The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 07, 1906, Image 5

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'Jr ::
A wanolerful powder of rare
writ ana) unrivaled atrength.
Dr. J. W. Terry
Best Equipped Optical Ofliices
In The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Nothing hut the h'mst
Columbus, Xi-lm-k:t
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
j fl. RAGATZ & CO
J Staple . Fancy Groceries
It has been our experience in the past that J
people appreciate a good article at a
fair price. We carry a large
stock of the best grades of
I Flour, Tea, Coffee
And Canned Goods. I
j We handle the following articles in large quantities for
Stockmen and
: Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs ii
We ask a Share
Henry Raffatz & Co.,
Mraski PImm 29. Iiiipi idiit Phues 29 and 229.
Minimi i""'" inniiiiiitiiiimiiiiiiiif
Spring Wagons
Let us hitilrf you one. We
put nothing hut the very best
iu:itfri:ij:iiil workmanship in
them. The price is right.
FARMERS, Bring in your
tool and implements to he
sharpened and repaired now.
It will save you time when
the spring work opens up.
We keep only the Latest and
Buggies & Carriages
All Kinds of
..Farm Implements..
XPOur Horseshoes 6tick and
don't lame your hoise trv 'em
A Bargain
in Land...
160 -Acre Farm
Two miles northeast of
Oconee; Present price
$50 per acre, part cash,
balance on time.
160 -Acre Farm
About 1 1-2 miles south
of Oconee; .part cash,
balance on time, $30 per
Apply to L. N. HITCHCOCK,
Oconee, Nebr., or to
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Talking Machine won First Prize at Pan
American. Si. Louis and Portland Expo
sitioiia Sold by
Carl Froemel
The 11th St. Jeweler. Columbus, Nebr.
of Your Patronage ii
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Journal ads bring remits.
New Box Paper at Snow's
Dr. Mark T. MoMahoa. dentist
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher music Barber bldg.
See Galleys bargain offers on fourth
Get your shoes shined at Park Bar
ber shop. tf
Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th
St. Jeweler. tf
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
Dr. D. T. Martyn was in St. Ed
ward last Thursday.
If your eyes, ears, nose or throat give
you trouble see Dr. Luescheu.
Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new
Col am bus State Bank building.
Boys, bay yonr cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
FOR SALE : A second hand piano,
almost new. Inquire Journal office.
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Luescben, Arnold's old stand. Olive st.
Children's stationery at Bnsohman's
Something new. None like it in
town. 2t
Miss Eilene Kavanaugh is reported
better. Sue had an attack of appen
Get the habit of buying your candy
at Poesch's. Bargain prices every
Saturday. 2t
Mrs. P. E McKillip and son Jene
left for their home in Humphrey
Wednesday night.
Our Blind coal is still the best $5.50
stove coal on the market. Telephone
74. Weaver & Son.
Miss Katberine Holland of Omaha
was the truest of Mrs. G. B. Speice
three days last week.
The Equitable Building Loan &
Savings Association running stock earns
10 per cent dividends. 2t
H. I. Murdock returned from Kansas
hut week where he had been during
the month of Decern bet.
$6.00 per ton. Our Carney Lump for
heat can't help hut please you. Tele
phone 74. Weaver fc Son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. North left last
Wednesday for Fairbury to be the
guests of Mrs. Robert Clapp.
Mrs. E. H. Chambers, save a six
o'clock dinner last Wednesday night
in honor of Mrs. P. E. McKillip.
If you want a Hour with all the nu
tritious part of the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
Henry Camg spent several days in
Lincoln last week looking after his
large harness and implement invest
ment. PRIVATE SALE: -I will sell at pri
vate sale at once some of my best furni
ture, including ugooil roller top desk.
Ilev. Wm. Cash.
Mrs. Edgar Howard entertained last
Wednesday in honor of Mrs. P. E.
McKillip. The ladies took their work
and light refreshments were served.
Jeppe Sorrensen, John Sorrensen and
Peter and Ramus Johnson from the
Looking Glass neighborhood drove to
Columbus Saturday, a distance of 30
miles to tranasct business.
1 Newman & Welch watched tbe
ground hog last Friday and ordered
enough coal to last everbyody in Co
lumbus over the next six weeks' of
winter. Tbeir coal is clean and their
prices right.
Tbe difticulry of getting materials
ordered has been causing considerable
delav in the new Phillips building.
Mr. Phillip's last difficulty nas been
a delay of two weeks in tbe boiler for
the heating plant.
Otto Schmidt of Richlan d was in
the city Friday and added bis name
to the good list of Journal subscribers
at Richland. Mr. Schmidt expresed
himself as especially pleased with the
excellent news service from Richland
in the Journal.
WANTED: Information as to the
address of James Burns, or heirs if
dead. His address was Platte county
about 1872, and he served in the' Uni
ted States Marine Corps in the civil
war. Small recovery can probably be
made. Address Harvey Spalding &
Sons, Washngton. D. C. 2t.
Rev. Monroe calls tbe attention of
the Journal to an error made in re
porting the business meeting of the
Congregational ohurch He says that
the $100 contributed by the ladies of
the church was contributed toward
the general expenses of the church and
not to the "church debt. The church
he says has no debt.
W.D. Wilson of Oconee writes the
Journal concerning some iusbstantial
improvements made recently at that
point. A lumber yard has been put
in, the depot has been moved to tbe
south side of the tracks and substan
tal improvements made to tbe build
ing and grounds. Mr Wilson looks
forward to the addition of a store to
the other businses establishments of
tbe littles burg.
The Journal is in receipt of a letter
from Mrs. G. B. Miller of Peru, Ind.,
which will be of interest to many
Journal reaaers. The letter is dated
January 30, and reads in part as fol
lows: "We are enjoying real good
health except my father, who is very
poorly and longs for good old Nebras
ka. He will never be contented else
where. Our winter here so far has
been remarkably fine. Dandelions
and pansies are in bloom in the yards
and one of our neighbors caught a live
and active grasshopper in his back
yard yesterday. We have not bad any
severe cold this winter so far. One
man four miles west of town has
plowed 40 acres ready for corn and
says it turned as easy as in May or
Valentines at Snow's
G. R. Freib, painting and paper
hanging. dwtf
Hilliard Wilson spent Sunday
David City.
Henry Sturgeon spent Sunday in
Butler county. '
Edgar Howard came up from Fremont
Saturday noon to be home over Sunday.
Fin Howard came up from Lincoln
Saturday night to be home over Sun
day. Mrs. G. B. Speice was. taken sick very
suddenly Sunday afternoon, but is some
A good stcok of glass ware and
queensware at low prices at Seth
You can take stock in The Equitable
Building Loan fc Savings association
any time. 2t
Miss Florence Kramer entertained the
Idlers at her home on Olive St. Satur
day afternoon.
FOR SALE: Fresh brome grass seed.
Wm. Hoefelman.. Grand Prairie. R. 1.
PlatteCenter. Nehr. 4 tp
Mrs. Howard Clarke entertained the
Art Department of the Woman's Club
on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and .Mrs. Cook of University
Place are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
L. R. DeWolf this week.
We do not sell any cheap sooty coal.
Any coal you buy from us will be clean.
Telephone 74 Weaver & Son.
Rugs made of old catpetsjby
Columbus Rug Factory. 211,
Uth street, Columbus, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mennem returned Friday
evening and will visit ten days with
Mrs. Mennein's mother Mrs. J. E.
J. H. Gallev always cuts prices
when he agrees to cut them. See his
special discount bargains on page four
of Journal.
We have the only genuine Maitland
(Round formation) coal. Look at sam
ples in our windows. Telephone 74.
Weaver & Son.
WANTED- Good woman for general
housework on the farm. One to cook for
Good wages. -J. W. S. Leigh, Neb.,
R. F. D. No. 1. 3t
, FOR SALE: -One of tbe best farms
in Howard county, fifty dollars an acre.
For particulars write, H. J. Dixon
Springview. Neb.
If you hare a lot the Equitable Build
ing Loan & Savings Association will
furnish yon money on a moment's no
tice to build a liotie. 2t
Mrs. A. M. Gray and Mrs. C. C. Gray
entertained last Saturday afternoon
at the home of the former in honor of
Miss Edith Wetton of Chicago.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ol
seen of Omaha Sunday afternoon, Feb
ruary 4tli. Mrs. Olseen is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs Myron D. Karr.
Mr. and Mr.". Howuid entertained Dr.
and Mrs. Ha sen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Dack. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dack, at
six o'clock dinner Saturday eveniug.
Tom Adams left for Michigan, Friday
morning being called by a message an
nouncing the serious illness of his sister
Miss Adelia who is not expected to live.
FOR SALE 40 acres of good farm
land two and one-half miles northeas
of Columbus. $60 per acre if taken Boon.
Inquire of E. H. Nautnann, Columbus,
Xeb. 36-tf
Leave vour laundry at tbe Hark
barber shop. Basket leaves Tuesday
evening, returns Saturday morning.
Agent for Nonpareil Laundry, Omaha
WANTED. Bright, honest young
man from Columbus. Neb., to prepare
for paying position in Government
Mail Service, fox one. Cedar Rap
ids, la. 8t
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Murdock gave a
six o'clock dinner on Friday evening to
Dr. and Mrs. Martyn, Dr. and Mrs.
Homer Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Tho
mas Dack.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Karr left for Omaha
Sunday to get acquainted with their
new grandson. Mr. Karr returned Sun
day evening. Mrs. Karr will remain
Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Reeder entertained
at 6 o'clock dinner Thursday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart, Mr. and Mrs.
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gray and
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson.
R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans,
dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts
clothing. Hats cleaned and reblocked.
Agent for Germania steam dye works,
Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St.
Manager Saley of the North an
nounces the Lyric Road Show for one
night, Wednesday. February 14th.
This attraction comes direct from
Lincoln and will furnish the patrons
an evening's enjovment.
The following report from the State
bureau of statistics shows some inter
esting facts concerning our state's
growth : The Ites figures compiled by
tbe State Bureau of Statistics show
the total combined products of farm
and factory in Nebraska during 1905
to have been worth toll, 431, 476. 42 as
compared with 9501,582,190.63 for 1904
which indcates a ten miillion dollar
increase each year. The largest indi
vidual item in this compilation is
manufactured oroducts at Si "7, 155,953.
Live stock is valued at $122,112,084;
corn, $97,485,297; winter wheat, $25,
641,223; spring wheat. $3,299.406 ; oats,'
$19,638,219; barley, $2,192,742; rye,
$1,484,707. The dairy products totaled
in value $11,259 984 and poultry pro
ducts $10,215,512. The poultry figures
are flattering to those engaged in that
industry. They do not, of course, in
clude values of blooded and fancy
poultry. Other items making up the
tabulation are alfalfa, sugar beets,
hay, potatoes and "other soil crops."
Dr K. H. Naamaa.Deatiat, 18th St
See the Valentine display at
Dr. O. A..Allenbmrger, office in new
State Bank bailding.
Try a Journal "want ad" if you have
anything to buy or sell.
Weaver & Sons keep tbe largest and
best assortment of coal.
A brand new lio3 of valentines at
Baschraan's at lowest price. 2t
Miss Oonsidene of Platte Center was
a Colambas visitor Saturday.
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con
sultation in German and English.
A fine line of new handpainted
china at Bushman's Racket store.
Try our Rex Lump Coal $7 at tbe
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. 8.
Judge Ratterman went to Cedar
Rapids Monday to look after his farm
WAN1ED: Good farm loans at 5
per cent. No commissions, W. L.
May, Omaha, Neb.
Harry Newman has bought the 80
acres east of the Babcock farm, two
miles east of town.
WAT UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent flour. Tbe Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
Excellent seed potatoes for sale.
Early Ohio variety at 75 cents. Don't
wait until spring and pay $1 50. Tur
ner & Jenkins. 1-2
Mrs. Ruby Brown of Norfolk, with her
month old son, is visiting this week at
tbe home of her parents, Judge and
Mrs. W. N. Hensley.
H. B. Fenimore has rented the Nic
chols farm three miles east of Colum
bus. Mr. Nichols it is understood
will move with his family to Omaha.
Everybody is satisfied with Shell
Creek Valley Pride flour made by
Peter Schmitt. the German miller. If
yoa haven't tried it, now is the right
time to begin. tf
Mr. and Mrs A. B. Tomson drove
to Oscola Monday night to see Mrs.
Tomson's daughter, Miss Phoza Mc
Allister in the leading role in a
dramatic company with which she
recently signed.
Orders from tbe General Land office
at Washington to the Nebraska regis
ter at Grand Island, order an addi
tional withdrawal of twenty sections
of land and to be given to the B & M
railroad oompany.
Dr. D. G. Walker and M. J. Ram
aeker of Lindsav were in this city
Saturday on business. Dr. Walker
called on Dr. Hansen while here.
These two were boys together in Chi
cago before their college days
O. C. Hardy sold his residence prop
erty this week to Nick Hoffner and
will move with .his family in about
one month to Seattle where he has
two sisters. Mr. Hoffner will occupy
the Hardy property in Columbus at
that time.
Henry Rieder last Thursday traded
his residence propetrv on Thirteenth
street for the forty acre fruit farm of
Mrs. Young two miles north of town
The consideration was $6500. Mrs.
Tonus and Mr. Rieder both moved
last week.
Gns Sun's Minstrels delighted tbe
lovers of Minstrel at the North last
Friday night. This companv has
visited Columbus four times and has
become one of the favorites here. The
songs and jokes were of an unusually
high order.
Mrs. H. H. Millard was taken to
the city hospital in Omaha last Friday
for an operation. A card was received
by Rev. DeWolf vesterday morning
from Rev. Millard stating that the
operation was successully performed
on Saturday.
Congregational Church 1 Mr. Mun
ro announoes that ne will preach next
Sunduay morning on the subject "Tbe
Conquering Spirit." At night con
tinuing the series on Night Scenes of
the Bible, his subject will be "Short
Weight, or "The Feast of Belrhaz
zar." S. N. Steinboek of Oklahoma broth
er of Mrs. A. B. Tomson spent a few
days in Columbus this week while on
his way to St. Edward to look "after
some real estate which he owns there.
He says that the immigration to Okla
homa is so rapid that it is impossible
to ship lumber in fast enough to sup
ply the demand.
Manager Saley is trying to book
West & Lakes big musical comedv "A
Pair of Pinks", to put on just before
lent. This company carries 45 people
and is just leaving New Tork where
it has bad a big run. The success of
the first class attractions at the North
this season seems to be attracting the
attention of the managers of the best
class of productions.
A large numoer of intimate friends
of Dr. and Mrs. Hansen went to the
Union Pacific station last Saturday
night to bid them farewell as they
left for their future house in tbe west
They will go to Salt Lake for a few
days then to Searchlight, Nevada
where the doctor is president of a
bank and president of a new railroad
and in about ten days will be in Los
Angeles where they will spend the
remainder of the winter. About tbe
first of March Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Dack, Mrs. Hansen's parents will
follow, vMr. Dack having bought a
large block of the stock 'of the new
railroad oompany and alreadv owing
a large hotel at Searchlight. Mr.
Dack still owns considerable property
in Platte county, although he recently
sold a 280 acre' farm besides his beau
tiful residence property which he sold
to his son, C. H. Dack for $6500, a
property worth probably $2000 more
than that sum. AU his Watte county
propetty is for sale.
mm pacific
No. 1, OTeriand Limited. 12:10 . tn
No. 3, Colorado Expraw t:.V . m
No. 5, California mad Oregon Kx 7:15 p. u.
Wo. 7, Lus Antcelnt Limited 1:17 p. m.
No. D, Fast Mail
No. 11, Colo. Special WHS a. tn
No. IS, North Platte Local- 110 a tx.
No.W, Local Freight 7:00 a. m
i. Overland Limited
.ri:." p. tn
. ).!) a tn
. 2:22 p. m.
. U p. m.
12A p. m.
. 5 a. tn.
t. Atlantic uprvM.
6. Eastern Kxdtbm..
8. Los Anxeles Limited
10. Faat Mail
12, Chicago Special ....
11 Mnrtk
1:4 p. u:
no.w. floral freight 5:30 p. m.
Mo.2V, Faaaetixer t
w v h . ? u-wa a I'.
No. 77, Mixed ...
.... 701 a. tn.
I2::4rp. m.
.. . 70p. it.
No. S3. Paaaeoxer
So. 78. Mixed
No. 31, Paeaeaaer .- 2:25 p. m.
No.7V. Mixed 7:00 a.m.
No. 32, Paaeengar 12:55 p. m.
No. 80, Mixed 8:00 p.m.
Norfolk pascenjeer train ran daily.
No train on Albion and Spalding branch
All main line paaaenger trains dally.
W. H. Bbkhaii. Agent.
Mrs. E. H. Chambers is said to be ser
iously ill.
Mrs. Anna Lehman is on the sick list
this week.
Miss Oral Beard left Monday for a
weeks visit to Bellwood.
Mrs. Louis Phillipps entertained the
card club Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. I. Speice went to Schuyler
on Monday to be gone a week.
J. H Galley's special sale started out
with a large patronage last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Brugger are moving
into their beautiful new home this week.
J. W. Kennedy, formerly of the firm
of Snyder & Kennedy, was in the city
Mrs. L. W. Snow suffered from a Beri
ous attack of tonsilitis the first part of
tbe week.
See Miss L. Majaska demonstrate
China-Lac at Dack's Friday and Satur
day afternoons of this week.
Friends of J. N. Kilian will he inter
ested to learn that be bas bean trans
ferred to Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Peter Anderson of Fort Collins
is expected to arrive here this week to
visit at tbe home of A. Anderson.
Judge and Mrs. J. G. Reeder and Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Benham will entertain
the Euchre clnb Thursday night.
A little Chinese lady will demonstrate
China-Lac in Dack's window, Friday
and Saturday, February and 10.
Sunday, February 11, in Baptist
church, morning: "How to View the
Universe:'' evening. "Ton narrow a mar
Kin." Mrs. C. C Gray and Mrs. A. M. Gray
have issued invitation to a five o'clock
tea at the home ol the; former next Fri
day. Mies Helen Shannon has returned
from a three weeks' viMt with her lis
ter 3lrs. Will Kenny of Colorado
Springs, Colo.
J. G. Becher celebrated his liirthday
Monday evening by giving a six o'clock
dinner parly. Covers were laid for six
of his gentleman friends.
Mrs. G. B. Speice and Miss Katherine
Holland of Omaha expect to leave for
Hot Springs. Ark., Thursday. They
will remain until March 1st.
Miss WinqniBt, who was Miss Kelso's
head trimmer last y6ar, was Miss Kelso's
guest yesterday. She was on her way to
Overton where she will start a btore of
FOB SALE: 320 acres Nance couniy
land, well improved. Would axchauge
for 5 or t room residence. Easy terms.
840 an acre. -Georgn E. Bergen, Fuller
ton, Neb. Up
Miss Mary Howaad gave a seven
o'clock dinner Monday in honor of her
eighteenth, birth Jay. Those present
were Myron Gray, Louise Bncher and
Horatio Adams.
Methodist Episcopal church, "Light
for the Hour of Shadow." Evening, the
second in the "Rich Man and Lazarus"
series on "Compmpensation" or the
Leveling of Human Lives
Jon n Sewalek has sued Andrew Pa-
procki in district court to recover $710
alleged to be due him on account of the
sale of certain tots in Columbus in the
execution of a judgment.
Pure bred R. C. B. Leghorns, won
third pen at Platte County Poultry show.
Fine cockerels for sale at 81 each. Mrs
Roy Clark, R. F. D. No. 3, St. Edward.
Nebraska. Neb. Telephone Q 90. 45 5t
A social dance was given at tbe Or
phens Monday night under the direction
of Misses Letitia Speice and Ethel
Elliott. The Orpheus orchestra fnr
nihed the music. About fifty people
were present and they were all shown a
good time.
The annual state encampment Sons
of Veterans will meet in Columbus. Feb
ruary 14 and 15. Delegations from all
parts of the state will be present. The
local members of the Grand Army and
Sons of Veterans have planned to enter
tain the visitors.
A copy of "Goldenrod,'' a new maga
zine published at Grand Island, by W.
F. Bailey, reached our desk today. It
is a creditable publication rfnd is espec
ially interesting to Columbus people
because the drawings for the leading
story, an Indian story, were done by
Miss Martha Turner. And they were
well done.
Bishop Williams was in the city le
tweeu trains Tuesday. While here he
took occasion to express deep regret at
losing from thi diocese Rev. Cash, whom
be considers one of his strongest men.
He says there are six vacancies in this
diocese and tht it will probably be some
time before the vacancy here will be
filled. Rev. Cash will leave next week
for Auburn, California, which is a better
appointment than Columbus.
Vet how much of a
life-like expression
it portrays. That's
the kind of photo
graphs we make,
and that gives us
our popularity.
ONES? They will please'
you and beadmired
by yonr friends if
yon have them
taken at the
McAllister StiHi
OltlVK ST.,
Columbus, Nebr.
Over Phillipps Store
Attorney -at -Law
Office over
Old Slut.- I&ank Hl.lir.
T D. ST1KE8.
OBVe. Olive 8c, foarth door aorta of lint
National Bank.
Attorney - at - Law
Zinnecker B'ldg, Columbus, Neb.
House. Sign
and Garriage
lain and ornamental ratasiR at all
Kinds. Gltu er Geuntrn.
nd. Tel. 2142. COLUMBUS.
Attorney - at - Law
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State
Bank Building.
fl. M. POST
Attorney : at : Law
Columbus, Nob.
Ike French Coach
Will not be hece always. Now
is the time to sret vour choice.
The owners are responsible
people any bank can tell you
our standing.
You can have your own time
to pay for your horse.
At the International Fat Stock
show in Chicago in December,
1905, out of 15 entries we won
13 prizes.
Sedgely Stock Farm
Hinsdale, Illinois.
J. J. Shoemaker, Agent
Winslow's Barn,Columbus,Neb.
I carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic is invuea to come in and i
for themselves.
MS. NEVELS. Proprietor
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. lib
Special Homeseekers' Rates : Great
ly reduced round triD rates to tbe
North Platte Valley and the Big Horn
Basin, January 16tb, February 6th
and 20th. lees than one fare for tbe
round trip. Low one way and round
trip rates ro points in the south and
southwest January u;tn. February fith
and 20th.
Colonist Rates : Specially low one
way colonist rates to points in Colora
do, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idabo,
Oregon. Washington and Califoraia
February loth to April 17th, inclusive.
Homegeekers Excursions Rates:
To points in Montana. Idaho. Oregon.
Washington and British Columbia!
February th and 20th and March 6th
and 20th.
Send for Free Folders, descriptire of
irrigated land in the North Platte
Valley, the Bixr Horn Basin, the .Bil
lings District and Eastern Colorado.
Specify which you want.
To the Sunny nonth : Winter tour
ist rates daily until April 30to
turn limit June 1st. 1906
Write me jnst what trip you nave
in mind and tot mo i:. ..
least cost and the best way to make it.
Ageat C. B. & Q By.
G. P. A. Omaha.
"' '"1L g.'