&CATAKKH -r-- HEAD Kiwrc THRQK BLADOffl UINGS FEMALE W. L. Douglas '3J?&3 SHOES, t7. L. Douglas S4.0O Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. USovclaj SMCE5 AU. pmcry W.L.OOUKLAS MAKES AMD SELLS MORE MEM'S S3.SO SHOES THAM mar other mamufacturer. C1f! finn BEWRatoanvonewhocan 9 i WUuu a.'srrcva this statement. W. L. DmrU 5J.50 shoes have bv their ex cellent !!. eav tlnif, and surermrweannff qualities. aciiie etl the laret tale of any S3. Si) anoc In the -a or! J. Thev are fust as zood as those that cost you $5.00 to J7.0O tlie only dilference is the price. It I could take tou into my factory at Brockton. Mas.. the Iaraest In tlie world under one roof makirij men's fine shoes, anil iliiiw ou the care with which eery pair ot Douglas .hoes 1 made, vou mould realize why W. L. DouMu $3.50 shoes are the beat hoes produce I in the world. If I could how vou the difference between the hoe? made in mv factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douvlas $3.50 shoes cnt more to make, why they hold tneir shape, fit better, wear lonzer. and are of jrreater Intrinsic alue than any otber 33.30 hoe on the market to-day. W. L. Ommmfmm Strmnm tSmdmShmmmfmr Mmn. S2.SO. S2.00. Bmym' Schmml Ormmm Shomm.S2.SO. 92. S1.7S.S1.SO CAUTION .Insist upon havSne W. IDons l&s shoet. r-tlta no snbtitutf. None gi-nmtia without his n-m and prico stampl on bottom. WAVTEI. A hr dealer in -rerytowTi where W L. Doturl-u 5lnw are not oM. "Fail lin of implex sent free for inspection upon request. Fast Color Eyelrts used, trr'if wit not wear brassg. "Writ for Plnrriti Catalog of Fill Stvles. W. X DOCGLls, Brockton, Mas. An Exceptional To enable you to see the Southwest and see for yourself the opportunities for making1 money for home building in Oklahoma. Indian Territory and Texas advantages and opportunities, the M., K. & T. Ry will, on November 7th and 21t, December 5th and 19th, sell round trip tickets to all points Southwest at less than one fare rates. Tickets permit of stop-over going-and returning and are good twenty-one clays from date of sale. Write to-day for particu lars and ask for our paper "The Coming Country." S. G. LnSGSTOS, Geaeral Iramigratloa A.cat. ST. LOVIS. MO. II f, tk. faffl Hiiwi im.1iWeL1M Bill Rf Colonel Arthnr L. Hamilton. of the "th Ohio Volunteers, 239 m IH Goodzla street, Columbus, O., K IS ""Writes: "Aa a remedy forca- K IB tarrh and stomach trouble I K IS can fully recommend Peruna." m p Mrs. Hamilton, wifa of the W Ktfarallant Colonel, ia an. ardent IB friend of Peruna also. m HT3E AwLu A' ' BBBBBVg II V n AHlilll 6L 5,2EaM FOR EMERGENCIES AT HOME And for the Stock on the Farm NOTHING EQUALS 615 The-Ten Trail. Once there were two Indians who went out together to hunt. Hapeda was very strong and swift and a won derful bowman. Chatun was much weaker and carried a weaker how; but he was very patient. As they went through the hills they came on the fresh track of a small deer. Chatun said: "My brother, I shall follow that." But Hapeda said: "You may if you like, but a mighty hunter like me wants bigger game." So they parted. Hapeda went on for an hour or more and found the track of ten large , elk going different ways. He took the trail of the largest and followed for a long way, but not coming up with it, he said: "That one is evidently traveling. I should have taken one of the others. ' So he went back to the place where he first found it. and took up the trail of another. After a hunt of over an hour in which he failed to get a shot, he said: "I have followed an other traveler. I'll go back and take up the trail of one that Is feeding." But again, after a short pursuit, he gave up that one to go back and try another that seemer more prom ising. Thus he spent a whole day trying each of the trails for a short time, and at night came back to camp with nothing to find that Chatun. though his inferior in all other ways, had proved wiser. He had stuck dog zedly to the trail of the one little deer, and now had its carcass safely in camp. Moral: The game is always at the end of the trail. Whale's Liver Valuable. A torpid liver is valuable, if it hap pens to be the liver of a whale. From 'his organ comes ambergris, and it is estimated that the ambergris from a single -whale is worth $50,000. Twenty-five per cent of the students at Findland's university are women; but only half of these pass the exami nations. Those that do are mostly in the medical department. READ AND YOU WILL LEARN That the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice endorse and recommend, in the stronzost terms poi-ible. each and every inirrwhent entenns into the composition of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint, " torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affection, ami all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It is also a peci'ic remedy for all -uch chronic or Ions standmz ca.-es of catarrhal affec tions and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and luncui-eases 'except consump tion ' accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so sood for acute colds and coughs. buT for linsennc. or chronic cases it is especially efficacious in producing per fect cures It contains Blaclc Cherrybark. Goiden Seal root, Bloooroot. Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly prai-ed as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writer and teacher as Prof. Bartholow. of Jefferm Med. Col leae: Prof. Hare, of the Cniv. of Pa.: Prof. Finle- EUincwood. M. D of Ben nett Med. Colleee. Chicaao : Prof. .John Kins. M. 1j.. Lite of Cincinnati: Prof. Joiia M. Scudder. M. D late of Cincin nati : Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. D.. of Hahnemann Mei. College. Chicaio. ami scores of others equally eminent in their several schools of practice. The ''Golden Medical Discovery is the onlv medicine put up for sale "throuch druggists for like purposes, that has anv sucn profcbtinnal endorsement wortfi more than any number of ordinary testi monials. Open publicity of its formula on the bottle wrapper is the best possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical DiscoverV contains no poison ous or harmful acents and no alcohol chemically pure, triple-renned glycerine being used instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjectionable and besides is a most useful in;rredient in the cure of all stom ach as well as bronchial, throat and lunir affections. There is the hishest medical authority for its use in all such cases. The " Discover? " is a concentrated glyc eric extract of native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its ingre dients mailed free on request. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce. Buffalo. X. Y. CUBES C0HST1PAT10H It is just about impossible to be sick when the bowels are right and not possible to be veil when they are wrensr. Through its action oa the bowels. Lane's Family Medicine cleans the body inside and Lives no lodging place for d-sease. If for once you wish to know how it feels to be thoroughly welL give ts famous laxative tea a triaL Sold by all dealers at s;c and 50c. Iff IE CUBS ;ale tOrWQfy ALL T HI ?? tEST DEALERS Vm0 A. J. TOWll CCXESTABLUfO 1834 mOTO NSWYOtK. CMICASO TOWa OMUKUI CaLrtrf.TCKOiTO.au The Great Antiseptic Price, 25c., 50c. and S I .OO. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, Albany St., loston, Mass. WILLIE'S DREAM " ivVBBnBHpflaVtsv jA nBlUrQ'aflBi TVssBsal TsssssaB .bsBBb ksBsBaaaa- HjbbPI mMmmmmmmmmikmmmATk .mTkmW 'XiljSmmmmmmmWmtmWSnwMrX H mEimBSWftmJt) viam AW at !IBalWaHssW sssswaV f3mm1mmmwSfamAmwkmimmm migSSimAmSSSmmSCitmmmmmmfmmmmaCmmmmm GREAT NATIONAL FESTIVAL Thanksgiving Day Is Essentially American The First Prayer With the exception of Christmas 1 and New Year's celebrations, our United States holidays commemorate some historical event, the birth of a few of our great American leaders, or in more recent years they are set aside for some public service in def erence to the wishes of some exten sive organization, as Arbor day, Labor dav. etc. VTe have no national hoii day, not even the Fourth cf July. Congress has at various times ap pointed special holidays, but there is no general 'aw upon the subject. Thanksgiving, the first essentially American feast day. is a holiday in all the States, though in some it is not a statutory holiday The first general Thanksgiving of which we have any record was that kept by the Pilgrim settlers of Massachusetts Bay colony, in the year 1C21. The long, severe New England winters, with snows from five to seven months, the ' short, hot summers, the sterile, sandy ! soil which ev&n to-day is productive in places only through high cultiva- tion left these brave forefathers of ours in almost starving condition. So low had become their supplies for subsistence that at last a day of fast ing and prayer was appointed, when all were to unite in supplication for divine succor. Happily abundant food and other necessities arrived be fore the appointed fast day, so their fasting was changed to feasting, and prayer and supplication to praise and 1 thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving service was often repeated through the remaining years of that century. Congress recommended days of thanksgiving annually during the Revolutionary War, and in 17S4 for the return of peace. The following is a copy of the first prayer in Congress: "0 Lord, our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who dost from Thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth, and reignest with power supreme and un controlled over all the kingdoms, em pires and governments, look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gra cious protection, desiring to be hence forth dependent only en Thee; to Thee they have appealed for right eousness of their cause: to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support which Thou alone canst ' give: take them, therefore. Heavenly I rather, under Thy nurturing care, j give them wisdom in council and valor in the field: defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries: con- ' vince them of the unrighteousness of ' their cause: and if they still persist in their sanguinary purposes, oh let ' the voice of Thine own unerring jus- tice. sounding in their hearts, con- 1 strain them to drop the weapons of I war from their unnerved hands in ', A Song of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! In the youth of the nation When the harvest hai yielded its store There was feast and oblation. Or when danger had lifted its hand. From the lips of the living There rang through the length of the land Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Our home was a wilderness then With the floods to enfold it; To-day, with its millions of men, We rejoice to behold it. From the sea to the surge of the sea We have all for a treasure; We are blest in the promised To-be In a manifold measure. For the fruit of the time of our toil; For whate'er we have fought for; Whether born cf the brain or the sail Be the need we have sought for; For the gifts 'e havs had from His hand Who is Lord of all living, Let there ring through the length of the land Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Clinton ScoIIard. THANKSGIVING NIGHT myfmmmmwflfrmM0m1tyimmMmmtymmmmflfimmmmM4)Qmfl' in Congress the day of battle. Be Thou present, O God of Wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation, that the scene of blood may be speedily closed, that order, harmony and peace maj be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst Thy people. Pre serve the health of their bodies and the vigor of their minds: shower down on them and the milions they here represent such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in th's world, and crown them with everlast ing glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, thy son. our Savior, Amen." Los Angeles Times. DINNERS OF FIFTY YEARS AGO. Typical Thanksgiving Feasts in Wide ly Separated Sections. A typical Thanksgiving dinner in Dixie fifty years ago included the fol lowing: Gumbo Soup. Celery. Pickled Sweet Peppers. Beaten Biscuit. Roast Pig. Wild-Plum Jelly. C.inditd Yams. Boiled White Onions. Roast Turkey. Sweet-Potato Stuffinff. Cranberry Sauce. Southern Mashed Turnips. Virginia Batter-Bread. Creamed Potatoes. Baked Cashaw. Sweet-Potato Pie. Mince Pie. Georgia Plum-Puddinc. Hard Sauce. Pecan Caramel Cake. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee. Below is given the menu of an equally typical New England dinner: Clain Bouillon. Graham Wafers. CWery. Colonial Raised Biscuit. Rye and Indian Bread. Dill Pickles. Beet Salad. Venison Pasty. Apple and Pork Roast. Mashed Potatoes. Baked Squash. Creamed Cabbasre. Mashed Turnips. Roast Turkey. Bread Dressing. Cranberry Cups. Browned Sweet Potatoes. New Encland Plum-Pudding. Vanilla Sauce. Mince Pie. Pumpkin Pie. Strawberrv Tart. Cream Cheese. Black Fruit-Cake. Cream Cake. Doughnuts. Junket. Coffee. Punch. Lemonade. Fruits and Nuts. Woman's Home Companion. Exiles in Celebration. In the Philippines, in Alaska, in Por to Rico, Panama and elsewhere many Americans will celebrate their Thanksgiving in a manner that will duplicate the old Thanksgiving days of the early settlers in New England. Like the old Puritans, who attended divine service with guns in their erasp, ready for Indian attacks, Amer icans in the Philippines will celebrate with rifles in their hands. But there will be no snow in the air; no nipping wind to give them a keen appetite for roast turkey and strong ale; and. in stead of a rock-bound coast with frosty east wind, they will have soft, sleepy shores, laved with blue seas of everlasting summer. Thanksgiving! A Practical Wish. At Atlantic City last week I heard a good one from a five-year-old girl. Her mother, seeing the new moon, took a auarter from her purse and wished on it. She then gave it to the child and told her to make a wish and it would come true. After the wish was made the mother asked what it was, and the child said: "I wished 1 could keep the quarter." New York World. 5100 Reward, $100. TJ reader of ihM paper wl'l be plearl to leara thai there N M lent oue drtaueil-II-e-i-e iti clenca am been able to core la all tu icases. an 1 tnac !s Cdtarro. Hall'a Catarrh Cure It tlie inlf purlti cure now known tu the medical tnte-atiy. catarra tninii a einRUtBU0D.il dl.-cv. re-julrvs a c n-tl:a-C.nal treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken In tenially, actlm: direct !y upon tb bu 1 and rmicoui aurfacea of the system, Uu'rsby destroying tbe foundation of tbe d!-ea-e. and KKlnit tbe p ttlent atrea tb by but). linn P too cuntliu;lin a-d i !t tns nature In dulim ita wori. The prnprV n- h..ce au mucn rata la its cum; ve poert tat t'n st One Huniml Duilan for any case thai ix. tj u i cure, enu toriiKt or tcMitnuuiais. Addre- F. J. CHEXEY CO.. Toledo. O. b id bv all Drm.-EMts. TSc. Take UaU'a Family PUI for constipation. Sixty thousand elephants are annu ally slaughtered to give the world its ivory. The Best Results in Starching can be obtained only by using De fiance Starch, besides setting 4 oz. more for same money no cookins re quired. Because a man is polite to you. don't presume that his time is with out value. ClTC permanently eared. Xofltaornerrmineirter "law flrstoay'auheof Dr. Klliie'nGreatXerM-Ki't.r--er. Send for I'Kkli i.OO trial bottle umi trentlmk OB. U. U. S1MI E. Ltd.. Ml azkH Street, fbllatlelunia. Pa. The mountain spider of Ceylon spins ' a net of yellow silk ten feet in diam eter, i ytm. Ylnaliw' ?oothlnc yrnp. ' For children teething, softens tbe iriras, reduces ta ' flammatloa. alUya p.ua. carat wind colic iScabotCa, , The Lord is not a refuge for the man who is looking for a soft place to rest. Some people are unable to distin guish between courage and foolharui ness. HUSP1TAU CfiOWDED MUOimr Of MTIE1TS VONEI Mrs. Pinkham'3 Advice Saves Many From this Sad and Costly Experience- It is a sad but true fact that e ve r y year brinsrs an in crease in the number ofope ra tion performed upon women in our hospitals. More than three fourths of the patients lying on those snow white beds are women and girls who are awaitinjr or recovering from opera tions made necessary by neglect. Every one of these patients had plenty of warnmir in that bearing down feeling', pain at the left or riirht of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the bade, leucorrhflea. dizzi ness, flatulency, displacements of the womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an un healthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the trouble will make headway until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous opera tion, and a lifetime of impaired useful ness at best, while in many cases the results are fatal. The following- letter should bring hope to suffering' women Miss Luella Adams.of the Colonnade Hotel, Seattle, , Wash., writes. , Dear Mrs. PinKham: , 44 About two years ao I was a great suf- , ferer from a severe female trouble, pains and ' headaches. The doctor prescribed for me and ' finally told me that I had a tumor on tbe womb and must undergo an operation if I wanted to pet well. I felt that this was my death warrant, but I spent hundreds of dol lars for medical help, but the tumor kept growinjr Fortunately I corresDonded with an aunt in the New Ehciand Starts, and she advised me to take Lydia E. Finkham's Veg etable Compound, as'it was said to cure tu- ' mors. I did so and immediately began to , improve in health, and I was entirelv cured, j the tumor disappearing entirely, without an i operation. I wish every suffering woman would try this great preparation." Just as surely as 3Iiss Adams was cured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compound cure every woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability and nervous prostration. Mrs. Pinkham invites all young1 women who are ill to write her for free advice. Address, Lynn, Mass. PRICE, TO CURE INOfCDAY ffflHHPINE A Pttt M QarM tto(K8C A Foil Sized Bottls Yoa have no right to suffer from constipation or any stomach trouble. There is no necessity or excuse for it. There is one poaitive, natural harmless core and only one for these troubles and we are going to give you sough free to prove it. Cut out the coajon below and take it to any druggist in the United States and he will give you absolutely free of charge a full sized 3o cent bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic the only permanent natural care for constipation and ail bowel troubles and indigestion and all stcoach troubles. 11255 Take this Coupon to your druggist and he will give you a regular full size 35c bottle of Mull s Grape Tonic absolutely free. Remember, we give only one bcrtle to each family. If ou can find a druggist who dees not keep Mull's Grape Tonic send us this Coupon, together with name and address cf the druggist, and we'll see that your wants are supplied. I solemnly swear that I have never taken Mull's Grape Tonic that I will apply for but one free bottle and that X wQI take this bottle myself for Constipation and Stomach Trouble. MI'S 8R1PE TOIIC CO., Iikirs 148 Third Ave., ROCK ISLAND, ILL. TO THE RETAIL DRUGGIST: ?ir;Irii,m';?fdarf,1rr the line bWor anil na tai. fall coupon to the Jobber of wtiom you parcame this remeI-. ana he will ilve you -H cents fci ca!i or trade for each coupon, propwir signed, which jou seed his. .Ml lobbero hare the 3c and (1.30 sues. The U.90 bottle conn inn nearly 4 times the Sic lre. HJ Ketall Drassiit, sign your same here. BBJ Tour address here. aggfi-JSTrr - r T"-J" - - iJBSrldiaaBBmJaBVavBFSBSBMkSat!" tB-KEr flBKBaat KsSa-aKKTawrBaaaV taW-4SflB4asaW Ba7LaaB.BKaw as aauar Vegetable Preparationfor As similating uieFccdondBcgula ting the Stoiooris oral Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and RestCon tains neither Opium.Morphine nor!iiieraL JiOTXiHCOTIC. JmemfOU.jySiMLXLnTOBR aaailia Seni- iUwfcJUv aaue.Wrf Jifjfifrratt - !tfTSrmJ Ctcii!nl i jar Aperfect Remedy forConstipa lion, Sour Slouiarh.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSurilc Signature of XEW YORK. I EXACT CCPV CF WF?APPR. HJ aOaaalBBBBBmaEE2Z2BBBBkaaBa9 "Ou FnrerDs. ota tuies." 'Ml TTTATn CXTSAVCii'D i &mi SH ssssars IS FCcSf HOSV.Z VISITORS' EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST Indiana, Ohio and certain points in Illinois, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and Ontario, November 27th, 1905. A Return limit. 21 days. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To visit tlie ultl home and rO PARTICULARS. INGUI.1C OF COMPANY'S AOCNT. OR H. C. TOWSSCTi'D. General Posscsjer aaJ Ticket Aien!. St. Louis. Mo. "FoiJow the f laa" Home Visitors Excursion November 7th To many points in I aois. Indiana. Onio Kentucky. Western Pnnyivan I.i. New York .irI Weft Yi'sinu. at GREATLY K.DLXtl KATES. The WABASH ha.- soli.i ro:id-b."J. rock ballast, ana new eij.;rant. Re climr.s c.-air cars iSEATS l-'RSE. For rate, maps and an information call at. Wabash City Office. 1601 Far nam St- or sn5tlr,s" HAIIHV E. MOOKES. G. A. P D . U ab. R. R.. Omana Neb. Heat Your Building With BOVEE'S Ventilating Furnace And save 40 pr cp at on cost and fuel Thousands n u-- Guar anteed. Snd for t rw cata logue Manufactured and sold by the levee Grinder & Furnace Works, Wateriuo, Iowa. When Answering Advertisements Please Mention This Paper. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 47 1205. JlllsL I tez&tr I ANTI-6RIPINE IS GUARANTEED TO CURE QRIF, IAD COLO, HEADACHE AND MEURALCIA. I won't sell AntlSrlplne tc a I"iIer irhn won't Goanutr It. Call for rour MOSET RACK II IT DO.VT CITRS. V. Wm IHcmer, JLXM Maniifacturer.SpriJtipteiat, Mm. NOW OR NEVER FREE CUT OUT THIS COUPON CUT OUT OM THIS LINE Patteat. Ailtlre. TO THE J033R Ton wlH P1'-" rpt this conpon if the w i.ii. '""" wn. is pr.jperlr Jlne-1. nnd ilTe to the re taller IriT'Esr the r-njitr frra yon. 3 cent In rah or trade for same bln your tlrm ami- and ldre- and toi-Tarcl i.1 coupons to ua at any time yon ULe nd will remit you in rail by rtnra mall. Scent fir encn coupoa properly slewed bjthe consomer, retailer and yourself. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of En Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORM FONDLY TtHtSS TO I'aiLL." soe jonr frieutld f othr days. TWENTY-FIVE BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE 1C8E Means a pro ductive ca pacity in dot lars of over SI6 per acre. This on land which has cost the farmer nat&p in? but the price of ullin? it. tells its an story. The Canadian Government sires absolutely free to every ettler 160 acres of such land. Lands adjoining can be purchased at fromR to 10 per acre from railroad and other corpor ations. Already 175.0TO farmers from the United States have made their homes in Canada. For pamphlet "Twentieth Century Canada nnd all information apply to Supt. of Immigra tion. Ottawa. Canada, or to f ollowinjr authorized Canadian Government Aseat W V. Bennett, 801 New York Life Baildinif. Omaha. Nebraska. (Mention this naper.) OHHaBBBfllF 2l aKav BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTLaTaaaalBBlBaTcfV'J FOR WOMEN troabled with ins wcaliar to their sex, used as a douche ia marvslonsiy rac- cessfol. Tnoraasaiycieaases.iKllsdiseaseseims. gtops dischaijes, heals milammntioa and Inrj sorsness. Paiur.e is in polcr fona to te dislved inpin water, and is far more clear-sins:, heaunq-, gern'rrial jTirt economical than Uqmd as aseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at drajgts, 50 cents a box. Trial Box aad Baok ot lastroctioas Fraa. Cmc H. PaxroN Commmt BoaTOM. Maatfcl At Your Druggist's la your s.une here. street and number here. Vlljl AW fu Hi m Jobber. it4a yonr name here. HJ AddrMa here BBJ CUT OUT OH THIS UNE