The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 07, 1906, Image 5

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Garden, Grass and Field Seeds
We have one of the most complete stocks
of Garden, Grass and Field seeds to be found
anywhere in this section. This season will
find us in position to handle ajlarger volume
of business than heretofore.
We assure you that by placing your or
der in our hands you will have nothing to
regret, and that you will be a large gainer
as we shall exert every effort to please you,
knowing that it is not only a matter for this
season's consideration, but for future time
as well.
We do not attempt to compete merely in
price. Our aim is to EXCEL IN QUALITY
and in spite of fierce competition we main
tain the largest seed trade in this territory,
which is indisputable evidence that OUR
In ALFALFA SEED which we make a
specialty, we have three grades, from $9 per
bushel up. We have as fine a stock of HOME
GROWN ALFALFA as we ever handled.
FA a little booklet written by the grower
of Alfalfa in Nebraska, having 3,000 acres.
All prices and samples of all grass and field
seeds mailed for the asking. All orders lor
GARDEN SEEDS amounting to $2 or more
will be mailed or expressed prepaid.
We Have Finished
I i
: Our inventory jand we have a j
1 (Jigs I Store full of bargains, not forgetting
i Our
I Baby !
! Bugrgies
- . .
HUNGARIAN, ETC., at the lowest
market price lor choice seeds.
A Home School
The Standard Square Inch
Tailoring System of Chicago.
Sewing taught free to each
pupil. We teaeh to cnt and
fit by actual measurement
without change or alteration
Mrs. A. C Boone
First door north of Drs. Martyn
& Evans' office.
They suit others.
They will please you.
SEED CO. furnish
our seeds.
Mr Oliver P. Newman. Eon if Ed
card Newman residng ten mile
north of Columbus and Miss Anna
Krause of Creston were married in
tbis city last Thnrday at the home
ot the groom's nncle, Harry C. New
man by Jndge liattterman. The
b4, gowned in white Eilk was at.
tended by Mit-s Anna Staab of Ansley,
Neb. and the groom was attended by
his brother, Harry. Mr. " and Mrs
Newman left Sunday for their new
home in Hecla, Sooth Dakota.
Andrew Peterson and Andrew An
derson of the Lindsay neighborhood
made this office a call last Thursday.
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
Dr. Panl, dentist.
Herrick for furniture.
Jonroal ads bring results.
Dr. Mark T. MoMahon. dentist
School supplies, Snow's, tf
Prof. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldg.
Get your shoes shined at Park Bar
ber shop. tf
Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th
St. Jeweler. tf
New line of ladies collars and neck
wear at Galley's.
Coal and baled bay awlays on top
at Newman & Welch. tf
Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new
Columbus State Bank building.
Boys, buy your cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
FOB SALE: A second hand piano,
almost new. Inquire Journal office.
Rubber boots mended with a vol
oanizing substitute at Carl Schubert's.
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Lueschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st
Try our Bex Lump Coal f 7 at the
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. 8.
Children's stationery at Busohman's.
Something new. None like it in
town. 2t
Go to drugsi-t Obas. H. Dark today
for a Hyotnfi outfit, a cure for catarrh.
Complete treatment f 1 Money back
if it fails.
We were mis -informed last week
as to the sex of the new arrival at the
home of Charles H. Daok, the child
being a boy instead of a girl.
A buss load of Columbus young
people drove out to Miss Bena Tur
ners school last Friday night to at
tend the basket .social given to raire
money for school library. The func
tion was a sneees in every way, net
ting over $14 for cooks. The pupils
furnished a part of the program and
Craig Turner and Vernon Erekine were
among the visitors who contributed
vocal numbers.
A bungled telegram cost Mr. and
Mrs. R. Y. Lisoc a hurry trip to
Omaha last Friday night. They re
ceived a telegram from their daugh
ter Mis. Orville Pennington whom
ttiey were expecting to visit ihem in
Columbus. The telegram was intend
ed to notify them of her coming but
it was fo worded when it reached here
that it appeared to summon them to
Omaha. Accordingly they hastened
to Omaha, Friday night to find their
daughter in the best of health They
remained till Friday when Mr. and
Mrs. Pennington returned with them
to tbis city where' they will spend the
The Columbus people who went to
Omaha last week to see Bernhardt
saw one of the world's greatest ac
tresses. She spoke in Frenoh but her
acting expressed the universal feeling
and sympathies of mankind which
were understood by every one of the
vast assemblage that crowded the
large auditorium to hear her. The
thing that most impressed from the
raising of the curtain on the first act
was that Bernhardt and her trained
suppirt were not playing to the audi
ence but were actually living the sad,
passionate story of Oamille. Actors
were apparently indifferent as to
whether their backs or their faces
were presented to the audience when
thej spok9. Their laughter was real
laughter and their tears real tears.
The highest climax of Bernhardt's
acting was been in the third act when
Pere Duval visited Camille at
the country home where she was liv
ing, outside of the bonnds of law,
united only by the bonds of a con
suming natural love, with his son
Armand Duval. He pleaded with her
to so conduct herself ac to make his
son hate her in order to drive him
away from her and save his good
name and that of his noble family.
The real tears, the heart-wrecking
agony through which Oamilie passeg
bringing herself to break away from
the man the loved, give up a peaceful,
if illegal home, and return to a
life of shame moved almost the entire
audience to tears. The story of Ca
millle contains too much of the sen
sual to be read or seen by undeveloped
yonne people But for the mature,
the story as interpreted by Bernhardt,
cm have nothing but a wholesome in
fluence. Bernhardt's acting of Ca
mille is an unanswerable argument
against the practices of free-love. In
the last act Camille on her deathbed
reaching out and clutching the bridal
veil of her friend and placing it about
her own head most beauttfyully sym
bolized the natural yearning of her
heart for the sweet bliss of married
life which comes only through purity
and innocence and the seal of the legal
marriage contract.
Special Harness Sale
in this -space you will find each
week bargains offered in our
large and complete stock of
Harness and Coal
Beginning Monday, March 12th
we will have a Special Sale on
Single Harness for one week and
will give a Cash Discount of $5
per Set.
Don't miss this sale. Come in
and see and find out that we will
do just as we say. Throw away
that old harness and get one of
our bargains this week.
L. W. Weaver and Son
Coal and Harness , Tel. No, 74
Inquire of Herrick.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
G. B. Preib, painting and paper
hanging. dwtf
Beautifnl line of box paper at
Snow's. tf
Carl Schubert has complete camping
outfits for rent. tf
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
If your eyes, ears, nose or throat give
you trouble see Dr. Lueschen.
BUFF COCHINS for sale cheap at
Mrs. Toungs near B. & M. depot, ltp
A good stcok of glass ware and
queensware at low prices at Seth
Carl Schubert has a nice line of
Zonophones, and Talking maohines
and records.
FOB SALE: One of the best farms
in Howard county, fifty dollars an acre.
For particulars write, H. J. Dixon
Springview, Neb.
C. A. Linstrum has moved his tail
oring establishment from his old quar
ters on 12th street to the Beinke
building on 13th street.
Hyomei costs yon nothing unless it
cures you of catarrh. Deposit f 1 with
Druggist Ohas. H. Daok and if Hyo
mei fails to cure, he will return your
Everybody is satisfied with Shell
Creek Valler Pride flour made by
Peter Schnritt. the German miller. If
you haven't tried it, now is the right
time to begin. tf
'Hooligan," the world famous tramp,
will be assisted by a singing dancing
chorus of pretty girls and a number of
other comedians in tbe presentation of
his "Troubles" liere shortly.
Pure bred B. C. B. Leghorns, won
third pen at Platte County Poultry show.
Fine cockerels for sale at SI each. Mrs
Roy Clark, R. F. D. No. 3, St. Edward
Nebraska. Neb. Telephone Q 90. 45 ot
TAKEN UP. At my farm four
miles north of town, three calves, on
November i7tb, l'JOo. Owner 'can
have same by proving property and
paying expenses. Inquire of O. J.
FOR SALE A modern resi
dence, 10 rooms and bath, good
barn, every convenience, best
location in town. Call at Jour
nal Office. tf
John loogood a member of Webb's
bridge gang met with a painful ac
cident last Saturday afternoon at
Schuyler. While working on a stock
chute bis eye waB pierced by a spike
which slipped from under his ham
mer. He came to Columbus on the
first train and sought the aid of a
surgeon. The wound is very painful
but it is not beleived to be serious
At the urgent request of a large
number of ladies who were prevented
by the storms two weeks ago, Mrs.
Brugger has consented 'to give a sec
ond demonstration of puff paste pat
ties, at her home Thursday afternoon
at three o'clock. An admission of ten
cents will be charged, the proceeds to
go to the Congregational Aid society.
After Mrs. Brugger has explained the
method of making these delicate little
accessories, and has actually baked
them to prove the receipt a lunceon
for an addional ten cents will be
served. It is suggested that the men
of the city give their wives the price
of a couple of havannas and send them
out Thursday afternoon to get some
added ideas on wholesome cooking
All ladies of the city are invited.
" "": V '&
Dr. J. W. Terry
Best Equipped Optical Offiices
In The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Have you one?
No? Then take it
to the McAllister
Studio and '
It will be prized
in aftur years. It
is it clever turn
that's required to
take baby'spicture
right. The knack
is onr's, and the
picture will be
yours soon after
sitjting. Bring it
in now. It will
never be prettier.
McAllister SEtnfllo
Columbus. Nebr.
Over Phillipps Store
Herrick for baby go-carts.
Mazeppa chocolates, Snow's.
A new supply of shells and guns at
Carl Schubert's.
Dr. Q. A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Try a Journal "want ad" if you have
anything to buy or sell.
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con
sultation in German and English.
A fine line of new hand painted
china at Bushman's Backet store.
A full line of hunting coats, caps,
hats, pants boots, etc., at Carl Schu
bert's. FOR SALE A set of the Internation
al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the
Journal office.
WAN1 ED : Good farm loans at 5
per cent. No commissions, W. L.
May, Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE: Two thorough bred
Hereford bulls, two years old. W. L.
Smith, Monroe, Neb.
When you want baled hay that is
bright and coal that is clean order
from Newman Welch. tf
WAT UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent flour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
Excellent seed potatoes for sale.
Early Ohio variety at 75 cents. Don't
wait until spring and pay fl 50. Tur
ner & Jenkins. 1-2
Stomach dosing will not cure ca
tarrh. Breathe Hyomei and its germ
killing power will cure tbe disease.
Druggist Ohas. H. Dack sells on
B. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans,
dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts
clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked.
Agent for Germania steam dye works.
Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St.
The best evidence of the confidence of
business men in tbe Journal as an ad
vertising medium and of their appra
cation of the Journals work in con
solidating three newspapers in less
than two years, is the Journals grow
ing advertising patronage. Our ad
vertising books for February show an
increase of 50 per cent over the com
bined advertising of the Daily and
Weekly Journal for February 1905.
These expressions of confidence are
appreciated and we are constantly
pushing to Increase the Journal's cir
culation to keep pace with onr in
crease in advertising rates in order to
Gas from a hard coal stove came
near to snuffing out the lives of a Co
lumbus family one nieht last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meavs were the
victims, the latter be ing in an uncon
scious statu when the physician ar
rived and the former having fallen to
the floor in a helpless condition after
phoning for a doctor. At two o'clock
in the morning Mrs. Meays awoke
with a Bick headache and complained
of an intense pain in her stomach.
While her Husband was trying to
minister to her she fainted away Ho
carried her to bed and started to tele
phone for the physician when he felt
himself being overcome and he had
not got chrough phoning whon he fell
to the floor. In a moment he rallied
enough to realize that he was the
victim of gas poisoning and he man
aged to get to the dooi and throw it
opea before the arrival of the physi
cian. After three or four hours
suffering both Mr. and .Mrs. Meays
The people of Genoa and surround
ing country were shocked Saturday
forenoon when the news came of the
sudden death of Mrs. E. M. Vacght
at her home east of town in the Liber
ty neighborhood. Helen Maud Hor
ton was born April 3, 18S4 and was the
third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Horton. August 7, 1904 she was mar
ried to E. M. Vaught, who with their
infant son survives her. The ordeal
is particularly hard for Mr. Vaught
as less than four years ago he sus
tained the loss of his first wife, who
had been Miss Emma O. Hedman.
Saturday morning Mrs Vaught ap
peared to ba in her usual health, hav
ing apparently nearly recovered from
the effects of her recent illness, men
tion of which was made two weeks
ago. Her husband had gone to work
on nis farm north of town and had
barely arrived there, when word came
that the wife he had just left at home
so full of hopes and early restoration
to perfect health had in one moment
passed into that long rest which
knows no waking. She leaves besides
her husband and infant son, a father,
mother, three sisters and live brothers
to mourn her departure,, two sisters
having proceded her. Margaret and
Mrs. Blanche Corcoran, who died last
August. Genoa Leader.
505 Eleventh street,
In Order....
To clear our shelves
for our New Spring
vStock we will contin
ue to sell all our line
of Winter Goods at
20 Per Cent Off
Men's Suits and Overcoats
at 20 per cent reduction
Ladies cloaks, jackets and
capes at 20 per cent off
Boy's vSuits and Overcoats
at 20 per cent reduction
Our New
will arrive and be on dis
play about March 1st. We
will be pleased to show
these goods
J. H.
505 Eleventh Street,
House, Sign Prfif 5n
and Carriage raiiiUitiy
lain and ornamental Painting ot all
Kinds. Oltu or Country.
nd. Tel. 2142.
Henry Raiatz k Co.,
Nebraska Phone 29. independent Phones 29 ail 229.
We have the best, cleanest alfalfa seed
that can be procured in this country.
This &eed is Crown
in Western Nebraska
We have given this alfalfa seed business
a great deal ot attention and study and know
that our seed is right. If you expect to sow
this spring or fall, now is the time to buy
your alfalfa seed. The supply of fancy seed
is limited. Leave your orders now later
you will have to take what you can get.
We also have a large stock of Grass
Seeds such as Timothy, White Clover, Red
Clover, Red Top Millet, Cane Seed, Blue
Grass, etc., etc, and a little later will have
plenty of Seed Corn.
Garden Seeds
That Grow ..
We carry a full line of Garden Seeds
both in bulk and packages and several var
ieties of good onion sets. Make out a
list of your wants in garden seeds and let us
put them up for you before the spring rush
i in? Bit k cm
Groceries, Crockery,
f. Glassware and Seeds
tlTT l-tfr-t- T n I T t T T T 1 T T I T f
Columbus, Nebraska
Spring tStocR
to you.
Columbus, Nebraska
2sthinjr hut the finr.t
I Columbiiri, Nebraska
I 'M"M"M"H"I"H8
If t T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1