- - ' flSir' - RsBB.'WSg- njmwjm'VJVJi'i,.. jpja IJ'iyy-jJ. .-uyiwipstiijjiMgii" y 14 7 - i r i A CASH STORE You see the "One Minute" washer washes easier than other machines, be cause all power applied to the operating handle is used to the very best ad vantage by means of compound levers, and washes faster, because the mechen icai construction cermits of a higher sneed agitation of the clothes than anv other makes can operate under. The "One Minute" washer is the easiest run ning machine on the market and by reason of the clothes agitator being driven at double the speed employed in others, it does the washing in one half the length of time required in other makes. Dr. J. W.Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Bst Eqnipptd Optical Offiiees In The Wet in cne front rooms over Poltock & Co s Drag Store. WiL be m Columbus otSces Sunday. Mon day iLiesday ar.d 'Wtdnescay of eacn sreei. Speciacs and eye guisses scientifically f.tted and repaired. r.ye. Glas1; adjusted to anv nose. COxVflTATIOV FREE 4- ! S. EAGATZ & CO Staple (Si Fancy Groceries r CROCKERY LAMPS GLASSWARE w r It has been our experience in the past that people appreciate a good article at a fair price. We carry a large stock of the best grades of Flour, Tea, Coffee And Canned Goods. e handle ihe following snides in large quantities for Stockmen and Poultrymen koce: salt. barrel salt. OIL MEAL. STOCK FOOD. POULTRY FOOD. OYSTER SHELLS. GROUND BONE. CRYSTAL GRIT. i Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs ! We ask a Share Henry Raiatz & Co., Nebraska Plane 29. Ii.epeident PIiks 29 aii 229. mf-lm One Minute Washer. Reciprocating motion by means of com pound levers combined with time-tried and uni versally endorsed principles in clothes washing. . High speed bail bearing Sy-wheel makes opera ting next door to perpetual motion. $io For Sale. U; in acre fruit farm two and a half urieseast of Columbus and a acarter ! i m..e no-th or teiepnone road. Price S15j(j. 'art cash, balance on time. W. J. McEathbos. 1'5:L and Jackson Sts.. Omaha. Neb. FOP. SALE :-A second hand gaso- ane enzine, .1 norse power, just tne thins for a farme: to uss for -umpins , water or grind ins feid. cahs. Journal office. Cheap n- FOP. EENT Two fumihed rooms for light housekeeping comer east from third ward school house. Mrs. William Vath, rf Auctioneer. I am prepared to respond promptly to all calls for a practical auctioneer in Fiasse ccuntr territorv. T t,- n-' all t,t,s Mc'ur T Biainp. mnv-, ier, Nebraska Phone No. 63. tf ! 4! i i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2, 4- 5 4, of Your Patronage f . 4 j 4 4 ' . X iliiiiliiililliillHiHH Dr. Paul, denust. Dr E. H. Nauuiac,Den::st, 13t-hc Fred Saffron went to Ncrfoiir earlj Fridav morning. Dr. D. T. Marcyu, jr., office new Columbus State FiAnV building. ! Messrs P.ollie and Willie Fail of cr- foIk vi5i.ed Columbus on Thursday and took :n tne Idlers party. Boys, buy your cigars and candy at j Smith's, opposite U. ?. dec:. Mr. Ferd Stires from Omaha is i home for the holidays. Wanted A good jnrl for general house ork. four in family. Call at this office. Mr. Will Eaker returned to Omaha after spending a few dsys at home. Miss Breta 3ills and Bess ilarks returned to Lincoln Friday nomirr T. W. Adams west to Firth, Neo., i ;,-. ..i- j - j "" n:a iu iuak cuarst: oz a store recently purcnased by nomer Room on Supervisor Bender was compelled by illness to leave the session of th beard last Thursday mh; and zo tc his home. He has surfersd from a rieumatic ailment for some time. H. B. 21nsse; with his sun Harry returned to Sherman countv last Sa turday after a week's visit wirh the family of Albert Stenger hese ranch -ilr. Mnsser manases. A E Mahccd, tne popular teaiher I in the Kinnman district, and cue of the best and most favorably known ycmjr ! men in Platte county has been spend- ! ins the holidays a: his home in tnis Mrs. Forrest Merrill last Friday It ft for San Francisco to meet her hus band. She has visi'ed for several months with her parens, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.. Measher. WANTED. A competent married couple to work oa western ranch. Salary tiC a menth and evertyhing furnished. Employment the year rouud. References required. Twc or three geed men also wanted at 2o a month. Inquire Journal . tf The journal omitted mention last w eek cf a very pretty wedding. At hirh noon on Christmas car Mr. Ar thur L. Bray and Miss Vesper Olive Napier werp married at th home of tin bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Napier, by Rev. L. P.. De oif, castor cf the Methodist church. The bride was teautifuiiy gowned in white silk and was attended fcv Miss Navillo3rav. The zroom was at tended by Harney Gerrard. At tie close of the ceremony a four-course dinner was served. About fifty quests were present, cniefiy relatives. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bray. The bridal couple are spending the first week of their married life with relarvies in David City. The- will reside on a farm northwest of the citv. The beautiful new hnni of ilr. anr: jfrs J. B. Geitzen was opened to Co iumbus society for the nrst time last Wednesday evening when ilr. and Mrs Gictzan tosetber with Ur. and iirs (Tari n.ramer ana Ilr. Jntu Ct ? enrrrtained th1 Evenis Ciu.b Tne prirts, silver spoons went to il dame J. G. Reeder, O. E. Pclicci. ' C. H. Platz, Eomer Eobinsou. D. T. ' llartyn and ilessrs. C. E. Pollcck, E. o. oiitt.nuttra aaa . ji. ucmeuus. The cut of town guests were ilrs. Lucy Hulst of Omaha, ilr. and ilrs. it. J Kelley of Chicago, ilrs. W H. Winterbotham and the ilisses ilaud and Hazel Winterbotham of David City, iliss Martin and iliss Kailoway of Sew Tori City, ilrs Stoney of Lincoln, Hiss Wisenberz cf Armleton. Wis., and Mr. H. 5. Masser of Loup City. Journal ads faring rsultF. Dr. iLir T. 2cMahon, dentist lt. Yaliier, Osteopath. Barber block. Prof. SIke, teacher music. Barber bide. r.stuex tiossiie: is ncns on a vis from Gmaha. jr. rL rrsiB, puiritmr ana paper Hanging, dwtf The Journal wants all the news. Piione r write it m. I'.. W. Stuart wens to Terror en legal easiness Saturday. If your eves, esr-. noe or throat; ive yon trouble see L'r. Leesciien Ur. and ilrs. V. I i?peice returned . from Schuyler Sunday. Dr. and Hrs. .Hurtyn returned with J , ilrs. G. W. Eds: to Umahs on Fri ' day. j James Nereis "as an Albion visitor ; last Saturday. i i'OS SALE : A second hand plane, almost new. lr.qutrs .Tonrnal office. !- . V C.tm:bell. Deu'ist with Dr. . Li---Lee Arnold's cii stand. Oiive st- GeGrge Swartslev of Cuicago is pen.:nA jew Years with his sister ilrs. u-car Burns. Ilrs." Jean Chestnutwood and sou, Eu.lsnn are viisicg ac her sisters, ilrs E. I. ilur ' i k. They lire a: Springfield. r-i. (t -:-. doc t CTif cheap loiions for the aTp pzioc Jus: coar your mothers to as Pe'er Sehnu.t hour. Edward iliss ilaud Hmmau of St was a guess of iliss iiarsuerite Wil iard over evr Years. Excellent seed porarces for sale. Edrlv Ohio varierv at 1Z cents. Don't ., , , -n ner Jenhins. 1-- ilr and Hrs Ed Adams, jr.. re turned from Sn r.3r Thursday night, afrer spending Cnriscmas -with ilr. Aiaiiis father and mosher. T y Hi..r.h3end wato. It i aran-:-u . ac.p perfect time, whether in a i.f oen or frozen in a chunk of ice. 7 : ialrr bv Carl FroeceL 1 1th S Co- Miss Marguerite Wiiiard who spent the hoI;davs with her parents. Mr. ini Mrs. G. E. Willard returned Tuesday to her music studies at the ! Des Mcines Conservatory cf Musip. Mr. Thurston Simmons and wife I spenr Christmas at the home of their uncl. S. M. Snarhawt, returning to their home at Emerscn Wedneday night. Jchn Feu's, ne man convicted cf rap. zz the lass term cf district court was tahsn to Lincoln last Friday by ; tinrr:ff Carrig Fou; was commit --ed for f aur years and can reduce the sentence only by coed behavier. Miss Anna Gass. who has attained considerable efficiency as a stenogra ph ?r in the various county offices at the c:ur: ucuse, was appointed dep uy clerk cf the Jisrric; ccur by G. M. Gruenther last Friday E. C. Hall and Wiir F.engler. twG prommen; famers of Boone county wsre in Ctiiumus Sarui'ay on their wav to the Wocd River country whare th"y hs.ve land Tta north and scuth side farmers w;.l cave a bcwhng ccntes on th Hagel alley s next Saturday nicbt. Eacn side ha-? w-in a game and the next name is ia ' rubcer which de cides the ciiampicn;hip 'On the 3ridge at m'anighr." an "ia'oorareiy staged a? the first week cf t-- triumph prcdu'iti-n in Chicago, is socn tc be pia"d here and Eitmt and Gar-io have peviaed a mot 62!:el lent crmpany as well a first class scen equ:pmenE No detail of tne briiu1 srene, or wticc Elimt and ijrizzi'.j zs.-?2z-d clG.ufO. will be hznted There i mucn beauty and dp interest in 'he srorr, as wpII as plenty of the bf sr comedy und a sur passing enterta-nment is assured. G. T. Everitt returned to Columbus last week from 2az. Pleasant, la , to be a witness m tns injunction suit of the Piatie County Independent 'Tele phone company trisd as Schuyler last week in which tuat ccmpiny is ar tcmpcicr to restrain the Leigh Tele phcue company from ccnnectmc with th Nebraska T ler.hor.e cempanv. H returned :3 Mt. P'easant the first of the week Te recens chi:k3n show held in Co lumbus die many xhimrs to the fan Mrrs cf the fricthered bird il-rv Surzclman wa one who. after Icck i2 ever me 'r&ifci.r, thoucfat tis bar red Flvmouth E cks no longer hau anv cnarms for ris foac- and dtii ec tc dispose cf tn m ami rake on ana h?r brd. Hp taliL-d witn hi wifpator.t the natrer and afrer pirkjru cut two cf his Sok. they pieced them on the scales, which was the matter cf cd sir-.n ine first bird we'ghed an even aczen rrund and the other clever. Afrer lorkirg s: the scale- ilerv anain changed b:s mind end now he iihs tne PljmcutU P.ccks btt'er riisn evr Qz.s. Scarae!er. Dju Bray, Or r Eafi and E. G. Person entertained W. E. fliian of Albion and "Liftie 7il.ie" Douglas of Clarks at th? nround1? of the Columbus Gun club last Sen fay uf'emocn. One hundrcd tir-ia were shoe at. Lilian 'arrjins or dr-s boners 07 Lreakiuu -" ont cf a hundred. Gus Schror:ar cane second with a s.cre of - and the others foi- ' lowed with srores ramrluz from :G dewn to 7". ilr. Lilian said to a Jour nal reporter in discussinc the short, "If yuu wan: to meet a bunch cf fel inw; who 2now how to make u guest thoroughly hapr" you need not look farther than these boys cf the Colum bus Gun club. I never spent a more pleajan: it day: The weather was ideal zG. we wtre all felling gued as we always do when-'Little Willie" is wirh the crowd. I ALL I i sii urnu I k n ill iii i ilfl nlL J V I m m l i i r ilJ. -35 j Greatly Reduced I 1 ?3I CBSl -- - h g S Any Street Hat in the li House for I J rr H ' r innT.so ; WANTED -A load of cobs. Jour 1 nal office. Drs. llartyu, Evans & Evans. Con sulration m German and English. Try our Ev?i Lump Coal $7 &: the yard. P. D. Suite Co. Both teL No. S. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent &mi:. The Co lumbus roller tnilis makes if. Arthur Cornlis, a student in the university 3er:cuirural coUege a: Lin- i coin is spending the holidays with ' his acne, Hrs. A. F. H. Oehlrich. WA271 ED Good farm loans as 5 I per cent. No commissirns, W. L. 1 ilay. Omaha, Neb. ... vmIIis summers, Malvern. la returned home lass Thursday after a i j cocDte of days visit with friends in Cdumbus. Mr. Edgar Drum and Miss Nellie O'Dell of ths citv were married at the Methoriiit parsonage by Rev L. R. DeWolf last Friday If you want a dour with all the nn triUou pari of the wheat buy GOLD DUT made by Columbus roller mills. Mrs 3 5. Morris mother cf Mrs. i M. Euntzelman arrived Monday from Hiscula, Mon , and will remain with far daughter and family until March. Mrs Mom- was was accomcanied by her .-ister who will also remain hre until March. Advertised Letters. A. Carlson, C. L. CcafSe, Lula Chamber. homa Fanning. JGeorge Hyde, E. R. Loranger, Michael Mc- cnild and, meets with experience that Coskev. Nat Thompson, Mrs. Idajwoulc overwhelm anybody but such a Tcmiison E. E. Turbush. j mother. The child is an important i part that furnishes much of the m-. Auctioneer. j E.M. M-reliead. auctioneer, will be 1 iocat-d at Newman Grove. Dates can t bt made at tnis office at any time. Tel ' eph'ce either bank at Newman Gmve. Auctioneer. Bruce Tebb is the best auctoneer in Platte ccunry. Make dates at this cfSo. tf FARMERS ATTENTION! the wear or tile sTv and nine lugs to force eep, and the bearings 'nen iii 5' sJ 53 I. Sliai Use Tr ers them cold It does the work in a few minutes It keeps riht It does the work perfectlv It is a Wonderful improvement over the old method. We also handle the NEW L D. PLOW, the 20th CENTURY RIDING CULTIVATOR and other ! arm ilachinerv. BLACKSMITHING AND REPAIRING. H. G. Person, Columbus, Neb Idelers Ball Th Idlers gave the most elaborate dancing parry of the season last Thursday night as Orpheus nalL Tne hall had been transformed into a beautiful reception room by the cse of many cczy comers, conches, cusn ions, palms, flowers and lines of Ja panese lanterns which were stretched from the corners of the halL Lan terns also covered the electric bulbs and softened the lights. Sweet music floateu down from the balcony where the Italian orchestra was stationed Invitations to the number of on hun dred and twenty-five had been issued, but at no time was the flour too crowd ed for dancing J Throughont the entire evening cof- f ner and sandwiches wera servt! at i .little table bacs of :Le srage brt i Esther Boen, Martha Bacher. Harold Kramer, CaroU Evans and Phillip Eockenberger. The boxes also were turned into coey corners, and were decorated with rugs, curtains and pillcws. Here punch was served during the evening by Louise Eu cner, who was dressed as a Japanese maiden. The grand march was led by ilr and Mrs. Julius Nichols, Mrs.) Nichols, being the only marri-d mem-1 bers o the club, after which the pro grama were uutrxbated bj Lorena Evans and Elaine Hockenberftr. These programs were in the form of a Japanese fan, the top leaf of which had a Japanese figure painted in wa i ter colors by Miss L.etitia Sneice. ( The Idlers have a reputation of doing ' thinas right, and tnis event only ' strengthened that reputation. The out of town guesta were: Mrs. Stoney. of Lincoln ; 2ise Breta Bill, of Lincoln , Miss Bess Marks of Lincoln ; and Mis Bess Mitchell of Lincoln. Mr. Hal Evans, Monroe , Mr P. E. McKillip. Humphrey ; Mise Delia Ne man, Ri verton. Neb : Msa Lola Hassatt, New York City ; Miss Bees Ho'iowav, New York and Mr. Frank Perkins. Fremont. The Idlers are . Alfreda Poet, Lil lian Adams, Mrs. Julius Nichols. Eloise Roen, Florence Kramer. Pau line Bacher. OUa Hazel, Letitia 3rino P!ln Sairollra n? Vllk i ,-, , , 0n tie bridge at Jffidniga;. I The plot and story of "On the I j Bridge at midnight. "Khat and Gaz- zolo's triumph of ingenuity and play construction, are amnnz the cleverest and most interesting on the stage. a blind mctuer seeks her kidnapped terest. iae play was an mtantane ou success in Chicago where the scenes are laid an the famous b-idge is located. At North January 9th. Opera house, Rugs made of old carpet bj Col ambus Ru? Factory. 211. 11th street. Columbus. br. the grain into the burrs, which ran in oil. Tour Disc Now ! Do yon know that it will pay you 10 take your Disc apart and send it by freight to our shop and have it rolled on our new Skow's Rotary Disc Sharpener? We and the manufacturers of Skow's Disc Sharpeners, guarantee that it will do better work and stay sharp twice as long. The reason is, in roiling a disc it is made larger and the steel is made hard and smooth, making it cut easier. WE PAY THE FREIGHT ONE WAY 11 you will take your Disc apart and bring in only the disz, we will allow you 25c oil the bill. The price is 20cts Per Blade. If you send or bring them in now we will return them prom-Dtlv. enderson's TIRE SETTING Machines. HAND MADE HARNESS. ''' Si 'jp THE ONLY SHOP LN TOWN WHERE HARNESS IS SEW ED BY HAND Wm. J. VOSS. Berney's old stand.TEIeventh S FOP. SALE 40 acres of good farm land two and one-half noilea northeast of Columbus. 360 per acre if taken suon. Inquire .of E. H. Naumann. Columbus, Neo. 36-tf FOR RENT. An eight room novae one block south of sceond ward tchooL For particulars call np Independent Telephone X 121. WANTED. Bright, honest yonna; man from Columbus, Neb., to prepare for payin poeition in Government Mail Service. Eos one, Uedar Rap ids, la. sc Don't forget toe new iJuschman Rack et store with iu new stoci and re duced nricts. (J. H. Buschman. LiHLE MAIDEN whither goat thou" "Oh' Sir, Fmgoine aown to the Mc Allister Studio the up-to-date photog raphers to have my picture taken." Everybody trees there for likenr'seee and Aunt Kate says its The Only Placi in Town for Photo Making Aunt Kate s right and all the child ren know it. Com mence 190 ryrhs and send the child ren round during vacation for new pictures. Prices will be right. IcAMsr SMo OLIVH 5T Columfa xis. Neb r. sh We sell the Famous Lightning Feed Grinder; grinds faster, runs easier and lasts longer than any other mill made, and you never have to grind your grain a second time to get it fine enough. You can grind Wheat, Rye, Oats, Kafnr Corn and Corn, shelled or in the ear at the rate of 25 to 50 bushels an hour with one horse. It has roller bearings, chilled steel burrs, friction plates to take ud makes three revolutions to one the dish of the wheel iust