The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 11, 1906, Image 5

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F3 - I ! 2 8
Our Spring Opening Sale
I Thursday, April 12
Saturday, April 21
1 You will find here a wonderful array
$ of seasonable goods at most tempting prices.
f, All your Spring wants can be filled and
your desires gratified at little cost.
Nothing too Good for Our Customers.
We Supply tliem the best at Eight Prices.
..Lows Bri
h nip
Standarcl Pali
To offer to our trade, having, after careful testing,
found it to be the best paint made for householder
and painter. It is the best because
1. It spreads best, covers best, works easiest
and lasts longest.
It looks best mosfbeautiful colors.
It costs the least per year of service.
The guaranty is broad and good.
5. It Gives Best Results in all Qualities.
All paint looks alike in the can to the average buyer,
but you can tell after you have tried it. It is then too
late to correct mistakes. You will not have to do your
work over when you have used
High Standard Paints
Paint for your house and barn Outside and inside.
Paint for floors Porch or house.
Paint for chairs, swings, wagons, implements, etc.
Do not buy paint because it is CHEAP, but because it
is GOOD. Then you will be satisfied. Ask for the beau
tiful pamphlets, "How to Paint," "Attractive Homes,"
Color Cards, etc.
gssssi&iausgss: r.TitTTtsggg;
t S(S2S3li!2a3HE3aiSBEaB3E3E&2EHB
TV 1
m mi Summer Goods
nrrwTraii i
e announce to the people of Colum
bus that our new line of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS is now open
for your inspection.
Wo are now showing one of the most complete lines of
Summer Wash
Dress Goods,.
iii the city, in all the latest novelties, consisting of Figured
Linn. "D. E. Soie." Arnold's Silks, Chiffon Ombre, Print
ed Sdk Mulls, Dotted Swiss Mull, Queen Batiste, Tokio
Pi.lifi'ts, "Henely" Serges, Donzeile Organdie, Queen
Per ales and Madras Cloths.
White Goods..,
India Linens, White Waist Goods, Mercerized Suiting,
SilktzvM Poplin, Persian Lawns, White Organdies, Batiste
and .Vhite Linen Suiting. This promises to be a big sea
son for White Goods.
New line of Zion Laces, Insertions and Allover Lace.
Also a new assortment of Swiss and Hamburg Embroid
eries and Insertions.
We sell the Francis T. Sim-
'Atmons Kid Gloves; also their
JjJ Sr. SCO. LV.
1 rS?
7i V in
iT ! p Silk and Fabric Gloves.
fi yX I fit rpv Unp liisf. vprpivprl
For Silk Waists, and Suits.
Silk Ribbons and Dress Trim
mings to match.
Also a New Stock of Rain Proof Suitings, Broadhead
Dress Goods and Waist Patterns.
New Table Linens, Napkins, Stamped Linens and
Divsser Scarfs. Lace Curtains and Bed Spreads.
Also a complete lime of Staple Dry Goods which we
offer for sale ot the lowest cash prices.
Agents for the "Standard Fashions" and "The De
signer. Subscrsptions to the Designer reduced to 50c a year.
505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Herrick for furniture.
Journal ads bring remits.
Dr. Hark T. MoMahon. dentil
Easter Novelties Snow's.
A new line of cbiua at Buschman's.
Prof. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldg.
Dr. D. T. Martyn went to Schuyler
Get your shoes shined at Park Bar
ber shop. tf
Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th
St. Jeweler. tf
Herrick has a f 75 side-board which
he will sell for 133.
Coal and baled hay awlays on top
at Newman & Welch. tf
E. H. Chambers made a business trip
to Omaha last Friday.
O. T. lloen spent two days in Lindsay
last week on business.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clide Ward,
Thursday morning a son.
Miss Alice M. Wise went to Greely last
Friday for a week's visit.
Mrs. Gus B. Speicc went to Omaha
Sunday to spend a few days.
Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., officenew
Columbus State Bank building.
Rubber boots mended with a vul
oanizing substitute at Carl Schubert's.
Be sure aud .see the newest,
swellest leister Huts at Gray's.
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Lueschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st.
Try our Rex Lump Coal $7 at the
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. S.
Elm, ash and mulberry trees suit
able for door yards for sale at Albert
Stenger's. 3tp
The Competitor 13.00 Fonntain Pen
special at $1 CO. Ed. J. Niewohner,
the jeweler.
Wnnn you want baled hay that is
I brigbfc aud coal that is clean order
from Newman Welch. tf
The Si 00 Shumate guaranteed Ra
zor, the best money can buy. Ed. J.
Niewohner, tne jeweler.
Mrs. Willis Short of Council Bluffs,
wiih hereon Walter, is visiticg her sis
ter. Mrs. A C. Boone for one week.
Mrs Helen West, Mrs. Homer Robin
son's mother, went to Fnllerton last
week lo look up a residence location for
herself and her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiernan were in
Columbus last Thursday visiting their
daughter. Miss Katie, who is a student
in St. Francis Academy.
Don't be troubled longer with ca
tarrh. Druggist Chas. H. Dack says
that if a SI Uyomei outfit does not cure
you completely, he will pay for it.
John Freasu of Noith Bend ilied at St.
Mary's hospital last Thursday of can
cer. He was eighty years old. The
body was taken to North Bend for
Half thi housekeepers worry comes
from not having good flour. Use
Shell Creek Creek valley flour and do
away with.aH worry. Made by Poter
Ladies buy your Easter fur
nishings at Gray's.
Do you want to make your rooms
look new this spring? Then see G.
R. Prieb. He has the latest designs
in wall paper and will do you an ar
tistic job.
For sale or rent 80 acres in Colfax
county seat. Good improved buildings.
For further particulars inquire of F V
Stibal, owner Gretna, Neb., or Joseph
Zerzan, agent Scbuyler, Neb. 4t p
For wedding stationery, vis
iting cards and Hue stationery
call on the Columbus Printing
V Specialty House tf
Adolph Boettcher the nine month old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boettcher, ten
miles north of Columbus, died of pneu
monia last Wednesday and was buried
fiom tho Loseke Creek church Satur
day, Rev. Denninger officiating.
An important item from Woodville
reached the Journal office lust week too
late for publication. At the annnal
meeting of the Town Board a levy of
three mills was made, one mill each for
road, bridgo and general fund. And the
board was instructed to pay out of the
treasury an amount equal to any amount
donated for the improvement of roads.
Mrs. Adolph Hoga died of blood poi
smiing at her home eight miles north
east of Columbus on the night of April
3rd. Augusta Efert was born in Ger
many August 12, I87u aud came with
her parents to Platte county in 1SS3.
In 18!)7 she was married to Adolph
Hoga. Besides her husband she leaves
lour small children one of them an in
fant. The funeral was held at the Lu
theran church in this city Friday, Rev.
Miessler officiating.
Twenty delegates representing five
B. Y. P. unions in the Loup and Elk
horn association met in the Baptist
church Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Free discussion was the rule. Personal
work was the motto. Tho Columbus
Junior Union which at present is under
the leadership of Miss Amy Mahood
rendered a program of high merit Sun
day afternoon. As it was iuconvenient
for any of the delegates to leave Colum
bus before three o'clock on Monday
afternoon the social committee of Co
lumbus Union prepared a social pro
gram for Monday. At ten o'clock, there
fore, the delegates met again in the
church. After an impromptu program
of music and recitations and speeches
to which every union represented con
tributed dinner was served in the class
room of the church. Amusements were
then indulged in till train time. Every
delegate testified to having a good time.
Another meeting of the same kind will
be held August 5 and 6 in Battle Creek.
This item, which was contributed by a
local member, did not reach the Journal
in time for publication last week.
A Fine Team Doesn't Look Well 5V
With an Old Harness Oi
rw 1 DA "
C C fL'TTP- .-:'--i
You may have an accidont or runaway
winch can always- lieavoiilfil by bujiiiK one
of Weaver' Own Make Hnruehs.
A few dollars ntit in new harness may kivo
life a-s well as money. Don't collect but
buy now.
L. W. Weaver and Son
Coal and Harness Tel. No, 74
For Sale or Reut by Owner The two
story brick store building located at 519
West 11th St. Very reasonable price.
For particulars call at Journal ollice.
Inquire ot Herrick.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Kodaks and supplies at Newohner's.
Carl Schubert has complete camping
outfits for rent. tf
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
A now supply of shells and gnns nt
Carl Schubert's.
Dr. C. A. Alleubnrger, office in new
.State Bunk building.
If your eyes,cars, nose or throat give
aou trouble see Dr. Lueschen.
Ladies, buy your Easter fur
nishings at Gray's.
Carl Schubert bas a nice line of
Zouophones, aud Talking machines
and records.
A. C. Hand of Omaha a brother-in-law
of Miss Kelso of tnis city 6pent
Sunday here hunting duck.
Mrs. Bernard Evans of Missouri
Valley is the guest of her daungnter,
Aiit-s Margaret Evans this week.
R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans,
dyes and repairs ladies, and gen ts
clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked.
Agent for Germania steam dye works,
Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke with
their two oldest children attended the
automobile show in Omaha last week.
Mr. Clarke spoke enthusiastically
about the exhibition and expressed the
belief that it would become an annual
L. W. Snow had some unusual ex
perince in advertising last spring. Ho
arranged with a largo green honse for
cat flowers to sapplv tne caster trade
and advertised through the local news
papers for orders. In spite of this
fact fifty or tixty orders, were mailed
to out-of-town dealers at an increase
in cost for express and not enough or
ders were left with Mr. Snow to pay
the cot-t of his advertising. It will
be interesting to note whether that
same trade will remain in Columbus
this spring or go to out-of-town dealers
again nt greater expense and incon
venience. Mrs. A. M Post and Miss Florence
Whitinoyer started Saturday night for
an extended visit in California. Mrs.
Post will visit her -on Ned in Los
Angeles and her daughter Mrs.
Georgia and Judge Post's sister, Mrs.
Urr sang in Santa Monica. Mibs
Whitmoyer will spend tho nmmer
with her sister, Mrs. Howard Geer.
Mrs. Post's trip was determned in
part on account of her health. About
two mouths ago she fractured one of
her arms and her recovery has been so
slow on account of a rhenmactic con
dition that a change of climate was
thought desirable.
Otto Hagel was the iu'tky man and
the city park fund was increased by
the addition ot $77 as the result of
the rallla which closed at Gus Ste
phan's saloon last Saturdav night.
The prize was a beautiful hand pa'nt
ed game set of haviland dishes con
sisting of fifteen pieces. Otto drew
one or the last feven numbsrs sold,
number 57. The most of the numbers
were sold to out-of-town parties. Tbu
gross proceeds of the raftle amounted
to ?102. Of this amount $23 was paid
to E J. Is'iewobner for the dishes,
Mr Stephnn retaining nothing for
profit. The money has been turned
over to the park committee and will
be invested m sliding swings and
benches. The numbers were drawn
and checked by Frank Kerseubrock.
Henry Imig and Frank Schrain,
are going to have
an Easter picture,
and only the finest
will do.
We never undertook
but we made a suc
cess of it. Our
best gnishing goes
with Easter tide
sittings. Come to
day. We're ready
for you.
McAllister Studio
Columbus, Nebr.
Over Phillipps Store
Dr. J. W. Terru
Best Equipped Optical OUiices
In The AVest
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Herrick for baby go-carts.
Go to the Buschman Racket store for
Plants iu Bloom Ten Days
Only. Snow's.
Try a Journal "want ad" if you have
anything to buy or sell.
Ladies, buy your Easter fur
nishings at Gray's.
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con
Miltation in German aud English.
A full lino of hunting coats, caps,
hats, pants boots, etc., at Carl Schu
bert's. FOR SALE: Typewriter of Standard
make and nearly new. Inquire at Jour
nal ollice.
FOR SALE A sot of the Internation
al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the
Journal ollice.
WAN3 ED : Good farm loans at 5
per cent. No commissious, W. L.
May, Omaha, Neb.
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
tiu6 quality of patent Hour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
FOR SALE Cottonwood lumber,
wood and eawdnst. Also a No. . 1
Chicago cottage organ, price $20 casR.
Clear Creek Mill.
HORSES FOR SALE: I have three
spans of good work horses and one
epau of drivers for sale. David
Thomas, Columbus. Nebr. 2c
WANTED .--One cook and one din
ing room girl. At Creston Hotel,
Creston. Neb. Reference required.
H. O. Stanley, Proprietor.
Mrs. Edgar Howard returned Mon
day from a visit in Clarinda, la.
Fin Howard returned Tuesday from
Lincoln to spend the spring vacation. ,
Miss Esther Johnson of Omaha
spent Sunday in this city visiting
Miss Caroline Behler left Monday
for Omaha to sew in the 3stnblshment
of Madam Corthell.
Miss Tona Brodfnhrer returned home
last week from Omaha where she has
been for several months.
Gus Becber and Leo Geit.en had
more thau the ordinary experiences of
the hunter to relate to their friends
npon their return from the docs: ponds
in the sand hills last Sunday. In fact
their spring wagon told a part of the
story for them. That vehicle was in
good condition when they left home.
But it was tied to the end of a rough
cottonwood pole when they returned.
Tho story is brief bur. pathetic. They
got stuck in the mnd. One horse
jumped and broke a wnipple-tree.
The team took fright and lan. Gus-l
also took fright and jumped juBt when
the team had struck a gait at which
they were running down the overland
limi.ed. Leo was game and stayed
with tho show. That is, he 6tayed
till tho wagon struck a rat. Whether
he alighted as gracefully as Gu did
will never be known. At anv rate
when they picked up the pieces the
buggy was minus a pole and several
more of the essentials. They saved
from the wreck eighteen ducks and
fonr geese and declare their luck w s
good considering the niche.
Columbus held a conspicuons place
in tho meeting of the N N T. A. at
Norfolk last week. The Columbus
contestant, Miss Marie Zmnecker was
an easy winner of first place in the
dramatic class of the oratorical con
test and brought home a beautiful
gold medal. Mrs. E. V. Graves
trained Miss Zinnecker. The exhibit
in mechanic arts taken to Norfolk by
Superintendent Sherman also brought
much honor to Colcmbus. It was
used by the deputy state superinten
dent to illustrate a lecture on manual
training and was then placed in a
room'for the inspection of the public.
Teachers from here say it was one of
the real features of the meeting.
Speaking of Miss Zinneckers' victory,
Superintendent Sherman said: "Miss
Marie did much bettor at Norfolk
than she did here in the local contest
and her victory was easy The sup
port tnat'she received fr.-m the shoot
ing squad of tne higi. school was very
encouraging In fact Columbus had a
larger fquad even than did Norfolk".
The yonng people in attendance
were: Horatio Adams, William
Hockenberser, Mamie Thomas, George
Reeder, Mary Newman, Gerald ine
Gray, Maude Galley. Louise Echols,
Louise Bucher, Minnie Bncher, Fioyo
Munger. Paul Roen, "Velma Covert,
Mrs. E. V. Graves, E. V. Graves,
Leo Friedbof. Marie Zinnecker, Janet
McAllister and Charlotte Matthews.
We carry in stock a lull line of
Patton's Sun Proof Paints
Leads, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes,
Window Glass and Shades.
Our Wall Paper Stock is the largest
and our prices right.
One Door South of
Columbus State Bank
Special Sale of . .
Saturday and Monday
,,.t..M i i t ,,. y.fM HUM ii,H"M MI 1111111111111111111111
Henry Raiate k Co.,
Nebraska Phone 29. Independent Phones 29 and 229.
We have the best, cleanest alfalfa seed
that can be procured in this country.
This vSeed is Crown
in Western Nebraska
We have given this alfalfa seed business
a great deal of attention and study and know
that our seed is right. If you expect to sow
this spring or fall, now is the time to buy
your alfalfa seed. The supply of fancy seed
is limited. Leave your orders now later
you will have to take what you can get.
We also have a large stock of Grass
Seeds such as Timothy, White Clover, Red
Clover, Red Top Millet, Cane Seed, Blue
Grass, etc., etc, and a little later will have
plenty of Seed Corn.
That Grow
We carry a full line of Garden Seeds,
both in bulk and packages and several var
ieties of good onion sets. Make out a
list of your wants in garden seeds and let us
put them up for you before the spring rush
Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware and Seeds
11 1 1 M.H.H M"l'l 1 I 1 II I U I S- I t I t ? I T II I I n ll u
HlllfV yftiUE1
The Improved....
Won Gold Medal-The Highest
Award Lewis & Clark Exposi
tion, Portland, Oregon.
500 lb. Capacity, $75.00
Sold by W. P.vDODDS,
Columbus, Nebraska.
jffr&. & aifeAJ- -
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