i i -JSWSStS-"- - E 513 Tallies that Tlirill the Bargain Eunter for the Last Three Days of OUR FESTIVAL SALE 1 SPRING HOOK AND EYE Made of Bessemer Steel "Wire, Sizes 2, 3 tnd 4, in black and white. COLLARS A swell line of Embroidered Turn over Collars, the 1jc idnd. for FLANNELETTES In plain colors, Xavy Alice Blue. Tans and Greens, the 15c kind at HOSE Children's Fleece Lined Hose. 3 pairs IOI HANDY 6 Fancv Handv Pins for 54-inch Turkey Red Damask naid as hieh as 40c for at 300 Yards of 7 i-2c Comfort 24 Larsre Size Bath loweis, the Dr. Paul, dentist. Tnltnhmi n. 74.. WwvprA Soa for srol coal. Dr. Yalher. Osteopatc. Barber block. Prof. Sake t-acher music Barber blcg. G. R. Freib, painting and paper hanging, dwtf A new lin of guarante! pip and smoker's article- at The bow.in.' Alley Telephone No. 74 for coal. WANTED fxd blacksmith for city work. L. SHCftEIEEP- Wanted A good sirl for general house work, foar in family Cal. at this ofice. Dr C. Y. Campbell. Dectisi with Dr. Lueschec, Arnold's old stand Olive st. WANTED A girl for general houaewcrk Inquire at residence cr store o'J Galley Girls, con t bny cheap ioJione for the compxion. J j: coas your mothers to nee Peter S'famitt"s dour G- n. Gmbb, painting and cecorat- in cocntry or city, satisfaction guar anteed. Try me. Ind. pnone T:7-L EOU5E FOB RENT We nave a desirable line of houses for rent. Becher Hcckenberger and Chambers. If yon want a ri.mr with a.l the nu triious part of the wheat ouy GOLD DUST made ov Corambo? -oiier milis. Try a South Bend watch. It is one cf tae Dent watches made, perfect tijue keepers. Sold by Carl Froemel, lltn 5t. Carl. Walter and Ernest Jaeggi en tertained a number of tneir friencs last Friday evening An en:oyable time is rsported Procrastination is the thief of time. Den t pat it oi Have your house in ured now. Have tout accounts col lected hfore they are outlaw Call en C. N McElfresh. wtf. Telephone No. 74. lYeaver : Son for sool coal. 0 0 M0X000000X0.00 0X i Combination HOG m 0 0 ra. 0 0X 0 0 0 X 0 0M. X0 0 0 0 0 K 0 0 AT BRAI(xANS (0MXENCING AT SAMS ! lolumbu JO IMUDim K 3U mx X BTJROC JERSEYS-POLAND O. L C. WHITES-AND J. J. li.rnt-s -iIl oiler from hi herd Silts. T l TT- t .-II J, to I 2 M reti t? liie ui uixei ivi uuii.j aziu nas. W. E. awartsley will oer Whitee. Doars F. E. Abbott will effer 7 boars and inlxr -! 4nrita' ?TrtiT-i.vriTi rn- ui.- u.taJui.,ua uu BBUCE WEBB, Auctioneer. adtake your choice from these four leading breeders at your own prices. JJ Plane County Tdrnd Stock As-1 Prcrai a the P15 were faar- Webb spent o..6T and C. J. Lxmg Remember the date: J.J.BARNES. g sociation met as P. J. McCaffrey's 1 monized as to round out an evening 72.30 most of which waa charged to EED tvTTTF. x office this week to complete arrang-1 mi delightful entertainment which livery, hotel and car fare. John vr jt ttafTT fv 5 mens for the Poultry Show next De-I will create an eargerness on the part! Rattetman paid 113.60 to the Platte MXMXX0XXMXX0XMXM lc lOc 25c PINS DC that you have . . 1 J C i- Challis a: 5 l-2c Hoc kind at 1 9c U-v BUY OR SELL - mW T y- " Tr if 'Vr.'o vnn? a- wl. &.-uii -iT,t.- 'jir .' Tf-ca n: iuvc-. : r .t. - -.itf ---' Aijow R.R farv For or -am- i . and tvii"-- - .xa. ns'- -'- T 1- "'a -i'i want .i-- i. w - v .r -ui'r. or tr 'i; ru-T .tit an. siace. Great Union Land Agency System. Box 96. OolumtlUS. Meb 'Cenier jt U S. smoke Little Duke cigar. Dr Mark T. Mdtahcn. dentist Jourual ads bring results. Dr E. H. 27auraau. Dentist, 13th 5t. The Journal wants all the ne'vs. Phone or tvrit it in. Try our Res Lump Coal ST at the vard. P D Surra C. Both teL Xa Telephone No. 74. SEND yoar 'xant ads to the Journal. Dr. Lneschen, physician an surgeon ' 1213 Olive street. Eoys, buy your cigars and candy at smith's, opposite C ?. deoc tf Drs. ilartyn. Evans. Evnns & ilar tyn Jr.. oince three doors north of Friedhof's store. WAY UP is need by all who desire a na-1 quality of patent donr. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it. WANTED 300 new subscribers to .1 uie ..u.s.-ji is.tk iar nei.. iiwy u.iv T.t, mn);i niT- iaT 'TilMl n? ?r vnnr name or vour friend name now Who i telephone No. Ti .' LEARN TELEGRAPHY and P.. R. Accounting. 50 to SlGO per month salary paid our graduates. Operators always in demand. Imicrsed bv all railroads. Write for catalogue Morse school of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, O.. La Crosse, Wis., Texarrana, Tex. , San Francisco, Cal. Telephone No. 74. 000X0X0X0r0r00X0 0M000'M0'00M0X0 0X 0 0X .0 0X 0 X0 0X 10 X0 0X 0 0X X0 0X X0 0X X0 0X X0 0X XM 0X X0 0X i?ALE 1UKN X0 0X X0 0X s, Mi, Nov. 29, '05 X0 0X X0 X0 0X X0 0X X0 0X X0 1 P. X. SHARP 0 X0 0X X0 0X X0 S CHINAS BERKSHTEIES m 0X X0 f Duroc Jcrseyi. I" t.iar inu 2 X0 X0 i.- r I U.-m 5 f T i A CV,. 0X nuiz iiuui iii sea ui j. u.u iii- 0X j a . ana d guts rroa nis nera otu.i i. 0x 0X 3 gilts from his herd of Berkshires. X0 0X M rac. Tir tttIT 7"ii nmxrar fnm m Ui.. i.cU wv... ... r 0 F E. ABBOTT. X0 , 0 0X X4XMXMXMXMXMXMX0X0X0X0X0X0 I More New Bargains 1000 Yards of 26-inch Flannelette All in Gravs. Black and White This would be a Bargain at 12 l-2c. Thursday, Friday and Satur day, for ......... Just Received a Fresh Three Days Only at Big Bargain 36-inch All Pure Wool Prunella, in Black Only Bought it so we can sell it at Hand Bags at Manufacturer's Price We have just bought a large line of the Newest Things in Ladies' Hand so that we can sell them at Manufacturer's Price. We give you the benefit. Telephone No. 74. F K. St rather was in the city over innday Carl Kramer went to Omaha en business Monday Homer Robinson went to Clarks Monday on b Harness. some furnished rooms reasonable. Enquire Journal. Drs. ilartyn. Evans &. Evans. Con--ultation in German and English. Who is telephone No. 74.' Newman e Weich can 511 your orders for hard and soft coal and furnace coal. 3:1 if spehen Waite, sr., of i'aliextan was in the city Monday. He was on his way home from Omaha Fred Eiiaa came in from Council Blulfs Saturday evening and spent ', sunday here with his parents. Attorney E. E. Aldexseo of New man Grove had business in district court here Monday and Tuesday Gus Becher, who 7isited friends in Omaha last wees., saw the Nebraska Minnesota game at Minneapolis Satur day Mrs. A O Sumption of Salma, Ean. , arrived last Wednesday nigst , to spend tne winter with uer daugh ter, Mrs. W E. Benham. W. C. Rickly of Omaha spent Sun- -j, clc- ind waa accompanied i i i.. ir: T7iii u I".--15 uK-uie., jiita uint, , has been visiting here several weeks. , Tae McAllister studio for vour Christmas Pnoto's. Come early. A nancscme calendar or Platinum folder with every dozen photo's uutil Janu ary i Matt Ziemba, a cousin of John and Frank Vaiajek arrived in Columbus from Rock Springs, Wyo. He traveled overland and made the trp in three weks. The old reliable Joseph Dacsy came n from Lindsay Saturday Ee makes frequent visirs to Columbus and his many friends are always pleased to meet him. Dick McMillan waa down from Genoa last Thursday to meet his wife and little bov en tneir return from a visit to Mrs. McMillan's par ents in Iowa. .7 R. Carter and Eenry Lachnit witnessed tne Minnesota-Nebrasaa foot-ball game at Minneapolis last Saturday They sav it was well worth the trip. Sixteen lady friends of Mrs. James f, t?-J- --, -pw aBr iUCfl II (.UUWCUM J ACVAMWVtM V. IjttLflkb wer entertained at high-five and a dainty lunch was served. I am prepared to take orders fcr Christmas presents in chip carving, nyrography. drawings in water color, and pen etching, far pillow cavers. Call cr telpehecne. vrrha. J. Tur- ner. zz Frank Wambaugh, engineer on tne Genoa-Columbus railroad returned last T'aursday from an Omaha hospi tal where he recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. He is no: vet strong enough to resume work. WATGE LO57 - Lost a gold watch with ELrin'movement nr the new Fried hof-Philiipcs building on Thirteenth street. Leather fob with plasterer's charm attached. Suitable reward. Return to Journal office. The Evening club waa entertained , ,, . a cican: ibl xanij aigat oy jjr. art,3 Vo n n TwTa t? AF and v v c- r . . . , " k- t -r"t:-j j i Mrs Edgar Howard, aad Mara Carl ' TTPr nr! .7 "R !Tnh " ' ' , """" . - . . .-i-. P UC ACfcVC cember. W. H. Swarwler, iecretary. was the only member in from the coonrry. Shipment of Comfort Calico to be sold for Q 0 wmm u 'S?? Dp. J. W. Terry OF JltAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN whe for the past eight years has been maKing regular visits to Coiumbus, has opened one of tne Best Equipped Optical 0tlihes In The West in the front rooins over Poilucsc & Co. s Drug Store. Will be in Coiurnbus oniees SundaT M- r day. Tuesday and Wednes:av f eacn wesK. Spectacles anu e -glasses scientiricaliy itteii j.nu repaired. Eye Giasees aa. osteii to any nose. C0NSFLTATI0N FREE Miss Rena Turner left Friday for a 0 7islz at Rogers and Omaha. Knp bate- A eoml hanu ninno. aim06;. ng t, Journal oCice. n, i,.-. irnibrrnpncrnT in Coiumbus Monday He was accom- panieti by his wife. Miss Ellinor Gertch of Monro3 has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. H B. Fenimore the past week. Ed. Jenkins with h is son Lee drove to his Madison countv ranGn last Sa turday for a day's quail snooting. I Tzed to recover damage alleged to be The Journal last week overlooked e -im far tiie trouble and inconven- mentionmg the birtn cf a bouncing. , Ieuce loss of li2ie incurred in go girl to Mr and Mrs. Joe Ray. Jce is x- to tssify in the case. John C day brakeman in ma yarns. ' Saapel secured judgement of 3045.1? r- vi -;.-. ,Q-r, ; -t,-, , a 'areciosure proceeding againat F. a. Mace, nignt foreman m the ; a T Union Pacinc yard, worked his last," SCQ"-it:- - i.. .u- -;i- i cr,-.;-1 Frank A. Pollard was awarded a nignt for the raiiroac !at Saturoay , - u- , .-ii r. o ;,, D verdict against E. '. Townslee for night, ne will move on a szz next spring. FOR SALE A second hand line engine, 2 horse power, just the thing for a farmer to zse for -umpm? water or grinding fed cash. Journal office. Chean for FOR SALE .Town Iocs in new j Indian Territory town, two railroads, j coal, title perfect, ?iG.C0 on payments , 1li particular on request. Raiiroad Colonization Co., Mussogee, L '. PEOTO'S. Come early for your1 1 T-I 1. J . I , - ... . L encar cr Platinum tolder given with each dozen from now uatil 1. McAllister Studio. ,. i a--u: D. Williams and H. r . rhr o: ( Albion, were is. the city last Thursday en-route to Laramie. While they were . here F. D. Williams looked after a! case which he had in distrct court, The engine on No 12, died at Co- lumbus last Friday morning and No 4's engine which came aiong an hour arer PUd No. 12 to Omana, zhe 0amta Columbus freight ensine beinc useti to nuu -"o -t. lat teau enine was double headed to Omaha for re- pair by an extra from the local yards, The "Chicago Laay Entertainers. " the first number en the Eigh School i Lecture course and the first enter-, 1 tainment to tesz the acoustic proper- ties of the new grmnasium building was a marked success, both Snanciallv ad iaiiC7 entertainment. ' Estelle Clark', monologues were . aac ja cuaiitv as an entertainment. ' t as interesting as the excellent musical ' u the people of Columbus, to patro nize the High School Lecture course this winter. 6I the SI Quality We FESTIVAL SALE Nearly forty ofthe young friends of Otto Stanley surprised him last Wednesday nisht at the home of his grandfather. W. E. Randall on Wert Seventeenth street, the occasion being Otto's eighteenth birthday anniver sary They took saings to eat' ' with tnem and had a rollicking good time. Uncle Tom's Cabin played to a fair sized audience Wednesday night It was the same old nlay and the specta tors seemed to enjov it. Uncle Tom got killed, a? usual, little Eva died and Topsv stood on her head. Lawver Maries gut shot in the foot, and Simon Lazree got the worst of it for killing Uncle Torn. Henry Imic and Charlie Korgi went ,:natin:r t ihf lakes Sunday afternoon. Toinir shooting is nothing new but the luck of it all was the wasting of mnch ammunition and the misfortune of Imig ' f t Llinir head-over-heels into a bogg of mud. While Inu-was scrambling for dry footing his companion iet a half dof c mallards tiy to safety from near :ne end of his eun. Both declare thai tn other should have hoc tbe birds u: it has leaked out that Xrgi was afraid to snoot for fear of straining his n-w hammerifS- a the distance to the bi-u-" was too great after he not ready t. pu 1 the triiier. Bistnc: Ccurs. Jcdge Reeder has ground out a geedly number of law suits since the lart issue of the JoumaL In tne case of Ro certs against Thayer in which the plamtiif won in the county court, the verdict in District court was in favor of the defemiant. In Stanley G. Satterlee against the First National Eank of tnis city, th.? finding was for the defendant The plaintiff, an employee of the North- , western Railroad was suea in Cihcago on a nromissorv note I50. Ee Z.Y.:.in tne amount ot conimission i alleged to ce due the- plaintiff for sell- in:r a stock of hardware of the de- feadasr 5ilTsrCreekI:i ae caae of .. -pnra ,!-??, Uiwi T. - iv the plaintiff was awarded damages ; in the sum of ?77.50. The aaniage rs5-.iie(1 fQ an overSow of water over tne pontiff craos caused by ditches made by the defendant to di- Tert -water fro nis own land izpecse STaremeiia. The uusuai batch of humorous, ex pense statements nave oeen filed as -. , - , i2f uiue ut Liic i.uiii uinta.. nmuug i in?' all the reports filed there is not a single one snowing the amount hand- tQ a frieBd cc be placed " where it will caan: nor tQe amount of "tips" ro bartenders. I T7n.ar-ar rrmee. ini?JrifAB whris' ox-eeg raa np iat0 the hundreds of dollars, were wise enough to report less rhn the f 100 limit above which the law forbids them to go. The reports cf some of the candi- dates are" doubtless correct, but others were countless careless oi tne Ukw m making the ir reports as they have neen in tne administration of the duties of their offices, J- il. Seiley spent 116.50. He waa trans ro say that -fuoO Oi. it waa lor cigars and $4.00 far "help". B. L. O. Rossiter didn't spend anything. E. Smith made a complete itemized srateme most of statement showing a total cf 94.95 which was spent for livery and sending out literature. B. B. uounty Argus and a total of 93.60 for his re-election. It cost John Graf $:xi to succeed himself and D. A. Lace Curtains Short Length Lace Curtains, worth in a regular way up to $3.00 per pair. Close out the balance at 25c Each. - 2C Blankets 75 Pairs 10-4 Cotton Blankets in Grav onlv. at 50c I Oft lZu 59C 8 Pieces of All-Wool Suiting, all colors, at 36-inch All Pure Silk Taffeta, the S1.25 kind at ... 98C Bags KNOT NO SILK For art needle work, usually sold for 5c: 3 days only, . . . 2 f or 27x54 Axminster S3.0O kind, at Becher fi&.50. L. B. Leavy aay3 his re-electon coat him i7V2Q. and fl.20 of this amount ne pan! far "horse feed." William J Nwman paid I It?. 50 for the pleasure of defeating Julius Ernst. $5 of which w-nt to the County Central committee. Louis Lightner paid :i7.75 for the honor of running for reseat and Dr. P. E Metz says that his re-election cost him 110. The other candidates neglected to ale their expense statements either because their expenses were too small to mention cr because their con sciences shrank from the duty after looking over the peculiar statements of some of their fellow cmdidates. COAL. For hard coal, turnace coal and all kinds of soft coaL Newman & Welch. For Sale. My 20 acre fruit farm, two and a half miles east of Colnmbus and a quarter mne north of telephone mail. Pnct 31500, part cash, b.dance on time. W. J. MrFiTEOx. Itith and Jackson Sts., Omaha. Neb. I I I I I I I I 1 I i i f ; I I I Henry Raptz & Co. Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Crockery, Queensware Lamps and Glassware WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of fine TEAS AND COFFEES of which we have a splendid assortment always on hand. We have just received some early ar rivals in Fancy Japanese, French and German China, suitable for presents. We bny the best the market affords in Large Quantities: If you trade with us you will be satisfied both in quality and price. t We Solicit Henry Raiatz & Co., lira ii rrcF 29. Isipiint Plaits 29 and 229. Rugs Rugs, any Color wanted, the S2.25 The Great Waar Ad Paper If yon want to sell yoar form, horses or business, or buy something, or vou want help of any kind, put a '-want-ad' in the Omaha World-Herald. This paper is known as the grea: want-ad" paper of Nebraska, publishing almost as many paid want-ads as anv three other Nebraska papers combined. The World-Herald gives splendid re turns to its "want-ads," and its rates are low. For one day only, the charge is I cents a word. For two or more consecu tive days, a cent a word per day. For one month. Sl.50 a hue of six words. AH - want-ads" cash in advance. Have yocr answers come to the World-Herald if you like no extra charge. The World-Herald's net circulation is 3.J.CG0. ' FOR SAT.F A Eargam if taken at Once. ?I,7C0 buys my residence in Colnmbus consisting of two full iots. house, sum mer house, floored bam for 3 horses chicken houe and 5ne yards. 3o bearing fruit trees, city water, well and cellar. Ali m zood repair. Inquire at Journal ofice. -M- A. a. J. 4- 4 Your Trade f 4 4 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI 1 1.1 i J I II H.1 i i 1 1 1 j i I j j I j 1 1 1 1 1 jijUUIAAnnnnnnn 0xX0Xxmxaxxxjxjx0x n Pt