The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 11, 1906, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
- :
WHOLE N&BEB 1,799.
: v
w v
This community doubts the
ability of the Columbus State
Bank to go through any kind
of a panic that we may have.
This bank is the oldest bank in
Nebraska doing business under
State Charter.
The Old Reliable
Golumbu State Bank
1000 head of cattle wanted on my
Bearer Valley rauch near Peter., berg,
Neb. Terau $2. SO for the season.
Cattle taken from Columbus or Holl
and delivered at those points in the
fall. The best of care guaranteed.
The abcve offer is on condtticn that
100 head or more shall be booked by
April 25th.
William Webster, Monroe, Neb. 2fc
AdTarUasd Letters.
Rashid Azim, Donitar Bastaric,
Emma Berney, Mrs. F. A. Brown, D.
A. Brown. Daaa Gorka. E. W. Dun
ham, John Gillespie, Arthur Gross
man, Maggie Ham. Charles Krofko,
Catherine Moakla, Frank Amos Moore,
Neva Rhdes, Mrs. Ida Scott. Nikola
Tealic, Mrs. Anna Washburn. Jamee
Welch, and Mrs. Emlie Wilcox.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Heater returned
home Monday Bight after just one
year's absence in Kansas City and
other points where Mr. Heater's busi
ness called him. They had just moved
into their commodious new home on
West Thirteenth street when they left
Columbus last spring.
For stylish Millinery at the
lowest prices, see Miss Kelso.
Music Saturday night from 7
to 9.
Acre Property for Bent.
I have 18 acres adjoining town well
improved for rent. Inquire of
R S. Dickinson.
llii lcr-olant, Fmleric A. Fromholz, will
takf niitir- I Int. on the 7th day of Murch, Wirt,
the jilaint tT filed their ttetition in the District
Court f l'l.itt Count v. UKiiinst him, the object
ami iraT---r to foreclose a mortintm execut
ed liv.F V Fromholz uiKiaSW 4 of the XKU
andNWM !' llnSKU of S?c. W.Twn. 20, 1 binge
1 -rtt of ill" Oh i'rinciiMil Meridian, to a -cure
the ii incut of five itromiioory notes dated Oct.
24th 1NJK ; lyahle in 3, 4. 3, fi, anil sven iivirs,
with intere.-t m t he rate of 1 per cent from date
until iai I. Th it there is now due and unpaid
upon -hi i n-ite and mortgages the sum of SIXX),
fo. uhirh -uui the plaintiff pray for a decree
for fon-cl-irtiirv of said premises. Yon are re
qui'ed tonriower thi petition before the 24th
day t.f Ma. , IWS.
In the District Court of Platte County. Nebraska-In
the M tler of the Kstate of Leonard McCone
Iliiw c-- came on for hearing nHn the jti
tion of William Webster, administrator of the
estate of Leonard McCone, deceased, prnjiuK
for license to ell Lots Tliirteen, (13) Fourteen,
(14) and Fifteen, (IS) in Block B. in the Village
of Monroe, Platte c nnty, state of Nebraska, for
the iayment of debts and allowances against
said estate and the costs of administration, there
not beiut: sufficient jiersonnl proierty to pay
mid debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered
that 11 p.rsons interested in said estate appear
before the judge of said District Court at the
Court House, in Columbus, Platte County, Ne
braska, on the 12th day of Mey, 1JM5, at 1 o'clock
p. nu. to show canse why a license should
BOtbe gristed to said administrator to sell the
above described real estate of said deceased to
pay said debts and expenses; and it is further
ordered that notice of this order to show cause
be ici Ten by causing a copy of this order to be
pablisbed in the Columbus Journal, a newspaper
peblished and in general circulation in said
county for four successive weeks prior to the
day of hearing.
March 26. IMS. -i4 Judge.
Dr. E.fl.Naumann
Has one of the best dental offices
in the state.
Fully equipped to do all den
tal work in First-Glass manner.
Always reasonable in charges.
All work gaaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in Co-Iambus.
fSjassMa. sWi Ca H MNmMu
The Opinion is glad to correct an
error in its report of the dnin'R lat
week We have it from what we con
sider good authority that it was not
the village board that instituted pro
ceedings to recover the band uniforms.
The mistake was caused by the fact
that many of the old band members
are also village trustees, and it was
the general impression that it was the
general impression that it was the
trustees who were doing the business ;
but it now appears that they acted as
members of the old band and not as
village trustees. Innocent members
of the board of trustees have suggested
to the Opinion that the board has
troubles enough of its own without
being blamed for everything, and
in this the Opinion agrees and hastens
to make amends. Lindsay Opinion.
There has been unusual activity in
the millinery business in Colnmbns
during the past ten da vs. Never in
the history of the city has there been
so expensive and up-to-date a line of
ladies hats. Indeed the displays at
the various millinery stores at their
openings during the past two weeks
would have done cretid to the stores
in the larger cities and as a result a
large number of buyers from the
branch towns were in evidence. At
Gray's Fillman's and Jay's stores
where the openings were held two
weeks ago the stocks were larger and
the tiade was greater than usual. All
who visited these three opening speak
in terms of praise of the excellent
styles displayed.
Buy your Easter Millinery at
Miss Kelso's. Styles correct
and prices right. Music from
7 to ) Saturday night.
Miss Kelso's millinery opening last
Friday night was something of an
innovation in Columbus. From seven
till ten Sike's orchestra plnyed and
the large store, brilliantl; iighted,
was crowded with people from the
city and country. The front window
of the score was decorated with a few
white creations in a setting of white
and with ferns and flowers The store
room is larga making possible rhe
most effective dispUy of goods The
whole effect was pleasing and Mips
Kelso has received many compliment
for her display of good tnsce and in
dustry. The City Council met last Monday
and granted eleven saloon l.censes.
four druggists permits "and ''"two
wholesale liquor licenses. The whole
sale licences were granted to the Co
lumbus Brewing Co., and to Carl Kohde.
Retail licenses were granted to all
present retail dealers except Y. A.Mackin
Frank Valasek, and Frank Kelly.
A remonstrance was tiled against Val
asek and he withdrew his application.
Kelly has not filed an .application and
it is understood that he will leave the
city. Jas. Novels litis applied for saloon
licenses at St- Edward and Albion.
Methodist Episcopal Church: There
will be pecial Easter services with ap
propriate music, both morning and
evening next Sunday. The larger por
tion of the musical program will be
tiivenintho evening. The subject of
evening sermon will be "The Story of
the Resurrection." All are invited.
Harley Dussell returned to Colum
bus last Friday after spending the
winter in Los Angeles. He had to
leave hre on account of an attack of
rheumatism. His health is greatly
improved and he has sained twenty
pounds in weight during his absence.
Rev. James H. Root late of Roches
ter, N. Y , will preach at the Presby
terian church, both morning and even
in , next Sunday. A general invita
tion is extended to all.
Ladies, buy your Easter fur
nishings at Gray's.
Mittses Clara Kropf, Nellie Cronse
and Messrs. Everirt and Ottis Biggs
and- George No vak and Edgar Giis-
som of Schuyler visited friends in
this city Sunday.
For headache, constipation, etc.,
Dade's Liver Pills are best. They
cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by
McClintock & Carter.
Ernest Gerrard returned Thursday
from New York for a lew weeks visit
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lean
der Gerrard.
Mrs. Merril of Beilvue returned
home Thursday after a week's viBit
with Mrs. H. T. Spoerry and other
Mrs. Young of Lincoln is visiting
in Columbus this week. Her sister,
Miss Gertrude Keating came with
Herman Zinnecker spent his vaca
tion last week with bis sister, Mrs.
William Jack6on of Creston.
Rev. TTimer returned Satnrday night
from Beatrice where he had been
visiting hi6 parents.
Olie Steinbaugh of Council Bluffs
spent Sunday with friends in this
Miss Hester Hill of Monro was the
guest of Miss Grace Lubker over Sun
day. Mrs. Sam Gass, jr., returned home
from a visit in Schuyler Sunday.
FOUND A brooch with child's pic
ture. Call at Journal office.
Charles H. Dack was in Omaha Monday.
All color cards look nice.
All printed matter reads well
But what about the Paint?
There is but one BEST.
(Ask for B, P. S. Sealed evidence
paint costs, color cards, etc.)
Chas. H. Dack
Otto Weber Suicides.
Without a word of warning to his
family or friends. Otto Weber, the Union
Pacific agent at Oconee, came to an un
timely end by hts own hand in his sta
tion office Monday morning at 9:15
He had performed his duties on
this fsital morning and the train crews
on the Spalding and Norfolk freights
testify that they noticed nothing un
usual about Agent Weber as he waited
on them. Within ten minutes afler the
Norfolk freight had left the station
Weber had ended his life with a 32 cali
bre Smith & Wessen revolver, the bullet
entering the right temple, causing in
stant death. The shot was not heard by
anyone, but soon after the tragedy J. C.
Dineeti entered the station on business
and found the prostrate body on the
floor, die weapon still clutched in his
right hand and blood oozing from the
f.ital wound.
Sheriff Carrig and Coroner Melz were
summoned and at 3 o'clock p. ra. the
coroner's jtirv said by their verdict that
Ono Weber came to his death by his
own hnnd.
Upon his person two letters from grain
commission houses were found, one con
taining a remittance for $51 and the
other confirming a trade nujde, on the.
exchange. Later a short letter was
found in the safe in which the deceased
bade farewell to his wife and four child
ren and admonished his two boys never
to touch a card for money nor play on
the board of trade.
It t-eems that deceased had some finan
cial troubles, although' his account with
the company was square, as asserted by
the traveling auditors of both the raii
toud and express companies.
The body was taken to Ruby, Nebras
ka, last Tuesday for burial.
District Court.
Wesley E Cole and Rebecca J
Taylor as plaiutiff have filed suit
against Rebecca S. Hoesett and seven
teen other defendants to quiet title to
oartain lands in Nance county, the
proeeding is entirely friendly between
the plaiutTffs and all the defendants.
Frank A. Lawrence and John A.
Lntjeluschen, formerly nnder the firm
name of Lawrence & Lutjeluschen
have been sued by Straus Bros Whole
sale liquor dealers of Chicago an ac
count in the sum of $93.82
B Meyer asks fcr a perpetual injunc
tion to the end that Peter Bender, jr.,
pujoined from selling a certain frame
bnilriing under a chattel mortgage, lo
cated in the village of Cornlea, Neb. In
l his case Judge Reeder granted a tem
porary injunction last Friday and the
case will be heard for final adjudication
during the present equity term.
Judge Hollenbeck arrived here Thurs
day and opened the regular equity term.
Among the several cases assigned for
trial the hearing of the answers in the
B. & M. tax cases under the new scaven
ger tax law created some interest. At
torney Dewese and Superintendent Ed.
Bignell of the Burlington were present
in court Tuesday afternoon during the
trial of the case. After the submission
of evidence and arguments by council,
Judge Hollenbeck took the matter under
The defendants Jones and Nelson, in
'the Monroe Bank burglary case, had
their day in court on their motion for a
new trial Tuesday afternoon. Counsel
for defendants had filed specific affida
vits alleging misconduct on the part of
the county attorney during the trial and
asked for a new trial on the ground that
the jury had been prejudiced by said
miscondnct. The motion was argued
exhaustively by both sides and the court
i his morning denied the motion and
sentenced the prisoners to five years at
hard labor in the penitentiary. This
makes nine bank breakers that William
Webster has placed behind the .bars
since last October.
Congregational Church: Morning,
"The Power of the Resurrection." Even
ing, "The Earthly Life of Je&us After
the Resurrection." Special music at
both services
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church have planned to give the
"Deestriot Skool" in the near fntnre.
Oscar Burns is seriously ill. '
City Council.
The city government changed hands
last Friday night, Mnycr Dicktnson
and conncilmen Gray and Dietrichs
retiring to be replaced respectively
by Mayor G. W. Phillips and council
men M. Rothleitner and J H. Johan
nes. All other elective officers Gus B
Speice treasurer. R. L. Rossiter, city
engineer, William Becker oity clerk,
William O'Brien, police judge, and
W. A. "Clark, councilman second ward
succeed themselves.
As the Journal stated before elec
tion, the candidates of both parties
were among their best men and the
platforms of the two parties were
pratically identical. Hence the citi
zens of Columbus have a right o ex
pect a continuation in all essential
features of the same policies which
have cbaractrized the administration
of Mayor Dickinson and his associates.
That the recent election has left no,
breaks in the way of general policy
and no bitterness on part of the de
feated candidates was indicated in the
brief speeches made by the retiring
officers and the officers-elect. IT
After the old council had dispatch
ed a small budget of unfinished busi
ness, Mayor Dickinson arose and in a
few words thanked his associates for
their loyal co-operation in the past:
expressed the gratification which
every mayor feels npon being per
mitted to retire to private life; and
expressed his Keen pleasure to be able
to turn over the city to so competent
an executive officer and bo good a
citizen as his friend G. W. Phillips.
G. W. Phillips then took the may
or's seat at the head of the conncil
table. He spoke very briefly, asking
the co-ouaration of his associate offi
cers in giving the city of Colnmbns
the very best government, possible,
and closing with the statement that, he
would be satisfied if at the end of his
term he could retire possessing as
large a measure of the confidence of
the best citizens of Columbus as his
predecessor had enjoyed.
Councilman Gray gave a warm hand
to his successor Mr. Rothleitner upon
yelding his seat and Conncilmen Die
trich, retiring, and Johanunes elect,
both made shore speeches.
The only evidence of partisian po
litics which marked the meeting was
the naming of the democratic party
organ as the official paper of the city.
Goncilmau Gall y", ok rTsnal 'took-a
staud against the spoils system in the
city government iu the matter of nam
ing the official paper, but his motion
to place both of the city newspapers
on the same footing did aot receive a
second, even councilmau Clark after
standing against the "spoils" theory
for two years, going back to his old
love. The other members were con
sistent. They stood, as the democra
tic party in this city has always-stood,
for the spoils theory. The voters who
elected them knew where they stood,
and if a majority of the people want
that system they should have it. No
one should criticise the action of any
councilman for naming the Telegram
the official paper. No criticism
should be made bad the Telegram been
named at a full legal rate instead of
50 per cent of that rate. When an
officer is elected by a majority on a
spoils platform, he should be credited
for being consistent and should not be
criticised so long as he acts within
the law Those who oppose the spoils
theory in this city have the power to
defeat it at the polls although they
havo no right to assume that those
who believe in that theory are not
jest as honest as they The citv print
ing, therefore should be a closed inci
dent after election.
Among the important items of busi
ness transacted was a transfer of $2000
upon resolution of Councilman Gray,
from the Water Works Improvement
Fund back to the Bond Fund from
which it was borrowed four years ago
to make needed improvements in the
water works.
One act of the new council was im
portant, not in itself, but because of
its probable consequences. That was
the placing of an arc light on the cor
ner between Niewohner's and the
park. The old council had made a
plan for lighting the city including
as many lights as it was felt the
city could afford. In working out
this plan, one arc light was located
every two blocks in the business sec
tion and other lights were fixed with
certain regularity throughout the city.
The deviation from this plan is likely
to open the way for a demand for
lights everywhere, for indeed there
are many places where lights are need
ed but whicn the city cannot afford.
A good sized budget of bills was
allowed by the new council and the
usual list of active members of the fire
companies were filed with the city
clerk as a guide to the poilce judge in
naming jurymen.
Mayor Phillips will make his ap
P3intments at the next regular meet
ing of the council
During the past week the following
marriage licenses were issued by John
Ratterman. County Judge: Ernest
W. Parks, age 21 of Creston. Neb. ;
Leota Kemper, age J8 of Creston,
Neb. ; Charles O. Craun, age 24 of
Columbus, Neb. ; Lean Preston, age
42. of Monroe, Neb;. William G.
Fowler, age 42 of Creston, Neb;. May
Gietzen age 27 of Humphrey, Nab.
fSrBfc"- l tid ? Em-'Zaffa Pitwfct" jf
A Strong Argument
on Watches-
We're making this month.
Gold FilledElgin or Waltham"
0 Size, $12, $15, $18.
Gold Filled 6 Size $12 to $20
16 Size Gold Filled, $12 to $35
18 Size, Special 17 Jewels, 20
year case, $18
Have just received some extra fine
small Gentlemen's Watches, import
ed, at $33.75. They're all appropri
ate Easter or 'confirmation gifts. Let
us show them to you.
Ed. J. Niewohner
Jeweler and OptiGian
Held up by Gypsies.
A hold up in which two gypsy wo
men figured as principals, and Fred
Hahn, rural mail carrier, on lloute 5
of this ciyt played the part of the vic
tim, was pulled off just this side of
the Loup bridge last Monday morn
ing. Uabn says he was driving along
when a little girl approached him
from the gypsy camp and asked him
the time of day. Wnile he was look
ing at his watch an older woman ap
peared on the scene ana naked mm if
he bad any money. He said he didn't
have much whereupon she demanded
what he had. something about tne
women stole away his courage for the
moment and he delivered over ten
dollars. Then he told them he was
an agent of Uncle Sam ana that they
would get in tronblo. They wrapped
up five dollars of the money in a pa
per aud handed it back.
He drove on and did not report the
matter till night, when Ed. Rossiter
went with Hahn to look for them.
The women were caught near Mon
roe. .They returned the money and
no arrests were made.
The same pair of gypsy women who
held up Fred Hahn, the mail carrier,
south of the river, tried their graft in
several other places. One case is re
ported where a man called at their
camp to have his fortune told. He
was taken apart from his companions
tor tne purpose, suadeiuy tlie wo
man raised a cry and accused him of
attempting tu do her violenoe, and
then tried to black mail him. On the
same day a travelling man at the
Meridian h tel had an experience witn
the same woman. He had paid her a
quarter to tell his fortune. She
wanted more money. He took some
money out of his pookot. Suddenly
she seized his hand and pretended to
faint, snatching his watch, and trying
to rifle his pockets at the same time.
He threw her off and recovered his
There has been considerable discussion
and some opposition to the revival meet
ings to be held in this citv ona by tne
united protestant churches under the
leadership of Rev. Lyon. Broad mind
ed people however are willing to accept
the doctrine of religious liberty and
hope that good will result. The union
of all the protestunt churches is a suffi
cient guarantee of conservative meetings.
Property on all Hands
Whose present prices are
bound to increase, puts a man
with a small capital on the
ground floor of prosperity.
We've many .desirable lots,
plots and acreage pieces, both
improved and unimproved; on
our books, and our knowledge
of their values is yours for the
Bicker, ftacktibtrger
I Charters
18th 8t, Columbus, Nebr
Thrillimg Experieaees f Platte
County Fiemeers as telATweaty
-Years Ago y I. N. Taylor. Re
printed far Jemraal Readers treat
the Only Cany af the Story Extant
(From week to week the Journal
wiil publish from a book written by
I. N. Taylor, deceased which was
publieed iu 1876.
During this year, I860, the line of
ranch men that filed out on the mili
tary road was much extended. Some
persons who did a thriving business
beyond our poanty limits afterward
returned eastward and are still with
as. Among them is Joseph A. Baker.
Now came a long, deep, lull in the
noise of immigration s There was no
motive for any more to settle down
on the valleys, for there was no liv
ing at ail except on the surging tide
of emigration and through travel to
and from Colorado, Utah and Cali
fornia. This gave a chance for life
to a limited number, and that num
ber was now fulL AU snared it jlo
some extent. Except only in colum
ous where Mrs. Bakers hotei nearly
monopolized the business, every house
was a rancae, every floor a lodging,
every table a cake and pie stand.
Moreover, there, were hindering
causes abroad. The war of the Be
oellion was on the hands of the na
tion. The frightful Minnesota mas
bacre had transpired and the mur
derers nail gone west probably to new
helas of rapine. From all uauseB
combined tne iountains of actual
growth were sealed up and Platte
county stood still. We have no au
thentic census of those years, but
George W. Stevens was around here
and tne enumeration of school youth
was regularly tasen twice a year. It
shows a sliding scale, though slowly
rising iu general. Two hundred ana
odveu iu tne year 18(3ti agAinsC 154 in
ine year I860 shows a slow progress,
wnile, 1G77 in tne year 17G against
2ol in cue year IStiti indicates a very
rapid increase for an alinodt purely in
luud agricultural district. This wan
in taut tne actual increase of school
youcn iu Platte county in tne years
iroiu lbtiti to 1S7G.
it is remarkable that even so power
ful an incentive as the free home
btead law, which took effect January
1, ldGH. gave ao slight an lmpulne to
uur immigration. But the true rea
sons have been given. Not until the
rebellion had collapsed aud the fear
of a general Indian war had subsided
uud Nebraska had become connected
by rail with the east aud south, and
not until the Platte valley was made
to tremble beneath the rattling wheels
of the Union Pacific Iron Horse, did
the homestead law have any meaning
to persons at a distance. But hence
forth free homesteads, pre-emptions
and even railroad lands at to per acre
vere as the hot cages of the griddle
on a winter morning, and now scarce
ly a homestead is left unclaimed in
Platte county. In the month of May,
ISGG, the construction trains of the
Casement Bros., entered our eastern
borders, and en the first day of June
the track was laid through the town
of Columbus. The whole city men,
women, and children went out to
witness the wonderful spectacle of a
liveengine slowly creeping along as
the rails were laid, a pair at a time,
by a gang of disciplined workmen, all
moving with the harmony of a dock,
aud completing the track laying at
the rate of ten feet per minnte. This
event was to Columbus and Platte
county the beginning of a new life,
and we are therefore today juss ten I
years, one month and fonr days old.
To trace the rapid steps of our pro
gress in all the paths of phisical,
social, political and moral develop
ment, with names, dates and events
in details, manifestly impracticable
iu this brief paper. It must suffice to
say that in the settlement of our coun
try "The birds of a feather have
flocked together." There are some
exceptions; it wonld be better per
haps, if there were more; but as a
rule, we see on swinging around the
circle from southeast to southwest,
that the sons of Johnny Bnll wheth
er southwest, whether English or
Scotch have the lower Platte valley,
and the Mormons lead. The Germans
possees the lower SheU Greek valley
with all its tributaries and are mostly
Lutherans. The northeast and Tracv
valley are Yankees and are largely
Presbyterians. The Imb, have got
the upper Shell Creek valley, and the
lower north shore of tne Loup and are
Catholics. The Scandinavians possess
the Upper Looking Glass and Lost
Creek and are mohtlv Lutherans. The
Indian policy of President Grant has
resulted in giving ' us in the upper
north shore Loup valley a planting of
the seed of WiUiam Peon, who-' -We
hope are be-trothed to the constryand
will live to be Coffined Tneman. la
our Meaupotamia thalf garden of
beauty the Germans gradually
squeezed out the Yankees'; they are
mostly Lutherans. Sterns Prairie in
the center, like Columbus, is a mix
ture of everything under the sun, Jew
and Gentile Catholic and Protectant,
Christian and Skeptic. But the whole
county ib at length dotted over with
is held, and rightly
so, to be the sym
bol of a new' life.
Make it such in
fact as regards
yourself. Start
an account with
Tk First
Natiual Bank
. rl a
i Til Va H
anBnB k buBbbI
1 jsnnnsn , nnnnnai i
annnsni , nnnnsnif
4nnvBva ' nannHv
AHannl nnWlUP-l
mKnVaa nVaaVw
d nVnaaanVa l
V lnsi sssa 9
W' m mZ
1Hv ana aaa
T& H ssvvfl
l J-WB wfl
and be among the
progressive and
successful. Live
the life that comes
from independence
and security. You
will like the exper
ience so well you
will never go back
to your old care
less way of keep
nff.your money.
Th Firs. National Bank
human abodes and everywhere, oat
this glad day, the dark green oora
blade, the darker grove bough and the
golden wheat stem are nodding on taa
breeze to the flag of uur Union.
For correct Millinery and
right prices go to Miss Kelso's.
Music from 7 to 9 Saturday
night April 11.
Series P.
jJThe Columbus Land, Loan & Baild-
ing association has opened and will
receive subscriptions to series P, pay
ments to begin Mar 1st.
This association began business la
nay ISSti and has opened 15 series and
matureu 6 series. In thd 20 years of
its existence it has received over
$000,000.00 and disbursed tne same by
loans to its members and maturing of
stock. Ic has enabled scores of people
co own their own homes and has en
couraged savings among hundreds of
others Ic is easy to save for a horns
of vour own or to make a small week
ly or monthly deposit which in a few
years amounts to a goodly sum. For
particulars inquire of the secretary,
Maude Simpson visited her parents
at Genoa Saturday and Sunday.
J. M. Anderson was in Columbus
on business last Friday
Mrs. J. Berndt visited Mrs. J. M.
Anderson Friday afternoon.
Nels Clang shelled corn Saturday.
Andrew Christensen is putting up a
new windmill.
Nels Jonnson and Charles Eke speat
Sunday afternoon with Oscar Peter
son. Mrs. H. Anderson is on the sick list.
Rev. Benjamin and A. G- Rolf at
tended a Baptist convention at Omaha
last week.
Shell Clark our genial assessor was
seen in these parts Monday.
Winfred Benjamin has been absent
from school on account of sickness, e
The farmers are patiently waiting
for the fields to get in shape for spring
The National Grand Opera company
presented scenes from Parsifal and
Faust and selections from other first
class operas at the North last night to a
good sized audience. The entertain
ment was unique in kind in this city and
it was worth seeing. The voices of the
artists were rood. T? tlmr. fh;
! acting. A littlefreshening np and mod-erni.ine-
of costumes would add much
to the effectiveness of the company's
work. The violin numbers on the pro
gram received the most hearty applause.
Beaure and see the newest,
Hwellest Faster Hate at Gray's.
Oats bushel ....".".."..
Rye-V bushel
Potatoes- bu '.'.'.'.'.
Butter t
15 to
Eggs W dozen n
Hens....; g
Roosters 4
Hogs 5.85
My merchant tailoring
establishment from the
Lee building, on 12th St.
to the Reineke building
on 13th St., where I -am
better prepared than ever
to make fine clothes for
men. A full stock of
latest weaves in woolens
trouserings, suitings,
etc. Come in and see.
nfffliaWfr if Is