The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 29, 1905, Image 5

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    W'.T --
'.Mfew-flHK! T?r
-iHiiiiim. sUmt'a r
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ihhiiiiiiiiw m innniiiiiiwijiiiiiiiiiiiiim at.iEfaKT-r? a
n. i
IDr3T O-ccd-S 2Di
Ladies' Gloves
Every woman likes to appear well.
There isn't anything that adds refine
ment and dignity to one's appearance like
the weli-srlovtd hand.
course, the glove should be
carefully selected. Our large glove stock contains every
thing in gloves for dress and street wear, in the Dressed
Kid, Mocha, Mocha Silk Lined, Silk Lined Gloves in every
shade that a woman would desire. Our D. P. Gloves are
an exceptional value and come in all the new fall shades.
(jr.tVj:wl. -x ra ju.ihty lambekm, medium weight, tw.j fC
ci.rfp . tilack ;i:.l c dors, sizes jJ to 7 at KJJ
Y-iott" Que biut.-n. clash Picijue stitching imitation dogskin, a tf'l
spleailnKiet or driving glove, price J
"C.irsoQ bet .jaility of French Lambekm. glnc rinisn. 1 "1 Z
two color.-, black and white, price P
''Systeme Jay' tine juality real kid. thrt e cla-ps, in colors CJl fZS
anc blai-i, nnce . CAX
D. P. Gloves in medium weight kid, mocha, silk lined
mocha in black, gray, browns and tans. All kid gloves
guaranteed. We have a splendid assortment of golf gloves
Q- Q Sectoral
P- 2 N-. Vie
Sanitary - l ' 5
u mm k
Store. V. ' ir S
m er
Aluminum and in 1 wo S:i
Vide ct fate
P- 53.00
id upward
The "Universal"
Coffee Percolator..
Makes Perfect Coffee
Uniform in Quality.
uminun and
Eaipire lad Ciilcml. la ici. 4 to 1 4 ci.
Retaining: all its aroma, free
from tarnic acid, cansed by
boiling. Any one. however in
experienced, can make perfect
coffee m 10 or 15 minutes. Fill
et with colli water, the onlj thing to use if perfect coffee is wanted, the
pot is so constructed that all the heat 1 concentrated aronnd the Utile
chamber below the automatic valve, and m a minute or two after it is pne
on the stove the water, lukewarm at rirst, and gradually increasing in
temperature, ts pumped through the tube and tillers down through the
coffee Before the water reaches the boiling point, the coffee, piping hot,
is ready to serve. No steam or aroma escape.-. The el ;?s dome in the
cover shows by the color of the coffee when the required treneth has been
reached. The result is uniformly delicious, healthful coffee, as clear as
wine, though no egzrs are used to clarify it. B.-iter c 7 e than you evar
had or can get in aoy other way.
2 Big Enameled Ware Specials-Saturday Only
A Tripple-Coated Blue and White Outside. White
Lined Enameled 10-qt. Water Pail or 14-qt
Dish Pan. Like Cut
XSOOOOOOOOOGOS 500000000000?
Short-Horn Cattle!!
Our Scotch Herd Bull. 5 Young Bulls sired by Herd 0
Bull, 13- Cows with Calves at side and mostly bred again. Q
9 Cows to calve shortlv after sale and bred to VICTOR of
MAPLEHURST, No. 204341, also 17 Yearling and 2-year-X
old Heifers, mostlv bred. X
Red; Calved Oct. 19. 1301.
Got bv Victot Raphael 162935, S. H. Thompson Sons"
Boey Gm i'li Blue Valley Duke 3d. 9tU02 W. P. Higinbotham 3
Rosy Gem 4th Spartan Hero 77932 A. CrniUhank m
Rosy Gem 2d Imp. Violet Emperor 2$:S1 A. Cruikshank
Rosy Gem Champion 4d.92 D. C. Cookson fc Son g
Rce of Summer Crown Pnnce of Athelstane 2d I6-3 . . . . D. Christie W
Imn. Roeemarv Breadalbane i2S07:3i A. Cruikihank 5
Other interests require our time. We are selling show
cattle worthy of a place in any herd and many of the
younger cattle are splendid prospects for winners. Xoth-
mggoes in sale but our best breeding cattle.
Don't Miss This Chance
to get eattle that pay on high priced land. A cow or
"heifer bred to the grand bull in use will pay you well.
Most of the cows are heavy milkers. For catalogs
address 0. E. Mickey, Osceola, Nebr.
T. C. CALLAHAN, Auctioneer. K
J. H. a O. E. MICKEY. X
&oaooooaaooo! kksoqoqossuqqs
Telephone No. 74.
Some furnished rooms reasonable.
Enquire Journal.
Edgar Grissom of Schuyler waa in
the city ilcnday.
Mr and 3Ir. W E. Kin epenr
Sunday and Monday in Omaha.
Urs. Alartyn, Evans fc Evans. Con--ttltatiou
in German and English.
Wko is telephone o. Hi
Newman & Welch can fill your orders
for hard and soft coal and furnace
coal. 33tf
Mrs. H. S. Elliot and daughter Julia
went to Omaha last Friday to spend a
day with friends.
Mrs. Alice Alt of Monroe who has
been the gaeat of MiM Anna Klause
for several days returned home yester
day. Meedamee E. H. Chambers. Homer
Robinson and J. J. Sullivan were guests
at a luncheon in Omaha last Wednesday
The McAllister studio for vour
Christmas Photo's. Come early. A
nandsome calendar or Platinum folder
with every dozen photo's uutil Janu
ary I.
3Ir. Walter Lobdell of Belwood and
Miss Katie Ebel of Spalding were mar
ried by Judge Ratterman last Wednes
day afternoon.
I am prepared to take orders for
Christmas presents in chip carving,
pyrography. drawings in water color,
and pen etching, for pillow covers.
Call or telpehpone. Martha M. Tur
ner, tf
Mr?. C. D. Brown who had been the
guest of Mrs. Edgar Howard returned
to her home in Papilliou last Thursday
af rernoon and was accompanied by Miss
Mary Howard, who returned home Mon
day. WATCH L03T: Lost, a gold
watch with Elgin movement near the
new Friedhof-Phillipps building on
Thirteenth street. Leather fob with
plasterer's charm attached. Suitable
reward. Return to Journal office.
WANTED: 500 new subscribers to
the Journal during the next sixty days
to make our list 2000. Send ic your
name or your friend's name now.
The musical sensation, "Liberty
Belles. ' is among the good things that
may possibly be presented here this
season. It is a syndicate attraction
and one rarely seen outside the large
Ed Early returned last Friday from
a weeks trip to Dawson county where
he went to look at land. He didn't
find anything that looked gocd enough
co separate him from any of his
"Jack" Parker's wife and little girl
of Albion spent Sunday with him at
the Clother hoteL Mr. Parker is
making a record on the ne w Phillip's
building, as he does oa everything he
takes hold ef.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Parsons and
two children of Edwardsburg, Mich .
returned name Tuesday after a two
weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Abbott of this city and other relatives
at St. Edward.
Who is telephone No. 74:
Accounting. $50 to $100 per month
salary paid our graduates. Operators
always in demand. Indorsed by all
railroads. Write for catalogue.
Morse school of Telegraphy.
Cincinnati, O., La Crosse, Wis.,
Texamana, Tex. , San Francisco, Cal.
Telephone No. 74.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist Episcopal church will give
their chicken pie supper December 6.
in the building on Eleventh street
formerly occupied by Wriu & Son.
In connection with this the Epworth
League will hold an apron and hand
kerchief bazaar.
Mrs. H. I. Murdock and Miss Fannie
Geer entertained sixty gnests at six
hnnii euchre Wednesday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. C. D. Brown of Papillion.
Miis Petite Martyn punched the scores.
The prizes, hand painted plates, were
won by Mrs. A. Anderson and Mrs.
Fred Millenz. Lunch was served in
two courses.
The citizens of Columbus will have
an opportunity during Chrsitmas
week to hear a lecturer who is always
invited to return by those privileged
to hear him. Dr. Eugene May with
wonderful power desribes what he has
seen and transfigures the vision with
his own glowing thought. The La
dies' Aid society of the Presbyterian
church has persuaded him to stop here
on his Eastern tour. He soon will
cicumnavigate the globe studying
especially the ancient civiiizatons of
Japan, China, and Indian with refer
ence to their future influence in world
The Fremont Herald, a democratic
morning daily, has passed into the
hands of Marc Perkins aad Edgar
Howard of this city and Mr. Perkins
left Monday morning to assume busi
ness management of the new plant.
Mr. Howard will edit both the
Heralii and the Telegram dividing his
time between the two papers and
Lloyd. Swain, will resume the busi
ness management of the Telegram the
position which he occupied before
Mr. Perkins bought an interest in
the Telegram last year. Mr. Perkins
is a good businesa man and he has
been associat2d with two gocd news
paper men in the parsons of Edgar
Howard and Lloyd Swain. Mr. and
Mrs. Perkins will be aiiawd in social
circles here where they have been
active. Mrs. Perkima together with
her daughter Misa Marcia and her
father Mr. Mattocks will follow Mr.
Perkins to their new hose in a few
" " gj85fe"' sgggggggggy . ::tjrr gJ
Dr. J. W. Terry
who for the past eight years has
been making regular visits to
Columbus, has opened one of the
Best Equipped Optical Offikvs
In The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co. 's Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
aTsaV 0Kr it1
The System advertises your
property free until sold. Reli
able Real Edtate Airenta thro'
out America tind buyers for it.
Show free: allow R.R. fare. For
best bargains alomr new R. R.
or farms, businesses, etc Tell us what you want
and where you want to buy. Write for Sellers or
Ascent's plan, or bi-st bargain list any place.
Gnat Union Land Agency System,
Bex U96. 00lumkUS.Nfe) (Center of U.S.)
Smoke Little Duke cigar.
Dr. Mark T. McMahon. dentist
Journal ads bring results.
Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist, 13th St
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
A.G. Rolfeof Woodville was in Co
lumbus Monday on business.
Try our Rex Lump Coal $7 at the
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. S.
Telephone No. 74.
SEXD your want ads to the Journal.
Dr. Lueschen, physician an surgeon
1213 Olive street.
Boys, buy your cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent tiour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
Miss Anna Geitzen accompanied by
her cousin Miss Julia Weisenbenr of
Appleton, W;s., went to Humphrey last
Saturday to visit relatives.
FOB SALE : A second hand gaso
line engine, 2 horse power. Just the
thing for a farmer to use for jumping
water or grinding feed. Cheap for
I cash. Journal office.
I PHOTO'S. Come earlv for vour
Christmas Photo's. A handsome cal
endar or Platinum folder given with
each dozen from now uutil January
I. McAllister Studio.
R F. Williams of St. Edward was in
Columbus Monday enronte to Kansas
City and other points south. He has
been invited to attend a "possum ban
buet'"' given by the Eagles at Mt. Pleas
ant, Mo., on the 23th inst.
The cae discussed in ihe Journal lat
week, which was to decide whether the
little three year-old girl of Mr. and 3Irs.
Fred Brunhaber should so to them or
to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiseman who
have made a home for the child from
infancy, was decided in favor of the
natural parents. The decision, bronirht
real grief to the hearts of Mr. and Mr.
Wiseman, who had come to love the
little one as their own.
There has been a general moving of
professienal men in Columbus during
the past week. R. W. Hobart and W.
N. McElfresh have occcpied offices in
the Zmnecker bnilding. J. D. Stiree.
Doctors Martin & Allenburger and F. T.
Walker"3 Real Estate agency have
moved into rooms over the new state
bank. These rooms are all very desir
able rooms and the occupants are all
pardonable for their display of pride in
their new quarters.
Rev H. Miessler who has been castor
of the Girman Lutheran church in
Columbus for twenty-two years was
offered a pastorate in St. Louis at a
much larger salary. But Rev. Miessler
is attached to his friends and his con
gregation almost as much as they are to
him and so far he has refused the offer.
His pastorate in the city has been made i
easier for him by the dropping of one
of his country paiishes near Platte Center.
Four train loads of thoroughbred
horses passed throngh Columbus Friday
morning from Sacramento, Cal., to New
York City. Each train carried twelve
cars and each car contained eight
horses. A stall was built for each
horse and a canvas blanket was sus
pended from the in which the
food was placed. One man accompan
ied each car. To a Journal reporter,
one mare was pointed out as the dam of
a yearling which wa3 sold last spring
for JoO,000. The farm in California on
which these horses weie raised compri-es
1 4400 cres.
High scores of 200 and better at
Hagels Bowling alley, week ending No
vember 19. A. P. Wadhams, 201? 202,
213, 222. 204, 21S and 215; Williams Mc
Ever, 210, 201 and 209; W. A. Wayj 211.
202. 209, 200. 216, 201, 226 and 224; P. J.
Hart. 211: Fred Hurezeler, 31'. Gu's
Plath. 203; A. Drake. 211, H. A. Graves,
245; Wfll Dawson, 201 and 207- J. J.
Booth. Ulyssis. 215: D. W. Wineburg.
Belgrade, 208. For the Farmers' prize
Frank Rudat is high with a score-of lb8
and Emil Mailer is second with 183.
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Telephone o. 71, Weaver JL
Son for gool coal.
Dr. YaKier, Osteopath. Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher music Barber bldg.
G R. Freib, painting and paper
hanging dwtf
A ireiv hue of gLHranteed pipes and
muker' article at The Bowling Alley.
Tclcimouc .o. 71 for coal:
WANTED: Good blacksmith for
city work. L. SHCKBIBBR.
Wanted A good girl for general house
vork. four in family. Call at this office.
Dr. C. V. Campbell. Dentist with Dr.
Lu-olien. Arnold's old stand. Olive sL
WANTED: A girl for general
noose work Inquire at resilience or
tore of J. H. Galley.
Girl, don't buy cheap lotions for the
omplexion. Just coax your mothers to
ise Peter Sch mitt's dour.
desirable line of houses for rent.
Becher Hockenberger and Chambers.
If you want a dour with all the nu
tritious part of the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
Try a South Bend watch. It ia one
of the oe watches made, perfect
time keepers. Sold by Carl FroesaeL
11th St.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Don't pat it off. Hare your house in
sured now. Have your accounts col
lected before they are outlaw. Call
on C. N. McElfresh. wtf.
Telephone No. 74, Weaver &
Son for sood coal.
For hard coal, furnace
coal and all lands of sort
coal Newman & Welch.
For Sale.
My 20 acre fruit farm, two and a half
miles east of Columbus and a quarter
mile north of telephone road. Price
31500, part cash, balance on time.
W. J. McEathbos,
16th and Jackson Sts.. Omaha. Neb.
The Great Want Id Paper
If you want to sell your farm, horsee
or business, or buy something, or you
want help of any kind, put a u want-ail"
in the Omaha World-Herald.
This paper is known as the great
' want-ad" paper of Nebraska, publishing
almost as many paid want-ads as any
three other Nebraska papers combined.
The World-Herald gives splendid re
turns to its "waut-ads,and its rates are
For one day only, the charge is 1
cents a word. For two or more consecu
tive days, a cent a word per day. For
one month. 31.50 a line of six words. All
"want-ads" cash in advance. Have your
answers come to the World-Herald if you
like: no extra charge.
The World-Herald's net circulation is
:o. cm.
ksBBBaPilBBBBBIIafeajilM wl
The Woaderfnl Growtk
Is doe to its
Perfect Quality
Moderate Price
Used In HiOloaa
of Homes
K2?J"t"0 won TtJr TB
HOUSANDS of grateful customers in
customers in
everv state attest the WONDERFUL
The Only Liniment thai Heals without a Scar
It oiiv euro, sprain-i. brtifc1. "sor. swlHn2S.
lamone-s. old wound-.. lumbazn. chapped hand. frost
bitts. etc.. and i the st.icdanl recedy for barbed
Wire emts on animals. h:irae-s and saddle (rails,
scnt"hs. zr-as hHI. caked udder, itch, nianirt? etc.
It li"aK a wound from the bottom np and is
thoroughly antiseptic. KlG CCTUS OIL Is
jld by drwruiMs in 15c . Vc. and JI buttles. 51 and
Sdecortitivi c:in. orsnt prepaid by the manufac
turers. 0JVCr a McDAtV. Clintan. latua. if
not obtainable at your druiata'
A Bargain if taken at Once.
$1,700 buys my residence in Columbus
consisting of two full lota, hons1, sum
mer house, floored barn for 3 horsee
chicken houe and fine yards, 33 bearing
fruit trees, city water, well and cellar
All in good repair. Inquire at Journal
At the North Opera house next
Monday evening beautiful, tuneful
"Florodora will have its initial pre
sentation in this city at the hands of
a road comoany which critical opinion!
pnnounces is in no wav inferior to
the original company in point of de
taiL The fame of the very cinat-'
ins double sextotte, "Tell Me, Pretty
Maiden, " has long preceded the ad
vent of" Florodora ', and it will come,
be seen and heard, and will win re
newed admirers from local theatre-'
goers. Lovers of light, prettv and
reded music will be enthralled, and
I the performace will prove one of the
', most enjoyable offered our theatre-
Datrons in a long time. The company
is a large one numbering sixty persons
and is equipped with a scenic environ
ment requiring two sixry-fooc bag
gage cars for its transportation.
Girl HCakes fiecord.
All the Platte connty boys who have
been entitled to honorable mention :s
"crack" corn huskers will have to take
on! their hats to the Iowa young lady
whose record is set forth in a clipping
from the Leigh World:
"Here is a girl that took time by the
forelock and pulled the old gent's leg
right. It happened near Manila, la.,
and now the young lady is receiving the
congratulations of her friends and her
father the jokes of his comrades. On a
wager with her father, m which the.
stake was a new piano and a year at a
Chicago musical college. Alice Isn
mmger, the eighteen-year-old daughter
of one of the best-to-do farmers in this
vicinity broke the record by husking
and cribbing WO bushels of corn be
tween sunrise and snnset."
Two Big Sales.
One of them is on December 13 at
Osceola when J. H. and O. E. Mickey
will sell about .10 Scotch shorthorn
cows, bulls and heifer?.
The ether is on December 14 at
Rising when O. E. Wade and others
will sell 40 head of registered short
horns and some Poland China boars.
Parties can attend both of these sales
on the same trip. See ads in this pa
per. 2t.
An Opoortnnity.
Miss C. J. Leland of Fremont will
be at the Clorher hateL Fridar De
cember I, for one dar. Any one de
siring to leave orders for gowns or
wraps will please notice this date.
U'OR SALE: A second hand piano,
almost new. Inquire Journal otEce.
f mi mi iii-
.-wfnri-i,ril.,.r.if'nittli "
" i i 1 i 4 i iT" i"i "ir IT
Henry Ragatz & Co.
Staple and Fancy
Land Auction.
The E. P. Swearingon 2S0 acre farm
well improved and with 80 acres of
growing winter wheat in the bargain,
will be sold at referees' auction sale,
at the court house in Osceola Polk
county on December 19tn, 1905, 1 p.
m. This farm lies in section 22, town
ship 16, range L w eight miles south
west from Columbus. Inquiries con
cerning it will be cheerful? answered
by King & Bittner, Osceola, Neb.
Crockery, Queensware
Lamps and Glassware
Borowiak Martys.
A very pretty wedding waa solomized
yesterday morning at 9:110 at the Catho
lic church -wheu Mr. Paul Borowiak and
Miss Mary Martys, both of this city, i
were ushered before the altar and before j
a gathering of relatives and friends were
made man and wife. It whs a pretty
service and after the ceremony a recep
tion was held at the home of the bride in
south Columbus. Friends attended in
large numbers and extended congratu
lations. May their voyage through life
be pleasant and filled with happines.
Muriel. .
This morning at 9-JJ o'clock, at the
Catholic church. Mr. John Valasek and
Mrs. Katie Micek were united in mar
riage in the presence of a gathering of
relatives and friends. After congratula
tions were plentifully showered upon
the wedded couple, the party accom
panied the groom and bride to the home
of Mr. Skrupa, northeast of Columbus,
where an elaborate feast awaited them!
Both of the contracting parties are well
known here and their large number of
friends extend best wishes for future
happiness and prosperity.
we have a sDlendid assortment
always on hand.
We have just received some early ar
rivals in Fancy Japanese, French and
German China, suitable for presents.
We buy the best the market affords in
Large Quantities. If you trade with us
you will be satisfied both in quality and
We Solicit Your Trade
Henry Raptz & Co.,
Rrinska PfcMi 29. Iifcpiident Ptoses 29 and 229.
H 1 1 H It l IK l M-MS I-H-K-frH 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i i I II 1 in i ilium;
. & - -w A.