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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1906)
f '&' Sellwood. (IMUond Gazette) Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ley are feel laghappy orer the arrival of a new baby girl at their home on Tuesday of this veek. A new baby boy came home to Mr. aad Mn. tt. D. Meyer last week, which oaawd considerable rejoioing in the Meyer family. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Kosch went over toOolambas Satarday evening and visited over Sunday with Mrs. Kosch 'b parents. A child aboat four years of age, living with its parents in the base ment of John Fiaxel's farm residence, diedTnesday of diptberia. The fami ly came from the old country a few weks ago. The freight train from Columbus Sunday brought to fiellwood Mrs. Fred Hfatfc. who was stricken down with illneess while teaching school some plaoe near Columbus. She was conveyed tn the home of Fred's par ents on a stretcher and next morning was taken to Lincoln on the passenger train, accompanied by Fred and her parents. GEHOA. I From tne Lmaaer. I Mrs. George Thomazin of St. Ed ward spent the Sabbath in this city the guest of her parents. Miss Daisy Young, who is employ ed in an Indian school in Wisconsin, is spending a vacation at her home in this city. We learn that Will Thompson, who has been in a creamery in Washington. D. C. , is going to retnru to Oolnmbns this week where he has secured a po sition at his trade. The movement started a few weeks ago for the Osberg elevator is still in progress we are informed with (rood prospects for maturing. Axel Samoa Is one of Beaver Vallev received a dispatch Sunday announc ing the death of his father. He drove aoross to Silver Creek to catoh a train on his way to attend the funeral. Platte Center. (From Signal.) Miss Nora Hennessey was among the passengers to the county metropolis Monday of this week. Mi ih Parkinson departed for Higjj-uc Ioaos, Thursday to make fi nal proof on her homestead. C. J. Oarrig informs us that his cattle are dangerously ill with "black leg. five of his best young steers hav ing died with the disease. Mrs. William Dnean and three children, of Omaha, arrived here Tuesday for a visit with her many relatives and friends at this place. Mrs. Dennis Degan last Sunday re ceived the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. M. Sheanan, of Ce dar Rapids, la. R. C. Degan. depart ed Monday for that place to attend the funeral, which took place Wednes day morning at 9 o'clock. A postal from George N. Hopkins informs;us that he, together with his three youngest dauenters, is visiting his daughter. Mrs. J. M. Groos, whom he had not seen in eighteen years, at Muncie, Ind. They expect to remain there until the first of April. HUMPHREY From the Democrat! Mrs. Mike Dineen, of Columbus, was a guest the first cf the week of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaefer and family. The lady was accompanied here by Miss Mary Dineen who was in Columbus visitnig friends and rela tives for some time. Frank Teskoetter's left hand came in oontaot with the business end of a revovlver Wednesday and as a result he is nursing a pretty sore band. It was a case of a harmless unloaded re volver which is Kept in the bank to keep away customers who would help themselves to the bank's stock tn trade without first asking permission. The injury is a painful one but not neces sary serious. The breaking of a joist in the floor of the opera house Monday night when tne medicine company was giving a performance gave the people in attendance a pretty bail care There was an extraordinary large attendance and the weight caused one of the joists in the east end of the building to break and let the floor settle a couple of inches. The floor has been put in a perfetcly safe condition and there should not be any fear in entering the building KING Dm . w St. Edward. From the Advance. A. D. Fellers and sister, Miss uer trade Fellers, of Monroe were guests the fore part of the week of their brother, E. E. Fellers. ' Miss Pearl Wells is reportted very ill of pneumonia, Dr. Martyn was called the fore part of the week in consultation with Dr. Jones, the at tending physician. Extra high bidding was the order of the day at J. R. Thomazin's sale yesterday. Mr. Thomazta Has some very fine horse6 that would top the market anywhere. Mrs. G. A. Ireland left yesterday for Kansas City to visit Dr. and Mrs. Pauam. From Kansas City hhe will visit at Pleansan Hill, Mo., and at Salt Lake, and will reach Chicago in time to meet Dr. Ireland on his re turn trip from New York where he is taking a post graduate course in medi cine and surgery. Mr and Mrs. J. W. MoKissick left Monday for Columbus where they will reside. Mr. McKissick is a traveling representative for the Nebraska mu tual insurance company and will in the future make -Columbus his head quarters, the railroad accomodations at that little city being veiy mnch to his liking. The at. Edward hotel was leased today to John Hamm of Murray, la., possession to be given Monday Febru ary 5 Mr. and Mrs. Hamm have been in St. Ewdard nearly a week trying ro negotiate for possession of the hotel but not until today was an agreement reached. In response to a telegram announc ing the dangerous illness of his little son Charles, Albert Eng arriqd Mon day afternoon from Plain view. Dr. Martyn came np from Columbus on the same train. The ohild s condition grew steadily worse, resulting in its death at S o'clock Wednesday evening. Since the' death of Mrs. Kng abont a year ago, the child has made its home with Mr. and Mrs. August Dab 1 berg. Mr. anu Mrs. T. F. Liliedahl arrived yesterday from Pierce to be present at the services;wnich will be held this afternoon from the Salem Swedish Lutneran church, Rev. A. S. Beck lund officiating. Sherman Township. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Lueschen dmre to Columbus Saturday. Henry Mackenstedt and Frank Bade de livered near of hogs at Leigli Tlwredny. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fix visited at Ecnil Boe's Sunday. F-ied Mendt of Colfax county drove to Hnnpbrey last Thursday. John and William Oeltjen of Creston township drove o Columbus on busi ness Saturday. Wendoliu Bonner, sr. and son Herman drove to Columbus Monday, and while there they bought a new road wanon. Woodville. JEWeldon and wife ate Sunday din nerat the home of Dr. O. A. tSritell. Amos Wilson spent Saturday night at the home of Walter Ellis. Two ladies brown hats were picked np recently near Woodville. We are glad that neither of them belonged to our girls Will Mahan and family spent Sun day with J. E. Weldon and wife. Ray Ellis and wife drove up from York Wednesday to spend a few days with his brother Clyde. Henrv Dress and Martin Apgar left for Lincoln Friday where they expect to enter the University. S. J. Ltngle and family and Grant Battles and family ate dinner Monday with the family of Wm. Finch S. J. Lingle with his daughter went to North Platte Wednesday. Public 8ale. OF HORSES AND BULLS J. Welch and son will sell at Public Auction at their ranch, 4 miles northenst of Genoa, and 4 miles dne west of Mon roe, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 20 head work horses, well broken, 3 to 6 years old, weighing from 1100 to 1600 pounds, part of them mares in foal. 4 high grade Hereford bulls, 8 to 13 months old, well broken to halter. One registered 2-year-old Hereford bull, sired by Royalty's Tom. No. 94311. of the famous Sunny Slope Hereford farm of Emporia. Kansas. Terms of Sale $50.00 or under, cash. Above that sum, bankable note at 10 per cent interest. i THE GREAT HEALER 1 ggHOTJSANDS of gratafhl customers in m m every state attest the WONDERFTjL mm HEALING PROPERTIES of the WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT nFAN'Q CACTUS OIL; TfceiMf Liniment that Heals withut a Scar It enres cuts. sprain, bruises. sore. swellings, lameness old wounds, lutntia-jo. chapped hands, frost bites, etc.. and is the st.-indard remedy for barbed teire emu on animals, harness and saddle galls, scratches, grease hM.'l. caked udder. Itch, mange, etc It heals a wound from the. tiottom np and Is thoroughly antiseptic KING CACTUS OIL is sold bj drncglsts in 15c. V.. and SI bottles. S3 and 5 decorated cans, or sent prepaid by the manufac turers. OLNET O McVAfB. Clinton. ioVa. if not obtainable at yonr d rocj:lsis t t ArKArn vvvv. Hm4 Through TO Chicago THROUGH Standard and Tourist sleepers, chair cars and coaches to Union Passenger Station, Chicago, every day from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. These cars are carried" on through trains arriving in the heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m., 9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford ing a convenient choice of hours. Route Union Pacific .Railroad and Chicago, Milwaukee am St. Paul Railway Any ticket agent of the Union Pacific will send you East via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway if you ask him to do so. It is worth your while to insist that your ticket read this way. Complete information about rates, routes and train service sent on request. F. A. NASH Geacral Waatara Aces 1S24 Fanaa StrW. Oaaaka Route 1. Mav Kearney of Hastings is visit ing at the home of J. E. HayeH. John, Moblman has completed an addition to his honse ' Joseph Henggeler and family visited bis daughter in Platte Center one dav this week. Route 4. The Vesta Circle met at the home of A. E. Campbell last Wednesday The husbands were invited. Ambrose Gabriel of Shelby h s moved to the Bnscbtnan farm. J. C. Dawson and C. and T. W. Shaefer are patting np ice this week Many new mail boxes are being added on this roate. O. Bolt sold a car of fat cattle to Casein. LINDSAY The Opinion. Mr. and Mrs. N. P.'Holmqnist are prond and happy in the advent of a little dangbter. last Snnday. We understand that Charles Borg has accepted the position rendered him as secretary to the fire chief in the Panama canal zone aud will leave for Panama in the near fat are. Mr. ana Mrs Clans Peterson, and MisB Jennie Bprg went to Omaha Wednesday, where Mre: Peterson will anedergo an operation for appendici tis. Otto Swartz and Miss Margaret Nelson were united in marriage in Albion last Wednesday. Both parties are so well Known that no introduc tion is necessary. Octo is an energe tic vonng man with a penchant for good behavior and general integrity, and his bride is a sister of Mrs. J. F. Dncey May they live long and pros per. OKAY. (Too late for last week) O. P. Guiles contemplated starting for Los Angeles, Gal., this week with a car of goods. He expects to make his home at that place in the imme diate fntnre. " Miss Gertrude Fellers returned Mon day from an exended visit in Holt and Boone county, Mrs. Cady, sr., is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Becblem of Boone are viising their daughter, Mrs. Nels Nel son this week. Petit Jurors. Following is the list of petit jurors drawn for the February term of the dis trict court. F. A. Hagel, 1st ward, Columbus Frank Valasek, 2d ward, Columbus Joe Gutzmer, 3d ward, Columbus Tom Kusb, 3d ward, Columbus Howard A. Clark, 3d ward, Columbus Charles Morgan. Columbus township Henry Cattau, Bismaik tgwnship "Edward Suescben, Sherman township D. B. Gorman, Creston township Jacob Lann, Shell Creek township William Arndt, Shell Creek township Phillip Gehring, Grand Prairie twp " George Mohlman, Grand Prairie twp Ferdinand Fuchs, Humphrey twp A. Palmateer, Humphrey township William Meedel, Butler township Morris Langan, Lost Creek twp A. E. Campbell, Lost Creek twp Fred Gronenthal, Lost Creek twp J. G. Kummer, Loup tomnship William Foltz, Granville township Anton Simon, Granville township R. Jones, Joliet township Andrew G. Larson, Woodvilla twp - Saporriitr's Proceedings. The bond of the Columbus Printing and Speciality House la the sua of $500.00 conditoaed for the faithful performance of. the contract awarded said firsafor the furnishing of blanks and other printing to"1the"oouniy"for the year 1906, was approved by. the board. The application and bond of the bank of Monroe of and the Platte Coonty Bank, ere approved. The committee on poor farm tn whom were referied the several bids for performing th services of Connty physician for the year 1906 recom mended that the bid of Dr. W. R Cornelius for the sum of $200.00 be accepted and that the couuiv attorney be directed to prepare the necessary contract. Upon recommendation of the com mittee on supplies and public proper ty the proposition of A. Heintz was on motion accepted by the board and contract awarded to him to furnibli 28 lighr and fixtures for court house for $119 10 meter rate to be 15 cms per 1000. The matter of the application ot connty treasurer D A Becber for one depotv and one assistant at a salary of $700 00 respectively, to be pai'i out of the fee- earned in his oftue for the yea 1 1!)0(5 Had also asking to be allowed to retain Miffiuiant fees for addtiooal help needed in the office to enforce in the Scavenger law asordlM:ed"bytho County Board on January" 12, 1905, was now brought before the "board. Mr. Becher now addressed the board in support of his application claiming that Platte county has at least a "po pulation of 18,000 inhabitants, which does entitle him to rhe request made in thj application. Remarks were also made by Supervisor Pritst and Conn ty A'tornoy Lit bam Moved by Snpfiviir I-'rie-t rhnt for the reason the county iloi.h 1 has a snttiuiout populn'tou 10 4tiii.t count v treasnror D A Berber to tin request made in his appiinriou that therefore his request be grunted Morion rarrifd. Tbe following was presented : To the Hon. Board of Snpervisors. Gentlemen: We the undersigned offi cers of the Farmers Institute of Co lumbus. Nebraska, respectfully, peti tion vour honorable body tn appro priate the sum of $30.00 to assist to defray the expanses of a two"davri' institute to be held at Co'uinbus. Neb., at a dare to 'be later determin ed bv "th0teSuperintendentof Farmers Institutes, said instifute"to be held ' under the" auspices of the State" University of State of Nebraska. A membership roll showing more than 50 names of farmers who belong to this institute is tnreto attached and made a part of this petition, John J. Gulley, president, Carl RohJe, vice presdent and act secretary. On motiion rhe request was granted. Tbe petition of John N. Wiike and others for the location of a public road in Bismark township was returned by thecommittee on roads and bridges with the recommendation thatTTcom mittee of three be appointed to exanT ine into the epediency of tbe proposed location and report to this board their finding at their next session. On motion of Supervisor Clot her the recommendations were adopted and Supervisors Priest, Newman and Schnre appointed as such committee. $ The petition6fIgnatz Wiley naski and others for tbe location of a public road in the city of Columbus, w-e turned over to William J. Newman as a committee to view and examine as to the expediency and practicabi lity of the proposed location and re port his findings to' this board, :5s. Action npon the petition" of Wil helm Loseke and others for the loca tion of a public road in Lost Creek township was upon recommendation ot the committee on road and bridges deferred until tbe next session of the board. Tne following bills were on motion allowed and the clerk directea to issue warrants in payment of &fme on tbe county general fund : Echols & Detriohs, painting and paper hanging at court house, $28.40; A Dussell & Son, plumbing and ma terial for court honee, f85 45 ; Ham mond & Stephens "o., supplies for oounty. C17.30; L. G. Patterson, pu blishing legal notice, $3.25;L. R. Latham. Connty Attorney, cash ad vanced, $20 75 ; Ed. Rossifer, con stable, fees, state cases, 123 45 ; Wil liam J. Newman, supervisor, services on board, $12 35 M E. Clother, super visors services on board, f 12.45 A. E. Priest, supervisor, same, $13 50 : Louie Held, supervisor, same, $12 00; J. F. Sohure, supervisor, same, $14.30; JobD Goetz, supervisor, same, $12 00 : John Swanson, supervisor, same. $12.00; The bill of George S. Blair $28. 0 for road work was npon recommenda tion of the commute on roads and bridges on motion allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrant in pay ment of name on the county road fund, amount to be charged against the apportionment of Woodville town ship. Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the board of supervisors now adjourn un til March 7, 1906, at 2 o'clock p. m. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS JItWAVB rll)ftll a.nlZ. s..L lr . ..- I-HUHBITER-N nLIM! li. UH .mJ M metallic bom, seakii w u.w .-I lion Take (hcr. Krffaitr d.i-:.-r.n iU-cl-! lil4l . I. 'rOin.m. or send 4. In stamp fur ParMi-iti.-ir. TVMi wdalt and -Krllrf for IjmIm-." i ,'itrr, by rt mwm MmM. i.oaTxttiiiii.-..:. .-viidbjr all Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. mtva., ra. .a .. Hm a&. k(iI c e'tc G0 lS The Food of a Best tor Couch. Colds. Crasa, Whooping Cough. Etc. Tbe red letter B'ison erery boule. TitfarrShj Ratal Jl4icias Sold by JlcClintoek A. farter Bread keeps fresh .longer Bread tastes far better Bread does you more good when it's made with YEAST FOAM the wonderful yeast that took the First Oraml l'rize at tbe St. I.oui Btp. muoii. Ye.'ist Fount Is :tlil h ..Hr cen. at ." a pui'kiw mnih for -iOlonveti. snti n p iiil i-arI for our new illustrated book, "Gixjil Hreatl: Hon to.M.ilco It." NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICACO, ILL. SRSK31 J1 iir r 4i &p fju Lm&toK0(m ?15SaTitfS JairMr 2fll y. i npirwvitn JJ&& c yy?r ?rS fVW l''f S& lW Dream Balm T'r':s ncmody is a Specific, tc Give Satisfaction. GJVrS P.SLIEF AT ONCE. He :ai "nwlies, lieals. and protects the .: tl j . nlji-me. It curen Catarrh and i - ar y i Cold in th Head quickly. -torc .L Sen-c of Taste and SmelL vt to us.. Contains no injurious drugs. Vppl ! into t!ie nostrils and absorbed. .4-'c- Kiz 50 cents at Druggists or bj aaii; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. tLY BROTHERS, 56 Warran SL, Ntw Ytrib ' iUYsj :m-i sam flL $t -a r mzL v Value Soda Craeker Yon have heard that some foods furnish fat, , other foods make muscle, and still others are tissue building and heat forming. You know that most foods have one or more of these elements, but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda cracker? The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water, aie richer in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much ' higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made from flour. That is why Uneeda Biscuit should form an important part of every meal. They represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air, moisture and dust the price being too small to mention. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY i? sS.t..hw mjc; CALIFORNIA Willi it. iierl climate ami rieh iil i an ideal place tor I lie HOMESEEKER In the fertile valley? alino-t every kind ot'jrrain can he rai-eo! Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Grapes, Prunes, and many other fruit? irrow in irreat ahiiiidaiiee. throughout the state. THK SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE OF THE UNION PACIFIC enable? per?on? to reach their destination -quicker, and in a more comfortable manner than via anv other route For full information inquire of W. H. UENIIAM. iSXaCaMXrfCJCaaaJaCSa PUBLIC 2 The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at the 5 farm of W. H. Swartsley, 5 miles north of Columbus J on the Meridian road, on Wednesday, the following described property, to-wit: jj Jj Two good farm horses, weight 2700 JJ j One gray mare, weight 1050 2C A One gelding, 3 years old 2 K One standard bred mare 3 years old X X Two high bred sorrel mares M X One bay mare, weight 1200 jj J One gelding, 2 years old v One Sorrel Gelding, 4 years old v M Two yearling colts, sired by Arabian Knight S m Twelve eows. fresh or cominer fresh Z 0 One heifer, 3 years old Q cj Four heifers, 2 years old Q Three yearling heifers J Three yearling steers 5J One shorthorn bull, 2 years old 2C s25 O. I. C. HOGS 25 sf X A chance to get a start from the best 0. 1. C. blood j in Nebraska. W. H. Swartsley will offer 25 head of his J v John R., bred sows, gilts and shoats, Swartsley & Co. 5? m will also offer some of their choice poultry. 0 $ Farm machinery and other articles too numerous $ 0 to mention. J X Sale begins at 10 a.m. Free lunch at Noon M JJ Terms op Sale: All sums of $10 or under, cash; over J5 J $10, ten month's time will be given on good bank- J X able paper drawing 8 per cent interest. K X Bruce Webb. Auctioneer W. H SWAPTST.irv X X Dan Schram, Clerk. ZZ Es B. In cae it 6torms teb. 14, M same conditions. XXHK90UOC9OOOSXXSQOCXXXXXXKXX rrae .31 S CtcrZc' SALE! Feb. 14th FRED BARGMANN X salewill be held Feb. lf nndr 3c C2 I M -. i f - - il a : ? A r , sssrn