The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 24, 1906, Image 1
JIB"""BJ!WPiMliMWiBPR!'535W5S5 -eweS"' ""l" -- ; v w j-j.t ! i .-i -jj-?Vi-..--j-' ii-Jrt - it i i i ii 1 1 i i i n i mil i -! - i - " -1 -.- .n.-' ' w a , i i !. :, fuli.j:'' .twt"?- t " 1j -fc, 7 -i",-"--"-' '-- "1-TffTriri t 'itui.Tn i tip '.fTttf,...rT. fc J" rirM- j-Tfc I - 7IUr fi V rVrTTT -FT .1 - "--- T"- " - '' . - - " -- fw-' - jraraal K v-rf4 mtfivi U4i - J I Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 43. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24. 1906. WHOLE NUMBER 1,788. SflBsw V - A M CMtoiuras CJLht aIB iHft : t x rang Does banking business at some time Don't wait till you are in need of the services of a bank to cultivate an ac quaintance. If you are the right sort, a close acquaintance with some good bank is a valuable assett. Come in and let us know you. Tun ()u UkmaiUji: Golumbus State Bank Supervisors Proceedings. Tlit hoard of Mijerv!Fr nf I'latte Count Nfbr"k. met in roiilar wnsiin at - o'clock I. M., Hnil iti' railed to onler lj Comity ("lork iraf. MovmI ii tipr. Scliatv that supervisor Svvati miu v i-horn uh tHinp.irarj -li:iiramii of tlii-Ito-inL Motion rarrii-d. .Mofl I) Supr. (iortz that tlicrhair appoin a rommittwof thiw on rredentialH. Motion car" rird and chairman Swanson npointd as noch ro umtttix', HUtMrvi-nr. (Itx'tz. Held and Clother Tiit following was now read and rrfrrred to the committer on rredontialtt: To the Honorable Hoard of Suiwrriwirs of I'lnttn County, Nebraska. Ceutlenian: l.Johu llattennan. do hereby cer tify, that I am dill) elected, iiialifid, and acting county jndue. of the count court cf Platto fount), Nebraska, and as &nrli judge. 1 am the sal custodian of the files' and rwonU of tho said county court I further certify, that tho following, to-wit: A E. I'riebt of Moanm town !iip. .1. F. Schure of Harrowa township anil William .1. Newman of Columbus township' liave each file! tfieir official lond in the nam of t ne Thousand Dollar with (k1 and untticient. mi n-tieH thereon, and tha t said lKnds have been approved by me and have Ix'en recorded in th records of my office. That each of the aforesaid Gentleman have taken the official oath, and are iialified to sit as memben of yonr honorable IkmI). Witness my hand ami otlicial Peal this Mh day of January, A, I. 1900. John Itatterman, County Judge. A brief intermission was ordered by the chair and on reconvenement of the board she follow ing report wan submitted: We, your committee on credentials would report, that npon inresti Kation we find, that A. E. Priest, J. F. Schnre and William J. Newman have been duly elected aiirdrtitorH in and for their respective dis- trictnAhat thy have qualified and filed their bond as provided by law, and we farther find that for tlieensuinsc jear the board of supervisors of l'latto County. Nebraska, will consist of the following members: John Goetz, Supervisor iu and fcr district No. 1 J. F. Schnre. Supervisor district No. 2. John Swanson, Supervisor in and fordistrict No. S." A. K. Priest. Supervisor in and fordistrict No. 4 M. K. Ciotlier, Supervisor in and for district No.r.. 1-iouis Held, Supervisor in and for dis. t riot No. and 7. Wui. J.Newman, Supervisor in and for district No. i" and 7. Ufcrfotfully submitted, John Goetz ) Lonia Held Committee M. K. Ciotlier ) On motion of Supervisor Newman the reiortof ihe committee was adopted. Koll call w:n now or.lerl by tie chair with the following result. Pnhent: Supr's (Mother tioetz. Held, Kewman, Priit, Schnre, anl Swanson. .Motel by Supervisor Priest that the temporarj organization be made iiermanent and that Super visor Swanson lie the chairman of the boaid of snjerviors fir tho en-uing jear. Motion carried unanimously and chairman Swanson in a few well chosen words expressed his gratitude to the members for the honor conferred. Moved bj Knier ior, Coetz, that in accord ance with an established custom, for the puriose to give the chair an opiortunity to select the standing committee for the ensning year the hoard of supervisors now adjourn until 9 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. Motion carried unanimously. Columbus, Nebraska, January 10th 1905. Pursuant to adjournment theloard of super visors met at .' o'clock A M., Hon. John Swan son chairman and John (Jraf, clerk. Koll called resulting as follows: Pn-sent: Supervisors. Clothci Goetz, Held, Newman, Priest. Schnre and chairman Swanson. The following standing committe for the ensu ing jear were now announced by the chair: Judiciarj, Louis Held, J. F. Schnre, and John Goetz. Iliads and Kridges, M. K. Clother, A. E. Priest and l.ouis Held Accounts and expendi tures, A E Priest, John tioetz and J V Schnre. Claims. John Goetz, liuis Held and Wm. J. Newman. Supplies and Public tiroiterty, J F Schurv, Wm J Newman atid M E Clother. County Farm. Wm Newman M E Clother and A E Priest. Moved by Smervi-or "other that the chair ap- point a committe of thni whose, dntj shall W to submit to this lioard recommendations relat ive to the county printing. Motion carried and the chair appointed - s"ch committee supervis ors Ciotlier, Held and Schnre. Moved by SujH'rvisor Goetz that the chair ap jMiint a committe of three for the pnrpose to submit to this board an estimate of the proliable expenses of the county for the ensning jear. Motion carried and as such committee were ap pointed by the chair supervisors Goetz. Newman and Priest, Dr. E.H.Naumann DENTIST Has one of the best dental offices in the state. Fully equipped to do all den tal work in First-Class manner. Always reasonable in charges. All work guaranteed. Over 14 years practice in Co lumbus. IStfc Street. Dr. E. H. Nmmii. 118. Moved by ijnpeivisor Newman that the clerk of tlii board be directed to solicit bids for tbe performance of the janilor work .at the court house and conrt yard. Motion carried. On motion of Supervisor Priest the clerk of this board was directed to notify the local phy sicians, that the board of supervisors will receive proposals for performing the duties of coun'v physician for the insning jear, np to 2 o'clock P M to-morrow. Moved by Sui-rvisor Schnre that the rules governing the old lxanl le adopted as the rules of this hoard. Motion carried. Moved by Supervisor Clother that supervisor Held lie appointed purchasing agent of the county for the ensuing jear. Motion carried, The petition of Wilhelm Loseke and others for the location of a public road -lo feet in width, commencing at the north weat corner of the north eat quarter of section ! town 18 range 2 west and running thence doe weat on section line and terminating at a point on said section line to connect with the Thurston Itoad, was pre sented and read and on motion referred to the committe on roads and bridges. The iietition of lgnatz Wileynski and others for the establishing of a public road on first street in the Citj of Columbus, was presented and read and referred to the committee on roads anil bridge-. Tli"' petition of John 11 Wilke and others for the location of a public road was presented and read and on motion refernil to the committee on ro.ids and bridges. All bills on file with the clerk were on motion referred to appropriate committees. The following reiort was submitted: Colnmbiis, Nebraska, January 10!h I!Oi. To the suiervisors. Gentleman: Yourcouimittecappointed to sub mit to this hoard an estimate of the probable ex jeiiss of the county for the coming jear would reixirt thefollowingand recommend its adoption: For expenses ..r ti.e district court $12,000.00 For officers fe-s and salaries, st000.(J0. For re cords, printing, stationary and fenl, $T,000.00. Ft ir expenses in feeble minded and insane cases, $i,(J0U.W. For iiu'ideudnl excuses, $T.,O0O.U0. Total general fund SS.OOU.O'J. For exienses of the poor farm (poor fund) $:,G00.i0. For county roae purjMises, .t2,000.00. For county bridge purposes.. $12,000.00. For Soldiers Kelief Commission, SDUO.Oit. For pay ment of interest and 5 ier cent of piinciiuil on $10,000.00 Columbus township bridge lionds, Jl.200.00 For payment of interest and IS per cent of on$i5,U00.00outstandingcounty ref unding lxmls, $10,tW.00. Total estimate J70.000.00. Kesiiecufnlly suhmitt-l, J. Goetz I A. H. Priest Cimmittee Wm. J. Newman ) On motion same was adopted. The committee on supplies and public property to whom were referred the several bids for the furnishing of lKxtks, blanks and stationary for the jear ltOti, reported as followc: We find that the Telegram Company of Columbus, Nebraska, are the lowest bidder on books, therefore recom mend that the contract for furnishing same be awarded to said company. We find that the Columbus Printing and Specialty House of Columbus, Nebraska, are the lowest bidder on blanks and printing, therefore recommend that the contract for furnishing same be awarded to said firm. We also find that for the furnishing of stationary the Telegram Company of Colum bus, Nebraska, are the lowest bidder, therefore recommend that the eon tract for furnishing tbe icin'e b" awarded to said company. And we far ther recommend that the county attorney be direcsed to prepare the necessary contracts and bonds. Kespectfully submitted. J. F. Schure ) Wm. J. Newman M. E. Clother ) Committee On motion of Supervisor Priest same was adopted. Columbus, Nebraska, January 11, 190ti. The committee appointed to submit to the board recommendations relative to the county printing for the coming jear recommended that the following papers lie declared the official paers of the county, to-wit: The Columhns Telegram, the Humphrey,Democrat, the Lindsey Opinion and the Nebraska Iliene, a German Iaier, and that each of said pajiers Ite nlllowed one-fourth of the legal rate for all county print ing subject to the disposal of the county board. Kespectfully submitted. M. E. Clother ) Louis Held J. F. Schnre S Committe Moved bj Supervisor Held that the rejiort and recommendations of the committe be adopted by the bo.ird. Amendment offered by Supervisor Newman that the Columbus Journal be substituted in stead of tha Columbus Telegram. Koll called for vote on amendment. Supervisors, Newman and Priest voting "Yes" 2 Suiwrvisors, Clother, Goetz, Held, Schure and chairman Swanson voticg"No" 3. Amendment declared lost. Koll called for vote on original motion. Sujiervisors, Clother, Goetz, Held. Schure and chairman Swanson v oting "Yes" 5. Sapervisors, Newman and Priest voting "No"' 2. Original motion declared carried. Mr. F. H. Abbott, Editor of the Columbus Journal now presented to the Ixianl of super visors the subscription list of th Columbus Journal and in his address to the hoard stated, that on the strength of the large circulation the Columbus Journal has in the county said paper should have Iteen named as fine of the official paers and that the board of suiHTvisors ought to reconsider their action, but if the hoard should not lw cnclined to reconsider their action in this mattter. the clerk of thi bonnl be permitted to furui-h to the Columbus Journal a copy of the proceedings of the lioard at the same time he furnishes a copy to the official papers. On mo tion of SuiH'rvisor Held the request was granted. The M'tition of Hon. J. G. Heeder and 60 others, relative to lighting the court room and nii'sewraiomosiu me court lious, in- means of electric light was adopted. The following hills ujsin recommendation of the committee were on motion allowed and the clerk directed to isue warrant in pavment of ame on the county general fund: A M Pot, Counsel, State vs Daniel G Walker SCAAi). Irve McFarland, Wit nes, State vs Cricket Mien. 51.10. 15 S Dickinson, Witness, State vs Cricket Miers 51.10. J M Curtis, Witness State vs Cricket Miers 51.10. Wm Reason, Witness, State vs Cricket Miers $1.10. Valentine Jurek Witness, State vs Cricket 52.00. John Peorock, Witness, State ts Cricket Mers 52.00. C A Speice Coal for court house 51S2.10. James Corbett, Meals for jurors, 6.50. H J Hcrbes Pablishing legal notice J2.25. Platte Co. Ind. Tel. Co. Telephone service $7.13. Nebraska Tele phone Company 530.W. Nebr. Inst. Feeble Minded Youth, care of Platte County inmates $17.64. Peter Bender Sniervior, Services as supervisor $33.20. The following claims upon recommendation of the committee on judiciary wemon motion de nied by the board: D A Beckford, Witness, State vs J A Green wood $3.00. Lntie Beckford, Witness, State vs J A Greenwood. $3.00. .James Sorensen, Witness, State vs J A Greenwood, 53.00. Hans Loseke, Witness, State vs J A Greenwood, $3.00. Dieder ich Menke, Witness, State vs J A Greenwood, 52.50. Upon recommendation of the committee on roads and bridges the following bills were on motion allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of same on the county road and county bridge funds: Kick Blaeerac. Shell Creek Twp 26.50. Nick Blaserac. BismarkTwp 38.25. Nick Shell Creek Twp 1.73. II Hunker A Bro. Bnr- Best on Earth.. DacR's Corn Cure... Guaranteed Ghas. H. Dack ...Druggist... rows Twp 35.55. H Hanker & Bro. Humphrey Twp 18.70. H J Biennis ac. Grand Prairie Twp 11.45. Frank Kiernman Wood ville Twp 1.60 Standard Bridge Co. ac. Granville Twp 253.21 Crowell Lumber & Gr. Co. Humphrey Twp 170.35 II J Bruentg Humphrey Twp 2.90. The claim of Walrath & Sherwood Lhr. Co. $196.90, ac. Burrows township and the claim of H J Brnenig $1.10, ac. Barrows township, were upon recommendation of the committee on roads and bridges referred to the board of Burrows township for payment. The board of supervisors now proceeded to select sixty names from which the jury for the February term of the district conrt shall le drawn. The committee on roads and bridges to whom was referred the matter of submitting plans and specifications for the building of bridges in Platte County, Nebraska, for the year 1906, re ported as follows: That we present herewith to this board plans and specifications for their adoption for the for the building of county bridges for the ensu ing iear and we hereby recommend that the county clerk be instructed to advertise for bids in accordance with said plans and specifications, bids to lie iter lineal foot. We also recommend that .all bidders be re quested to specify the time required by them for the completion of said bridges. This applies to all bridges ordered within one year from date of contract and we farther recommend that all of tha old bridge material be taken oat and placed upon the bank of the stream over which the bridge is to be constructed. We farther recommend that the successful bid der be required to give bond in the sum of $1000.00 for tbe faithful performance of erecting, building, constructing and completing all bridges that may be ordered by said county. ,We also recommend that the county board re serves the right to reject any or all bids and that all bids be riled with the county clerk on or be fore noon, March 8, 1908. M.E. Clother ) A. E. Priest Committee Louis Held ) On motion same was adopted. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Lincoln, Nebraska, January 15, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that-said proof will be made before the Clerk of District Court at Columbus Nebr., on February 26th, 1906. viz: Frank A. Dickenson Homestead No. 17662 for the Northeast quarter of section SO Township 17 range 2 west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John B. Kyle, of Duncan Nebr. Lou D. Dickinson, of Duncan Nebr., John Dick inson, of Genoa , Nebr., Hamilton Hinkle, of Genoa Nebr. W. A. GREEN, Register. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. Frank A. Lawrence, and Mrs. Frank A. Law rence, first or christian unknown, will take no tieethaton thelstdayof November. 1905, Wm. O'Brien, a justice of the peace in and for Platte county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment ,for the sum of $17 18, in an action pending before him, wherein, Edward D. Fitzpatrick, was plaintiff and Frank A. Lawrence, and Mrs. Frank A. Lawrence, first or christian name unknown, defendants: that during the pendency of said action the said plaintiff has died and that Mary A. Fitzpatrick has been duly appointed executrix of the said plaintiffs estate; that on application of said executrix to said justice of the peace, a Conditional Order of Revivor of the action in her name lias been made, and unless you appear and answer on or before the 24th day of February, 1906, showing good cause against said revivor the same will lie made final. MARY A. FITZPATRICK. NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. The State of Nebraska, ) Platte Cbanty, S a In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial Dis trict of Nebraska, in and for Platte County. Frederick Fromholz and Barnard Fromholz riaintifls. vs. J- GertrudeH.McGahey and i Agatha Reisen 1 Defendants. J The above named defendants will take notice, that on the 30th day of January. 1906, the said plaintiffs will take the depositions of Louis C. Eikoff, James D. Scarbrough, Milton C. Garber, Max Frohlich, Rudolph Wald, Ernest Denner, Theodore Stolk.-Mrs.Theodore Stolk,Fred From holz, Kate Fromholz, Bernhard Fromholz, and Conrad Breiban, sundry witnesses, to be used as evidence on the trial of the above titled cause, at the office of the Phoenix Realty- Company in the city of Enid, county of Garfield and territory of Oklahoma, b-tween the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and six o'clock p. m.of said day, and the taking of said depositions will be adjourned from day to day. between the same hours, until they are completed, M. WamioTEB and A. M. Post, St Attorneys ferPWatiis. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat 70 Corn . 31 Oats W bushel 24 Bye $? bushel 55 Barley, 25 Potatoes J0 bn. 80 16 to 10 7 6 4.85 Butter $r .... Eggs y docen.. Hens J Roosters , Hogs 18 To Subscriberi. We are sending 'subscription state ments to all subscribers who are not paid np to Jnnnary 1. This is in accor dance with onr policy announced sever al weeks ago to place the Journal on a cash -in-ad van c basis, in order that the Journal may not h: forced npon any sub scriber who does not wish to receive it. This statement is not n "dun", but; sim ply a notification that the subscription has expired and that we do not desire to continue it unless you want tbe Journal. Ifanyone prefeis for any reason not to pay a year in advance, rat us know and we shall be glad to adjust the matter. What we want is to place the Journal in tbe homes, where it is wanted, and where its value is appreciated sufficient ly to warrant the prompt payment of the small subscription price. It shall be our aim to mike the Journal which is now read in more homes than any other Piatte county paper, worth many times the small price of subscription. Short settlements make long friends. Send in your little subscription and thereby show your desire to co-operate with us in placing the Journal where every business should be placed, on a cash basis. Tne Merchant of Venice. On Friday eveuing, January 26. at the High School Gymnasinm the second number of a series of illustrated talks will be given. This time Superinten dent Sherman will take up the subject of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Superintendent Sherman is especially well fitted to handle any literary theme and in presenting this comedy of Shakespeare, he has secured about 20 lantern slides more than half of them being first class colored slides of the finest kind. The use of these to illustrate his explanation of thecomedy will be a rare treat to all lovers of good literature. These talks are designed as educa tional advantages for the" students but all persons are always welcome and parents would do well to accompany their children and see what a splendid opportunity for true development of higher literary taste is offered by our schools. The students, their friends and the friends of education; in the city are invited. A small admission, 10 cents, will be charged at the door and the pro ceeds will be devoted to the use of the school in the purchase of lantern slides. This is a new move in the edncational affairs of ourcity andjeserves the pa tronage of all. Farmers' institute for Colombai. Carl Rohde this week handed the Journal a communication from the University authorities which shows that an excellent Farmers' Institute program has been arranged for Columbus for February 26 and 27. The letter follows: January 16, 1905. Mr. S. PDriuniti, Columbus. Xeb. Dear Sir: We have set the dates for your Far mers' Institute for Monday and Tues day, February 26 and 27. with afternoon and evening sessions the first day and morning ana aneruoon sessions tne sec ond day. The speakers for the first day are Mr. T. G. Ferguson of Beaver Crossing, and Miss Rosa Bouton, Director of the School of Domestic Science of tbe Uni versity. Miss Bouton will speak in the afternoon on "Chemistry in the Kit chen," and in the evening on "Domestic Science and the Home." Mr. Ferguson will speak in the afternoon on "Alfaifa and Tame Grasses" and in the evening on "Essentials of Successful Farming in Nebraska." The speakers for the second day are Ex-Gov. W. A. Poynter and Mr. W. D. McKee, both of Lincoln. Both are very strongmen. Mr. Poynter will speak in the morniug on "The Hand Separator" and in the afternoon on "The Care and Development of tbe Dairv Cow.' Mr. MoKee wul speak in the morning on "The Type of the Feeder Steer" and in the afternoon on the "Breeding of Beef Cattle." All four of these persons are very strong Institute speakers and each can discuss a variety of subjects. I have billed them for the subjects that I thought would be of most value to yonr people, knowing your country as I do and the manner in which these speakers handle the subjects. Please let me know if these arrangements are satis factory and begin advertising your In stitute at once. I am, Very truly yours. W. P. Snyder. Buster Brown Coming. A most refreshing announcement at the North Opera house, is the appear ance of Melville B. Raymond's most succsesfol cartoon comedy ' Buster Brown.," which will be presented for one night only, Tuesday, January 30. $20,000. In farm mortgages at from 5 to 8 per cent for sale by Elliott, Speice & Co. 2t Thoroughbred Daroc-Jemy Sale. I will sell at my farm 8 miles north of Monroe, 5J miles south and miles west of Cornlea, and 5 miles west and 1 mile south of Tarnov, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1906, 30 head of Duroc-Jersey Brood Sows, all bred and safe with pig. If you want a combination of size, quality and finish, don't fail to attend this sale as these sows are good ones and I am sure you can find what yon want Pedigrees will be furnished. W. J. Panek, A. W. Lamb, Auctioneer. Owner, J. J. Dickey, Clerk. Monroe, Nebr Weaver & Sons keep the largest and best assortment of coal. A Watch.. That doesn't keep accu rate time is poor proper ty. Our repairing and cleaning are guarantees for perf edf time keeping 7 Ed. J. Niewohner ..The Jeweler.. Struck by Train. Lindsay, Nebr., Jan. 22 Special to Journal. Pat Ducey and his mother Anna Ducey were struck by a moving box car here today and narrowly escaped death, the former sustaining a broken arm and the latter a broken wrist besides being bad ly bruised. They were driving across the railroad near the depot when the accident oc curred. An engine was switching on tbe siding backing a string of box cars toward the crossiug. A coal shed shut off the view of the moving cars, and Mr. Ducy bad driven on to the track before he saw them. The team had got across but the car struck the wagon and threw its occupants violently to the ground. Had the car struck them an instant sconer both of them would probably have been killed. As It is, no serious results are anticipated. You can take stock in The Equitable Building Loan & Savings association any time. 2t Adrertised Letters. D. Busck or Medical Co., John Clas sen, Pearl Foge, A. E, Gilbert; W. FI. Gray, H. Jenniugs, John Pamzak, Joe Speice, Fred W. Sterrill and G. A. Turner. Carl Kramer, P. M. Leigh From the World At twenty minutes past five o'clock Sunday evening searching parties found tbe dead body of little Cecil Frease in the ice pond near the house. Early in the afternoon the little fellow left the house saying that he would be back in a little while. Time past but he did not return, but no uneasiness was felt by his mother because she thought he had gone to one of tbe neighbors to play. When it was discovered he was not there a search was at once instituted. Inqniry was made at the near neighbors, and finally a general alarm was given. This was four o'clock. Parties went to tne rrease home and as tne child was in the habit of playing about tbe creek some of the men went there. They found the boy's sled on the ice and noticed a hole in the snow and slush in a partially open place where men had been putting up ice the day before, j Prod poles were secured and a search was made in the water. Soon Mr. Carle ton strnck an object and after a couple of trials the little body was brought up. The indications were that life had been extinct for three or four hours. Ym Wait This Housi or one like it? Or one more modest or more elaborate? We can 6uit your taste with anything in the way of a home that you may wish. We have tempting offers to make you as to terms and prices within and around 82.000. Drop in and see what we have. echer, ItckMbtrgtr ft Gbanbtrs LIIBBaaHBrSBBBPBVlBVHLIIfl(2B 13th It, Colambus'NebrJMnouB. Dirtrict 44 and Vicinity. The director, J. M, Curry is still keep ing bachelors hall. His good wife and little ones are still visiting with relatives in Illinois, where they went for the holi days. They are expected home this week. Last week seemed to be the hog week week for farmers living norlheast of this place and Wednesday was the ban ner day, as two processions passed here on that day one of which contained 13 wagons loaded with the above valuable farm products. There don't seem to be many fat cattle to move. Superintendent of schools L. H. Leavy made our school -a professional visit last Wednesday and we dare sty he found effective work, being done there under the directions of the teacher, Miss Mettie Hensley of Columbus. One day last week 3Iiss Evelyn Drin nln met with a very painful accident, while shelling corn in a hand sheller for her Hock of Plymouth Rocks. She let go of the crank to adjnst some corn in the measure, and in doing so laid her left hand on top of the sheller, when the crank came around anil struck her hand at the wrist, lacerating the llesh terribly. George now acts as assisting cook. Mike Cassin of Columbus came out one day last week and bought of Frank Ruth 24 very choice fat hogs, which he will use in his market. He paid a pre mium for choice of selection. Ottie Baker of Columbus was also out here and bought of F. Rnth a fine bunch of 2-year-old steers, consisting of 17 head. HUMPHREY "From ine Laaer. 1 Charles Savidge, who was takon sud denly ill on our streets last Tuesday evening, died of hemorrahges Friday afternoon at 1 o clock in the rear of the Peterson restaurant. Dr. Evans of Co lumbus was called in consultatiou with the home physicians, and everything was done to save his life but without avail. The deceased is of Polish descent hdu was a resident or xarnov. lie was 42 years of age at the time of bis death and leaves a wife and sis children to mourn his demise. The remains vere taken to Tarnov Friday evening, and funeral services were held from the Tarnov Cathelic church and interment made in the Catholic ceraetrv. Richland and Vicinity. Whew! Ice making, hard on fnel, solid on roads, right for furs and robes. Gripp patients on the mend. air. anu Airs. Herman ivltick spent Sunday at Adolph Klucks. R. L. Seifken of Platte was sight-seeing in Richland Thursday. Will Price, John Plum and Rollie Brocklesby were moving mediums in Columbus last Wednesday. Pete Swanson and Fred Froholtz at tended the Bracnigan horse sale at Co lumbus on the 17th. Clint Stevenson shelled corn Satur day. James Ferdrick and family will move iuiarHbuu in .tiarcn naviug rented a farm near that place. We imagine some of our farmers buying a threshing machine of their own, as a few think no one can thresh grain like Jim. Seek Avisdoni from great books, in spiration from good men, snd the Jour nal for what you ought to know. Henry Schroeder and Will Kluck are .assisting Frank Stevenson to move a barn and commence the erection of a new one on the site of the one moved. If you have a grudge never permit it to ripen and grow old. Have it out like a man and then wipe it from the tablets of your memory, take your enemy by the hand and start fresh. Life is loo short io permit men to make maniacs of themselves brooding over fancied or real grievances. It never pays to brood Better a goo.l healthful scrap than yaars of vindictive and malicious imagining. Forget it or have it out. GENOA. From th Times. Alfreds .fc Peterson have sold their dray line to the two Nelson brothers living west of town. The price paid was S2.")0O. Possession will be given the first of Febrnarv. Miss Hattie Trumau, daughter of the venerable George Truman, is sick with an attack of dropsy at her home east of town. Miss Florence Truman arrived from her home in Denver Monday to nurse her aunt and look after tbe house hold affairs. Irving Lamb has resigned his posi tion with the Nebraska Telephone com pany and accepted a place with the Western Electrical Supply company of Denver at an increased salary. His territory embraces the stutesof Kansas Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. Mrs. W. J. Brient received a message Monday morning, stating that her father. Milah Booth had passed away at his borne in Gettsbnrg, S. D Sunday morning. Mrs. Brient was unable to attend the funeral, wh,ich was held Tuesday. Nels Person, father of Ben Person, met with an accident Tuesday which resulted In an injured shoulder and side. He was watering team when tbe horses became nnmanagableand dragged him several rods. His injuries are not Spicial Attn til Paii. The bnilding np of u substantial bank ing business comes from special atten tion paid to every account whether of lady or gentleman. BlW yi BSBBBBBBBBi il&n2fftw 1 Banking Renjiudtr to our patrons is to keep your se curities in a well protectsd safe or v a n 1 1. Arrange for that with our bank as it's one of the safest places in the world for not only securities bnt for your money as well. The First National Bank Woodville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Clark of Lin coln tire spending a few days in Wood ville visiting relatives this week. S. J. Lingles' friends gave him a sur prise party Monday, it being his 59th birthday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ellis Tuesday, .January l(th, :t boy. J ud C. Wilson has purchased the George Hart farm of 240 acres paying S.")0 an acre for it. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chirk entertained friends Saturday evening, January 20tb in honor of Mr. Clarks birthday. The weather being a little severe several failed lo respond to the invitation but those present seemed to have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn of Albion spent a few days last week with their daugh ter Mrs. Alf. Potter. Dnring their visit Mrs. Thorn had an attack of heart failure but is much improved and has returned to her home this week. J. W. Currier, Tom Dress and Roy Clark went to South Omaha Monday night. Mr. Currier shipped a car of cattle and also of hogs, Mr. Dress a car of bogs and 3Ir. Clark a car of cattle. Wanted. Farm loans at 5 and 5- per cent, no commission. Elliot, Speice & Co. Monroe, Boute 1. Little Carrie LieberJ who has been very siek with diphtheria is mush bet ter, and is thought to be out of danger. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bryan returned Friday from an extended visit in Iowa, Little Loyil Hill has been under the doctors care for the last few disys. Austin Bennett of Genoa was renew ing acquaintances in the Wattaville neighborhood last week. About twenty-four young people of the Wattsville neighborhood gathered at the home of Ben Nelson Friday even ing and spent the evening dancing. Mrs. John Potter is on the sick list. Mr. Goehry spent last week with friends in Grand Prairie, returning Friday. Mrs. John Potter is on the sick list. Mr. Jockry spent last week with friends in Grand Prairie returned Fri day. Fred Keeler traded a team to Ed. Maher for some cattle last week. "Buster Brown-" There is probably not a theatra-goer m this wide land, who is not familiar with the name of "Buster Brown, and his attendant misfortunes, laughed at his mischeivous pranks, as drawn by that humorous artist, Richard F. Outcanlt and published in tho oclored pages of tho New York Herald. By special arrangement with that paper and Mr. Outcanlt; one of the most successful playwrights, has construct ed a farcial comedy wheih embodies uianv of Buster Browns most amusing adventures. It will be "resented at the North Opera House Tuesday, Jan uary 30. We have the only genuine Maitland (Round formation) coal. Look at sam ples it: our windows. Telephone 74. Weaver .fc Son. MODERN DENTISTRY in an np-ro-date cilice, is the best thing we have to offer. 'e can and do fill and extract teeth POSITIVELY WITHOUT I'AIX. We give a writton guarantee with all work. If it fails or proves unsat isfactory AT ANY TIME we will either replace it or refund the money Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist. Over NiewohBer'a cor. 13th and OnVe St. S. E. corner of;Park. r