The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 13, 1905, Image 1

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X3hQ Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County
m n
"WS5'?" "". lt"'"
'V&av' $
ft ,M '-8
mm mom
"i mi iTTi
ft Well Balanced Account
To one's credit is always desirable.
It enables its owner to take advantage
of the opMtrtune moment when
Mvney Wisely Invested
will bring its investor handsome re
turns. Our hank meets requirements of those
who desire absolute safety, coupled
with wise counsel of its officials. We
will appreciate your account.
The First National Bank
Small Amount in Old Line.
Pitiful minority of Life Insurance
at oar shops held in big companies.
Attaches of the Union Pacific are etill
perlplexed, if not annoyed, at the
strange order from E. H. Harriman
is New York calling for a statement
of the amount of old line insurance each
employe in the company carries.
Polls to satisfy the demand are still
being taken in Omaha and elsewhere
along their road. At Cheyenne it is
asserted that recently many employes
of the Union Pacific forwarded their
proxies to Thomas W. Lawson and it
is feared knowledge of this face has
reached and aroused Mr. Harriman,
who is desirons of getting at the exact
facts, so he may be gnided in a whole
sale decapiration.
The poll of the employes in the car
department ut the Union Pacific shops
tr Omaha shows a pitifnl minority of
insurance in old line companies.
The inquiry developed these facts
and figmres ; $584,000, in Ancient Or
der of United Workmen; $40,000,
Modern Woodmen of America; $30,000
Woodmen of the World ; $SO,O(0, in
MtBOtllaneons small companies, and
8 000, in old liners.
Ask d for an explanation of the in
sarance inquiry, General Manager
Mohler disclaimed any knowledge of
it, .saying it was a matter entirely
with Mr. Harriman.
The inquiry extends not only all
along the Union Pacific but Southern
Pacific, Oregon Short line and Oregon
railway and navigation company as
Liberty Belles.
The Lafayette Theater began its
season auspiciously last night with an
altogether excellent performance of
Harry B. Smith's musical comedy.
"The Liberty Belles.' The produc
tion showed a good company with
good Toioes trained in careful rehear
sal. The seenic and vocal effects were
BBueaally good.
Virginia Levick and Herbait J.
Garter were the musicasl hits of the
piece, both receiving many encores.
Miss Levlck's imitation of comic
opVra atan were especially fine, while
her rendition of her first song "Lone
some." brought down the house.
Anna Israel, one of the many Wash
ingtonian in the east, made the pink
pajama girl all she should be. Will
Conley, a local actor, also did good
work. Other young ladies of this city
on the stage last nigh't were Catherine
Hayes. May de Vere, Tessie Adele,
Ethel Ryder, Mae Merriman, May
Brannon, Edna Moran, Elsie Worth,
Olivia Culon Florence Roberts. Mabel
Wnbster, Lavinia Mason All acquit
ted themsevlevs well and were enthu
siastically received by their friends.
The hoase was crowded to the doois,
and the performance held the interest
of the audience throughout its three
acts of rollicking fun. Songs that
made decided hits were "Tammany"
and "Prettiest Maid of Borneo."
For Coats-
Now is the time to buy your Far
coat before they advance. Russian
calf coats have already advanced S2 00.
Others are eu re to follow on account of
raw materials advancing. I have a fine
assortment in prices from $10 to $.'$0. It
will pay you to lok them over.
F. U. Rneche. 11th Street.
Has one of the let dental otfiecs
in the state.
Fully equipped to do all den
tal work in First-Glass manner.
Always reasonable in charges.
AH work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in G
lunbus. -?- Dr. E. N..Mmuh.
. asx niu" a iviAo
freshest designs and patterns, while our personal guarantee that your purchase is as represented settles tne question of quality. We
can still execute orders for engraving in time for Christmas but please let us have the order as early as possible, as even the greatest human
endeavor has its limits.
L psjaK a m jt
J W . pw.w..
You'll find nothing more acceptable nothing
that will give him more genuine enjoyment than a
watch one that will keep time and stand the wear
of boyhood's pranks. Our watches are of all the best
makes and are priced within the ss
reach of all. From tl.ULJUp
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Toys below cost at TouBch's. if
Chrisimas cigars at Hagel's. :!
Toys! Toys! Toys! at Snow's:
Oar small pictures are selling nt half
price, llerrick. UO-ot
The largest and finest line of pack
ape candies iu the city at Poeschs. tf
2 12. H. Chambers went to Sherman
connty Friday, returning Saturday.
Mrs. W. L. Powell and son Walter
arrived last Thursday from Portland,
Dr. W. W. Frank of Monroe, a
member of the pension board, attend
ed the December meeting here Thurs
day. The ladies of the Methodist church
held a chicken-pie supper last Wednes
day night in the building formerly
occupied by Wrin & Son. They
cleared about f 100.00.
Try aSouthBend watch. It is guaran
teed to keep perfect time, whether in a
bake oven or frozen in a chunk of ice.
For sale by Carl Froemel, 11th :St. Co
lumbus. William Fobs and family of Colfax
came to Columbus last week anil has
moved his household goods 'and 'taken
a house on Sth St. Mr.- Fom has
bought the Joe Berney implement
house and comes to take possession.
The Young Peoples Card. Club met
with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Niohols last
Wednesday night. The prizes two
books, were won by Miss Florence
Whitmoyer and Dr. Martyn jr. An
elaborate three course luncheon was
served. The invited guests' for the
evening were : Miss Julia , Weiseen
berg and Miss Katherine Spsice. 'Miss'
Whictnoyer will entertain at- the next
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
S is so near at hand that any words about the purchase of Holiday
is so near at iianu mat any woras auouL ine purcnase oi nuiiuay
ten shopping days left, and not an hour to waste. The best time to visit us is in the morning, for the rush of purchasers is least
then and you can examine articles with greater deliberation and comfort. -We mention below a few things appropriate for
Christmas Gifts. In every instance you will find the price the lowest for jeweler'e wares which are of such character that you would
give them to a friend or relative. As every article is personally selected from the best offerings in the world you are assured of the
Ladies' Watches..
We also have a large and excel
lent line of Ladies' watches in all
the popular movements. The case
may be either plain or jeweled,but
the price will be right.
Men's watches in all makes of
movement and case priced right.
We Want You...
To look over our fine
can't begin to tell you
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist
Skates, filede. trycicles and wagons for
Christmas at Schubert's tf
Attorney F. D. Williams of Aloicn
was transacting business here Thnrt
day. Toilet cases, albums and
faucy goods in great variety at
Snow's. :5-13
Mrs. A. Anderson entertained the
ladies whist clnb at her home Monday
Orphans society will give a dance New
Years night Jan. 1 1O0C. Tickets 01.00.
Music by orcheetry.
John F. Dryden, a prominent Kear
ney attorney was in the city Ja&t
Thursday, the guest of his old friend
and echoolmate, the Rev. G. A. Mon
ro Mrs. Frank Scnram entertained
about thirty young women at eucrhe
last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Ethel
Elliott won the royal prize, and Miss
Eloise Roen the booby.
Mrs. Frank Roberts arrived . from
Quinlan, O. T., last week land wiU
remain. Frank will lenve for Nebras
ka and they will make this state their
home in the fuure. Genoa Times.
Mrs. Hans Peterson formerly of this
place with her mother and two chil
dren passed through Columbus Thcrs
day night on her wav to Olympia,
Wash , where Dr. Peterson has been
located. Dr. Veteruon sold his prac
tice here to Dr. Platz.
Joseph Dodds Columbus this
week to take poseseion of a restunranr
at Cambridge. Neb., which ba has re
cently purchased. John Stovicpfc.
wbo for many vears has been an effi
cient empolye ia Gass's
nra -ll TM- Ti .:.j
7iu;t nm iun.u u.x. -JUU D l.U.liHUU
in Phillips gun store. Will Schwader
will take John Stovicek's place at
A case of wife abandonment was
filed in Judge Rattermans, court last
Wednesday. Mrs. Lillian E. Teager
is the plaintiff. Her hnsband, Bert
Teager moved from here to Syracuse,
Neb., about six months ago, after fail
ing to secure a divorce on the ground
of physical incompatibility. He will
be called on Janmary 3rd to answer to
the charges.
If 0 0M fe
0"0XPX0 fX 0X0X0
Gut Glass..
Makes a most pleasing and
appropriate gift. Our stock of
cut glass is exceptionally fine and
range in price to suit the pocket.
Silver and Plated Ware..
of all descriptions. Sterling
silver novelties, useful and orna
mental articles that will please
in price and in design.
line of Holiday Goods,
all we have.
R:i;'.orR at cost at Schnberte. - tf
A line line of Cliristm:is cijisirs at the
Bowling alley. 3G-3
The Idlers met at the home of Miss
Olga Hagel Saturday night.
Pooch's candies arc known tlironhliont
Nebraska. He lias J he finest -line of
Cm istmas candies ever seen in Columbus
and prices are right. tf
Just take a '"look in at PoesclTs ran
dy factory in full bla9t and then get..the
habit of buying your candy there, tf
Onr holiday stock never was of "finer
quality nor better values. We let on
lio tlie jndce. Iierrick. 3(-3t
Sirs. Ed. McCann arrived from Co
lorado Springs, for a visit of several
weeks with her mother Mrs. John
Albert Brngger and .Tuck Neumark
er are expected home from Ann Ar
bor, Mich., next week Thursday to
spend the holidays with their parent.
Eight ladies of the Altar society tf
the Catholic church entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hart
last Thursday evening at euchre
The prizes were won by Miss Nellie
Lynch and Mr. Herbert Clark.
Daintv refreshments were served.
Mrs. Mary Flory, mother of Dr. O.
H. Fiery of St. Edward was brought,
to Columbus Thursday lor an opera
tion. She was accompanied by er
son, Dr. William Flory, a dentut
I from San Francisco, and br W. S.
r lory, her nephew, ted her physician
Dr. O. A.-Britell. Doubts are enter
tained for her recovery as the oneia-
turn is one of a very serious nature
By slanders in the vicinity of 'the
I Tllltf MOnihO c..nn ... L.1X A
. t .. '
- '" - """"w lUHSMJO
an interesting little cha6e. A fugitive
from justice broke out from the bag
gage car of the Albion train where he
was being confined. He made a dash
cross the street with half a dozen men
and a dozen boys chasing after him.
Max Eiias got his hands on him. but
by an artful dogde he escaped and
made a wild break for Jones a Ward's
barpershop, where he was finally cap,
tnreil. His name could, not be' learn
ed but he was of the Brahma variety
and was being shipped to Omaha with!
a crate or other cmckens.
5xMj5WMCiiC5C '
Glittering Splendor
uuis must, ue snort anu to cne
Gifts must be short and to the
There is nothing in the jewelry line thai will
please the recipient more than a gold ring. Wc have
an elegant line of rings both set, band and the Lite
fad, engraved monogram rings. Our
rings are priced reasonably. From
A clock makes a very desirable
Christmas gift and not only is it appro
priate and useful, but is timely and' of
lasting benefit. Our line of clocks is
the largest we ever carried and ccm
, prises all kinds and stvles.
We sell them from ." . tpl tip
-Resolutions of Condolence.
Uead'inarters Bakei Post No.
i). G
A. It., Department of Nebraska.
Nov. 18. 11)03.
Ve vour uomittee appointed to draw
up suitable resolution: open the death
of comrade E. D. Fitzpntrick, beg
leave to submit the following and rec
ommend that a page of onr records be
dedicated to his memory and these re
solutions be inscribed thereon.
Once more death has reduced our
ranks and Comrade E. D. Fit zpat rick
will no longer respond to the roll call.
Comrade E. D. Fltzpatrick, depart
ed from the cares and duties of tliit-
life on Saturday morning, November
4, 1905, after a long illness which he
bore patiently and with the conrsge
of; a true soldier. Comrade Fitzpa
tricx enlisted at Cleveland, Ohio, in
1801 in th list Ohio Regiment in
which he served until April of the
following year At the" battle of
"JBbiloh", ho was severely woun'defl
and after his discharee from the hospi
tal returned home. Comrade 'Fitz'ua
trick came to Columbus in '"1871 'and
has resided here ever tince. Ho was
twice mayor of Columbus and served
one term as councilman, and wars a
tireless worker for his home city.
, In the death of comrade E 'D. Fite
pitr:ck"tHe' grand army of "the rcptr
blic Baker Post No. 9;' department' of
Nebraska has lost one of the strongest
advocates and each member thereof a
true and sincere frieru.
In dispoBtion he was' ail sunshine,
with a " heart that was ' filled . with
kindness. He delighted helping oth
ers, and no friend ever sought favor
at his hands without receiving it if in
his power. J " . '
Therefore,, he it Keolved; lhat in
the death of our comrade E. D. Fitz
Patrick Biker Post No. i';" Grand
A my of the Republic has Ics a fai bf til
member, the community, a noble citi
zen, and his family a devottd husband
and father. So while wo mourn the
loss of our comrade mere comes back
to us a remembrance of hia sturdy
character, his genial nature, and. his
manly life. Kis virtues wo will ever
emulate and cherish. louuuienis
may co-r de end -crumble. wben -worn
bv Vears'of time- but the good name
of Edward- D. Fitznatrick will live
fjrever. -Baemer Pjsr extpnds tl.e
family of E. D. Fitzpatnck the tvm
pathy of this post in their loss.
A. W. Clark, W A. McAUster. and
J. R. Meagher. Commttee. -
W. F. Dodds, Commander,
E. O. Rector, Adjutant.
f x Votice.
j Skrs. Victrria Maslonka, havinarleft
my j bed and board, I hereby decline to
be Responsible for any. debts whiohl
ha may contract after this date.-. .. t..
. ' Anton Maslonka. tH.
Oolnmbus, Neb , December .12,-19"i;
ti.Y;u.j Yr 00 n x n .
point There are but
pome. inure are uut m
G'orge Wlliard, jr., came down
from St iivdanl Monday nijjut. tc
J vis-ij bi: parents.
W. f. Rirkley i-": in Co!u::ihuR tint
week putting in pv u!l;s ami luak-
mj other repairs about his property.
The Presbyter ian ladies will receive
ten per cont of all goeds sold at Nie
wohuer's jewelry Ftore, Thnrtriay of
tais week.
Mrs. G.R. Piieb nsisted, br the
members ofher "ten" of the Episcopal
church will hoH a teaut heriiome Fri
day afternoon Ten cent? will ha
charged A cordial iuvitatiou is ex
tended to all ladies to attend.
The Ladies aid society of the Pres
byterian church has socprcd Eugene
May for a lecture on "Ihe -Ppssion
Play." for the 30th. promise
to be a rare trear as Eugene May is n
lecturer ot oroad talent, and power.
Dr. W. rT. Slater wili bo heme De
'cember 1,1th. and will remain until
the bth of -January.- ien ho will re
turn to Kansas City for tko rrmaindp'
of the term oi Pct-t Graduate lectures,
wliich he its taking.
,AIr.ami Mr.-'. Fred Mile;;, .euter
rained at a hnnse party this week,
tfteir guests, Mr. and Mrs. .Tuliu
Pdtormichel of Valparaiso, and Vr
and Mrs McOreery of Wahoo, arriv
ing Saturday nitrht. Tha gentlemen
returned to their homes Monday.
Mrs. McCreery remained until Tues
day a::d Mrs. Pctermichsl, who for
merly lived hero will remain to be
ho guest ot Mrn. E. II, Chambers un
til Friday. '"
till I
Do you belong to the
rent -paying number
in Columbus
If you do, and!, desire to purchase
City Property either improved or un
improved call and see us. We have
many choice lots and residences for
sale; as well as a few desirable business
Spo up
.-W HllilMlllllllHII l
RtlV.rC v t
pi li, ' i'm
Elliott, Speice and Co,
Safety Deposit Boxes
What art Thty?
They are little safes
located in a fire proof
vault. You can rent
for $1 a year. Your pa
pers will be safe in them
You have one key, we
h ave the other. It takss
both keys to open them.
We cannot get in with
out your key, nor you
without our key, so that
there is no chance for
the wrong party to en
ter them. Let us show
them to you.
6o!umbus State Bank
Lovinns B. Leach
Lovinns 15. Leach died at the homo
of his son . II., in this city Mon
day morniug at 12 :10 after an illness
of several weeks. Deceased was one
of the oldest settlers of this part of
Platto county. He was born at Ox
ford. Chenango county, N. Y., on
March 2, 1S2 1. At the age of seven
years he moved with hia parents to
Cattaraugus County in the Fame state.
In 1S.j0 he was united in marriage to
Miss Ann Dickinson and to this union
there was born seven children five of
whom are now living. They are E. D.
of Lexington, Ore., Mrs. E. T. Mc
Geheo of Madison, Neb. Mrs. C. A.
South of Butte, Neb., and F. M. and
E. H. of this place. Iu IStiG the
family moved to Clinton connty, la.,
whore they remained following the
occupation of farming uutil 1871 when
they moved to Platte county. On
rowing to this cennty Mr. Leach filed
on a homestead three miles northeast
of Hcmprhey in section six. In 1S!U
r. and IVlrs. Leach moved to Hum
phrey and have since made their home
with their sou.
The funernl was held from the
Metnodist Episcopal church in Hum
phrcv Tuesday afternoon. Rev.
Churchill of Madison officiating, and
the remains were laid to rest in the
Madison cemetery. The pall bearers
were J. M. Canfield, F. M- Cooking
ham, Robert Lewis, H. M. Little,
Peter (J 'Shea and Nels Pederson.
Humphrey Democrat.
Sons of Veterans Elect officers.
The Sous of Veterans of Colnmbus
are planning a year of active work.
The camp has been in a slumbering
condition for some time but Comman
der Galley has resolved to resuscitate
it and he now has the support of
enouch of the boys to accomplish his
purpose. Last Saturday night
Crimp elected : Commanders, A.
Kollins: S. V. Commander. H.
Westbrook; J. V. commander. F.
Abbott ; Camp council, L. A. Jenkins,
W. 1j. Rowley, E. P. Dussell; dele
gates to encampment, H. W. West
brooK ; alternate, Rev. L. R. De Wolf.
Installation of oQicers will bo held
during January.
Wc still liavo a good supply of Rock
Spring nut and lump, Kcmmerer
lum,, Carney lump. Hocking Valley
lump, Carney Ezk, Carney nut, Weir
nut, Rock Spring Slack, Hard coal, nut
and stove sizes also fur nacocoal.
Newman A; Welch.
Horse Blankets! Lap Robes!
I have as line an assortment as you
can lind anywhere. Lined and unlined.
Stay-on stable, extra heavy storm and
line wool street blankets, in prices- from
DO cents to 2.00, and line Woolens from
$U0 to $:).0O. Plush robes from S3.00
to $7.00. Montana robes from $0.00 to
S.!0. Fur robes from S4.00 to $12.00
Come and -ec the bargains offered.
F. II.KUSCHE, llth.Mreet.
Oats "$ busbftl
live y bushel
Potatoes rl bu
Bntter ft, 18 to 20
Egsrs V? dozen 22
Poultry 7
Uo-a 4 3 to 4 45
in an np-ro-date eflice,is the best
thing we have to offer.
We can and do fill- and extract teeth
We give a written guarantee with all
work. If it fails or proves unsat
isfactory AT ANY TIME
we will either replace it
or refund the money
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
Over Niewohner'a cor. 12th and Olive Sta.
S. E. corner Fark.
" " "" - -.-&
--i Jb. s. ,