irF9fp(n&4f-p'r&Q r,trfrWL''-','-v::l Columbus Journal By COLUMBUS JOURNAL Co. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. News in Brief The belief prevails in well informed circles that the Belgium ministry will resign shortly. It is announced that Marshal Field's brother will suceed him in the great dry goods business. . Mrs. Chadwick, now in the Ohio penitentiary, has been put to work making buttonholes. Edward Brush, who has become vice-president of the American Smelt ing and Refining company has resigned as secretary of that company. In New York, Andrew I. Eaton, president of the Crescent Belt Fasten er company, committed suicide in the Vanderbilt hotel by taking poison. Edward Browne was appointed tem porary receiver for the Empire Life Insurance company of New York on application of directors of the com pany. Secretary Bonaparte was before the house committee on naval affairs for three hours engaged in an extended discussion of hazing at the naval academy. The Philadelphia company, with all its subsidy concerns, will in the near future be absorbed by the United Railroads Investment company of San Francisco. Firemen along the entire Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad sys tem are voting on the question of strike or no strike to enforce their demands. Charles J. Harrington, clerk in the money order division of the Oakland, Cal., postomce, is under arrest, and it is charged that he is several hundred dollars short in his accounts. W. R. Johnson, president of the Na tional Travelers' Protective associa tion, anounced that the annual conven tion of the order will be held in Buf falo during the week beginning June 11. A voluntary petition In bankruptcy has been filed by William S. Ikard, a cattleman of Henrietta, Tex. The to tal liabilities are placed at $745,238.81 and assets at $2,205.43, which are ex empt W. R. Johnson, president of the National Travelers' Protective associ ation, announces that the annual con vention of the order will be held in Buffalo during the week beginning June 11. The Appleyard traction lines at Cincinnati, which were thrown Into the hands of a receiver last spring and were ordered sold by the United States court last week, will be sold on February 19 th. M. H. Lamb, formerly general agent for the Acme Harvester company, of Peoria, 111., at Kansas City, filed suit against Samuel D. Porter, an official of that company, asking damages in the sum of $50,000 for alleged slander. The sixteenth annual meeting of the' Lumbermen's association met at Min neapolis with 1,000 delegates in attend ance from Minnesota, North nd South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa and 'Nebras ka, representing all branches of the trade. R. Brent Mitchell the, San Francisco stock broker, who failed recently for $110,000, has disapeared and his friends and family say they do not know where he is. It is believed that Mitchell's creditors will receive little or nothing. The Manchester correspondent of the conservative London Daily Telegraph says it is admitted that the unionists are likely to lose two seats at Mn chester and one at Salford, but that Mr. Balfour's seat in East Manchester is not in danger. Miss Wilhelmena Busch, daughter of the St. Louis brewer, who, it is al leged, Lieutenant Scharrer attempted to coerce into marriage at Belleville, ML, .some weeks ago, is at Los Angel es, where she has barricaded her home and refused to be interviewed. Five chambers of commerce of Ma nila have united in a vigorous pro test to President Roosevelt against the building of barracks to accomo date the coming regiments of United States troops in the almost inacces sible province of Pampanga. At Agram, Hungary, Ivan Palenc sik, who la 103 years old, was re leased from prison after fifty years' confinement. He protested tearfully against his release, but in vain, and he immediately committed another crime in order to be reimprisoned. Representative Rhodes, of Missouri, has introduced a resolution creating what is to be known as the roll of en listed volunteer generals and provid ing for the retirement of. the former officers of the civil war on the Union side, with pay. The petition which came to Mr. Rhodes was signed by 100 generals of volunteers. The academy of medicine at Paris has'decided to forbid the employment of the Roentgen ray except by doctors owing to the danger incurred in its application by unskileld hands, as is alleged to have been proven by num erous deaths said to have been caused by It. C. Agustns, the promoter against whom indictments stand for forgeries alleged to aggregate $53,000 and who is said to have been concerned in ne gotiating the forged Norfolk & West ern railway securities, was committed to the Tombs at New York last week without bail. Captain William Van Schaick, who was in command of the steamer Gen eral Slocum when the vessel was burned In East river in June, 1904, causing a loss of more than one thou sand lives, was put on trial in the United States court. He is charged with criminal negligence. Reports of massacres by the blacks In New Guinea and North Australia have been received. Precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of the socialistic movement at Dresden and Leipsic Meetings have been forbidden by the police. PAIN IN THE JOINTS ' Rheumatic Tortiiree Cease Whe Dr. Williams' Pink Pill Make New BtooC " The first sign of rheumatism is fre snently a pain and swelling in due of the joints. . If not combated in the blood, which is die meat of the disease, the poison' spreads, affecting other joints and tisanes. Sometimes rheumatism at tacks the heart and is quickly fatal. The one remedy that has cured rheumatism so that it stays cured is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills expel the poison from the blood and restore the system, so that the poisonous matter is passed off as nature intended. Mrs. L T. Pitcher, of No. 190 Mon mouth street, Newark, N. J., suffered for about three years from rheumatism before she found this cure. She says: "It began with a queer feeling in my angers. In a little time it seemed as though the finger joints had lumps on them and I could not get my gloves on. "Then it grew worse and spread to way knees. I could not stand up and I could not sleep nights. My suffering was moe than I can describe. I took a great deal of medicine, but nothing even gave me relief until I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. " I read an account of a cure in a case that was exactly like mine and my hus band got me some of the pills. I took them for three weeks before I really f elc better but they finally cured me. " Mr. Pitcher, who is a veteran and a member of E. D. Morgan Post, No. 807 of New York, substantiates his wife's statement and, says that she now walks without difficulty, whereas a year ago he was compelled to push her about in a wheeled chair. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher are enthusiastic in their praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For further information, address the Dr. Williams Medicine Company; Sche ectady, N. Y. Peculiar Cause for Murder. A young man named Gautier mur dered his stepfather recently at Nan tes, France, in order that 'the term of his service as a conscript might be one year instead of two years, as the "only son of a widow." CONCERNING .COMMON .SENSE. The man who knows when not to talk, possesses Judgment of a high order. People everywhere are dis playing good judgment by eating Pill8bury's Vitos for breakfast It's a mighty good thing to be outside of; try it Publishers Hire Prima Donnas. In the course of a lawsuit in Lon don a music publisher stated that even the greatest composers employ prima donnas to sing their new songs all over the country. Otherwise, the songs would never get known at all. When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch, you may be sure he is afraid to keep it until his stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. Defiance Starch is not only bet ter than any other Cold Water Starch, but contains 16 oz. to the package and sells for same money as 12 oz. brands. A Good Heart A good heart makes a good face perhaps not beautiful or classic, but -fine, sincere and noble. The face will shine with od behind it There are some faces that are quiet even today that at times seem to have a glow upon them. There are faces that are quiet and uninteresting In repose that light up amazingly with the animation of talking. There are some who can never get a good photograph, because the camera cannot catch the subtle sparkle of the eye, in which the whole individuality lies. There are some whom you would not at first call hand some, whose faces grow on you with the constant acquaintance until they become beautiful to you. For you see the soul shining; you see the splendor of a noble character glorifying every feature. A true beauty in the soul will come out in the sweetness, the brightness, the quiet glory of the face. Real Elixir of Life. Contentment is the real elixir of life. It is the real fountain from which flows the waters of perennial youth: Sometimes it costs an effort, a tremendous effort, to say it is all right but the man or woman who can say it Is1 much better off for thus looking at the sunny side of the world than the person who harbors grievances against all mankind and walks through the world burdened with the somber thoughts of his disappointments. The discontented perhaps never stop to think how much worse off they could be; that no matter how few their pleasures, there are those in the world who have few or none at all; that given health and strength and the full possession of the senses, they are ad advantaged and blessed in the race of existence. THE LITTLE WIDOW. A- Mighty Good Sort of Neighbor t Have. "A little widow, a neighbor of mine, persuaded me to try Grape-Nuts when my stomach was so weak that it would not retain food of any other kind.' writes a grateful woman, from San Bernardino Co., Cal. "I had been ill and confined to my bed with fever and nervous prostra tion for three long months after the birth of my second boy. We were in despair until the little widow's advice brought relief. "I liked Grape-Nuts food from the beginning, and In an incredibly short time it gave me such strength that 1 was able to leave my bed and enjoy my three good meals a day. In two months my weight increased from 95 to 113 pounds, my nerves had steadied down and I felt ready for anything. My neighbors were amazed to see me gain so rapidly and still more so when they heard that Grape-Nuts alone had brought the change. "My 4-year-old boy had eczema, very bad,. last spring and lost his ap petite entirely, which made him cross and peevish. I pi't him on a diet of Grape-Nuts, which he relished at once. He improved from the beginning, the eczema disappeared and now he is fat and rosy, with, a delightfully soft clear skin. The Grape-Nuts diet did it I will willingly answer all in quiries."' Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book. "The Road to Wellville." in NEBRASKA FINANCIAL CONDITION OF NEBRASKA STATE FAIR LINCOLN Members of the state board of agriculture listened to the reading of the report of Secretary Bas set Mr. iassett declared that state fairs were necessary in order to prop erly educate the farmers. He Insisted that scientific agricultural education did not reach more than 4 per cent of the citizens of the state. The report contains a eulogy of the careers of R. W. Furnas and Edward Mclntyre, who died during the year. The expenditures were summarized as follows: Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1905 S15.646.4l Received acct. concessions.... 5,204.80 Rec'ved acct. state fair tickets 29,269.00 Received acct. state app 3,000.00 Received acct. speed entries.. 1,291.90 Received acct. stalls 11 800 Received acct. stalls class A.. 213.00 Received acct. stalls, class B.. 420.00 Received acct. pens, class C... 472.00 Received acct. pens, class D.. 40.00 Received acct. miscellaneous.. 756.15 Total cash $56,431.26 EXPENDITURES. Paid premiums $14,842.11 Paid State Hortlcul. society.. 800.00 Paid Attractions Cute 225.00 Trotting steer 400.00 Baseball 150.00 Band 450.00 Paid hotel bill, members of board of manag-. and guests. 439.75 Paid miscellaneous 1,807.21 Paid Corn Improvers' associa tion, boys' corn growing1 contest and girls corn grow ing contest 250.00 Paid freight, telegraph and express 161.06 Paid salaries xf officers 4,640.73 Paid printing and postage.... 1,169.90 Paid medals 59.90 Paid J. H. Hadkinson, salary and payroll 1,171.85 Paid superintendents, judges, clerks, etc 2,947.54 Paid police "payroll 849.19 Paid turnstiles 149.91 Paid plans and specifications for buildings 130.00 Paid office fixtures and sup plies 230.91 Paid permanent Improve ments 9,901.78 Paid lumber acct 264.01 Paid ribbon badees 106.35 Paid officers' badges for five years 7a.uu Pa!d labor pavroll 1,180.60 Paid advertising fair 647.97 Paid fish exhibit 273.18 Total expenditures $45,544.41 SUMMARY. Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1905 $15,646.41 Total receipts from all sources 40,784.55 Total resources $56,431. 2G Warrants issued $45,544.95 Less unpaid warrants, series of 1905 183.25 $45,361.70 .$11,069.56 Balance on hand $56,431.26 Following is a statement of entries. premiums offered anil premiums paid: Total number of entries..-. 9,826 Total amount offered in pre miums $19,471.95 Total amount paid in pre miums 14.842.11 O' total amount offered in premiums 76 r cent was awarded and paid. The election of officers resulted in the choice of W. R. Millor of Loup City, as secretary, the office so long filled by the late ex-Gov. Furnas. There was no contest for any of the offices. The fair this year will be held from August 30 to Sept. 7, inclusive. The board added to the duties of the secretary by making him the superin tendent of concessions and giving this entire matter into his care. This ac tion was taken because the secretary will have his office in Lincoln, and can be reached easily. Judge Tucker Visits Old Home. HUMBOLDT Eugene A Tucker, the recently deposed federal judge from Arizona, arrived in the city, and joined his wife and son in a visit to his daughter, Mrs. S. R. Gist of this city. The recent report to the effect that he was to give up his practice at Sol omonville, Ariz., and return to Hum boldt is denied by his son-in-law, Mr. Gist so it is presumed that after a short visit with his relatives here he will return to the south. It is prob able that the son will not go back. A Costly Poker Game. FREMONT Sheriff Buman returned from Missouri with J. J. Lynch, the fireman who ran away with $400 be longing to the mother of the girl be had promised to wed-at Scribner. He says-he will settle the case by marry ing the girl, and will endeavor to pay back the money if he is given a chance. He claims to have left be cause he lost the $400 in a poker game at Scribner. Coal in Boyd County. NORFOLK Coal has been discover ed in Boyd county on the farm of Joseph Kiasnn, four miles west of Groso. It is said that the vein ap pears to be a paying-quantity one, and it is hoped by the citizens of that section that the prediction will prove true. Will Pass on Motion. LINCOLN The supreme court will render a decision soon on the motion of the state for a rehearing in the case of the state against the State Journal company, in which that com pany was charged with having ille gally deprived the state library fund of revenues amounting to $84,500. Work at Burlington Shops, PLATTSMOUTH Last year more work was done in the Burlington shops here than during any previous year, it is said. The average number of cars turned out was thirty per month, while In previous years' from twenty-two to twenty-four was considered a big month's work. The average number of men employed in 'this department was 120. In the freight car depart ment an average of 170 men were em ployed and 150 cars turned out per month. About 1,500 men are employed in this place. Editors to Meet LINCOLN Editors of Nebraska will meet in Lincoln February 26-28. Lafe Young of Des Moines will deliver an address. R. L. Metcalfe will speak and J. C. Seacrest and others will be on the program. Indian is Convicted. NORFOLK John Four Generations was tried and convicted for horse stealing at Butte, and will be sent to the penitentiary. He is an Indian and bad bean stealing horses for a long tint. STATE NEWS NEBRASKA BRIEFS The elevators at Cook complain that they cannot get enough cars to handle the grain. Mr. Win. Sanders of Seward county, was severely injured by a kick from one of his mules. The Nebraska Telephone company has just completed a new farmers' line running northeast from Beatrice. The Hastings Fuel and Light com pany has reduced the price of gas from $2.25 per 1,000 feet to $1.90. Arthur Clark, a young married man, was brought to McCook, from Fron tier county, and is in jail for attempted criminal assault Cecil Frease, the 5-year-old son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Frease of Leigh, was drowned in his father's ice pond, near his home. The executive committee of the East Central Nebraska Teachers association met in Fremont to outline a program for the meeting April 5, 6 and 7 in Fremont. Rev. Louis Frank of Fremont, trav eling missionary in the United States for the German Lutheran synods, has resigned and will return with his fam ily to Wilhelmdorf, Germany, in May. Sarah J. Markel has filed a petition in the district court of Adams county praying for a divorce from her hus- hand, John Markel, on the grounds of cruelty and ungovernable temper on the part of the defendant. A number of transfers in real es tate and farm lands have taken place recently and many strangers from dif ferent parts of the country are now in Custer county looking over the situa tkm with a view to locating. The members of the Southeastern Nebraska Poultry association met at Beatrice and elected the following offi cers: President, Frank Clippinger; vice-president, D. S. Whitcomb; sec retary, Frank Lenhart; treasurer, Dr. J. S. McCleery. The board of county supervisors of Dodge county decided to reconsider the action it took some time ago in refusing to buy a dredging machine and voted to go to Burt county in a body soon to inspect the dredging out fit in use there. The merchants and business men of Osceola, with very few exceptions, have signed an agreement to close their places of business at 7:30 p. m., not even having the back doors open, during all the time of the evangelistic services at the Methodist church. The crew of a southbound Missouri Pacific train picked up a stranger be side the track a mile south of Platts mouth who was suffering from a gash on his head. He claimed that his companion tried to rob him of $1.50 and had knocked him off the car. Arthur Lamb, a 16-year-old runaway boy from the Kearney reform school, was arrested in Hastings in response to a telephone message and an officer of that institution came and got him. The boy left the school in October and since then has been as far as Mexico. After two week's work on the Booze farm mystery Sheriff Bauman of Dodge county, declared he is prac tically without a clew and the mystery is as deep as it was the day the body was found. Mr. Bauman made this announcement after he had run down every clew he had. The Fairmont Creamery company has increased its capital stock from $300,000 to $1,000,000, making it the second largest creamery' in the United States. The company intends to open up an office and manufactory at Omaha and continue the one at Fairmont and will deal in milk, butter and eggs. Word has been received at Albion from the insane asylum that Martin Haley, formerly of Boone county, had died at that institution. Haley shot and killed a man by the name of Sav ers some sixteen years ago. but was adjudged insare by the jury and was sent to the asylum, where he has been ever since. The girls' and boys' basketball teams of the Aurora and Grand Island High school engaged in two contests at Grand Island, resulting in a victory for the girl's team of that city and a victory for the boys team of Aurora. A large attendance was present and in teresting and closely fought games were witnessed. Workmen on the two new ice houses of the Union Pacific railroad at North Platte, upset a bucket of tar between the two buildings and this caught fire from the lamp which was being used to heat the tar, and immediately an enormous conflagration began, which destroyed more than one-half of the largest ice house in the world. Building operations in Fairnurv for 1905 amounted to $192 876. The Rock Island Railroad system extended for addition to round house, coal chutes and other yard Imnrovements. $53,546. and brick buildings erected in the city cost $22,200. New dwellings erected fifty-six, and their cost was $97,800. Barns, additions and shops made up the total of $192,876. After haviner lain in jail several weeks under bonds of $1,000 on a peace warrant sworn out by his wife, Hueh Montgomery of Sioux City was released from custody, his wife having dismissed the complaint against him, upon Montgomery paying up the court costs. By unanimous vote the State Board of Public Lands and Buildings adopted rules for the conduct of the Home for the Friendless, which will take from the visiting or advisory board every particle of its power and leave the management of the home in the hands of the superintendent, Mrs. Johnson. The Congregational church in Beemer, which has been without a pastor since the middle of November, when Rev. George Scott resigned, has extended an urgent invitation to Rev. C. C. Sawtell of the Omaha Theolog ical seminary to become its new pas tor. Sheriff Page of Fillmore county, was in Fremont between trains, having in his custody Morris McKibbon, who eloped with 15-year-old Frieda Frese of Exeter, after deserting his wife and three children. McKibbon was arrest ed near Norfolk after being a fugitive nearly a year. Will Wed -x IMY 'A vr The engagement of Miss Lurline Spreckels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spreckels, of San Francisco, to Spencer F. Eddy of Chicago, secre tary of the American embassy at St Petersburg, has caused much surprise among the many acquaintances of the bride to be. She is at present with errrfmsiawfermiriiirma' TURBINES FOR OCEAN LINERS. Furnish Ideal Power for High Speed at Sea. The good ship that recently crossed the stormy brine on its maiden voy age from Liverpool to New York is the pioner in a new era of transatlan tic steam navigation. Its engine was a turbine. The word turbine comes from the Italian turbo, meaning whirl wind or revolving, explaining the ac tion of the steam in the turbine en gine. The draft, the drum and the projectng blades or valves are blown around at great speed with smooth and even motion and with a total ab sence of the vibration which is pres ent "even in the highest types and most perfectly balanced engines of the reciprocating variety. The speed attained was 20 knots, but in the new great flyers now building twenty five knots is to be attained. With re ciprocating engines as power it Is thought the size and speed of steam ships has been reached, since there is a limit to the strength of hulls. But turbine engines, small, simple and compact entirely free from vibra tions, capable of developing far great er horsepower, have been termed the ideal power for high speed at sea. WAS CLASSMATE OF BISMARCK. Death of Last Man Who Graduated With Chancellor. The last of the nineteen classmates of Bismarck who graduated with him from the gymnasium in Berlin In the spring of 1832 has just died in that city. A simple clergyman, Von Han stein by name, he gave shortly be fore his death an eloquent description of Bismarck the boy "happy, buoy ant, able and popular." Sixty-three years after their graduation the five other survivors recalled themselves to their distinguished classmate by a round robin headed by Von Hanstein which reached Bismarck on his birth day, April 1, and received a tele graphic acknowledgment before all the other messages which poured in on him. Curiously enough, Von Han stein by common consent was made custodian of the longer reply which Bismarck sent, as if with knowledge that he would survive the others and Bismarck; too. Woman Whaler. The wife of a whaling captain has recently proceeded to sea with her husband, from New Bedford, on a two years' cruise, she having signed ar ticles as assistant navigator, and be ing entitled to wages and bonus. Ac tually she will do the navigating, working out the barque's position every day, and If anything befell her husband she would be capable of tak ing the vessel home. "The only wom an sailor who goes to the whaling grounds," is the title conferred on the captain's wife. The women of New Bedford gave her a reception shortly before she sailed. Bread and Water for Topers. Mayor Scherff, new reform execu tive of Marion, Ohio, proposes to pun ish habituaL topers by putting them on a diet of bread and water for fortysight hours or more whenever they are arrested. He believes that this would be the most effective pun ishment that could be devised and wil put it into practice at once. In the past all typical "soaks" were kept in durance vile until sober and were then released. Mayor Scherff, before his election, was a workman In one of the local factories. With the flmt day of his administration Marion has changed from a wide-open town to a strictly law-abiding municipality. Russian Officers Dissatisfied. It is said that- Prince Napoleon, now in the Russian service as gov ernor general of the Caucus, recently objected to having soldiers fire on un armed mobs of workmen. It is hinted also that more than one Russian grand duke has resigned his commis sion through fear of being ordered to quell disturbances in the old orthodox I style- Diplomat 1255 2Z39U7& 5HBK325 her mother at the Spreckels resi dence in Paris. The wedding, it is said, will take place in the near fu ture. Miss Spreckels is a blonde, tall and handsome, and it is understood some day will inherit $20,000,000 or more from her father and her grand father, the late Claus Spreckels. wmmmmmvmmmmmmkjy"jjjjmkyjyjyjjjyj NAVAL MISHAPS TOO FREQUENT Suspicion That Officers Are Incom petent or Negligent Popular judgment will be suspended until a naval court of inquiry shall have placed the responsibility for the mishap that overtook Admiral Evans' battleship squadron while making its way out of New York harbor. A pilot was aboard the flagship and the others were following In close forma tion. The pilot knew his business, for his vessel went through unscathed, and it remains to be seen why the four others could not follow their leader. A long and continuous list of accidents to naval vessels, any one of which would have ended the career of a captain in the merchant service, more than suggests that too many naval officers are' Incompetent or neg ligent and that these frequent evi dences of shortcomings come to pub lic notice so often because proper ex amples are not made of those who have been found at fault Cleveland Plain Dealer. Geronimo Takes Eighth Wife. Geronimo, the famous Apache war rior, 76 years of age, believing life too strenuous without a helpmate, has for the eighth time become a bene dict This proved startling news to his tribesmen at Lawton, Oklahoma, for they were not informed ot his woo ing. Two years ago Geronimo's sev enth wife died, and since then he has been converted and become a Christ ian. His latest bride was Mrs. Mary Loto, an Apache widow, aged 58. The wedding occurred during the Christ mas holidays, but only became known a day or two ago. Salaries of Britain's Rulers. Of all the members of his majesty's cabinet the lord chancellor receives the highest salary, namely. $50,000; the prime minister, the ministers of the interior, exterior, colonies, war, finance and the secretary for Indian affairs receive $25,000 each; the first lord of the admiralty $22,500; the sec retary for Ireland $21,500 and the other members of the cabinet a sal ary of $10,000 each, the lord chan cellor for Ireland $40,000 and the first secretary of public works $10. 000. The three latter officials, how ever, hold no portfolio. Takes Office Late in Life. With the exception of Lord Palmer ston, who was over 70 when called to the position of premier of Great Bri tain, Sir Henry Campbeil-Bannerman takes office later in life than any other of his predecessors. Sir Henry Is G9. Mr. Balfour was 54 when he took up the reins of power from the hands of the late Lord Salisbury. Sir Henry, who is a son of the late Sir James Campbell and added the name of Ban nerman under the will of a maternal uncle, is one of the oldest members ot parliament. He entered the house as long ago as 1868. Rough Riders to Buy Present. The rough riders are to buy a wed ding present for Miss Alice Rosevelt. The secretary of the Tishomingo (In dian Territory) association has start ed the movement. In the letters sent to members of the famous Spanish American war regiment voluntary do nations are asked, and it is suggested that the proceeds be used to buy a dining table piece of silver, embell ished with the regimental emblem, for Miss Alice. Woman Is Political Agent. Miss Ellen Pollock has the distinc tion of being the only woman politi cal registration agent in the United Kingdom. Fhe is secretary of the Strand I ''fral and Radical associa tion rri is agent for the party in the borough of the Strand. Royal Prince Capable Printer. Prince Louis of Battenberg has an other distinction besides that of hav ing paid a dentist $1,000 for the fill ing of four teeth. He is a printer and can set up 1,000 ems in very good BRXSJS?''1 als. Alum,, a imaor suninouia mfasel mail wlwj Calumet Baking Powder Offset In quality. Mee'eraf In price. Names Children After States. S. T. Dodson. a farmer of the South Canadian valley, proved himself very patriotic In naming his ten children after some of the states of Uncle Sam's empire. His six daughters are named Virginia. Carolina. Georgia. Florida, Idaho and Jersey. The Dod son boys are named Missouri. Ohio,. Tennessee and Texas. Kansas City Journal. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for tnr we f Catarrh that cannot bo currd or Hall's. Catarra Cure. J .. .. T. J .CHESET CO.. Toledo. O. W. the VBdenlKned. bare known F. J. Chener Ptrtnelaat IS rean. and bellfTe him perfectly hun erable la alt bualnrsa transaction and flnauctallr ale to carry out any obligation made ly hl arm. Waliixo. Kixxax Maavii. ... - WhoIeaaleDrosjriMa. Toledo. O. Hall Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, actlnr Irectlx spun the bl.xxl and mucous aurface of to eyatcru. Testimonial sent free. Price 75 casta Mr kettle. Sold br all DmgnUta. Take HaU'a Family Pnia for cooatlpaUoa. A Substitute. "Are you going to get that automo bile which the doctor ordered for your wife?" "Can't afford it. but we have almost the real thing. She puts on a pair of gasoline cleaned gloves, takes a long, long ride on the front seat of a trolley car. and walks back." Mother Cray's Sweet Powders tor Children, Successful!? used hv MnHi.r-f:,-,r. nMA. fa the Children's Home in New York, cure constipation, Fevenshncss, Bad Stomach, t TecthiniP TJisnnlors. mnrniml nOTii'.t.n .v..1 Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 tee-! riiuiHou. jx au uruggisis, ic. Sample FUEE. Address A. S. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y. Balmy Sleep. "Blessed be he who first Invented sleep." Dear old Sancho Panza. You were quite right. A monument im pressive as Bart hold i's to liberty in New York bay ought to rise to that in ventor of "balmy sleep." Jk. GUARANTEED CURE FOR 1ILEH. Itching. Itllnd. Weeding. Protruding l'Uc). lrug jrlats are authorized to refund money If lAZO OINTMENT falls to cure In b to 14 days. 50c. A man does not make an owl of himself by making a donkey of others. ACME DYSPEPSIA CURB Positive tun for nil ills. aseof ntmn.icti. liver, and bowels. Kecommemkd by If.ulin ii.iti Tin- cure that cures. 110 t.iolets l CO. Send money with order to Anne Djapepsua Care Co.. Jroniia New Jersey. The heart that burns with love is the only thing that overcomes hatred. Lewis' Single Binder Cijrar lias a rich taste. Your dealer or Lewis.' Factory, Peoria, 111. It is well enough to die happy, but it is far better to live that way. Try me just onee and -I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. Bad Spelling. Bad spelling. Says Benjamin Frank lin in one of his letters, is generally the best, as conforming to the sounds of the letters and words. To give you an Instance. A gentleman received a letter in which were these words: "Not finding Brown at hom, I delivered your meseg to his yf." The gentleman, finding it bad spelling and, therefore, not very intelligible, called his lady to help him to read it. Between them they picked out the meaning of all but the yf, which they could not under stand. The lady proposed to call her chambermaid, because "Betty," says she "ha the best knack of reading bad spelling of any one I know." Betty was surprised that they could not tell who yf was . "Why," says she, "yf spells wife, what else can it spell?" Knew Better Than Before One day recently, says the Roman correspondent of the London Tablet, Cardinal Macchi administered solemn baptism, in the chapel of the little Company of Mary, to a sturdy little American convert of eleven years. His mother did her best to argue him out of his desire to become a Catholic, but ever she capitulated when, after reminding him how much his dead father was opposed to Catholics the little fellow replied: "Oh mother, I guess papa knows more now." CURES lsocamnuooTl Swine Disease nHog Cholera Bead for Circular witb Direction. feEmtftlNUlSAterj lt.SMft, tyaTtisipiii,t Eft Wtttf Ew!S33EiafS3wKi m MtCoeehSjraat TaneeGood. MB J r-1 f r, jd;fc ..-lAi. - m