m&SBm -V I k r Dr.PScrcc'sFivorite Prcscriptio. Is a powerful, invigorating tonic, impart ing health and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. The local, womanly health is so intimately related to the general health that when diseases, of the delicate womanly organs are cured the whole body gains in health and strength. For weak and sickly women who are "worn-out," "run-down" or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, office or schoolroom, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear heavv household burdenSjand for nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has proven a priceless benefit because of its health-restoring and strength-giving powers. As a soothing and strengthening ner vine, "Favorite Prescription" is un equaled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritabil ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, or St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous sj'mptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womanly organs. It induces refresh ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Cures obstinate cases. "Favorite Pre scription" is a jKJsitive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of "fe male weakness," painful periods, irregu larities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic orpins, weak back, bearing-down sensa tions, chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration. Dr. Pierce's medicines are made from harmless but efficient medical roots found growing in our American forests. The Indians knew of the marvelous cura tive value of some of these roots and Im parted that knowledge to some of the friendlier whites, and gradually some of the more progressive physicians came to test and use them, and ever since they have grown in favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell the "Favokitk Pre scription" and also that famous altera tive, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the vGoldej Medical Discovery." Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced physician and will treat your case as confidential and without charco for corresiondeuce. Address him at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, X. Y., of which he is chief con sulting physician. It is thought that the game of whist was first played in the time of King Henry VIII of England. Peruna Is Exempt. The internal revenue commission er has decided that Pe-ru-na as now manufactured Is exempt from Internal revenue license. The highest medical and pharma ceutical authorities in the United States have passed upon the product. "It must be highly gratifying to the many friends of Pe-ru-na and the local commercial world that the product which has carried Columbus' name into all continents, again enjoys the Fame fixed status as any other recog nized medicine. Columbus Dispatch. You cant get the best or some men because they haven't any. In a Pfnch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, L Iior. N. Y. Things cre apt to go amiss, even after a woman is married. A Spring Suggestion! Take Garfield Tea in the morning or before retiring; it use insures pure blood mid a natural action of the liver, kid neys, stomach and howls. It hasaben i'llcial etrect on the entire system. It is made of Herb. Some people are so cautions that they even look before they creep. Important to Methsrs. Sxamine carefully every bottle of CASTOTttA, m eate and eure Ksnedjr t or inf aata sad children, and see that It Beam the Signature of la Cm For Ower 30 Year. Xfae Kiad T Have Afcm-B BoacM. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A little taffy is apt to slake silly people appear stuck up. The business of a cradle manufac turer is rocky, but profitable. There's nothing cunning about the toothache, even if it Is acute pain. Often a man casts a shadow over his charitable acts by talking about them. Civilization enables a woman to wear a tailor-made gown and eat with a fork. Many of our best home ties look very , much like mother's apron strings. Never jndge the cigar a man gives you by the price he claims to hare paid for it. Don't get discouraged. No man is really down and out until the under taker gets busy. Did yon ever encounter a lazy man who didn't attribute all his trials and tribulations to bad luck? No matter how much a man owes he is always ready to liquidate if in vited to face the bartender. After a man has acquired a certain amount of wisdom he would rather add to it than make a display of what little he has. Chicago News. HIGH GRADE INVESTMENT. "We orerteaUaUedBBMberafwUcrikcn treaaary stack; ef aaaall aeaeariaatlaa m araaraateed areSt alaa. Tata will aaraa te aat aaly safe artaclaal, bat tare alvl. deads aat ef Ike earalas Get these facta, ffcdl aartlealara suae ectasia ay retara mall. X pattnl wIU brims thcat. Make yoar aaaey aaake yaa aaaaey. Xet Saer ceas., aat larae areata. KETZBESCE Hibentia Bank & Trust Co., Jfew Orleans Third National Bant, St. Louis, Mo. Address Axcbicas Bice Packing Co., SC 'South Commercial Street, St. Louis, Mo. CtSf&ic&c. aSBW'alBSBaSfcBjBfBrSfiBwapSiJaSB HTwiWinHMSHIifiiBWI EtlawtiplaSilllfuEuHl AIY HEIR TO VAST WEALTH. Millions of Dollars in Store for John D. Rockefeller III. Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Is the mother of an eleven-pound boy who finds himself heir to more millions than he will probably ever be able to spend. At the -lowest estimate, thle youngs ter, upon whose shoulders, if he lives, will fall the weight of the vast Rocke feller accumulation of money, is worth ' $11,000,000 or $12,000,000 a pound. His share in the fortune of his granfather, which will be placed in trust for him when the old man dies, will increase enormously be tween then and the attainment of his majority. Until the advent of the new Rocke feller heir, the favorite grandchild of John D. Rockefeller was Fowler Mc Corraick, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. McCormick of Chicago, the latter having been Edith Rockefeller. There is one other child in the direct line, but it is a girl. The eldest child of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is Abby Mrs. J. R. Rockefeller, Jr. Rockefeller, who is three and one half years old. There are several other grandchildren. Cause of American Superiority. Hjalman Cassel, a Swedish engi neer who visited this country during the St Louis fair, has written a book on "American Business Methods." In one chapter he asks the question: "Is the superiority of American industry based on better machinery?" This, he thinks, is not the case, though he finds American tools and machines su perior to those of Europe. The rea son for the superioritj' lies, in the au thor's opinion, in the better organiza tion of offices and factories, the me thodical supervision of every detail, the constant watchfulness that no single branch of a business fall be hind, and last but not least, the min ute division of labor. Secretary Shaw Obeyed Rules. Every now and then Secretary Shaw bumps into a watchman who doesn't know him even by sight. That happened only a few mornings ago. The secretary was a little late. The rule is that when an employe comes in late he must register his name and set down the time when he arrived. The watchman who didn't know the secretary opened the door and asked him if he was an employe of the treas ury. "Guess so," rather nonchalantly remarked the late comer. "Then the books for yours," remarked the watch man, "yon know the rules." So the secretary walked over to the big book and wrote "L. M. Shaw, 9:05 a. m." Sir Henry Keppel a Humorist. A recently published biography of Admiral Sir Henry Keppel, whom Queen Alexandra used to affectionate ly call "my little admiral," contains some stories of the humorous vein possessed by this specimen of the old time British sailor. When visiting in the country at one time he came back from a day's shooting and said to his hostess: "I've had a fine day's sport. Shot two woodcocks, ten pheasants, a rabbit and your son." One time he telegraphed to his wife: "How are you and where can I find you?" Lady Keppel replied: "Am quite well and you can't find me." The admiral died two years ago at the age of 95. Might Better Have Raised Pay. The House of Representatives in Washington spent an hour and a half the other afternoon discussing a point of order raised by Hardwick of Geor gia against a proposition to raise the pay of a coal weigher from $720 to $S20 a year. The discussion was con stitutional in scope and resulted in de feating the measure. The coal weigh er will not get his $100 raise, but It is calculated that the time used by the house in discussing and defeating the $100 increase cost the government more than $1,000. Lcoks for Change in Stage. An opinion from Bronson Howard, the well-known dramatist: "Like al most every one else who has seen forty years of theatrical life, I think the stage just now is overburdened with scenery and swamped with ex travagant clothes. This condition can not be -kept up much longer. The managers can not stand it It is too expensive and the rivalry between them, each trying to outdo the other, must bring about a reaction that will do away with the whole scheme." HJTByflBK bBbSbBbBbSbBbSbSbSbSbSbSK BbSbSbSbSbSbP bw arRf " .LbRRIkOrRRrY R bBrTa BRVtBRm9r vrbPCNrrrrKjLMr aVaVT'wXarRftR mWMjtJt9QEM RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRn iRRRY RRRRRT''-' ?& X"RRRRRRRRRRRRRI RRRV RRRRV y . s ', v vSbRRRRRRRRW I MR RRRRV jt-.j ' r i. j.-SRRRRRRRRRRRR' I SMSsT RRRRr '' NiRRRRRRRRRRRRRl I MRRT RMV WbRRRRRRRRRRRRC MM,' 'Ma''aRRRRRRY W JSKl iflVRRRRRRRi - SbRrrrrrV t " RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRe I i. m -.bBbBbSbSbSbSbSsFI aaF , raveiaYsBYavsYaveYaY , - bVRRRRBRRRRYV:: - JmRRRRRRRRwT- : I ..rfSMMBSSaBSSBSSSSSSSSS f m 'bPbbbRRRRRRRRW yYawawawawaY v," i ' SBtaRRRRRRRRr-' ' I fRRRRRRRRRV ' I - v'.aBBBBBBBK, "."'' I v . . 3waYeYSBYass-A j I i "" RrWRRRt? i ft 'x 9rrrrrrrrrrv II "'"'"''iRRRRRRRRRYv:? II aaaaaaaaaaaaaaj' bRRRRb' II s wSBVawawawawawas lai '"'BYaWaWaWaWmV IH ', JVPRRRRRRRS I . , SBvaBvaBval Im r , TaBawawaawa Wwri b w t. k "" ' rBEavavaavav in. aa t '" '- - --'' "tf,'fitS IPi RRRRV 'v x j. s- " v & v i-j x.5r m rsJ IIFbRV''-" """ ? ''- r'-AT'' && M f 4 VV t A V '' ? ,ItRRRl I '"IAVv- ,JV, ," VlJ-fc ''!':Ac IB! l.v - , K"A" - . s,':' ; ii I BR . , ' ; (,"' W, "'';; v-J(la?3 v) u '.'vs, i -x aflVja '.. ?' - ' v " '', ,?,' A,,? -tfaLI Bfa al t iii 'JZ " '' '-.' r"- -MKT I tM R'-saffeHSCC r-' -vs vi ijC'-vSijawi aJJS&y f s ' y i3v "5 "vri IM iXi?T v BaaaaaaaBfBaaaaaaAl BROUGHT HIM DOWN TO EARTH. Public Printer Stillinga Encounter With Senator Dick. It is getting to be almost as difficult to reach Public Printer Stillings in Washington as it is to get speech with the president. The Boston man has given strict orders to hold np all who would intrude upon his privacy, even if they come on public business. The other day a man got into the sacred presence unannounced and Mr. Stillings roared at him: "How did you get in here?" The visitor did not seem to be much alarmed and instead of replying asked another question: "Are you the public printer?" Mr. Stillings again demanded: "I want to know how you got in here." The caller replied calmly: "If you are the public printer I would like to intro duce myself and possibly make a few remarks about how to act like a gen tleman. My name is Dick. I am from Ohio and happen to be a senator with business here." Whereupon the pub lic printer lost all of his anger and most of his dignity. FOUNDER OF RED CROSS DYING. Henri Dunant One of the Greatest Benefactors of Humanity Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross societies, is dying- at his home near Lake Constance, Switzerland. Dunant spent his entire fortune on the Red Cross. The Red Cross societies are the re sult of an agitation begun by M. Jean Henri Dunant, after he had chanced to witness the battle of Solferino, on June 24, 1859. The great suffering of the wounded soldiers and the inability of the sur geons to care for the thousands who lay helpless on the field greatly af fected this philanthropist, and he published a book which vividly de scribed the horrors of war and sug gested the formation of societies to train nurses to assist upon the bat tlefield and in military hospitals. An agitation was immediately be gun, and at the international confer ence in Geneva in August, 1864. the Geneva convention was Indorsed and u fourteen nations formed Red Cross societies. The number has now been increased to forty-three. Dunant spent his entire fortune on this work, and has since been living on a pension, given him by the Em press of Russia, and his share of the Nobel peace prize, which he received In 190L MORE MONEY FOR POSTOFFiCE. Increase in Appropriation for Coming Year Is $10,000,000. There is perhaps no other branch of our national administration in which the people feel so direct and intimate a proprietorship as in the postoflice department. -The new appropriation bill for that service carries in round numbers a total of about $191,000,000, or an increase over the total of the present year of $10,000,000. The chair man of the committee on postoffices and post roads states that while the amount carried Is greater than ever before the percentage of increase is lower than for any year In the last decade. In that time the average year ly increase has been 6.4 per cent. while this year it is only 5.7 per cent The largest Item of increase Is that for rural free delivery. The expen ditures for the current year in that service has been $25,000,000 and for the new year $28,000,000 has been au thorized New Orleans Picayune. Artist-Priest Is Kept Busy. One of the busiest men In Virginia is the artist-priest Rev. Johannes A. Oertel of Vienna, Fairfax county, known everywhere as the painter of the world-famous picture, "The Rock of Ages." Although in his eighty third year, he goes to his studio every morning about down and works until twilight He is just sending off to Sewanee, Tenn., an installment of paintings to be placed over the altar in the chapel now being built for the use of the students of its theological seminary by Mrs. Tellfair Hodgson, as a memorial to her husband. Vice Chancellor Hodgson. Coloring Matter In Water. Prof. Spring, a Belgium who has been studying the causes of color in water, under various conditions, says that if water otherwise entirely pure contains one part in every ten mil lion of ferric hydrate, an iron com pound, it will appear green, where the depth is considerable. With less than one part of ferric hydrate In every twenty million it will be blue. But less than one part of vegetable mold or human matter in every forty million will make the blue tint of water disappear. Good Trait of Norway's Queen. The new Queen of Norway is said to be a great admirer of Dickens and to have read the "Christmas Carol" so much that she can recite it from beginning to end. Not long ago she said: "No one can be really bad who can cry over Tiny Tim." Every Christmas she sends parcels of pres ents to the crippled children in the homes and hospitals of London and to each present is attached a card bear ing the message, "With Tiny Tim's love." A COLD BROUGHT IT ON. Severe Congestion of the Kidney Soon Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. Richard M. Pearce, a prominent business man 6f 231 So. Orange St, Newark, N. J., says: "Working nights during bad weather brought on a heavy cold, aching of the limbs and pais in the back and kidneys. Severe congestion of the kidneys followed. Besides the teniae aching there were whirling headaches, and I became exceed ingly weak. My doc tor could not help me, and I turned to Doan's Kidney Pills, with the re sult that the kidney congestion dis appeared and, with it, all the other symptoms. What is more, the cure has lasted for eight years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. 'It does not matter how nice a thins is provided you do not want it TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR. Badly Affected With Sores and Crusts Extended Down Behind the Ears Another Cure by Cuticura. "About ten years ago my scalp oe came badly affected with sore and itching humors, crusts, etc., and ex tended down behind the ears. My hair came out in places, also. I was great ly troubled; understood it was ecze ma. Tried various remedies so called, without effect Saw your Cuticuia advertisement, and got the Cuticura Remedies at once. Applied them as to directions, etc , and after two weeks I think, of use, was clear as a whistle. 1 have to state also that late last fall, cctober and November, 1904, I was suddenly afflicted with a bad eruption, painful and itching pustules over the lower part of the body. I suffered dreadfully. In two months, under the skillful treatment of my doctor, con joined with Cuticura Soap and Cuti cura Ointment I found myself cured. H. M. F. Weiss, Rosemond, Christian Co., HI., Aug. 31, 1905." The politics of a majority of men is merely a matter of heresay. tats or Ohio, Cttt or Toiroo, I , Lucas Couxty. f Fsk J. Ciikxxt makes oath that he tf eeatot Sanner of the firm of F. J. Ciikxky 4t Co.. d.-tng-uilncM la toe City of Toledo, County and Stale aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the ram of ONE IIUSDIIED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarbh tnatcaaaot be cured by the ate of ILiu.'e Catarbh Cvbx. FBAXK J. CHEXET. 6wora to before me and subscribed la my prea this eth day of December. A. V. 1S86. L f XOTAXT rVBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Core Is takra Internally and act directly on the blod and mucous surfaces of lb ytem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, a Sold by all Drntrclsu. 75c. Tax Hair Family Fill for constipation. ALL TRUE. Folly and failure roost on the same perch. Trying to avoid tronble will keep any man busy. A bad man is far less dangerous than a cunning one. The woman who thinks only of her looks always looks it Much that passes for love wouldn't stand the test of curl papers. Every dollar a man borrows is a step toward the ill-will of his friends. Marriage is the only thing that will take the conceit out of some men. Anyway, there is more or less orig inality about the man who rides a hobby. The man who depends on in"ri. tkm generally fails when It comes .j performance. Looking on the bright sidr of things never caused any one to b3 come lopsided. He who seeks temptation 16 either a fool or otherwise with the odds in favor cf the otherwise. A diplomat is a man who has ac quired the art of knowing how to wait patiently until his turn comes. A tramp's working hours are short er than those of the banker; yet the average man would rather be a banker. There's nothing so meaningless as the kiss one woman bestows upon an other unless it is the expansive smile of a hotel clerk. "COFFEE JAGS." The Doctor Named Them Correctly. Some one said "Coffee never hurts any one." Inquire of your friends and note their experiences. A Phila. woman says "During the last 2 or 3 years I be came subject to what the doctor called 'coffee jags' and felt like I have heard men say they feel who have drunk too much rum. It nauseated me, and I felt as though there was nothing but coffee flowing through my veins. "Coffee agreed well enough for a time, but for a number of years I have known that it was doing me great harm, but like the rum toper, I thought I could not get along without it It made me nervous, disordered my digestion, destroyed my sleep and brought on frequent and very distress ing headaches. "When I got what the doctor called a 'coffee jag' on, I would give up drinking it for a few days till my stomach regained a little strength, but I was always fretful and worried and nervous till I was able to resume the use of the drug. ' "About a year ago I was persuaded to try Postum, but as I got it in res taurants it was nothing but a sloppy mess, sometimes cold, and always weak, and of course I didn't like it Finally I prepared some myself, at home, following the directions care fully, and found It delicious. 1 perse vered in its use, quitting the old cof fee entirely, and feeling better and better each day, till I found at last to my great joy, that my ailments had all disappeared and my longing for coffee had come to an end. "I have heretofore suffered intense ly from utter exhaustion, besides the other ailments and troubles, but this summer, using Postum, I have felt fine." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Restaurant cooks rarely prepare Postum Coffee properly. They do not let it boil JoBg enough. mi WOULD YOU PL6ASE HUSBAND?' If You Would, Hesitate About Taking Following Advice. Young Wdfe writes: "I am very fond of reading advice to newly mar ried folks. Recently I saw a hint that every husband is gratified if he finds his slippers ready warmed for him when he comes home evenings. Please advise me as to the proper way to warm slippers." Go to the cellar and get a hod of coal. You should have a slow fire going in the kitchen range during tho afternoon. Rake the coals down to a level bed and pour in the hod of coal and open the drafts. When the stove pipe shows red to the ceiling and the top of the range is a cream yellow, and is so hot that a drop of water will evaporate when within two inches of the surface, close the damper and wait until the range cools down to 365 degrees Fahrenheit If you have no thermometer, borrow one from the neighbor. (It is a small courtesy, but one that will be appreciated if you suggest to j-our neighbor to bring her husband's slippers over and warm them on your range.) Put the slip pers in the oven, close the door and go through the house, singing merrily to yourself. From time to time look at the slippers, turning them occa sionally so that the heat may reach all sides of them. They are well warmed when the toes begin to curl. When this occurs, place them on tbe back of the range, covering them with a boiler lid. This will retain the heat. When you hear your husband coming up the steps, take up the slippers on a toasting fork and carry them to his den. Some practical housewives gar nish with parsley, but this is a mat ter of choice. Cleveland Leader. BELGIUM HAS REAL NOVELTY. New Photographic Device Turns Out Postal Cards Automatically. A novel electric apparatus has been brought out in Belgium for producing photographic prints. It applies to bromide prints, which are made by artificial light, and is especially use ful for turning out such prints in the shape of postal cards, producing the latter automatically and in quantities. The operation of the apparatus is simple. An automatic device applies the paper from a roll or magazine against the negative, then an incan descent lamp is turned on for a time, which has been previously adjusted once for all in the case of a given negative. After the exposure the lamp is turned off and the paper is removed "from the negative and goes into a dark box, then a fresh piece of paper is applied and so on. The apparatus is set so as to give a certain number of prints from a given negative and each printing operation causes a ratchet wheel to advance one point. At the end of the printing an electric bell is rung by the ratchet device. By means of a rheo stat the time of the exposure can be adjusted from one to 200 seconds. The whole is operated by a battery of four small accumulators. Pointed Out Contingency. Francois, head coachman to James Hazen Hyde, is of. herculean propor tions, for it is fashionable to have im posing, gigantic men for this office. Francois, who has worked for W. K. Vanderbilt and Mrs. O. P. Belmont and who, by request. led the corona tion procession of the Russian czar, was recently the guest of honor at a dinner of racing men. The herculean Frenchman told at this dinner a story about a girl and a bookmaker. "There was a girl," he said, "who went to the races and was attracted by the betting. "She mingled in the crowd about the bookmakers. The excitement pre vailing there communicated itself to her spirit She approached a book maker and said: "'If I put a dollar on a horse and it wins how much do I get? " 'If the horse starts at 60 to 1,' the bookmaker answered, 'you get $61. If it starts at 20 to 1 you get $21. If it starts at 10 to 1 you get $11." "The girl still looked puzzled. "'But,' she said, 'suppose it starts at 1 o'clock?' " Not a Lame Senator. He had been hanging around the desk of a hotel in Washington for ten minutes before the clerk asked what was wanted, and mentally sized him up as an office-seeker from the wild and woolly west. "Senator Blank stops here, don't he?" was asked. "Yes, sir, he does." "Was that him that come along a few minutes ago and took a tooth pick from the holder?" - "I don't think so." "He walked with a stiff knee and didn't look at all like a fighter." "Then it wasn't Senator Blank. He has no stiff knee and you have only to look at him to see that he is a fighter. Do you want to interview him?" "N-o, I guess not not If he Isn't a lame man." "What difference does that make?" "A heap, my friend. I wanted to ask him what corporation owned him. but if he's got two sound legs and is a fighter I guess I'll let it go and write him a postal card!" Baltimore Amer ican. Forcing Nature Perhaps. Every autumn the papers of the larger cities are much concerned over the inadequate school facilities and publish dreadful statistics of the thou sands of pupils who must be placed on half time, yet it has long been known that in London schools the half-timers who work half of each day really progress faster than those who go to school all day. Have we not upset nature too quickly in our schools also? American Medicine. Would Have Women Police. Mrs. Charles Goldzier of Bayonne, N. J., gravely suggests to Mayor Gar Yen of that city that women be em ployed on the police force. With equal gravity his honor promises to give the matter his careful attention. Mrs. Goldzier's enthusiasm on behalf of her sex is well known. She is a member of half a dozen clubs in New York, be lieves in the Kindle tn-r idea and fa prominent in equal suffrage circle. 1 PAINS The Case of Mas Irene Croaby Is On of Thousands of Cures made by Lydiav E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. How many women realize that it is not the plan of nature that womea should suffer so severely. Thousands of American women, how ever, have found relief from all monthly suffering- by taking- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. It cures the condition which causes so much discomfort and robs these periods of their terrors. Miss Irene Crosby, of 313 Charlton Street, East Savannah, Ga., writes: Lydia R Pinkham'sVegetablo Compound fa a true friend to woman. It has been of great benefit to me, curing me of irregular and painful periods when everything else had failed, and I gladly recommend it to other suffering women." Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration, that bearing-down" feeling-, dizzi ness, faintness, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, should take immediate action to ward off the seri ous consequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Eound, and then write to Mrs. Pink am, Lvnn, Mass., for further free ad vice. She is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advising women free of charge. Thousands have been cured by so doing-. THE BEST COUCH CURE No cough is too trifling or too serious to be treated by the light method, and the right method is the use of the best cough cure, which is Kemp's Balsam This famous preparation cures coTJirhs. colds, bronchitis, erio and consumption in its first stages. Irritation of the throat ana oron chial tubes is immediately removed by the use of Kemp's Balsam. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c MAKE EVERYDAY COUNT- I ro matter no trattewvattec You cannot afford to be without & TOWER'S tVATERPROOF! OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER When you buy looKlbrthe SIGN OF THE FISH ajiOMtacaeMTOMus (CMMDM CO lB TQSOWTOCM Animal Instinct. Many animals are born with an in herited antipathy for other animals. The excessive fear shown by young rabbits, which for the first time smell a ferret, and of young turkeys, which hear the shrill cry of a hawk they have never heard or seen before, are proved examples of the strength of these instinctive antipathies. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c You ray 10c for cigars not so good. Your dealer 'jT Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Woman's Right to be Attractive. To be attractive and as pleasing as possible is a quite laudable ambition; and every woman, be she naturally plain or pretty, should make the most of such points of attractiveness as she possesses, cultivate each charm assid uously and by every legitimate means seek to enhance it. Exchange. Mrs. fvinaiow'a Sootblaa Syraa, For children teetolntr, aofieaa the uraa, redan Maamistlnn allmTip.tr., "".wy. 2SCbOttl, Short and Good. Shut your mouth and open your eyes and soon you will be considered wise. .fi3 BBapEhftrXwaV AWer BRRR?iBkBewBBV. 'aWiB "H-bRRRR RRaV ASM VAVv RRBfV'RV RaaSaaPw aB bt""" vJiaa V vVxR; Rr" -?" "v1 ? bbbV' ai i AT RV v jTrKaRaw3.--- jjRiss Irene Crasliy J ailM'ryr I JXjU ", mWw R RRsafdaV ' RvinPLw 11 Jr THE WHOLE LOT If we don't heed prerestion. we will need a cure. The Old-MorJc-Cure St. Jacobs Oil is ready always for all forms of muscular aches cr pains, from LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM STIFF NECK SPRAIN IT CTJSBS ALIKE THB WHOLE LOT. W I N C "LEADER" AND "REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best of powder, shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give invariable results account for the superior ity of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT W. L. Douglas 3J?&3?SHOESKi W. L. Douglas $4.00 CHtXdgw LkH cannot b oquawfl at any pttc. JUUf 4 ,! Capital z.setBM R. . DOUGLAS MAKEB aV WELL JWFsV 33.SO SHOES TttAMAmrm muuauFAUwvsat im th. CI I. flfln REWARD to anyone ate eat I UjUUU disprav this statement. M I coald take yoa into m v three large tartar le at BrocktM. Mats., sunt how you the iaUalte care with which every patrol shoeeifcJe, yaw woald realize why W. L. Douglas $3.89 ahees coat more to auke. why they hoM their shape, lit better, wear longer, aad are of grea tr intrinsic vahte than any other $3.50 shoe. W. L. Oamglam Strmmm Wa Shmmm torn . Ma, S2.SO, S2JHT. Buym' Smttmmt Dnmm , S2.MO, S3. St.7M,t.Mm CAUTION. Inswt ion hating WX.lvug las shoe. T.i he no snlwtitnte. None genuine without his n:ime and jiriee stamped on bottom. Fast Color fwlets used : theu mil' not wear frroAay. Write for Illustrated Cat:ilo. W. L. DOUG lu, Brocktoa. Maaa. TWEITY-FIYE BUSHELS IF WIEIT TO TIE 1CIE Means a pro ductive ca pacity In del lars of over SI6 per acre. rhls on land which has cost the farmer noth ing but the price of tilling it, tells its owa story. The Canadian Government gives absolutely free to every settler 160 acres of such land. Lands adjoining can be purchased at from It to $10 per acre from railroad and other corpor ations. Already 175,000 fanners from the United States have made their homes in Canada. For pamphlet "Twentieth Century Canada and all information apply to Supt. of Immigra tion. Ottawa. Canada, or to following authorised Canadian Government Ajient V. V. Bennett, S01 New York Life Building. Omaha. Nebraska, (Mention this paper.) All women who suffer from the diseases peculiar to 'their sex, and endure the miserable periodical pains, headache, backache, side and waiit pains, foiling feelings, weakness, irritability, and other symptoms of disordered functions, should do as Mrs. S. ) Chrisman, of Manns Tille, N. Y did, and take CARDUI WINE OF WOMAN'S REUEF to reliere their misery. She writes! Tor five years I suffered untold misery from serious female diseases. My doctor said no medicine could cure me. Finally I took Cardui and now I do not have these bad feelings as formerly. It has done me so much good that I recom mend it to all sick women. At a taggfe, M c$. ..From Manufacturer to User.. OMAHA 4-TON PITLESS SCALE with doable brass beam, beam box and weigh book; weiKUl about 1,430 lbs.; only $60 It has steel frame and everything la abore groaad. Order Now' have had su year eiperlcnro In the inanufavturlniraiHl wholesale buslncwji Ad ores. Nebraska Supply Co., Omaha, Nab. Reference. Fir.t atlouai liauk. PATENTS for PROFIT Blurt fully protect an lmrenttoa. Booklet aa Desk Calendar FREE. Highest reference. Communication confidential. Kstabllshed 18CI. Kasaa, Tcawick 4 Lawrtac. wTsihiagt, B. C When Answering Advertisements Pleaac Mention This Paper. "-rr.-r TImmpsm's Eyt Watt? W. X. IT- Oauiaa. Xo. 14 E T E j in. P ifLr?Sliif3 JUIY6.I jg(i?i llli iiiial Sick Women :" - --. r