The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 29, 1905, Image 4

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    iBmmmmm -
S-iSfecL- 1
Columbus gonnral.
Columbus, Nebr.
Eatand at the Poatoffice, Colombas, Nebr., m
eooad-claae mail matter.
Coltimbns Journal Co.,
s BJ&aSaMtaUagfatBaiyJiaa
r.brmtl.poaaaa prepaid two
Hi - ---
Tar oatha w
tiBHBxex z. Anon, mtw.
BENEWAL8 The date opposite your name on
oar paper, or wrapper shows to what time yonr
tfbacription ia paid. Thus Jan05 shows that
nayaaaat haa been received np to Jan. 1, 1905,
KbOS to Feb. 1, 1906 and so on. When payment
ia made, the date, which answers as a receipt,
will be changed accordingly.
DI8CONTINDANCE8-Keepon8ible rabscrib
rs will continue to receive this journal until the
pebliabera are notified by letter to discontinue,
when all arrearages must be paid. If yon do not
wish the Journal continaed for another year af
ter the time paid for haa expired, yon should
preTiooaly notify na to discontinue it.
CHANGE IN ADDREBS-When ordering a
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to gie their old aa well aa their new address.
The Rockefeller Temple is at a
standstill. It is still shy Howard's
"tainted hundred."
M. P. Harrington says in his let
ter to Edgar Howard:
"The president's program would
have about as much influence on the
railroads of the United States as you
would have upon the Missouri river
by trying to drain it dry with a buc
ket" If the Missouri river could be
made to resemble a good fat printing
fund in Platte county Mr. Harring
ton's "public spirited" friend could
drain it dry with a teaspoon in the
time required by Supervisor Clother
to take an "official" nap.
P. J. Barron who for more than a
year was associated with the Journal,
has joined the editorial force of the
World-Herald, and the World-Herald
will have a strongor editorial page
as a result. Pete Barron couldn't
write anything but a republican politi
cal editorial to save his life, for he i. a
republican to the marrow. But it
is just as impossible for him to write
anything that isn't worth reading.
When it comes to brains, no editorial
chair in the state can boast more of
them than the chair held down by
our friend "Pete."
The people of Nebraska never ap
proached a Thanksgiving with more
to be thankful for. Never before
have the standards of life in the av
erage home been so high. Destitu
tion exists in few homes and then
only as a result of shiftlessness, mis
fortune or dissipation. The boys and
girls are not only warmly clad and
well fed, but with slight exception
they are enjoying the advantages of
excellent schools, most of them have
access to libraries in home, school or
Sunday school, and many of them en
joy the privilege of a musical educa
tion. As long as a majority of the
individual children of the country are
raised in comfortable, virtuous homes
and have access to the best books; the
commonwealth is safe. Therefore,
while rejoicing over the blessings of
unusual prosperity this Thanksgiving,
people should not forget that their
prosperity is a real advantage to
themselves and to society only in pro
portion as it is employed in home, in
school, in society, in church to elevate
the physical, moral, intellectual and
spiritual standards of the children
and young people.
The press and pulpit are busy these
days pointing out the frauds of the big
life insurance companies and railroad
companies, etcetera. And the result
will benefit society. But that benefit
will not come through a belief that all
the fraud and corruption and dishon
esty are to be found in the mahogany
furnished office of the railroad presi
dent or life insurance president. It is
right to criticise and punish the in
surance president who transfers insur
ancs company stocks to help a stock
holder to dodge his taxes. But such
criticism and punishment will not be
effective till the public conscience is
aroused to the point where it will
criticise and punish other individuals
who collectively dodge millions of
their assessment by depositing money
in banks and lying abouit to the as
sessor. It is right to punish the insur
ance officer who contributes the policy
holder's money to the political cam
paign fund. But the man in town
ship, county or state office who gains
possession of the people's money by
illegal or corrupt means and then con
tributes it to a campaign fund to re
elect himself is even more deserving
of punishment Let the good work go
on among big men in far away places.
But don't forget that real reform like
real charity must begin at home.
We have recently listed several large ranches which will be cut up and sold in quarters or
tracts to suit purchaser. The low price at which these raches are listed enables i:s to
make the lowest prices that have been made in years on land similarly situatec?.
An Acre
80 Acres or 160 Acres
on Easy Terms
for men of small means larger
tracts for the investor.
Platte. county man who has
bought land in Sherman county
has made money. Call at our
office for their names.
6,000 Acres in Nance County
3,000 Acres Kent Lands 3,000 Acres Gould & Miller Lands.
Everybody knows the Kent ranch between Genoa and Fullerton and the Gould & Miller ranch between Ful
lerton and Belgrade. These ranches include hay land, cultivated valley lands, and table lands, cultivated and un
cultivated, improved and unimproved. There is land in these ranches to suit everybody from the young man or
renter with limited means to the stockman or investor. Prices range from $17.50 to $50.00 and terms to suit all.
Sherman County Lands
In tracts of from 160 to 2,500 acres.
Prices from $10 to $30 per acre.
With the same kind of farming, these lands will produce as much as
Platte county lands
Did you ever
Hear of a
man who
ever lost
money on
Why Not
Invest your money near home
where you know the land and
can look after it at small ex
pense? We never
offered such bargains m Ne
braska lands. Don't delay.
See us now.
Xif mf 73Kyj?CSflsi r .y
L2 .V.'-H.'i":' WfK'y tWmU.'fS'S'
M. F. Harrington for Governor, P.
E. MeKillip for Congress from the
Thin! district, Edgar Howard for
some high ofiice, perhaps State Sena
tor, a newspaper at Fremont to help
elect them, and the "public owner
ship" pole to knock the pershnmons.
This is the democratic program an
nounced in the lat issue of the Tele
gram. Harrington writes to Howard and
compliments him for coming out
"squarely and without evasion or
dodging for the public ownership and
operation of railroads" ami "welcomes
to our ranks o able and honest a
public spirited citizen as Edgar
Howard." Tins recommendation is
intended to qualifv Howard for the
state .-enato. And in order that no i
man may have the temertiy to ques
tion the strength of this endorsement,
Howard hastens to feel ''compliment
ed by the approving words of such a
political economist as'M. F. Harring
ton" who, he declares, is "in the front
rank of students of the railroad ques
tion," which qualification is supposed
to fit him for gubernatorial honors
this year ami for the United State-
Senate, in 1J)0S, the date lixcd lor the
democratic millenium.
Then in another editorial the editor
of the Telegram brings out McKillip
for Congress and tells things about
dissension over the republican nomin
tion in the Third district and about
"Post office brigades" that the Al
mighty Father himself has not yet
learned which "dimension" is sup
posed to be able to elect McKillip.
As a corollary to these "big plans
of big people," the announcement
comes that the Telegram company
has invested its surplus in a great de
mocratic daily in Fremont in re
sponse to Harrington's appeal "to
help us to get the people to under
stand the little piece of 'two for a
cent' railroad regulation that the
President proposes?"
Thus reads the political program
of three you-tickle-me-and-I-tickle-you
statesmen. As a piece of political
humor it is excelled only by those
two little stories which have been
written in Platte county politics,
namely, "How Howard Saved the
Democracy of Platte County" and
"How Howard Resolved that Carrig
Should Surrender His Railroad Pass
with a short essay on How Carrig Re
solved Not to Do It."
Our winter stock of clothing for
men and boys merits the careful at
tention of any careful buyer, especial
ly those who are looking for the best
made clothing their money can buy.
Our men's and young men's suits and
overcoats for this winter excel in qual-
j ity, stj'le, make and fit. Our prices
are correct. We are agents for Tiger,
Champion and Stetson hats, Selz shoes,
Lion shirts and collars, also Marlbor
ough work, and dress shirts. Remem
ber our prices are the same to your
child as to you. Hart's one price
clothing, shoe and hat house, Colum
bus, Nebraska.
HE can play on his knees, .
He can climb all the trees,
And holes in his stockings
Will never be seen;
He can hop, skip and jump.
He can, shin up a stump,
if he wears Improved
'IronCladsNo. 19."
For Sale By
Dealer in
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Cloaks and
Columbus, Nebraska
Coal Famine
The coal famine which has struck
Nebraska has not affected the coal sup
ply at Newman & Welch's. We ordered
early and pounded the railroad cjmpauy
for our care. As a result we have a
large supply of both lump and nut coals
on hand, enough to til both large and
email orders. 33tf
Montana Buffalo Bobes.
We desire to call yonr attention to
our Montana Buffalo Robes. These
robes are the warmest, most durable and
water proof. Prices are from 87 to $9
for beet large size.
tf L. W. Weaver & Sox.
Thanksgiving Day
Telephone No. 74 for coal.
Treasurer's Office,
Platte Co.. Nebr., Nov. 14, 1905.
c Notice i hereby given that the tax for
the yesir 10." b came due on November
1, 1905. Personal taxes will become de
linquent on Decemlier 1. and will draw
10 per cent intercut from that date. All
unpaid personal taxes will be collected
by distress warrant after February 1,
190C. Ileal estate taxes will become de
linquent after May 1, and will draw 10
per cent interest after that date.
1). A. Becher,
;S3-3t County Treasurer.
ft Bunch of Florodora Beauties
"W, vw 5 .w-.-vjyw,,
'-i$"r&i C",
.Af ', y .. - v. j.-'
VnHHIMnHH MHHiiHK v.V'aaiBmKmv
7 r"' vjh vv,.:" :..MiBK.".nm
raw!!,;' Z'''vWm" "SHKV JUfmSklOmKBKffSt.
.s&. lvi$EHBKd(-f xffflMKF Bft-VHLLV
HHuyK. flBKyWW JtKfKiv'MGHr SK
A Cheaply Made Wagoa
WiU Waste Eaaash '
Grain to Bay a
Good One.
"Our wagons will not scatter iu
your grain whileon the road to . .J
market or overtax yonr horses f-
with needless heavy draught.
North Opera House, Monday, December 4th, 05
Through Eeho, Weber and Ogden can
nons, bristling with marvelous scenes of
western grandeur, across great Salt Lake
down the Hnmbolt Valley and over the I
wondrousiy Deautunl Sierra Aevadas,
via Union Pacific every day on "The Ov
erland Limited," electric lighted. 7h3
finest train across the American 'conti
nent. Inquire of W. H. Benham.
To accommodate holi
day travelers a rate of
one fare and one-third
for the round trip to
points within 200 miles
of starting point, has
been generally placed
in effect by the
ates of Sale, Nov. 29
and 30, with final re
tu rn limit Dec. 5.
Inquire of
W. H. BENHAM, Agent
Frank A. Lawrence, and Mrs. Frank A. Iaw
rrncr, fint or Christian name nnknown, will
take notice that on the 1st day of November,
l'.M5, Wm. O'Hrien, a justice of the iieace of
Col ambus, Platte county, Nebraska, isoned an
order of attachment for the ram of $17.18, in an
action tending before him, wherein Edwanl D.
Fitzpntrick is plaintiff, and Frank A. Lawrence,
and Mm. Frank A. Lawrence, first or Christian
name nnknown. defendants, that the proiierty
of the defendants, consisting of one Binder J
sewing machine, and one hard coal baruer store,
have been attached nndersaid order. Said canse
was continued to the Itith day of Decemlier, UT.,
at 9 o'clock a. m.
EDWAUD D. FITZPATltlCK. Plaintiff.
By C. N. McElfresh, his Attorney.
Colnmbns, Nebr., November 8th. 1906.
JKgm Special Seduced
Excnrsioi Rates
On sale Nor. 27. 1905.
Return Dec 18th, 1905.
One and one-third fare.
To Toronto, Buffalo, Salamanca,
Pittsburg, Wheeling and points west
also north of Ohio River, Wheeling to
Cario. ; and east of but aot including
St. Lions, Hannibal. Quracy, Keokuk,
Peoria and Chicago.
Z CHICAGO, account International
Lire Stock Exposition rate, one fare
plus 12 00. Dates of sale December
16 17, 18 and 19. Return limit De
cember 24th. For exhibitors. Decern
ber Tomrs Truly,
J. A. KUHN, P. A. F. & P. A.
Short-Horn Sale!
Rising City, Neb., Dec. 14,
Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.
No postponement. Sale under cover
18 Bulls, 22 Cows and Heifers
In the offering which we will sell we have tried to
select some good, useful cattle. These cattle will not be
loaded with fat but will be in just fair breeding condition
and ape bound to make money for the buyer. In the bull
offering are two tried Scotch herd bulls coming three
years old. The other bulls raage in age from seven to
twenty months, some of them good enough to head herds.
The cows and heifers are a good useful lot of breeding
stock, every female old enough raised a calf this year and
all cows and hsifers of breeding age will be bred to one of
the herd bulls. Stock ot buyer's risk as soon as bid off.
TERMS One year'B time will be Siren purchaser with approved se
curity at 7 per cent interest, property to be settled for before being re
moved. Stock to be shipped loaded on cars free of charge.
Parties from a dfstance will be f u rnisliec free livery tu and from sale
iromijaviu wiy ana surprise, so as to make connection with all tram.
Send for catalog. Stop at the Arlington as onr guests.
R. S. SIMPSON, F. W. LUDDEN, Surprise
WM. JAEXIKE. O. E. WADE. Rimntr r.'itv
Coi,. T. C. Cai.i.aiian, Auctioneer. Rali-h Stanley. Clerk
We keep only the Latest and BEST in
Biggies and Carriages
J0iir horse shoes stick
and don't lame your horses
6. J. GflRLOW
wmavH89 iVGv.
Office over
Cola ai baa Htate Dank
T D. 3TIKE8.
ObW. Olire He. foarth door aorth of Fiict
A. M. P08T
Attorney : at : Law
GltHitbiis, ftet).
The Sweedish Dialect Comedy
This Y'r
Brick House Herd Duties
100 March and early April phjs for
Summer and Fall trade. Cnn furnich
in pairs or trios, not related, at bargain
prices. Write or call for prices or des
cription. RFD 4, Columbus. J. J. MRNES
Interpreted by
asplended com
pany of players
The onl" company presenting
The Merriest of all Musical Comedies
Fifth Season of Enormons Success
Beautiful, Dashing, Tuneful
and CaVrla PHlltlHQ
tain m4 enMMaiil Tmimm t H
Kinds. Olty argauoim.
With Ralph Riggs and Company of CO
Prettieft of all Choruses
Musical flit of the Ace
Mondau, December 4hrwmsl0l?lbs
Attorney - at - Law
Bank Building.
-Mr-3C PMSir"5.i rafK -
rws 3Csr-.. -