w 1 p Treating Wrong Disease, f Many times women call on their famiiv pnysicians. sunermg, as tnev imagine, cr prostration, another with pain hre and there, and In sci way tney ai. present alie to tnemseives and their as--coins and lnd-ffereut. cr over-busy doctor -ep- rate anc cstinct diseases, tor wnich he. assuming tn-m to ce sucn. prescribes his p'lL: and potions. In raiity thy are aL cmy njmDtsims caus-c oy som uterine iisae. The physician, iimorant of the Biuw o suffering, encoura- this prac- tice cnta xanre oti ar -mace The suf- ferine patient return, tetter, fcctprocabjy wor. Dy rea-on of tne c-tav. wrong treatment and consecc-nt complications. A. proper sied o.ne Ii- Dr Pierces :a- vont Preacnptiun. directed u the aiute would have entirfv removed the disa.-e. thereby cisp.-j. az a. tho-e distressing errnn!ii!?i; i n 'Tiirimrin" imfr" stead ' arotoosec xatery" It naa ben el said, that ""a diaeaae nown Is naif curc. Ti- !,,- W.- ... n i ,- faenuSc nieaicme. carefniiv cevisti ov an experienced and sic.ilfu! ohvsician". at adapteti to woman - cncat- '-xezi. i is wTtwrlv faarmiew m it '; any conrnxixn o- the yxtem As a cowcnui lavcoraLtc muic "Fa- vnrite Pre-cr'ption" impart-strength to wh.. system ana u, Morgana di,- lLif?Zr;?XemJr r"v- oknl. wora-ont. run-dov.n." ;eciii- tasec teacners. m.ll:nera. dr'-na ers. aanasireaaa. --non "ti - hiui-.MnN naniaz mothers ana Ui-i -wonir. n- eraity. ur nerrv - taons- Pr-acr',...n la tne ereattst eartn c)oa. bmc an- eqBa!d a.- an appetmnc cordia. and re- Etorative tonic. As a -th n and strpnthemnc nrv- m- ""J. r.-.ii.. u- uBuaieu ti ,,,!.-,- , ,,, ,.? k cuinr nrvooa eic.taniiity .mtabihty. nervonF eihauatwn. nen oiia prostration, ViSdnanr-rA1- m:ZSZ' :ur:..,na ar . -rir...- c - rf e cur .- I- -.: . - r.-psr ,.p and Tta.-v ni-'-a a -i - mo isi ncncT. !- I -r-, ; r -a-art ? -,, -,jril(. zc -- uia- -er ac. i- a ne to tcret -ut Ls -1 ta.. aa cancj. " .u'.uioi t tii iUk tiLitA -uu- Ct CURES INDIGESTION vv nen vou ect ;s vou iitt-e g xi r- nc Dare.v s.ffzz. yu a. ve. L-cesnve tan.ets are w rse zrr.r. uat ea, f tn y wI in tme vi :r e ri- storr a of all t wr t ."es" r jCI. 1 e 5t mach Lane's Family Medicine z. r wcr c . , .' 1"1" w - j j . j .3 j - -CO 1 . J The GcYsrniaeni of Canada Gtsj absoiutelv FREE to every K fi" n. nTi- -p. , .. li' ' ' ! - MZlllrKtt2 acres cf lac in Urmiii Vv estem Cr .-if? l. - .. " nurccaacn -?-.; - - cr. uji .- .- -a- aa- D-ec rrodiiced ;- ausaej or "xneat to tie a. r It u- a. ta- -x-st r f zra-anz land and fc r-ned tarming it has no superior on tne continent. Sptendid climate, tow taxes, railways coaTsuesit. scccois and ennrcnes citiae at hand. Write tor "Twentietn Century Canaca Msi:.-t -i paper.. sjux w. c.-5Fpia.acotner irom neart -2n9 a woman from Vx Yc disease, anatner from liver or kienev . 7 . disease, anotner from norrnns oTn-.r,nn -- once made the acqaai: I TtrIT mZ T HT!?5N II IVVKP I L 4 nad. low raiiwar rates ti uF-enntendent ' f -r -mt.f -r FEEE 2.oo t-m. rmi.-asii tr-a-e ,--cj ri w-" -c-irV i-fct'o-atelv Inmizratioa. Ottawa. Lanaca or ;Lr,d . .v.a,. , . . von wthanxed Canadiar eruaent - a ai. ;!s . lQTe h - ; do sa- v v Bennet. -)i -"'r urS i-e .am 1- inz fv-,,.,-! Necra--ia -e-is tc ztv- nu m- zence a vaca- Cleveland Leaaer Farmers Say READ THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR S1.C0 ON PURCHASE FREE Uses receist cf ycer : Addr ress Druggist's Na: His Address COOD FOR one dollar Purchase An 1 .' f- 5nt7ri-3- '-rrflre- tnnay r - - - tir if -i nave never used Mcls drape cert.ncate jr-cc for one cellar toward I HTU1S -SA?S TONIC CO., 145 YOU WRONG YOURSELF TO SUFFER per;": . irs. eit! ,..tm. ?. 'I -- CONSTIPATION AND caae "i "Sf -. r!il p w . sti ilX's-s "Tct te'Ulacbe. m"ii - & .w. . ..i . - .t a - mm - . i.e c - - - x i- can' . r- . m.t- B.; ; ics ; CTi cr JC71.C janrse. MULLS GRAPE TONIC tie -ir i. '- -- --i-7-'.j --nscii-tiai ic is :" tit St"-' o tcc-iU-st-to ctto-is S3 itii. "Tit! c-n.cr?i -- ; anil t io-i tas-a -"-rta; ---u. 33 ceri. cess and. i aorues as a. Cr-i2----iJl4. i zzacz u Si 33 ''-is oossi-" aai atccs sirs-i rrziea sraAS sa-nz-r ii bu7--: ;e a. -ize. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO 14S PRICE. 25 Cts. XTOOJKTKGRiPfiir ANIHHPINE pttS K SMLFW &J&CS. jlm IJIalliy.laMWia The wcrm Turned. At a "tfichigan hotel noted for its oaths for the cure of rheumatism Drk -who ttance oz every person, apparentlv for the sole purpose of telling them her imazinarv ., , . ,,.".-" ailments, hearing them tell about their own. ana ciscussmz at zrea ieu5 rne curative properties of the sprmzs. 5. -,- Z. ' ' ' lc a Particular victim o. an old gentleman, who bemrr of a some- -arna- retiring, silent temperament, was ,. , ,,. : ex-emely annoyed by her questions and oftrepeated tales cf woe. Finallv. one momin when he was .., , . . n: a sun bzzh oa Ine piazza, sur- rounded by a few congenial acquaint- ances the woman approached inflicted uco:i hl a enewa. cf be" tiresome onversation. and exhausted his pa- rionpfi TTte nnnn-rr fr f --- -- uyv,. - - w. revenze ' quickie "Hr Ladd." said sfat settling weakly ia-0 a chair "we have had so many pleasant discussions aboct onr suffer n3 and v- no hai o oleasant as tfcev rai"h- hav b"n becan5 I've K " J1' ,.,..,,. i'ua tC --a-0 brt -'f t mblf- pains Wny I looked into the -riasc rhs mnrr-.in- an? votr hav no idea how pale I was ' I scarcely knew myself Brit what I wanted to a-k von was this- What do vou think ,- .C- wrur." i -, - .-,!.i, ?t hesP batfcs rinve 7OT an7 iIuJl m them" And this climate, particu- inrlv. and this air?" -ifoii.-, ' TOr,I, -, M -,r- T Jiacam repneo tn oia man cannot speak so snrelv about the ' hatha bn- there is no doubt abont the "l" I "? sav I fee: at home h-re Why when I first came here I weizhed less by e -j. . ; tnan i-iy pocs. T could hardlv raise an arm above mv head I could no sr-eak an inte!- ' :.c:ble wor-i I nver left my bed with- "u binz lif'ed from it by stronz arms ani my hands were so useless , tnat I could not pick ud a knife and , forK ilost cf my days I spent half- ''onp-:ous or asleep upen mv back, and I did not take any interest in the conve-ca-.on of my nurse "Yoi. 'an se1 now that I have quite a Irti'- aa:r When I came to this town mere was not a spear of 't on m beau I need attention nizht and day I was so weak and helpless that a 'hi! f of 4 vears of aze mizht have noked me to death without its bemz n mv rower to resis. That was whr. I first came here " "G-ra-'ou-i" cried the woman eifit- iv 'Ycu z:ve How !otr bav- yc ! : "0" n-sr rome :ve ma o much hone' on been here" wnen Iaiam" answod the old man. -.".mnly ' I was born here " v m; -.0--- a- ary nn complain . .- I-rdni 5a-rfc ' Th'-r-- l non-- u. . ii '5ua': and quantit W j- 1 1 cent- Try it no and save y.jcr n: n-- Italy's Legal ".tents. ' Tterp ar- ! 3S2 aivocates. sohc ro and procura'ors in Italy wncs- z-oss incomes accrdinz to th- m-fom- tas returns, amount to 3.3.40J -513. which zives an avprazo incrn:3 of abou ZZIZ Of thes5 lezal m-n. five prrf'-S5 to tivo -.- income cf i - ,-t-l e-zht cf 55 sixteen of 3 iW. aoT4i:rr or- S2 i)Cilt all(i - 3Qg - rade etum r IT5 ar-t v . , ar tr k :n- - ,-ar Nr-. n-tor IfiiiMn Is the Best Remedy on Earth. Kills a Spavin Curb or Splint. Very Penetrating. Kills Pain. BH. VS3L S. SLOAN S15 ALBANY STHHTr, 50ST0S, MASS. ice i-xe - - we will .i."I you a sample free, Tonic and will aiSO majj. you a the purchase cf mere Tonic iroca Third Ave., Ecck lifi EL ci trcmlned Tie", siere 13 a STOMACH TROUBLE " 'tIaze''. vfcotii t-'-r 3eilI.-,- s otse - s. i ccr oiri ptrsi. ii t. . - - yon Lse T2-" i:JU D--n.f xstj-m asacs -x s-aes ad :"ic a sue 3o cesi; 3css.e- Tiers la a Tmrtl A-re- Rock bland, DL ANTI-GRIPINE IS OTJARJUtfTEIlD TO CTTKE 6RIP, BAD COLO, HEADACHE AHD IEURAL&IA. I -wen"? sU JL2tl--it sr 1 d-ue- ilo toe t fiqarml It. ij.i!"rmrMOXET BACK IP IT BOXT CCTLE. PATENTS for PROFIT nnst raU- prowc- az iTsidic 3oo.ces ail IS ta.eiia- FREE. Eeriest -fa-sce-'. CcTESS22.cacoE- cxmauezsa. tatab iiStfii 1S61. ". xzxwzsx & ZrwzT.rr, -y C. DID A WORLD OF COOO Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure Heart Pains, Dizzy Spells and Weakness. Hasy to get, hard to get rid of; that is what most sufferers rhmlr of dyspepsia. They are astonished, -when their stomach beinns to trouble them senoualy. They had been eating hurriedly and irregularly for a long time, to be sure, but they supposed their stomachs quite xised to tnat. Some people know that the strength which the weak stomach needs, and for the lack of which the whole body is suf fering, can be found surely and quickly iu Dr. Williams" Pink Piiis. In huu dred of instances these mils have sue cttnled where ochr remedies failed. "ilv lndieesuon. aid lr. J .R. 1EH Iar. of Dayton. Ya.. cauie m the nrst place fr)iu the face rhat a few year- a:ro I worktnl a mreac devA at niht. ami ate at any oi I n ar whenever the c nance canie. anfl always very uurnediy. One tiav I fi-tuui uivacll a vicnm or rembie dvpeu-ta. Ic keoc me miacrablc all the tmit-ur aeverai Vr-ara. I ai-wava n.id a rreat deal of distress eariiic. an, wuen Ituo from mv sonica would b Veak that .. .Ti i : .-. .i t u...i .t.nj i. j. in & verv uucomfornibie feeliun abiuc mv heiirt, and wa- dizv and. whehever I tooped ver aul then straightened ud, nxy fye- would b b;ully blurred. I rwui tht- -tatetiieuta of several pT-sou- who had croc nd of obtinat -tom-acn tronblea by n-iuc Dr. Wiliiani1.' Pink Pilla. I "bjnzht ome and tuev did me a world of cnod. They actl promptly and did jn-t what wa claimed foruiem. I have i, , more ditre- af- ter meat-: the bad fUnc ha.one from ITn ? '' "f a3arf3as P"-- -e disappeared, ana I am strouz amun Dr Williams Fink Pill- ar nld by all drmrgiat- and bv the Dr Willuims iledicme Co., Schenectady. 27. Y. Tc Ventilate a Ream Prcserly. The nzht way to ventilate a room is to open tne window at both top and bottom In this way you pro- vide an entrance for a friend and as exit for a foe for as the fresh ai: rushes in the foci air is errpeiled. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, .' merrc-v t n- v letrT uie eea-" " mien a.t cumiete - 4f-iaz" ia a-ite r.re:n Tin eatfr's arm:1; "ne Tnnu- (a-rao- aaci t,. n- - m -"3ut.jie ?cv -iaa- j mi diziaj'! tiitfT -r' 4 v 'en foul r 12- rK: a caa !. o r dt? rv r-mr -ae"- Hi na'a3i.ir" nianur-jctarid jt r ' fcfsf- (. T " cvctiim no mf cn-v lad i jiti-n inter; i ia;: l 2pn ia t.,uuu d:ii mnaai a-a-t--' i,f tie -y-siem In "uTr;.r Ha Latirra Car- b- -ar- roa rt tae "--linen-. Ii b tanen tnrru. v j-nt i nit- !n Tdiec. O0i b" r J it!fn, .t i T"- n niffrse. aoiii or l-ncsr-ii. u-cf T3. pr " ne. Tij.e Hj i F in..y F'vm for cunaapauc Cheac Tea in Jspan. Tea at a cent a pound is used by the poorer classes in Japan This is the eneapest kmi of "bancna." ami consists of th- tnmmmzs of the tea bushes hen thev are clipped with the shears after the first crop. Ifreertar.t t M ethers. S car"fti ly tp bor:- - C.Va"iRI.V. a -afe and --tire rssiecv fcr ifa-iLj a.ii cnmirs-i. 21 niii hi nlf Ear-the JCilESS Of In ,cc: For Ove- JO "icrara Xie v -' Yea IUve Al-y-iys cu-n. Tne Hunting Trip. "I shall miss ycu wmle you are on vour huntmz tnp. cear ' mur- ACME DVSP-ESilA CURE ?0-l. U"' ' : J'-t-avH.-'f 3Lon.i"'ri.lijr ana tothi D,toinm-ncil tr l-'aa ir unr-ii--iin- 2- n-- uia' -ar 10 uiisl.. ILU1 -nd rnoni"- -." "-i:- ti cme Dyspcpm Car- C Irnni ?w J-fr-tjr. Sisncp Mistaken Fcr a Tramp. Dr Stanton. Bisnop of Newcastle, Australia, who recently died, was fre quently mistaken for a bushman or a Sundowner." wh:cn is Australian sianz for a tramp Once a squatter. who expected him as a guest, thought he was lost, and sent out a party to inquire They cam upon what they thouzht was a cereiict "Sundowner." camped by the roadside, wco proved upon inquiry to be the Bishop. Ccc BecuesT; in Wilfs. Amonz the wills c early days are found bequests which are amusinz. In 1545 the widow of John Granzer of Scituate. Mass.. m her will "zives to her -on John a saw a broad axe. and a narrow axe. when he is 21 years of are " To daughter Elizabeth a bed and beddinz. one heifer, also one zrea: mortar and pestle, and one zreat ket- Jcys f Missionary Sisncp. v illiam Dudley, bisnep ef New r l?uia. told recently some of the ;ov of a missionary bishop: "I ra; a c baz an. -' lbout my diocese with a ten:. md.e of b.aukets and a Gladstone I do my ovn ccokinz. washinz mndinz thouzh I take care not i a avc zrij manv thinzs to mend. I ira' now how to make veast. Russia's Many Tragedies. The sto- o: Ruasm.'s pretenders ii no- a ro anct It is a trazedy of I xjc Over and over azam in the --"aint-d pazes of her histo-y we nnd -pc cs of the men who claimed the -:zh tc rule. They died. Some were poi-oned. some were racsed. some irazzec tneir chains across Siberia an i som- disappeared noce knew how. m-'uzh men whispered of midnizhr mjrder Insist en Getting It. S.-itn-5 r-nc-rs say they don't keep r-rhanc- starcn. This is because they hav- a stik on hand of other brines -ontaininz only 12 oz. in a packaze. hin thy won t be able to sell hrst. D-rcaiise Defiance contains 15 on. for the sam- money T". you want 15 oz. instead of 12 cz. fr sam-r meney- Tnen buy Ienance Starch. Ketiumts ni cookinz. Rsfined Cannibals. "While it is true, ' sain the mission ary, "that my dusky parishioners will refuse to abandon cannibalism, I may . at least claim credit for having so re ' fined and uplifted them that now they eat altogether with knives and forks." Philadelphia Evening Bnlle- Dihancs Starch is miaranteed bigges and brt or money refunded. 15 ounces. 10 cents. Try it now. No hig success can come to a little I souL i BROUGHT OOVPT SWELLED HEAD New Englander's Self-importance Giv en Sever Shcck. The discussion had turned upon the subject of "swelled heads," and former State Senator John. Ford told the following: "In a little town in New England there was once a man who had a great idea of his own importance. He had the worst sort of a swelled head, and thought the town could not eiist with out him. He had held town offices and sincerely believed that no one dis charged the duties of those offices as he had. He had also helped the town materially by giving it money for various purposes. But he was not content with the r'nanirg of the towns people for his services. He believed that there should be some distinct rec ognition of his worth to the commun ity. So one day at a town meeting he asked permission to be buriew in the town plot in the center cf which the town hall stood. 'The Town Councillors laughed and the petition was tabled. The follow ing year he petitioned for the same thing, and again it was tabled. The third year the same thing occurred. "The fourth year the chairman of the Petition Committee arose and said: "I have here a petition from the Han. Mr. 3 asking that he may be buried in the town plot. I move, gentlemen, that we gran this petition, provided the petitioner is buried there next week.' The moaon went throuzh amid shouts of lauzhter and the peti tion was never again presented." New York Press. VICTIM OF "CATCH QUESTION. Apslicant's Veracity Evidently Was Net His Strong Pcint. John E. Vance, of the Civil Service Commission of Little Rock, does not behove m catch questions. "Catch questions," he said the other cay "are too crueL Furthermore, they catch everybody, good and bad alike. Hence they fail of their purpose. "I once saw a very snarp examiner examining some applicants for the po I:ce force He tested them in arith metic and m geozraphy and m free nand drawing, and then he said he would test their hearing. "He took his watch from his pocket and held it to the ear of a tall, hand aome young man. " 'Do you hear that tick?' he said. " Yes . perfectly,' the young man answered. "He held it a foot from the appli cant's ear. " 'Still hear it?' he asked. " 'Yes. sir ' " 'Now stand back three paces.' "The young man did so. " 'Now.' sa.d the examiner, 'do you hear it rrom that distance?' "The applicanr Lstened intently. Then he smiled and nodded. " 'I still hear it. sir.' he said. " 'You have the most wonderful heannz I ever came across." said the examiner 'That watch has not been runnmz for three weks ' " ?eaca Overtures. There was blcod in the eyes of the two suburban housewives as they zlared dazzers at one another over the whitewashed fence. "As for you " hissed the one in the red knit jacket. "I don t snow what I could say that wouid b1 sufficiently severe 1 hate you" "And you."" retorted the one in the blue shawl, "are really not worth wastmz breath over So there!" There was a painful pause and then the one in the knit jacket continued. l would say a great deal more were it not for your sweet little baby." "Dc do you really think he is sweet?" "I do. and I am not backward about saymg it. although I despise his mother He is the pretaest little boy m twenty blocks." "Then then let's make up. Neigh bors shouldnt be enemies. Ill hand you a dish of stewed prunes over the fences " Then they kissed. Russia's New Minister cf Finance. Admiral Birileff bnnzs a robust dis posiaon to his new task He is a rol licking salt, with a Homeric stammer a practical joxer like Lord Charles 3eresford Stories about him are numberless. Here is one When Ad miral Shestakoff was in power he passed a rigorous rule that his young officers must not bankrupt themselves in buying boquets for visiting royal ties. The empress was to visit a ship on which Birileff served. As her ma jesty descended to the cabin a huge bouquet of Sowers mysteriously ap peared on the table, and delighted royalty at once took possession of it. Admiral Shestakoff saw the mass of frazran: blossoms in the imperial hands and turned furiously to his of ficer. ""Did I not give orders that no one must present dowers?" "N-nobody did'" stammered Biri leff. "s-she t-took it hers-self!" Har pers Weekly Tne -all cf Gal3.-.ai. Her hair was brows, be: dustd smlc shown on :t b a youmr wiri blown, Ir lived in Iifc- and seemed to co.d -he sun or star shme rr lis q-z-z. He- ves wre Iikf Our Lady's zra Thy ransrmpd lizct for other uzht, xhe werp a dajdream of tne day. .ze eccc of a perfect mgnt. Th beauty of fcr fac1 compn-Hi AH thonzht all ra-on. evervtnms ret half -withdraw and just wittheld Tn crown of its inaanic; Hj step was I-k x soft tears fall xhat wakes a i-r"r ta th wood. It came and tcec it went, then all Had soae from nfe tnat aeemed mest zcod. OnJ tnstaat. for a moment's si:ace She stood before him Tier h1 prayed n" -aw he- eyes, her hair cer face The wmd that toucced her m the zlade. He left iu? prater fcrzot the place. Forzot th- Vision of the Grael, He saw her eyes her nair her face ins hilt-cross struct the altsr-raiL The music ceasd the shrme was rent ne never cast ere zlance beaind. 3ut followed on the way she went. A hidden way and hard to und A. H.. m the Spectator CLoudca.) Greets His Hcusekseser. When the United States transport Buford entered san Francisco bay. re cently, one of the first to board her was Majcr-General Shatter He went out to meet his Japanese housekeeper. Miss llasase. who has ruled the Shat ter house for twenty years. She had been visirir.u- her home in. Jasan. Well Charged. The man stammered painfully as he stood in. the dock at one of our po lice courts. His name was Sisscns. ! Ir -was very difficult for him to pro nounce his own name. He had the , misfortune to stay out late and make aa trproar one night, and to have to account for it before the magistrate ' the neit morning. ""That's your name?" asked the magistrate. Srssons began to reply: "Sis sss sss sss." "Stop that noise and tell me your name." said the magistrate impa i tiently. "Sis sss sss" "That will do." said the mazistrate severely "Officer, what is this man charged with?" The policeman, who. of course, was an Irishman, immediately responded, with true Irish wit: "I think, yer honor, he's charged with sodv wather" The Race Question Is a problem that has puznied the profoundest minds, for many years The best thing for the human race ro do is to eat PJisbcry s Vitos for breakfast. Caught in His Own Tras. Thomas A. Edison knows that he is an inveterate smoker, but recently he became convinced that his cigars were being used by some person or persons' other than himself, probably his workmen. He asked his tobacco nist what could be done about it and the dealer offered to make ui some fake cigars partially filled with horse hair or rubber. Edison thought that was a good plan and then he forgot all about the matter In a week he re called what the tobacconist had agreed to do and called at the store to in quire. "Tv"hy. I fixed up those cigars for you some time ago." said the man. "I put them in a fancy box and tied them in the regulation yellow rib bon." The inventor smiled in a sheep ish way as he remarked: "Yes. and I guess I smoked them myself." 3Ii-- Winaiowi Soosliin-r "ymp. Ir'cr cMlilrsa wets iir wi'ezjs sac zts-u. retlaces .Ula-r3pul-i.cs-rtu---t-lui!i-. tlcaixie. Donate Wesding Cake. Among the gifts recently received by the Church Army, a London organ ization. was an ancient wedding cake. sent on the golden wedding anniver sary of the donors, witn tne remarii "It is rather old. but we thouzut per haps you would Ii-ce it." TO CTKE A COLD I OVE DAT Take LAXATIVE BEOJi. Q-i--iie Vu era. JJrs-r-zlst- -fi3il monov ! - i-. tc tire. E. V. GBOVE-- ai-ni-ire U on eacil ,xs JSc Hli-mard cf 1SSZ. The blizzard of 1SSS on the eas' coast cf the United States occurred on March II, 12 and 1J Four hun dred lives were lost, and there were many wrecks The storm was mos; severe m New York c.rv Lewis' Siszie Binder tde famous -traizht 5o eizar. aiwav uea .lAJtv lour dea.er or Lewis Fai:t-irv Peoria. IL. Bunk Overcomes Seasickness. The self-leveling buni for the pre vention of seasickness which has been experimented on for some time on one cf the Dover-Calais Doats. has been found so successful that it is pro posed to instal it on all the steamers of the service. Mere Flexible anc Lasting. won't shake out or blow out by using Deiancc Starch you obtain b-tte- re sults than possible with any other brand, and one-third more for same money Did it ever occur to you that the easiest way to do a thing is to do ir High Class Druggists AND OTHERS. The better class of cmcrists, everywhere, are mez c: scientirc attainments and high integrity, who devote their lives to the welfare of their feliow men in snpr -jinn tne best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of knorm value, in accordance wi;ri pnvsicians nresenptions and scientific formula. Druggists cf the better class manufacture manv excellent remedies7 bus always under ongirlai or orhcinai names and thev never sell false brands, cr imitation medicines. Thev are the men to deal with "when :n need of anvthmc in their hne. which usuaiiv incudes ail standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a nrst-ciass pharmacv and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and manv useful accessories and remedial anniiances The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction Trmch arises frcm a knowlecce of the b-enet3 conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usuaiiv their createss reward for long vears cf studv and manv hours of daLv toil. Thev all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it givts universal satisfaction, and therefore they are selling many mLions of bottles annually to tne well informed purchasers cf the endcest remedies, and tney mtvays za'ze pleasure in har-i.nc out the eenume article btarnc the rt.ll name of the Company California Fig Syrup C-. rnnted on the front of trverv nackace. They Snow tnat in cases of colds and headacnes attended bv bihousness and constmation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, ansinc from irreguiar habits, indigestion, cr over-eating, that tnere is no other remedy so nleasant. nromnt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it cives and th immense demand for it. imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but ther are individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dicnity and principles of the profession and wnose greed gets the better cf their judgment, and who do not hes.tats to recommend and try to sell the imitation in order to make a lamer rront. Such nrenarations sometimes have the name Syrup cf Figs' or "Fig Syrup ana of some niraticai concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the packace. but thcy never have the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup C-. printed on thc front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to m'srepresentation cr deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of Syrup of Fig1" or "Fig Syrnt." which does not bear the full name cf the California Fir Syru' C. printed on the front cf the package, he is attemntlnc to deceive and mislead the "natron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his estaDiisnmer meaner it be ana aeceotion in one case he chvsicians' DrescriDtions. and Knowinc that the ureat maioritv of drac ior our excellent rerneay entireiv tnrougn tne amnnsts. o wnm it may ce purcnasea every where, in original packages oniv. at the recular nr.ee c: fifty cents per cottie. but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the rublic cf tne facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it. dees not bear the full name cf the Comnany California Fig Svtod Co. nrinted on the front cf everv package, do not hesitate to return th irnt1 article and to demand the cruggtsts wno wtiseii you wnat ycu - PUTNAM Color more a 4s bnonter an faster colors tia.i any other an. One 10c sackaae coiers a!l Saen. Tne ce in cold water better bai si, nf,- a, v -, -r HI jaraent wrtaou: naoma art. Wnta tor free Booklet-Mow ta Die. Sleacn aaa Ma Coiors. MOMmodBmuGttUmIJ22L2mL2212? WHO SHE WAS SKETCH C? THE LIFE And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of To" Caused it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores. This remarkable tromar, whose maiden name was Estea. was bora in Lynn, Maas., February 9th. 1-1ij. com imr from a rood Oui Quaker famiiv. For some veara slie taucnt scnou., ana. became known a a woman, of an aert and investirarinc mind, an earnest seeser after knowiedre. and above all. possessed of a wonderfuy sympa thetic nature. In 1--43 she married Isaac Pinkham. a builder and reaLeatate operator, and their early married, life was marked by prosperity and happiness. Ihey had four children, three sons and a daughter. In tho-e cood old fashioned cava it was common for mothera to matce their own home medicines from roots . and herbs, nature s own remedies ' caliinz in a pnysician oc'v in specially urcent cases. Bv tradition and ex perience many of them rramed a won derful knwledze of tne curative prop erties of various roots and herbs. Mrs. Pinkham took a creat interest in the study of roots and herbs, their characteristics and power over disease. She maintained that just as nature so bountifully pnvides in the harvest nelds and orcnards vecretabie food. of all kinds : so. if we but tace the pain to find them, in the roots ami herbs of the field there are remedies ex pressly desnrned to care tne various ills and weacneses of the cIy. and it was her pleasure to search .ae-eonr. and prepare aimple and eiieet.ve med. cines for her own famiiv and fnenda. Chief of these was a rare en tabula tion of the choicest medi'-inat roots and herbs found best adanted for the cure of the ill.- and weakne -e- pocu-j iiar to the female aex. and LvdiaE. Pink ham's friends and ueichbor learned that her comnoend rel.ved and cured and it became quite popcar among them. All this so far was done freely, with out money and without price, aa a labor of love. But in 1 ;73 the financial crisis struck Lynm Its lenrrth and seventy were too much for the larze, real estate interests of the Pinkham family, as this ciass of business suffered mot from fearful depression, so when the Centen nial year dawned it found tneir prop erty swept away. Some other source of income had to be found. At this point Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound was made known to the world. The three sons and the daughter with their mother cumbmed forces to W. N N. Omaha. Nc. :-;,:, iarre cr small, for if le dealer resort will do so with other mecicina. shculd be avoided bv everv one who sts are reliable return of your menev. and in future go ia tne cest c: eve" KrJ V,?gJSSi3fgA :gBfcL. LJ IF if 1 wSrUfcu! tin, J2x jBl FADELESS DYES CF LYCIA E. FITCHA:.! rest. restore tne in fn T?-r fnrr- rortune. Ther argued that the medicine which, was ao irood for their woman friends and nefcrnbors was equally srood for tiia women of the wuoie world. The Pinkhama had no money, and little credit. The.r nrst laboratory was the kitchen, where roots and herbs were steeped on the stove, rracually nlimg a gross of bottles, men came the quest.cn of aetiimr it. ior aiwavs before thev had given it away freely. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets setting forth the merits of tne medi cine, now called Lvdia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound, and these wew districuted by the Pinitham sons in Boston, New York, and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properties ai the ined.uine were to a rreat extent, seif-advertisimr. for whoever used i recommended it to others, and the de mand craduallv increased. In I5T7, by combined efforts the fam ily had saved enough money to com 1 mence newspaper advertising" and from that time the growth and suceeaa of the enterprise were assured, una to cav Lydia E PinKbam and her Vejre table Compound have become house hold words everywhere, and many tons of roots and herbs are used annu ally in its manufacture- Lydia E. Pinkham herself did not live to see the srreat success of this work. She pas-ed to her reward years aco, but not till she had provided j means for eontinuinir her work aa effectivelv aa she couid have cone i herself. Duriue her lour and eventful expe rience she was ever methotiical in ner wonc and she was always careful to pre serve a record of every case that came to her attention. The caae of every sick woman who apoliec to her for advi and there were thousands received careful studv and the details, in---. uc inir symptoms, treatment and raalu were recorded for future reference, and to-day these records, tocether with hundreds of thonsands made since are available to sick women the world over, and represent a vast eollaccra tion of information recardmc the treatment of woman'' ills, which :or authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in any library in tna world. With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her caurhter-in -law the present V-s. PiUivham. I?he was care ful!vintrr""ed in all her haid-won know.edz and for year she assisted ner m her vas correspondence. To her hands natirrally fell th direction of the work when ita onzrna tor pa.--ed ar. ay For neariv twenty- five vears she has continued it. and i nothmz" in tne work shows, when the hrst Lydia E. Pinkham drooped her I pen. and the present Mrs. Pinkham, I now the mother of a larzt family took i it up With woman assistants, some aa capable as herself, the nreaent Itrs. Pmknam continues this zreatworK and i probably from the omce of no other person have so many women ben ad- viaed how to reram healtn. aick wo- uieii this advice i- "Yours fcr Health freely green if you on.y write to aak for it. I Such is the history of Lydia E. Pinlr ! ham's Vegetable ComDound mada , from simpie roots and herbs ; the ona , rreat medicine for women s amenta, and the fitting monument to tne noblt woman whose name it bears. DEFIANCE STftftCH - to misreDresentaticn and agents, ana in :r cr values health and hacnir ess. runn: tne lense cs ma to cne of the better ciass L5Gnabie mces. N w .-... wmmr ,