Eififo' SlfSbsii S -,. jy - r,-v aos2ctaBsa5a i a . " "' !$ --i "" mra ' s ,. "1 wassm !l I'll l!2 I .! B K 1 ls I .X ! Iff M i . H 9 a P s ' ? Its i E.'' I M h -i . ii 4 ?,) 'jri I V! L$J n I l ft K! c fc V K Thaw I no Rochells Salts. Alum, LHn or Ammonia in food made with Calumet Baking Powder J . MOTIH WE BAKING POWDER TRUST - L It makos pure food GENOA. rFrfim mo Ixvutpr. I As announced in last week's Lender Fred Echternacht disappeared from Genoa on Tuesday last and no trace of him was found until Friday last when a phone measure was received stating that he was in police hoFpi tal a at Omaha. His absence was not discovered .nntil Thursday morning from the fact that being engaged in the windmill and pump business he frequently drives out in the country and is absent for a cay or two. On Tuesday he informed Mrs Echternacht that he was going to drive out in the country to repair a pump, and she naturally thought he was detained and not being near a telephone did not phone her as he was wont to do. Bat when he did not return Wednes day night she reported his absence, and it was discovered that his team had not been cared for since Tuesday. After an attempt had been made to locate him by phone in any of the surrounding towns, searching parties were organized but without result Friday atfernoon a message was re ceived from his brother-in-law at Omaha that fie had just been notified that Fred was at the police station, having been taken from a Union Paci fic train Wednesday morning in a de mented condition. Friday ho was taken with spasms and it was thought he was dying, but when he came out of them he was rational enough to inform them who he was. Mrs. Echternacht went to Omaha Satur day. About a year and a half ago Fred hadhis skull broken by a 'tackle block and for the past few weeks he has been complaining that his head hurt him severely at the injured spot and it is thought that is what caused his imanity. HUMPHREY From the Dcinoi'tat! Will Alderson, son of Mr. and Mrp. Ad. Alderson, who live northeast of MmWmffl??m?W????????WmmttWWtt?m! n The biggest bargains ever offered in Columbus will be found at the Boston -Storeon 11th St. For Twenty Bays, Comeiing Moniay, November 20 We must have the money to pay our bills. Goods marked down below cost. 60c Ladies' Colored Shirt Waists, now at $1 Ladies' White Shirt Waists, now at $2.50 Dress Skirts $4 Dress Skirts $1.75 Ladies' Petticoats .... $1.25 Ladies' Petticoats .... 75c Ladies' Petticoats 75c Dressing Sacques . 12 l-2c Outing Flannel Goods, per yard . 15c Fleece Lined Flannelette, per yard $1.25 Flannelette Wrapper, now at $1.25 Percale Wrapper now at . . . . 25 Pr Cent oiTon all Linens. 25 Per Cent off on all Embroideries. All Laces at Half Price. 25 Per Cent off on Valises, Suit Cases and Trunks. Neckties, Assorted Colors, Each 10c Men's Heaw Kockford Socks. 3 Pairs inr All Silk Washable Taffeta Kihbons, per iuu laueut myuoQ, now au per yaru . . 12 i-c 75c and 50c Children's Woolen Hoods each . 35c $1 Corsets, the best makes, now go at . . 75c Men's Good Corduroy Pants at 1.68, $1.98, and $2.25 Men s Serviceable Wool Pants, Si. 48, $1.98, and $2.25 Boy's Suits and Overcoats Sold Very Cheap. Diamond C Soap and Santa Clans Soap, 8 Bars lor 25c L- jti- BOSTON 'Z ELEVENTH STRPET COLUMBUS, NEBR. town. wt-nt down to Omaha the first of the week to receive medical treat ment in one of the fioi-pittds Stt-lia, the younsest daughter ol Mr. and Mr-. Frank Leach is ill with a mild form of diptheria, coi i qnent lv the Leach residence is nnner quar antine. Mi.-s Gfrtiado Durrie. primnry teaclirr n tbo public t-uhool sigw tna bejrin! uf! . f tlie yrnr, died at the hom-j tit ilr. ucd Aire. F. . Klebba in this city Wednesday evening of acute intestinal obstruction. 1.. D. Dirrp. Joseph Lachnit and Iloborr Cave were down to the Lcnp huutinv a couple of days the fiist of the week, and met with fnirly good luck. Mrs Peter Riede and her mother Mrs. Rieve of Lindsay wvre. la totvc Wedue-day evening on their return home from Columbus where they bad bei'n visiting friuuds Mis Katie Gilndorf returned home last nijjlit from Mercy hospital, Ooun oil tflatfs. where last week fhe sub mitred to an operation for appendici tis Sho has recovered from the effects of the ooeration in nice shape and is improving rapidly. Mi and Vtp. L. D Diers went to I.ouieville. Wednesday, to attend the golden wedding of Mr. Dirs parens. The whole Dier fuiilv and they are a numerous oue was o bo present and the occosion is no doubt a very enjoy able ono. A der.l was consummated this week whereby Fred lUamsaxt and Otto Kuhn became the owners of the Hum phrey brick vard and F. M. Leach be comes tho owner of tbo Steinhans -ISO farm northeast, of town. Messrs. Bannigart and Kuhn will take posses sion of the brick vard the first of March. IHflli. Mr. Leach is nndecided as to what lis future plans will be bul he informed us that ho will continue to make Humphrey his home. J. F. Ducey and Miss Nelson of Lindsay were in town Wednesday afternoon on their way to Madison where they went to get married. It was a case of marriage against, the will of the brides parents, and they slipped away to Midison to do the joo without letting aubody know it. Miss Barbara Ablodicger well known to many of tho residents of Humphrey, was married tho first of the week at Council BlniTs, la., to A Lnfipur of Madison. The Demo crat has been unable to secure full particulars of the wedding and as to the future plans of the youug couple. hmsa lL'XTLXmXSX3&LaaTTa rv .-Air..'- .Tggryg53M3B'.'.fi frg.'frj STO AMATTIM OF HEALTH &AKIN0 Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos- pnatic acid VAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Woodihe. Miss Anna Poiter and Miss Pearlie Currier were the gueBts of Mist Francis Clark Thursday night, tho Kith, being Miss Francis eleventh birtnday. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Clark and daughter, Mabel visited in Fuilertou ??.tnrity asd Sunday the .gues-ts ol Martin J. Grower and family. About half of the township have Suithed husking and how the boys groan over their backs. Several of the young peoplo of the neighborhood attended a dance at Mr. II. McFavdeus Friday night. Mrs. William Finch and Mrs. J. E. Weldon suent Thursday with Mrs. John Finch. The printer made quite a mistake for us last week. Tne item that read J V. Carrier and Prof. Clark bought 100 heal of calves at Boone should have bosn J. W Currier and Roy Clark purchased !" head cf calves at Boone. Ed: The printer '1ms a tea cent cigar for both of these gentlemen. J. WT. Apgar is driving around i:i a new buccy this week William Builard representative of the lmd department of the Union Pa cfic railroad was in Woodville Ust week, trying to get land for a switch track and elevator, near the present site of the depot A. LaRue of Genoa was in tho neigborhood Friday dehorning cattle. -as? 25c 48c $1.98 2.98 1.15 88c 55c 48c 9c lie 88c 88c i 5c 20c vard 4c and 5c o POWDER MM RE x Sherman Township. Mr and Mrs. Otfis Moran of Ores ton visited Sunday at the home of J. P SJiro'der. jy JoBie Cttnip vctffcVnad blood poiBon on his left haSdis book, on the farm but sthas a very sore 'band. MJf Carl Rosche visited with her mjbr Mrs Mihlram Sunday. red Sietken added another 40 acrer to U'.s farm piying tfcOc for raw prai rie laud. The Misses Pauline and Ida Holl tuaun was were Columbus visitoie Monday. Herman Brauuer attended the dunce it the 'home of Herman Oldrege Sarur d.y evening, and a good time is re united. William Scblnlzbaner has jass com oleted an addition to his house also Rndolpn Wardeman on the Davis farm. Kdwin Feidler has emit his position with Gus Luseke and goes to Ocome to no soiun painting on his farm. We predict a strong winter this year for Philip achadr is growintr a foil crop of whif keri Here is Inck Philip Richlana and Vicinity. We -are h-o-iu a teaet of fine weather. The a-niveisarv of the great turkiy ma huci- i- iltHi it uieh. , Miss tllara G.tz returned to her home at O Kaa, Neb., Mo day, atte a three mouth's vitdt here. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kluik visittd their daughter, Mis. Minnie Smith in rlitte county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rickart enter tained guests Sunday at their beauti tul home northwest of town. Quite a number from here attendca the private dance given at George Lewis Saturday nigbr. A good time reported. Henry Rickert of Shell Greek de livered grain here last week. Otto Milltr spent Sunday under tie o.irputal roof near Columbus. Ye Sri i be and children visited their kith and kin in Platte connty Sunday. Cjrn is most all hutked. The women folks have been very faithful and some have proveu to be (xpeit at piling up the golden car. We sug gest n banquet be given the ladies toon and expenses paid by their bet ter havles. Prof. Crosby and family now occu py the lower rooms of the Methodist Episcopal church parsocage. The Wells- Hord Elevator Co. have the material on the grounds forthdr elevator ar this place which will stand between the depot and Riesch Bros, elevator. Richland is destined to become the greater Omaha. John Dischner and family attended divine tervice in Columbus Sunday. Our mail carrier, Mr. Wertz is training "Barney" his driving horse to walk slowly by the boxes, while he delivers mail, hence no stops made. Henry Weleh of Shell Creek has completed a neat and comfortable barn on tho school ground in district 23. The teacher. Miss Mary Welch intends driving a team to and from her school this winter. Robert Cresap resumed his duties last week, as teacher near Howells after a vacation of two weeks. Qnite a nnmber from here attended tho funeral of the infant danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Lucbsinger at the Garman Lutheran church on Shell Creek Tuesday of last week. A large circle of friends and relatives extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereft. Route 4. 2 Jchn Sisle, age 70, has been ill since last week. Barn, to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bisale last Saturday, night a daughter. Lester Jackson has returned from Iowa to help Barnes husk corn. Yeast Foam a Is the Yeast that Raised the First Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposition It is a truly wonderful yeast. YEAST FOAM is sold by all grocers at 5c a package enough for 40 loaves. Send a postal card for new illustrated book " Good Bkead : How to Make It." WflTHWESTERM, YEAST CO. ... CHICAGO, ILL. ' The Backbone of a Mighty Nation is good food food for brain, tood for orawn, food that is strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Uneda Biscuit, which haw come to be recog nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Unda Biscuit will soon be on every table at every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people, thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation. Draft Sale Of SHORTHORN CATTLE Wishing to reduce the numherof my herd, I will otter at Public Auction at the Keatskotoos Stock' Farm Two mile eat of Genoa, on Tuesday, Dec. 5 100 Head of Registered and High Grade Short Horn Cattle Consisting of.... 10 Registered Bulls Including my herd bull "Levi the Great," conceded by competent judges to be one of the best bulls in the State. 21 Registered Cows and Heifers Representing some of the best families of the Short Horn breed. 50 Cows and Heifers 7-8 and 15-16 Short Horn, many of which will make fine milch cows 20 2-Year Old Steers Carrying more Short Horn blood on the average than the cows and the heifers. TERMS One year's time on bank able paper at 10 per cent interest. Sale Begins at 10 O'clock a.m. No postponement on account of weather as sale will be hold under cover. Write for sale catalogue. Robt. C. Anderson Gmm, Rtkraska Thanksgiving Day Rati To accommodate holi day travelers a rate of one fare and one-third for the round trip to points within 200 miles of starting point, has been generally placed in effect by the K79 1 0 UNION PACIFIC Dates of Sale, Nov. 29 and 30, with final re t urn limit Dec. 5. Inquire of W. H. BENHAM, Agent. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY That is the kind of pillows we keep and recommend. You know when you sleep o them how comfortable and restful thev are. Sold By HENRY GASS, Columbus, Nebraska. FOR SALE! The 80-acre farm abouS 1 and 1-2 miles east and 1-2 mile north of Columbus, just east of the farm of H. E. Babcock, now occupied by Ed Morrow; 80 acres of good land; present price, 65 per acre. Also for sale, sw4 sw4, sec. 15, twp. 19, rg. 1, east, just west of the farm of H. E. Babcock, about 1 1-4 miles east of Columbus; nnimprov'd land. This is close to the city and will make a splendid home. Price is very low, $40 per acre. Apply to Leonard Everett 18 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. Low Thanksgiving Rates. Burlington Monte will sell tickets to nil points not over 200 miles at the rate of one and a third fare for round trip on Nov. 20th and :0th, jjool retnrninj? until Dec. 4th. L. F. Kectok. 33-2t Agent C. B. iV Q. Ky. FIRST CLASS MEALS AT THE Palace Cafe M. 6. J&RUZAL, Prop'r. BBaBBBSBBaBBBBaBMSSBaam The Radiant Home bsS53?SuIb&i the center of the bottom and upward between the draft flues, in this way coming in contact with the hottest part af the stove. A Complete Line of Gem City Goods M. ROTHLEITNttR. -. . Clean House Means Clean Pillows A lot of people use the same pillows too lonjj. Just because a pillow is covered and you can't see the dirt is no indication that the dirt is not there. The careful housekeeper will not keep her old pillows too lonj and to insure com fort in the new ones she will be certain that they are the fatuous Knimerich pillows bearing this tag JIM'S PLACE I carry the best of everything in my line. The drinking pub lic is invited to come in and se for themselves. JflS. NEVELS. Preprluter 51 ft Twelfth Street Phone No. lib CATARRH ?terv CMUy fJSS'KZM Cw OSXM Wfk umonafiF K3fJ S&fJ W ttafr C- ' sq x&z M W lvs Cream Balm & . This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleauxsJ, soothes, heals, and protects the di.4c.kvd membrane. It cures Catarrh ami tlrivt-s away a Cold in the Head quickly. Gestures the Senses of Taste and Smell. M-isy to use. Contain no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. LarJ; Size, HO cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warns St, Nw Ytn. POINTS. Pocket Joints Prevent ing cement from falling out and making an ab solutely air-tight joint which will not open. No Gas The open top magazine, in combina tion with a gas flue, not found in any other base burner, prevents all ex plosion or escape of gas. Circular Bottom Flue Carrying the heat around the outside of the bottom thus increasing the rad iation. Large Hot Air Flue Taking the cold air from the floor, or if preferred from the outside, thro s r V r f . ' -,. r atia&cicKi&wstjw gjyT igf ii mi rirr. ztwtTeyn' g.l'-i. .-. m. i, , uw..