The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 22, 1905, Image 3

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Mr U'ra; ui ts -ontributions of any
nw jtlas -a.l"-3 f thia department
may wian j pr- ",r and would be
pieasfil t i an-w-r rr-spontints desiring
information n -u jc's discussed. Ad
dress M. J "Wrass. "Waukee or Dea
Ifoines. Iovv i
It is time that every dairyman
faould carefully consider what he is
;om; to feed his cows during the
conring winter. Those who have an
abundance of clover hay have much
to be thankful for, as this contains
a large proportion of protein, so es
sential In milk production. He that
can give his caws all the good hay
they will consume need give no
'nought to the high price of commer
cial foods.
One of the very best grain rations
to go with clover hay is a combination
of half and half ground oats and bar
iy. oats and corn or oats and wheat.
If there is not clover, wild hay, tim
orhy or corn fodder must take its
place. As these are all deficient in
small amount of linseed meal or some
orhr hizhly nitrogenous food to bal
ance up the ration, or if there is an
abundance of oats at hand they may
be made the principal of the grain
ration, as they are very rich in
protein. Either good wild hay,
timothy or corn fodder, or a com
lunation of two of these or of all three
with a grain ration made up almost
exclusively of ground oars makes as
cheap and almost satisfactory a ration
as can be compounded by science. If
the rood milkers are iven all of this
roughage they will consume, and about
one pound of zround grain to each
cwt. of the animal fed. and divided
into two feeds, there is no doubt that
the results will be satisfactory, pro
viding the cows are inclined to give
milk, are comfortably housed, regu
larly fed and receive kind treatment
We would, of course, prefer some sort
of succulence, as roots, or to have the
rurn fodder in the shape of silase.
While we have come to believe that
-he silo is the best and the cheapest
ni-'ans of handling corn fodder, we do
not claim that silage is indispensable
in obtaining sood results, as we have
ourselves made quite ordinary cows
bring a revenue of Jnil per year with
out either roots or silage.
Persons who want to know or un
derstand life in all its features must
not confine their observations to city
'iff alone. They must go forth into
the counrty and see home life on the
tarn. The fondness fo rural life
has had a great salutary effect upon
our national character. Some of our
nation's best representatives have
ocme from homes on the farm.
Potatoes to be used for seed ought
be selected the previous fall. Only
r dmm-sized tubers should be used.
The pracnce of selecting small pota
tos of unmarketable size for seed is
contrary to the principles of plant
breeding. Growers should select seed
which is typical of the poratoes they
swsh to produce. Neither the largest
i or smallest are best, but those of
uniform size.
These potatoes during the winter
should be kept in a cool cellar, where
'hey will be subject neither to frost
cor to heat from the furnace. If a
cellar furnishing the proper conditions
cannot be secured, then the potatoes
should be banked in the fall and cov-o--d
securely with straw and earth
Tc keep them from freezing.
It is often thought that in order
v zet good seed potatoes it is nec
sary to purchase from Maine each
ear. or from some point farther
north. This practice, while occasion
ally advisable, is not necessary each
ar. If we select our bst tubers seed and keep them as they should
be kept, they will be as sood seed
1-otatoes as can be secured anywhere.
In cutting the seed tubers each
piece cut should be of good size, and
should contain one bud or more. The
number of buds which is contained in
ach piece of potato is not so im
portant as it is that each piece be
of good size. The ortm? should re
ceive the personal supervision of the
farmer, and not be intrusted to hired
help, unless it is most reliable.
Ii the potatoes are cut into long,
rhm strips, a lare surface is exposed
frrm which evaporation takes place.
Where the planting is followed by
dry weather as it was last spring, the
piece of potato may dry out so that
the bud will never commence growth.
There is doubtless a question in the
minds of many about planting in the
fall or waiting until spring. It may
be that there are only a few trees
grape vines or berry bushes to be
planted, but to those who need these
few things it is a matter of impor
tance. The decision as to whether or not
to buy and plant in the fall largely de
pends on where it is to be done. In
the prairie States north of Texas, I
would say not to do it, but over a large
portion of the country, especially east
of Ohio and Kentucky, I would say
to plant at ,bat time. The objection
to fall planting in the central part
of the country is the damaze that
comes from the drying out of the tops
and roots during following winter, be
fore they have become firmly fixed in
the ground. The sudden changes of
temperature and especially the long
and windy cold spells are very trying
to newly planted trees. It is not so
bad on berry bushes or anything
that does not have much exposed sur
face above uxound. Where the cli
mate is moist and they are planted
early enough to form rootlets before
cold weather, there is likely to be
ability to safely endure it; but when
there are not roots with tender, ab
sorbent parts, and in moist soil, to
take up water to replenish that which
is carried off through the tops there is
sure to be injury done.
In many cases it is a decided ad
vantage to plant in the fall. In near
ly all parts of the East and South- and
on the Pacific Slope, this is true.
Xor should the ordering be put off
until late. The earlier the nursery
men have the orders the sooner they
can prepare to fill them, and the
sooner they can be delivered. The cost
is usually a little less in fall than in
spring, and sometimes the stock is of
a better grade.
One thing that can be done almost
anywhere is to buy nursery stock in
the autumn and heel-in or bury until
spring. Then it can be taken up and
planted in good season, and often be
fore it is possible to get it from the
nurseries at that time of year. But
the heeling-in must be well done. The
soil should be sifted and trampled well
Letween the roots after opening all
large bundles, and the earth piled up
tc their tops. In the prairie region I
used to literally bury all stock that I
got in the fall and it paid me to do it.
The farmer's institute is not com
plete without the farmer's wife ano
daughter. They take more interest
' in the discussions than the good mar
j imagines. They are entirely compet
ent to take part and should be in
vited and urged to do so.
The institutes that do not have,
night sessions make a mistake. The
townspeople should always be invited
to these and the addresses should
be of a character to interest both town
and country. Townspeople are more
interested in farm matters than farm
ers sometimes imagine, and every
night session of an institute would
do much to awaken interest in the
day discussions and promote good
feeling between the town and coun
The institutes are teaching farmers
how well they can talk on farm ques
tions. We have seen many a farmer,
when called upon to speak on some
topic on which he was known to have
experience declare positively that he
could not do so. When at last he
was good naturedly forced to give his
views, he surprised both himself and
his neighbors by the fluency and fit
ness of his remarks.
The institues are showing farmers
how they may co-operate in many
ways; for example, in mutual insur
ance, in co-operative buying and sell
ing, in the establishment of horse
companies, creameries, canning fac
tories and other enterprises which fail
without active co-operation. They
are fast molding the different ele
ments in a community in to a harmon
ious whole embuing them with a com
mon life, showing them how nearly
they are brethern in fact as well as
in name. Americanizing the foreign
er and teaching the native American
the sterling virtues which a large per
cent of our foreign population have.
Out of this harmonious blending will
arise one of the finest examples of
independent, self-reliant, intelligent
farm life that any country has ever
A study of prices on farm products
for 40 years reveals the fact that
while all other staple agricultural
products have cheapened, the aver
age price of marketable apples has
increased and first class apples put on
the market now bring a higher price
than in any previous decade.
If half a feller's dreams of fame.
Contentment, riches, honored name.
Were realized, he'd have, von see.
Xo time at all for misery.
His face would wear no worried frowns.
He d never know the ups and downs.
The ins and outs that make folks blue
If half a feller's dreams came true.
He'd want no more than half. I'm sure.
To warrant him he d ne'er be poor
In worldly soods: to guarantee
His heart would e'er he liht and free;
To proe. forsooth, beyond a doubt,
He d win in all he went about.
O'ertake each thins he deigned pursue
If half a teller s dreams came true.
As towering peak, as arrlnng sky.
A felkr builds his dreams as high;
As mightv continents and seas.
A feller s dreams are broad as these!
And so it easv. iuite. to see
Such opulent immensity
Would w-ll suffice though cut in two.
And only half our dreams came true.
The question is frequently discuss
ed as to whether corn should be
shredded or put into the silo. Public
sentiment is swerving more and more
in the direction of siloing the corn.
-nd in this conclusion it is correct.
Shredding is a vast improvement over
feeding in the old wav. but one of the
chief dinicuities connected with the
?hredding of corn is found in the
fact that when the "season comes tor
shredding corn, the weather is fre
quently of such a character as to
irake it impossible to engage in this
Fall pruning of the vine is much
more prevalent than formerly, and is
fast growing in favor. The prejudice
that February only was the proper
time to prune vines is fast passing
away. Although the vine has yielded
its fruit and lost its foliage, the sap
ii still at work performing its func
tions in maturing and ripening the
wood. This being the case it is fair
to presume that the less it has to do.
i e., the less wood it has to ripen,
the more perfectly it will doits work;
bence the removal of all wood not
needed for next pear's fruiting is so
mucn relief to the vine. The wood
it to be used for propagating pur
poses is all the better for not being
hardened sufficiently to stand expos
ure during winter. The weather this
month is miller and more favorable
for pruning and more comfortable
for the operator than mid-winter. The
snow, and often intense cold, render
winter pruning anything but an agree
able job.
Mr. Miller of Nebraska writes: "I
enclose you some leaves from what I
bought for Vincennes grape. Can you
tell me what it is? I also bought such
things as Paeonies, and I find by good
authority that the nurseryman who
furnished the stock has sent me Yuc
ca. I bought Althea and Hydrangea,
and they furnished Lilacs. I spent $30
and have but little that I bought, and
nothing true to name."
In reply to Mr. Miller will say that
it is only another instance of mis
placed confidence. It was his duty
before placing an order of this size
with an agent to know positively if
the company that he represented ex
isted, and that he was going to get
fair treatment. It is no worse than
the patent-right swindler, the cloth
vender, the Bohemian cats graft and
dozens of other swindles that are all
the time being perpetrated. We think
it is a fair rule to adopt to only deal
with firms at home, or those that ad
vertise in reputable farm papers, who
have a standing not only at home but
The leaves received in the letter are
not from grapes at all. but are currant
leaves, showing conclusively that cur
rant bushes had been substituted for
grape vines.
This beautiful large tree is a mem
ber of the magnolia family. In some
sections it is known as yellow poplar
c r whitewood tree and in others as the
tulip tree. The large tulip-shaped,
fragrant flowers appearing in June
readily suggest this latter name. The
leaves are large, fresh looking and
' most singularly lobed. their peculiar
j torm having given rise to a local name
I in some places of the "fiddle tree. '
Their fall coloring is a pleasing yel
low. It is in the winter season that
its handsome, evenly tapered trunk,
especially in young specimens, can
be admired.
When established, its growth is
rapid, and in time it becomes a very
large tree. It is not easily trans
planted unless quite young, and then
its removal should only be attempt
ed in the spring, says Gardening.
We are pleased to announce that
we have found the tulip tree reason
ably hardy in central Iowa, and know
, of many specimens 25 to CO feet high
standing in Madison. Polk and ad
joining counties. They were brought
. here by the early settlers, who came
' f,,Tl Tj$OM., ,! V1,".T,.' l.nn. .IS
rectly from the forest.
More farmers get their fingers
burned on a steel range bought of
peddlers than anything else, for they
can usually purchase the same range
for 510 less from their home merchant.
The census of 1900 credits Mis
souri with 20.000,000 apple trees, one
third more than any other state. Mil-
i linnc linro hapn nti-nroi? cinpo Iinr rli
apple production is not keeping pace
with population. During the last ten
years the population has increased
21 per cent apple production only 15
per cent.
The storing of cabbage is an im
portant item. If one does not pos
sess the proper cellars it is best to
bury in the open ground, putting the
heads down on a level bit of ground.
covering with straw and with earth
vrdugh to prevent freezing and thaw
in"". Di? trenches along the line of
cabbages to drain off the water. In
storing cabbage in a cellar the tem
perature must be kept low or the
heads "will become flabby and tough.
A man can scon run out a variety
of strawberries that have fruited
heavily. A variety that has been ex
hausted can be restored to its first
vigor by gathering vigorous, plants
that have formed in new ground from
the old plants. At a recent conven
tion a professor said that even the
Wilson strawberry can be resorted to
its former vigor by. say ten years of
careful selection. Asked how he would
go about it. he replied his course
would be to select the most thrifty
Wilson plants at fruiting time and
have new plants formed by runners
from these. His process continued
would result in giving a plant of great
vigor and productiveness.
It is advisable to keep some fresh
pasturage for late fall feeding. Exer
cise in the fall is conducive to thrift
J in winter and healthy lambs in the
spring. In the northern climate sheep
are housed too much at best. The
ewes may obtain more food than
would be supposed from a field of
fresh blue grass pasture that has been
I in part retained for them.
Just now "the frost is on the pump
kin and the fodder's in the shock."
i There is work in every season on
the farm. If the farmer would have a
' holiday, he should plan for it in the
same way as does the busy merchant.
If he waits until his work is done ha
will never leave the farm.
HL Jj V y V 54lBi
i 'saw iv
swi sHjfkC tOIwK .Apeay jyV-
n rr?k
jjLliii i-. viiv
Although days of thanksgiving,
especially for the fruits of the earth,
have been customary in all ages of
the world and in connection with
every form of religion. Thanksgiving
day as an annual harvest home and
family reunion under Christian aus
pices is a purely American institu
tion and, outside of New England, is
of comparatively recent origin.
As a national holiday it began in
the head and heart of Abraham Lin
coln, who proclaimed Nov. 2G, 1S6::,
as a thanksgiving day for the simul
taneous victories of Gettysburg and
Vicksburg on July 4 and for the
abundant harvests of that year, and
Nov. 24, lStl4, as a thanksgiving day
for similar blessings.
There had been other days set
apart for thanksgiving during the
war, but these were the first of the
unbroken series in the month of No
vember. President Johnson con
tinued the custom out of respect for
Mr. Lincoln, and it has been instinc
tively recognized by every president
since. In several states the gover
nors also make coincident proclama
tions. Though at present mostly a hal
lowed memory. Thanksgiving day,
when it was in its prime, was one
of the noblest and most delightful
things in American civilization. Time
was when on this day all the churches
were thronged with cheerful and de
vout worshipers, and the ministers,
speaking from bowers of corntops
and sheaves of wheat and pyramids
of pumpkins and red apples, moved
every heart by their tribute to the
divine goodness.
From the religious temples the peo
ple turned to the family altars,
where the fires of filial devotion
burned just as briskly. The mem
bers of the household assembled,
some of them from remote localities,
to look into the changed counte
nances of "the old people" perhaps
for the last time, sat down to a roy
al feast of good things, the greatest
feast of all being the revived and
increasing and men are not slow to
take advantage of them.
The prayers of praise for the bene
fits of the past and the prayers of
supplications for other blessings to
follow will be heeded by the Deity
and his constant care extended toward
us. No cataclysm of crime can erad
icate from man the belief that he is
the creature of a supernatural power
and intelligence. The tendency of
scientific research is to strengthen
this belief by making more manifest
she wondrous works of God. It may
be considered doubtful if the belief
in man's divine origin was ever en
tirely obliterated from any human
mind. With this belief firmly planted
in the hearts and homes of this great
American nation and mindful of the
true source of all earthly power and
blessings, it is fitting that in the tem
ples erected by our people in whlcn
to worship God according to the dic
tates of their own conscience, that
they should meet together on this
day and give praise to Him who
watches over us.
The Thanksgiving Ooccocoo.
The original name of the turkey was
Oocoocoo. by which it was known by
the native Cherokee Indians. It is
supposed that our Pilgrim Fathers,
roaming through the woods in search
of game for their first Thanksgiving
spread heard the Oocoocoo calling in
the familiar tones of our domesticated
fowl, "Turk, turlt. turk." These first
Yankee huntsmen, mistaking this
cry of the bird for its real song, im- j
mediately labelled it "turkey," and
turkey it is to this day. Much more I
beautiful and musical was the Indian '
name, "Oo-cco-cco," the notes peculiar
to the flock when sunning themselves
in perfect content on the river beach
es. Sunset Magazine.
Primitive Pilgrim Feasts.
It is supposed that our Pilgrim
parents were whetting their appe
tites upon wild turkey at the very
moment when the news of their pos-
overfiowing familv affections and the sible ultimate starvation reached Eng-inevTin"-iiish.ihin
nrtnrhmpnr to rh ' land. It must have been terrible in-
family hearthstone. That was Amer
ican civilization in its flower and fruit
age. As long as our people are a home
loving people, as long as filial and
fraternal love are aflame and as long
as we will cross mountains and trav
erse continents to gather once more
at the old homestead, to drop a
tear for the departed and to receive
the embrace of those who survive, our
institutions are safe.
Those who have reached middle life
can not but regret the partial de
cadence of Thanksgiving day within
their own recollection. In cur day it
is little more than a secular holiday
devoted to athletic sports. The sec
ular holiday and the arhletic sports
are, of course, good things in them
selves, but it is not pleasant to see
them take the place of an admirable
and invaluable social custom.
There is every year by custom and
by proclamation of president and
governors a day of Thanksgiving. Up
on this day the American nation of
fers to the throne of Divine Grace its
prayerful thanks and sings peans of
praise for the many bounties and
blessings that have been bestowed
upon our people. True, in this great
world there may be some who are un
able to look back and point with pride
and thankfulness to many acts and
things connected with their lives, but
goodness always exceeds the bad and
the world is constantly growing bet
ter and brighter. Opportunities are
deed on the approach of winter, with
few and imperfect firearms at com
mand, for these desperate Puritans to
knock live gobbling turkeys off the
trees and make a meal of them! No
spiced stuffing with chestnuts and
oysters for them! Just simple tur
key, roasted upon hot stones or boiled
in a cauldron instead of being smoth
ered in a lidded receptacle basted
every fifteen minutes in its own
A Tcugh Preposition.
The ostrich to the lhis said.
Out on Sahara's waste:
"I'm lad I'm not a tuikey cock.
;.:v AW-'v :'3to$mW
Loved only for my taste.
I give my pretty feathers up
At Fashion'-' stern behest;
F'it is Thanksgiving meil I fear
I hardly would digest!"
S& . ,&3ife i
J-itZg rr? "5
-o-J r
svsss,-;--.;!' -.t i.i-
Si - ? ;,.--- - -
Ceo Gratias.
My heart a new thanksgiving sines
ror each successive day that bring3
The royal gift of common things
To gladden me.
The song of birds, the river fleet.
The forest s shade, the -alley sweet.
The flowers springing at my feet
Are all for me.
The silver on the drop of dvr.
The sun.-et'5 cold, the ether's blue.
The prism of the rainbow's hue
Belong to me.
The mountain's strength, the ocean's
The arth. the air. the glowing light.
The busv day. the restful night.
Were made for me.
Some helping hand, some blessing free.
Some tender throb of sympathy.
Some prayer, though it unutiered be.
. Exists for me.
So let my heart its meed of praise
In sweet acclaim a song upraise.
That He who gives the best always.
Thus Mess-es me
Blanche Floor Schleppy.
Styles are always up-to-date.
Work is guaranteed.
Prompt delivery.
Reasonable prices.
If we haven't it we will order it. We can save business
men money on printed forms; we can get engraved
cards for society people; better styles at lower prices.
Journal Sale Bills bring crowds. Journal Letter Heads
bring business. Try us.
Columbus Journal 60.
X tfce tact Uutt moat of
Fare Tfiwit Oil is the fwudatl
Tfce general prejudice atcaiast
lU Btriat la nt greml late THICK PASTE,
paint matter tnea dilates every cailea el
eae aad kaewaar
the Bare raw etl.
3. AUi
f 'aU" yam nave te take ala w
4. waea yea bay KeadyoUxed Pant, yea pay i
it arlce f or tnla canned MelL' or troam 3 13 ta 3 1
- . ..-..
1 ler tne irean, pare raw ou la year local aeaier'a i
8. There is a aalat whose wakn STOP. '
pieted; eoateat with the profit oa the pata
that aay 14 year eld boy caa alx this paste i
both boazht separately from the leccl dealer. Stanly stir 1
allow for sallow, no more, no less, sad ambles; else, aad YOU I
yea have aw absolutely pare linseed oil paint that has
at least 33 less thaw aay "High Grade' Keady-atxed Pi
price ior eat a peine ana ou i
rita parity aad daraaUlty.
. This aalat la Klaleeh H
line of staadard. popalar
-u- less tae
awe Am.
aww amaaa nwewa
colors. It la aet a pafat
the pare raw eU
iiiiiiiiiliiiiiii iiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii
Without Change of Cars
Chicago- Milwaukee & St. Paul
For Time Tables rnd Special Rates see Union Pacific
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OMflfUl. N&BRflSKil.
he Only Double
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Fast daily train service via the Chicago, Union
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Straight aw the Craw FUas"
Along its 11a are the Sneat lands, suited for zrorlag small grain, corn. flax,
cotton; forcommerciml apple and peacaorcaarda, far other f raits and ber
ries ; for commercial cantaloupe, potato, tomato and general truck farms ;
for sugar cane and rice cultivation; for merchantable tlm'oer; tor raUtnaj
horsea, moles, cattle, hops, sheep, poultry and Angora goatt.
Writs for Information Concern ina
Raw Colony Locations. Improved Farias. Mineral Lands. Rica Lands and Tiaoar
Lands, and (or copies of "Currant Events." Business Opportunities,
Rica look. K. C S. Fruit Book
Cheap round-trip bomaseeken' tickets on sals flrat and third Tuesdays of
each month.
', 7xa.
any, .