The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 29, 1905, Image 1

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    &e Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County
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Tht Light of Our Bank
shmee on the pathway that lesdsup
to the
Gate at Suocaa
Our bank and de p eitora are a har
monious group. 1 h-y hare our confi
dence and we have theirs. Sucees for
ua is success to you. That is why we
are popular. Banking with as means
sharing oar prosperity.
The Fir t National Bank
Township Officers aai a 3 ad Over
seers. Th4 Journal gives this week the
township offlcera and roadoverseers,
which it ha lacked space to gire
heretofore :
Columbus Clerk, J. H. Rodehoret;
treasurer, J. H. Drinmn; justice of the
peace, J. M. Carry; constable. Hugo
Bismark Clerk. Budolph Mueller;
treasurer, Henry Rickert; justice of the
peace, "Siebert Heibel; cona table. Otto
Sherman Clerk. C. G. Luedtke; treas
urer, 3. W. Sanders, justice of peace,
Gottfried Marty; constable, Alvin
Creston Clerk, C E Wagner treasur
er S T Fleming; justice of peace, W tl
Dean; constable, Willie Decker.
Shell Creek Clerk, Max Gottberg:
treasurer. Fred Bleseen; justice of
peace, Herman Kluever; constable, F
H Hageman.
Grand Prairie Clerk, Hubert Braan;
treasnrer, John F Hellbusch; justice
of pjace, William Schelp; constable.
John Bruen.
Humphrey Clerk, Conrad Fuchs;
treasurer. Joseph Bender; justice of
p ace, Jcaeph Bruen; constable. Joseph
Butler Clerk. M A Twardowski:
treasurer, D H Harrington; juciice of
peace, Albert Gerber; constable, Jacob
Loup Clerk, Albert Huerner; treasur
er, William Kammer; justice of peace.
J B Kyle; constable, Frank Boss.
Lost Creek Clerk, Robert Pinson:
treasurer, Henry Scheidel; justice of
peace, John Moffat; constable, John
Burrows Clerk, Charles F Schnre;
treasurer, Louis Loeeke; justice of
peace, Alec Volz: cwnstabla. Henry
Gnesen, Jr.
Granville Clerk. E H Leach; treas
urer, Joseph Lachnit; justice of peace,
Charles Schueth; constable. Sm Lang.
Monroe Clerk, William Pugsley; treas
urer. R J Hill; justice of peace, Frank
Lawrence; constable, Charles Watts.
Jolie:--Clerk. John James; treasurer,
J P Sorenson: justice of peace. Andrew
Peterson; constable, E J Williams.
St.Bernarl Clerk. Chris Schaecher;
treasurer, M J Ramaeker. justice cf
peace, Charles Kopietz; constable, J J
Woodville Clerk. Al 1 e n Bennett;
treasurer, N. C. Nelson; justice of peace,
Roy Clark; constable, Fred Werner.
Walker Clerk. Ed Anderson: treas
urer, C. A. Anderson; justice of pease.
Albert Olsen: constable, Louis Jacob
District No.
I J E Morrow
':( Henry s
4 Henry Meyer
5 J O Pierson
fl Loustedar
7 EraakWidhalm
8 QOeaoenthal
9 WuVGossman
10 Frank Flakus
II Otto Ernst
13 John Ebner
13 Peter Noonan
14 J M Williams
15 Walter Tschmlin
16 H M Christensen
17 John Hamling
IS Ed Johnson
Dr. E.H.Naumann
Has one of the best dental offices
in the state.
Fullv equipped to do all den
tal work in First-Class manner.
Always reasonable in charges.
All work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in Co
lumbus. r. E.I.
19 Peter Eisenmenger
20 Arthur Little
21 E M Farnsworth
22 A J Salstrom
2 Gus B run ken
2.1 John Randal
2t Henry Englebertz
27 Detnch Hcllman
23 John Brudney
30 H F Prang
31 Thos Roberts
32 Frank German
33 Frank Sokol
3t Nick Hemmer
35 Ed Hollman
37 John Bnnker
38 Theo Huettner
31) Frank Bruckner
40 J X Mailman
41 Andrew Iverson
42 Dan Wilson
43 Wm N:in.sel
44 Peter Luchinger
45 Jos Wemhi'ff
40 Theo Crumland
47 Jchn Held
41) Albert Stenzel
5J Albert Sivers
51 Swan Swanson
52 Gus Tessendorf
53 Henry Clayborn
34 Peter Schmidt
55 Jacob Bipp
5(5 Jacob Ltiun
57 H D Clanssen
5S Geo Tiaden
59 Chas Peterson
(50 Sam Connelly
61 Jos Albrecht
Sunday Base Ball
The Fremont Tribune makes the
following comment on the sensational
Sunday tose-ball case, in which the
jury returned a verdict "no cause for
"In other word the boys had on
baseball clothes the catcher wore a
wire mask ; the pitcher doubled him
self up and fired the tall over the
plate for nine straight innings; the
batters stocd at the base and struck
viciously at the sphere, ever and anon
hitting and chasing themselves around
the diamond ; and the grandstand and
Dleachers were filled with "fans" who
veiled and yelled and yelled all this
Sabbath after noon while the
church bells were ringing. Is looked
like baseball, it sounded like baseball,
it was baseball. In all other respects
it seemed like the Sabbath day;
churches held services: the chiilren
wended their way to tBe Sabbath
school; and business was suspended.
It was Sunday. But the jury with
inscrutable wisdom, with its eyes
blinded and its ears stuffed, said it
was not baseball and that it was not
Sunday. What's the law, anyway,
between friends?"
One of the most important an
nouncements of tne theatrical season
is that of Manager R. W. Saley of the
North Opera house who gives out the
information that be has at last secured
the famous New York Casino success,
beautiful, tuneful "Florodora," and
that with all its wealth of magnifi
cent scenery, pretty women and cap
tivating musical melodies. "Floro
dora" will bid for pupular local favor
at the North Opera hoc?e next Mon
day evening. There is so much dash,
life, and lieht and color to "Floro
dora" that to those who have seen the
big production there is nothing aston
ishing in its unparalelled success. It
has chorus which overtops anything
else of its kind and is most popular in
the originality and tunefulness of its
musical numbers. The company pre
sentinz "Florodroa' here has been
carefully selected, and the production
requiring the attention ot sixty peo
ple, will be given in its entirety.
While cupid is playing a great part
this fall among a large number of Platte
county's young people, it would be well
to bear in mind that to make the yourg
wife happy and begin right in this new
life, a weekly visit of the Journal will
do the business. Snbscribe now.
Mr. and Mrs. Will H. King spent Mon
day in Omaha, Mrs. King visiting the
city schools.
Attorney R. W. Hobart made a busi
ness irip to Kearney this week.
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
L. H. Laary'i Election Camteitei.
The election of L. H. Leavy to the
office of county superintendent at the
recent 'election is to be contested.
R. P. Drake of Humphry, the con
testant filed his complaint in the
county court Monday, the 27th and
the contest will be tried some time
within the next thirty days.
While the complaint does not set
forth specifically the grounds for the
contest, it is understood that they are
based on the fact that Mr. Leavy
granted to himself the first grade cer
titicate which entitles him to qualify
for the office. Until last July a state
superintendent's ruling which was
made about twenty-five years ago
when it was neoessary in the sparse
ly settled section of Nebraska for
county superintendents to teach, has
been followed by which a superin
tendent might issue himself a teach
er's certificate. Bat hut July State
Superintendent McBrien made a rul
ing that he would not certifv to the
election of any superintendent who
had issued himself a certificate. Mr.
Leavy it is understood issued him
self the certificate which he holds,
during the months previous to Mr.
McBrien's ruling and 'it was far this
reason that Mr. McBrien certified to
Mr. Leavy's election.
The question whether L H
Leavy, superintendent can grant to
L. H. Leavy tne individual a certi
ficate is believed to be the issue of
the contest and as it involves a nice
legal point, the contest proceedings
will be watched with interest throuh
out the state as well as in Platte
The language of the complaint fol
lows: That said L. H. Leavy, the incum
bent, is not elligible to said office,
and was not at the date of said elec
tion elligible to be elected to said
office, and was not at said date nor is
he now qualified to hold said office for
the reason that the said L. H. Leavy
did. not at the time of said election,
nor at any other time hold a first
grade county certificate in force at
the date of said election ; nor did he
at the date of said election hold a first
grade county certificate or its equiva
lent, or any other certificate qualify
ing him to teach in the public schools
of Platte county, or to be elected to.
or bold the office of County Superin
tendent of public instruction in said
county, and that the votes cast for
bim for said office at said election
were illegal and void.
Wherefore Contestant pravs that
said incumbent be ousted from said
office of County Superintendent of
public instruction of said county, and
that said office be declared vacant,
and said incumbent be enjoined from
exercising the duties of said office for
tne ensuing year, and far such other
and further relief as may be juft and
Cattle I ceding Experiment.
The Nebraska Experiment Station
has just issued Bulletin No. 90, giving
a report of a cattle feeding experiment
in which several forms of roughness
common in the West were compared.
A matter of interest in connection
with this experiment is the fact that
the only lot of steers in the experiment
that lost money was the lot fed corn
and prairie hay. This is the only ra
tion which would be considered an un
balanced one, yet it is a ration more
commonly fed in Nebraska than any
other. The loss per steer on corn and
prairie hay was 31.13. The average
profit per steer in each of the other
four lots was as follows: On corn 0
per cent, oil-meal 10 per cent, and prai
ie hay, 31.09; on corn and alfalfa, 32.86.
on corn, alafalfa, and cured cornstalks,
$3 32; and on corn, oil-meal, and sor
ghum hay, S1.92.
In this experiment the same four
facte so strongly brought to light in
the yearling test stand again in bold
relief for the consideration of the far
mer. They are:
(I) That with present prices for both
corn and beef, greater consideration
must be given to the character and
quantity of roughness fed in connection
with corn to fattening cattle.
(2 That alfalfa hay is pronouncedly
superior to prairie hay for beef pro
duction and that the more rapid the
extension of the area of laud devoted
to the production of alfalfa, supplant
ing the lees valuable and lower yield
ing native hay, the more rapid will be
the production of wealth from our soil.
(3) That native prairie hay, if for
any reason it is most available for feed
ing purposes, should not be fed with
corn alone, but rather with corn sup
plemented with a small quantity of
some protein food, such as oil-meal,
cottonseed meal, or gluten-meal, to give
more nearly a balance of nutrients in
keeping with animal requirements.
(4) That cornstalks cut immediately
after the ears ripen possess a food
value which cannot consistently be
isn jred by the farmer and that existing
land values warrant the larger utiliza
tion of this roughness by the adoptiou
of methods of harvesting that will make
such material more valuable for feeding
Nebraska Experiment Station.
Seth Brass has asost of his large
line of holiday goods os mis shelves. I
Those who wisk to auks their selec
tion early before the stock is picked
over should order bow. Tour order
will be carefully packed away for you
unit itMHiriinuuiiiunrum
(From files of Journal Nov. 22, 1871
Corn for fuel at 39 cents a bushel is
cheaper than wood at So a cord.
John Gogans tells, us that List March
when he mnde settlement on upper
Shell Creek there was not :t house in
sight of his own. Now they dot the
prairie in every direction.
We had our first instalment of snow
storm Friday and Saturday. Friday
he moisture came down in pellets of
ice. Saturday those of our population
who had never seen a Nebraska "regul
ar" were favored with an intimation of
what it is. Snnday morning the sky
was almost clear, the air calm, and the
beam if ul snow lay in pilrs here and
there, no longer tormented by the wild
The annual report of the boards of
county commissioners of Platte county
for the year past, is published in this
issue. V. Kummer 3 county treasurer
H. J. Hudson county clerk. Among the
items of interest may be found the fol
lowing figures: Total amount of war
rants in general fund unredeemed No
vember 1, 1871, 42.4S3.9S. Amount of
bonds issued 547,000, including the fol
lowing: January, 1S69, court house
bonds issued, redeemable 10 years from j
date interest 10 per cent. $16,000; July
1863, Loup Fork Bridge bonds, 56,000; 1
July 1870, general bridge bond redeem-!
able 20 years from date. 325,000. !
J.Seth Bran a will have aeveial special
sales during December. Watch his
windows and this paper for special
offers. it.
Mam) vt
C3 -
Perhaps your old hot water bottle did not
last as long as it should. There might have
been better rubber in it. Our bottles are
made of pure Para rubber from Brazil, one
of the very best in the whole world. Our
hot bottles will not disappount you
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
B & DC . Depot Burglarized.
The Burlington depot wes robbed last ,
Fridny nisht of freight and express to j
the value of $73 and Harry Edwards '
lies in the city jail at Omaha, the
confessed robber.
Harry Edwards was in the hospital
here from the middle of October till
November 2:5. for treatment. On the
night of the -5th he committed the bur
glary and went to Omaha where he was
taken in by the Omaha police and made
a fnll confession. A part of the. stolen
aoods have been found"here in the citv.
Hatch Game.
A telegram received by Mr. Hagel
today announces a bowling match to
be pulled off at the Hagel alleys Fri
day night, between Columbus and
Belwood. Admission free.
Mrs. J.C. Post:, of Kingfisher, Okla.,
came hut Saturday evening for a visit
a; the home of her parent, Mr. and
Sir. C. A. Speice.
Miss Katuerine Speice returned
Monday night from Omaha, where
she has been for the milinerj season
Among those who will go to Lincoln
for Tnanksgiving and to wi tness the
football game are : Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Rathburn. Mrs. and Miss Evans,
Eloise Roen, Polly Bueher, Albert
Becker, and Mrs. F. H. Abbott and
son, Aubrey, and Dr. M. T. Mc
Macon. Mrs .Taila Rafmnssen and Mrs.
Frank Schram entertained about filtv
ladies at six hand euchre, yesterday
afternoon. The prizes, a rose bowl
and a card tray were won by Mrs.
Julius Nichols and Mrs. Black. A
daintv two-couse luncheon was after
ward served. They are entertaining
this afternoon at flinch.
The ladies' of the Woman's club, at
a recent meeting decided to admit
associate members to the club. This
has never been done m the past, but
the members realized that manv
ladies of the city would join the club
and help in its philanthropies and
charitable work, if they could attend
the meetings but have no active part
in the programs. So it has been de
cided a to admit such members upon
piyment of the regular admission fee
plus fifty cents. Associate members
are welcome to all general meetings of
the club, and to the several depart
ments when they choose to attend.
Short flora Bulls
At Branigan's Barn.
Yearlings and
2-Year Olds
Gocd Words for Miss HcXaksu.
There is no other superintendent of a
state m-titution in Nebraska who has
made a brighter record than Miss Lida
Me Malum of this city.
L st Friday's Bee contn ne I an artii I
uhicu will interest Mit-a McMahou'a
many Columbus friends:
"State Superintendent McBrien and
Secretary of Stale Galusha, who have
returned from a visit of mspecnon 10
the Girls' Industrial school at Geneva,
expressed their pleasures at the condi
tions they found. They credit Miss
McMahon, the superintendent, with
mucu skill as a manager and call aiten
tiou to the discipline and the education
given the inmates. The buildings at
the institution have been thoroughly
overhauled and placed in good condition
Mr. McBrien says that he questioned
the girls and found that they compare
favorably in intelligenco with those in
the public schools. They are happy
under the present administration and
show nodispobitmn to run away.
One featur of the management which
is attracting commendation is the pro
duction of supplies for the institution
on the farm. This year the girls work
ing under the supervision of the officers
of the home, have raL-ed 1,S00 or 2,000
chickens. n.-ing incubators. In the
spring a farmer about to move away
had some Duroc hogs for sale. Miss
McMahon purchased eight for the in
stitution and now has a large number of
tine shoats. while the old hogs are
about ready for the market. She has
shifted the employes' list with a saving
o the state of about 350 a month. Two
of the oldr girls are given 310 a month,
to look after the laundry and other
work about the institution, reducing the
number of employes."
Famished House for Sent.
A good house furnished centrally
located, desirable for keeping board
ers. Inquire Journal office. 34 3
Frank J, Henry, one time superintend
ent of schools of Colfax county, was in
town Saturdav.
Miss Cogil will alo go to Central
City, and Miss Bonam will go to
Rising City.
Mr--. P. J. Hart and Mrs. Larl
a.ramt-r are entertaining at euchre
this afternoon.
John Early is also expected home
from the University tor a season of
turkey and visiting.
Miss Elise Bragger is expected home
from Lincoln tonight to spend Thanks
giving with her parents.
Mrs. George Winslow is entertain
ing Mr and Mrs. Ed. Winslow of
Norfolk for Thanksgiving.
Miss Hulda Malm will visit Clarks
and Central Citv for the Thanksgiv
ing season, returning Sunday.
Mr. Baumgart of Danville. 111., a
brother of Dr. Baumgart who was re
cently married in this city came Mon
day to spend Thanskgiving.
Ralph Turner from the University,
and Miss Rena Turner, who has been
visiting in Rogers and Omaha, will
be at home for the hclidays
A baseball game between the Fresh
men and Sophomore classes, and the
Seniors and Juniors, is scheduled for
Thanksgiving rtay at the hall park.
The original Swedish-American
characterization, You Yonson ' will
appear at tne North Opera house on
Thursday, December 7, for a return
visit. During the last fifteen years,
"Ton Yon!on" has proven a great
success and the indications are that
the famous play will continue to do
so a3 long as the high standard of the
prodoction is maintained.
Adelaide Bvrd and Ida Warner are
the names of the very e'ever sou
bruttes who are to be seen in this
year's production of "Yon Yonaon".
They are both charming singers and
clever dancers, so the vocal and ter
psicnoreau features of the peformance
possesses a degree of excellence this
year that has not been fuxpaseed, and
rarely equalled in former seasons.
At the North Opera house next
Monday evening beautiful, tuneful
"Florodora' wiil have its initial pre
sentation in this city at the hands of
a road comcany which critical opinion
prinuunses is in no wav inferior to
the original company in point of de
rail. The fame of the very fascinat
ing double sextette, "Tell Me, Pretty
Maiden,' has long preceded the ad
vent of 'Florodora", and it win come,
be seen and heard, and will win re
newed admirers from local theatre
goers. Lovers of light, pretty and
reded music will be enthralled, and
the performace will prove one of the
most enjoyable offered our theatre
natrons in a long time. The company
is a large one numbering sixty pitons
and ia equipped with a scenic environ
ment requiring two sixty-foot bag-
CCORDING to our usu
(ji al custom we are pleas-
ed t) announce the
formal opening of our
Holiday Season. Prepara
tions are now complete in
every department. We wish
to suggest the advantages of
buying early not only that it
affords a more complete as
sortment, but also it affords
ample time to carry out our
patron's wishes regarding
engraving and pocking.
Articles selected now will
be held for call at any date
that may be desired.
Ed J. Niewohner
The Jeweler
Miss Alfreda Post is suffering from
an attack cf infl imraatory rheum itism.
Mrs. George Whaley is spending
Thanksgiving week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Remington of
Judge and Mrs. A. M. Po-t are enjoy
ing a visit from their daughter Gf orgie.
and from Judge Post'd sister, Mrs. Orr
Sang of Chicago.
Willi Hocaenberger entertained
the High School Foot-ball team, six
reen incumber ami Prof, and Mrs.
Graves in royal style as dinner last
Saturday evening. A football bung
just above the table, and pennants
adorned the walls. Maroon and white
ribbons..the Higk School colors, wer
draped from the chandelier of the cor
ners of the table. White carnations
and chrysanthemums, and candle
sticks with Maroon shades decorated
the table and further carried out the
color scheme. While at each plate
were the same cards, appropriately
tied with the colors and with a foot
ball painted on each. A four course
dinner as served, after which the
guests enjoved themselves in the par
lors, and listened to stories told by
Mrs. Graves.
Two Biff Sales.
One of them is on December 13 at
Osfleola when J. H. and O. E. Mickey
will sell about 50 Scotch shorthorn
cows, bulls and heifers.
The other in on December 14 at
Rising when O. E. Wade and others
will sell 40 head of registered short
horns and some Poland China boars.
Parties can attend both of these sales
on the same trip. See ads in this pa
per, it.
Land Auction.
The E. P. Swearingou iS0 acre farm
well improved and with SO acres ot
growing winter wheat in the bargain,
will be sold at referees' auction sale,
at the court house in Osceola Polk
county on December 19th, 1905, 1 p.
m. This farm lies in section 23, town
ship 16, range L w eight miles south
west from Columbus. Inquiries con
cerning it will be cheerfulv answered
by King & Bittaer, Osreola, Neb.
FOR SALE : A second hand gaso
line engine, 2 horse power, just the
thing for a farmer to use for tumping
water or grinding feed. Cheap for
cash. Journal office.
Own Your Home
Do you belong to the
rent -paying number
in Columbus
If you do, and desire to purchase
City Property either improved or un
improvedcall and see us. We have
many choice lots and residences for
sale as well as a few desirable business
Elliitt, Speice ni Ci.
mlj aaBKaavLawHN
s jpftaKjir jbmVsj aaaaav"'""raSaaaaasBmj
2aBiiaWB5'"- 'BuutM
Your business. We are bound to
win it if courteous, considerate treat
ment on our part will da it, coupled
with the fact that in our new quarters
we Hre enabled to offer you every mod
ern facility and convenience; for the
transaction of your banking business
fc-nt the beet brains can devise.
The Old Reliable
Columbus State Bank
The oldest bink in Nebraska doing busi
ness under State Charter.
Woman's Club.
The general meeting of the Wo
man's club will be held at the resi
dence of Mrs. F. W. Forrand on
Saturday, December 2, ac three
o'clock. A full attendance is desired as
arrangements for the New Year book
wiU be made at this meeting.
The following program will be
given :
Piano Solo
Vocal Solo
Violin Duett.
Piano Solo
Vocal Duett
Piano Solo.
Mrs. Jaeggi
. . . . Mrs. Nichols
Mrs. Evans
"( Mrs. McAllister
Mrs. Adams
j Mrs. Garlow
Mrs. Gleason
Mrs. Rathburn
Vocal Solo Miss Morgan
Piano Solo Mrs. Page.
Advertised Letters.
S. P. 'Bowmen, Dollie Brady,
leigh Caifee, S. R. Cornwell, Walter
Douval, Tom Goddis, Max Gerhard.
Andrew Irwin, V. D. Jobes, Mrs. F.
M. Keisner, Martha Killoran. George
Lavmtn, Mrs Anna Madbura, Mer
chants Detective Service, Will Miles
George Morer, Max Mussbaum, Mary
O'Toolei Joseph Pehmur, J. H. Piep
er, Emile Remter. D. O. Morley,
Albert Read-r, C. W. Sayre, E. Sulli
van, W. A. Street, and Mike Williams.
Maurice Branigan-
Maurice Branigan one of the best
known citizens among the older sec
tiers in Platte county died suddenly
Tuesday morning at his home 12 miles
southwest of Columbus.
Mr. Branigan had been in perfect
health, and had not even complained
of feeling badly, when he was sudden
ly stricken with apoplexy.
Maurice Branigan was barn in
Ireland, in 1S:J7 October S, lb71, he
was married to Nora Burke. To them
were born six daughters and five sons,
Mrs. ihos. Spitz, Mrs. Chas. Hughs,
Mrs. F. J. Cockson, Maggie, Katie,
Thomas, Tohn. Ed, Maurice and Will.
Mr. Branigan was section manager
for over twenty years. Lived for a
while at North Platte and Julsfaurg
and in lb7-i went to Dicks, Nebr.
where he remained live year. He then
moved to Colnmbus where he lived
three year?, removing then to Egbert.
Wyoming, wheie he made his home for
eight years, then he returned to his
farm, where he was living at the time
of hi? death.
The funeral will take place from the
Catholic church Friday morning at
eleven o'clock.
TheThompson-Cronin case over damage
from a mill dam which has been in the
courts for years was settled by a jury of
twelve men last Saturday. They in
spected the property and tixed the dam
age at 2325. This is $125 more than the
sam agreed upon by the three arbitra
tors winse finding was set aside because
they had seen a copy of a former award.
Wheat 70
vvOrn .. .. .. .... . oL
Oats g? bushel 22
Bye li bushel 53
Barley, 25
Potatoes f? bu 30
Butter flb 16 to IS
Eggs dozen . 20
Poultry 71..
Hoirs 4.25 to 4.20
in an up-ro-date effice, is the best
thing we have to offer.
We can and do fill and extract teth
We give a written guarantee with all
work. If it fails or proves unsat
isfactory AT ANY TIME
we will either replace it
or refund the money
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
Over Niewohaer's ear. 13th sad Olive Sta.
till Christmas. it
I. L.
gage cars for its transportation.