&&3Si5&2& v-. (ffllttmrms , , t. "i- !&""-- Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the PlattelCounty Argus January 1, 1906. 'i. " 'V VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 8. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18. 1906. WHOLE iTJMBER 1,800. lomm 7 H M f r ram II v5 Ml MiSS. ftr. U m Days of "Fenzicd Finance" there comfort in the thought that thousands of trustworthy financial institutions exist and give stability to business gen craUy. This bank belongs to the old fashion ed straight doal class. Our bueiness metnods are such as to merit confidence We invite all who have money to pafe guard or business to" transact to make the Columbus State Hank their finan cial headquarters. Tin: Oi,r lir.MAUT.iK OcUsmdus !ote Bank Series P. Tho OVnim.ua- hind. Loan & Bniln- IUJ !1M) :M'J III 111 0HU-'i aud will av.i.'o u;t.Tj)LU.n ro series P, pay tnitit'n ut b-ui. Miiv lf Tim r.s'-o'ji it inn ItriTi business in May lS-( ii:i i na-. .leued 13 surie.-i ami mitur-i s --i. U Mn 20 years oE ir existence it has received over ;0') 000 03 ,nd disbursed tho same by Inaiw r U- 'ii-vnlnrs and maturing of stock I u - tju.khloJ Miores of nojplo to own rh'irown hons r.iri has en o mr.ig ! NivuigH ii'iring hundred ot other-! Ir i- isv ro iv for n hnrati of -fur wn or ro tun tee n smitl week ly or monthly depimt wmck in a few year? nutounth to i goodly sntu. For pirrioulu-s uiqnir- ot fhtj o'Tetary. H. HOOKENBERUEK Pdsturo. 1000 he-id of cuttle wanted on my Beaver Valley ranch near Poteriberg, Neb. Terms S-1 t0 for the season. Cattle taken troui Culuiulms or Mon aud delivered at those points in the fall. The best of care guaranteed. The above offer is on condition that 100 head or more shall be booked by Auril 23 th. William Webster, Monroe, Neb. 2t Acre Property for Rent. I have IS acres adjoining town well improved for rent. Inquire of 1 S. Dickinson. NOnt'K V PUULKWriOS. Tln di-frnilaut, KnIoric A. Fnmiliolz, will take uotiee tli.it the 7tli ilii tf March, 1WM, tliu uluintiffi. fikil their jK-tition in tho District Court of l'liitt.iCouiitj.afpiiiiftliiin, the object ntil iraert uro to fonfloM a wortK!u;i'XiHMit Mlbj F.W Fnuiiilzu.oiiSV "4 of the XKl4 jukI NVl4 of the SKU of . Hi. Tw I'O. K-hiku 1 uettof thef.tli Principal Moriilian, to 'lre tlie pajineiit or fie iromi-.-or not.", il-ittil Oct. 21th, IKK liable in 3, I. Ti. t, aul ;ven jeirx, with iutere-t a the rate of 2 pT cent from date until lanl. That th-re i now lne and unpaid uikju ai note and uiortKiKei- he Mini of $1X20, for which Miui the j.laintitK pntj for a decre." for foroclurv of -ait premiMb. Yon are re .juireil to answer Uii jetitioii U'fore the ''4th da. of Ma j, Utfi t. II Mcfi IIKV. AOTHl KlKSHN. I'laintiffs. otice. In the l)i-tric"t Court of Platte Count), Nebra-. ka. In the Matter or the Kj-Uito f li-onsird McCone. Deeti"l. Thi caec-nieon for liwirinu uiwin the iti tioa or William Vb-ter, administrator or tho ,t.ito or lieonird McCone, deceawil. ni)ini; for licence to wll Lot- Thirteen, U3) Fourteen. (lilaudFift'Ti. U") inlHo-VH. in the VillaKe or Monro.', Platte c naty. state of X.-bra-ka, for the pa.ineiit or S-b:c awl allowances apainst tuiid e-tate and the cots of administration, there not leini; Mitlifient person tl propert) to pay iid debts and esi-eu--. It i- therefore ordered tint Up.r-ou- iit.re-ttl in said e-tate apiear Ufon? the judce of Vid Jftrict Court at the Coart House, in Columbus. Platte County, Xe-bra-ka, on th 1.2th day of Mpy. 1?WJ. at 1 o'clock l. m.. to show- cause why a license should not 1 Rra:ited to said administrator to sell the above deMrribcd real estate of said deceased to pay said debts and expenses: and it i further ordered that notics of thi order to show cause Jx nven bj oinsiu;; a cop) of thi order to lie published in the Columbus Journal, a newspajer l.ublish'Hl Mtl in peueral circulation in said count) for four successive weeks prior to the tlHy of herin. COSRVD llOLLEXBECK, March 26, !. 3S- Judge. Dr.E.fl.Naumann DENTIST Has one of the best dental offices in the suite. Fully equipped to do all den tal work in First-Class manner. Always reasonable in charges. All work guaranteed. Over 14 years practice in Co lumbus. 13th Street. Dr. E. H. Naiiaii. 1W. I it m I In I WW I w lilill ;:;pi!i:;!;;:iiiiiiilllli Cn.-j ;i ;i; i; isiEitiinujtill uhju BBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsx auHHHHHHHB jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj4 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH laBSSSSSSSSSSSSSsBaW ' -Lssssssi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBl -4Mhti f'SBBBBBBBBi SBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB fli IsssssssssH sasnLssHLssH '-isllH LBsssssssssssssssssss&J .LssssssB Eev. Milford H. Lyon who is to conduct the union evangelistic m vices in the new tabernacle in this city, beginning next Sundaj' morning, 18 a native of Iowa and tho youngest of a family of fourteen children. His boy hood was spent on a farm in that state. He walked two miles to school and graduated at the village high school at twelve voars of ago. Moving to town wnh his parents, the next few years were spent in his father's hardware store and in ti coun'y abstract office. At nineteen lie starled to the sttto university at Town City from which he graduated rive jears later from the classical ourse. with highest honors. He piid hn entire ox ponHes by leaching mathematics in the ncci'leuiy and traveling a a salesman luring the summer vacation. For the last two years of his coMego course he wa president of the university Y.M.C.A. and largely directed the religious life of the school In his sophomore year he won the University oratorical contest, al s the stat) contest in ompetition with or.itors from fourteen colh-gesand again ie:eivcd th" higest markings in tho in terstate. For the two years following his gradu ation he was president of Ellsworth col lege at Iowa Falls, Iowa, from which he resigned to cuter the ministry. For five years he held Chicago pastorates doing a most successsiii work. Realizing the need oCevangelistic work all over the land he decided to enter upon the broad er Held. For the past six years he has held most effective union meetings all over America. In Boston, Chicago, and Indianapolis hi? work has been signally ldessed. In the last named city, he re turned on invitation for the third time' the most successful of all. Iu California Pennsylvania, and Florida he has done a most satisfactory work as well as in the interior states. During the past sea son he has worked especially in Nebras ka. In the meeting just clo.ted at North tield, Minn., nearly six hundred professed conversion. Mr Lyon is assisted in these meetings by the baritone soloist and leader of tin great chorus choir, Mr. James W. Patterson. Drop in and get an ice cream soda at William Poesh's. Mrs. H. P. Coolidfje returned Monday from Iowa where she spent the early spring with her sisters. Mrs. Andrew Brugger, and son, her mother and aunt who visited in Colum bus last week enroute from Oregon, to Germany, left Sunday for New York. They will sail the 19th for Germany Carl Kramer was in Omaha last Fri day attending the meeting of the exe cutive committee of the Postmasters' Association of Nebraska. The asso ciation meets in Omaha the second Tuesday in June. The Rev. Westcott. who was given a call to the Episcopal church bus accept ed the call and will arrive in Columbus about May 1st. The people of the church have decided to build a new rectory on the north side of the church, aud to re model the old rectory for renting. The library board met Tuesday after noon. The usual bills were allowed and other routine matters attended to. The number of books loaned out for March was one thousand, one hundred and eleven, the greatest number ever loaned in any one month. It was decided at the meeting to rent another room ad joining the present quarters to accomo date the growing needs of the library. Bm 1? IBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ,v BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi IILLbbbbbbbI - LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBaaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV1 -4- Indisputable facts when you buy Wall Paper from a Catalogue House: 1. You must pay freight. 2. You must trim the paper yourself. 3. You must choose from a few small samples. 4. You cannot return unused paper and receive credit You am save time, money and trouble and make your selection from over 2f0 different patterns carried in stock, which you can see with your own eves. Chas. H. Dack ...Druggist... I Marriage Licenses The following marriage license were issued by Judge Katterman since our last publication - Leopold Koehnch and Anna Mick both of IJellwood, Neb.; Wallace Ward Ladd and Nellie Alberta Jencks both of Monroe, Neb. The first named couple were married by Judge Ratterman. Salvi! Salve! Spread the salve, but let it tie Pine halve, natures remedy for cats, burns, botbp, etc. Sold by McClintock & Carter. Grand Opening Saturday, April 21st. POESH'S NEW BAKERY Come in and get a Sample Our Aim is to make Only the Best at Fairest Prices All kinds of Cakes Made to Order. Phone us your wants. Phone No. A139. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Watch our Show Window. The Ice Cream and Soda Fountain Season is now open. We are Headquarters. District Court. Suit has been commenced in the dis trict court by the First National Bank of Humphrey against Adelaide Graves and J. C. Graves to lecover on a certain promissory note given by the defendants to plaintiff in lieu of money advanced to purchase the residence property of de fendants. Plaintiff prays for a fore closure of the property so purchased on the ground of a verbal promise by de fendants to give a mortgage on the pre mises to secure said note which promise defendants failed to keep. , Judge Holleubeck presided at the equity term last week and the docket was cleared of all pending equity liti gation. In the cane of James E. Haves vs. John Goefz and the other supervisors plaintiff prayed for the va cation of a certain county road Oo lumbustownship, the board of super visors having previously denied relief as prayed for by Mr. Hayes. Henry Schroeder and Gustave Teske aired Their greviunces to the court in n case where Schroeder seeks damages from Te6ke on the ground that Te6ke refused to accept the payment of a certain mortgage indebtedness from Schroeder ou account of which refusal Schroeder lost the sale of the property iu the village of Humphrev. The First National Bank of this city sued August Wagner and others to forclose on certain property held by 'Mr. Wagner. In the trial of the case it developed that the mortgage upon which plaintiff sued had been record ed after Wagner purchased the prop aty and his deed was filed prior to the mortgage Wagner set up the defense of being an innocent purchaser and avers that he had no knowledge of the mortgage indebtedness at the time of his purchase. In tne divorce suit of Minie E. Brewer vs. William M. Brewer, plain tiff moved for additonal temporary, alimony during the pendency of the trial. Christy M. Edwards and her hus band William have a dual grievance against the viilage authorities at Lindsay, Neb. They pray for a dis connection of their rural premises from within the corporation limits of the village. They further ask the court to enjoin the authorities from laying out and constructing a street through their premises. Judge Hollenbeck did not decide any of the cases tried but took them under advisement and will render judgement on Thursday, April 26th. Wm. Terril made a trip to Sherman county last week and while there made a purchase of 120 acres situated 5 miles west of Loup City. He is the latest of quite a number of Platte county citizens who have made purchases of farm lands in that county. The fifth grades of the first ana third ward schools engaged in the laudable occupation of gardening. They will de vote some of their spare time to the propagation of early vegetables and posies in land adjacent to the ward school' buildings. Smallpox in Colombo! . There are three cases of smallpox in Columbus, but all are under strict quar antine, and are all of a very mild form. Mrs. C D Hccox, who lives at the home of T. Napier on west 15th street, was the first ca-e brought to the notice of the health officers, and quarantine was at once enforced. Later, Mr. Napier was stricken by the disease. W. J. Deland and family, who live on west 17th street are nlao under quarantine. While smallpox is a very loathsome disease and is very in fee tons yet it is esentinlly a cold weather disease and does not attain its more virulent form in warm weather, and as strict isolation is enforced on the sufferers, there is little danger of an epidemic. Some good advice as to the protection against smallpox is to keep clean, inside and out, body, dooryard, backyard and alley, and the danger from smallpox is reduced to the minimum. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Butler, Mondav, April 16th a line eleren pound son. Rev. James S. Boot, who so pleased the congregation at the Presbyterian church last Sunday, will again preach next Sunday, morning and evening. Various telegraphic dispatches re ceived in Columbus this morning re port the distraction of a large portion of the business district of 8an Fran cisco by earthquake No details are available as we go to press, g Mrs. H. A. Babcock of Lincoln, accom panied by her neice, Mrs. George Bab cock and two children of Mexico City, are expected in Columbus tonight where they will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Babcock until about the first of May. WM. POESCH, John Thomas 'Albaogh. Jack Albaugh, as he was known to everyone in Columbus was born here October 30th, 1879, and died at St. Mary's bosp tal Monday, April 16ih, having attained the age of 26 years, 6 months and 26 days. He had been ill for about two weeks . with typhoid pneumonia, but his death came as a shock to his many friends here. For the past four years he had been employed in tne various restaur ants in Columbus, and always proved himself honest and industrious. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his father. Peter Ablanvh. twn brothers, Ed. and Leo, who reside here and three sisters, Mrs. Mazia Bridges, of Sedalia, Mo., Mrs. Wil liam Sorensen. of Council Bluffs, la.. and Mrs. Alvin Ball, of Columbus. Tne funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, at the res dence of Alvin Ball at 2:30 o'olook and from the United Brethern church at 3:00 o'clock, Rev. Lohr conducting both services. Interment will be nad at the Columbus cemetery. Mrs. Mary Whalen. Mrs Mary Hurley Whalen died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam M. Shea Tuesday morning at t:d0 o'clock after an illness of about five weeks, aged 68 years, two months and 15 days. Deceased was born in Ireland, February 2, 1838, and came to America in 1850. She was married in Indiana in 1853 to Patrick Whalen and moved to Nebraska about 15 yean ago. Her husband died in Sooth Omaha 11 years ago. She was the mother or six children, fonr son and two daughters, five of whom survive her. Funeral services will be held at St. Agnis church at South Omaha, to morrow morning and interment will be had in St. Agnis' cemetery. The remains were shipped today, accom panied by Mrs. Shea. Beal Etsate Loans. We are prepared to make loana nn all kinds of real estate at the lowest rates on easy terms. Beoher, Houken- Derger & Chambers. The Manila Cable News stabw that with a preferential tariff on the importa tion into the United States of Philinnin products there is but little doubt that tbe pineapple canning industry in the Philippines could be made one of the most productive that could he intm. duced. At the present time some of the nnest pineapples ever erown am haimr cultivated in Bataan and Bulacan, and even in tbe red clay soil of Benguet there are growing plenty of plants producing this luscious fruit which is in so much demand in the United States. The product imported into the United States is derived from foreign countries and it is only the size of the fruit at present grown and the tariff that keep the industry from assuming great pro portions in the Philippines. The Phil ippine pineapples now grown are re markably suitabie for cenning, as they are relatively free from fiber. BBBBtaSBBm I fl " BSFBSSIV. MB MM Tsssssf- " ll BBBM WWfcw H V- iH l ffjTaW SSL- B ,i7,Pv A Strong Argument - Watehis- We're making this month. Gold Filled Elgin or Waltham 0 Size, $12, $15, $18. Gold Filled 6 Size $12 to $20 16 Size Gold Filled, $12 to $35 18 Size, Special 17 Jewels, 20 year case, $18 Have just received some extra fine small Gentlemen's Watches, import ed, at $33.75. They're all appropri ate Easter or confirmation gifts. Let us show them to you. Ed. J. Niewohner Jeweler and Optician Hall Uain Flays. The Manxman, a dramatization of Hall Caines latest novel is to be pre sented at the Opera House, Friday April 20th. The play has proven one of the most popular of his works its succcs being even greater than his previous efforts. The Christian and The Eternal City. It is a heart touching story of the life and incidents on the Isle of Man full of love, heroism and devotion, plentifully supplied with comedy in keeping with the character of tbe play. Seats are on sale at Pollocks. Union Meetings. The union Evangelistic meetings for whioh preparation has been going steadily forward for several weeks are to open next Sunday The huge tabernacle built to accomodate 1500 people is completed, and the leaders in the movement, are encouraged to look for large results from 'the meet ings. Evangelist Milford H. Lyon and his co-worker Professor James W. Patterson closed last Sunday a very successful meeting at Northfield, Minnesota, the local prens of whioh city commends in the nighest terms the oharaoter of the work accom plished at that place. They will ar rive at Columbus this week to assume the direction of the campaign in this city. A general invitation has been AxtAnded to all of the musicians of Columbus to meet at the tabernacle on Saturday evening for the organiza tion of a great chorus and orchestra to be in readiness for the opening ser vices which occurs on Sunday morn ing at eleven o'clock. The general public of all churches, and those with no church affiliation are most cor dially invited to eaoh and every ser vice of this series of meetings. Dr. D. T. Martyn spent Tnesday in Schuyler on professioaal business. The Literary Department of the Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. B. E. Eton on Friday the 20th, inst., at 8 o'clock p. m. Pro gram: Roll call ; Quotations on cur rent events; Paper on the Sooial Ques tion by Miss Helen A. Simmons. Farm for Sale. 900 acres, 140 improved, balance pasture. First clau buildings. Three miles north west of Columbus. . Boyd Dawson 8tp Property on all Hands Whose present prices are bound to increase, puts a man with a small capital on the ground floor of prosperity. We've many desirable lots, plots and acreage pieces, both improved and unimproved, on our books, and our knowledge of their values is yours for the asking. loclvor, Itcktiibtrgtr & Ctaritrs ltthBU, Columbus, Nebr I. C- iTsbTssbt B bbihbsiV Mm " vlvv4flwasiiaiaiiii lltTin UriBtrli JsnanHsl IU,,",!S:1 1VMRHB l 9SlSTMHt"M2rT 1 i jjnAmvLj?" PLATTE COHTY HSTMY Thrllliac Eayri f Platte Cematf Pkmn aa teM Thirty Taara As fey I. H. Taylar. R prist for Jrarsal R Jot lram tfcaOmly- Cpj f th Story Exteat (From week to week the Journal will paoiish from a book written by L N. Taylor, deceased which was publised in 1876. The Civil History tfPlatUCematy. In August 1857, tbe counties of Platte and Monroe were organized. By what authority does not appear, but Judge Smith of Fremont issued a proclamation calling elections for county officers and the location of county seats. In Platte county the result was as follows: Probate Judge, A. B. Pattison; Clerk, George W. Hewitt: Recorder. J.P.Becker. Treasurer; V. Kummer; Sheriti, Cyrus Tollman; J. P., C. B Stillman: Constable. J. Guter: County commissioners, Gusta vus Becber, George Spaulding, and Abram Root. And in Monroe county: Probate Judge, Chas. H. Whaley; Clerk, George W. Stevens; Recorder, G. E. Yeaton: Treasurer, C. Whaley: Sheriff, N.Davies; Representative, Lean der Gerrard: Surveyor. P. Kimball; County commissioners, H. Peck, C. H. Pierce, and H. J. Hudson, The canidates for Territorial Delegates in Congress were Bird B. Chapman, of (Ohio?) and Judge Fenner Furguson, of Bellevne, and B. P. Rankin of Omaha. At this early date commenced in Cen tral Nebraska the quiet working of a power in proposing aud afterwards car rying nominations and public measures, which has maintained its prestige with out much remission to this day, the re sponsibility of which thing may be laid at the doors of such chaps as the Ger rard boys, Ed Arnold, Pete Becker and so onv In this case, Furguson was the choice of Monroe county, then quite strong t the polls, aud a balance power in the election. Furguson was elected and the remembrance of what he owed for it and to whom he owed it, was at the bottom of the first mail and stage line of any importance ever granted to Northern Nebraska. For Leander Ger rard went down tbe valley on foot with a petition in hand which everybody sign ed, and in a surprisingly short time the mail coaches, were runuing three times a week from Omaha to Columbus, and once a week from Columbus to Genoa. The first election in Monroe county was also tbe last that was practically availing for in tbe winter session of the territorial legislature 18589, a joint pe tition of the two counties, headed in double column accordingly by J. Rickly of Platte and G. W. Stevens of Monroe, for the consolidation of the two counties, was largely signed by the people and the whole area of the two was thence forth Platte county, and the offices of the county have since been filled suc cessively as follows: Probate Judges, Isaac Albertson. 1858 to 1867, E. W.Ton cray 1867 to 1869, 1. N. Taylor 1869 to 1871, J. G.Higginsl871 to 1877. Coun ty Clerks, F. G. Becker 1858 to 1861. C. B. Stillman 1861 to 1867, H. J. Hudson 1867 to 1872, F. G. Becher 1873 to 1877. Re corder, C. B. Stillman 1858 to 1861, when the clerk became Recorder by law. Treasurer, V. Kummer 1858 to 1877. Sheriffs, E. W.Toncray 1858 to 1860. J. Rickly 1860 to 1861, J. E. North 1861 to 1863, L. M. Beebe 1863 to 1865, J. Browner 1865 to 1867, C. D. Clother i867, to 1869, A. J. Arnold 1869 to 1871, George Lehman 1871 to 1873, Benj. Speilman 18- 73 to 1877. Coroners, J. C. Wolfel 1861 to 1865, L. M. Beebe 1865 to 1867, J. H- Galley 1867 to 1869, S. A. Bonesteel 1869 to 1871, C. B. Stillman 1871 to 1875, A, Heintz 1875 to 1877. County Surveyors Lorin Miller 1858 to 1890, Alex Albertson 1860 to 1861, R. P. Kimball 1861 to 1862, I. N. Taylor 1862 to 1863, J. E. North 18- 63 to 1869, R. Kummer 1869 to 1871, J. G. Routson 1871 to 1877. County Superin tendents, M. Weaver 1858 to 1867, C. A. Speice 1867 to 1869, J. O. Shannon 1869 to 1871, C A Speice 1871 to 1877. Coun ty Commissioners in their order, Wm. Davis, G. W. Stevens, M. Weaver, J. Rus sell, J. Kelly. C. A. Speice, E. W.Toncray. F. G. Becher. Wm. Davis, S. C. Smith, Wm. Davis. G. W. Galley, J. W. Earlj, G. C. Barnum, A, Turner, M. Maher, J. Hammond, A. Rose, R. H. Henry. Rep resentatives in their order, H.W. DePuy. J. Reck, C. H. Whaley, J. Rickly, J. P. Becker, G. C. Barnum, E. W. Arnold, J. E. Kelly, I. N. Taylor, C. A. Speice, H. J. Hudson, A. J. Arnold, F. Folds. State Senators, Isaac Albertson, O. T. B. Will iams, L. Gerrard, O. A. Abbott, G.C.Bar ton. It miuht have been stated that V. Kummer had the certificate of election, but bis seat was contested and given to O. T. B. Williams. Before passing to another subject, as we are receding from the earliest days, I will give a page of First Persons and Things. First settlers in Platte county Isaac Albertson and E. W. Toncray; first bouse bunt, uia uonpany uouse on Brewery Block 178; first store kept, Becker's, in the cabin still standing opposite Rummers residence, unless Rummer's Uttle cnebang on the river bank could be called a store; first post master. John Rickly so on after Be cher for seven years ; first mail caase July 4th 1857. during a celebration Hewitt, orator had a military parade and a turkey staffed with dried ap- k is ftcktt and you will be in K'('Jf$r V" friends. And the L S IS Jr best way to be in pocket is to be careful in " your spending. The best way to be careful n your spending is to pay by check. Then you'll think twice before you buy anything that strikes your fancy The First Natal Bank cannot maka you save. But it will and can make sav ing easy for you. Open an account there and try it. Th First National Bank pies, consequence, a bursted turkey. On that day passed through Warren's Exploring Expediton to tbe unanown west. JTirst boy brought into the county, Jauob Ernst, jr. ; first girl brought into the county, Rosa Rickly ; first boy born in the county, Lewis Erb. on SheU Creek ; first girl born in the oounty, Mary Wolfel, Oolumbaa; first wedding, John Will and Marie Riokerts that is. this was the first infantry wedding; first cavalry wedding, J. E. North and Nellie Arnold, married on horseback in the streets of Columbus; first blacksmith, Jacob Ernst; first house builders. Wolfel and Becker ; first carpenter of all trades. M. Weaver: first shoe maker, Louis Pnillipps ; first landlord and lady, Frank Becher aud his sis ters; first doctor, C. V. StUlmaa; first lawyers, L. Gerrard and A. B. Pattison ; first school teacher, G. W. Stevens; first Oatholin priest, Rev. Father Fourmoot first Protstant minister in charge. Rev. R. tiaylord ; first death and burial, J. M. Becker; first herd law ever passed for any part of Nebraska drawn by L. Gar- raid, of the 3rd House, aud passed for only Platte and Monrce nounties ; first batch of criminals, J. Rickly, M. Weaver. Pat Gleason, R. Corson. J. L. Martin. F. a. Beoher, H. J. Hud Ben, Isaac Albertson, V. Kummer, H. M. Kemp. C. A. Speice. For they were Grand Jurors of the first court. May 8, 1SG0, and they indicted eaoh other for various crimes, cniefly for selling whiskey. Notice. All Knights of Maccabees are request ed to attend the funeral of the late John Thomas Albaugh to be held at the Unit- ed Brethern church at 3 p. ra. Thursday April 19th. By order of commander. Steckleberg Coming. The Ladies Aid society of the Con gregational church have been fortunate enough to secure Mr. Carl Steckieberg, famous violinist, for a recital in the Congregational church on May 25. This will be of especial interest to lovers of fine music and an event that the public in general will wait for. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. John Galligan, defendant, will take notice that on the 17th day of April, 1906 Mary Ann Galligan, plaintiff here m "led her petition in the district court Of Platte COUntV. Nehrnsk-n airainaf said defendant, the ohippf and rM,r- of which are to obtain a decree of divorce from said defendant and custody of child, on the ground that the defend ant has willfully abandoned the plaintiff without just cause for more than two years last past. Defendant, John Gal ligan, is required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day of .May,. 1906. Dated this 18th day of April, 1906. Mary Ann Galmgan, ffc Plaintiff. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat 65 32 25 48 25 SO 15 to 11 Corn Oats t? bushel Rye-V bushel. Barley, Potatoes 30 bn. Butter W lb... Eggs $ dozen. Hens... 18 8 Roosters 4 Hogs 5.85 My merchant tailoring establishment from the Lee building, on 12th St. to the Reineke building on 13th St., where I am better prepared than ever to make fine clothes for men. A full stock of latest weaves in woolens trouserings, suitings, etc Come in and see. C. A. LIN STRUM I Si.,,, I HAVE MOVED v J J -& , KJLSSfc- - jLsuyu.. T3, iit w SCfc- &k--V -i&fcdLa'-r . 1