-. s&sm&'wi 7 i VOLUME XXXVI. W i i i. The Light of Our Bank tihines on the pathway tlml It-sdsup to the Gate ef Success Our bank and depositors are a har monious group. They bave our confi dence and we bave t Loirs. Success for uh is success to you. Tbat is why we arc popular, Bunking with us means sharing our proserity. The First National Bank Two Biff Sales. One of them is on December 13 at Osceola when J. H. and O. E. Mickey will aell aboat 50 Scotch shorthorn cows, balls and heifers. The other in on December 14 at Rising when O. E. Wade and others will sell 40 head of registered short horns and some Poland China boars. Parties can attend both of these sales on the same trip, jier. See ads in this pa 2r. Land Auction Tne E. P. Swearingon -'SO acre farm well improved and with 80 acres of growing winter wheat in the bargain, will be sold at referees auction sale, at the coart house in Osceola Polk county on December lDtb, lJHKi, 1 p. ru. This farm lief in section 22, town ship Hi, range 1. w eight miles south west from Columbus. Inquiries con cerning it will be cheerfulv answered by King & Bittner, Osceola, Neb. 332. Hew Lodge Officers. A numlwr of Columbus lodges hnve elected officers for the ensuing year as follows; KMCIITS OK PYTHIAS: Curl Kramer Chancellor commander L. F. Rector-r-Vice totumautlor. P. J. . McCaffrey Keeper of records and seal. J. O. Becber Master at arms. J. F. Carrig- Master of finance. Geo. Fairchil 1 Master of exchequer. V. H. Weaver Prelate. L. F. (lottschalk Master of work. Hugo Sehad Inner guard. O. W. Phillipp6 Outer guard. L. H. I .eavy Trustee. ODD fellows: N. O. II. G. Fricke. V. G.-John E. Ballon. Secretary S. E. Baker. Treasurer George Fairchil d. Trustees J. 8. Freeman, Bert Galley and Lee Laugblin. Faraer's Bowl. Tne most amusing bowling game of the season was the Farmers match at Ilavjel'i alleys last Saturday night. Thse who tniuk farmers can't bowl should have seen them. Following is the'score: Gottberg, Max 130 lOfi 14!) 3S5 SoeDodda 130 ICO 132 437 Emil Mueller 143 135 151 431 Will Plaggeman 129 128 138 393 WillDodde 133 173 121 427 Total 073 731 C91 2095 KOppliger 152 93 108 353 C. Bean 131 111 141 3S3 OttoRudat 104 111 11G 331 FredOppliger 115 144 111 370 Frank Rudat 140 113 101 302 048 576 577 1S00 Ed Kavanaugh has the record on the new alleys with a score of 255. Herse Blankets! Lap lobes! I hare as fine an assortment as you can find anywhere. Lined and unlined. Stay-on stable, extra heavy storm and fine wool street blankets, in prices from 90 cents to $2.00, and fine woolens from $1.00 to $3.00. Plush robes from $3.00 to 7.00. Montana robee from $6.00 to $8.00. Fur robes from $4.00 to $12.00 Come and see the bargains offered. F. II. RUSCHE, 11th Street. Dr.E.H.Naumann DENTIST Has one of the best dental offices in the state. Fully equipped to do all den tal work in First-Class manner. Always reasonable in charges. All work guaranteed. Over 14 years practice in Co lumbus. If. E.I. tttaatmfc Mm. Mfc T5fe Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper M ail mtty rfSi NUMBER 35. tttttstttttxxtttntt i I j - - ! give them to a friend or relative. As every article is personally selected from the best offerings in the world you are assured of the freshest designs and patterns, while our personal guarantee that your purchase is as represented settles tne question of quality. We can still execute orders for engraving in time for Christmas but please let us have the order as early as possible, as even the greatest human endeavor has its limits. mi M Br THEYwNGSreR You'll find nothing more acceptable nothing that will give him more genuine enjoyment than a watch one that will keep time and stand the wear of boyhood's pranks. Our watches are of all the best makes and are priced within the 4 ff reach of all. From . a tfrl.UUUp r war ESX ;o;Kx;o::c::raxnx50C Dr. Paul, dentist. Toys below cost at Pocsch's. tt Chrisimas cigars at Hagel'e. flf. : Toys! Toys! Toys! at Snow's: Our small pictures are selling at half price. Horrick. :-0 t The largest and finest line of pack age candies in the city at Poeschs. tf Frank Micek went to Portland Tues day to sell 120 acres of laud which he owns in Oregon. The Misses Tapka and Pauline Aden of Rising are the gnests of their cousin, Mrs. W. J. Kaufmann this week. They arrived last Friday. Mr. nndMrs. L. W. Snow enjoyed a few days visit last week from their nephew. Master Page Clute of Hastings. On Wednesday night, December 13th. the local Knights ol Pythias lodge will tender a reception at their hall to Grand Chancellor George Magney of Omaha. Mrs. Sam Gass, jr., eutertained a number of out of town guasts over Thanksgiving. Among them were her mother Mrs. Higgins and sister Miss Emma and Miss Florence Pruyn of Schuyler and Miss Winnie Gorman of Silver Creek. II. I. Murdock has sold his residence property on Fourteenth street and his property on Sixteenth street ocsnpied by Dr. Platz to Elliot, Speice& Co. Mr. Murdock has a contract to build some houses on some of the EHiot-Speice land in Thomas County, Kan. Invitations are out for several parties in Columbus this week. Mesdames Roen and Martyn will entertain Thurs day afternoon and Mrs. H. P. H. Oehl rich will entertain Friday afternoon and Mrs. Frank Schram will entertain at euchre Wednesday afternoon. Or.C. V. CAMPBELL Dentist Office with Dr. Lueschen Arnold's Old Stand Teeth Painlessly Extracted Crown and Bridge Work Gold, Silver and Cement Filling Examination and Estimates Free of Charge (Mmmmts COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. V BBaBal Basaw LbbvwBbV ELsal saLaa aaBkaW rfaVH saLawl!"" JTaaw"sfcTa"TBar atei-laM " i 9 B IH H H jn MLH F4HIBHk ttiTik-" r"w" ' itt-T" a """ SbhbI LH aaU aa! akfl aH akaa HQlfv JIbWbbLbbLbw iT'tTBLHLVLL1HVHV9HIMHIVIVs1PiLLLLLLLLHI X BT KCBPBWBKQrTHr' - " ' Hfl EV B bPI hM BH II llilL fwW BBLbLbV 111 iBBBBBBBHsrSnBSBBBBTll I II I BBBBBBBBBBBBBB M Rkmr-rB!TKZsl' aVkfl k4 HH HH ftV feH j H J If fft IMf . BBBBBbB VlflititfjMirX",- aTMlnByarsr"T"" '""Br tTryffl! ''i rv Lm iML sawsaWBtja-j" , 'Jr'rt BBBBBBBvVy.CtfMr TbbLbLB Christmas Gifts in Glittering Splendor II R I S T M A S is so near at hand that any words about the purchase of Holiday Gifts must be short and to' the point. There are but fifteen shopping days left, and not an hour to waste. The best time to visit us is in the morning, for the rush of purchasers is least then and you can examine articles with greater deliberation and comfort. We mention below a few things appropriate for Christmas Gifts. In every instance you will find the price the lowest for jeweler'e wares which are of such character that you would Ladies9 Watches.. We also have a large and excel lent line of Ladies' watches in all the popular movements. The case may be either plain or jeweled,but the price will be right. Men's watches in all makes of movement and case priced right. Holiday Goods At Dacks Skates, sleds, tryeicles and wagons for Christmas at Schubert's tf R. W. Hobart was in Omaha and Nor folk this week on legal business. Toilet cases, albums and fancy goods in great variety at Snow's. 36-13 Orphans society will give a dance Xew Years night Jan. 1 19C6. Tickets $1.00. Music by orchestry. Miss Madge Kaufmann has returned from Shenandoah, la., where she has been in a millinery store. Just take a "look in at Poesch's can dy factory in full blast and then get the habit of buying your candy there, tf Our holiday stock never was of finer quality nor better values. We let you be the judge. Ilerrick. 36-3t Rev.Wm. Cosh has sent in his resigna tion as pastor of the Episcopal church here. He has three or four offers from other parishes which he believes would be more suitable than Columbus. Rev. and Mrs. Cash have many warm friends here who will dislike to see them leave. The Literary department of The Woman's Club, will meet at the home of Ray E. Eton, on Saturday the 9th inst. at 3 o'clock p. m. Programme Paper, "Chester A. Arthur's administra tion," by Miss Minnie McMahon. Paper, 'Grover Cleveland's administration." by Mrs. Leander Gerrard. Mr. H. P. Faircbild State Secretary of Doane College will lecture in the Con gregational church next Sunday evening December 10. His subject will be "Con gregational Education in the State of Xebniska," and hewill illustrate his lec ture by means of about sixty fine ster optican views. Mr. Fairchild is an ex ceptionally pleasing speaker and all who hear him are sure of a treat. George Turner returned Monday from Loup City where be spent several weeks with his nephews Carl and Bert Mc Kinnie. George enjoyed his visit and liked the country so well that he may be tempted to go thereto live. He says that the boys have a fine half section of land and a good sized bunch of hogs. So happy are the boys with their surround ings that Bert only smiles at the offers of $50 a week which his fine baritone voice would bring him in grand opera. 4-i &. Cut Glass.. Makes a most pleasing and appropriate gift. Our stock of cut glass is exceptionally fine and range in price to suit the pocket. $1.50 to $25.00 Silver and Plated Ware.. of all descriptions. Sterling silver novelties, useful and orna mental articles that will please in price and in design. Rnzorsat cost at Schnberts. tf A fine line of Christmns cigars at the Bowling alley. 30-3 Mrs. W. M. Cornelius entertained tho afternoon whist club Monday. Mrs. Julius Nichols will entertain the Young Peoples" card club tonight. Make him a present of a box of cigars. Get them at Hagel'sand they will pleare him. 3fi-JI The Germrn club met last night. The members began reading one of Schiller's earlier plays. Mrs. A. J. Smith was in Omaha this week on business and pleasure, return ing Thursday evening. The Presbyterian ladies will sell at Niewhoners, December 14. Come and get your Christmas goods. LOST. Frameless spectacles, gold trimmed in leather case. Leave at Clother hotel and receive reward. It Misscss Mamie Elliott and Elise Bruegger and John Early returned to their studies at the University Monday. Eight ladies of the Altar society of the Catholic church will enteriain at euchre at the home of Mrs. P.J. Hart Thursday evening. Poech's Ctindies arc known thronhhoiit Nebraska. He has the finest line of Cnrislmas candies ever seen in Colnmhns and prices are right. tf The three children of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Roberts have been sick with whoop ing cough. The baby has been in a cri tical condition for some time, owing 'to other complications. Local registers report to Nebraska State Beard of Health for the month of Novmber,1005 of the city of Columbus and vicinity. 11 births and 17 deaths. -John Schmocker, Local Register. Mrs. C. C. Gray and Mrs. H. I. Mur dock entertained the Evening Card club last Friday night. The prizes were won by Dr. C. D. Evans, Mrs. Chambers, Mrs.4 Hockdhberger and Mrs. Arthur Gray. ' Mrs. Orr Sang and Miss Georgie Post who spent Thanksgiving with the fami ly of Judge Post returned to Chicago Friday, preparatory to spending' the win ter in California. Judge Post met them ia Omaha today, as they will not pass through Columbus on their way weat. DECEMBER 6, !))' 56600000 There is nothing in the jewelry line that will please the recipient more than a gold ring. We have an elegant line of rings both set, band and the late fad, engraved monogram rings. Our to rings are priced reasonably. From tj3 Up Clocks.. A clock makes a very desirable Christmas gift and not only is it appro priate and useful, but is timely and of lasting benefit. Our line of clocks is the largest we ever carried and com prises all kinds and styles. We sell them from . . pl P ?.Ieerschauin pipes nnd cigar holders at Schnhrrts. tf .Miss Lottie Becher spent Thanksgiv ing in Liucoln If yottrcyes, ears, indoor throat give you trouble see Dr. Lueschen. Mrs. B. M. Gastyers of Loup City pent Thanksgiving with her two chil dren in this city who are students at St. Francis Academy. FOR S A LE 10 acres of good farm land two and one-half miles northeast of Columbus. SCO per acre if taken soon. Inquire of E. II. Naumann, Columbus, Neb. 3C-tf The Presbytorian ladies will hold a bazaar at the Reincke building on 13th St , December 15th and 10th. Fancy articles, dressed dolls, home made can dies and cook books for sale. A lunch will ho served from 12 to 2 p. m. The subjects to be presented Sunday are as follows: Morning, "The Light that Failed." Evening, "Behold the Lamb of God", the fifth and closing ser mon of the series on the life of John the Baptist. All are cordially invited to these services. Lotan R. DeWolf, pastor. Dednck Eck nicer an aged man from Burrows township was brought before the insanity board the fiist of this week and declared insane. The complaint was signed by Dr. George F. Pugh. It is said that Eckmeier has been starving his stock and that he has kept his wife out in the cold at the point ot a butcher knife herding their tattle. County Attorney Latham has received a let'er from the Attorney General which makes a call for two witnesses in each county to testify to the value of lands, to rebut the evidence introduced by the railroads in the tax cases. The railroads claim that real estate has been assessed at about 70 per cent of its ac tual value. While their properties bave been placed above their actual value. Mr. and Mrs. Alph N. Burgess, resi dents of this city in the seventies, spent a few hours last week the guests of the family of Mrs. Mary Early. Mr. Bur gees' brother established the "Gazette" here in 1875 and published it for sever al yeirs. Mr. Burgess himself conduct ed a paper at Genoa for a while. He is now a sufcesful agent of the Denver Chemical Manufacturing company with headquarters at Sau Francisco. "Jjiss Sadie Wilson is the possessor of a personal letter from the King of Eng land, which she received last Saturday. A few weeks ago Miss Wilson wrote a letter to King Edward, mentioning the fact that her father was a Britisher, and other items, which no doubt pleased his Royal Highness, and prompted him to acknowledge the receipt of her missive. Miss Sadie had written the letter in a moment of sport, and bad not intended sending it, but her father unaware to her, mailed it, and the answer came as a pleasant surprise. r - - in Platte County mtru&t "... ixksooo: ajmamar Try aSouthBend watch. It is guaran teed to keep perfect time, whether in a bake oven or frozen in a chunk of ice. For sale by Carl Froemel, 11th St. Co lnmbiis. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Patterson were callers in Columbns Sunday on their way to Lindsay. Mr. Patterson was for several years a printer in the offices of the Journal and Argus in this city, and hns recently left the Reese printing office in Omaha to investigate anothor field of labor. Dr. M. T. McMahon went to Lincoln Thursday, where he met his sister, Mips Lida and accompanied her to the foot ball game. He went with her then to Geneva to spend Sunday and visit the Girls Industrial school over which she presides. Miss Mi -Mahon accompanied her brother home Monday to visit till Thursday. Mr. DeWilt Miller who will lecture in Columbus on December 14th. is a walk ing encyclopedia, a dictionary and li brary combined, on a lecturing tonr. He seems to know everything. He has read everything, and remember.- what he reads. If all else fails he studies the dictionary. When lecturing time comes around he sorts bis knowledge out, and puts as much of a sort into s lecture as it will hold without exploding. Then he fills every corner and chink with stories good stories, stories that make you laugh, and after thoroughly pickl ing the whole mixture in the Miller brand of humor, the lecture is declared ready for presentation, and is eagerly asked for by your lecture committee. Ex. Do you belong to the rent -paying number in Columbus 9 If you do, and desire to purchase City Property either improved or un improvedcall and see us. We have many choice lots and residences for sale as well as a few desirable business properties. lEIIiitt, Spiici aid Co. EMBy.-iflSj. Hi jflB Own Your Home ,Wl t-f- . "" "?! ' ...,. C NUMBER 1,781. Your busino-s. We are bound to win it if courteous, considerate treat ment on onr pnrt will do it, coupled with the fact tbat in onr new quarters we re enabled to offer you every mod ern facility and convenience for the transaction of your banking business that the best brains can devise. The Old Reliable Columbus State Bank The oldest bink in Nebraska doing busi ness under State Charter, School Sews. Mr. Britell has received a letter from Mr. Clevenger who was science teacher here two years ago. He is an instruc tor in a college about forty miles from Cleveland, Ohio and writes that he is well pleased with his work. A challenge has been received from the Central City high school for a de bate to be held here some time this win ter and a return debate at Central City later. In order to prepare for this, re presentatives from the two classes in Parliamentary practice will debate in the high school, two weeks from the coming Friday. Tho ijuestion is, "Resolved: That the government should control freight rates." Leavy s Answer. The attorneys of L. II, Leavy on Mon day filed a motion to quash the sum mons which v.'ns issued in the contest proceedings brought to oust him from the office of countv superintendent. The motion sets out (1), that no copy of the complaint was attached to the sum mons asTequired by law and (2), that the return day fixed in the summons was wrong. The whole case will bo a series of le gal technicnlties, and as it forms a pre cedent in this state, it will be watched with interest. . - Coal. We still hava a good supply of Rock Spring nut and lump, Kemmerer lump, Carney lump. Hocking Valley lump, Carney Egg, Carney nut, Weir nut, Rock Spring Slack, Hard coal, nut and stove sizes aldo fur nace coal. Newman & Welch. Poultry and Stock Show. The biggest and best collection- of poultry and the choicest thoroughbred hogs. That is the treat which Platte County Poultry nnd Stock association have in store for the public on the week beginning December IS. The exhibi tion will be held in the large store build ing on Eleventh street formerly occu pied by Wrin ,fc Son. The room will be heated and every other arrangment made for tho comfort of tho hundreds of people who will come from all parts of the state to this show. Mr. Swartsley, tho secretary of the association, who has entered over 300 birds from Schuyler alono and a propor tionate number from other parts of the state declares that this promises to be the largest show ever held in the state outside the State Fair. The people of Platte County, business men men and farmers, reap more direct benefit from this annual event than from any other similar source. Let them co-operate with the poultryand stock men. by attending and helping to entertain the visitors, showing tthem u sample of that hospitality for which Co lumbus is famous. Farmers wanting choice boars or gilt's shouid not buy til they se those offer ed at this show Dumc, Poland Chinas, Berk shires, O. I. C. Whites. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat 7i Corn ;n Oats bushel 22 Rye V bushel 53 Barley, 24 Potatoes bn 30 Batter lb. ic to 18 Eggs J dozen 20 Poultry 7 Hogs 4.25to4.30 MODERN DENTISTRY . in an up-ro-date effice, is the best thing we have to offer, s Wecan.anddo.fill and extract teeth POSITIVELY WITHOUT I'AIJf. We give a written guarantee with all work. If it fails or proves unsat isfactory AT ANY TIME we will either replace it or refund the money Dp. J. E. Paul, DentUt. Over Niewofcaer'a cer. 13th mad CHive Sta. S. E. eoraar ofcPark. -r kSj WbbbbSbwH s. '. ...afcd&'SiaU- -, . .; .. -