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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
5Sj iJA.&atiiJljaaiatiiAulaiatiAi EiiafcS -X3? S2afi5rf pa 2E5i 82 & ; v' V ; The Beautiful Snow will be a thing of the past, and we have put in 50 New Baby Go-Carts so the little ones need not walk. Enquire of... m BOTH PHONES NEW FIELD SEEDS 1906 ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSYKE CLOVER, ENGLISH BLUE GRASS TIMOTHY, RAPE, BROME GRASS RED TOP, GERMAN MILLET HUNGARIAN, ETC., at the lowest market price lor choice seeds. HERMAN P. H. OEHLRICH BIG DUR0C - SALE flt David City, Nebraska THURSDAY, MARCH 1ST Commencing at 1 O'clock Sharp 35 Head of Thoroughbred Duroc-Jersey Sows Consisting of tried sows, yearlings and spring gilts of the most prom inent strains of blood. To mako the sale effective we are putting in such sows as Rock Belle and Nancy Wilks. by Red Rock; Lena Rivers by Ban nor IX: Regina. by Rusty Bill, Nellie S, by Uncle Sam; Red King's Anna by Red King; Lady Spath, by Big Chief; Miss Ruby, Orange Blossom, Queen Esther, Swede Girl, by Uncle Ham; these are some of our old stand-bys; Yankee Girl 53478, by Fred 15633: this is a fine sow, being the top gilt sold at C- H, Johnson's sale in 1003. You cannot go wrong on such a (w as this. Herd Boars: Mendenhall's Pride 3(5037, by Red King 3U89, has been at the head of our herd for two years and is a grand indivinual, being in the same line of breeding as the hogs that won prizes a? St. Louis, shown by J. E. Mendenhall. Some gilts are sired by him and a few sows bred to him; Red Cedar 43941, by Sampson of Nebr., 28503; this is a fine young hog of good length anil extra heavy bone, good on feet and has good color Butler Chief 43937 by Star 3"05, is another of the good ones and is as Well bred as any we have, as you will see. He is a fall yearling and a fine individual. Anyone wjshing to improve their herds will do well to attend this sale. J. D. WILGUS & SON I T. C. Callahan, Auc. E. J. Dworak, Clerk ;nwnwiig tmt t i.ttttt PUBLIC AT THE Sheldon Ranche (on the Island) 3 1-2 miles South of Columbus, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, Beginning at 10 O'clock, a.m. To close partnership we will offer at Public Auction, without reserve, the fol lowing property, to-wit 1 black lior-e 7 yrs old. 140H 1 grav horsed yrs old. lo"0Hs 1 bay hore a yr old. loOOlb. 1 gray hore " yrs old, HiOOlbs 1 black mare, weight loOOlbs 41 head high grade -Shorthorn cov with calves at foot or with calf 20 head high grade yearling. half steer? and half heifers 40 Duroe Jersey brow! sows, bred to registered Duroc .Jer sey hoar 1 registered Ou roe .Jersey boar 10 heid of hoats 3 lumber wagons 1 Mct'onniek binder, nearlv new FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS S10 or under cah; be given on bankable paper at 8 percent. Col. Bruci: Webb, Auctioneer. '- - f UNDERTAKING at ra ssswwsa HKSS? JERSEY jTa7m,i SALE! I 1 McCormiek mower 1 hay rake 1 Dane hay sweep 1 Slide stacker, complete 1 18 inch i ft. disc 1 3 section steel harrow 1 End Gate seeder 2 Hi inch walking plows 3 New Departure cultivators 2o tons each of looe hay and baled ha' 1 combined lisiei 1 corn planter 1 feed grinder 1 heating stove 1 steel range 1 washing machine above that amount 10 months will SHELDON & ANDERSON Tl&l Di C. V. GUMPBEU Dentist Office with Dr. Lueschen Arnold's Old Stand Teeth Painlessly Extracted Crown and Bridge Work Gold, Silver and Cement Filling Examination and Estimates Free of Charge Dr. Paul, dentist. Herrick for furniture. Journal ads bring result. Dr. Mark T. MoMahon. dentist Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Prof. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldg. Get your shoes sbined at Park Bar ber shop. tf Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th St. Jeweler. tt New line of ladies collars and neck wear bt Galley's. If your eyes, ears, nose or throat give you trouble see Dr. Lueschen. Dr. D. T. fliartyn, jr., office new Columbus State Bank building. Boys, bny your cigars and candy at Smith's, opposite U P. deot. tf FOR SALE : A becond hand piano, almost new. Inquire Journal office. Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with :Dr. Lueschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive .t. Try our Ilex Lump Coal $7 at the yaid. P. D.Smith Co. Kotli tel. No. 8. Children's .stationery at Buscbman's. Something new. None like it in town. 2t Get the habit of buying your candy at Poesch's. Bargain prices every Saturday. 2t Our IJleml coal is slill ;iie best ". "Ml siove coal on the market. Telephone 74 - Weaver .v Son. If you wnnta H-Hir with all the nu tritious pail of the wheat buy GOLD DUST made by Columbus roller mills. One Swallow does not make a sum mer, but one snow storm tike the one last week is enough of winter for the majority of us. LOST: A pair of child's shoes, size 12. Left at Public Library on February !). Owner may have same by calling an J paying for this notice. Mrs. George F. Haase of Frankford. Jl . ji sister of Mrs. Peter Weber, is a uesi of her bister and will remain in the city for a month or 6i week, in hope of heme benefitted in health. Mips KeUo returned the first of the week from Chicago Jtrhere she has been several weeks getting iu touch with new spring -tyles. During her trip she en i!au'd an expert trimmer who will be here March I. Mib Margaret Gnffeth went to St. .loc and Kansas City last week to spend two weeks in the millinery stores pre paratory to opening up the spring mil linery trade. Mis Shubert is in charge of the store during Mie Griffith's ab sence. The Nebraska Division of Sons of Veterans held their regular annual encampment last Thursday. More thin usual interest attached to this meeting from the fact that the chief officers of the state association are Columbus men, Bert J. Galley being commander, E. H. Jenkins, secretary and E. P. Dus9ell treasurer. Not a large attendance was present, many of the delegates having been detained at the last minute. But the affairs of the division under the management ef the Columbus men were in such excellent condition that the few dele gates present went home with in creased enthusiasm and renewed faith in the future of the order which for several years has been bar ily able to keep it bead above water. At the close of the basinet session on Thursday afternoon, the local Grand Army men and Sons of Veterans ware invited in and a three oourse banquet accompanied by appropriate speech making wa.s enjoyed Captain Lee Rollins, actios with happy ease in the role of toast-master, introduced the speakers The meeting being near Lincoln's birthday, the most of the speeches turned naturally to Lin coln. For the Grand Army, addresses were made by Col. Whit mover, W. A MoAlli6ter, J. H. Galley, John Brock, E. O. Rector and Mr. Cook a visiting veteran from Lincoln. For the Sons of Veterans most interesting talks were given by Rev. U R D;. Wolf, Bert Galley of this city and H . W. Rogers, Division Chaplin of Fre mont. Several telegrams and letters of regret from delegates were read. Mnoh oredit is due E. H. Jenkins who alone bad charge of the banquet arrangements and to O. C. Joups who acted as caterer. The officers for tne coming year are Bert J. Galley,' commander; F. H. Richards. Fre mont, senoir-vice ; J. W Foj, Osoeo la, junior-vice E. H. Jenkins, secre tary ; E. P. Dussell, treasurer ; O. C. Stnll. Osceola, counsellor; H. W. Rogers. Fremont, chaplain; R. G. Douglas, inspector; G. F. Wolz. Fre mont, James McBetb. Shelby and, G. W Heine, Hooper division council. Tne division is in better financial condition than it has been for several yaars. Inquire of Herrick. G. R. Preib, painting .and paper hanging. dwtf Carl Schubert has complete camping outfits for rent. tf The Journal wants all , the news. Phone or write it in A good stcok of glass ware and queens ware at low prices at Seth Braun's. Carl Schubert Pas a nice line of Zonopbones. and Talking machines and records. ; FOR SALE: Fresh brnuiegras seed. Wm. Hoefelman. Grand Prairie. R. 1. PlatteCenter. Nebr. 4 tp FOR SALE: Two thorough bred Hereford bulls, two years old -W. L. Smith, Monroe, Neb. We do m)t sell iiny cheap sooty coal. Any coai urn lu from us will lie clean. Telephone 74 Weaver .v Son. Miss Ethel tf. W inc returned to Red Oak, la . Saturday, after a weeks visit with her sinter Mrs. W H. King. lings made of old cai pets'Jty Columbus Kiig Factory. 211, 11th street, Columbus. Nebr. We have the only genuine Maitland (Round formation) coal. Look at sam ples in onr windows. Telephone 74. Weaver & Son. WANTED- Good woman for general housework on the farm. One to cook for Good wages. J. W. S. Leigh, Neb., R. F. D. No. 1. 3t FOR SALE: -One of the best farms in Howard county, fifty dollars an acre. For particulars write, H. .1. Dixon Springview, Neb. A little more than your monthly rent, will, by the aid of The Equit able Building, Loan & Sayings Asso ciation, pay for a home for yourself. FOR SALE 40 acres of good farm land two and one-half miles northeas of Columbus SfH) per acre if taken soon. Inquire of E. H. Nauniann, Columbus, Neb. 36-tf Leave vour laundry at the Hark barber shop Basket leaves Tuesday evening, returns Saturday morning. Agent for Nonpareil Laundry, Omaha Neb. WANTED. Bright, honest young man from Columbus, Neb. , to prepare for pavine position in Government Mail Service. Fox one, Cedar Rap ids, la. 8t R S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans, dyes and repairs ladies and gen'ts clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked. Agent for Germania steam dye works, Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St. Everybody is tatistied with Shell Creek Valley Pride flour made by Peter Sehtritt. the German miller. If you haven't tried it, now is the right time to begin. tf Pure bred 11 C. B. Leghorns, won third pen at Platte County Ponltry show. Fine cockerel for sale at 31 each. Mi Roy Clark, R F. D. No. 3. St. Edward Nebrnvka. X.-b. Telephone Q 90. 45 ."it H. O. atudloy who is moving to Oresron called at the Journal office this week and took occasion to remark upon the excellent results in the way of numerous inquiries from his sale ad in the Journal. Miss Madge Kaufftnan will leave Saturday for Chicago to spend sever al weeks in the large wholesale mil linery houses preparatary to entering upon her duties as head milliner for tne coming season. Mrs J. G. Becber entertained the card club last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Henrv Gaps, jr., was the fortu nate winner of the prize. Refresh ments were served and a very enjoy able evening is reported. Mrs. A. Andeison with her chil dren will accompany Mrs. Peter An derson Friday on her return to Ft. Collins, Colo., where she will visit her mother and other relatives. She will accompany her husband home on his return from California. Dr. and Mrs. G. D Evans enter tained at dinner Monday night Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Chambers. Judge and Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson and on Tuesday night, Mr. and vfrs Roen. Mr and Mrs. How ard and Mr. and Mrs. Pollock. Rev. DeWolf announces the follow ing subjects for discussion at the Me thodist Episcopal church next Sab bath. Morning: "Duty Assigned, not Chosen." Evening. "The Un bridged Gulf." Mr. B. B. Green will render a solo at the evening ser vice. The new Phillips-Friedhoff block is rapidly nearing completion. The heating apparatus Is in place and the fires were started last Wednesday. Plastering is now under way and it is expected that the building will be ready for occupnacy by the mddle of March or the first of April. Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Equipped Optieal Offices In The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted, to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE fvgjg . F"--i" RAIIV'S PICTURE Have you one? No? Then take it to the .McAllister Studio and OET IT'S FIRST PICTURE. It will be prized in after year-. It is a cievvr turn that's required to take baby'. picture right. The knack is our's, and the picture will be yours soon after bit t mi;, linng it in now. It will never be prettier. McAllister Studio otiivK sr., Columbus, Xebr. Over Phillipps Ston Herrick for baby go-carts. Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist, 13th St A new supply of shells and guns at Carl Schubert's. Dr. O. A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Weaver & Sons keep the largest and best assortment of coal. Try a Journal "want ad" if you have anything to buy or sell. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con sultation in German and English. A fine line of new handpainted china at Bushman's Racket store. A full line of hunting coats, caps, hats, pants boots, etc., at Carl Schu bert's. LOST: A watch fob with sold buckle. Finder please leave at Jour nal office. FOR SALE- A set of the Internation al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the Journal office. WAN1 ED : Good farm loans at per cent. No commissions, W. L. May, Omaha, Neb. It is economy to bny clean coal'. That is the only kind you can get at Newman & Welch's. Sfl.00 per ton. Our Carney Lump for heat ean't help but please you. Tele phone 74. Weaver .v Son. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent Hour. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it. Misses Hattie Selzer and Alfreda Post are in Chicago this week select ing styles for their spring millinery. Excellent seed potatoes for sale. Early Ohio variety at 75 cents. Don't wait until spring and pay fl ."JO. Tur ner & Jenkins. 1-2 We still have a large supply of all the leading kinds of coal. Order enonsh now to last yon over the cold weather. Newman & Welch A turn on the wheel of fortune will find yon well protected if you have a pass-book in The Equitable Bnilding, Loan & Savings Association. 48 2t TAKEN UP A spotted cow with horns, by Geo. Randall, 1 mile north of Columbus. Owner can have ame by paying feed bill and eo-tb of this notiee Mrs. A. P. Sutton and Mrs. G. W. Merill went to Columbus Sunday last to be gone several days, Mrs. Merrill to see her daughter, Mrs. John Peter son, who is ill. Silver Creek Sand. We are informed by Rev. DeWolf that the Methodist Episcopal church nas secured Hans Albert, the great voilinist for an entertainment on March 6. Fnrther particulars next week. Owing to an oversight the Journal failed last week to mention the China lao demonstration in Daok's window, in which Madjaska a pretty French girl, attired in Chines 3 costume, de monstrted by means of paint brush and cards, the qualities of the article she was advertising. The demonstra tion is worthy of special mention not only on account of good taste and skill displayed by the young lady and the uniqueness of her company's method of advertising but because of the display of enterprise connected with it by C. H. Dack and his head clerk, Frank Kersenbrock. Iudeed, in the division of honors, the me chanical skill and good taste displayed by Frank Kersenbrock, in arranging the display attracted quite as mnch admiration as did the pretty girl with coquettish eyes displaying her work in the window. This is a day for new things in advertising, bnt no thins more novel has ever visited Co lumbus than the little Chinese lady. The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Columbus will fall on the twenty-ninth of next May and there is talk of arranging for a suitable celebration of that anniversary. Mayor Dickinon expresses a keen in terest in the matter and suggests that it woula not be inappropriate to hold the celebration on Decoration Day. The old settlers, including J. E. North and L. Gerrard also express an active interest. Among other things Mr. North made the following state ment to a representative of tUo Jour nal: "Such a celebration would be fitting I am in favor of it. You bad better talk to some others of the old settlers and have them agree upon a data for holding a mass meeting of oitizens to discus" the question and appoint a committee to arrange the program. Sketches of the history of this county, if preserved wonld make a valuable contribution to the. early history of the stats." The interest seems so general that nothing remains to be done but to agree upon a date for a mast meeting to arrange the de- J. H. 505 Eleventh Street, In Order.... To clear our shelves for our New Spring Stock we will contin ue to sell all our line of Winter Goods at 20 Per Cent Off Men's Suits and Overcoats at 20 per cent reduction Ladies cloaks, jackets and capes at 20 per cent off Boy's Suits and Overcoats at 20 per cent reduction Our New Spring Stock will arrive and be on dis play about March 1st. We will be pleased to show these goods to you. J. H. 505 Eleventh Street, Wm. DIETRIGHS Mouse. Sign and Carriage Painting lain anal ornamental ralntlna et all Kinds. Olm er Geuntm. ml. Tel. 2U2. COLUMBUS. NE fS-M"H"H"M"i H. MGATZ & CO t v Staple & Fancy Groceries CROC KERY LAMPS GLASSWARE -I- fr t I t W It has been our experience in the past that J people appreciate a good article at a fair price. We carry a large stock oi the best grades of J Flour, Tea, And ' Canned Goods, t We handle the following articles in large quantities for Z Stockmen ROCK SALT. OIL MEAL. POULTRY POOD. GROUND BONE. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs We ask a Share of Your Patronage :! Henry Ragatz & Co., GALLEY Golumbu, Nebraska GA12.EY Columbus. Nebraska Nothing hut the finest TT. 2?. IBoclss (HAS. A. WELCH, ColumhiiH, Nebraska 4H:"M"M"M"M I'M "M"M"M"M"M"M 1 1 1 IU lit- Coffee and Poultrymen.... BARREL SALT. STOCK FOOD. OYSTER SHELLS. I CRYSTAL GRIT. J -1 q A