licgaiaaHSSgtim-'wawsaBseiass&ggia- tuji!!Liinn'ii'i"Mhimn,ilirTriiiiiiViii'iii'iTirrr7iritiirTmi i , VkttoCtr. Last week Botioa cum to T. J. Oroaia, P. Mahoaey, ;W. IP. Schelp, MiM Agte Nelaoa and Min 8Uri Oroaia that their aoaMatoada lmSomth Dakota have been ooatoated The iauMdiataly. atartod for taeir claim. As yet bo word has beea reoeired frosi theai ouaosraing the ooateat. MiM Sawaaa Nieajoller visited Mr aad Mra. O. E. Smith hut Saaday. Harry Laatb, who if attaadiag Oreif ktoa Medioai ooUeffe oaaie ap froai Omaha Satarday ereaing and will apead a few days risiting at Siaion Featoa ia reported qaite ill. Mr. aad Mrs. Wilbar are moriag this week into their new home east of the Edward Bradford store. " Miss Mae Harfhes has juat complet ed a aaooetsfal tarsi of aohool. Miss Delia Bioe who has been teach lag two miles west of TarnoT com pleted her term this week and re tarded to her home near Platte Oea tre. Miss Franoes Haghes was a Hum phrey Tisitor last week. Hilger Oreisen is in Omaha this It is not diffioalt to relieve blind, bleeding, itohiag or protruding pilw with Man Zan, the great pile remedy. It Is pat ap in collapsable tabes with nozzle, aad may be tntrodaoed and applied at the seat of the troable. Stops pain instantly. Sold by Mo Olintook & Carter. 9t Wit la Tapani TTaa. Foley & Co., Oaioagor originated' Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, aad oa acooant of the exeat merit aad popalarity of Foley's Hoaey aad 'Jar amay imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imitation have similar soandiajr asmes, Baware of them. The geau iae Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it7 and re faseaay substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Mc Olintook & Carter. StSdward- From the Advance. Fred Werner left Moaday for east Uaited States for a few weeks sight seelkg. with New York City as nis objective point. Carl Werner aad Ed. Nelsoa aocompanied him as far as Columbus. Bar. Henry Zinneeker of Belwood arrived in St. Edward yesterday after noon and will return home today with his wife aad little daughter who have been risiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mr. aad Mrs. J. P. Laademan are to build an addition to their re- ndeaoe Mrs. Laademan 'a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kittle, are to oooapy the new appartmens. They are both ia very feeble health and de sire to be near some one who can give them aid in case of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson are moviag this week to the Sadie Wells farm south of St. Edward. Mrs. Wells will occupy the J. W. Fonda a residence until her new home is finished. Mr. and Mrs. Fonda are moving to the S. J. Lingle farm, known aa the Hudson farm. G. B. Berkaai Testifies After Four Tears. O. B. Barhana. of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely oared of a severe kidney troable by taking leas than two bottles of Foley's Kidney cure. It entirely stopped the brick duet sediment, and paia aad symptoms of kidney disease dissappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cared to stay cured, and heartily rec ommend Foley's Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder troable." McClintock & Carter. Humphrey. From the Democrat JohaFarrel and family left this week for their new home at Iroquos, S. D., where Mr. Farrel has purchased a farm. W. J. Cave left this week with his family aad household goods for Ocon to Caster ooaaty, this state, where he will engage in farming. John Boyer went up to Bradish the first of the week and found a message there which Had been rsceived for several days notifying him of the death of his father which occurred in Cherry ooaaty, Nebraska one day last week. Mr. Boyer was in South Dakota when the message was re ceived aad he got there too late too area attend the faneral oa Monday of this week. The deceased was one of the eeriest settlers in Cherry ooaaty. Some time last year it was for him to have oae of bis patateid oa account of blood poisoning. A disgusting: example of female de pravity was witnessed in town Tees day Bight whea the Union Paoifio passeager pulled in from the south. A middle aged woman got off the train and it was with difficulty that ahe.waa able to walk on account of aa over doee of liquor. It ia said she to aooept the position oz oook at of oar hotels, bat it is needless to say that she had to hit the road in short order. " State 1. Frank Aerai was on the market this week with a car of fat cattle. Fred Oattaa was doiag business ia Platte Oeater last week. Miss Bertha Boettoher returned to Columbus last Satarday after a week's visit with her brother Albert. Charles Craun of Monroe was on our route shelling oorn this week. Miss Lillie Luescnen has been oon fined to the house the last week with measles. Mrs. John Grotelusohea marketed a car of fat cattle last Friday. The directors of the Lutheran church on Loseke creek held a business meet ing last Wednesday. Dangers af Pneumonia. A oold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia whioh is so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susoeptible to the development of consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneamoaia. La Grippe ooaghs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There ia nothing else " jubt as good." McClintock & Carter. Sherman Township. Erwin Feidler was on the sick list a few days the past week. Willie and Louis Cattan returned Monday after a few days visit with their sister Mrs. H. J. Lueschen at Clarke, Neb. Herman Lueebcn and Frank Bade drove to Columbus on business Satar day. Otto Wenck returned home. Friday after spending a week visiting with friends at Columbus. J. H. Wurdeman returned home Tues day after visiting old romrads in Iowa. Two homes were gladdened last week Tuesday by the birth of little girls, one at the home of Rev. F. Genaichen and the other at the home of Wendolin Brauner, jr. John Gaber expects to leave this week for the western part of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Haffner who have been residents of Sherman township the last twenty-five years moved to Colum bus Friday, where they will make theii future home. Mrs. Mohlamn of Grand Prarie is visiting with h3r daughter. Mrs. Carl Roache this week. Lonis Horseman who had rented the Haffner farm for the coming year and moved to the place Tuesday afternoon and in the night lost ten head of horses in the fire has moved back to Leigh to make his home this summer. Z Salve ! Salve ! Spread the salve, but let it be Pine salve, natures remedy for outs, burns, sores, etc. Sold by McClintock & Carter. A liquid oold cure for children that ia pleasant, harmless, aad effec tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. -8aperior to all other -cough eyraps for oold remedies, because it acts oa the bowels. An ideal remedy for ooaghs. colds, croup whoeping ooagh aad all curable lung and bron chial affeotioas ia child or adult. Plaaaaat tot take. Sold by McClin tock & Carter. J ' v iMte 4 Hatty Feaimore was at A. E.Oamp aelTattae first of the week. TWO of Wm Aradt's chjldrea who wefeiMok last week are recovering. For children of J. J. Banes have amps. JoaaDodd was ia Platte Ceater i his work five Alves returned fron ria TaaniTf" ooaaty to for Jean Saner another year. Wai. Moore aad two soas shot XonteS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Backen has last Sunday a girl. Peter Schmitt returned Saturday from a business trip to Omaha. Fred Goedeken invited in seme of his friends Saturday night. Solid and liquid refreshments were served. The yuang people north of Columbus enjoyed a bob sled ride till a late hour Tuesday dight. The carrier on this roate was de layed two hoars one day this week by the breaking of his wagon jreach on the hill west of E. Bum plaoe. Mrs. Fred Meyer is on the sick list. Frank Baltz from Fremont is out here on a visit with freinds and relatives. P. L Hageman bought 36 head of cattle at the Burke and Ensmengersale. Gus Hageman and Frank Baltz went on a visit to Henry Albers west of Platte Center Tuesday. Cretton. Ed. Wurdeman of Leigh was transact ing business in Creston Monday. Edward Anson ia making a slow con valeeence after a serious attack of pneu monia. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Plageman drove to Columbus Sunday returning Monday. "Buckles says the roads are a fright. Creston has a first-class hotel once more. Mr. Studley seems to be a nice fellow and the house seems to be giving general satisfaction. Jack Magill returned from Columbus Monday noon where he had been visit ing his mother who had the misfortune to fracture her arm. He says the arm is painful but otherwise doing well. The village caucus was held at the A. O. U. W. hall Monday evening to nomi nate village trustees. Theo Wagner, A. Engel, T. F. Plageman and J. L Brown were chosen as nominees. J. J. Kemper is here from Lincoln is here assisting Rev. Warren in a revival meeting at the Methodist church. W. J. Bellknap returned last Wednes day evening from a three month's visit with relatives in Iowa and at University Place. The many friends of Mrs. A. P. Hines who has been so all for the past three weeks will be glad to learn that she ia some better at this date. The youngest daughter of Frank Bur gess is reported ill at this writing. CBruce'Webband wife were visiting relatives and friends in Madison Friday and Satarday. E.T. Graham is shipping four loads of sheep to the South Omaha market this week. Mrs. Roy Jackson has had a very pain ful felou that threatened the amputation other left thumb. The member was saved however. Ray Jackson is laid up with the mumps. Be careful Ezra and don't bite the lemons. A letter from P. M. Brown who is now in Idaho Falls, says he likes the coun try very well. The gums and restns obtained from pine trees nave long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache, kidney and bladder toubles. Pine-ules is the name cf a new modicine, the principle ingre dients of which come from the pine forests of our own native land. Sold by McClintck & Carter. Round Trip Bates. Every day from February lath to April 7th, 19CC. inclusive, the Uiiioii Pacific will bell one way tickets from Col ambus as follows: $20.00 to Ottden and Salt Lake City. 120.00 to Ogdfn, Helena and tiutte, Montana. 122.50 to Spokane and Wenatchea Washington. $28.50 to Huntington and Narapa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma anil Seattle. $25 00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Asnland and Astona, Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An geles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many otnr California, Crenon, Washington, Montana, Utah, an Idaho points. The Burlington's Homeseeker's la formation Bureau, which has been re cently organized to assist homesteaders in getting hold of free homesteads of 640 acres in Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying, is proving a great success, and the operations of that per.-on.are now taking on useful and oractirnl shape. i Mr. D. Clem Dearer, the agent of the bureau, has arraged to personal! eon duct excursions of homesteader? Irotu and Omaha Lincoln the 1st and 3rd Tues day of each month to the territory of these free Kinkaid laud6, for the pur pose of assisting desirable farmers to locate on the homesteads that are not available for a farmer to succeed by mixed farming. . Those who expect to succeed should have ready means for the immediate improvement of the land in the way of fences and buildings, and money enough to start with a herd of cows u hind cream separator. This ought to be a good opportunity for an energetic farm er of moderate means to secure a furui. The Burlington makes no charge for the services of the agents, und Mr. Deaver has on file a complete plat of available lands in the sixteen counties along the Bnrlington road, where these homesteads are located. Those desiring to obtain information relative to taking up a homestead, can obtain a folder free of cost, and furl her Information, by calling on or writing Mr. D. Clem Deaver, agent of the Bur lington's Homcseekers' Information Bureau, 1004 Farmim St., Omaha, Neb. Have you paid your subscription for next year? If not, remember tout you are only one out of nearly a thou sand and that if all should pay this week, the Journal would have about enough to bay the Wyoming copper mine which was bongbt by the Co lumbus men last week. TO HROUGH Standard and Tourist sleepers, chair cars and coaches to Union Passenger Station, Chicago, every day from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. These cars are carried on through trams arriving in the heart of Chicago at S.35 a. m., 9.25 a. 111. and 9.30 p. m., afford ing a convenient choice of hours. Route Union Pacific Railroad and Cl'.lcap, Milwaukee and St. Paul iway Any ticket agent of the Union Pacific will send you East via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway if you ask him to do so. It is worth your while to insist that your ticket read this way. Complete information about rates, routes and train service sent on request. F. A. NASH General Western Agent 1524 Faraam Street, Omaha h The Backbone of a Mighty Nation is good food food for brain, .xood for Drawn, food that is strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Uneeda Biscuit, which have come to be recog nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people, thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY M ?mtmmj?m?mm??m?m?T?mmmmmm?! I HORSE j In Columbus, Nebraska, HAND MADE Spring Wagons Let us build you one. We put nothing but the very hot material and workiiuui-hin in them. The price is riirht. For headache, constipation, etc., Dade's Liver Pills are best. Tliev cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by HI cClintock & Carter. BURLINGTON BULLETIN... Into the North west: 2$ ow is the time to go at "cheap rates on one of the Burlington's two daily through trains to Montana, Paget Sound and Port land. You don't know cheaply you can buy a one-way Coloui-t ticket. Ask the agent. Special Homeseekers' Rates: March 6th and 20th very low round trip home seekers rates into the North Platte Valley, the Big Horn Basin, also into the southwest To the Sunny South: Very attractive Winter Tourist rates daily until April 30th to a large number of Southern resorts. Irrigated Lands: Better get bold of an irrigated farm for yourself or your son while there is yet time, ir.ig:ited lands have increased from 100 to 200 per oent in value in the last few year. Send for our publications on irrigated lands. Free. 1 To California: Very cheap one-way tickets daily to California until April 7th. Thorugh tourist sleepers. Pacific Coast: Better make the grand est tour in the world the toir of the coast this spring and summer. First excursion April 25th to May 5th in clusive. There will be very low, daily, round trip California and Puget Sound . rates through the summer. Write me or tell your nearest Burling ton agent, jii6t what trip you have in mind in any direction, and let us ad vise you the bast way to make it at the least cost. L. F. RECTOR, Agent C. B. & Q Rv. L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A. Omaha. FAIiHEKS, Bring in your tools and implements to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. We keep only the Latest and BEST in Buggies & Carriages -All Kindn of implements.. Bg&Onr Horseshoes stick and don't ln:no your horse- try 'em &gia!iakdfia.vfo't'tia'. r--r.aaifc53i LOUIS sCHREIBER. FfFtft ?? rfffW MY LAST SALE OF THE SEASON - I have at present two loads of good young horses bought and will buy two more loods before the sale. - I also have thirty head of mules, and will be prepared to g handle all commission horses that will come in. I will have buyers here from all the markets. &- Z Thos. Slattery, from St. Louis, will be here. Also J. M Shaw, from St. Joseph, Mr. Hoops, from Schuyler, and a G 5 number of others from the different markets east and south. :-! iJ ' -4T' ?- : Tp :& &am SM,?f ao 1 f V2 . wJi (23 Come and See Them Sel - W. I. BLAIN, Auctioneer $- tt a n.T.&Tiirw. J-L. J.X. VXJU.J.I.H, I I, V1V1A z& . - .1 -rt ...- ?' .r. ryoRfr Xy7s Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVS3 RELIEF AT ONCE. it clerai-e, soothes, healand protects the .c.isul It cures Catarrh and ".rivi'S aw.iy n Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senes of Taste and Smell. ;!asy to use. Contains no injurious rtruys. Vpplied into the no&trils and nbiorbcd. Lar;e Siz". fiO ccnta at Druggists or by r.ail : Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. LY BROTHERS. 56 WarrcnSt.. New York. Thos. e diiiyuii mmmmmmimmmmimiiK hS mi 3V BFPSimTiVFil BiiniiTV AvnTPrr' wnviis.1 n-iij j5 wr Pineoles I EST 80UGI! iVMIIU" A Mew biscorerj put up in a neflf war for the Kid Mis and Bladder. The red letter Room-Making Sale... Having bought the Snyder stock of Granite and Marble Monuments at Columbus, I will place the same on the market at prices never before heard of, in order to make room for Two Carloads of Granite and One Carload of Marble to be shipped in April. Now is the time to place your order for Spring Work. Call in and get prices or drop us a line and we will be glad to call on you and give you prices lower than you ever heard of. Don't forget the place. American Granite & Marble Works E. E. WILLIAMS, Salesman. E. BERGMAN, Proprietor. Sold by McClintock & Carter. roa Tormo oa old SHE BEST FILL SOLD iO. Dade's 9SS "r3P I ;U I iu.. Dili. f Kc THE NEW IDEA Sjp THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE 3MXAHYE Mores the Bowels iaa Best for Ckildrei COUSH SYRUP pi?Sg ntiirifrsss raiiflafl m fled Clever Bleustn cb Eyetv Brfile Mi tc Mrrr 1 J v '.! "f . m ? ,i Vwrmw ftTT-glirtM" 'f ""' "" rt -nf-r -s-. -k. . guT jjiag?atjnsrriJ