The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 21, 1906, Image 3

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. I
Do Ye Want tO'Kmw
What You Swallow?
There is a growing sentiment in this
country ia favor of medicines of knows
composition. It is but natural that one
should hare some uterest in the compo
sition of that which he or she is expected
to swallow, whether it be food, drink or
' medicine.
Recognizing this growing disposition
on the part of the psblic, and satisfied
that the fullest publicity can only add to
the well-earned reputation of his med
cines. Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
has "taken time by the forelock," as it
were, and is publishing broadcast a list
of all the ingredients entering into his
leading medicines, the "Golden Medical
Discovery" the iopular liver invigorator.
stomach tonic, blood purifier and heart
regulator; also of his "Favorite Prescrip
tion" for weak, over-worked, broken
down, nervous and invalid women.
This bold and out-spoken movement on
the part of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing
exactly what his well-known medicines
are composed of, completely disarmed all
harping critics who have heretofore un
justly attacked them. A little pamphlet
has been compiled, from the standard
medical authorities of all the several
schools of practice, showing the strongest
endorsements by leading medical writers
of the several ingredients which enter into
Dr. Pierce's medicines. A copy of this
little book is mailed free to any one de
siring to learn more concerning the valu
able, native, medicinal plants which enter
into the composition of Dr. Pierce's med
icines. Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tiny, sugar
coated anti-bilious frranulev. They retaliate
Jind invigorate Stomach. Liver and Bowels.
Do not beget the "pill habit." but cure
constipation. One or two each day for a
laxative and regulator, three or four for an
active cathartic. Once tried always in favor.
SMfl njlfl GIVEN AWAY. In copies of
apWelaW The People's Common Sense
Medical-Adviser, a book that sold to the ex
tent or wju.ouo copies a few
years aco. at tl.5o per copy.
Last year we gave away
130,000 worth of these invalua
ble books. This year we shall
give away ttO.OUO worth of
them. "Will you share in this
benefit? If to, send only SI
one-cent stamps to cover cost
or mailing only for book in
stiff paper covers, or 31 stamps
for cloth-bound. Address Dr.
B. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
m In baying a cough medicine, t
member the best cough cure,
Kemp's Balsam
costs no more than any other kind.
Remember, too, the kind that
cures is the only kind worth Suy
Every year thousands are saved
from -a consumptive's grave by
taking Kemp's Balsam in time.
Is it worth while to experiment
with anything else?
Sold by all dealers at 25c and 50c
Queen Victoria's Cats.
Queen Victoria was a great lover of.
cats, and when the court moved it
was accompanied bj' a regular caravan
of cats. Persian. Manx, Angora, Mal
tese and tabby cats all traveled in
etate to Balmoral. Osborne, Windsor
or Buckingham palace, as the case
might be. One Persian cat, of which
the Queen was particularly fond, wore
around her neck a, on which
appealed in silver letters the inscrip
tion, "1 belong to the queen."
Black Snake a Fighter.
A writer has described the common
black snake as the most pugnacious
of all the reptile family. "He is al
ways ready for a fight," he said, "and
the man who doesn't understand his
style of fighting will do well to apolo
gize before the first blow is struck."
A. large percentage of the snakes in
the Worcester farm are Florida rat
tlers caught by Mr. Brownell within
the last three sears.
Ducks Like Men.
"Bucks, their characters, virtues
and history," are the subject of an
article in the London Spectator. The
duck, says the writer, is very like
tuo average man, hating what he does
not understand. An anecdote is given
to point the remark. "A drake was
suspected of murdering a meritorious
hen. solely because he objected to hei
rolor. It was unlike his family's, ,sc
he slew her."
Table Manners.
Many things are not taught at
school at the present day because
they are declared to be obsolete, and
?ome of us suspect that table manners
are among them. If not. how are wc
lo account for the ungraceful manipu
lation of knife and fork that we wit
ncss so frequently, and the misuse ol
tableware generally, which is at time
almost barbaric? Ladies' Pictorial.
Language of Italy and Sicily.
Among the natives of Italy and
Sicily there are about 100.000 who
ppeak French; German is spoken by
12.000: Slavic by 30.000, Albanese by
110.000: Greek by 38,000; Catalanian
by 10,000.
'When you btry
you want
And long
THese andnanr
are combined in
I i?S
mmmMaMBWaiBaBaaaaaaaaSSBMBaaaSB i
Wi 'U
c w- svast
V VaflletadwMh
ThtaptM's Eyt Water
English Terms Derived from Latin
Words Dollar Marie
They were discussing the other af
ternoon the question of currency sym
bols. The discussion had started by
some one making a casual remark
about "L. S. D.," referring, of course
to "pounds, shillings and pence," says
the Washington Star. The question
arose why some of the coins-were de
noted by letters that had nothing at
all to do with their selling, and there
was not one in the crowd, though
there were some nominally well-informed
people present, who could tell
the significance of the letters till the
question was looked up. It appeared
that the pound sterling mark was
simply a capital L. with a. line drawn
across the stem. It came from the
Latin word "librae," meaning a pound.
The "d" used for the penny came also
from the Latin, meaning "denarius,'
originally a small Roman silver coin,
but later having developed into a
generic term for money and specifi
cally for a small copper coin of in
significant value.
The "lb" mark, also used for the
avoirdupois pound, came from the
same word "librae" as in Saxon
times the pound avoirdupois was the
same weight as a pound sterling of
silver and the shilling was one-twentieth
of this, making the old shilling
about three times the size of the
present one.
When it came to the dollar mark,
"$," there was more discussion, there
being half a dozen explanations for
this sign. But the most likely seemed
to be that it was simply a modified
figure "8," there having been eight
silver reals in the old Spanish dollar,
or "piece of eight," in use in this
country long before the introduction
of American currency.
Old Gentleman's Expression Not Flat
tering to Himself.
Old Ben Baker was a lifelong resi
dent of Cape Flizabeth, Mass. He got
a living from a small patch of garden,
eked out by his chicken, pony, pig.
Angora cats, collie dogs, canaries and
rabbits, all of which had the indiscrim
inate use of the two rooms of the
shack he and his son Ben lived in.
He had a peculiar habit of using big
words, and invariably got them twist
ed. He" never could look upon young
Ben as other than a child, and would
take him to account whenever he was
out late. When the "boy" was about
23 years old. and came home about 11
o'clock one night, the old man com
menced as usual: "Why, when I was
a boy, my father would have "
Young Ben had heard it so often
that he thought it time to assert his
rights. "Your father," said he, "was
a fool."
"My father was a d d sight bet
ter father than you ever had," replied
the elder.
Made a Speedy Recovery.
On one of the visits of the Amer
ican fleet to English waters. Admiral
Erben, now retired, was in command,
with Capt Alfred T. Mahan, the
writer on naval affairs, as his flag
One morning Capt. Mahan came to
his admiral with an invitation to dine
with a duke.
"I can't accept this," said Capt.
Mahan, "as they forgot to invite you."
"I should say you couldn't," growled
the admiral. "I'll answer for. you."
Whereupon the admiral wrote:
"Admiral Erben, U. S. navy, regrets
that Capt. Mahan, his flag captain,
cannot accept the invitation of the
Duke of Blank. Capt. Mahan is on
the sick list."
An hour or so later a messenger
from the duke returned with invita
tions for the admiral and the captain.
Whereupon the admiral wrote again:
"Admiral Erben accepts with pleas
ure the invitation for Capt. Mahan and
himself. He wishes also to advise
the Duke of Blank that he has taken
Capt Mahan off the sick list." New
York Tribune.
Educating Children.
Forcing the youthful mind Is n.
practice no longer obtaining in schools
of the best standing but not yet ob
solete in many of the common
schools. In schools which represent
the dominant ideas of education to-day,
stimulation, interest, suggestion
prevail, and driving is avoided. If
there has been some leaning toward
the prosaic, there is now a fresh in
terest in stimulating the emotions,
and a full realization of the need of
many things conventionally not class
ed among the useful, says Collier's
Weekly. The greatest problem of ed
ucation unsolved to-day relates to
girls. Heretofore their education has
been a mere copy of that long ago
established for boys. Some day a
genius will come along and conceive
thoughts that shall form the basis of
an education which shall help girls to
all their best possibilities, without
dissipating their strength on lines of
effort established for natures in some
respects entirely different.
The Maiden Love.
The meadows hide their summer greea
Under a ell of gray;
A mist rolls o'er the sunny sheen:
It Is a drear, dull day!
The dewdrops tip the blades with beads.
That shine like costly gems;
The roses hang their blushing beads
'Neath glittering diadems.
But. hark! a sound of silver bells.
Echoing o'er the woody dells.
A little laugh, a sweet clear voice
Which makes my beating heart rejoice!
She comes, a iairy irom aDove.
'A little maid, whose name Is Love!
Th morning m!t now rolls away.
The sky is bathed in light,
A golden sunshine crowns the day,
ilv loved one Is in sight!
The" birds sing out their songs again.
The flowers- all tloom anew.
And music swells in joyous strain
From out the heavenly blue.
She comes, and everything is bright.
She comes amid the golden light.
All nature once again is gay.
It is the brightest summer day!
She comes a fairy from above,
A little maiden whoseTiame Is Love!
Knew What It Meant
Bleeker I say, old man, why don't
you consult a phrenologist and find
cut .what that peculiar looking bump
on the back of your head indicates?
Meeker Oh, I know what it Indi
cates, all right
Bleeker You do, eh?
Meeker You bet I do. Tt indicates
that my wife has a well-developed
A Critical-Case of Rheumatism Cured
By Dr. Williams' PJk Pills.
. While Mr. TV. S. Geisel, of No. 125
East Coates street, Moberly, Mo., was
steadily working at his trade iu a foun
dry at that place, he became the victim
of au attack of rheumatism, aud his ex
perience is that of thousands who are
compelled to work iu similar snrrouu1
iugs. He describes bis bituatiou as fol
lows: "I had been at work for a long time
in a fonudry where' I was exposed to
dampness. First my feet began to hurt
laid to swell, then my knees and my
shoulder joints began to be affected in
the same way. Finally I could not walk
without great difficulty and suffering
and had to stop work altogether. My
appetite was feeble aud I grew very pale
and weak. I began to have pains about
my heart and it flattered a great deal.
I became greatly alarmed about my con
dition. My mother knew alxmt the vir
tues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they
had given her back her health when she
was nearly wasting to death, and when
she found that they were good for rheu
matism too, she began to give them to
me about a month after I was attacked.
That was iu the early part of March,
1903, and by Juue they had driven away
the pains and swelling aud bad restored
my appetite and color. Then I felt
strong enough to take np a line 01 out
door work and now, iu Oetolter, I re
gard myself as entirely well aud I am
about to go into a fonudry again at St.
Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills also enre
other diseases springing from im
pure blood or disordered nerves, snch
as sciatica, locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis and all forms of weakness in
male or female. They may be had nt
all druggists or directly from the Dr.
Williams Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N.Y.
Thank Cod for Gifts.
The Mohammedans have the cus
tom, when they receive a present, of
thanking God first, then the giver. If
you do them a favor, they will say:
"I thank God for your kindness to
me." Some may comply rather
thoughtlessly-with this custom, which
they have inherited from their fathers.
But many certainly say it with their
whole heart.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ualla
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersltmed. hae known F. J. Cheney
foatheUU l.r year, and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all business trauoactluns and financially
able to carry out any oMIeatluna made by Ms arm.
Walking. Kixnan & MaEyix,
Wbulei-hlc Itrupgtei. Toledo. O.
Haifa Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the bloud and mucous surfaces of the
ystem. Testimonials vent free, l'rlce 75 ceuU per
bottle. Sold lv all DniSL'Utn.
Take UaU'a Family I'UIs lor conittpattoa.
New Secret Order.
One of the prosperous farmers of
Etna. N. H.. was informed by his
hired man that in the town of Canaan
there was a secret order which had a
large membership and was very pros
perous, and hearing such a glowing
account he inquired the name of the
order. The young man replied that
he was not quite certain, but believed
that it was "Knights of Paralysis."
For Anti-Vivisectionists.
Anti-vivisectionists have often sug
gested that medical investgators
should make experiments on them
selves rather than on animals. They
do not seem to be aware, or perhaps
they shut their eyes to the fact, that
Investigators often do experiment on
themselves; not a few have fallen vic
tims to the'r zeal for knowledge.
British Medical Journal.
Irishman or Indian.
Having been described in the Wash
ington Post as a noble red man. law
yer Robert I Owen has written a let
ter to the editor. "I hold as a self
evident truth," he says, "that a man
who is ninety-nine parts Irish and one
part Cherokee is to all intents and
purposes an Irishman, even if he is
by the statutes of the United States
a Cherokee Indian."
Theory of Heat and Motion.
The modern theory of .heat and mo
tion seems to have been quite clear to
the mind of a Dutch professor named
Van der Linden as early as 1642. In
a medical treatise, written in Latin,
the proressor asserts his belief that
the -heat of the human body consists in
the vibration of the most minute par
ticles in its makeup.
Dinner Perils.
Do not at dinner sit next to the
person with a hobby. It may be gar
dening, it may be the collecting of
"Moonlight" soap wrappers, it may be
and then heaven help you! golf.
On whatever line his conversation
may start, you will find that all roads
lead to the bobby. Hon. Mary Caven
dish in The Lady.
Intpsrterrt to MsthwffC
carefully erery bottle of CASTORUL
a tare sad sate renedy for infaats sad csUdrea,
and aee that it
Bear the
la TJB For Over 3 Team
Xne Kod Yoa Bam Ahrai
"Manufactured Wool."
Manufacturers pleasantly name
shoddy "manufactured wool." The
term is speciously descriptive, for the
material is made from the wools
which have passed through the pro
cess of manufacture. Soft worsted
rags ol any kind old stockings, or
soft cloths made from long-stapled
wools are cleaned and torn into soft
fluff in a macnine resembling some
what the ordinary willow machine.
Steam in Its Infancy.
The first steamer to make a voyage
across the western ocean was the Sa
vannah of 350 tons and a length of 100
feet She sailed from Savannah May
24, 1819, and arrived at Liverpool June
20. Her steam was purely anxiliarv
for when the wind was fair or the sea'
high the paddlewbeels were unshipped
and stowed on. deck.
Walk of London Women.
London women have a new walk.
The chin is held high, and the head is
turned over the right or left shoulder
one hand grasping the skirt. The fix
press remarks: "It Is advisable to give
the new walk a wide berth, as the
walker moves sideways."
e7 mrmfj w
Son of Italy Saw Freedom Rapidly
There is a little horse car that runs
through a lower East Side street. Up
to a few days ago it carried, besides
passengers, baskets, boxes and nu
merous, other things that took up so
much room as to be in the way of
people getting on and off the car. An
inspector noticed this and reported it
to the office of the car company. The
following day the conductors were
notified that no person was to -be per
mitted to ride upon the car with a
package too large to be held upon the
lap. As a result a great deal' of
trouble to the conductors ensued.
The climax was reached when two
Italians attempted to board a car with
a huge oblong box about six feet high.
They had almost succeeded in getting
it on the back platform when the con
ductor, who, at the time was collecting
a fare in the front of the car, noticed
them. Running back, he ordered the
Italians to remove the box that it
was against the rales of the company
and they could not ride on the car
with It
The Italians remonstrated and said
they would pay an extra fare for the
box. The conductor refused. The Ital
ians insisted and quite an argument
started. -Finally, amid the loud curses'
of the Italians and the cheers of a
crowd that had gathered, the conduc
tor succeeded in getting the dark
skinned fellows and the box off the
platform and rang his bell twice.
As the car drew rapidly away one
of the Italians exclaimed in disgust:
"You calla dis a free country a free
country and dey won't even let a dead
man ride on da car." New York
Are Not by Any Means Result of
Mere Formality.
"The bow," said an antiquary, "or
riginated in a cower. The weak sav
age, to save himself from being
knocked down by the stronger one
when they met, groveled upon the
earth, and thus the bow arose.
"The lifting' of the hat Is of much
later date than the bow. It is derived
from the time when men wore armor.
When two armor-clad knights met in
those days and fell into talk they took
off their helmets as a sign of mutual
confidence. They exposed their heads
to show that they respected and trust
ed each other, to show that neither
were afraid of being brained. Hence
the modern lifting of the hat, a saluta
tion whose meaning is:
"I hold you in such reverence that
without fear I place my life in your
"On the same principle is the fash
ion of wishing health when drinking.
In the olden days it was a favorite
trick to hand a man a drink and
plunge a knife into him wlfen his fea
tures were hidden by the uplifted cup.
So our ancestors hit upon the scheme
of pledging each other that there
would be 'nothing doing' while enjoy
ing a mutual drink. From that comes
our familiar 'Here's to you,' 'Happy
days,' etc."
Polite, But Busy.
Not long ago a delegation of women
appeared at the Capitol to solicit the
support of a certain member of Con
gress for a bill in which they were
interested. This member is notorious
ly energetic, and, appreciating the fact
that his time was pretty well occu
pied, the spokeswoman said:
"Now. sir, if you would prefer, we
will call at your hotel in the evening
and see yon about this matter."
"Oh, no; I will be glad to hear you
now," he said courteously.
"But we have a great deal to say
on the subject.
He bowed politely.
"Ladies," he said, "I shall be de
lighted to hear you, no matter how
much you have to say, if you will only
put it in a few words."
In Darkest Hours.
Jesus Himself drew near. Luke 24:15
In darkest hours I hear a voice.
Which comes my saddened heart tt
Saying in tone of love. "Rejoice!
Jesus is near!"
In times of trial and dismay.
Through the dark gloom of doubt am
There breaks a light, like dawning day,
"Jesus is near!'"
When years autumnal tokens bring.
And fading hones seem dry and sear
Then bursts a bloom. lUe second spring
"Jesus is near!"
Thus, when at lentrth the veil shall rise
Will my enfranchised spirit hear.
From angel-voices through the skies,
"Jesus Is near!"
Robert C. Wat erst on, D.D.
Ardent Politicians.
At a recent Liberal gathering in
England a number of women, many ol
them quite young, displayed banners
bearing the motto: "What are you go
ing to do for the women?" As one of
the fair young hecklers proceeded to
unfurl her banner a handsome steward
rushed forward. "Leave the masses
and come to the particular," he said.
"What do you mean?" she demanded.
"Pardon me, bring It down to the in
dividual," he explained. "Ill marry
you on behalf of the party." It is
not said whether this sudden proposal
was accepted or not.
Odor for the Sick Room.
A delicious odor to use in a sick
room is merely a mixture of powders.
A half ounce each of powdered frank
incense, cascarilla, benzoin, cloves,
cinnamon and thyme are used. They
should be worked into a fine, well
mixed powder and kept in a tightly
closed glass jar. When using heat
either a metal dish or a shovel and
throw a little of the powder over. It
will smoke but not burn.
Woman Prospector Makes Strike.
Accompanied only by an Indian
halfbreed, Lillian K. Malcolm, a wom
an mining prospector in Nevada, says
she discovered in the foothill's of the
Funeral mountains of Death Valley a
ledge of rich copper and gold ores. If
her story of the find be corrept it Is
worth millions.
Studies Quasi-Public Concerns.
ProL John H. Gray, of Northwest
ern University, has accepted an ap
pointment under the National Civic
Federation to study conditions in the
large cities of this country as respects
different quasi-public undertakings. .
Broken Down, Like Many Another
Woman, with Exhausting Kidney
Troubles. ,
Mrs. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. J.,
says: "I had kidney trouble in its
most painful and severe form, and the
torture I went
through now seems to
have been almost un
bearable. I had back
aches, pains in the
side and loins, dizzy
spells and hot, fever
ish headaches. There
were bearing -down
pains, and the kidney
secretions passed too
frequently and with a
burning sensation. They showed -sed
iment I became discouraged, weak,
languid and depressed, so sick and
weak' that I could not keep up. As
doctors did not cure me I decided to
try Doan's Kidney Pills, and with
such success that my troubles were
all gone after using eight boxes, and
my strength, ambition and. general
health Is fine."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Huts of 'Russian Peasants.
Nine-tenths of the peasants in Rns:
sia live in huts without floors, and
too low for a tall man to stand in.
With Irritating Skin Humor Hair Be
gan to Fall Out Wonderful Re
sult from Cuticura Remedies.
"About the latter part of July my
whole body began to itch. I did not
take much notice of it at first, but It
began to get worse all the time, and
then I began to get uneasy and tried
all kinds of baths and other remedies
that were recommended for skin hum
ors; but I became worse all the time.
My hair began to fall out and my
scalp itched all the time. Especially
at night, just as soon as I would get
In bed and get warm, my whole body
would begin to itch and my finger
nails would keep it irritated, and it
was not long before I could not rest
night or day. A friend asked me
to try the Cuticura Remedies, and I
did, and the first application helped
me wonderfully. For about four
weeks I would' take a hot bath every
night and then apply the Cuticura
Ointment to my whole body; and I
kept getting better, and by the tin"
I used four boxes of Cuticura I was
entirely cured, and my hair stopped
falling outK D. E. Blankenship, 319
X. Del. St., Indianapolis, Ind., Qct 27.
Some men are or many moods be
cause they have to keep even with
their wives. 1
Worth KaoTlBK
that Allcock's are the original and
only genuine porous plasters; all other
so-called porous plasters are imitations.
Thrift and stinginess are similar,
but, oh, so different.
Mm. inaiow'n Soothing Sjrop.
Wot children teething, softens the Kiims, reduce 9S
aaaomatioa,a!jys pain, enrea wind colic. S5ca.boie
Even the finger of scorn may have
its good points.
Many Children are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders forChildren,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, cure Feverishness, Head
ache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Dis
drders. Break up Colds and Destroy Worms.
At all Druggists2jc. Sample mailed FREE.
ftdrgM Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
A lazy man's idea of success is to'
be unable to find work.
I won't sell
It. Call lor
For Your Family
me Best
ahf wire mai fctiehteraai tatter ceWwttaw any
BflinBeatwitlMhpviiifaaart. Write tor free SMklet
Our beasts of burden, the horse and the ox, known for their strength,
get their food from the vegetable kingdom.
fa made from the wheat, the most important cereal that Nature produces as food
for man. It is so scientifically and hygienically prepared as to render it not alone
nourishing, but cleanly and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. Does not
bmd the bowels as do most breakfast foods. Consumers should be on their
guard against food articles that are made in a haphazard manner as they are
likely to prove deleterious to health.
PeatotNMS Iwlltritisaw-Eawey fjf MfMtiw mI !! t. Eat
Cm fes serves set MtaaMwMfsrafraawsatM: ar eaak ia halHaa nk ! -
Trr fViri ths fsasnna f.m.1 ! MaaM..fru
2f!5S!2Lj5f2i Ice C2?"2 acr ' J11- . never been compelled,
aetwithetendiac strcaaeas Food laws, to chasm aay of his products. They have always
at uw rrssHMsaaia, tbm is as
Origin of Russians.
Rurik the Rodsen, or Oarsman, a
daring sea rover, landed in 862 on the
Russian shore of the Baltic with his
brothers, Sineus and Truwer. He
subjugated the country from Novgo
rod to the Volga, and his followers
were called Rodsen. or Russians, Rod
sen, in the Scandinavian tongue of
the period, meaning oarsmen. Rurik
died in 879. The Russian warship
Rurik, it will be remembered, went
down off Sakhalin last summer.
Free Scores of Operas.
A German inventor has perfected
rn apparatus which, by easy manipu
lation, throws the words of an opera
being sung, on to the proscenium
above the stage. The words appear
line by line as 'they are sung, and
there is nothing about it to disturb
the spectators. The apparatus is con
trolled by the prompter and is stated
io be quite cheap. ,
Hunt for Rare Deer.
The well known German animal
dealer, Jamracb, has an agent in S:am
hunting for the big deer known as
cervus Schomburki. No specimen
of this denizen of high ranges in Siam
has ever been taken to Europe alive.
Lewis' Single Binder the famous
straight 5c cigar, always best quality,
four dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 11L
Immense Southern Swamps.
The two largest swamps in the
south, the Everglades and the Okenn
oke, cover an area of 500,000 square
miles. The trees are very large and
vegetation low. Both swamps teem
with alligators and deadly moccasins.
French Soldiers Cannot Write.
In order to test the quality of mind
of French soldiers, a set of questions
a kind of "general paper" was sent
to sixty-two soldiers at random. Of
the sixty-two, seventeen could not
write, and so did not answer at all.
A magnificent steel engraving of
Hagerman Pass, the mo3t famous
mountain pass in Colorado, has been
Issued by the Colorado Midland Rail
way. This engraving is 26x40 inches
and suitable for framing. It will be
sent to any address on receipt of 15
.cents in stamps by C. H. bpeers, G.
P. A., Denver, Colo.
Big royalties are In store for the
man who invents and patents new ex
cuses for men who get home late.
Nothing knocks out and
disables like
Lumbago and Sciatica
Nothing reaches the trouble
as quickly as
St. Jacobs Oil
Known the world over as
The Master Cure
for PainsaadAches
Price. 25c.
Amtl - Ortmlm to a rfpaler who won't Oi
f. tT.Ileaser. JtAuUanafactorer.arsMffJleiaT, Mm,
and Your Horse
Antiseptic Known.
Rkramfitisn. Strains.
Sprains. Swellings
and Enlargements.
Price, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO.I
615 Albany St., Boston, Mass.
ether ea. One Wc aackaee calen aH Men. TkniiMMa.ik..Ma.. v J
lit. to Die. Heach aa Ma Cators.
DJui. " n -. --
ssssiats gssxsates of their quality sad parity.
mjmTTiF Miens wcxu
lbs. PinUMunfe Advice Saves Many
From this Sad and Costly Etpertsnoa.
It Is a sad bat
certain fact that
very year
brings an in
crease in tna
tions (Pformecl
upon women ia'
o n r hospitals.
More than three
fourths of the
patients lying
on those snow
white beds are women and girls who
are awaiting or recovering from operas
tions made necessary by neglect
Every one of these patients had
plenty of warningin that bearingdown
feeling, pain at the left or right of the
abdomen, nervous exhaustion, pain in
the small of the back, pelvie catarrh,
dizziness, flatulency, displacements or
Irregularities. AU of these symptoms
are indications of an unhealthy con
dition of the female organs, and if not
heeded the trouble may make headway
nntil the penalty has to be paid by a
dangeroas operation, and a lifetime of
impaired usefulness at best, while ial
many cases the results are f ataL
MissLnella Adams, of Seattle, Was
Dear Mrs. Pinkham J
"About two years ago I was a great ssfr
f erer from a severe female trouble, pains and
headaches. The doctor prescribed for me and
finally told me that I had a tumor and rauat
undergo an operation if I wanted to get welL
I felt that this was mv death warrant, but I
spent hundreds of dollars for medical help,
but the tumor kept growing. Fortunately X
corresponded with an aunt intheKewFnglandU
States, and she advised metotakeLyuiaK.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it was
said to cure tumors. I did so and immediately
began to improve in healthyand I was entirely
cured, the tumor disappearing entirely, with
out an operation. I wish every suffering
woman would try this great preparation.''
Just as surely as Miss Adams was
cured of the troubles enumerated ia
her letter, just so surely will Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cure
other women who suffer from fe
male troubles, inflammation, kidney
troubles, nervous excitability or ner
vous prostration.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all younjj
women who are ill to write her for free
advice. She is daughter-in-law of
Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five
years has been advising sick women
free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mass.
W.L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas f 4.00 Cilt Edge Lino
cannot be equalled at any price.
mars $3. so shies TMMMMmroTMEm
CI II finn REWARD to anyone who cast
4IUUUU disprove this statstnent
HI could take yoai into aavthree large factarlaa
at Brackteai, Maaa., and ahow yoa the faiffaalt
care wkbwbicr every pwroisnocsisaaaoe, jro
. weald realize why W. l Douglas S3.59 aSaa
1 caat more to aaake. why they hold their shape.
IK better, wear longer, and are of greater
intrinsic vatae than aay other $3.50 shoe.
w. c ummmwmm Mtrmmm mmmm smmmm r
Mmm.S'S.Ba.S'XJao. Smyu' Smmmmi S
Ormum . 2.M,S.t.7m,S1.Mml
CAUTION. Insist upon having WJlDung.
las shoes. T.iko no substitute. None genuine
without bis name and price stamped on bottom.
Fast Color fuelets used ; they uil! not wear brassy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog.
W. I- lMUGLAS,JtrocKtoa, Maaa.
three great pursuits
have again showa
wonderful results oa
Magnificent climate farmers plowing in their
shirt sleeves in the middle of November.
"All are bound to be more than nleased wit It
the final result of the past season's harvest."
Coal. wood, water, hay in abundance schoola,
churches, markets convenient.
This is the era of ll.CO wheat.
Apply for information to Superintendent of
Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized
Canadian Government Agent W. V. Bennett.
801 Kew York Life Building, Omaha. Nebraska.
(Mention this paper.)
When Writing Advertisers Kindly
Mention This Paper.
nrnmrr rrMr u eiet to work with
Marches clmea nicest.
W. S. V., Omaha.
, Sn. 15 .
JfisLmetla Atoms
Si tin wwJ zjS?1515! I
1 Sl. p5tJ5?z' It .Hiiv - .076. i
2yi2i: capital 5oaow
MIXED'Z "" """ " r wm
avarae .r. vanvfl
April 4, 5, 6. -.7, '06
Tbeirrratent exhibition of Automobile ever brM
m oi luicarfo. open alternoon and etenlu.
Orchestral Music
Admission 23c J
..From Manufacturer to User..
with doable bram beam, beam box and w t!h book;
"elgbtaboutl.lioiba.; only
It haaateel frame and verytbln? laabore pnmnd.
Order Now! WhTe nadaoytaroexiTienca
In tb luanufactUfinKami wboleaaie burlneM. Ad-
drrw NsDrsska Supply Co., Omaha, Nsb.
Kerereiu. tir.t National flank.
LEGAL ADVIfje XLi?ss,1tf
latmtateXsrr Imt, Peealr'a Iaatitnte. I
ITCMYC r- LAKM)K CO. Book- Fm.
Balldlacuauaa Xh.-