T&z- :- t l". : -VI Mn. Hans Elliott went to Lincoln this morning, called by the illneaa of her dangnter Mamie who is attending the state aniveraity. Miaa Elliot is afflicted with some throat trouble. George Scott, Henry Ragatz, J. C. Echols and L. G. Zinnecker went to Fallerton last Thursday night to assist the Masonic lodge at that place in the initiation of new members. The family of W. A. McAllister is now out of quarantine. While there was no aerious illness at any time, the quaran tine had to be maintained as strictly as if the case had been critical. Mrs. A. C. Rollins had a lively run away yesterday. She was driving her spirited team on the Meridian road when they became frightened and ran with her, being stopped by M. Knnselman and brought back to town. No damige i done. Gray's special sales always attract crowds, because their bargains are real bargains. They pliy fair with their patrons. Their sale this week will crowd their store more than usual, be cause they are offering bigger bargains than usual. Dr. H. A. Hansen returned to Colum bus yesterday to spend a few d?ys with his friends and to adjust some of his basinets matters. Dr. liansens abilities have won for him both money and hon ors in the western country where he has c ist his lot. He is president of two large companies, the Searchlight Bank and Trust Company of Searchlight, Nevada, the Los Angeles Mountain Water company, of Los Angeles and president of the Searchlight and North ern Railway Company, of Los Angeles, which will complete its track into Searchlight withlrTthe next 90 days. Sherman Township. Frank Wnrdeman was a county seat visitor Saturday. Wendolin Banner,ar., shipped a .car of hogs to Omaha Thursday. Henry Meyer and T. R. Bernts of Grand Prairie were callers at II. G. Luesehen Friday. Oua Hoessel aud father drove to Co lumbus on business last Wednesday. Emil Boe was shelling corn Friday, Willie Haeffelmann doing the work. Gerd Rosche was over in Madison county Saturday buying some stock. Onr neighbor farmer Camp Moran in Creston township is busy these days buying bogs, which is a good thing for the farmers. They are all receiving a fair price for which they can thank Mr. Moran. Mionon Anna and Melia Muth are re ported quite sick, but are reported improving. Jesse Bisson was visiting at the home of Ikmus Hollman Sunday. Willie Littleman thinks some one on the farmers line has invested in a gra- maphone and so he has made a tour of inspection Sunday evening and finding it to cold to travel he stopped at the second house till past one o'clock. Irate 3 Joe McCarville is convalescent. .Sept. Leavy visited the Adamy School Tuesday. Fred Kluever visitedHcnry and Fred Bruaken Sunday evening. Herauut Henne began work for H. Buss last Monday on a contract for $280 a year. Mr. and Mrs. D. Brunken visited at the .home of Emil Schoen at Platte Cen ter last Thursday. J. P. Hagemann bought 1120 acres of land in Frontier county last week and expects to move there in the spring. Peter Luschen wentfto look at the large Marshall Field ranch near Leigh last week, with the view of buying it. Mrs. C. J. Bisson was brought to the St. Mary's hospital for treatment lust Thursday. Mr. Steele, the rural route inspector, inspected this route last Friday anil in ciden tally sampled some good mince pie. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Qnathomer of Buck Grove. la., are viaiting Mr. .and Mrs. H. P. Mohrman this week. W. M. Mason shipped a carload of wheat to Wells, Abbott, and Nierman'of Schuyler last week. Peter Hulsebus is down with grippe. Ira Bacon of Boone County wa on this route Thursday. Mrs. Fred Meyer is still quite sick. Gus Hageman visited in Stockville, Nebraska last week. Cedar Chips. Mrs. Joe Hanser is slowly improving Henry Hauser is losing hi hogs with the prevailing disease and Wm. Honser has some sick ones. Little Mate Meyers has been very sick this week, with La Grippe. Sam Ball is the first of the procession this spring, and is already making active preparations to move from his old home on the valley to the farm of Georgi Hills on the table land. Frank Shntte baby boy died Saturday and wms burned Tuesday in Bellwood. The little one had the whooping cough. 0 The saw mill is at work at Jferdinand alt, we are sorry to see so much timber cut down. Dr C. V. CIMPIEU Dentist Office with Dr. Luesehen Arnold's Old-Stand Teeth Painlessly Extracted Crown and Bridge Work Gold, Silver and Cement Filling Examination and Estimates Free of Charge Platte Center. (From Signal.) Fred Loan was a Columbus visitor Thursday when he went to meet his mother, Mrs. Fred Siems, who had beon taking medical treatment at KansHS City, from where he returned cured from her ailments. Yesterday Anna Blessen 'started a damage suit in the district court against the threePlatte Center saloon keepers and their suiety, the American Bonding Co. For cause of action Mrs. Blessen alleges that the recent acci dental death of her husband. John Blessen was caused by excessive drink, fnruisliad hy the defendants. She sues for the recovery of $10,000. Allen & Reed, of Madison, are plaintiff's attor neys. On Saturday noon last Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kent, of this place, departed for Walla Walla, Washington, and other points on the Pacific coast, for an ex tended vacation trip Mr. Kent has re latives at? Walla Walla, where he will spend most of his time. B. II. Sehroedcr and Misses Hetty Consodine and Aunie Nelson left on last evening's train to return to their home steads near Presho, S. D. They expect to remain there now untM July, at which time if they see fit they can prove up and upon piiyment of $ 1.23 an acre they get a deed. Emmett Gentleman had a narrow escape from serious injury last Satur day. He was endeavoring to catch a horse in the yard when the heast kicked him squarely in the face with one foot. Fortunately he was not close enough or else to close to receive more than a severe blow which did nothing worse than knock Iilm down. Miss Hanua Hansen arrived here Sun day evening from Omaha for a visit with the family of her uncle, Christ Hansen. We regret to report the serious illness sf our friend D. J; Ilitchcack, at his home in Oconee, and hope for his speedy recovery. The stockholders of the Platte county bank were pleasantlr entertained at luncheon last Friday by Mr. Mrs. P. F. Lucbinger. Miss Kittie Gentlennn went down to Columbus Thursday. Miss Gentleman has been unable lo take charge of her school the past two weeks owing io ill ness. She is taking treatment at Co lumbus. Won Sea Ik! The French Coach Horses at Winslow's bam, in charge of J. J. Shoemaker, Agent for the Sedgely Stock Farm. We can afford to sell them cheaper than any one else for we breed them ourselves from the best imported stock. They are bred from our famous Stal lian that cost $3500 in France. At the International Fat Stock show in Chicago in December, 1905, out of 15 entries we won 13 prizes. A few fine pure bred mares for sale. est tar CMfh. CMt.Cr , wvsvNarlMp Cestk.ee. 81 y MeClisrttek & Carter. English Tavern :. A tavern sign seen in various parts of England is "The Dog's Head In a Pot," accompanying the painting of a dog eating out of a three-legged pot, which may seem to mean that the host is hind and his viands good. Another significant sign is "Five Miles from Anywhere. No Hurry," seen in Hamp shire, a pleasant reminder that it Is ar tereable place to linger. Tendency of Fish to Decompose. Fish, because of its tendency rapid ly to decompose, holds a peculiar posi tion among foods. In England It is the subject of a special act of Parlia ment. So long ago as 1698 men knew the evil consequences resulting from eating mackerel of uncertain post mortem age. So they passed an act providing that except during the hours of divine service this fish could be sold on Sunday. That act has never been repealed. Theory and Practice. "I takes notice," said Uncle Eben 'Mat de man who tells you how easy it fs to be contented wif gait pole an' beans ginerly has aa fine a appetite foh fried chicken as anybody." Yon kers Statesman. Teo Much "Hustling." We work too nervously. Also we play too hard. Strenuousness has been over-preached. Is it not time to en ter a plea for good, old-fashioned leis ure? New York Public Opinion. Origin ef "Schooner." "Schooner" Is a word of American manufacture. At Gloucester, Mass, about 1713 Capt. Andrew Robinson built the first vessel called by that name. As it slid off the stocks into the water a bystander shouted "Oh. how she scoons!" (skims). Robinson instantly said: "A acooner let her be." The name has been universal! adopted, but, singularly enough, is spelled in the Dutch manner, though it is provincial English. Convict Starts Fire. Joseph Davis, a desperate robber saturated with kerosene a bale of jute in the jute mill of the state prison, San Quentin, Cal., and set fire to it The fire was put out after a short but hard fight May Keep the Nail. The British Army Council has sol emnly decided that heieafter the nail in the barrack room mop head need not be handed into store when a used ap mop is exchanged for a new one. English Free Library. The borough of Southwark, England, la about to inaugurate the open hook shelf in its public libraries. Taxpay ers and others who register their names as borrowers will be allowed to enter the libraries and take down from the shelves the books they re quire without reference to the at tendants. Advice frenr. a Bachelor. The way to make your wife have confidence in you Is to tell her that the other woman is rather pretty ex cept for her 'hair, eyes, mouth, teeth, nose, complexion and figure. New York Press. A Flower Weeing a iwl rose leaned across the way, T. a rose of creamy white: While the sun sank down behind a hill In the evening's fading light. . lie d rose kissed the white rose. lis petals softly pressing. And whispered there a shy good-night, With its perfume for a blessing. Nourishment in Skim Milk. In skimming milk the cream re moved lessens the fat percentage, and for older people or fat children the skim milk is equally desirable, in some cases better. In eating apples the skin, too, should be eaten. Pared apples are not so nutritious, as the ash contents of the apple skin are valuable to the human system. S8l J ApwrtBO loi 'qos no -iqSie SunBporaraooDE 'ddjq) ptrs 'qaeo x SuivBnouttnoooB 'ojt) Iqosa eutu SuijKpoiatuoaoB 'dui iqoua saaSuassad a.i3.ui 3u!BpomraoooB 'saSeixreo sajirj :()uamjadxa' aq) pun uojuno WAk d(I atU 'UnH uqof aqj) saApomosoi aajqX :aut) JBU ? Poj aqi jo qoojs uHOJ iBjoj aq) se Sqjmohoj aq) bbajS '8881 'I "ur paiP 'ptojipm uospnH jj JiMBqoft aq; jo Xao)UdAU pro uy peojieu io Xjo)U9au pio Orchids Easy to Grow. lfacv orchids are not the difficult flowers to grow that most people sup pose, says Covntry Life in America. There are at least fifty cut of ten thousand varieties of these regal bloosts that may grow in the domestir greenhouse. Her Way. A woman's way of saying to the micistr that she would like to whale i her Vy, who has just knocked over the water pitcher, Is to dcelam: "Dsa little chap; he Is so full of j Innocent spirits." New York Pros.-, j Irrigation In Idaho. The valleys of I- Payette and Bois rivers. In southern Idaho, are soon to be the seen of a stupendous rrigation work by the government. The iect Is to reclaim 172,000 acre? or land Fire station Witheut Stable. The-man who built a house and for got to put in the stairs has been over shadowed by the Swansea corporation. They are -building a fire brigade sta tion and have just discovered that they have forgotten to provide room for the horses! London Builders' Journal. BURLINGTON BULLETIN... fflBrRMW LMnmmmm Special Homeseekers Rates : Great ly reduced, round trip rates to the North Platte Valley and the Big Horn Basin, January lGtb, February 6th and 30th. .uess than one fare for the round trip. Low one way and ronnd trip rates to points in the south and sontbwest January lfitta. February nth and 20th. Colonist Rates : Specially low one way colonist rates to points in Colora do, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California February loth to April 17th, inclusive. Homeseekers' Excursions Rates : To points in Montana, Idaho. Oregon. Washington and British Columbia, February Gth and 20th and March 6th and 20th. Send for Free Koldere.descriptive of irrigated land in the North Platte Valley, the Bit; Horn Basin, the Bil lings District and Eastern Colorado. Speoifr which you want. To the Sonny south : Winter tour ist rates daily until April :50th. Re torn limit .Tone I ft, 1906. Write me juBt what trip yon have in mind and let me advise yon the least cost and the best way to make it. L F. RECTOR, Agent C. B. & Q Rv. L. W. WAKELSY. G. P. A. Omaha. Bread keeps fresh longer Bread tastes far better Bread does you more good when it's made with YEAST FOAM the wonderful yeast that took the Firat Grand Prize at the 3t. LouU Exposition. Yeast Foam is bold hy sill gro cers it oca package enuush for 40 loaves. Send h postal rard for onr new illnHtmted hook, "Good Bread : Ho w to Ma ke I U" WnTHWESTEM YEAST C8. CHICAGO, ILL. Every Nieee and Nephew of Uncle Sam should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda c crackers, because they are the one food with which all of -& them are familiar. Uncle Sam has given out figures shqwing that soda - crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements, properly proportioned, than any food made from flour. This is saying much for common soda crackers, and much more for UflOOClS BlSCllIt, because they are .soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked bettci more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly. The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best for his people. His people have shown that they think Uneeda BfSCUit the best of that food, nearly 400,000,000 packages having already been consumed. Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL 3ISCUIT COMPANY P UNION PACIFIC TIHE TIBI C S I IBili I LI, "iSSS WKST BOUND. MAIN U5I. - No. 1, Orerland Limited 12:10 p. m. No. 3, Colorado Express 655 p.m. No. 5, California and Oretcon Ex ?:tf p. tn. So. 7, Los Angeles Umitetl l:47p.ro. No. f, Fat Mail 403 p. in. No. 11, Colo. Special llMG a. m. No. 13, North Platte Local 11:00 a. m. No. .".'., Local Freight 7:00 a.m. EAST ROUX! i'MI li: No. 2, Overland Limited 5:50 p.m. Sin. 4. Atlantic KfniMt. M1f m No. 6, Eastern Exnresf 2:22 o.m. No. 8. Los Angles Limited 833 p.m. No. 10, Fast .Mail 1235 p. m. No. 12, Chicago Hpecial 5:2.1 a. m. No. 14. North l'l.-ltto ral 1-17 ,. m No. W. Local Freight ." 530 p". m'. NOHFOI.X BBAKOH. Depart No. 29. Passenger 80 p. m. No. 77, Mixed 70la.m. Arrive No. 30. Faeeenser 12::4Sp. m. No. 78. Mixed 7:00 p. rr. ALBION AND SPALDING BBA2CCH. Depart No. 31, Passenger 2:25 p. m. No. 79. Mixed 70 a.m. . . Arri .No. 32, Passenger 125 p m. o- 80. Mixed 8:00 p. m Norfolk paeni?.r trains ran daili. No traich on Albion and Spalding bnufl' Sundays. All main linn passenger trains dally. W. Ji. JtBNHAX. Agent. Spg9G300QOOOOQOOOOOQOOQQqe 5J PATRONIZE Q A HOME SCHOOL!!! The Standard Square Inch Tailoring System of Chicago. Sewing Taught Free to Each Pupil. We teach to Cut and Fit by Actual Measurement without Change or Alteration. Mrs. A. C. BOONE, Mgr. R First Door North of Drs. Martyn & Evans' Office. Q :so;3ooosaoaaoooosooossQ0 r W$k across W H The Continent IN ALL SEASONS M ON I M "The Overland Route" m Trains Equipped with Composite Observation Card. L m Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. Tourist Sleeping L m Cars, Free Jteclinin Chair Cars. Steam L m licat, &c, Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte M blectrlc Llalitasl Trains M via I UNION PACIFIC I Vk Inquire K ik W. H. BEKiiAAL A.,Dt. W 'sjJBsjpg asaB aBsssssfffcBSBBBassVaaS"" AmRRH tfTfrvV $&f Bftllf g -fift mM ZKi WRg &i so. Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. CIVKS RKUKF AT OMCC. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives" away a Ctold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY MOTHERS. Sf Warrea St.WtwYsra. h 1 f 1 r -4,. . "& i. mi,f.Ma r-rrfTr-Sa-lr5;lft--t-r,1 Jr-A-tnrSfF-ata?'fcrriii ''jjMtii. -. - t: MWiu.iwAMa. . Jl- ?L&,