The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 24, 1906, Image 2

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.. ., m m
Established Mat U, 1670.
Columbus journal.
Columbus, PSebr.
Katared at the Poetotfice, Colambnn, Nebr., bb
ACo&d-claM mail matter.
Columbus Journal Co.,
Oaa year, by mail, postage prepaid...
olx montliB
TasFOt) BQUfil
.. .11.50
... .75
... .40
KENEWAL8 The date opposite yonr name on
yonr paper, or wrapper shows to what time your
ubscription is paid. Than JanOT shows that
payment bus beon received np to Jan. 1, 1MB.
blJt'. f.. V.'.. I. 1 lUfK urn! s nn Wlin Tmvmnnt
in made, thedate, which answers as a receipt,
HI be cnr.ncea accoruiUBij-.
nismvriNtTAXCES - Ko,tKneibleBnbscrib -
enwill continue to receive this journal until the jj on ., ock and bond Value basis,
pnblishers are notified by letter to discontinue,
when all arrearap-s mnrt be ikiM. If u d, not , J J,t ()t Joagt t'VCrvbodv kllOWS
wishthc Jimrnal continued for auotlier year af-i '
terthe time iid for has expired, son should that the republican State board of
preyiously notif y us to diBCoutinue it. J l
CHANGE IN All)KESS-When onterinB aMM4 raised the assessment of the rail
tJSIS!im i rals fro.n 827,000,000 to $4(5,000,000
The Chicago Daily News of Janu
ary IN, contained the following men
tion5 of Col. Carrol 1). Evans who
stopped in Chicago on his way to
Washington to attend the meeting of
the Interstate National Guards asso
ciation: "Col. Carrol D- Evans of
Columbus, Neb., is in Chicago today,
enroute for Washington to attend a
meeting of the Interstate Militia as
sociation, of which he is lh. secretary.
Col. Evans is mentioned in Nebraska
a? a candidate for the United State.-
senatorship from that state. His lack
of binding political alliances and his j
friendship for the administration are j
sa;d by liis friend? to be strong factor,, j
in his favor.
Ji.LlLllO. 11) AS.SESSMI-:.YT.
The democratic papers of Nebras
ka which are trying just now to steal
for themselves a part of the glory for
the increased a.-essment of Nebraska .
railroads have received a most efl'ec-
tive and appropriate jolt from the
able hand of Edward Kosewater.
Last Sunday's Bee contained the fol -
lowing editorial which covers the
whole ground:
Political parties are judged by their
records and not by their platforms.
On the railroad taxation question the
record of the republican part, al
though not all that it should have
been, will stand compari-mi with the
record of Nebraska democracy or de
mopopocracy without apology.
The fundamental principle- or eq
uitable taxation and railroad regula
tion were embodied more than thirty
years ago in the constitution of Ne
braska by a convention that was more
than two thirds republican.
The campaign for railway regula
tion and corporate supervision ha
been fought in season and out of sea
son almost single-handed by the Bee
without tbe aid or sympathy of cheap
and nasty demagogue.- who now raise
their hands in holy horror becau-e
the republican state board has not
assessed railroads up to their full
Where were these loud-mouthed
blatherskites when the democrat- were
in power? Why did the notappcar be
fore the democratic state boards to re
monstrate against the iniquity of un-der-valuation?
What have they ever
done to bring about equitable taxa-i
tion .except to help and howl during
political campaign?
Everybody in town knows that
the Bee has not been mealy-mouthed
about derelict republican state boards
of assessment. Everybody knows that
the mountebanks who are now raging
and fuming about railroad undervalu
ation kept mouse still when the demo
pop assessment boards were in session
auJ kept just as still when the repu-
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A friend of the h
A too of tho Trust
vCamplioa with the Pure Food Laws
f all States
blicau hoards were in session, expect
ing and honing that the republican
boards would furnish them some cam
paign material by continuing the po
licy that the demo-pops had pursued.
If is a matter of notoriety also that
the democratic supreme court of Ne
braska refused to grant a mandamus
applied for by the Bee ordering the
Uoard of Equalization of 1!)0" to re
; convene to asjCsS the franchises
.v11 tangible railroad proper-
and repeated that assessment with a
slight increase over their protects in
The editor of the Telegram has an
annual prohibition spasm. The first
symptoms appear just before the time
for naming a city ticket and the most
acute, stage arrives ju?t before elec
tion. Most any pretext serves to
bring on the dreadful convulsions
from a drunken street brawl to a tem
perance editorial from the pen of a
renublican. Uut the warninir bc-
tweon the lines i always the same:
...:,loon ,neM, the democratic party is
ymr only irieml. Stay with 'us and
)e .av(.(l." This time the convulsion
was brought on by an editorial from
the News whose editor happens to be
oppo.-ed to the granting of a saloon
license in the town in which he lives,
fn the light of Editor Ladd's com
ment last week on his previous editor-
j:ll? lne Telegram editor will have to
j "con,c out of it" and .-tart his spasm
over :ir:uii on another subject. The
!aloon men arc "dead next" to this
, t.hCap annual bid for their support,
I Alitor Ladd's editorial follows:
The casual remark by this paper that
it was only a question of time when
the republican party could take up
the question of temperance reform,
has furnished the democratic press of
the state with a text tor some frenzied
editorials on the sure destruction of
all personal liberties of the people, un
less the republican party is hurled to
destruction. They Hatter the News
bv designating it as the head and cen
tcr of republican wisdom and policy,
and that whatever this editcr says
will surely come to pass. When we
remember that the only democratic
governor Nebraska evei; had was
elected on the liquor issue, it is to be
wondered at that any prospect of an
other chance to make a similar win
ning is hailed with "eclaw." Jn or
der to, in a measure, restore the equi
librium of our democratic bretheru.
we have concluded to not insist on the
closing of all saloons in Nebraska this
year. Their "liberty" to indulge in
all the prerogatives of democratic pre
cedent and tradition is herein granted
them, for a period of one year from
this promulgation.
Referring to the resolution intro
duced in the House last week by Be
presentative Sheppard of Texas, in
the name of American Motherhood,
asking congress to "investigate" Pre
sident Roosevelt for having a certain
Mrs. Rogers forcibly removed from
the White House because she planked
herself down on a chair "and refused
to budge until she had seen the presi
dent, Harpers Weekly makes the fol
lowing comment:
That is the American Mother to
whose rescue the gallant Taxan
springs. Unfortunately for the esta
blishment of a principle of executive
administration by act of congress, the
resolution is less explicit titan we
should like. What does the congress
man mean by "American?" Would
he restrict she privilVqi! nf interrup
tion to United '"tates mothers, or fake
In Canadians, Mexicans. Venezuelans,
Pnrto-Kicaii;-, Filipinos, and colored
mammies, so they brought with them
evidence .f their distaste for race sui
cide? And need they be. mothers at
all? How about old maids and mar
ried maidens, who have -only hopes
Everybody will agree with the con
gressman that it is wrong to violate
everv sentiment that glorifies Anieri-
can manhood ami American chivalry
and upset the most sacred element o?
American life. But where, if any
where, shall we draw the line? Are
all or only a part of our females the
superiors of the president of the Uni
ted States, despite the glamour of his
great office? It is a timely inquiry
and shonld be included in the resolu
tion. Otherwise the president will
never know whether he must appear
when called by any one of seventy
millions or of only twenty millions of
ladies who have relatives to look after.
We commend this phaze of the sub
ject to the careful consideration of the
happily named Sheppard. Mean
while, he needn't worn. A irreat
many of us, including the president
himself and even the awful Barnes,
have had American mothers, and will
see to it that they have adequate pro
tection while the congressional inves
tigation proceeds. That is, we will
divide the work. The rest of us will
look after the American mothers who
stay at home and darn and spank
the babies, if the Mower of Texan
chivalry will attend to those who jro
yawping around the White House.
The public school system of Ne
braska is a unit beginning with the
primary grades of the common schools
and ending with the graduate school
of our state university.
The high seohol otlers only an in
termediate course between primary
and higher education, and the gra
duate of the high school has only pre
pared himself to enter the real field
of education.
This unity of the "school system of
Nebraska is too often overlooked, and
parents instead of promoting their
children from the highest jrrade in
the high school to the higher grade in
the public school system in the state
university, set them adrift to find
mooring in some private institution
which lives only as it imitates that
highest department of our public
school system.
In order to emphasize this, unity
in the school system of Nebraska we
are showing this week by courtesy of
the university authorities some of the
buildings in which industrial educa
tion, begun in the elementary manual
and physical training ofl'ered in the
Columbus high school as illustrated
last week, is carried forward in more
complex manner. And the same
progressive unity which is found in
industrial education, exists in the
departments of language literature,
history and mathematics.
The Journal is glad by means of
these excellent cuts to illustrate to
parents and students some of the ex
cellent features of the educational
system of our great state, and to com
mend to the boys and girls who read
the Journal the completion not of a
part, but of the whole of the pub
lic school course in at least one of its
many excellent departments.
Ho wells Journal: Some of the news
papers of the state would be more high
ly regarded if they would cease their
senseless fight on the chancellor of our
state university. We cannot always
agree with some of the views expressed
by Chancellor Andrews, hut we ran at
all times give hi in credit for doing his
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mSSKKImrmMiK' pjMmi .bbbM -
utmost to advance the interests of our
universiey, which ranks high . with the
educational institutions of the land.
Lincoln Star: It Is our private opin
ion publicly expressed that the republi
cans of Nebraska, when they get ready,
will select their own candidates for gov
ernor and the whole republican state
ticket, and run him and the rest of the
ticket on a republican platform, with
out waiting for the consent of any other
party on earth not even for the fusion
iste, who are bothering themselves a
good deal jnst now unnecessarily and
unasked about the matter.
Free Lance; The election next fall
in Nebraska will be an important one
us there will be a full ticket to elect,
six congressmen to choose, a legislature
to select which will name an United
Stutes senator, henides the Iwcal county
and precinct officers. Tien on top of
that there will be an amendment to the
constitution to vote upon which pro
vides for a railroad commission to con
trol the matter of railroad affairs. Aud
contingent upon the carrying of that
amendment there will be three railroad
couimisioiiers to elect who will hold
office if the said amendment carries.
The election will be one of more than
ordinary importance and the people can
well he awake to the situation and no
doubt are. The state is republican and
will be if that party puts up a pe 'pie's
ticket, but a corporation bunch of
nominees will be suowed under in i-reat
A full grown Columbns business man
slapped 6nd kicked a young school boy
one day last week because the boy
tossed a snow ball which hit said full
grown man in the back. There is some
thing wrong with the soul of the man who
could toop to do so cowardly an act.
In the first place any man who is worth
while was once a boy possesed with a
taste for casting snow balls at moving
objects. There is something wrong
with the b who does't posse-s that
taste and the courage to follow it np
with action. In this case the boy who
cast tbe snow ball stepped out manfully
from the crowd of boys he was with and
admitted it. And in return for his
frank admission he received curses and
blows. Hd the hoy been a man ha
wonld have had his assailant arrested
and fined for assault and battery. Our
own feelings had just about- prompted
us to suggest the old-fashioned whip
ping post as a remedy in this case. But
the boy in question and his friends will
doubtless find a more effective remedy
of their own. If they are made of the
right stuff they will patrol the streets
with their pockets full of snow halls
with which to greet this individual
every time he walks home to dinner.
Snowballing on the streets is a nuisance
but it should be punished the same as
any other nuisance, and the man who so
far forgets his manhood as to u-o his
superior brute strength to punish a
small boy for an innocent prank is a
fit subject for the treatment suggested.
Brother Howards' imagination cuts
some very strange antics. It got busy
again last week aud discovered a repu
blican ring in poor old democratic Platte
where there have not been enough re
publicans in office at one time since the
flirtation of Adam aud Eve to 1 ijk from
the coats of those democratic hypno
tists he long red whiskers from the
patriarchal beaid of Swanson. Of
course everybody expected the Tele--gram
to slobber uver Swenson the same
as it does over every other official whose
misdeeds contribute cash to the Tele
gram treasury. But to Jind a republi
can ring in Platte county. That i as
great a joke as the Telegram's promise
to pay tiiat '-tainted hundred."
lh airman bwauson was in the city
Monday. His time was occupied at the
the court house where he signed some
county warrants and at the office of the
chairman of the democratic central
committee, J. H. Johannes, who did ihe
literary stunts on the "S100 Reward, Ma
licious Liar" letter, which will appe.-irin
the democratic papers this week over
Swanson's name.
The editor of the Journal is o::Rupy
ing the same offices with Walter
Phillipps and Henry Corrig until the
new Phillipps building is completed.
Some good people think this arrange
ment may lead to tbe fusion of tbe dem
ocratic and republican parties in Platte
county. But we hope for still better
things. Since Swanson has gone demo
cratic we are going to offer to swap him
even for Phillipps and Oarrig.
A good citizen came to the Journal
office last week with a story which car
ried with it its own moral. He
said: "The newspapers are ahvaje
talking about patronizing the home
merchant. How about vonr "heme mer
chant" who ordered a freezer of cream
from Omaha the other day and who gets
most of his groceries wholesale':" Th.e
merchant referred to, justice demands
us to say, is not a Journal advertiser.
Card of Thanks
Words express so feebly, the thanks
we feel, for the sympathy aud kindness
shown ns during the illuess and last
hours of onr beloved wife and mother,
Mrs. Daniel Condon,
Mrs. J. C. Walker,
Mrs. J. H. Hale,
Mrs. L. J. Beaton,
Mr. I. L. Condon,
Mr. Eugene Condon.
FOlt SALE: Fresh brown grass seed.
Wm. Hoefelman, Grand Prairie. 1J. 1.
Platte Center. Nebr. 4 tp
Mrs. Fred Schofield and Mrs. George
Winslow will entertain at cards and
flinch tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Holmes of Have
lock are guests this week of Mrs.
Holmes' mother, Mrs. Stovicek.
Judge Post left Wednesday for Little
Rock Arkansas. He will also visit in
Oklahoma, returning home Saturday.
The congregation of the Presb lerian
chinch hopes to reassemble a week
from Sunday in its beautifully remodell
ed church home.
Mrs. Sumption, sccompanied by htr
little grandson, Albert ttenham went to
Fullerton Saturday to visit Mr. Ben
hams family, returning Wednesday.
Mrs. John Shutt filed a complaint in
Justice court last Monday against her
husband for assault and battery but to
day appeared with her husband and
withdrew it.
Mrs. Werner Schupbacii eetertained
the Neighboihood Card Club last even
ing. Mrs. Henry Gass, jr., won the
largest number of games, which entitles
her to one credit toward the prize which
will go at the end of the social season
to the member holding tho largest num
ber or credits. Refreshments
1 X
j The undersigned will sell at Public" Auction at the K
j farm of W. H. Swartsley, 5 miles north of Columbus X
j on the Meridian road, on jj
Wednesday, fob. 14th f
the following described property, to-wit: J
Two good farm horses, weight 2700 X
One gray mare, weight 1050 g
One gelding, 3 years old X
One standard bred mare 3 years old X
Two high bred sorrel mares M
One bay mare, weight 1200 jj
One gelding, 2 years old J
Two yearling colts, sired by Arabian Knight JJ
Twelve eows, fresh or coming fresh v
One heifer, 3 years old O
Four heifers, 2 years old - S
Three yearling heifers Q
Three yearling steers J
One shorthorn bull, 2 years old X
25 O. I. C. HOGS 25 H
A chance to get a start from the best 0. 1. C. blood $
in Nebraska. W. H. Swartslev will offer 25 head of his C2
ft fine pure bred 0. 1. C. hogs, including his herd boar, fj
John R., bred sows, gilts and shoats, Swartslev & Co.
J will also offer some of their choice poultry. " Q
A .. Farm machinery and other articles too numerous X
to mention. " X '
J Sale begins at 10 a.m. Free lunch at Noon
t Terms op Sale: All sums-of $10 or under, cash; over
J $10, ten month's time will be given on good bank
C able paper drawing 8 per cent interest.
X Bruce Webb, Auctioneer
X Dan Schram, Clerk.
3ff N. B. In case it etormB Feb. 14,
0 same conamons.
Elton Dickinson who hail his leg
broken ten days ago. is still confined to
his bed, suffering from bruises sus
tained. When these are healed the
splints will be adjusted.
-HROUGH Standard and
Tourist sleepers, chair
cars and coaches to Union
Passenger Station, Chicago,
every day from all points on the
main line of the Union Pacific
Railroad. These cars are carried
on through trains arriving in the
heart of Chicago at S.35 a. m.,
9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford
ing a convenient choice of hours.
Route Union Pacific Railroad
Milwaukee and St. Paul
Any ticket agent of the Union
Pacific will send you East via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway if you ask him to do so.
It is worth your while to insist
that your ticket read this way.
Complete information about
rates, routes and train service
sent on request.
General Western Agent
1524 Fwoam Street, Omaha
sale will bo held Feb. l.r under
I lS3Sij I
bv 4b1 nsScl?la&J 14 ki k
bbbbbM l?l rSslLlBTBC) Ibbm BBBW
Our wagons will not scatter
yonrgrnin whileonth road to
market or overtnx your horses
with ned!enp henvy draught.
We keep only the Latest and
Buggies & Carriages
All Kindriof
..Farm Implements..
H4.Onr Horseshoes stick and
don't lam your horse - try Vtn
I carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic is invited to come in and ue
for themselves.
MS. NEVELS. Proprietor
516 Twelfth Street I'hone No. 1 1(
Attorney - at - Law
Zinnecker K'ldg, Columbns, Neb.
!dGarriag6 PdllltillQ
lalR and ornamental Painting et all
Kinds. City or Ceuntry.
nil. ThI. 2142. COLUMBUS. NEB
Attorney - at - Law
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State
Bank Building.
rt. M. POST
Attorney : at : Law
Columbus. Neb.
0. F. GflRLOW
OtKco over
Columbns Ktnto Bank
Columbus. Neb.
OSr, Olivw St., fourth lor north ir Firnl
NMiochl Bunk.
HE can play on his knees,
He can climb all tho trees,
And holes in his stockings
Will never be seen;
He can !ip, skip and jump,
He can shin up a stump,
If he wears Improved
4Ire ClacUNo. 10."
For Sale Uy
Dealer in
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Cloaks and
Columbus, Nebraska
f-5 ft
r k. k.v-
i.l.l metallic box- ,-,:, W1 ,; V,,,"
bv mur. vi.ii . .i-V... Zr""T '" '.'""
llUruwi ..u,UrtU. so,at,r
.vquttrr. fill LA- A
. TT- ...-.. nrmru:ill:rruull wtl.
tuUomunmn In.Hutio.... J1V ty,,ru" "Vr
b mm mm mm u -.- . . .
iwaiaam unu "Kiic ! 7.