lMSBfiSggg-T SjasU2SejE3&3SsiaLjr waa-fcMniiMiii "7 Pits - -..- V iaJifc.v i X It 1 1 ? II 1 1 I 'l t ; !' lf i Li h' ! I . i I! I i B u s b; i c ki 2 I' Columbus Journal By COLUMBUS JOURNAL Co. COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. General News. Hon. W. J. Bryan recently became a grandfather. Standard Oil continues to declare large dividends. River navigation on the upper Mis sissippi has closed. There Is a great scarcity of food on the Gambler islands. Violent shocks of earthquake were recently felt in Venezuela. Field Marshal Oyama ha3 named November 25 as the date of his de parture from Manchuria. General Grant and other officers take exception to Prince Louis' re mark, and declare that New York is safe. Former President Grover Cleveland is at Norfolk, Va., for a ten days' out ing as the guest of the Back Bay Gun ning club. A plea on behalf of woman suff rage was made to the president by Susan B. Anthony. Mrs. Harriet Tay lor Upton and Mrs. Ida Husted Har per. A bulletin issued by the census bureau places the total products of the manufacturers of New York at $5. 750,880. an increase of 40 per cent In ten years. The Shubert Theatrical company of New York has leased for a term of years the new opera house being erect ed in Chattanooga, Tenn. This is the Shubert's first house in the central south. The Cuban budget for the year be ginning July 1 next has been submit ted by President Palma to congress. It estimated the receipts at about $23, 000,000 and the expense at about $21, 500,000. Rev. J. Addison Seibert, former pas tor of the Adams Square Congrega tional church at Worcester, Mass., has been called to the pastorate of the First Congregational church in Kan sas City. The American residents of the Isle of Pines elected representatives to go to Washington and try to prevent ratification by the senate of the treaty conceding the sovereignty of the isl and to Cuba. Miss Margaret Ludwig of Paris, France, who was badly scalded in the Rio Grande-Rock Island collision at Pueblo, Colo., died as a result of her injuries. The rest of the injured are recovering. A state banquet was given in Wind sor castle in honor of King George of Greece. It was attended by 150 distinguished persons, including Whitelaw Reid, the American ambas sador, and Mrs. Reid. The London city council has decid ed to introduce a bill in parliament under which the council will construct a plant to supply all the electric en ergy for London and the suburbs, at a cost estimated at $40,000,000. Governor William L. Douglas of Massachusetts went to Washington at the head of a delegation of the Boot and Shoe Manufacturers association. This delegation will call upon Presi dent Roosevelt in relation to the re moval of the duty on hides. Vladimir Mooraloff, a Russian exile, founder of the "people's will" party in Russia, died at the county hospital at Denver recently of cancer. He es caped to America from Siberia after five years' service after publishing an alleged seditious newspaper. A great scarcity of food exists on the Gambler islands. The natives, who gather pearl shells for a living, have neglected their crops and have depended for supplies on the regular arrival of a sloop from Pitcairn isl ands, 300 miles away. The vessel has been wrecked and the natives are suf fering. Governor Toole has issued, on re quest of the Montana Stock Growers' association, a requisition on Governor Searles of North Dakota for William H. Denny, mayor of Williston, N. D., charging him with being connected with a gang of alleged horse thieves who, it is claimed, have stolen more than 1,000 head of horses. Six men have been taken into cus tody by the police in connection with the murder of Miss Eva Meyer, who was shot and almost instantly killed by an ambushed assassin while walk ing with her lover near the city limits of Cleveland, O., late Sunday night A rejected suitor is among those undet arrest. James Krahulik has been appointee postmaster at Clarkson. Colfax coun ty, Nebraska, vice J. Wolf, resigned. The creditors of the Internationa) Mercantile agency of Canada have de cided to wind up the agency. Liabil ities are placed at $217,000 and nomi nal assets at $257,000. A great deal of money is being sub scribed in New York and elsewhere for relief of the Jews. The claims of expanding culture In Chicago has some basis. Nearly 1,200 men called for jury service in one case have been rejected because they knew too much. President Roosevelt reiterates that he is in favor of joint statehood for the territories of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Rumors of anti-government plots in Havana, Cuba, have been renewed and names of more or less prominent radi cals are being connected with them. Crown Prince Gustavus of Sweden arrived at Copenhagen on a visit to the Danish court. Among the first persons he called on was Prince Charles of Denmark, which was ac cepted as a public intimation that the latter will have the friendship of the house of Bernadotte. A petition in involuntary bank ruptcy against the Brown-Corliss En gine company of Corliss, Wis., was filed by the Robert Rom company of Milwaukee the Garlack Packing com pany and the McGrew Publishing company of New York, on claims ag gregating about $3,000. WASTED TO A SHADOW. But Found a Cure After Fifteen Years of Suffering. A. H. Stotts, messenger at the State Capitol, Columbus, O., says: "For fifteen years I had kidney trou bles, and though I doctored faithfully, could not find a cure. I had heavy backaches, dizzy headaches and ter rible urinary disor ders. One day I collapsed, fell in sensible on the sidewalk, and then wasted away in bed for ten weeks. After being given up, I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. In a couple of months I regained my old health, and now weigh 188 pounds. Twelve boxes did it, and I have been well two years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y. Birds in Attack. Birds display great skill and cun ning in the chase, the attack and in guarding themselves from injury dur ing the struggle for supremacy. The secretary bird Is the inveterate enemy and untiring pursuer of the snake. All sorts, even the most venomous, he hunts with a zest that is at once in teresting and amusing. The snake flees from Its foe, who follows, watching every opportunity for a blow When the reptile turns the bird uses one of his wings as a shield and strikes with his foot. The snake buries its fangs in the wing, but leaves the poison in the plumage and the bird escapes unhurt Repeated blows from the powerful claw confuse and disable the snake, and at last it falls, to be at once dis patched by thrusts of the sharp beak Into its head. The bird then tosses his victim, into the air and, catching it as it falls, swallows it When Women Rule. Men manage men more successfully than women manage women. A man can control a large staff of men with out friction, whereas women who em ploy women, however small the num ber may be, generally find them a source of constant irritation. The truth is that men are juster, more considerate and more generous than women in dealing with their subor dinates. Referee. Women as Architects. If every firm of architects would employ a woman, says a writer, who has made not only the arranging and decorating of a house her special study but those more important struc tural and sanitary details as well, I venture to think it would not only mean increased business 'to the firm but immense improvements and com fort both in houses and flats. Dressmakers' Models. A London court dressmaker said the other day: "A mannequin, which is the correct name for a model, should be five feet eight inches tall in order to show the new model dresses from Paris to advantage. This is fwo inches taller than last season's height" Celebrates 104th Birthday. James Bellows McGregor of North Newport, N. H., believed to be the old est Free Mason in America, celebrated his 104th birthday recently. He has voted the democratic ticket since he was of age. Cast out the beam that is within mine own eye? With pleasure! But 1 pray that Celine may never be so foolish as to cast out the beam from hers! All our yesterdays were once to morrows. LIFE INSURANCE AGAIN. Some of the Bright Spots. (Chicago Tribune.) There has been much discussion the last Tew months upon what the press has called scandals in some of the large east ern life Insurance companies, and while attention has been riveted upon the diffi culties of these institutions the public has almost grown to believe ail are alike, and are Inclined to censure all for the short comings of the few. In looking over the situation carefully there seems to be some companies located In the west that have neither speculated In wall street securities nor invested in them. All their assets, including both re serve and surplus are invested in first mortgages on western improved farms, the best security in the woild. and draw ing a good rate of interest. One such company that certainly exhibits a clean record, as shown by its reports, has its home office at Lincoln. Neb., and conducts its business under the name of The Old Line Bankers' Life of Nebraska. It is nearly twenty years old. but has never done much talking about itself. It has grown conservatively and quietly and has made progress each year along lines that Its policy holders approve. Practically all of its assets of a million and a quarter dollars ar invested In flrst mortgages on the best of farms, and not a dollar of past due interest is shown In its report. Its earnings last year for its policy hold ers was more than 11 per cent on its mean reserve, the cost for new business written is less than any of the leading life Insurance companies is the United States, and Its death loss per thousand was less by one-half than any of tiiem. Unlike many companies organized in re cent years on the remains of some de funct assessment order or company, it started originally as an old line com pany, and has no assessment business weighing it down. Its surplus already earned for Its policy holders is in amount equal to 33 per cent ot its entire reserve, its statement of assets does not show a single dollar of the many items like agency balances, bills rer!vab!e. premium notes, stocks and bonds, real estate, "other assets." etc. which make up a considerable portion of the assets of many companies, but It consists of money and loans, and nothing else. The public will discriminate more and more In the future between companies, not as to size, as In the past, but quality, and the one that can show a clean record, and ability through conservative manage ment to ray good dividends, will receive In the future an increasing patronage from that great conservative portion of the public who arc not looking for specu lation In a lif contract, but for protec tion and reasonable returns on their in vestment. If the investigation of New Tork com panies has done nothing more, it will cause the western people to wake up to the fact that, as illustrated above, they have as good companies as any in the world, capable of taking care of all busi ness offered, and when taken managing It as you would manage your own affairs, and showing results that no eastern com pany has up to date been able to dupli cate. A great scholar says: In reading a book, I always stop at the bottom of each page and compel myself to give an account of everything read on that page. Thou mayst as well expect to grow stronger by always eating, as wise by always reading. It is thought and digestion which make books serv iceable, and give health and vigor to the mind. 'jSi EECOKD OF LOYALTY SPLENDID WORK OF RAILROAD MEN IN AN EMERGENCY. Enormous Amount off Traffic Success fully Handled on Single Track in Face of Heavy Handicap Shows Quality off American Train Crews. The well-known writer on railroad subjects, Mr. Frank H. Spearman, in his book entitled. "The Strategy of Great Railroads," describes the sur prise of the general manager of one of the eastern trunk lines, on a hunt ing trip in the north woods, who sud denly found himself on the right of way of a splendid, well-built railway line, apparently of a construction and equipment similar to the New York Central or Pennsylvania, along which thundered in quick succession heavy trains of iron ore, splendid passenger equipment and general freight service of surprising proportions. This was the Peninsula division ot the Chicago & North-Western Rail way, which covers the Upper Penin sula of Michigan, including the hard wood district and Lake Superior iron and copper region, with a surprisingly efficient net work of lines that con nect the mines and forests with im portant lake ports, and with through rail service to and from the outer world. Along this busy ore-carrying line a splendid exposition of the loyalty, in telligence and general good team work that can be expected of the aver age railroad man and the efficiency of the rules laid down for his guidance In an emergency, was given a few days ago, which so greatly pleased the superintendent and other officials that the story has finally crept into public print, and It is well worth repetition In these columns. It was all occasioned by a very heavy sleet storm that fell in the Up per Peninsula a few days ago, which threw down practically every tele graph line in the region in a few hours, and left the 464 miles of the division absolutely without tele graphic service for no less than forty eieht hours. The ore movement has been espe cially heavy this year, more lake Su perior ore being transported on the Great Lakes than ever before in the history of the iron industry, and in this emergency every mine would have to rhut down on account of the shortage of railway cars to move their product unless the road was kept open in spite of the storm. There was nothing that could be done by the chief train dispatcher; both he and the division superintend ent were temporarily out of the game. It was one of these emergencies where the "man behind the gun" must make good, or the case was a hopeless one. And make cood he did, in true blue, loyal style, with that splendid initia tive that makes the average train crew typical of the qualities we ad mire in our American troops. There was no way in which to get orders for train movements, no means by which division headquarters could be kept advised of where their trains were, and to the onlooker, no means existed by which the train crew could keep track of the whereabouts of trains in the opposite direction. It was an emergency of the gravest char acter, and was met with a splendid exhibition of good judgment and in telligent grasp of the science of rail road operation that is perhaps without an equal. They managed, on a sincle track line, without telegraph lines, for two whole days and nights, to kep every iron and copper mine in the district supplied with equipment and moved all trains practically on time. 4.971 cars were moved over the di vision Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 21, and one hundred and twenty five freight trains and no less than thirty-four passenger trains were taken care of upon the division, all handled on time on a single track, without accident, mishap, or delay and without the help of a train dis patcher. Can anyone beat that record of loy alty to employers, hard work and in telligent grasp of conditions? Any man who has ever handled the train movement of a busy railway di vision will appreciate how very much is involved in the work these train men did, hurryiug to and fro over sleet covered cars, keeping cool, and ready to meet every emergency by ap plication of the operating rules pro vided for their guidance. A Day to Remember. Sweet young thing Oh, this has been a wonderful day my sixteenth birthday! I've had my first kiss from Arthur and my last box on the ears from mamma! Meggendorfer Blaet ter. Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use thej will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz. one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages, and the price is the same. 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to seil you a 12-oe. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. White Hats- for Cabmen. By order of the police all cabmen in Berlin must wear white hats. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, reurn It to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satis faction, and will not stick to the iron. Occupation is inoculation against much temptation. Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch, not alone because they get one-third more for the same money, but also because of superior quality. The darkness awaits him who wastes the day. A Ff.aud. A beggar in London recently ac costed a man and whined, "I'm par alyzed in bothwae 'ands, mister, z.' can't work, fjff I can't grasp anything with 'em. v Could you spare me a trifle, mlsterpf "Lqr deaf," replied the gentleman. "Ysra'd better write down what you want to say. Here's a pencil and a piece of paper." "Deaf, is e?" thought the beggar. "Then 'e didn't hear about the paraly sis." So he wrote down: "I've got a wife and six children starvin' at home, an' ham in a dreadful state of dester tushon." He hande'd the paper to the man, who said: "I thought you said you were paralyzed in both hands and couldn't grasp anything; and yet you can write!" "Did didn't yer say yer was deaf?" stammered the beggar. "Yes, to find out if you were an im postor, which you are, as I supposed," replied the man. "Well, of all the blooming frauds, yer the biggest!" exclaimed the beg gar. "The hidea of yer sayin' yer was deaf, and tryin' to impose on a poor feller!" And he shuffled oil sniffing the air with righteous indignation. Convincing Evidence. Winthrop, Cal., Nov. 20th (Special) A plain and straightforward story is always the most convincing. And that is what has Impressed us most in reading the testimonials in regard to Dodd's Kidney Pills. The experi ence told by Davis Lewis of this place bears the ring and stamp of truth upon it He says: "I was troubled for six mouths with dull heavy pains in the small of my back, sometimes it passed Into my stomach, at other times up be tween my shoulders. When it was in my stomach I was doubled up, and hardly knew what to do for the pain. I was advised to take all kinds of remedies, and did so but without get ting any relief. Then some one told me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I got a box and began taking them. The flrst few doses gave me relief, by the time I had finished them all the pain was gone and I have been well ever since." Many religious persons don't go to church on rainy Sundays on account of the prevalence of umbrella-stealing among the church-goers. X am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago. Mas. Tnos. Robbui& Map'e Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900. There is never a wrong world to him who is right with its heart. When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and get the best, 16 oz. for 10 cents. Once used, always used. A Hint for Little Tapers. One night a man took a little taper out of a drawer and lighted it, and be gan to ascend a long, winding stair. "Where are you going?" said the taper. "Away, high up," said "higher than the top of the man; the house where we slee;." "And what are you going to do there?" said the little taper. "I am going to show the ships out at sea where the harbor is," said the man; "for we stand at the entrance to a harbor, and some ship far out on the stormy sea may be looking for our light even now." "Alas! no ship could ever see my light," said the little taper; "it Is so very small." "If your light is small," said the man, "keep it burning brightly and leave the rest to me." Well, when the man got up to the top of the lighthouse for this was a lighthouse they were In he took the little taper and with it he lighted the great lamps that stood ready with their polished reflectors behind them, and soon they were burning steady and clear, throwing a great strong beam of light across the sea. By this time the lighthouse man had blown out the little taper and laid it aside. But it had done its work. Through its own light had been so small, it had been the means of kindling the great lights in the top of the lighthouse and these were now shining over the sea, so that ships far out knew by it where they were, and were guided safely intc the harbor. PASSING OF PORRIDGE Makes Way for the Better Food of a Better Day. "Porridge is no longer used for breakfast in my home," writes a loyal Lr:tain from Huntsville, OnL This was an admission of no small signifi cance to one "brought up" on the time honored stand-by. "One month ago," she continues, "I bought a package of Grape-Nuts food for my husband, who had been an in valid for over a year. He had passed through a severe attack of pneumonia and la grippe combined, and was left in a very bad condition when they passed away. "I tried everything for his benefit, but nothing seemed to do him any good. llonth followed month and he still remained as weak as ever. I was almost discouraged about him when I got the Grape-Nuts, but the result has compensated me for my anxiety. "In the one month that he has eat en Grape-Nuts he has gained 10 pounds in weight, his strength is rap idly returning to him, and he feels like a new man. Now we all eat Grape-Nuts food, and are the better for it. Our little 5 year old boy, who used to suffer from pains in the stom ach after eating the old-fashioned por ridge, has no more trouble since he began to use Grape-Nuts, and I have no more doctor's bills to pay for him. "We use Grape-Nuts with only sweet cream, and find it the most tastjr dish in our bill of fare. "Last Monday I ate 4 teaspoonfuls of Grape-Nuts and cream for break fast, nothing else, then set to work and got my morning's work done by 9 o'clock, and felt less tired, much stronger, than if I had made my break fast on meat, potatoes, etc., as I used to. I wouldn't be without Grape-Nuts in tue house for any money." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to ellville." In pkgs. ( NEBRASKA COVERHOR MICKEY'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION Governor Mickey in his annual Thanksgiving proclamation recognizes public awakening in the matter ot the suppression of avarice, graft and greed and asserts that the movement must culminate in better laws and the ultimate purification of the body pol itics. He says: "The flight of time reminds us that another year is rapidly drawing to a close and soon will have passed into history. It has been a year crowded with blessings for the American peo ple. Without we are at peace with all nations while within there is evidence on every nand of unexampled pros perity and contentment. As a people our standing abroad has been striking ly exemplified by the successful out come of the peace negotiations be tween Russia and Japan, Instituted and persistently urged by President Roosevelt, an incident which empha sizes the potent influence of American diplomacy and the commanding posi tion to which we have attained as a world power. "At home there has been rapid de velopment of our material resources. Manufacturing industries have pros pered, the earth has yielded bountifully to the efforts of the husbandman, the laborer has found steady employment at a good wage. Here in our own state the conditions have been most favorable. Our crops were never bet ter, the demand is such as to yield fair prices, devastating storms have wrought but little damage and pesti lence is unknown. The spiritual life of the people has also been quickened. In all parts of the country there is manifest a no table awakening of public sentiment in suppression of avarice, graft and greed, a movement which must cul minate in the enactment of more wholesome laws and the ultimate pur ification of the body politic. For all these blessings vouchsafed to us oy our kind Heavenly Father we are pro foundly grateful. "As an evidence of our gratitude and in conformity with time honored cus tom, I, John H. Mickey, governor of the state of Nebraska, do hereby pro claim Thursday, November 30, 1905, as the day of general thanksgiving. Upon that day let the people assemble in their customary places of worship and participate in such services as will in dicate the gratitude of their hearts for the manifold mercies of the past, and let them devoutly pray for a con tinuance of divine mercy in the fu ture. Around the hearthfire and the family altar let the bounty of our God be the topic of thought and "let all the people praise Him." Four Officials in Trouble. LINCOLN Four county superintendents-elect have failed to secure grade certificates. State Superintend ent McBrien has ruled that the elect ed ones cannot hold office, issue cer tificates or transact business with the department. He also ruled that the counties allowing them to serve could not participate in the semi-annual ap portionment. THE STATE WARDS MAY HAVE TURKEY Members of the State Board of Pub lic Lands and Buildings say that the inmates of most of the state institu tions will have turkey and cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving day, despite the high price demanded for the fowl. At some of the institutions the whole, or at least a partial supply of turkeys is produced. The purchases are made under special permits for fresh meat and do not specify the kind to be bought Warden Beemer of the state penitentiary has already entered into a tenative contract for enough geese to supply the 300 prisoners in his charge with Thanksgiving provender. Oakdale Man Fatally Shot. NORFOLK. Alva Baker, aged 3S, was accidentally shot in the stomach with a shotgun near Oakdale. He was feeding cattle near that town and in pulling a gun from the wagon the gus was discharged and the charge tore into his stomach. He is in a critical condition. Williamson Indicted for Murder. OSCEOLA Clark Williamson was indicted for murder in the first degree by a grand jury. He is accused of administering strychnine to his father-in-law, L. L. DeLong, a prominent resident of this place. Stockmen Will Meet. AINSWORTH The Brown county stock association has adjourned its regular meeting to December 3, when important business to stockmen will be taken up for consideration. The association now has a membership of sixty-eight Pardon for Sarpy County Man. The friends of James Dillon, a Sarpy county man convicted of burglary in October, 1904, and sent to the peniten tiary for three years, have applied to Governor Mickey for a pardon. Working for Better Corn. LINCOLN The boys and girls of the public schools of Jefferson and Clay counties have decided to assist in the movement Inaugurated by the state department of public instruction for the advancement of scientific corn culture and of domestic science. Allen Will Pronounce Eulogy. NORFOLK William V. Allen, for mer United States senator from Neb raska, will pronounce the eulogy over the deceased members of the Norfolk lodge of Elks December 3. Senator Allen is a member of the Norfolk lodge. Culver Sails for Philippines. Adjutant General Culver ha re ceived word that the Third cavalry, in which his son, C. C. Culver, is lieuten ant, will sail for the Philippines on the transport Buford December 15. STATE NEWS NEBRASKA BRIEFS Several cases of diphtheria have ap peared at Albion. Business has been commenced in the new Hastings postoffice. Auburn is to have another band composed wholly of young men. The efforts of the eastern owners of the West Point Milling property to dispose of the plant have so far been unsuccessful. It is feared they will close down the plan indefinitely. Notice was telephoned to Sheriff Page at Geneva from Milligan that the dead body of Frank Sluka had been found hanging on a tree on Sluka's farm not far from Milligan. Reports of corn-picking in Saunders county show that the product is run ning very unevenly in the fields. Some fields arerunning more bushels while others are far below their usual yields. T. F. Swanhack, who was elected constable of Greenwood at the late election, is 91 years old. He is hale, hearty and claims to be able to fulfill the duties of his office as well as any younger man. Professor Rudolph Peters, the teach er of the St. Paul's German Lutheran Parochial school In West Point, has received a pressing call to take charge of a class in a graded parochial school at Cleveland, O. August Anders of Clay county will have to stand trial on the charge of dynamiting fish. Under the game laws this is a feiony. A fine of $100 to $500 is provided or a sentence of not more than one years in the penitentiary. Fire was discovered in the large stone barn of C. H. Norris, of Tablo Rock, a large crib near by and a large stack of hay. The barn was filled with baled hay, and the conflagration was quite extensive. There was no insur ance. Dr. Lutgen of Auburn and Dr. Lut- gen of Elk Creek, performed an opera tion upon Mrs. W. Ubber of Nemaha county, removing forty-eight gall stones. The patient has been a great sufferer, but seems in a fair way to re cover. Senator Burkett has made a plea with Attorney General Moody for the assignment of United States prisoners convicted In Nebraska to the Lincoln penitentiary instead of having them sent either to Sioux Falls or Leaven worth. At the Instance of his wife Harm Huls of Beatrice, was adjudged an in ebriate by the insanity commissioners. He was released on parole pending good behavior. Charles Sjoberg of Franklin county was committed to the asylum. During a recent visit to Ashland with the state fish car. Superintendent W. J. O'Brien of the fish hatcheries at South Bend left 50,000 crappies and perch fry in care of J. C. Wright, to be planted in the lake near Swift's ice bouse. Prof. G. B. Condra, or the geological department of the state university, was at Humboldt from Lincoln to make an inspection of the regions where farmers of that county have been con vinced for some time, exist either coal, gas or oil, and perhaps all three. Congressman E. M. Pollard of Ne hawka today met with representatives of the Plattsmouth Commercial club. Several matters of importance were discussed, and when Mr. Pollard reaches Washington he expects to do some good work for Plattsmouth. Land Commissioner Eaton has re ceived notice from some of the lessees of state school land in the Dismal forest reserve that they have been warned not to trespass on the govern ment tract, which will make it impos sible to get in and out from the school sections. George C. Sheed. executive officer of the Nebraska commission to the Lewis and Clarke exposition, has completed the unloading of the state's exhibits which have returned from Portland. These exhibits amounting to two car loads were carried to the coast by the , Burlington railway and returned by the Union Pacific without cost to the state. A new teaching position will be in stalled in the State Normal at Peru next year. It will be a critic teacher. Miss Nellie Schlee of Tecumseh. who last week resigned a position in the Lincoln schools, will have the new position. Miss Schlee resigned her work that she might go to New York City and take work at Columbia col lege which will fit her for her new unties. Hon. George Cross, the veteran edit or of the Fairbnry Gazette, has pre sented the Masonic lodge of that city with a gavel that the fraternity highly prize. It was made from a stone taken from the quarries under the site of Solomon's temple. Mr. Cross re cently returned from a year's travels abroad, and had the souvenir made while he was in Jerusalem. Secretary Royse of the state bank ing board has issued a call for the re ports of the condition of tfce state banks of November 9. A fatal fire is reported at the farm of John Williams, six miles west of Florence. Their grandchildren, son and daughter of Mrs. Loretta Cham bers were at the house and during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Williams from the house. Vernie. aged three and one half years, opened a valve of a gaso line stove and then struck a match. In the explosion which followed he re ceiver burns from which he died three hours. The Nebraska City Canning company closed the longest and most success ful season in the company's history. The total pack comprises 63.G0O cases. or 1,408,800 cans, of vegetables and fruit. The comr-";.- opened July 1 and during that time employed about 300 persons. WMV .Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jeep of T'' amah, were out riding, their horse became frightened at an automobile and ran away, throwing the occupants against a wire fence and turned the buggy over. Mr. Jeep was cut about the forehead, but not serious. Mrs Jeep escaped uninjured. Calamet Baking Powder A perfectly health ful powder made by improved chem ical methods and of accurately pro portioned materials Trust Baking Powder sell for -15 or 50 cent per pound and may bo Identified by this exor bitant price. They are a menace to public health, a- food prepared from them contains larvc quantities of tto chellc salts, a dangerous cathartic Jrujj. New Jer&ey Marriage Notice. Anthony Fuggy of Third avenue. was married to Miss Frances Buggy n police court yesterday morning by Judge Mahon. The Fuggys will re side in Third avenue. Anthony Fug gy, the bridegroom, Is eighteen years Did. Miss Buggy, the bride, is sev enteen years old. Elizabeth (N. J.) Daily Journal. Power of Cheerfulness. Tou find yourself refreshed by tho presence of cheerful people. Why not make earnest effort to confer that oleasure on others? You will find half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy. DISTRESS AFTER MEALS Sure Sign That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Are Needed to Tone Up the Digestive Organs. Loss of appetite, distress after eating". shortness of breath, a feeling of utter weakness these are symptoms that are familiar to most sufferers from stomach trouble. Too often the ordinary doctor's treatment serves but to weaken the dis eased organs. The new tonic method of treating dis orders of this kind does not aim to do tho Work of the stomach, does not demand that tho food be pre-digested, but builds up the weakened organs., so that they eau do the work that nature intended. Mrs. L.O. Law, of No. 32 1 North street. Horton, Katias, says : "In 1S97, wlnlo we were living ou a farm in this ne igh Dorhood. I became generally debilitated as the result of overwork. I bad s-rioiw indigestion, lot my appetite, buffeted from a sense of suffocation and from ob Btruction of the circulation, so that arti ficial means had to be used to restore it. After suffering for months without find ing any relief, I tried a lox of Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills of which I had read in a newspaper. The first few boxen mado me lots better, and after usiug the third box I felt entirely well. "I aui now in excellent health and am able not only to tak care or my house but also to assist my husband in a store which be has lately taken. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured me and I can recom mend them. They are so simple, so ensilv takeu aud so prompt iu their ac tion."" Remember Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not act on the bowels. They make new blood and restore shattered nerves. In this way they carry health ami vigor to every organ and fiber of the lody. They are sold by nil druggM or will be sent,, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents ot box; six boxes for -r.O bv thr Dr. Wil liam Medtciuo Co., Schenectady, N.i". Wales Has No Capital. Wales wants a capital, but, though the search has been going on for years, no city has yet been found pre eminently suited for the honor. BABY CAME NEAR DYING. From an Awful Skin Humor Scratched Till Blood Ran Wasted to a Skeletct Speedily Cured by Cuticura. "When three months old my boy broke out with an itching, watery rash all over his body, and he would scratch till tho blood ran. We tried nearly everything, but he grew worse, wasting to a skeleton, and we feared he would die. He slept only when In our arms. The first application of Cuticura soothed him so that he slept In his cradle for the first time in many weeks. One set of Cuticura made a complete and permanent cure. (Signed) Mrs. M. C. Maitland. Jasper. Ontario." Never Their Own! Some people think that because they are different from other people. It must be the other people's fault. Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces in a package. 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. It takes a genius to get ten cents worth of satisfaction out of a five cent cigar. Do Your Clothe3 Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep them whiter IS oz. for 10 cents. rRmfteftnMr1ysMfei1l!Cian wwsnefe LEWISSIN6LE BINDER STRAIGHTS CIGAR Tour Jobber or direct from Tactorr. Peoria. ZIL m I-IIMhW HUIDC rtorVA.art M M Best Cough Bjrup. Tmrte GooU. Ce IU Dpi In tlms oil. w .. -i-.- w P7.1 va f 4 r A &. --- ,m zt .4&- . . ilfi,l 'im fc iAarsrt IC5HS3