The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 28, 1906, Image 1
f a w uuunmtrns mn rm. Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER iH. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1906 WHOLE NUMBER 1.793. J ,4 i? vafj i 111111b Legitimate banking business Is han dled by us. We keep your valuable papers in safety deposit boxes. We sell drafts and foreign exchange payable any place in the world. We cash all sorts of money orders or checks on any bank. Why go out of your way to get these items cashed when we are handy? Tun Old Keliaiilk Columbus State Bank Marriage Licenses Alfred Loeseke to Rosa Schneider. Schnyler; John Nelson. Genoa to Lillie Johnson, Lindsay; Herman Loseke, Leigh to Barbara Schneider, Schuyler; Charlie C. Moore Columbus to Mary C. Moore, Richland; Geo. Jurow&ki, Fuller ton to Veroniku Lies, Duncan; Ottis Dasher to Blanche Showar, Creston Nicholas Mueting, Cornlea, Katie Menl ken, Humphrey; John E. Kumpf, Co lumbus, Elna M. Walsh, Columbus; Oliver P. Newman. South Dakota, Annie Kraute. Creston. Kumpf-Walsh. Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock Judge ltatterman performed the ceremony which united in tin bonds of matrimony Jolm E. Kumpf .mil Miss Edna M. Walsh, both of Hub city. Mr. Kumpf is one of the obliging clerks in the Henry Bagatz & Co. store, and Miss Wali-h has been one of the telephone operatojs in this city for some time. The many friends of both the contracting parties wish them ali tiie good things this life affords. For wedding stationery, vis iting cards and fine stationery call on the Columbus Printing & Specialty House tt Wanted. Farm loans at 5 and .;; per cent, no commission. Elliott, Speice & Co Farm for Sale. My entire tnict of land of oOO acre in Shell Creek valley is for sale at a very reasonable price and on cas terms. Call booh if you want to uet in on the ground Moor, tf Jos liCNr.OKLCit. Auctioneer. E.M. Morehoid, auctioneer," will be located at Newman Grove. Dates can be made at this office at any time. Tel ephone either bank at Newman Grove Wedding Presents. I have ordered home new things in queensware especially aporopriate for wedding gifts, at medinm prices. SETH BRAUN. Coal. Newman & Welch have coal from $5 to 8 per ton at yard. Heal Ets"te Loans. We are prepared to make loans on all kinds of real estate at the lowest rates on easy terms. Becher, Hocken berger & Chambers. Farm for Sale. 200 acres. 140 improved, balance pasture. First clasd buildings. Three miles north west of Columbus. Boyd Dawson Stp ) NOTICE l-'OK PUBLICATION N itepaitnipnt of the Interior. .Lfi'iA ttKc at Lincoln, Nebraska. Jimuarj 29. 11M5. Notice is hereto given that the following nam ed settler hat. ril-i notice of his iukn ion to make final proof in supiort of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Clerk of District Court, at Coluuibus, Nebraska, on March W. WW. viz: Frank liaggi. lid. No. 17694. for the sel. Sec 2S, Twp: 17 N, Range 3 w, 6th P. M. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence Uon acd cultivation of said land, viz: Abraham LaRue. of Genoa. Ne braska: Frank Toia.-m. Genoa, Nebraska; Mat-. thew Morris, of Genoa. Nebraska; Hector Kurth. of Genoa. Nebraska. W. A. GREEN. Register. Dr.E.fl.Naumann DENTIST Has one of the best dental offices in the state. FullyNequipped to do all den tal work in Firat-Ciass manner. Always reasonable in charges. AH work guaranteed. Over 14 3'ears practice in Co lumbus. g5- Dr. E. H. Nhmii. Mifcs Fughley of Genoa is a guest at the home of Loyd Swam. . Mr. H. B Robinsou was an Omaha vibitor Wedesday and Thursday. Mrs. Anna Lehman is confined to the hoafe on account of sickness. Mrs Myron Wheeler returned to her home in Lincoln on Saturday moruiun. Heurv Sturgeon moved this week to bis new home at Stockville in Fron tier county. Miss Nellie Crouse of Schuyler was in the city last Thursday the guest or Mies Lida Clayton. Mrs. Angnst Wagner and her sister Miss Pauline Elias visited friends in Lincoln on') day last week. Mrs. J. G. lieeder entertained at six o'clock dinner Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Wheeler of Lincoln. Mrs. O. L. Baker left for Red Oak. la. Mouday morning to be Dresent at the Binns-Baker wedding on Tuesday. Miss Wetton of Cnicago who has beun the guett of Mrs George Wbaley expects to leave the latter pare of the week for her home. If yon want to be enred of catarrh, gut a Hycmei outfit from Drnggist Chas. H. Oack, price $1. Money hack if it fails to enre. The young people's clab met with Mr. and Mrs. Swain on Saturday evening. The prizes were won by Or. Martyn. jr., and Miss Florence Whitmoyer. Mrs. J. J. Sullivan gave a four oonrse lncheon in honor of Mrs Myron Wheeler Fri afternoon. Twelve ladies were present and after the lunch they played bridged whist Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pollock enter tained at " o clock dinner for Mrs. Myron Wheeler of Lincoln on Satur day evening Those present were: Dr and Mrs. Evans, Jndge and Mrs J J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Cham bers, and Mr. and. Mrs Robinson. R. H. Wurdeman came over from Leigh Monday and took home with him his son Henry who has been a student in the Columbus Business College and who has been saffering recently from an attack of appendici tis The boy will not be able to re sume his etudies before next fall. Frank Kudge, Charles Sues and Tom Mucok wt't brought before Justice O'Brieu 011 .lie charge of disturbing the peace 111 lh city limits in voca tion of city ordinance. They were shooting tame pigeons. A hue of 1 each and coats was imposed. Sues being under fifeeen years old was dis missed and the other two went to jail to board out their fine. Captain Wagner and Lient3nants Brock and Wilson of Company K at tended omcers school in Lincoln dur ing the most of last week. A law was recently passed in this state providing for the instruction of National Guard officers by competent instructors from the regular army. The school is held about twice a year and continues about five davs each session. Only officers of the Natonal Guard are eligible. Nebraska was the first state to adopt the idea and other states are falling in line. The Pionneer Hook and Ladder company held their thirty-second an nnal ball at the Orpbens last Tnurs- day night. The ball was perhaps the most successful one ever given by the company both from a social and finan cial standpoint The proceeds amount ed to abont $120 net. Nearly one nun tired dancers were on the floor. The masks worn were of unusual variety and boautv. Miss Victoria Waps, masked as a bar-maid won the ladies five dollar prize and Charlie Becher, in the mask of a silly boy, won tne same prize offered to men. Perfect order prevailed during the whole evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pollock enter amed the Enchre clnb at the home of the former on Thursday evening. A two course dinner was served. The prices were won by Mrs. O. C Gray, Mrs. Wheeler of Lincoln Mr. Carl Kramer and Mr. W. H. Benham The clnb being given on the evening of Washingtons birthday, the house was beautifully decorated in red white and bine. The place cards and score cards were small hatchets, and larger ones were suspended fiom the chan deliers in the different rooms. A cherry tree loaded with cherries was the center piece of the large table in the dining room. Sunday an accident was averted only by distance. At the German Lutheran church while Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Franzen were getting in their carriage to go home a 22 caliber bul let came buzzing along and lodged in the carriage lap robe Lnckily Mrs. Franzen had jnst gotten iuto the bug gy, and was arranging the robes while Mr. Franzen was untying the team when it oocured. Had Mrs. Franzen stood a moment longer the bullet would no doubt struck her in the face. From all appearance the bullet had been fired from a distance and had spent the most of its force before lodging in the robes, but it was go ins of sufficient rapidity to have made Bevere wound had it struck the lady la the faoa. LeUa World. You will Find... in addition to our new stock of of Wall Paper a full line of .Picture Moulding, Plati Rail, Photograph RsukBead ing, etc. Tflp.Jnee will please yotj: m nr Chas. H. Dick .Druggls 'W Jtj as COBS FOR S ALE : Caltfup Inde pendent Telephone No lOSft' ltp Miss Martha Poet wenttb Ldncoln Saturday morning returnin- Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs.' ' Johannes, Sunday evening February 25. a girl. O. A. Speice remains abont the same, nis condition still befog criti cal. ,t Miss Mamie Elliott returned to her studies in Lincoln Monday after a forced vacation on account of sick ness J. W. Fanble went to Grand Island last Thursday to construct a business block for which he secured the con tract. Ornggist Chas. H. Dack has received a fresh lot of Hyomei, the catarrh remedy tnat he guarantees will cure or cost nothing. LOST : On afternoon of Sunday February 20th, an Opal brooch. Finder please return to this office and receive reward Tom Adams returned home last week from Michigan, where he was called by the serious illnses of his bister Miss Adelia Adams. -c. Mrs. O. H. Sheldon ""Mrs. CVc Sheldon aod Miss Sneddon entertained at five o'clock tea yesterday afternoon at tne home of the former. Mrs Ernest Brown of Norfolk left Saturday evening for her home after a few weeks visit at the home of her parents Judge and Mrs. William Hensley. Mr. Frank Stovick requests all per sons that wonld like instruction in brass or band instruments to call at Scbostng rijrar factory for further in formation It rIri. Ralph Searles of Eldora, la., visited Columbns friends last Thurs day. Mrs. Searles was formerly Miss b ranees Maynard, the efficient opera tor on the Journal' typesetting ma chine. Mrs. A. Anderson and MrB. Peter Anderson left for Fort Collins Friday evening. Mrs. A. Anderson will visit there for three weeks and Mr. Ander son will meet her on his retnrn from California. Mr. Will Baker of Columbns and Miss Edna Binns of Red Oak, la., were married at the home of the brides' parents in Red Oak on Tues day. February 27. Mr. Baker in a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Baker of this city. Mr. Percy W. Nichol of Leigh and Miss Edith Postle, dangherof Mr. and Mrs. L R. Postle of Peabody. Kan., were married by Judge Ratterman last Wednesday afternoon. The groom has many relatives in this county. The young people after a few weeks will go to Peabody, Kan., to make their 'home. M. M. Steele, the rural route agent who has been investigating the feasi rilitv of giving Platte county abso R. F. D. service, has about two weeks more work in tne country, when his report will be sent to tne department. Ju6twnat that report will only Mr. Steele knows, but from his countenance when asked, it is burnmed that it will be favorable. Jndge Ratterman performed the ceremony which united Mr NicboIa Mueting. of Conlea to Miss Katie Meintken, of Humphrey, yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. A brother of the groom and sist r of the bride ac companied the happy couple to this city last night and witnessed the cere mony. They are both well known in their respective commnnities. Mrs. Meila McKelvey and her two daughters. Hazel and Marguereite will leave the first of March for Ful lerton where they will make their fu ture home. Fullerton was formerly their home nntil the death of Mr. McKelvey. The two girls will take charge of the Fallerton telephone ex change which will o placed in their residence. Miss Hazel has been in the employ of the Nebraska Telephone company here for a number of years and Marguerite has helda similar po sition in the Independent exchange Mr. t Fred Gerber was in Omaha last Sun- i day. v !is Madge Kanffmtiti lefi for Chica go today. Miss Ldia Sturgeon left yesterday for Omaha. Mrs. S E. Baker visited over Sun day in Schuyler. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas H Dack, Tud iy, February 27th, a daughter. Mr. George H 11 1st, of Omah:i was a guest at the Martyn home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Johnson, of Cambridge, Neb., are visiting with Mr. ana Mrs S. E. Baker. A basket social is to be given at the Adamy school on the evening of March 9th,. Everybody welcome to attend. The Misses Vie and Vera Stevenson entertained the O. K. C. girls' last even ing, an enjoyable evening was spent by 1 hose present. Don't be troubled lunger with ca tarrh Druggist. Chas. A. Dack says that if a $1 Hyomei outfit does not cure you completely, he will pay for it. The Democratic City Central com mittee neld a meeting last night and set the date of March 19th for a con vention to nominate the oity officers to be elected this spring. TAKEN UP. At my farm four miles north of town, three calves, on November i7th, 1905. Owner can nave same by proving property and paying expenses. Inquire of O. J. Turner. Miss Anna entertained the O. K. C. girls at her home last Friday evening. The evening was spent in playing pro gressive games. Miss Itose Gass and Miss Emily Kagatz won the prizes. Refreshments were served. Hans Albert will give a violin reci tal at the Methodist Episcopal church next Tuesday evening, March 6. Lov ers of good music cannot fail to ap preciate the opportunity to hear this celebrated artist. Admission 10. West and Vokes and Miss Margaret Daly Vokes presented their comic opera "A Pair of Pinks" at the North Opera house last evening to a well filled house. Margaret Daly Vokes was the hit the evening, with .Charles Stewart as the Hebrew a "fckise second. West bad" vokes as the two "Piuks" were olightly below what had been expected and the chorus, wall, as Margaret Daly Vokes sung in her hit. "It s best not to say to much about it." Mrs.;C. H. Sheldon, Mrs. C. C. Shel iiuu and Miss Sheldon were hostesses I uesday at a dainty and novel five o'clock tea to fifty-eight of their lady f net ds. The rooms were decorated with twisted streamers of scarlet and cream crepe paper strung from the chandeliers to the sides of the room. The tables were decorated with Hugs of all nations, one large flag in a jar on each table. The guests were given small flags to cor respond, instead of place cards, to find their places at the tables. Red and white carnations were also used in dec oration. The general meeting of the Wo man's club will be held in the high school gymnasium on Saturday, March 3, at 3 o'clock. The papers read will be on educational topics and the high school building will be opened to the clnb, wer6 some art and industrial work done in the schools will be on exhibition. The following program will be given : Piano solo. Seleoted, Mrs. ). E. Adams; Paper "Industrial Work " Mrs Brndley. Paper, "Mu sic in the Schools." Mrs R. T. Page. Vocal solo. Selected, Miss Morgan. Practical Demonstration in Manual Training Work, Mr. E. V. Graves. This meeting was to nave been held at the residence of Mrs. Millard but owing to tne illness in her family it was impossible for Mrs. Millard to receive the club. M, lL A GOOD STORY bears well repeating as will your suc cessful real estate investment. We have walked the path to' success in real ty matters with the firm tread of exper ienceand this experience and knowl edge of values is at your command. We can show you some of the finest im proved property lying out of doors and quote you a price so low with easy terms of payment that even those who run can count its sure increase in value. Not one piece, but hundreds, and all well located that for you to see will cre ate a hond of sympathy between the price and your savings. Bf cher, ffackeiibtrgtr . & Chmbtrs Uth St. OalaBbua, Nebr MWffV U N r?UWVB WMF y ?B 1 Whether you expect to spend a considerable sum for a gift or whether you wish only some little thing to grace the occasion -in either case Nie wohner's should be your objective point. Two advantages will be yours tne opportunity to select from an un usually large stock and certainty of the value and good taste of whatever you select. Silverware Cut Glass Hand-Painted China Leather Ceeds ED. J. NIEWOHNEH, The Jeweler. Farmers Institute. The fanners of Platte county at tended the institute Monday afternoon and yesterday in numbers and listened with a great deal of interest to the several able speakers. Especial interest was shojrn in the address of Hon. Wlliiam Ernst, of Graf, Neb., Tuesday afternoon on the subject 'Growing Corn," and many valuable hints were given to the at tending farmers. Mr. Poynters' address, on the sub ject of "Farm Dairying ' was also well received, and was filled with merit, showing our ex-governor to be well versed in the fine points of bis subject. Mr. W. D. McKee consumed nearly the entire morning session with his subject "The Feeder Type of Beef Steer," and gave his audience many pointers on the choosing, care and fattening of feeders. Ex Governor Poynter also gave a chicken talk Mon day afternoon T. G. Furgnson, of Beyer Crossing discoursed on the sub ject of "How to Till and Fertilize the Farm," telling the assembled farmers many things they bad not known, and giving them interesting bits of know ledge that they already knew, but had never realized. Mr. Ernst also spoke on "Maintaining Tame Pastures The evening session Monday was de voted to the ladies, and a goodly num ber were in attendance to bear Miss Rosa Bouton. of the State University discourse on Domestic Science and the home. The following are the officers elect ed for the ensuing year: Executive board, J H Drinnin. Chris Binz, G. Draper, Fred Luckey. and Craig Turner. President, John Grosnicklaus ; vice-president. Carl Rohde; and secretary and treasurer, Albert Stenver. Mrs Margaret Brady. Death claimed another of Plane county's pioneer citizens last Friday when Mrs. Margaret Brady passed to her eternal rewatd. Mrs. Brndy was born in Kings county, Ireland iu IS34. Both parents having died suddenly with cholera, she with her brother and sisters came to America and lo cated in Chester county Peun., in 1847. In 1836 thev came to Platte county. Neb. , where she was married to Adam Smith in 1859. He was one of the victms of the Arapahoe massacre near Genoa in I860. Four yaers later she married Thomas Brady who met a tragic death in a runaway a few years loter. She con tinued to make the old homestead her home until 1893, when she moved to Columbus and has resided, here con tinually until her death. Of a family of five ohildren she leaven only one son Adam Smith besides her brother Patrick Murray and two sisters Mrs. O. Gushing of Columbus and Sister Auastasia of the Visitation convent at Wheeling W. V. to mourja her loss. The funeral sevices were at the Oathollo church Monday morning at 10 o'clock and interment made in the Catholic cemetery. Sherman Township. Gus Loseke drove to Herman Ahrns place on business Thursday. George Hoessel of Crossplaine, Wis., is visiting with his brother John and family the past week Adolph Hellbusch lost a valuable horse one day last week. The public sale of Nirk Hofn.-r was well attended and everything sold for a good price. Mre. George Handing who was quite sick is slowly improving under the care of Dr. Metz of Humphrey. R. H. Wurdeman has moved from his home farm to the Davis farm of 80 acres and will farm on a smaller scale and devote his time in raising chickens. Fred Dasenhrock loaded a car of hogs at Leigh Wednesday evening headed for the South Omaha market. E. Lueschen and D. B. Gorman are at the County seat this week they being drawn to serve on the jury. Martin Dierks took snddnly sick last Friday. Herman Jnselman is busy these das delivering corn to Frank Wurdeman. Cards are ont announcing the mar riage of Miss Anna Krause to Ollie P Newman which is to take place Thurs day March 1st, at the home of the bride's brother Panl Krause in Sherman township. T IS HIGH TIME YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO FOR THAT FRIEND WHO IS SOON TO BE MARRIED. MONROE BAUK ROBBED. Four Men Suspected of the Robbery Under Arrest- Between midnight Thursday and morning Friday an attempt was made to rob the bank of Monroe. Entrance co the building was gained by forcing the front door. In order ro get tools to work with they broke pen the hand oar house near the de pot and secured ft heavy orow bar and also took a sledge and some other tools from John Truelove's blacksmith nop. When the section foreman Chas Cummins, went to work this morning be discovered that the tool house had been broken open and the bar was gone, and surmising that something was wrong went first to the depot and later up town, and discovered that the front door to the bank was open. He at once gave the alarm and an inves tigation diolosed the fact that therob bers had broken the combination oftne the vault but had failed to get into it, although they used at least one charge of high exDlosive wm. Webster, the president, was in the bank until alter midnight Thurs day checking up a sale he had clerked and had the robbers succeeded in opening even the vauit wonld have secured several hundred dollars. In order to make their escape they stole L. D. Smith's team and wagon, which were found near the old fish pond at Columbus and recovered. Sheriff Carrig was notified at once and he 6et to work to apprehend the criminals. This afternoon word was received that four suspects had been taken from the train at Silver Creek and taken to Columbus Monroe Re publican. Fonr men suspected of the Monroe bana robbery are safely lodged in tne county jail and will probably stand trial under that charge at the present tession of tne district court. The story of the robbery is told be low in detail in an extract from the Monroe Republican. Taking np the story at the point where the stolen team wan found Fri day morning in west Columbus, four suspicious looking characters appeareu in Duncan early Friday morning and Sheriff Carrig who was notified, went to Duncan on the first train, arrested them and brought them to Columbus. That the sheriff got the right men is supported by ample circumstantial evidence. Near Duncan, along the railroad, where the men had cooked their breakfast John Sokol a resident f Ucucan discovered some fresh dirt thrown np. Digging down he dis covered two large 44 calibre revolvers and a full set of safe-blowing tools including a pint of nitro-glvcerine, chisels, drills and skeleton keys. And not far distant, two more large revol vers were found bnried ia the same manner. The cloth in which the (ihiaels and drills were wrapped was of the same material as that wrapped around the chisels found in the S-uith buggy in Columbus Friday morning. Another bit ot evidence which forms a most important connecting link is the positive identification last Satur day of two of the men by Fred Goke and Fred Swannon of Monroe as the men who called at their homes three miles west of Monroe on Thursday afternoon and demanded food. When they were refused food, they threaten ed to return at night and burn the houses of these two farmers. Upon preliminary examination Tues day the suspects were all held to the district court and will probably be ttied this week. Advertised Letters -C. C Andrews, Mrs. Pearl Arnold, Bnrch. Mrs. M. E. Cogin, M. J. Dor.cey, H. A. Downs. H. C. Ebrlic, .1. A Field, Walker Geerheart, Mrs. J. G. Graham, Earl Hroth. James E. Kelly, Eno. F Leroy. E. M. Lindsay, Miss Rae Morris, Mr. Marx, G. Rocch, Mrs. Emil Schoen, D. Smith, James Smith, Mrs. Annie Wilkerson. and Roy Wilson. The following subjects are an nounced for the Methodist chnrch next Sunday morning, "The Unim peded Traveler." Evening, "Unjust Demands Upon God." Special music provided for the evening service. Walter, the three-year old son of Mr. and. Mrs. Spencer Rioe is quite ill with catarrhal fever. TNE GREAT PR06RESS... of the country sinceWashington'a time is shown in the banking busi ness. The few banks then in ex istence were main ly for government business. Trades men kept their money in chests. Servants left their savings with their masters. The pro gress is shown by TIN First NatiM alBuk which will open an account with as little as one dollar. And it is a sounder institution than some of the gov ernment banks of long ago. ftLB'oftK' V. Miwitf ; The First NatUnal Bank Card of Thaaka. The relatives of the late Margaret Brady desire to thank too kind frleads and neighbors who so kindly agisted them with their presence aad sym pathy during Her illness and death. Public Sale J. E. Niohol. residing four mikw east of Columbns will Mil nil hia I dtock and farm iaplesaents at pablie auction on March 5. He will offer a large aaaber of horses, and cattle of excellent quality and all kinds of first implemeata, buggies, wagons etc Nothing will be reserved as Mr. Niohols is going to leave the coaatry. A free lunch will be given at boob. Remember the date, March 5. Tense f 10 and under cash. Over that asaoaat 10 months on bankable note. J. E. NICHOL. BRUOE WEBB, auctioneer. $20,000. In farm mortgages at from 5 to 8 per cent lor sale by Elliott. Speice & Co. 2t Auctioneer Brnce Webb is the best auctoaeer in Platte county. Make dates at this office. tf For Rent. 280 acres land 2 miles northeast of Columbus. Good improvements. 200 acres under cultivation, balance hay land For full particulars call on or write to Elliott Speice & Co. P. O block 48tf Auctioneer. I am prepared to respond promptly to all calls for a practical auctioneer in Platte county territory. I pay for all phone calls. W I. Blaine. Scaay ler, Nebraska Phone No. 63. FOR SALE A modern resi dence, 10 rooms and bath, good barn, eYery convenience, best location in town. Call at Jour nal Office. tf COLUMBUS MARKET8. Wheat 65 Corn 28 Oats bushel 23 Rye-r bushel 51 Barley, 25 Potatoes 3? bu 30 Batter t). ig to 18 Eggs r dozen 10 Hens J g Roosters 6 Hogs 5.50 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Nebraska. Jftnnnrv 99 1QTM Notice is hereby K vent hat the following named Hettler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clrk of District Court, at Columbns, Nebraska, on March 19. UK. viz: Abraham W. Laltue, Hd. No. 17637. for the sw' Sec 31. Township 17 N, Range 8 W 6th P.M. He names the following witnesses to pcove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Buggi, of Genoa, Nebras ka; Milford Beckwith. of Silver Creek. Nebras ka; Michael Kusz. of Genoa. Nebraska; Martin Kargns, of Duncan, Nebraska. W. A. GREEN. Register. MODERN DENTISTRY in an up-ro-date efBce, is the best thing we have to offer. we can and do fill and extract teeth POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN. We give a written guarantee with all work. If it fails or proves unsat isfactory AT ANY TIME we will either replace it or refund the money Dr. J. E. Paul, DoiitUt. Over Niewohaer'a ear. Uth 8. E. eoner e&Park. OfiT8ftk IU 1 ,i- K1S--j -.- . --T -..- &z&&!&garih-c. "i t..' i t- -- y'jL