jgfffjfy f fswJS- ' ftj- -- "vk- "' -TT' "W" T'lJjf-- V- -r r S5 l- v V 9 fi ) 9 .1 EMPLOYES MEET OFFICIALS. Station Agents of the Northwestern Line Are Organized and Meet Their Officers Every Month. "The North-Western Bulletin, De voted to the Interests of the Chicago & North-Western Railway and its Em ployes" Is the title of a publication, the Initial number of which has re cently come from the press. It Is pub lished by The North-Western Line for distribution to station agents and other employes interested in the han dling of traffic. On the various divisions of the road the agents have organized local Agent's Associations, one for each division, and at their monthly meet ings various problems that confront the local agent in the performance of his dally duties are discussed, ex periences recited and new methods suggested for the betterment of the service. These discussions result In much practical good to all concerned. The Interest manifested by the management of The North-Western Line in these Agent's meetings and the value placed on their expressions, is indicated by the opening paragraph of the Bulletin: "The papers which have been read from time to time at the meetings of the Station Agents' Associations on the various divisions of the Chicago & North-Western Railway have Indi cated careful thought and a keen ap preciation of conditions." "They have been of such Interest and inspiration to th3 officials of the road that It is deemed advisable to secure a wider distribution for as many of them as possible." When the management of a corpor ation freely declares that the views of their local subordinates "have been of such interest and inspiration" as to call for the trouble and expense of giving them wider distribution among officers and fellow employes It Is ob vious to all that existing industrial problems are in a fair way to meet a solution along the most satisfactory lines to all concerned. The employes of the Chicago & North-Western Ry., It seems to the editor, are to be congratulated upon this movement which serves to bring them Into closer touch with their superiors, many of whom have grown up with the growth of the road and advanced to places of responsibility from the lowest ranks. Much of the strength of our rail ways to-day is due to this training, selection and promotion, by which the most humble member of the working Btaff Is encouraged to climb the steps of the official ladder by right of in dividual ;nerit and hard work, and the modest sheet referred to will go a long way toward establishing an increased confidence and good feeling that means much for employes. Drunkards in London. About C,000 drunkards are admitted to Pentonville prison, London, every year, says the medical officer. Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains lfi oz. one full pound while nl other Cold Water Starches are put up in sj-pound packages, and the price Is the same. 10 cents. Then again hecauFc Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chemicals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which lie wishes to dispose of before lie puts in Defiance. lie knows that Defiance Starch has printed ou every package in large letters and figures "16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoy ance of the iron sticking. Defiance never sticks. We never know a greater character unless there is in ourselves something ongenial to it. Channing. E3B There is Genuine-SyrUp Of FigS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. "The full name of the company, California flg Syrup Co m printed on the front of every package of the genuina. The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Safe, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and ru when bilious or -constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal' knowledge It is the laxative remedy of fix well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE loubiiBc.Ry PUTNAM ferifhtor m4 Mer caters ttaa My aUwr WnlllMIIll- ...ww Didn't Know Her Husband. The late Patrick A. Collins, mayor of Boston, studied law at Harvard. A Harvard man said of him: "Collins was above all things a friend of progress. The progress of woman delighted him. "He liked to see a wife treated lib erally and reasonably. Nothing an gered him more than to see a coarse, low-witted brute of a man domineer ing over a woman twice his superior in quickness and intelligence. "On the subject of household ex penses, I heard him tell a committee of women once about a certain home missionary movement. "In this movement every partici pant was to contribute a dollar that she had earned herself by hard work. "The night of the dollar's collection came and various and droll were the stories of the money's earning. One woman had shampooed her hair, an other had got newspaper subscriptions and so on. "The chairman turned to a hand some woman In the front roi. " 'Now. madam, it is your turn,' he said. 'How did you earn your dollar?" " 'I got it from my husband she an swered. "'Oho,' said he. 'From your hus band? There was no hard work about that. "The woman smiled faintly. " 'You don't know my husband,' she said." Little Hints on Letter Writing. A letter is written conversation, and should be simple, cordial and with a flavor of personality, like a chat with a friend. When discouraged, sick, or sad, do not write. Walt until you are feeling gay, and then your brightness will be reflected in what you put on paper. Never write anything of which you might be ashamed later. Write kindly of everyone and don't make jokes at anybody's expense, for the written word you know may live forever. Letters are like debts harder to pay when overdue. Read over your friend's letter just before beginning your reply, and then answer it Out of the heart letters are the most wel come. Never forget to write your ad dress on the letter, this is an omis sion which many people fall into, and it is an unpardonable one, for much as they desire a reply to their letter, and much as their friend may wish to reply, it cannot be done if an address is not given to which a letter may be sent As to stationery, use plain, unruled paper, folding once to fit the envel ope white, cream, gray or gray blue of good quality are all in good taste. Avoid eccentric shapes and colors, monograms or seals of unusual size, in fact anything conspicuously odd. Tip to Bottle Makers. A witness in a London lawsuit said: "English bottles are of very in ferior make. Englisth firms make them out of old windows and dirty old stuff in fact, anything. That is one of the reasons why so much trade goes out of the country." One of the lawyers who spoke at a recent meeting in London of the Roy al Courts of Justice Temperance soci ety said that if England were to turn sober the legal profession would be ruined. Mr. !naInwM Wootlilnir Syrnp. ror rhlMren teething, softens trie kiiibb, reduces t tl animation, a'.Uj a pain, cures wind colic 25c a bottle, Salt costs the producer less than one-tenth of a cent per pound. Uncle Sam's 3904 figures are 27.332 cents for each barrel of 208 pounds. Even if London't starving hordes learn that England has a $10,000,000 battleship, their enthusiasm will be moderate. only One . u Saul FADELESS DYES aha. Oa K)c aackate otters all than. Tfc are in .-- hm.. .. . P.m HmM. . .- .. ro -"- mmmwwKmvm DONT DESPAIR. Read the Experience of a Minnesota Woman and Take Heart. If your backache aches, and yon feel sick, languid, weak and miserable day after day don't wor ry. Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thou sands of women in the same condition. Mrs. A. Heiman of Stillwa ter, Minn., says: "But for Doan's Kidney Pills I would not be living now. They cured me in 1899 and I've been well since. I used to have such pain in my back that once I fainted. The kidney se cretions were much disordered, and I was so far gone that I was thought to be at death's door. Since Doan's Kid ney Pills cured me I feel as if I had been pulled back from the tomb." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Poster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Origin of "This Indenture.'' Legal documents were once en grossed on parchment because paper cost so much more than dressed skin. The parchment was seldom trimmed exactly and the top was scalloped with the knife, hence the term "this indenture." Even where the lawyers have departed from the custom, still obtaining In England, of using parch ment for their legal forms, the phrase has been retained. CTC permanently cuid. Ko fits or nerroasnem after lid flirt laT' use of Pr. Kline' tirt-at Xere Hector er. Rend for FREE 82.00 trial bottle and treatlne. IU. It. U. KLINE, Ltd., Kit Arch Street, Philadelphia, Hl English Woman Not Neat. Time was when neatness had a place in the training of young girls. Now it is left to take care of itself, with consequences which are unpleas ant to the eye in the street and ir ritating to the temper in the home. Setting aside the question of taste, her best friend will hardly say that the Englishwoman is neat The Out look. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, reurn it to your dealer. If It does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satis faction, and will not stick to the iron. Death of Faithful Servant The following announcement ap pears in the Geneva papers: "M. and Mme. Edouard Monos regretfully an nounce the death of their faithful servant Mile. Gabrielle Thomasset who has been in the service of our family for the last seventy-six years in succession." Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep them white 16 oz. for 10 cents. Defined. Credit is money, and what is money? While on a street car I heard a man tell another man this about a young fellow who had some money: "He has money, but he does not know what money Is money is a lever." Orvice Sisson. The Best Results in Starching can be obtained only by using De fiance Starch, besides Retting 4 oz. more for same money no cooking re quired. Peddlers Rob Autoists. Two street peddlers in Bradford, England, bought a horse for $11.25. It was killed by a motor car one day, and the owner of the car paid them $115 for the loss. Thereupon a new industry sprang up on the roads of England. Many a so-called truthful man Is merely a diplomatic liar. Command large fields, but cultivate small ones. Virgil. fipa :.i?ii srw- r-szci SI4. - -.M'.-- r '!.& .- . .- E- - l .-y :&i .' v ":. fjM .sv. ???: -. I" m& 2? rz--Z .V lir ..- f jr. ! am r-jaTr-s-tf? T.Sw"l fcMa? W3- m fj n ft SL.V l5 K''i m$ AewYbti. HJfc ss .SK.St AT. ..-; -v:!' cold water Setter than an atfcer tfm. Yaa can to mmm . aT - - ' HKW WV.. WWMWWI, JBMMi CHINESE LOVE FOR OTIXM From the recent report on "opium in the orient," made by the United States Philippine commission, are taken the following paragraphs: "There seems to be in China neither a public opinion which controls nor a national life which welds and con solidates a people. There is no Chi nese nation, there is merely a Chinese race. The family is the unit and the individual is of importance only as part of that unit. Hence arises a kind of family selfishness, a desire to benefit the family regardless of in jury done to others. This selfishness acts as a positive force in urging men to sell opium to others of a different family or clan. For it is no matter how many persons are debauched, provided -only those of the debaucher's family are not harmed but benefited." The Chinaman justifies his wrong course "by saying that his first and only duty is to his family; that not only is he not his brother's keeper, but that it is also his highest and par amount duty to benefit his family even though it be by destroying others morally and physically. To him the injury of the many for the benefit of the few may be a righteous duty, pro vided only that the few are his fam ily." "It may be said that all people crave a stimulant," continues the report. "But are there no other cravings com mon to mankind? Are there not crav ings for amusement, cravings for food? And what people on earth are so poorly provided with food as the WOfVETtFVL CA'REE'R OF 'ROMAN The baby born on Sept 23, 63 B. C, to Caius Octavius and Attia, daughter of Julius Caesar's sister Julia, was destined to perhaps the greatest ca reer ever filled by mortal man. Placed in the way of it through his being the grand-nephew of the great Julius, the youthful Caius was nevertheless only second to him in the extraordi nary talent he manifested. More than that, the boy and man together make one of 'the most diffi cult problems the historian has to solve. As a youth and young man there is no more bloodthirsty tyrant on record than this same Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus. As a man of ma ture and aging years there is no ruler more merciful and clement than the Augustus he had then become. Which of the two was the real man it is impossible to decide. But that there is greatness behind the changes his character assumed, no one denies. It is in one of the most interesting episodes in history that this young .man appears at the beginning of his career. His grand-uncle had taken him in hand and given him the best education, in the closet and in the 'field, the age admitted. But Julius ,was basely assassinated in the inter ests of aggrandized wealth in 44 B. C, while the 19-year-old Octavius was in AWVVVVVVWVVA'VVVVVVVVWVVVWVVVWVVWVWWVWVVVWWVWWWVVVWVVWV HVSES OF THE JATAffESE ! Maj.-Gen. von Frobel, a German military expert with the Russian army in the late war, writes of Jap anese ruses: "In the middle of Feru ary last I was with Rennenkampfs cavalry on the extreme right of the Russian army. A flag of truce arrived and handed in several letters written in unex ceptionable Russian. One was to Gen. Rennenkampf, and contained a polite request that, since hosilities did not appear to be imminent, he would allow his officers to meet the Japa nese cavalry officers at a picnic. Feb. 20 was proposed for this entertain ment, but the Japanese hosts were ready to put it off till a later date if more convenient. The proposed pic nic actually took place, and the Rus sian and Japanese officers met Feb. 21. To understand the point of this little Japanese joke it is necessary to remember that the great Japanese offensive movement began on the 20th, but against the Russian extreme left not the Russian right. Thus, while both sides were picnicking on the WVWSWAASAWWVWWWWWWAAVAWtfWVSAWVSAWft STOUT Iff AFTtlCAf SWAMTS "As a pastime during the evenings and nights my men and I fished for crocodiles with line and hook," writes one who has hunted much in Africa. "I had connected the island with the right bank, also, by means of trees cut down on the island and the bank. The trunks of the enormous trees and their intertwined tops formed a kind of river-bar, above and below which gathered numerous reptiles. I had some shark hooks with me. I baited them with large pieces of meat. When ever I had a bite from an animal, I gave it a long line, about 150 feet of thin, strong rope. Then ten to twelve of my men pulled for all they were worth, and dragged the crocodile Dften weighing 1,000 pounds to the bank. While the saurian was beat ing the water with its tail, I killed it with a shot aimed at a spot just be hind the head. The dying animal emitted a sickening smell of musk. "I often caugh.t six or more croco diles in one night. We had to be very careful to keep out of the reach of the flexible and powerful tail of the ani FAMOVS MEALS John Chamberlain, who kept the aest restaurant American has ever tnown at Washington, induced Sen ator Mahone to try his band at rais jig pigs for hams. In Albemarle county the Senator bought 2,000 acres it land. This he had subdivided into 'jacts of 500 acres each. In one he planted clover, in the next nutmeg Crass and in another goobers. In the cummer he would turn his swine in on pie clover; in September they fed jn the roots of the nutmeg grass, and Oi October the bars were let down for raids on his peanut patch. '- All during the fattening period the pigs were given buttermilk to drink no water. During December the hogs were killed. The sides and shoulders were sold to the Richmond market, John Chamberlain taking ail the hams except those the Senate I kept for private use. Chamberlain paid 75 cents a pound and a Mahone ham steak was the chief article that 1 constituted one of Chamberlain's fam indigent Chinese, or so destitute ef amusement as all Chinese, both rich and poor. There are no outdoor games in China, nor, indeed, any games, ex cept in a gambling sense. Absolote dullness and dreariness seem to pre vail everywhere. As these two demons drive the Caucasian to drink, so they drive the Chinese to opium. As an individual may, by habitual toil and attention to business, become incapa ble of amusement, so a race of almost incredible antiquity, which has toiled for millenniums, may likewise reach a point in its development where the faculty of being amused may havs been atrophied and disappeared, so that all that remains of that desire is to spend pleasure in placidity. And nothing contributes so much to this as opium. "In Formosa the merry Japanese boys are teaching the placid Chinese lads to play tennis, football, polo, vaulting and the like, with a view the Japanese teachers say of improv ing them physically and also of de veloping in them a love of sports which will prevent them from wishing to spend their leisure indoors smok ing opium. And the poor who have no leisure? They often have no food or so little that any drug which removes first the pangs of hunger and later the healthy cravings of appetite seems a boon to them. Add to this the feel ing of peace and well being that often accompanies the smoking of opium and it is not difficult to see why the Chinese use it." camp at Apollonia in Illyricum. Al ready a favorite with his soldiers, he declined their escort to Rome, and set forth alone. From the time of his landing in Italy there is nothing more delicious in the annals of the nations than the manner in which this youth, after learning that he was heir to Julius Caesar's titles and fortune, compelled men and events to his will. His own mother wished him to deny himself the heirship, which seemed to mean death. Marc Antony had all of Caesar's papers and property, and laughed at the boy who wished-to have them. Brutus and the rest paid no attention to him whatever. Cicero expected to make use of him, and was flattering and somewhat condescending. This was in 44 B. C. In 31 B. C, thirten years later, there was no one in the world standing be tween Octavianus, only 32 years old, and universal dominion over the known earth. All his foes, his rivals, his patrons, had disappeared. He stood alone from that moment until his death on Aug. 19, 14 A. D., in command of more power than any man in history had ever exerted up to that time and it would be difficult to name one with more who has lived since. Liauho they were fighting at the Dal in pass. "At Mukden the staff interpreter had commandered my Chinese serv ant to assist him in translating the contents of a packet of letters which had just been taken from the bodies of dead Japanese. From these letters it appeared that we had Nogi's army or at least portions of it in front of us. We were confirmed in this be lief by the Japanese themselves. We were fighting at very close quarters and the Japanese constantly shouted to us in Russian that they had come from Port Arthur. "I was afterward taken prisoner, and during the whole period of my captivity I remained under the im pression that we had been fighting Nogi's army. Judge of my astonish ment when at last, on my release, I procured a newspaper and found that Nogi's army had been fighting in an entirely different part of the theater of war, and that we had been engaged with a newly formed army, called the army of the Yalu!" mal. The stomachs of most of the reptiles contained bones of mammals and fishes and also pieces of quartz, often as big as an apple, swallowed to aid digestion. In one animal I found a vulture which I had killed and thrown in to the river the crocodile han swallowed the bird whole. "One day, traversing one of the temporary Jakes near the big swamps, I noticed, not far ahead of me, a violent commotion in the water. My native companions took to their heels, screaming 'Mamba! Mamba!' which means crocodile. The two animals that moved in my direction, the backs of which only emerged at times above the surface, appeared to be crocodiles. "Believing discretion to be the bet ter part of valor, I found my men, who could not be made to stop until they had reached the shore. I soon be came convinced that the animals were not crocodiles, but big snakes. Wading back for some distance, I suc ceeded in killing three pythons over twelve feet In length. They had been after the eggs of the swamp birds." AT WASHIffGTOff ous breakfast in the capital. For this meal one was served with some favorite fruit. Then came the ham fried with the gravy thick In the dish to be poured on hot boiled rice. With these were given beaten biscuit and- waffles and a pitcher of wild honey, and by the time one had finished he was quite ready and will ing to shut his eyes and give his soul up to the Master of all Blessings. When Chamberlain died. Hancock's old place in Pennsylvania avenue at tempted to serve similar breakfasts. But the proprietor neither had the hams to cook nor a cook that knew how to treat such a delicacy. And so the morning meal which made Chamberlain's place famous has got to be a common, ordinary affair of grape fruit and eggs in the nation's capital, just as it -has everywhere. Chamberlain's chief cook was a n egress a former slave, born and reared in South Carolina. And he oaid her X10.00Q a vear. too. "Vaudeville." "The name "vaudeville" is under stood to be a corruption of Vaux de Vire, the name of two picturesque val leys in the Bocage of Normandy, and was originally applied to a song with words relating to some story of the day. These songs were first com posed of one Oliver Basselin, a puller in Vire; they were very popular and spread all over France, and were called by the name of their native place (Les Vaux de Vire). TO CURE A COU) IX ONE DAT Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine TMeta. Dra jtft refund money If It fall to cure. B. W. QBOVK'S aignature 1 on eacb box. 25c A Perpetual Nightmare. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is built immediately beneath the terrible volcano of Pinchincba, and within five miles of the actual crater; while all around tower similar smoking giants. Some day a cycle of seismic activity will recur in this region of the globe, and the tragedy of St. Pierre and Mont Pelee will be repeated, but on a far vaster scale. Lewis' Single Bindcrcipar richest, most satisfying smoke ou the market. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L Notice to Church Thieves. In a church in the east end of Lon don the following notice is posted up: "As all the alms-boxes in this church are regularly emptied, it is not worth while to break them open." Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package. 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. The New York police force Is after a record. It caught a burglar Friday. Convictions that remain silent are neither sincere nor profound. Balzac. pnrnnTEtj i.i.nuaututm.hu.unt .tiat-ttmnmwhikiBrrff .i.i m mi'i.'H'liHHHHmmtMiii '.if It f!tmtwt ii MMnlllHUtt igetablePreparationforAs similaling (teFoodandRegula URglteStoiiHteandBovreisor Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Ophjm.Morphine nor Mineral Tsot Kahc otic . MqpetfOUISiMUBJIICMR JbiSmn. JUUtUSJ- meS Sttl- ttJriiSmt BriMT Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Ron. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcnsh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. READ THIS COUPON IS GOOD FREE Upon receipt of your Address Druggist's Name. His Address GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE And 10c in stamps or silver to pay postage we will mail you a sample free, if you have never used Mull's Grape Tonic, and will also mail you a certificate good for one dollar toward the purchase of more Tonic from your druggist. Address HULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO., 148 Third Ave., Rock Island, HL Tkmammmkmmmmmmmkmmmm YOU WRONG YOURSELF TO SUFFER (Tom Conattpattozt and Stomach Tro'iMe. Why mfferor take neeUlom chances with conntlpatton orctomach troubles when thereto a perfect, harmless, natural, poMUv o cure within jour reach? CONSTIPATION AND STOMACH TROUBLE cause blood polwn.skln dleaes. Pick headache, blllousnew, typhoid ferer, appendicitis, pile and every kludof female trouble as well a many others. Your own physician will tell joa that all tula la true. But don't drug or physic yourself. Use MULL'S GRAPE TONIC the natural, strengthening hannTen remedy that builds up the tNsnew of yonrlt::rtlvFO!ya-a and puts your whole system In splendid condition to overcome all attacks. It U very ;..ciaat to take. The children like It and It does them treat KOxl S3 cent, at cent and tl. bottles at all drurclsts. The tl 00 bottle contain about tx times a much as the S5 cent bottle and about three times aa much as the M ctut bottle. There la a great aavlng In buying the 1 U0 size. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO., 148 Third Ave, Rock Uaad, 111 W I N C RIFLE AND PISTOL CARTRIDGES Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of all calibers are loaded by machinery which sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity of powder, and seats the bullets properly. By using first-class, materials and this up-to-date system of loading, the reputation of Win chester Cartridges for accuracy, reliability and excellence is maintained. Ask for them. THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD 25Cts. CURE THE GHPi MNONEOAY I wmm rw&mmLws I won't cell It, Call for When Answering Advertisements Please Mention This Paper. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 11906. A Trite Gayin j. It Is a trite saying that no mB to stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it in shape to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and Kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you tuko this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will assist your system. In manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is invigo rating to the brain and nerves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, is usually the effect of poisons in. the blood; it is often indicated by pimples or boils appearing on the skin, the faco becomes thin and the feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic thai makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for liko purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and the only one, every ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Some of these endorsements are published in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address 'ree, on receipt of request therefor by otter or postal card, addressed to Dr. K. V. Piprce. Buffalo. N. Y. It tells jus what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of I'raise" for the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are composed, by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which tho "Golden Medical Discovery " Is advised, should have far more weight witli tho sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called "testi monials " so conspicuously Haunted before the public by those who arc afraid to les the ingredients of which their medicines are composed bo known. Bear in mind that the "Golden Medical Discovery " has thb baikie or lioNKSTY onevcry bottle wrapper, in a full list of its ingredienta. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps Address Dr. Pierce as above. DEFIUGE never at fcta to the If CASTBRU For Infanta and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM 138-lflM FOR $1.00 ON PURCHASE ESTER wfv AW fT Alt ANTI-GRIPINE IS GUARANTEED TO CURE HIP, IAD COLD, HEADACHE AID IEIIALIUL AatU6rlalae to a dealer who won't Si your MOXBY BACK. IF IT BKCT CU jr. w.JHeser,M.t MMiirMturer.grftMatehf, cms Tuim Gofid. TTae eydroralrts.