The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 21, 1906, Image 2
nsr CIAL BELOW THE Eleventh Street. Columbus, Nebraska. 16TH AND CLOSING x SHh it BOS TO N ! k. FEBRUARY awn raw - PI We Must Have the Money to Meet Our Obligations and Buy Our Spring Stock of Goods A $9,000 STOCK OF Our Entire Stock Must Go During This Sale Ladies' Dress Goods (4 10c Outing Flannels now, per yard lOc Suiting " 12 l-2c German Calico, 10c German Calico, 10 Yards of Calico to one customer 40c Eiderdown, now 10c Gingham and Percale, now 1 5c Mercerized Sateen, now $1.50 Broadcloth, 52 in. wide, now $1 Worsted Dress Goods, now 35c Worsted Dress Goods, now 50c Worsted Dress Goods, now 65c Worsted Dress Goods, now 7 5c Worsted Dress Goods, now 60c White Brilliantine, now 40c Dress Goods, now 50c Dress Goods, now 50c Bed Flannel, now 40c White Flannel, now 55c White Waistings, now 45c White Waistings, now 15c White Waistings, now 10c Flannelettes, now 15c Flannelettes, now 18c Flannelettes, now 12 l-2c Flannelettes, now Ladies' Waist Sets, all prices, now at 20c Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, 7 for 25c 5c Spools J. P. Coats Silko, 3 spools for 10c Table Cloths, Toweling's, and Linens 50c Table Cloth, blue and white check 35c Table Cloth, Bed check, 25c Table Cloth, Bed check, 60c Table Cloth, Half-bleached 12 l-2c Linen Toweling, now per yard 10c Linen Toweling, 8c Linen Toweling, M (C ( Ladies' Lace Collars sold very cheap. Children's Stocking Caps and Infant's Caps go very cheap. A nice line of Embroideries and Laces in this sale at very low prices. $1.25 Ladies' Outing Night Gowns at $1 00 60c Children.s Outing night gowns . 45c Blankets and Shawls $4.00 Wool Blankets, now 85c Cotton Blankets, now $2.25 Quilts, now 1.35 Quilts, now 2.25 Shawls, now 3.00 Shawls, now 60c Head Shawls, now 50c Head Shawls, now 35c Head Shawle, now $2.75 65c 1.75 1.10 1.75 2.00 45c 40c 25c Skirts, Jackets, Capes $2.25 Skirts reduced to $3.75 Skirts reduced to $4.25 Skirts reduced to $4.50 Skirts, Brilliantine, reduced to $3.00 Children's Coats; now $3.50 Children's Coats, now $3.75 Children's Coats, now $1.50 Infant's Coats, now $1.75 2.75 3.00 3.25 $2.25 2.50 2.75 95c Jackets and Capes go at Half Price. $1.25 Fleece lined Percale wrappers 85c $1.75 Black Sateen wrappers, $1.25 $1.75 Ladies' Sweaters, now 1.45 $1.50 Ladies' Black Sateen $1.25 u 75c " " u $1.75 " "White $1.50 $1.25 $1.20 95c 55c $1.50 1.25 1.10 $1.00 Corsets, Best Makes, now 50c Summer Corsets, now 25c Summer Corsets, now 80c Fascinators, now 55c Fascinators, now $1.00 Ice Wool Shawls, now $1.40 Ice Wool Shawls, now 85c Ice Wool Shawls, now 60c 40c 80c $1.25 70c u tt tt it tt tt tt tt tl Cloves, Etc. 15c Cotton flannel mittens at 10c Cotton flannel gloves at 50c heavy leather mittens at 75c $1.00 $1.25 50c knitted wool gloves at 75c Kid Dress gloves at $2.00 Corduroy pants at . 2.25 Corduroy pants at . 2.50 Corduroy pants at . 3.50 Corduroy pants at . 2.25 Men's Felt boots at . 3.50 Men's boots at 1.50 Men's Arctics at 2.25 Arctics for Ger. socks 1j1 a jm. A nJ IPiiliVi nun ..uu r leece imeu xvuui:i r 75c Ladies' Fleeced Rubbers .65 50c Ladies' mittens and gloves 40c 35c " " " 25c 25c " " " 20c 20c " wristlets . 15c 25c Window Shades, now 45c Window Shades, now 50c Window Shades, now Shoes and Hosiery $1.25 Ladies' Slippers, now $1.00 1,50 " " " 1.25 "1.75 " " 1.50 1.50 Men's " " 1.25 2.00 " " " 1.75 1.72 Ladies' and Meu's Shoes, at... 1.50 2.00 " " ... 1.75 2.25 " -" ... 1.90 2.50 " " ... 2.10 3.50 Men's Shoes..... 2.75 1.65 Boy's " 1.40 1.75 ." " 1.50 2.00 " " 1.75 1.50 " " 1.30 1.25 Children's Shoes, at 1.10 150 ' " 1.35 1.35 " " 1.20 .25 Men's Heavy Wool Socks... .20 .10 " Rockfbrd " ... .07 8 " " " ... .06 07 " " ... .05 .25 " Fine Wool socks 20 20 " " " 15 1.00 " German " 70 .10 Ladies' Rockfbrd hoe 08 15 " '" " 10 .25 " Fleece lined " 20 20 " " " " 1 .25 Children's Extra heavy hose .20 .15 " hose 12 Articles Not Listed Go at Great Reduction In Price Underwear, Etc. 50c Ladies' and Men's underwear.... .40c 30c Ladies' light underwear 20c SI. 00 Ladies' and Men's wool 'ndrw'r 80c 1.25 Ladies' heavy fleece lined union suits now at 85c 60c Ladies' union suits at 45c $1.10 Men's union suits at 90c 75c Men's wool fleeced underwear... 50c 60c Ladies extra size, heavy fleece lined underwear 50c Children's Underwear very cheap. 75c Leggins at 60c 65c Leggins at 50c 50c Leggins at 40c 81.75 Men's Wool Sweaters at $1.25 1.25 " " " 90 .75 " " " 60 82.00 Men's Wool pants now 1.65 2.50 " " " 2.00 1.00 " " 85 75c Overalls and Jackets at 65 50c " " ,45 Dress and work shirts at 10 and 15c off $3.00 Boy's Knee pant suits $2.25 5.00 " Long pant suits 3.75 .50 " Knee pants .40 2.75 Men's Duck coats 2.25 2.00 " " " 1.75 1.00 Boy's Duck coats 60 4.00 " Dress Overcoats 2.50 Miscellaneous $2.50 Men's Felt Hats, now $2.00 u u u u u 1.75 1.50 1.25 .50 Caps, now .40 " " . 2.50 Men'sGold watch chain warranted 20 years, now 1.00 Men'sGold watch chain warranted 5 years, now 1.50 .60 tSoaps Diamond C; Santa Claus, Lenox and Dover Soap, 9 ban for 25c Sunny Monday and Naptha Soap, 6 bars for . 25c ' Pola and Corn Soap, 10 bars 25c Bulk Starch, per pound 4c 17 l-2c Bulk Coffee now . 14c 20c Bulk Coffee, now 16c 25c Bulk Coffee, now . . 20c 10c Champion or Lewis Lye 7c ToiletSoap, ... 4c Gold Dust washing powder . 4c Search Light Matches, per box 4c Matches, 1000 in box, 5c Lamps, Crockery, Lamp Chimneys and Tinware Will be Sold Very Cheap During This .Sale A New Cleaning Powder A lO Cent Can Will be Given Free to Each Customer who buys j& j& j& a Dollars Worth of Goods. j& j& j& j' t f tstidil ' d -V x.