The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 14, 1906, Image 5

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    fr --2:
as used with
Bucket, Knap
sack, Tank or
Barrel for Spray
ing Orchards, Gardens, Vineyards, Whitewashing, Disin
fecting Chicken Houses, Killing Vermin on Stock, etc.
Made Entirely of Brass
With two soird brass ball valves.
No Leathers, washers or suckers.
No castings to rust. ,
No Leaking joints.
Nothing to get out of order.
Warranted to purchaser for 5 years
The Standard throws more spray with less
labor than any pump made.
The Standard Pump is provided with two
nozzles, "Regular" and "Interchangeable"
No. 1 attached to No. 2 throws a fine spray 28 feet;
No. 2 throws a solid stream 50 to 60 feet; No. 1 attached
direct to pump throws a coarser spray 35 feet.
The season for alfalfa seeding is rapidly approaching
and the buyer should purchase quickly for the following
Good seed is scarce, the demand is heavy and the
price advancing; there are two classes of seed being offer
ed by the trade, Foreign, (European,) and Domestic or
home grown. The E uropean crop is long; the American
crop is short. The American seed is vastly superior for
seeding in this countfy and commands a price of two to
four cents per pound more than the foreign grown seed.
Many seed men this season offer foreign alfalfa seed
only, others mix one-fourth American grown and three
fourths foreign, making a product at about two and one
half cents per pound under fancy home grown seed. You
can easily detect imported seed by the brown berry,
rather small in size and having a somewhat shriveled ap
pearance. A close inspection will also discover adulter
ated seeds where the bright yellow berry is mixed with
foreign seed.
Seeding land to alfalfa ia expensive, the seed being
only a small part of the necessary outlay, and it is false
economy to buy poor seed at any price.
Better pay twenty cents per pound for GOOD SEED
than to buy CHEAP SEED at any price.
You will know GOOD SEED by its BRIGHT GOLD
Write us for Samples and Prices.
We Have Finished
HUNGARIAN, ETC., at the lowest
market price lor choice seeds.
-a IftPltf :r:''r 'iSI
9o&' PfP3i9lfiBBSsssssaH
Our inventory and we have a
Store full of bargains, not forgetting
of-K itmrsa
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
Dr. Full, dentist.
Herrick for faraitmre.
Journal ads briag reaalta.
Dr. Mark T. MoMafcon. dentist
Sckool supplies, Snow's, tf
Prof. 8ike,teaoher music. Barber bldg.
Get yomr shoes shiaed at Park Bar
ber shop. tf
Goaraateed watch repairing by Uth
St. Jeweler. Jtt
New line of ladies collars and neck
wearat Galley's.
Homer Bothleitaer who was ill last
week is ont again.
H. B. Fenisaora ssored to the Ni
chols farm Monday.
Coal and baled hay awlays on top
at Newman A Welch. tf
J. B. Nichols mored to Omaha
Monday with his famly.
John Osborne has moved Ito the
sheep ranch north of town.
Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr.,
Oolumbas 8tate Bank bailding.
Boys, bay yoar .cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
FOB SALE: A second hand piano,
almost new. Inquire Journal office.
i The farmers east of Oolnmbns ex
pect a large crop of hogs this spring.
Robber boots mended with 'vul
canising substitute at Carl Schubert's.
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Lueschen, Arnold's old stand 'Olive st.
Try our Bex Lump Cokl $7 at the
yard. P. D. Sierra Co. Both tel. No. 8.
Children's stationery at Buschman's.
Something new. None like it in
town. 2t
The parents of Mrs. U. S. Mare
from Wyoming are visiting her this
Frank Morrow moved to his new
home on m farm southof 'Lindsay
which he has rented.
Miss Ransom of Llnooln ' arrived
last week to spend the summer with
her sister, Mrs. William Eastman.
William Eastman, who had bis arm
broken in two places and several ribs
broken as a result of a kick from a
horse is around again.
A basket social was given last Fri
day night at the Adamy school house
and was well attended by a large
crowd. After the sweet tones of mu
sic whioh was furnished by the Adamy
and Becher boys, the baskets were
sold by Barry Newman jr. All bask
ets brought a afir price netting $15. 85.
W. E. Schure bought four baskets.
The Leigh World describes the re
cent burning of the barn of Nick Haff
ner who bought the C. C. Hardy prop
erty in this oitv as follow : ' ' The big
horse barn on Nio Hafner's farm south
west of town was oonsumed by fire
Tuesday evening. The building con
tained sixteen head of horses. aU of
whioh were lost. Five of them be
longed to Mr. Hafner, ten to his ren
ter Louis Horseman, and one to Wil
son Dunn, Mr. Horseman had just
rented the farm and moved here from
Sarpy county and the loss is a severe
one to him, however the loss to him
wa partly covered by insuranoe."
The Leigh World speaks well of the
Columbus tneatfioal people who are
representing the "Run away Tramp.
The Runaway Tramp company ap
peared at the opera house Saturday
night in the play whqpe name the
company bears. This company car
ries tea people and they gave a cleat,
first-clam show. They carry a good
ladle's orchestra waich added much
to the entertainment. The play was
richly onstumed and the entire com
pany had a look of prosperity. The'
evening was stormy, which fact pro
bably kept many people away and yet
the opera house was nearly fulL All
seemed well pleased.
Judge T. H. Saunders and family
are departing for their future home
in Columbus this week. The judge
and his family have been residents of
Osceola for a long time. They came
here from Columbus when there was
noj muoh could be found on the
present site of Osceola. They have
grown to mature years here and as
they go back to their former home
we all wish they could have remained
among the friends of thirty years
making. In many ways will Judge
Saunders and family be missed in oar
city's best circles. The Judge and
wife have been honored in many ways
sinoe their arrival in Osceola and
have held positions of trust and re
sponsibility, always to their honor
and the credit of those who chose
them to act. The Democrat wishes
the oouple many yean of happiness
yet and the people of Columbus will
find a valuable addition to their city
ia Judge and Mrs. T. H. Sauaders.
Special Harness Sale
In this space you will find each
week bargains offered in our
large and complete stock of
Harness and Coal
Beginning Monday, March 12th
we will have a Special Sale on
Single Harness for one week and
will give a Cash Discount of $2
per Set.
Don't miss this sale. Come in
and see and find out that we will
do just as we say. Throw away
that old harness and get one of
our bargains this week.
L. W. Weaver and Son
Inqnire ot Herrick.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
G. R- Preib, painting and paper
hanging. dwtf
Beautiful line of box paper at
Snow's. - tf
Carl Schubert has complete camping
outfits for rent. tf
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
If yonr eyes, ears, nose or throat give
you trouble see Dr. Lueschen.
BUFF COCHINS for sale cheap at
3ire. Youngs near B.(& M. depot, ltp
A good stcok of glass ware and
queensware at low prices at Seth
Carl Schnbert has a nice line of
Zonophones. and Talking machines
and records.
Mr. and Mrs. George Winslow en
tertaind six of their friends at tea
Friday night.
W. H. Swarstley reports 40 pigs
from four sows. Is there anyone who
can beat that record?
Carl Kramer and W. H. King went
to Central City Monday night to at
tend a K. P. banquet-.
Mr. Keller, an old settler from sonth
of the river has moved to the Erb
place east of Columbus.
:j William Newman, jr., has moved to
the White place east of Columbus and
will farm his father's land.
FOR SALE: One of the best farms
in Howard county, fifty dollars an iicre.
For particulars write, H. J. Dixon
Springview. Neb.
Pure bred R. C. B. Leghorns, won
third pen at Platte County Poultry show.
Fine cockerels, for sale at SI each. Mre
Roy Clark, R. F. D. No. 3, St. Edward"
Nebraska. Neb. Telephone Q 90. 45 5t
TAKEN DP. At my farm four
miles north of town, three calves, on
November i7th, 1905. Owner 'can
have same by proving property and
paving expenses. Inqnire of O. J.
FOR SALE A modern resi
dence, 10 rooms and bath, good
barn, every convenience, best
location in town. Call at Jour
nal Office, tf
Ed. Standen moved last week to
Harry Newman's farm east of Co
lumbus. It was formerly occupied by
J. E. Morrow. The latter moved to
his farm two miles west and one mile
south of Monroe.
WANTED: A competent lady or
gentleman to travel for large business
firm. Salary $15.00 per week and ex
penses. Apply at once. Giving street
address to Edith L. Cook. General
Delivery, ColumbuB, Neb. It.
sermon, " The letter killeth and the
spirit maketh alive." Night. "A
nieht with Jesus in Jerusalem". A
feature of the evening service is the
excellent mii6ic by the boys' choir.
The rumor was current on the
streets Tuesday that Dr. H. J. Arnold
who recently went to California was
dead. The following telegram from
A. J. Arnold at National City Cali
fornia to Dr. A. G. Lueschen affords
a happy answer to the rumor:
"No. guess not, he is out fishing."
There will be a St. Patrick's tea at
the home, of Mrs. R. S. Dickinson
Friday atfernoon, March 16, 'or th
benefit of the Ladies' Auxiliarv of
the Congregational chnrch and a cor
dial invitation is extended to the pub
lic to be present. The following menu
will be served at ten cents, beginning
t three o'clock: Hibernian Salad,
Shamrocks, Emeralds, Kililarnes,
Coffee with Blarney (Cream).
Dr. J. W. Terry
Bi st Equipped Optical Offices
In The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Coal and Harness Til. No, 74 j
like character sie
distinctive marks
of individuality.
We can't transfer
our churacter.but
as to your features
we can faithfully
portray them
If you want a
perfect likenee
we cuu give it to
you. We take
them in all styles
at all prices.
McAllister Studio
Columbus, N'br.
Over Phillipps Store
Herrick for baby go-carts.
Mazeppa chocolates, Snow's.
A new supply of shells and guns at
Carl Schubert's.
Dr. O. A. Allenburger, office in now
State Bank building.
Try a Journal "want d" if you have
anything to buy or bell.
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con
sultation in German aod English.
A fine line of new bandpainted
china at Bushman's Rack?f store.
A full line of huutinc coats, caps,
hats, pants boots, etc , at Carl Schu
bert's. FOR SALE A set of the Internation
al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the
Journal office.
WANTED: Good farm loans at 5
per cent. No commissions, W. L.
May, Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE: Two thorough bred
Hereford bulls, two years old. V. L.
Smith. Monroe, Neb.
Wnen you want baled hay that is
bright and coal that is clean order
from Newman Welch. tf
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent Hour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
Excellent seed potatoes for sale.
Early Ohio variety at 75 cents. Don't
wait until spring and pay f 1 50. Tur
ner & Jenkins. 1-a
J. C. Swartsley left Monday morn
ing for Harlan, Iowa where he will
visit for a month with his daughter,
Mrs. H. Hansen.
R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans,
dyes and repairs ladies, and gen ts
clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked.
Agent for Germania steam dye works,
Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St.
O. J. Oarrig has appealei to dis
trict court the case of An "a Flnkus
in which she sued to recover $150
damage alleged to resuslt from the
seizure of some corn by him while
executing his duties as sheriff.
Rev. DeWolf announces subjects for
Mincussion at the Methodist Episcopal
chnrch next Sunday as follows:
Morning, "The UnchauginR Christ.
Evening. "Jesus Oleausing his Tem
ple." There will be special musi'j
at the evening service.
Mrs. O. H. Sheldon, ilrs. C C
Sheldon and Miss Sheldon were at
home last Wednesday afternoon at a
second five o'clock tea. The rooms
were filled with little tables and the
guests found their places by little
hand painted cards bearing snu bon
net babies, painted by Miss Sheldon.
Scarlet and cream carnations were
used in decoration.
Judge Ratterman issued marriage
licenses as follows this last week :
Edward Polark and Mercy Loveless of
Belwood; John H. Hospe of Leigh
and Ida Loseke of Columbus ; L. 0.
F. Bade and Jantje V. Abels of Cres
ton ; John L. Petereou of Genoa and
Emma S. Anderson of Newman Grove ;
Fred W. Krneger of Columbus and
Emma Forester of Gresbnm.
The coming combination
Sale off Shorthorns
to be held by the Boone County Short
horn Breedt-r's Association
Tuesday, March 27th, at Albion, Ncbr.
will be one of the events of ihe season.
30 Bulls and 30 Cows
and heifers will be sold to the hiphest
bidder. This is nn annual event and it
is the aim of the iissocnition to present
creditable animals. Some stmiht
Scotch bitlls will be sold, as tine as can
be found anywhere. C(Avs wirh calf at
side and bred again.
Terms: Cash or bankable paper bear
ing 10 per cent interest.
Hi RiiiKV, Mgr.
Leaky Roofs
Are a source of annoy
ance as well as a sure
destruction to your build
ing. I am prepared to
repair Tin, Steel or Com
position roofs and make
almost as good as new
at a small cost. Also
new roofs put on and
guaranteed for 5 years
against leaking.
Jas. Pearsoll
Shop in Murray Bldg., W. 13th St.
J. H.
505 Eleventh Street,
In Order..
To clear our shelves
for our New Spring
vStocK we will contin
ue to sell all our line
of Winter- Goods at
20 Per Cent Off
Men's Suits and Overcoats
at 20 per cent reduction
Ladies cloaks, jackets and
capes at 20 per cent off
Boy's tSuits and Overcoats
at 20 per cent reduction
Our New Spring tStocR
will arrive -and be on dis
play about Marcb 1st. We
will be pleased to show
these goods
505 Eleventh street,
yrJTgrfT- - V i 'mlri'f? i MErnWW
House. Sign Poirtf-eFin
and Carriage idiiilDiSiy
Iain and ornamental Paintlmj ot all
Kinds, tiifj or OoJititru.
n.l Tel. 2142. COLUMHUS. NEB
Henry Raiatz & Co.,
Nebraska Phone 29. independent Phones 29 ail 229.
- tsrssFrKPrrxf. '.r vvxnzzG&a
We have the best,
that can he procured in this country.
This 5eed is Crown
in Western Nebraska
We have given this alfalfa seed busineai
a great deal of attention and study and know
that our seed is right. If you expect to sow
this spring or fall, now is the time to buy
your alfalfa seed. The supply of fancy seed
is limited. Leave your orders nowlater
you will have to take what you can get.
We also have a large stock of Grass
Seeds such as Timothy, White Clover Bed
Clover, Red Top Millet, Cane Seed, Blue
Grass, etc., etc, and a little later will have
plenty of Seed Corn.
That Grow ..
We carry a full line of Garden Seeds, i
both in bulk and packages and several var- t
ieties of good onion
list of your wants in
put mem up lor you
i If! Rite
Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware and
GolumDuft, Nebraska
to you.
Columbus. Nebraska
Nothing. but the finest
Colambas, IfobfMfc
cleanest alfalfa
sets. Make out a
garden seeds and let us X
oeiore tne spring rush J
law. I
nd Seeds
Polk County
: : : imhi t"it
.. 'tu
lj gfe-Lj.-ijyfc-- r - -r-'M-SJ