1 r BssisussjISSSffll &s&Msg& .r?'---- - - iuM i m rrTAvsyyscss '"VlHMHHHMHI &&&&&&,. i " a$fw HPP!Vv7vBH K WANT MORE MEN WHAT THE CHIEF OF ARTILLERY HAS TO OFFER. HOT SATISFIED WITH DEFENSES He Would Have the Field Artillery Organized on the Basis cf Not Less Than Six Batteries to a Regiment. WASHINGTON General Samuel M. Mills, chief of artillery, says that for manning the coast defenses of the United States a force consisting of 1, 754 officers and 41.833 enlisted men is needed, while the corps has at pres ent only 525 officehs and 13.744 men. He also estimated that the cost of in stallation of fire control equipment for coast artillery will be $7,000,000. Fol lowing the advice contained in a let ter of President Roosevelt to the sec retary of war, dated March 13, 1905, in which the president designated nine specific subjects relative to the organ ization and training of the artillery arm of the service, the annual report of General Mills makes the following recommendations: The separation of the coast and field artillery; provision for submarine mine defense; au increase of the coast ar tillery for gun defease; the proper or ganization cf the ccast artillery; ade quate pay for technically skilled en listed men of the artillery; an in crease of the field artillery; the proper organization for promotion of artillery officers of all grades; increased ap propriations for target piactice by both branches of the artillery. General Mills says that of the 12C companies of coast artillery, forty seven are without captains and thirty one without the prescribed lieutenants. These officers are absent on various duties. He says that it is important that the coast artillery companies should be commanded by captains. General Mills refers to the joint ex ercises of the army and navy which were held in Chesapeake bay last summer and says that the value and interest was greatly increased by rea son of the fact that they gave an op portunity to test the methods of fire control and other systems adopted by the coast artillery. He recommends that joint exercises Ie recommended for the year 1907. because such ex ercises afford the only opportunity that the artillery has for drilling and prac ticing "with complete units" higher than a battery. The joint exercises, he ays, emphasized the inappropriate ness of the present company organiza tion of the coast artillery, and he rec ommends that the present company organization of the coast artillery, and he recommends that the present com pany organization be abolished and that the present coast artillery be made to consist of specified officers and enlisted men. He also recom mends the separation of the field ar tillery be organized in regiments of sir batteries each, with an increase of eighteen in the present number of field batteries. THE SQUARE DEAL" PHRASE BEING WORKED VIGOROUSLY WASHINGTON The words of the president, "square deal." are being worked vigorously by many persons who have old claims or requests upon the government- Many of the cases which are known in the departments as "old slugs." because of the many times they have been considered and rejected, have again been presented with a demand for a "square deal." ft'officer of the navy, to whom all such cases in the war department are referred for report, says that all these claims for reinstatment in the service or for advanced retrial rank, or claims for property taken, all of which have heretofore been passed upon and de cided adversely to the claimant, set out that what they ask now is a "square deal." and many of them in sist that their requests be presented to the president. ((. KNOW NOTHING OF A CANAL. Project of Great Britain and Japan in Ooubt. WASHINGTON There is a com plete absence of knowledge at the state department, the British embassy and the Japanese legation of the exist ence of the agreemeut reported from Mexico between Great Britain and Japan to build a ship canal by the Nicaragua route in opposition to the projected Panama canal. Grangers to Back President. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. A move ment to throw the entire organized farming interests of the country to the support of President Roosevelt in his efforts for an adjustment of railroad tariffs began at today's session of the National Grange Patrons of Husban dry. Three resolutions, all of them in troduced with the idea of unifying the .agricultural strength, were introduced, and after spirited discussions were re ferred to committees for revision and amendment. Not a Trace of Two Men. PHILADELPHIA During the in quest held in the cases of John For kin and Joseph Garieia. laborers, who were killed at the Midvale Steel Works, it was testified that the two men had entered a pit and that 80.000 pounds of hot metal poured from a leak and completely absorbed them. Not a trace of the bodies was discov ered. The steel company has decided to take about S.000 pounds from the place where the men were last seen and have it buried out of respect for the dead men. Chauffeur to be Reinstated. WASHINGTON Walker Eldridge, the chauffeur who was dismissed from the government service for miscon duct which came under the personal observation of President Roosevelt, will be reinstated in his old position at the end of two months from the date .of his dismissal. The exercise of len iency by President Roosevelt is due to -Eldridge's excellent record in the Philippines, to the fact that his father was a veteran of the civil war and to the additional fact that his wife is an lavalid. SEA LEVEL CANAL FAVORED. No Positive Decision Reached as to Type of Waterway. WASHINGTON The fdll board of j consulting engineers of the Panama 1 canal had an all-day session and con- tinued work on the different types of canal. There seems to be a general impression that a large number of en gineers at present favor a sea level canal, but an intimation has been made that there might be a compro mise upon a low level lock canal, which would be very satisfactory to the canal commission and the admin istration. The officers who accompanied Sec retary Taft to Panama to investigate the matter of fortifications for the canal have not yet made a report and will not until a type of canal is deter- mined. Upon the type of canal will depend the location of the mouths of the canal, and no definite plans for fortifications will be feasible until the places where the protection will be needed can be definitely known. THE RAILROAD BANDITS ARE FARMER BOYS PATTONSBURG, Mo. The sheriffs of Davies. Harrison and Gentry coun ties, attended by posses from each of there counties, are guarding the woods around the little village of Bridgeport, in the northern part of this county, where it is supposed the four men who held up the passengers and night agent at the Gallatin station Monday are in hiding. It Is not believed that the fugutives will make a fight and the officers do not consider them pro fessionals. It is believed that the rob bers are farmer boys whose minds have been poisoned by trashy novels. CONDEMN KILLING OF JEWS. Merchants' Exchange jof St. Louis Adopts Resolutions. ST. LOUIS Several hundred mem bers of the Merchants' Exchange and j representative business and profes sional men of St Louis assembled on me noor oi me exenange ana auopiea , resolutions condemning the massa cres of the Jews in Russia. It was the sense of the meeting that tLe in dignation of the financial men of the country should be expressed, so that Russia, looking for markets for her loans, may know the feeling she will encounter. Brief addresses were made by Former Governor D. R. Francis, Rabbi Harrison and others. No at tempt was made to start subscriptions, but two contributions amounting to $1,250 were received for the suffering Russian Jews. CIVIL PLACE FOR GILLETTE. City of Philadelphia Wants Services of Army Engineer. PHILADELPHIA Major Cassius E. Gillette of the enzineer corns. TT S. A., was appointed chief engineer of one different states in the union. Penn ine bureau of filtration bv Mayor ! sylvania aRd Illmois shcd the Weaver, subject to the approval of tho!longest lists of ymmS men who are president of the United States and 1 ambitious to secure a paymaster's legislation by the United States con- commission. Judging by the number gress- authorizing Major Gillette to ac-'already received, the department ex cept the place. Major Gillette sue-' no.iAoA Tnfcn w Hill uhn i atHn- WWV.1. WV..... ... ..., .. ..W . ...U....C3 trial on charges of fraud and falsify ing the records of his office in connec tion with the letting of contracts. The position pays $17,000 a year. Much Less Public Printing. WASHINGTON Acting Public Printer Ricketts in an interview says: "Judging from the volume of work now being turned out at the govern ment printing office economy has struck the government departments hard. We are now printing about as much stuff as we did five or six years ago. The amount has fallen off greatly within the last three months, and during my connection with the of fice has never been at so low a point as now." MANY AMERICANS SECURE HIGH AWARDS LIEGE, Belgium Many Americans have secured high awards at the inter national exposition which has just been brought to a successful close. John S. Sargent, the artist receives a gold medal of honor; W. Macewan, Carl Marr and Eugene Vail first medals for paintings, and P. W. Bartlett. a first medal for sculpture. American manufacturers receive 200 gold, silver and bronze medals as well as diplo. mas. PERKINS AND BUFFALO BILL. Insurance Man and Showman Sail for Home. PARIS George W. Perkins of New York sailed for home on the North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wil helm der Grosse. from Cherbourg, after conferring with officials here rel ative to the enforcement of the new insurance law. He declined to dis cuss the insurance situation. Colonel Cody is also a passenger on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. Marshal Oyama to Report. TOKIO Replying to an imperial message ordering him to speedily re turn to Tokio and render a personal report of the recent war. Field Mar shal Oyama has named November 25 as the date for his departure from Manchuria. Bryan a Grandfather. DENVER, Colo. Mrs. Ruth Leavitt. daughter of W. J. Bryan, gave birth to a son. Mrs. Leavitt and her husband have for some time been residents of this city. Standard Declares Dividends NEW YORK The Standard Oil company has declared a quarterly divi dend of $10 a share. The previous dividend was $6 a share, and the divi dend at this time last year was $7 a share. Repairs Must Be Hurried. WASHINGTON According to or ders issued by the navy department all repairs on vessels of the North Atlantic station must be completed by January 3. MANY LIVES LOST ONE HUNDRED OR MORE ARE DROWNED. omr, uinrnirn nu ur nnftlC bHIr WRcCKED UN I Ht KUblU) Details of Disaster Are Meager, but it is Known that There Has Been Great Loss of Life Only Five Known to Be Saved. LONDON The Southwestern rail way's cross channel steamer Hilda was wrecked Sunday morning off St. Malo. on the north coast of France, and it is believed that one hundred or more of its passengers and crew were drowned. The Hilda left Southamp ton Friday night for St. Malo with i considerable more than one hundred souls on board. Its passage was greatly delayed by a fog in the chan nel, and when nearing St. Malo it ran into a severe snow storm, appar ently missed its course and founder ed on the rocks off Jardin lighthouse, three miles from St. Malo. The company's steamer Ada, out ward from St. Malo, rescued five of the passengers and one of the crew. There are now on the way to South ampton. There is an unconfirmed re port that seventy had been saved. The crew numbered twenty-six, and there were about one hundred passen gers, all Frenchmen, the majority be ing onion dealers from St. Briae and neighborhood. A telegram from St. Servan, ad joining the town of St. Malo, gives the few particulars yet available. The Hilda was near fat. Malo Saturday morning. It struck the rocks at 4 o'clock Sunday morning in the road stead off the island of Cezambre, hav ing missed the tide, owing to bad weather and fog. The majority of the crew and pas sengers were asleep at the time. Two boats were lowered, one of which, containing five men, arrived at St. Servan. The second boat was picked up einpty at st Cast where thirteen bodies were washed ashore. The top of the Hilda's funnel and its mast are v5siKie at lowo tide, accordins to the l " - , - w telegram from St. Servan. The Southwestern Railway com pany is yet unable to give a list of the Hilda's passengers, but they say that a score booked passage at sta tions between London and Southamp ton, and that to the best of their knowledge ninety-nine were drowned and only six saved. MANY MEN AFTER JOB OF PAYMASTER WASHINGTON Within two days after the announcement was made from the Navy department that a competiti-e examination will be held for applicants to vacancies in the pay corps, 138 applications came to the de partment from young men in twenty- i"-1 l" "f UU1"H-'" "" """ wose seeing to enter me corps As there are but twelve vacancies, the de partment will have ample material to draw from. MANY PERISH IN FIRE. Thirty-Nine Lives Lost in a Cheap Lodging House at Glasgow. GLASGOW The most terrible fire that has occurred in Great Britain for many years broke out today in a cheap lodging house for men, in Wat son street, and resulted in the loss of thirty-nine lives and the severe in jury of many others. The flames i were first noticed at C o'clock this morning on the fourth floor of the building, which was occupied by 330 men. An alarm was raised ana tne firemen resjwnded quickly, but flames and smoke were then issuing from most of the windows on the fourth floor. An extraordinary scene was created ji-y a procession of almost naked men rushing out of the entrance to the , building, and against their frantic ef 1 forts to escape the firemen had ac j tually to fight for admission. Reach ing the upper floors the firemen found that the narrow passages were be coming congested with men who had dropped to the floors overcome by smoke. The fire, however, was con fined to the fourth floor, and as soon( as the firemen were able to get to work it was speedily extinguished. SIX HUNDRED WERE KILEED Half of the City of Vladivostok Was Destroyed. TOKIO An eyewitness of the rec ent riot at Vladivostok, who has ar rived at Nagasaki, reiorts that nearly half of the city was burned, and that COO of the garrison were killed, that the jail was thrown open and that General Kapek is missing. The dam age is estimated at $25,000,000. Sol diers from Harbin are reported to have joined the rioters. AN ARMY OF UNEMPLOYED. Return of Japanese Troops Cause for Uneasiness. TOKIO The number of unemploy ed, following the return of the troops from the field, estimated at 700.000 men. Is causing uneasiness, in view of the industrial depression now pre vailing, and the unlikelihood of a re vival in business in the near future. It is authoritatively stated that it had not yet been decided whether Vice Admiral Togo will visit England or not. Pal ma Thanks Roosevelt. HAVANA In reply to a message of sympathy from the United States Pres ident Palma cabled as follows: "A thousands thanks for. the sentiments expressed in your cablegram. The Cuban people have not confounded the noble moral, trustworthy people of tae United States with the speculators who, under the claim of American cit izenship, consider themselves author ized to carry into effect regarding Cuba whatever comes to their minds, when impelled by motives of selfish ness and personal interest," TRIES TO BLACKMAIL ARMOUR Former Employe cf Packer Steals Let ters from) Files. CHICAGO Willia S. McSwain and W. S. Cole, his bcotner-in-law, were ar rested here today, charged w:th at- ; temptingto blackmail J. Ogdcn Jkrmour and otheo-members of Armour & Co., for $4O,rJ0O in connection with the Beef "trust examination, with letters they are alleged to have stolen trom the files of the companj'. McSwain was employed by Armour & Co., for four years as a stenographer and in that way had access to part of the mail of the packing company. Since the recent beef investigation was be gun it is charged he has taken letters from the files of the concern. Three weeks ago. It is alleged, he approached Mr. Armour and threatened to turn the letters over to the federal author ities unless he was paid $40,000. Mr. Armour refused to listen to the man, and McSwain. it is safd, made sim ilar demands on olher members of the company. Both men are now under, arrest. CUTS IT IN TWO. President of Mutual Reduces His Own Salary. NEW YORK At a special meeting of the board of trustees of the Mutual Life Insurance Company in this city, at which a preliminary report of the recently appointed special investigat ing committee was submitted. Presi dent Richard A. McCurdy caused a stir by announcing that, at his own re quest, his salary had been cut in half, from $150,000 to $75,000 a year. This action was taken at a meeting of the finance committee, and Mr. McCurdy said it was the first step in reducing the expenses of the company. Salaries of the other executive offi cers of the company also have been re duced, the saving amouting in all to between $145,000 and $150,000 per an num. TREATY IS SENT FOR FINAL RATIFICATION WASHINGTON The peace treaty engrossed at Tokio, which is to be for mally exchanged for the elaborately inscribed vellum cosy of the Ports mouth convention has been received at the Japanese legation here. It is intended that the state department will be the scene of the final exchange of the ratifications, which probably will occur within a few days. NEBRASKA'S YIELD OF CORN. Crop of 1905 Above the Record Estab lished for Ten-Year. OMAHA Last week the Associated Press dispatches brought from Wash ington the report of the Department of Agriculture on the corn crop for the current year. In this Nebraska was credited with a yield per acre of 32.8 bushels and a ten-year average of 3C.4 bushels. This last figure is patently wrong and an effort was made, with out success, to get it corrected at the time. The printed report of the De partment of Agriculture for Novem ber is now at hand and brings the cor rected figures. The Nebraska corn yield for 1905 is estimated at 32.8 bushels against a ten-year average of 26.4, which places a much different complexion on the condition. This shows the yield of corn to be 6.4 bush els an acre for 1905 above, instead of 3.6 bushels below the ten-year aver age. RUNNING A CROCERY AS CHRIST WOULD DO SIOUX CITY, la. Running a gro cery as Christ would run it has not proved a success in the case of Rev. W. M. Hoare, for his grocery closed its doors. Two years ago Rev. Mr. Hoare left the ministry to engage in. the grocery business. He firmly be lieved the principles of Christ could be applied to the grocery to the satis faction even of' Rev. Charles M. Shel don. However, after two years, he found he could not compete with the more worldly men who were running the other groceries, and he decided to give up the attempt. Army Laundries Restricted. WASHINGTON By a general order, Acting Secretary Oliver has prohibit ed army canteens and laundries from entering into competition with civilian concerns in supplying goods and ser vices to hospitals, organization and supply departments at army posts, which are to be paid for from public funds. Only in cases where such sup plies and services cannot be as con veniently or reasonably obtained as elsewhere, and where a direct advan tage will accrue to the government, may this rule be departed from. Mormons Flock to Mexico. MEXICO Almost daily large num bers of Mormons from Salt Lake City. Utah, are coming to this country and forming colonies in many states throughout the republic. Some of these colonists are contemplating lo cating in the state of Tamaulipas. Interested in Wei Hai Wei. WASHINGTON In diplomatic circles keen interest is felt in the ul timate disposition of Wei Hai Wei, the English naval station in China. When China, ceded Port Arthur to Russia for a term of years if'made an agreement with England ceding Wei Hai Wei for the same length of time that Port Arthur should remain in Rus sian hands. Since the Russo-Japanese was Port Arthur is no longer a Rus sian possession and the question- now is whether the agreement made with England holds good any longer. Count of Flanders is Dead. BRUSSELS The count of Flan ders, brother of King Leopold and heir to the throne is dead. Death was due to inflammation of the respiratory organs. The count was born in 1S37. Contributions to Relief. NEW YORK Contributions today from all parts of the country received by the national committee for the re lief of sufferers by Russian massacres amounted to $67,191, making a grand total of $396,870. AS TO VENEZUELA SECRETARY ROOT INVESTIGAT ING CRITCHFIELD CASE. TESTIMONY OFTHE PROMOTERS Critchfield, Rockey, Attorney Clark and Others Heard What is Alleged by the Owners of the Asphalt Mine Owners. WASHINGTON In his considera tion of the whole general question of the relations between America and Venezuela with special reference to the presentation of claims of Ameri can citizens against the government of Venezuela which were not adjusted by the Venezuela arbitration tribunals, Secretary Root has reached the Critch field claim and Friday he devoted sev eral hours to the subject. George Washington Critchfield, the original promoter; R. S. Rockey, pres ident of the United States and Vene zuela company, and R. Floyd Clarke, attorney for the corporation, appear ed at the state department and ex plained to Secretary Root at great length the details of the case. From their narrative it appeared that sev eral years ago, when Castro was dic tator of Ven-zuela, Critchfield pur chased an asphalt mine in the interior. It was necessary in order to market the asphalt that a tramway be con structed to the coist. Critchfield se cured from Castro formal permission for the construction of this tramway and also the right to export the as phalt free of any export duty. About a year and a half ago, the company asserts, the Venezuelan government, in violation of this contract, began to impose export duties on the asphalt and increased the tax to a point that made it impossible to operate the mine profitably. Consequently, after vainly appealing to President Castro to adhere to his original agreement, the United States and Venezuela com pany, which operated the mine and the railroad, went out of business, closed up the works and appealed to the state department for redress. Secretary Root listened with much interest to the presentation of this ase, which he will make the basis of fresh and strong instructions to Min ister Russell. Wilson Talks to Chemists. Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture Friday emphasized the necessity of a national pure food law in an address before the annual con vention of the official chemists in ses sion here. He complimented the chemists on their accomplishment in abolishing food adulteration. While there are a few people, he said, who do not want to know what they eat is pure, and who may be importuning congress not to pass a pure food law, the secretary told the chemists he was sure the great majority of the American people were heartily in fa vor of the purity of the market basket. FOR FEDERAL SUPERVISION OF LIFE INSURANCE WASHINGTON Senator Dryden of New Jersey, who is president of one of the largest life insurance compa nies in the country, had a talk with the president on the subject of insur ance, which the president will discuss freely in his forthcoming message to congress. Senator Dryden will intro duce at the approaching session a bill providing for federal supervision of life insurance. It will differ in some respects from the measure Mr. Dry den introduced in the last congress, but the principle will be the same. He indicated, in response to inquiries, that the supreme court had never passed on the constitutionality of a federal law regulating insurance, al though it had held, in the considera tion of cases involving purely state laws, that interstate insurance was not interstate commerce. GRANGERS ROAST GRAFTING. Patrons of Husbandry Say Men of In fluence Should Be Punished. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J Illegiti mate profits formed the leading theme of the report of the executive commit tee of the National Grange. Patrons of Husbandry which was presented at Friday's session of the convention. "This evil." the report states, "has invaded even the homes in the form of adulterated foods and has become so formidable that government action must be taken to curb its growth." The report also scores dishonesty in politics saying: Do not imagine the graft evil curbed or the public appeased by sending a few postoffice looters to prison while grafters of millions oc cupy positions of trust, or hold down seats in the United States senate, making grafting the surest road to prosperity and fame. No man. because he is stronger than another in body and mind, has any right to take from another. Henderson's New Treatment. DUBUQUE. la. With his aged brother as a nurse, heroic measures are being taken to prolong the life of ex-speaker David Henderson. A. C Henderson, a trained nurse of many years' experience, is wrapping his brother in scorching blankets in order to draw the blood from the head and produce better circulation. Ordinarily medical treatment has been aban doned and under the new treatment, which the speaker's brother had tried before with success, no opiates are needed. Pensioners Living Abroad. WASHINGTON Pension Commis sioner Warner has issued a statement denying the report that pensioners re siding in foreign countries are to be paid through consuls abroad. Undei the law pensions can only be paid bv agents stationed in the United States Ii is proposed, however, to divide the foreign list, aggregating about 4.50C pensioners, and give to each repre sentative of the United States the names and addresses- of pensioners in the country where such consul is stationed. .... ....... ... i i-tAK Luwtw WAttfeS. FLED BEFORE WOMAN'S PISTOL Railroad Employes Protest President. WASHINGTON An earnest protest was made to the president against proposed freight rate legislation. The protest was filed by representatives of the five great labor organizations con nected with railroading the engi neers, firemen, conductors, switchmen and trainmen. The members of the delegation which called on the presi dent represented the several organiza tions. They pointed out to him that, railroad rate legislation logically meant the lowering of rates. This, they contended, will be followed by a lessening of the earning power of railroads and consequently by reduc tion eventually of the wages of rail road employes. The delegation which called on the president came from twelve different states and represented all the larger systems of railroads. ANTI-AMERICAN BOYCOTT IS CETTINC SERIOUS WASHINGTON Cable advices to the state department from Singapore Straits settlements bring the news that the anti-American boycott in that quarter, which was thought to be prac tically suppressed, has. on the con trary, taken on a decidedly serious aspect. The state department finds it very difficult to deal with the phase of the boycott for the reason that it exists, not in China proper, but in a British dependency, which can scarcely be called to account, as was the Chinese government by Minister Roskhill. WILL SUPPORT ADAMS BILL. Agricultural Colleges Favor Larger Federal Appropriations. WASHINGTON The Association of Agricultural Colleges and Experi ment Stations today pledged its sup port of what is known as the Adams bill in congress, making larger federal appropriations for agricultural educa tion at the experiment stations in the several states; also to the Mondell bill, creating a government school of mines and mining. A resolution was adopted authorizing a conference be tween the association and the Na tional Education association, with a view to the establishment of a section of agriculture in the educational as sociation. GOOD PLACE FOR HINSHAW. Congressman from Fourth Wants on Appropriation Committee. WASHINGTON The Nebraska del egation will support Representative Hinshaw for a place on the approp riations committee of the house. In lddition to the united support of his issociates from Nebraska Mr. Hinshaw .vill have considerable outside hack ng. including members from Pennsyl vania. Indiana, Ohio and Iowa. Speaker Cannon, while noncommital, :t is believed looks upon Nebraska is having a right to the place made vacant on the appropriations commit :ee by the transfer of E. J. Burkett :o the senate, and appreciates the ef orts that are being made to retain .t for the state. Representative Kinkaid, it is under stood, would like to haA' a place on .nilitary affairs. Judge Norris will be satisfied with his present assignment n public buildings and grounds. Rep resentative Pollard would like to go n ways and means, interstate and for eign commerce and judiciary, but it s believed he will be satisfied with any one of these assignments. Report of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON The principal re port of the Department of Agriculture m farm animals will be made tor lanuary 1. In this department the report will estimate the number of norses. mu.es. milch cows, other cat tle, sheep and swine, and also give the lonl prices received by farmers ror these animals. BOYCOTT NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING MISSIONARIES WASHINGTON No boycott, no race feeling, but a mere personal quar rel was the cause of the death of the five American Presbyterian mission aries recenly at Lienchow. in China, according to the report made to Secre tary Root by Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, the Chinese minister here. The minister had with him when he came to the state department a copy of a long cablegram from the viceroy of Kwang Tung and Kwangsi bearing on this subject. The viceroy reported that Dr. Machle and Miss Patterson, two cf the missionaries who escaped massacfe by reason of their tempor ary absence from Lienchow, had just reached Canton under a strong Chi nese guard. According to Dr. Machle. and his investigations were shared in by the American consul's agent, the anti-American boycott had nothing to do with Mie tragedy. Ordered for "Shake Down Cruise." WASHINGTON The navy depart ment has ordered the cruiser Charles ton, recently commissioned, to pro ceed to sea from Norfolk for a "shake down cruise"' outside the Virginia capes. White Seaver is Mending. LA CROSSE. Wis. The family of Frank D. Powell (White Beaver) was notified from Cody, Wyo.. where Pow ell's deatli has been hourly expected, that he is improving and that his re covery is expected. Counterfeited American Money. BERLIN A dispatch to the Vos siche Zeitung from Cologne announces the arrest at Schlebusch, Prussia, of a band of counterfeiters who made a specialty of counterfeiting American paper money. Relief for the Unemployed. LONDON King Edward has given $10,o00 and the prince of Wales J5.200 to the fund for the aid of the unem ployed, which was started by Queen i Alear to the Haw Mrs. Reader Put Stop to Impu dence of Peruvian. In her story of "Ella Rawls Reader, Financier," contributed in Every body's, Juliet Wibor Tompkins tells the following incident of a struggle of Mrs. Reader's in Peru: "After eight months of useless struggle she went to out Callao, which is about half an hour by rail fiom Lima, with her Peruvian lawyer. Scotch interpreter, and American en gineer, and forced the manager to open the warehouses and let her make an inspection of the machinery. The manager had met her with his law yers, and the hour for argument be fore she gained her point had been something of a strain. During the whole process a Peruvian on the Hag gin side had been standing close to Mrs. Reader, his little, narrowed eyes staring with that deliberate insolence only Latins can accomplish. The company went out into the wareroom where the machinery lay and the dif ficult business of a hurried inspection went forward, but still the bullying stare never ceased. After about two hours of it, the fine edge or that hid den temper of her suddenly sprang up. She whirled on him with a blaze of words that needed no interpreter, and all at once his stare was being re turned by a fierce little pistol held in a strong white hand and quite ready for business. "The gentleman of Peru neither apologized nor retracted; ho incon tinently fled. And he was not the only one. Like shadows the men flitted out of the dusky warehouse, leaving the dangerous woman a clear field. When she looked about there was no one in sight but two Irish porters, and in their eyes were sympathetic twin kles, meeting which. Mrs. Reader could only sink down helpless with laughter and put up her pistol." The Dentist and the Alligator. Roy Farrell Greene, the president of the American Society of Ciirio Col lectors, told at a dinner of dentists an appropriate story. "A dentist," he said, "was once traveling in the East, and in the Ganges his boat overturned and he was obliged to strike out for the shore. "As the dentist swam sturdily through the muddy water an enor mous alligator suddenly rose up be fore him. The alligator opened its enormous jaws, and the next instant would have been the dentist's last, only just in time the man hap pened to notice the great reptile's sharp, white teeth, and an idea struck him. "He drew a probe from his pocket, and, pressing it Into the alligator's gums, he said: "'Does this hurt you? "The alligator screamed with pain, and the dentist, amid its great agony, made good his escape." Philadelphia Inquirer. Wall Street Honesty. John Alexander Dowie. before he set out for his Mexican colony, talked about Wall street honesty. In con clusion he said: "Yes, my friend, the honesty of these financiers reminds me of that of the tramp who found a purse. "Two tramps entered a railroad sta tion to get a drink of ice water, and one of them, seeing a richly-dressed woman drop her pocket book, picked it up and returned it to her. "His companion was enraged and shocked. "'Don't you know better, he cried, 'that to give back a purse like that? Why didn't you keep it for yourself, you dolt?' "'Ah, John,' said the other, 'hon esty Is the best policy when a police man is lookin. an', besides, there was notbin' in the purse.'" To Point a Moral. Almost everything he hail Tli:t should make a person Kind Just to be alive; good friends. Health, position, all that lends Happiness to most of us I should have been happy thus! . Life he loved for its own sake. And he hoped to live to make Others see his point of view. And he optimistic, too. Then ne day. a little worry. Called his mind a minute's flurry; He dismissed it it returned Every hour. And then he learned That it would not down unsolvtd. As his daily task revolved This smalt problem interfered. With his work, and it appeared ICich day larger than before. S it prew and more and more. Coond all his sp. ech and thought; Other ideas shrunk to naught. Ihiy and nteht this worry fed On his soul, unquieted. Till Its everlasting j.ain ttroke his heart and wrecked his brain. When he killed himself, at last. All who knew him were aghast Save the one who'd caused his worry. (And forgot it in a hurry;) That one said: "Did you know, my dear, I always did think he was -queer!" Cleveland Leader. Too Late to Sort Cats. Jim Crocker lived in an old tumble-down house in a little town in Massachusetts. The cellar windows being broken out, an opportunity was afford to stray cats to run in and out. and sometimes there would be quite a congregation. We lost our pet cat one evening, and thinking she might have joined the happy throng, we sent our man over to ask "Uncle Jim" if he would take a look and see if she was among the number. He was generally pretty good-natured, but this time he was out of sorts, for he said: "Your cat may be there, or she may not be, but I ain't a-going to light up no lamp and go down in that cellar this time of night sorting out cats for nobody, so there." His Father Was Athlete. Dr. Dudley of Abington, Mass., tells this story of his man David and his housekeeper, who had great con fidence in all that David said and did: One day David was in the barn, do ing something which caused a visitor to say: "You're quite an athlete, aren't you?" "Well, yes." replied David; where upon the housekeeper, who stood near, saw: way, I thought told me you was Scotch." you "Well," said David, "my mother was Scotch, but my father was ath lete." Plana Railroad in Africa. The Portuguese government will build a railroad from Delagoa bay to Swaziland. That adds one more to th uiany "openings up" in Africa. . J r . .t . riz. 5-"-eSaSVSe'C'- -r--rSfffeE-ws-- r