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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1906)
fJLS u,,":r'TTXr,cr,y.cT1 ji. yrji - C-T"ijr J 'iJ,Jra,jtf . ".. " v $f-sV mmmmtmgSff -V-.-i' - t I fA .e ijmttmmwmwwtmtwwttmmwmwtmmtwmtwm HORSE SALE 200 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES 200 JI I will sell at-Public Auction at my barn in Columbus, Nebraska, on I WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7th, 1906 z Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. 150 head of good young 2r horses, consisting of g- 40 head of heavy draft horses weighing from 1400 to 1700 lbs., 60. head of good young farm horses weighing from 1200 to 1400 lbs., also 50 head of good Southern horses and good general purpose horses, also 50 head of mules. y I am to buy 4 loads of horses myself for this sale and have already listed a number of outside horses and mules. I will have buyers here from the Eastern and Southern Markets to buy all the horses that come in, class not excepted. m- Come and bring the horses and help me make you a market at home for your stuff. Livery horses sold in my sales must be as represented, or its no sale and there will be no hard feelings afterward. In order to satisfy everyone who bring horses to my sale. I wish to annouce - I will sell all the commission horses first and remember this sale commences at 10 o'clock a. m. TERMS: -Nine months time on bankable notes at 8 per cent. W. 8. BLAIN, Auctioneer H. A. GbARKE, Glerk Thomas Branigan miummiiimmmmmmmmumv: S" '? 'f-r fS - j'"V JA7WS: j , - J- x wet ? s. Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN llt'st Equipped Optical In The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FKEE Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist, 13th St A fiuo line of new handpainted cbina at Bushman's Racket store. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con fiiiliation in German and English. Try our Rex Lump Coal $7 at the yard. P. D. Smitii Co. Both tel. No. 8. Fine stationery and school supplies at Buschman's Packet store. Get our prices. Don't forjjet that naturalization will cost under the new law three times what it now costs. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent Hour. The Co lnmbus roller mills makes it. WANTED: Good farm loans at 5 per cent. No commissions, W. L. May, Omaha, Neb. Excellent seed potatoes for sale. Early Ohio variety at 75 cents. Don't wait until spring and pay fl 50. Tur ner & Jenkins. 1-2 . ?H-SK-v -H-K-K-W-HfrK- km-::-hH4"H- H. RAGATZ & CO Staple (&L Fancy Groceries I I i C R O CR E RY LAMP5 GLASSWARE It has been our experience in the past that people appreciate a good article at a fair price. We carry a large stock ol the best grades of Flour, Tea, Coffee And Canned Goods. We handle the following articles in large quantities for Stockmen and Poultrymen.... ROCK SALT. BARREL SALT. OIL MEAL. STOCK FOOD. POULTRY FOOD. OYSTER SHELLS. GROUND BONE. CRYSTAL GRIT. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs jj We ask a Share ot Your Patronage jj Henry Raiatz & Co, Dr. Panl, dentist. Cool smokes at Hagel's. Jonrnal ads bring remits. Dr. Mark T. MoMahon. dentiat Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Prof. Sike, teacher muBic. Barber bldg. Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th St. Jeweler. tf The Journal wants all the news. Phone or write it in. If yonr eyes, ears, nose or throat give you trouble see Dr. Lueschen. Jo Dodds of Cambridge, Nebr visited in this city a few days last week. Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new Columbus State Bank building. Boys, buy your cigars and candy at Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf FOR SALE: A second hand piano, almost new. Inquire Journal office. Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr. Lueschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st. We lead them all in clear Havana and domestic smokes. The Bowling Alley. Blake Maher, Chris Gruenther and Homer Robinson went to Omaha last Sunday. Onr Blind coal is still the best $5.50 stove coal on the market. Telephone 74. Weaver & Son. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bixby of Lincoln spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sheldon of this city. Sunday forenoon at about 11:30 o'clock tire broke out in Victor Reed's residence three and a half miles south of St. Ed ward. The fire apparently started un der a trunk on the second Hoor, and nntil the smoke from burning clothing reached the family down stairs, they were unaware of their danger. A lad der was soon placed at one of the up- .r r i At k . . Bimni winaows, tne wmaow oroKen in, and by ihe lively work of a bucket bri gade the fire was after about thirty minutes hard work, extinguished. Tom Scanlan, Dave Preble, Gene Collins, and Parker Stevens, neighbors of Mr. Reed's assisted very f 'materially in the work of the bucket brigade. A match is supposed to have been under the trunk, and the trunk having been moved out from the wall j that morning, it is presumed in some way ignited the match. The loss sus tained iB about $200, and is partly covered by insurance. Carl, Mr. Reed's eldest son, in breaking in the windows, cut his hands quite bad, but his injuries, while very painful, are not considered to be of a serions nature. Boone Coun ty Advance. Columbia Lodge A. O. U. W. and Royal Lodge D. of H. held a joint in stallation of officers last Friday night and it was a most pleasant function. Mrs Mary Latkey of Lexington, grand chief of Honor installed the officers for the Degree of Honor and G. W. Philippe Deputy Grand Master installed the offi cers of the A. O. U. W. Frank Matthews acted as Grand Guide. After the instal lation ceremonies an elaborate supper was served at the Home Restaurant after which Mrs. Latkey and G. W. Phillips responded with well worded speeches. Mrs. E. F. Kirpatrick was largely responsible for the arrangments. The "A. O. U. W. officers installed were Edward Reseller, Master; J. W. Herrodi Foreman; Irwin McFarland, Overseer; Richard Ramey, Recorder; Louis Held Financier; W. A Way. Receiver; Lee Laughlin, Inside Watchman; W. W. Mnsgrave, Outside Watchman. The Degree of Honor officers were: Mrs. Nellie Dolan, Past Chief; Mrs. E. F Kirpatrick, chief: Mrs. Lizsie Dolan H- . mi n - ' auuy ijimeingnam. C. c- rc,i J2 jfjjfjuuuuuuu ,i t ii fl 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 II lj I L W.: Mr. Hughes, O. W. Mrs. roller, rsecorder; Mrs. G. E. WUlard, Financier; Mrs. Mary Lannon, Receiver; .9.v,ujib raiacu, usher; Mrs. Geer. G. R. Preib, painting and paper hanging. dwtf f Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Barney Micek, Thursday, a twelve pound girl. O. L. Bnker began making ice last Monday with a large force of men. Mrs. G. W. Merrill of Silver Creek spent Sunday with Mrs. J. E. Peterson. Wanted A good girl for general house work, fonr in family. Call at this office. We do not sell any cheap sooty coal. Any coal you buy from us will be clean. Telephone 74. Weaver & Son. Rugs made or old carpets by Columbus Rug Factory. 311, 11th street, Columbus, Nebr. WANTED- Good woman for general housework on the farm. One to cook for Good wages. J. W. S. Leigh, Neb., R. F. 1. No. 1. 3t If yon have a lot the Equitable Build ing Loan & Savings Association will lurnieu you money on a moment s no tice to build a house. 2t FOR SALE 10 acres of good farm land two and one-half miles northeas of Colnmbus. SCO per acre if taken soon. Inquire of E. H. Naumann, Colnmbus, Neb. 36-tf WANTED. Bright, honest young man from Columbus, Neb., to prepare for payintr pesition in Government Mail Service. ox one, Cedar Rap ids, la. 8t Don't forget the new Buschman Rack et store with its new stock and re duced prices C H. Bnschman. E. H. Chambers went to Osceola Tuesday morning, Gns Becher going to Platte Center at the same time on land business. If you enjoy playing billiards or pool spend your spare moments at the 13th street billiard and pool hall. Coroett & Welch. The Misses Martha oand Alfreds Post and Harriet Seltzer and Florence Whit moyer will enterntain the Card Club at seven o'clock dinner next Friday even ing. Platte county poultry men are again on top. At the state poultry show at Lincoln last week Platte county exhibi tors drew fifteen blue ribbons, more than the exhibitors from any other connty in the state. Every exhibitor from here won a blue ribbon. Mrs. L. North, M. Schilz, P. J. McCaffrey, W. H. Swartsley and J. E. Fnlmer. The birds were in charge of the two men last named and they evidently understood what judges like to see in chickens. At the business session of the state asso ciation last Friday, W. H. Swartsley was elected on the board of directors, and he was high man on the first ballot in spite of the fact that the poultry poli ticians had started another man for the place. This is a high compliment to Mr. Swartsley from the poultry men of Nebraska among whom Mr. Swarts ley stands well to the head. The annual meeting of the Congrega tional church of this city was he'd last Thursday night. Reports of church offi cers were read and Rev. Munro gave an interesting review of the past year's work and recommendations for the coming year. Miss Elizabeth Sheldon, clerk, reported $492 raised for benevolences during the past year; 82154 for home expenses, and 8100 raised by the ladies to apply on the chnrch debt Besides this, the ladies paid for a church carpet, a chancel rail and kindergartenc hairs in the Sunday school. At the close of the business meeting, the ladies of the chnrch spread a Innch and the business meeting was changed into a most en joyable social gathering. The officers elected for the ensuing year were as fol lows: C. G. Hickok, deacon; Dr. J. R Paul and W. L. Chenoweth, trustees; uu.,c uj tun pusior, aies- dames Brindley, Brugger and Hobart. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.' Will Ragatz, last Saturday a son. Mrs. G. E. WUlard went to St. Edward Tuesday for a week's visit. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. .Ed. Maybergvr of Oconee last Friday, a girl. Get the habit of buying your candy at Poeech'a. Bargain prices every Saturday. 2t License was issued this week for the marriage of 'Frank Knseok and Mary Zoucua of Tarnov. The Equitable Building Loan & Savings Association running stock earns 10 per cent dividends. ' 2t SCOO per ton. Our Carney Lump for heat can't helo but please you. Tele phone 74. Weaver & Son. The damage case of Randall vs. Logerraan was begun Tuesday, but post poned to Thursday of this week. If you want a flour with all the nu tritious part of the wheat buy GOLD DUST made by Columbus roller mills. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Morse of Clarke will arrive tomorrow to be guests for a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Martyn. PRIVATE SALE: -I will sell at pri vate sale at once some of my best furni ture, including a good roller top desk. Rev. Wm. Cash. A foreclosure suit was filed in district court this week by P. E. McKillip, nam ing Mariana Mostek and others of Tar nov as defendants. City physician Platz announces that the diptheria quarantine which has been over G. R. Prieb for nearly two weeks, will be raised in a few days. J. E. DeMarre, train baggageman on the Columbus-Spalding Branch was called to Nebraska City last Thursday by a telegram announcing the death of his mother. He is detained there by the serious illness of his father. Buster Brown which will be seen at the North, Tuesday January 30th, is one of the very most popular cartoon comedies on the stage today. Manager Saley was fortunate in securing this attraction. The seats are going fast Journal readers who live in towns tribu tary to Columbus are urged to attend this attraction. The Journal calls attention to the number of sale ads it carries for Platte county farmers. The Journal goes to several hundred more farmers than any other paper in Platte county. That is why it is the best advertising medium for the merchants or farmers who have anything to sell to farmers.' Henry Carrig returned last Thursday from a ten days trip to Lincoln and he brought with him the papers which show his ownership of the Lincoln Har ness and Implement Co., a large whole sale and retail business. Mr. Carrig has hired a competent manager for the busi ness and he will watch it grow at long range. Mrs. A. Anderson is enjoying a visit from his two brothers, Peter Ancerson of Ft. Collins, Colo., and Gilbert Ander son of White Water, Wis., who came to attend the annual meeting of the First National bank. Mrs. Peter Anderson ie expected to arrive the latter part of the week, from the east, where she has been visiting. The University of Nebraska Glee and Mandolin Clubs are among the best musical organizations in the state. The clubs are composed of the best musical talent Irom all parts of Nebraska and they give one of the best and most interesting programs that has ever been heard in the state. They will appear at the North Opera House Saturday Jan. 27. The Journal vouches for the excell ence of this entertainment and urges a large attendance. Nebraska University is noted for its music as well as for its foot ball. Bandaged heads aud swollen eyes were in evidence in O'Briens Court last Monday as a result of a scrap in Scor- upa and Valasek's saloon in which Vala sek and Joe Mostek figured as princi pals. First Mostek was tried on com plaint of Valasek for disturbing the peace in the latter saloon and fined $10 and costs. Then Valasek was tried on complaint of Mostek for assault and battery and was dismissed. The evi dence all tended to show that Mostek had been drinking and started to fight in the saloon and that Valasek under took to put him out, using his strong right arm to help in the process. The Orpheus society held their Tenth Annual ball and banquet last Saturday night and the fnnction measured up to the standard of all Orpheus funrtions. Two hundred and fifty members and invited guests were seated at the ban quet tables heaped with the good things from the hands of the wives of the Or pheus members. The banquet was pre ceded by a short informal musical pro gram contributed by the musical talent present. There was none of the formal speechmaking which has characterized former anniversaries of the society. After the banquet the tables were cleared away and the rest of the evening was given to dancing. The Orpheus society numbers 104 members and has recently expended $500 in improvements on their large hall. The Columbus Fire Department held their annual election' of officers last Monday night and listened to a most interesting report from ex-chief L. F. Gottschalk, which reviewed the excel lent work of the past year. No city in Nebrask has a more efficient volunteer fire department than Colnmbus. The officers elected for' the ensuing year were: W. R. Snell. president; Otto Schrieber. vice president; Fred Plath, secretary; L Mohlman, treasurer; B. J. Galley, chief ; Ed. Kavanaugh, assistant chief. Mr. Gottschalk has served three years as chief, and retires with an ex cellent record. His successor, Bert Gal ley is acquainted with every detail , of the work and enjoys the confidence of the whole department. 0. E. Adams Jr. spent Sunday with his family here.. W. M. Cornelius made a business trip to Bell wood Saturday. See Branigan's horse sale ad and plan to buy a good horse. Call at Bushman's Uacket for tinware woodenware and hardware. X Naturalization papers at the court house Saturday, February 3. Miss Anna Gass and MissLida Clay ton spent Sunday in Schuyler. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark went to Omaha Thursday, returning Sunday. WANTED:-Girl to work in seed store. Must wnte a good hand. A. C. Anderson, S13 E 8th St. it The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shntt of Belwood died last Saturday and was buried Tnesnay. Mrs. Bernard Meyer, jr., and child of Cornlea are guests this week of Mrs. Meyer's sister, Mrs. L. A'. Lachnit. Mr. and Mrs. John Lachnit and chil dren of Platte Center are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lachnit this week. A general meeting of the Woman's club will be held two weeks from Satur day at the home of Mrs. Howard Clark. Mr.and MraGeorgo Thomas of Schuy ler have been guests since Saturday ot Mrs. Thomas' daughter, Mrs. W. I. Speice. J, C. Tschudy, car repairer for the Union Pacific-is still laid up with a sprained back received while working under a car two weeks ago WANTED: A position by a com petent young lady to do general house work, two days in the week. Good re ferences. Ind. Telephone H 221. Miss Petite Martyn is expe'eted to re turn tonight from Omaha, where she has been for the past week. She at tended the Ben Hnr performance while there. A pretty little private christening service occurred at four o'clock last Sunday afternoon at the Episcopal church, when the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Speice was baptized DorthyElla. Only the families were present. The Journal office was moved this week to its new location in the old Co lumbus Slate Bank building ou Twelfth street. For nearly thirty years the Jonrnal has done business in the Turner building on Eleventh street and its re moval obliterates one of the old laud marks of Columbus. The musical department of the Wo mans' Club met this week at the home of Mrs. Heintz. A pleasing feature of the program was a paper by Mrs. W. S. Evans on the American composers. At the close of the paper she deftly wove the name of each member of the club into a bit Jof original poetry, referring to each as a modern composer. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Farrand. ' m "v III .' 6ND ISEA, Isi't It? To have your pho to taken in winter cosinme. It't styl ish and you cer tainly may feel proud of it The McAllister StiiiB makes a Perfect Portrait Our panel pic tures are popular. They can't be ex-celled-they are the proper thing for family keepsakes and presents to friends. Call and see our new sam ples. No trouble to show them. OLIVE ST., Colnmbns, Nebr. Over Phillipps Store Mrs. C. E. Pollock is expected home from her visit to Papillion next Satur day. Read the sale ad of W. II. Swartsley on editorial page and plan to attend this sale. Myron Gray is so far recovered from his attaok of pneumonia as to be down town. Don't miss the three day special sale at Gray's this week. See their big ad on last page. Dr. N. R. Cornelius has been re appointed county physician. This is the Doctor's third term. Gray's store will be orowded this week with people attracted by the splen did bargains offered on the last page of the Journal. Those who can do so are urged to call early. Auctioneer. Bruce Webb is the best auctoneer in Platte county. Make dates at this 'office. tf Auctioneer. E.M. Morehead, auctioneer, will be located at Newman Grove. Dates can be made at this office at any time. Tel ephone either bank at Newman Grove Real Etste Loans. We are prepared to make loans on all kinds of real estate at the lowest rates on easy terms. Becher, Hocken berger & Chambers. Naturalization Papers. Judge Reeder will be at the court house Saturday, February 3, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of granting naturaliza tion papers. Applicants must bring first papers and two witnesses unless they took ont their first papers in Platte county. UNIH7 OF MM Glee & Mandolin Clubs. Wfll be at North Opera House SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1906 Don't fail to attend this Concert as it will be the Musical Event of the Sea son. iji j iji 1 I i I i . j Seats on Sale at Pollock's. Popular Prices. - VrW w"ip 'w m'w w w w w "www S BvLK . a rflb SSS VgigNS UN6 CAGTVSMOB 1 THE GREAT HEALER a .- iw . - r. ..vuoi.i.iio ui graieiui customers in every state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of th WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL The Only Liniment that Heals without a Scar It euros cuts. spram. l.rniss. sores. swrllinRS, lameness, old woittKls.IiiitiiiriL'o. chapped lianiK frost bites, etc.. and is the standard remedy for barbed blire emts on animals. liarnes and saddle iralls, scratches, Kreasolieel. caked nddcr, itch, mange, etc. It heals a wound from the bottom up and is thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUS OIL is sold by druggists in 15c.,.V)c. and 51 bottles. S3 and 5 decorated can, orsent prepaid by the manufac turers. OUVrr & McVAIV. Clinton, otta. if not obtainable t your druggists'. t t t inf csrtt rr UHUHUi5 50 larrtd Plymiu.ii Rick Gtcktrtls Fir Sale... The Farmer's Kind. Price 75c Each or 6 for $3.75. Also one. Poland China Herd Boar For Sale. ROUTE 3 COLUMBUS. NEBR. Indepvjulmt Phone S2X2 Save this ad. FRED WILLE. It will appear only a few times.