.
"Blessings on thee," little scrub,
Barefoot boy we call you "Bub"
Getting iuto shape once more
For red ankles, chapped and sore;
Splashing around to see the gush
Twist your toes of mud and slush.
Pat your shoes on, little man,
Just as quickly aa you cen;
Then run home, you little tike,
Or you'll have the oroup, sure, Mike.
An unique state of affairs is on at
Cody, Wyoming, where nine of every
male inhabitants of the city are under
indictment for gambling. The mini
mum fine that can be imposed is $300
each should they be so unfortunate
as to be convicted, but it is stated that
it will be impossible to secure juries
without accepting men who are under
indictment for the same offense, conse
quently the trial by jury would be a
farce. The crusade against gambling
was started to secure money to buiid
bridges which were washed out by
Colambus readers will be interested
in Bixby's summing up 'f the recent
city election and many will agree with
him: "With its usual seriousness the
Telegram attributes the recent dem
ocratic victory in the Columbus mu
nicipal election to the devotion of the
resident taxpayers or a large majority
to Jefiersonian principles. Nothing
of the kind. Municipal elections in
this state are seldom fought out along
partisan political lines. The truth of
the matter is that the tendency of Col
umbus is to the side of large lustrous
personal liberty. It is the sentiment
that the man who wants to get gay
and be happy until the roosters crow,
should not be restricted by ordinance
or the ukase of an executive officer.
Last year Columbus had a republi
can mayor who manifested a disposition
to screw down the lid. Saloons were
required to stay closed on Sunday, and
the closing order included the back
and side doors and entrance by way
of the basement or through the roofs.
The beer for the "picnic" had to be
set out on Saturday night, and the
warm air of all out doors made it in
sipid and unsatisfactory.
Naturally there was a reaction, and
it became mightily manifest this spring
when all the saloon influences lined up
with their well-known political ally
for a change of administration. This
is the truth of the matter, and truth
in the concrete is the ideal toward
which really conscientious journalism
seesBsto be setting. MO, POlf
Tana aanarthi
This is the time of year when
every public spirited citizen and mer
chant has his spring house cleaning.
Is your front yard full of sticks and
leaves and newspapers? Clean up.
Is your backyard Ijttered with old
boxes, papers, straps, wheels or other
rubbish? Clean up. Is your alleX
the dumping ground for the year's
supply of tin cans, old pails, broken
dishes and other trash? Clean up.
Columbus has no regular city im
provement society, but it should have.
Every man and woman, every boy
and girl, should take it upon himself
to do what he can to beautify his own
doorstep. Clean away all the un
necessary stuff, and then beautify.
Cover unsightly spots with vines,
morning glories are not rare. Make
Columbus a clean beautiful city, from
Franklin Park to the backyard.
Some striking phrases in President
Roosevelt's attack on reformers with
the "Muck-rake," follow: ' '
In' addition to honesty, we need
The soul of every scoundrel is glad
dened whenever an honest man is
We should discriminate in the sharp
est way between fortunes well won and
fortunes ill won.
Some persons are sincerely incapa
ble of understanding that to denounce
mud slinging does not mean the in
dorsement of whitewashing.
The fool who has not sense enough
to discriminate between what is
good and what is bad is well nigh as
dangerous as the man who does dis
criminate and yet chooses the bad.
The effort to make financial or po
litical profit out of the destruction of
character can only result inpublic ca
lamity. At a meeting of the Albion Com
mercial Club resolutions were passed
in regard to the Union Pacific rail
road company, which refuses to pay
the tax for 1904 and 1905, also has
refused to lay walks on the railroad
property, in compliance with the city
Leave the hard coal Btove up a week
longer anyhow.
A man on going hunting usually gets
this parting admonition from his wife:
Now do be careful of that gun, keep
away from bad company and don't for
get to write. All of which he promptly
It's a little chilly yet to go fishing,
but it wouldn't do any harm to straight
en ont the tackle.
Did the Vesuvius disaster remind you
to pay up your insurance policies?
The Progress of Temperance.
Some progress has already been made
in my boyhood to say the ravages of in
temperance. Alcoholic liquors no long
er served by farmers to their laborers
in the haying fields, by chiirchos to at
tending minister at ordinances. But
in spite of the Washingtonian movement
intemperance was common and respect
able. Mr. Whittier told me that in his
boyhood liquor was sold at all the dry-
goods stores, and that practically all the
farms in the neighborhood of his home
were mortgaged to pay the liqnor bills.
I think within my memory all liquor
selling has been confined to specially
licensed liquor saloons.
But if drinking in social circles was
less common than now, drunkenness
was both a more frequent vice and one
less reprehended'. I am told by college
men that today drunkenness is not
"good form." It was' not bad form in
the colleges in 1850. I think those in
my class who had never been drunk
and they were perhaps half the class-
were looked upon by the others some
what aa a tenderfoot is supposed to be
looked on in the pioneer settlements of
the west, and I think we somehow had
a sneaking feeling that we lacked a
chapter of human experience which a
manly man rather ought to have had
once. New Year's Day in New York
City was specially devoted to Eocial call
ing by the gentleman on the ladies of
their acquaintance; and the ladies fur
nished refreshments, which in a great
majority of cases included wine. In the
late afternoon and throughout the even
ing one who was upon the streets was
sure to meet well-dressed' gentlemen
decidedly the worse for liquor, and
sometimes one met them in ihe parlor
Dr. Lyman Abbott in Woman's Home
Companion for May.
Real Estate Tnasferi.
J. H. Wnrdeman to Hy Kupet, et al,
ne n se n s 13 20-1 w wd $12300.
Hy Eupet to N. J. Maxwell n s 13-20-1
w wd $12800.
N. J. Maxwell to Fred Boning w se of
16-20-1 w wd $5690.
Anna Zoucha pt nw of 13-19-3 w wd
Mason Beall to Anna Schuldt, It 1 &
2 blk 201, and 2, 3 and 4, blk 202, all blk
216, Columbus, Neb., wd S2500.
Lindsay State Bank to F. J. Smith, pt
7 blk 7, Lindsay $1500.
L. W. Snow to T. H. Saunders, pt lot
2 blk "A" Beckers subdivision $2700.
Mrs. D. A. Hoimee to S. J. Morton n
ne of 4-17-1 wwd 81600.
F. Y. Brodboll to M. J. Bamaekers et
al, ne of 5-19-3 w wd $7069.
Hall Caine's beauiiful and interest
ing story of the Isle of Man. The
Manxman, comes to the Opera House,
Friday April 20th. The book has
proven one of the most popular of his
many successes and has been read by
countless millions who are anxious to
witnees the play. The play follows
closely the scenes and situations in the
book which are natural and entirely
devoid of stagey effect. Most persons
are familiar with his Eternal City and
The Christian both of which have made
a tremendous bit throughout the east.
His latest play, The Manxman, was first
presented hy James O'Neill in New
York where it had a long run at Leib
lers Theatre.
Platte Center.
(From Signal.)
The invoice of the Greiseu stock of
goods was completed Wednesday after
noon and the Smith Mercantile Com
pany took possession. A force of eight
people was kept busy five days in tak
ing this invoice. As soon as the goods
are put back in place the stock in the
Riley building will be invoiced and
moved into this building and added to
the stock.
On Tuesday William Bacon who was
engaged in sinking a tubular well on
M. E. Clother's farm, two miles north of
town, struck a gusher at the depth of
one hundred and ten feet. The flow
was strong enough to force water
through a two-inch pipe twelve feet
above the surface. The well is located
on the west side of the road and but a
few feet from the dry creek on the north
edge of the farm, which affords a fine
means for taking care of the water.
The water is clear as a crystal and the
flow seems to be increasing. This is
the first flowing well struck in this im
mediate neighborhood. There are plenty
of them up Shell creek valley bnt none
nearer than Beven miles.
Last Saturday Ed. Higgins received
an agreeable surprise in the shape of a
visit from Mr. Patrick God.-il of Gales
burg, III. They were boys together in
Ireland and had not seen each other in
thirty-eight years, since Mr. Godsil left
the old sod for America, Ed. coming
three years later. Three years ago Mr.
Godsil paid a visit to his native land
and there learned where Ed. was locat
ed, and, accompanied by bis wife, he
came out here to pay his friend of his
youth a visit. And a fine visit they had,
too. Ed. says it was almost as good to
him as a visit in person to the old home.
They left for home Wednesday, Mr.
Higgins accompanying them to Colum
bus. Twelve Hovels for $150,000.
Fifty of the leading Sunday news pa
pers of America have contracted to pay
8150,000 for twelve great novels by
twelve of the greatest novelist. Six of
the authors are British, headed by Ian
McLaren, and six are American, includ
ing Mary E. Wilkins, Anna Kathcriiie
Greene and Mrs. Burton Harrison The
deal is financed by one of the great trust
companies of New York, which pays the
authors spot cash on delivery of the
manuscript. The trust company collects
from the newspapers in monthly install
ments as the novels are published, in
cluding a handsome profit. One novel
will be published each monthbeginning
with May. For the four Sundays of
May, Robert Burr furnishes a thrilling
romance entitled"The Rock in the Bal
tic' In June an American author will fur
nish the novel.
Tho Sunday World-Herald is the only
paper in Nebraska which will have there
novels. Each novel runs in four or five
instlllments of fourteen columns each.
The Sunday World-Herald. SI 25 a
year, gives you these twelve great novels
free in one year. They will be publish
ed in book form after they appear in the
Sunday World-Heaald. The Sunday
World-Herald has thirty two pages and
is handsomely illustrated Address
World-Herald, Omaha, Neb.
St .Edward.
From tho Advance.
A letter reached this office last Fri
day, too late for publication last week,
announcing the marriage of MisB Anna
M. Johnson, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
George Johnson, east of St. Edward, to
Mr. Percy A. Barnes of Grand Island.
The marriage ceremony was performed
by Judge Ratterman at Columbus, Mon
day, April 2, 1906.
Mrs. F. F. Wagner died Monday even
ing at 0:45 o'clock at her home in east
St. Edward, after a 'long illnes, aged
41 years 7 months, and 22 days. Cause
of death was cancer. Nettie Taylor was
born the 17th of August, 1864, in Mil
waukee. She was married to F. F.
Wagner at Mazomanie, Wisconsin.
They moved to Nebraska in the spring
of the same year and settled at Genoa
where they made their home for ten
years. About two years ago they
moved to St. Edward where they man
aged the St. Edward Hotel until Mrs.
Wagner's failing health caused them to
ive up the work. Two surgical opera
tions failed to bring any relief and for
the last three years the deceased en
dured great suffering. She leaves to
mourn her loss, a husband, two daugh
ters, Alice and Amy, and one son,
Richard. Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon from the home at
two o'clock, R. K. Pearse of Fullerton
delivering the sermon. The services
in charge of the local Degree of Honor
order, of which the deceased was a
member. Burial was had at Evergreen
The gums and resins obtained from
pine trees nave long been recognized
as highly beneficial in the treatment
of backache, kidney and bladder
toables. Pine-ales is the name of a
new medicine, the principle ingre
aients of which come from the pine
forests of oar own native land. Sold
by MoOlintok & Garter.
-ror xbe i
No. 5180,
At Columbus, Nebraska, at the Close of
Business, April 6, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.
D. S. Bonds to secure, circulation
Premium on U. 8, Bonds
Bonds, Securities, etc
Banking house, furniture and fixtures
Due from National Banks (not re
serve agents.. -.
Due from approved reserve agents
Checks and other cash items
Notes of other National Banks
Fractional paper currency, nickels
ttull CculSi
Lawful Money Iteeerve in Bonk, viz:
( Specie... $ 7,688 75
Legal tender notes 11. (KM 00
Redemption fund with U. 8. Troas
urer"(r percent. of circulation)
.368 52
6,212 41
30,000 00
600 00
1,752 75
9,760 00
76,442 99
30,314 40
45 73
170 00
110 87
18,778 75
1.500 00
.X OTtU.
.$131,996 45
Capital stock paid in $ 50,00000
Surplus fund 9,00000
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid 2,016 93
National Bank notes outstanding 30,000 00
Individual deposits subject to check... 108.410 76
Demand certificates of deposit 24,444 15
Time certificates of deposit 208,094 61
Total $431,996 45
State of Nebraska, (.
County of Platte, S
I, Daniel Schram, Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that tho above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
Daniel Soukam, Cashier.
Correct Attest:
C. H. Shxldox, )
H.P.H. Oeiilrich Directors.
Jonas Welch )
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th
day of April, 1WM-
W. M. Cornelius,
Notary Public.
Commission expires January 21, 1911.
Rebecca S. Hogsett ; and Thomas H
Hogsett, Phoebe M. Hollingshead
and Milton HoUingshead ; Elizabeth
Whipple and Oasper W. Whipple;
Nathan W. Jones and Jones
his wife, first and full name- un
known, non-resident defendant, will
take notice that on the 2nd day of
April, 1906, Wesley E. Cole and Re
becca J. Taylor, plaintiffs herein,
filed their petition in the district
court of Platte county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, impleaded
with William B. Jones and Blanche
Jones ; Marv Keller and Charles Eel
ley; Baiclay Jones and Ida Jones;
Cynthia N. Thurston and Bertha
Jones, defendants, the object and
prayer of vebich are :
To have the plaintiff. Rebecca J.
Taylor, and the defendants. Rebceca S.
Hogsett, William B. Jones, Mary
Keller, Barclay Jones, Phoebe M.
Hollingshead, Elizabeth Whipple,
Cynthia N. Thurston, .Bertha Jones
and Nathan W. Jones decreed to be
the only heirs at law of Barclay Jones,
deceased. That the said Rebecca J.
Taylor may be decreed to have had
legal right and authority to deed and
transfer the following lands, to-wit :
The West one half (W M)of the North
west one 'quarter) (N. W. ) of sec
tion six (), Township Seventeen (17)
Range two (2) West of the sixth (6)
P. SI. in Platte county, Nebraska to
the plaintiff, Wesley E. Cole That
all the defendants herein, and all
other persons may be decreed to have
no interest whatever in raid
lands and that the title thereto
may be found to be in and forever
quieted and confirmed in the plain
tiff. Wesley E. Cole, and for
such other and further relief as equity
may require.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 14th day of
May, A. D. 1900.
Wesley E. Cole
and Rebecca J. Taylor.
Hj G. F. Rose, Their Attorney.
Dated this 3rd day of April, 1906.
A liquid cold cure for children I
that is pleasant, harmless, and effec
tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and
Tar. Superior to all other cough
syrups for cold remedies, because it
acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy
for conghB. colds, coop whooping
cough and all cnrable lung and bron
chial affections in child or adnlt.
Pleasant to tako. Sold by McOlin
tock & Carter.
A Snap
In Land...
Good 160 Acre Farm
Belongs to non - resident.
Two miles northeast of Oco
nee. Present price
$40 per acre
One-half cash, balance on
time. This is good level
land and a bargain.
Apply to...
Oconee, Nebr..
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
Men and :
Young Men
of Refined Taste
Will appreciate the indi
the individuality of our
The richness of design, artis
tic cut and tailoring, and the
graceful fit, readily distin
guish them from the ordinary
kind. They represent the
highest standard of the tail
or's art. Let us show you
the many beautiful patterns
in the season's most popular
weave Grey Worsted. We
know they'll strongly appeal
to you.
A Full Line of
Art Goods
Lessons in all kinds of Em
broideries. Mrs. E. M. Sumption,
Kelso Millinery Store
I m lirffi i war- r- M I
They reach the seat of the trouble and assist nature to remove the cause
and resume natural functions. Purely Vegetable. Contain no injurious
ingredients. Highly recommended and endorsed. A trial will convince
you of their merit.
THE ncKNIQHT-CRAPSER REI1EDY CO.. Colorado Springs. Colo.
Going East
Five fast daily trains via the Union Pacific R. R.
and the North-Western Line take you through
to Chicago without change of cars over
The Only Double Track Railway Between
the Missouri River and Chicago
Pullman standard drawing-room and tourist sleeping
cars,composue ODservation cars, outlet
smoking and library cars, parlor cars,
dining cars, free reclining chair cars
and day coaches.
Direct connection in Omaha Union
Depot with fast daily trains to Sioux
City, Mankato, St. Paul, Minneapolis
and Duluth.
For rates, tickets and full information apply to'
Agents of the Union Pacific R. R. or address
S. F. MILK, Ac. 6sa1 Fit t Passfr- Ajwl
Chicago North-WMtern Ry.
v ! rmrnRi ai.
San Francisco or Los Angeles. Tickets on sale
April 25th to May 5th, 1906.
For The Roamd Trip
To accommodate delegates and others
to the Meeting of the Mystic Shrine
this remarkably low round trip rate to
Los Angeles has been granted by the
Union Pacific
Short Line Fast Trains No Delays
.S'm- Your Ticket IlemU Orrr This Liu
Inquire of
mjitf, fctJBrtegsssy bssb aVftaWsaaT
LeaKy Roofs
Are a source of annoy
ance as well as a sure
destruction to your build
ing. I am prepared to
repair Tin, Steel or Com
position roofs and make
almost as good as new
at a small cost. Also
new roofs put on and
guaranteed for 5 years
against leaking.
Jas. Pearsoll
Shop in Murray I31dg., W. 13th St.
unnji, nts. aw840
Attorney - at - Law
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State
Bank Building.
Attorney -at-.Law
Office over
Old State ISank Kid. COLUMBUS. XKBK
ft. M. POST
attorney : at : Law
vwiwnwwPt www
T D. 8T1UES.
OBW, Olive Be, fonrth door north of Flral
National Bank.
Nothing but the finest
T7 IF. !E3oc3ss
Columbus, Nebraska
eus. Sim
and Carriage
lain and ernamsuMl ratnthie) H
Kinds. Cim r GeuMrw.
ml. Tel. 2112. COLUMBUS. NKB
Attorney - at - Lai
Zinnecker B'ldg, Columbus. Neb.
Carriase Paiotios
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Work Guaranteed
I carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic is invited to come in and eet
for themselves.
MS. NEVEL. Proprietor
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. lib
A Home School
The Standard Square Inch
Tailoring System of Chicago.
Sewing taught free to ouch
pupil. We teach to cut and
tit by actual measurement
without change or alteration
Mrs. A. C. Boone
First door north of Drs. Murtyn
fe Evans' oilice.
To make good bread, you
must have good yeast. It's
the first requisite. You
never saw a sweet, well
raised loaf without it.
Every loaf made with Yeast
Foam is sweet and well
raised, good to look at and
, better to taste.
The root of indigestion is
sour, heavy bread which
forms acid in the stomach.
The cure is light, digest
ible bread raised witn
Bread made with this
wholesome, vegetable yeast
retains its moisture, fresh
ness and wheaty flavor
until the last of the batch
is gone.
The reason is simple:
Yeast Foam leavens per
fectly, exiJandingand burst
ing the starch cells and
permeating every particle
of dough.
The secret is in ihe yeast
Each package contains
enough for 40 loaves, and
sells for 5c at all grocers.
Try a package. Our fa
mous book, "How to Make
Bread," mailedw.
1 1
f A
- -" iai td-a iKurBt 11