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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1906)
J"- v Otf l . - i) ' i i Jr FACTS Hf VATURE. Yat Only So Wa Get - Xttan,latEMtthHWU. For people who are nut-down and nerv ous, who suffer from Indigestion or dys pepsia, headache, biliousness, or torpid liver, coated tongue with bitter taste in the morning and poor appetite, it be comes necessary to turn to some tonic or strengthener which will assist Nature and help them to get on their feet and pat the body into its proper condition. It Is becoming more ana more apparent that Nature's most valuable health - giving agents are to be found in forest plants and roots. Nearly forty years ago. Dr. R.V. Pierce. now consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y.. discovered that by scientifically extracting and combining certain medici nal principles from native roots, taken from our American forests, he could pro duce a medicine which was marvelously efficient in curing cases of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble as well as many otiier chronic, or lingering ail ments. This concentrated extract of Nature's vitality he named "Golden Med ical Discovery." It purifies the blood by putting the stomach and liver into healthy condition, thereby helping the diction and assimilation of food which feeds the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach, indigestion, torpid liver, or bil iousness, and kindred derangements. If you have coated tongue, with bitter or bad taste in the morning, frequent headaches, feel weak, easily tired, stitches or pain in side, back gives out easily and aches, belching of gas. constipation, or Irregular bowels, feel flashes of heat al ternating with chilly senations or kin dred symptoms, they point to derange ment of vour stomach, liver and kidneys, which the "Golden Medical Discovery" will correct more speedily and perma nently than any other known agent. Con tains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. .11 its ingredients printed in plain Eng sh on wrapier. The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make a little more profit. He gains: you loe. Accept no sub stitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." Constipation cantos and aggravates manv serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxati vc; tv o or three are cathartic Deity and the Coinage. The word "God" never appeared in any government act until the year 1SC4. when, at the suggestion of the director of the mint, former Governor Pollock of Pennsylvania, "in God We Trust" was stamped on thecopper 2 cent piece. Before that time "E Plu ribus Unum" had been the motto. Strange to relate. "E Pluribus Unum" on coins never was authorized by law. Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry umj they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz. one full pound while ll other Cold Water Starches are put tip in ?i-pound packages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chemicals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before lie puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large" letters and figures "16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoy ance of the iron sticking. Defiance neer sticks. A Quorum. A quorum is a sufficient number of the members of an association to le ally transact business. Unless a quo rum is present no business is in or der, except to adjourn. A majority of the members constitutes a natural quorum, but the by-laws of an asso ciation may prescribe a smaller num ber. The All-Important Question. If the mother of a home were to paint a green ring around her nose and dye her hair blue, the first words of her husband and children on com ing home would still be, "Is dinner ready?" Atchison Globe. Why It Is the Best Is because made by an entirely differ ent process. Defiance Starch is un like any other, better and one-third more for 10 cents Garibaldi's Gaiter. According to La Tribuna di Roma, one of the gaiters worn by Baribaldi when ho was wounded in the battle of Aspromonte August 28, 18C2. has been presented to the mayor of Rome. Defiance Starch should be in every household, none so pood, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. Preparation the Main Thing. Frequently the number of hours spent at work in the office are simple inverse proportion to the months and years spent in preparation for the task. John A. Howland. Don't tell your intended that she is an angel unless you can keep up the bluff after you are married. Every woman feels she knows just how far to go in the matter of assist ing nature with her face and figure. Z THE BEST COUGH CURE 2 2 A well-known Rochester lady y says: "IstayedintheAdirondacks, L away from friends and home, two 2 winters before I found that by y taking L I Kemp's Balsam 2 T mnld snbdne the couch that 2 drove me away from home and seemed likely to never allow me v TCemn's Balsam will cure anv Lj 11 w fcuh.,v . ..... C couch that can be cured by any S medicine. m 7 Sold by all dealers at 25c and 50c 7 ".SkTkiBfWi't Ey. Vittf qfrfrfr0 etvCwvvvOO frX"frOfrfr0tfrC S HE ATTENDS who goes straight to work to cure Hurts, Sprains, Bruises tta Af - vj u, St. Jacobs Oil I and saves time, rconey and Zt Acts Like Msffic More Men Than Women. There are 1,840,280 more men th'n women in the United States, the saie proportion prevailing in almost every other country. The only exception Is in Paraguay, where there are more thrn twice as many women as men. This is due to the fact that some years ago, in a political revolut!on and a war with Brazil and the Argen tine Republic, the men were almost exterminated. Furnace Ventilation in Mines. The furnace as a me' j of ventila tion is said to be more economical in deep mines than in shallow ones, as it acts by heating a column of air; the higher that column the greater will be the difference in the weight of air in the upcast and downcast shafts, and consequently the greater the mo tive power. Africa's "Sneeze-Wood" Tree. One of the natural curiosities of South Africa is the "sneezewood" tree, which is so-called because one cannot cut it with a saw without sneezing, as the fine-rust has exactly the effect of snuff. No insect or worm will touch it; it is very bitter to the taste, and when placed in water it sinks. New Species of Bird. Dr. E. A. Mears, an authority on or nithology, recently discovered several new species on the summit of Apo, a volcanic mountain of the island of Mindanao, in the Philippine group. Highest Active Volcano. There are no fewer than twenty lofty voicanic peaks clustered about the city of Quito, the capital of Ecua dor One of these, Catopaxi, is the highest aenvo volcano in the world. LOST 72 POUNDS. Was Fast Drifting Into the Fatal Stages of Kidney Sickness. Dr. Melvin M. Page, Page Optical Co., Erie, Pa., writes: "Taking too many iced drinks in New York in 1895 sent me home with a terrible at tack of kidney trouble. I had acute congestion, sharp pain in the back, headaches and at tacks of dizziness. My eyes gave out, and with the Ian- rrtisA, ii1 clnnnlncc. ness of the disease upon me I wasted from 194 to 122 pounds. At the time I started us ing Doan's Kidney Pills an abscess was forming on my right kidney. The trouble was quickly checked, however, and the treatment cured me, so that I have been well since 1SDG and weigh 188 pounds." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a bos. Fosier-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Heavyweight. They say a Greenland whale weighs as much as SS elephants or 440 bears. BABY COVERED WITH SORES. Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Un less Hands Were Tied "Would Have Died But for Cuticura." "My little son. when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out on his face. I had a physi cian treat him, but the sores grew worse. Then they began to come on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then one came on his chest, worse than the others. Then I called another physician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My aunt advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment I sent to the drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of the Oint ment, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. He is now strong and healthy, and I can sincerely say that only for your most wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from those terrible sores. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon, R. F. D. No. 1, Woodville, Conn., April 22, 1905." Quarrelsome people are always sat isfied with a fighting chance. 5 Tons Grass Hay Free. Everybody loves lots and lots of foddfc. for hogs, cows, sheep and swine. The enormous crops of our Mortherc Grown Pedigree Seeds on our seed farmi the past year compel us to issue a spe cial catalogue called salzek's bargain seed book. This is brim full of bargain seeds at bar gain prices. SECT) THIS XOTICE TO-DAT. and receive free sufficient seed to grow 5 tons of grass on your lot or farm ths -ummer and our great Bargain Seed Book with its wonderful surprises and great bargains in seeds at bargain prices. Remit 4c and we add a package of Cos mos, the most fashionable, serviceable, beautiful annual flower. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Lock Draw er V., La Crosse, Wis. In shaping his career a young man shouldn't depend entirely on his tailor Worth Kaewtag that Allcock's are the original and only genuine porous plasters: all other so-called porous planters are Imitations. The tipping evil extends even to the races. TO BUSINESS . w gets out of misery quickly. Price, 25c aad 50c . x vvltf WPP WWSBSS TOOK OLD GENTLEMAN'S ADVICE Just the Counsel Fond Lover Was Looking For. "The late Bishop Thomas Frederick Davies of Detroit," said a Detroit man, "once told me an iBterestiagj story of an elopemenu He figured in this elopement as the officiating cler gyman. It was in Philadelphia, dur ing his rectorship of St. Peter's. "It seems that the proprietor of one of the largest dry goods houses in Philadelphia had noticed for some months the melancholy of his head clerk, a young man whom he held in high regard. "The clerk's pallor 'and increasing 'eanness. his frequent sighs and absent-mindedness worried the mil lionaire proprietor. He questioned the young man daily. And finally the clerk admitted to him that he was In love. " 'Well.' said the head, 'marry her. Your salary is big enough. " 'Ah,' said the clerk sadly, 'you do not understand. She belongs to one of the first families of Philadelphia and her father is a millionaire.' "'Well, maybe he wasn't when he married. You have a good position and a good name. You are a fair match for any girl,' said the other. "'It's no use,' sighed the clerk. 'Her parents would not listen to me for one moment.' " 'Then,' said the other, 'elope with her.' "Do you advise that?' the clerk asked excitedly. "'Certainly, I do. Is she do I know her?' '"Yes. She will be at your dance at Devon to-morrow night. " 'Well, see here. said the head. 'I'll have my coachman out in front of my gate at 9:30. Rush the girl off into town and marry her. I'll arrange with a clergyman for you. "'By Jove.' said the clerk, 'I'll do It.' "And he did. The next night Dr. Davies performed the ceremony and an hour or two later the millionaire found his daughter missing and was telegraphing in every direction to the the young couple to come home and all would be forgiven." QUESTIONS HARD TO ANSWER. Prospective Jurors Greatly Puzzled By Legal Terms. Some of the strange makeshifts to which a man will resort to conceal his lack of knowledge on any particu lar line were graphically related by Attorney Elliott, who had hard work in his share of the impaneling of the now famous Gilhooley jury. A tall Swede was brought in. He gave his name. etc.. and was then questioned by the attorney as to legal terms to be used in the case. "What do I mean when I say, 'It will devolve on the prosecution to produce the pre ponderance of evidence'?" "Veil, what you say evolve, dissolve, I don't know," came the answer. A German entered and this phrase was put to him: "It will be the task of the defense to show mitigating cir cumstances,, if such exist." Hopeless stumbling followed, one thought chasing the other with the dignity of Germanized English, which takes a long time to pass any one given point. Bohemians, Poles and many others followed. From some of all these nationalities came intelligent an swers, but some who had never before met the words which now confronted them in awe-inspiring array were hopelessly confused. One day the best of the many origi nal definitions was given by an Irish man. "What," said the lawyer, "is meant by this, 'The defense will show that there was adequate provoca tion'?" The whole phrase was too much, so the inquisitor said. "Well tell me in your own words the mean ing of 'provocation.'" "It means," said the would-be juror "that a man has done something to me that makes me feel I must get busy with him." Chicago Chronicle Golf in Cactus Center. We was propped against the 'dobe of that joint o Poker Bill's When a tenderfoot was spotted, actin queer-like in the hills; He'd a ball of ftutta percha. and was puttin' in his licks Jest a-knockin' it to glory with a bunch o' crooked sticks. Well, we went up there quite cur'ous. and we watched him paste the ball. Till a-itchin' fer to try it seemed to get a-holt of all. And at last Pack.addle Stevens asked to give the thing a swat. And we gatheied round to see him show the stianger what was what. Well, the golfer stuck the spheeroid on a little pile o dirt And Pack--addlc swiped and swatted, but he didn't do no hurt: He barked his shins terrific, and he broke his little stick. And when he heard a snicker, his guns came out. too quick. We dropped behind the cactus with some holes clipped in our clothes. While the golfer for the sky-line wagged his checker-boarded hose; And when we took home Stevens, and three others that was hurt. The golf ball still was settin' on its little pile o' dirt. So we ain't no new St. Andrew's, and we hope no golfer thinks He can cut loose here in Cactus with a set of oatmeal links; We go in fer games that's quiet, and stir up no blood and fuss. And down in Cactus Center poker's good enough for us. Denver Republican. Quit French Islands. Owing to the emigration of 1,000 persons during three months from St. Pierre and Miqucloc islands im mediately south of Newfoundland out of a total population of .500, the French authorities are beginning to fear that the colony is threatened with extinction. The rush of emigra tion is likely to continue. The poor er inhabitants advocate the transfer of SL Pierre by France to Newfound land. Secretary Taft Rides Much. Secretary Taft. who is hard at work reducing his great weight, devotes a good deal of time to equestrian exer cise, which he finds of much value. The horse he rides has been describ ed "a large, souare Percheron, built on dry goods jox lines and looking as though he might easily carry half a ton." Salaries of Ohio Teachers. It is said that last year the salaries of 24.000 elementary school teachers In Ohio averaged seventy-two cents a day. WINTER WEAKNESS- Or. Williams' Pink Pills the Tonic That Most People Need for Blood and Nerves. In winter the air of the close rooms in which we spend bo much of the time does not fnruish enough oxygen to the lungs to burn out the foul matter iu the blood. Iu the cold season we do not exer cise as much and the skin audkidueysdo not throw off the waste matter as freely as usual. The system becomes overloaded with poisonous matter, and too feeble to throw it off. Relief can be had only through the nse of a remedy that will promptly and thoroughly purify and strengthen the blood, and the oue best adapted for this purpose is the great blood tonic known as Dr .Williams' Pink' EUls. "They acted like xnngio in my case," said Mrs. Clara L. Wilde, of No. 377 Farnsworth avenue, Detroit, Mich. " I was weak and thin and could not sleep. My stomach and nerves were out of or der. I can't describe how miserable I really was. I dragged through six mouths of feebleness, growing weaker all the time until I finally hadn't strength enough to leave my bed. "Then a glad day came, the day when I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They made me feel strong right away. My appetite came back, I took 011 flesh and the color returned to my cheeks. People wondered that these pills did for me whatthedoctorsconldti't do. I took only six boxes and then I was perfectly well. If I had not found this wonderful remedy I surely think that I must have wasted to death. Believing firmly that these pills saved my life by the strength which they gave me at a critical mo ment, I unhesitatingly recommend them toothers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain no stimulant bnt give strength that lasts. They may be obtained at any drug store. When a man confesses it is gener ally safe to assume that he thought he was going to be found out. Shake Into Toor Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures pain ful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. It is hard to work up much confi dence in a man who wears a ring on his middle finger. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR riE.ES. Itching. Wind. Weeding, I'rotrudln files. I)niR gists are authorized to refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure In 6 to 11 Ua 8. Sue. The henpecked man has to do all his crowing away from home. Mr. w inaiow's ootblnt; Syrop. Kor children teething, eiftens the iruras, reduces 2s aammat Ioj. allays pain, curea wind colic 25cabotwa Taste of Food in Fish. Some fish, like the carp and catfish, are able to taste food with the skin on the outside of their body or even with their fins or tails as well as in the mouth. The carx. for instance, is able to detect food with the scales anywhere on the outside of its body. Parisian Fish from Africa. It having been proved by experiment that fish can be brought in refrigera tor in god condition from Africa to Paris, a regular steamship company is to be inaugurated for supplying the capital with fish, lobster, etc., from the western African coast. Cow Adopted Fawn. Mrs. Lawson of Richmnod, Va., owns a cow. and the cow owned a calf, but this last was drowned in a swamp. Thereupon the bereaved mother adopted a fawn, first rescuing in from a hound which had chased it into the pasture. Art of Advertising. The art of advertising consists not merely in attracting a reader, but in convincing him, and this can only be done by the sober statement of facts. Mere sensationalism cannot win in the end. Milling. Varying Weight of Bushel. A bushel of bituminous coal is dif ferent in different states. In Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Kentucky its weight is eighty pounds; In Pennsyl vania, seventy-six pounds, and in In diana, seventy pounds. OVER SEA HABIT Difference on This Side the Water. The persistent effect upon the heart of caffeine in coffee cannot but re sult in the gravest conditions, in time. Each attack of the drug (and that means each cup of coffee) weakens the organ a little more, and the end is almost a matter of mathematical demonstration. A lady writes from a Western state: MI am of German descent and it was natural that I should learn at a very earl- age to drink coffee. Until I was 23 years old I drank scarcely anything else at my meals. "A few years ago I began to be af fected by a steadily increasing nerv ousness, which eventually developed into a distressing heart trouble that made me very .weak and miserable. Then, some three years ago, was add ed asthma in its worst form. My sufferings from these things can be better imagined than described. "During all this time my husband realized more fully than I did that cof fee was injurious to me, and made ev ery effort to make me stop. "Finally it was decided a few months ago, to quit the use of coffee absolutely, and to adopt Postum Food Coffee as our hot table drink. I had but little idea that it would help me, but consented to try it to please my husband. I prepared it very carefully, exactly according to directions, and was delighted with its delicious flav or and refreshing qualities. "Jest as soon as the poison from the coffee had time to get out of my system the nutritive properties of the Postum began to build me up, and I am now fully recovered from all my nervousness, heart trouble and asth ma. I gladly acknowledge that now. for the first time in years. I enjoy perfect health, and that I owe it all to Postum." Tfame given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. , There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to Wcllville" In Pkgs. Postum Food Coffee contains no dross of any description whatsoever. Reptiles in Winter. Frogs and toads can stand freez ing and thawing a few times, though the experience seems to be "wearing," as most of them succumb after re peated trials. Just how snakes pass the winter we do not know. Two or three speciments of the common strip ed snake which we have dug from stone heaps in the winter appeared to be frozen stiff, though a natural re pugnance to the reptiles prevented close observation. Exchange. Swinging in Middle Ages. In the middle ages swings were hnng by an ingenius pully device. The rope was passed over a groved wheel that was fastened to the- ceil ing by a bracket. 'The one who was swinging was not only pushed from behind by one of his fellows, but was also helped from the front by striking with his fot the outstretched foot of another comrade. This sport was a favorite pastime of pages. Forest Area of Siberia. Siberia has the biggest forest area of any country on earth, yet the tim ber for the construction of the east ern end of the trans-Siberian railway came from the United States. It was brought from Oregon, being shipped across ,to Vladivostok, thence trans ported by rail to the banks of a tribu tary of the Amur and loaded into barges to be towed to its destination. The world's yearly use of postcards is enormous. Germany uses 1,161,000. 000, the United States 770,500,000, Great Britain 013,000,000. As to let ters, however, the United States Is far ahead of all other countries. The total number of letters posted here during 1903 was 4,109.000.000. j 1 Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. This is because thev have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 oz. in a package, which they won't be able to sell first, because Defiance contains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 16 oz. instead of 12 oz. for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. A friend in word is not always a friend indeed. All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be cause it is better, and 4 oz. more of it for same money. The trouble with taking a day off is that you can't put it back. A TBULYJDEAL WIFE HER HUSBAHD'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Health Is the Great Source of Power to Inspire and Encourage Ail Women Should Soels It. One of the most noted, successful and richest men of this century, in a recent article, has said, " Whatever I am and whatever success I have attained in this world I owe all to my wife. From the day I first knew her she has been an inspiration, and the greatest help mate of my life." To be such a successful wife, to re tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her energies are flaggings that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, she has backache, headaches, bearing down pains, nervousness, irregularities or the bines, she .should start at once to build np her system by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia . Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife': Dear Mrs. Pinkbarn: " Ever since ray child was born I have suf fered, as I hope few women ever have.with in flammation, female weakness, bearing-down pains, backache and wretched headaches. It affected my stomach so I could not enjoy my meals, and half my time was spent in bed. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health, new life and vitality ."Mrs. Bessie Ainsley, 611 South 10th Street. Tacoma, Wash. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If yon have symptoms yon don't un derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. THE BEST Antise Remedy For Family an Farm KILLS PAIN. Or. EARL-S. SLOAN. IK Albany atteet, Boston, Mas. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 61906 luSflHHHIHYlSVKB&W! 75 I Jdrs. BessU ijfinsley J j2k B UMtX WMfSF All I Best Coach Syrup. Tastes Good. VmM M In time, rioia brdrnmrhtg. IH CAUGHT BY THE GRIP RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA pRMMtnia FtHtwei La Grippt Pe-nt-na tht Remedy That Braaght Relief. Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, On tario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was 111 with pneumo nia after having la grippe. I took Peruna for two months, when I be came quite well, and I can say that any one can be cured by it in a rea sonable time and at little expense." Systemic Catarrh, the Result af La. Grippe. Pe-ru-na Receives Creait far Present 6eod Health. Mrs. Jennie W. Gilmore, Box 44, White Oak, Ind. Ter.. writes: "Six years ago I had la grippe. which was followed by systemic ca tarrh. The only thing I used was Pe runa and Manalin, and I have been in better health the last three years than for years before. I give Peruna all the credit for my good health." Pe-ru-na A Tonic After La Grippe. Mrs. Chas. E. Wells, Sr., Delaware, Ohio, writes: "After a severe attack of la grippe. I took Peruna and found it a very good tonic." "Mast Effective Medicine Ever Triee fer La Grippe." Robt. L. Madison. A. M., Principal of Cullowhee High School, Painter. N. C. is chairman of the Jackson County Board of Education. Mr. Madison says: "I am hardly ever without Pe runa in my home. It is the most effec tive medicine that I have ever tried for la grippe." Mrs. Jane Gift, Athens. O., writes: "I had la grippe very bad. My hus band bought Peruna for me. In a very short time I saw improvement and was soon able to do my work." WINCHESTEI "NEW RIVAL" BLACK POWDER SHELLS The most successful hunters shoot Winchester " New Rival " Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells, blue in color, because they can kill more game with them. Try them and you will find that they are sure fire, give good pattern and penetration and are satisfactory in every way. Order Factory Loaded " New Rival" Shells. Don't accept any substitute. V ALL DEALERS SELL THEM TWENTY-FIVE BUSHELS OF WHE1T TO THE ICHE Means a pro ductive ca pacity in dol lars of over $16 per acre. '1 Lis on land which has cost the fanner noth ing but the price of tilling it, tells its own story. The Canadian Government gives absolutely free to every settler 160 acres of such land. Lands adjoining can be purchased at from $6 to $10 per acre from railroad and other corpor ations. Already 175,000 farmers from the United States have made their homes in Canada. For pamphlet "Twentieth Century Canada and all information apply to Supt. of Immicra tion. Ottawa. Canada, or to following authorized Canadian Government Agent W. V. Bennett, 801 New York Life Building. Omaha. Nebraska. Mention this paper.) PATENTS for PROFIT must folly protect an Invention. Booklet and I)ek Calendar FRKE. Highest reference. Communication ronflilentlal. Kmahllnlied IStU. uoa, Zeawick a Lawrence, 'Waihingtoa, 9. 0. G REGORY'S SEE D Catalans of ttel and warrantel seeds fall of Ue Instruction-tent FKEE. i. i. U. Sreiwr . lirtMni, tw. DEFIUCECsId Water Slarch makes laundry work a pleasure. 16 oz. pkg. 10c. When Answering Advertisements Please Mention This Paper. READ THIS COUPON IS GOOD FREE Upesi racaipt of j Address Druggist's Name His Address GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE And 10c in stamp or sliver to pay postage we will mail you a sample ires, if you hare never used Mull's Grape Tonic, and will also mail yoa s certificate good for one dollar toward tha purchase of ssora Tonio frass your druggist. Address HULL'S GEAPE TONIC CO., 148 Third Are., Rock Island, DL YOU WRONG YOURSELF TO SUFFER tram Constipation and Stomach Trouble. Wnjr mfferor tal:e needle chances wltb conattpatton or stoasaca troubles WBem tkanfti a perfect, nannleta, natural, positive care within jour reach? CONSTIPATION AND STOMACH TROUBLE cane Diana poiran.sna diseases, sick headache, .. J; . ' "" "L ' e:nju irouum wcu i many otaer. , soar own psjtlctaa wtli tell you that all tsU la true. But don't drug or pnyalc yonneit. Cso "" MULL'S GRAPE TONIC the natural, streoctheolnir harmless remedy that bunds op the tissues of your dlgestlre orsaaa f. pv u C!?r TJ" ytem " splendid condition to orervome all attacks. It Is very pleasant gnu asTlng la bmjUuc the U size. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO, WANTEDs There comes an. opportunity in every life." Perhaps this Is your chance: Special Representative wanted (man or woman) In this community. Must have good references and bo willing to work. Address H. S HOWLAND. 1 Madison Avenue. New York City. 25Cts. QMETMEOaP. mot DAY j mm ruttm IjtajL fVBEvLsmmmmmmmmmmmSlBmmmft ammrnf ff 47 ammwQmmmmmmmmmma I . JlH mfr Jw.VmaSBsMmt, a-Ammr TfiE9 Bmmas? mmmmmmr BmBmmmmmflfiSmmmtV3 Suffered Twelve Years Frtm Aflar Effects ef La 6ri?se- Mr. Victor Patneaude, 328 Madlsoa St, Topeka, Kas., member of Knight and Ladles of Security, writes: "Twelve years ago I had. a severa attack of la grippe and I never really recovered my health and strength hut grew weaker every year until I was unable to work. "Two years ago I began using Pe runa and it built up my strength so that in a couple of months I was abla to go to work again. "This winter I had another attack of la grippe, but Peruna soon drove it out of my system. "My wife and I consider Peruna a household remedy." You Will Prosper in the Great Southwest In Oklahoma. Indian Territory and Texas are vast areas of unimproved land land not now yielding the crops of which it is capable. The same conditions apply to tha towns. Few lines of business are adequately represented. There are openings of all sorts for mills and factories, for small stores, for banks, newspapers and lumber yards. You have only to get on the groand to prove this. To enable yon to do so thai Missouri, Kansas 6c Texas K'y offers Rates Cheaper Than Ever February 20th and March 6th and 20th On above dates most lines will sell both one-way and round trip tickets at eireptionally low rate. If yonr nearest railroad agent cannot givo job tha rattes. write me for Pditiculars. If Tou're in any way interested in tha Southwest. I'd like to send yon my paper "The Coming Country." Address G. A. McNVTT Blossom House. KANSAS CITY. HOW Tickets on ssle everywhere, via " SOUTHWEST" m-sm FOR $1.00 ON PURCHASE bniotmew. typhoid ferer. appendicitis. Piles tixo bottle contains about six i much as the so cent bottle. Then Is a 148 Third Aw. Rack UsasL ffiKg ANTI-GRIPINE IS GUAMAMTKXD TO CUSS UUP, IAS COU, IEAIMIE AM KlUUIi. I won't sell AaU.s3rlple to a dealer fTmsis ! Callforyour HSIBf HACK IV IT AS'TCtWa? If" " mx'zzr-!gcttex "risit .." TLv. "" . "-Tisi-f" rns-r