r 7cTrgrf t: .w iwllr-r3 Cc Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County ft ' , " ' ? VOU'MK XXXVI. NUMBEt-A. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1905. WHOLE NUMBER J.779. M- - ? ...M 1- j. A So Gonso;vative T w i ' u j rich in a da n'w . i.iil. I- is ii nervative peo ple wii .ii'.i ir 1 -; t depositors. Our Bank is Conservative We trat patrons mirtoiiI. hut iidvKe them to takn mi risks. In banking wi'h us you gt the ben eflt of wise council. It may :v jou from disaster. The First National Bank Mia Emma Higgins, of Schuyler, ris ited over Sunday with her sister, Mr.-. Sam Goes. Miss Leal Crozier of Osceola is visit ing at the home of E. M. Spnrhawk for a couple of weeks. Matt Leach and Attorney Will Hose, both of Fullerton, were in Columbus on hmines yesterday. Col. Storchof Fullerton was in Colum bus yesterday returning from a meeting of the military board at Lincoln. Humphrey's legal fraternity is repre sented iu district court in the persons of E. 1L Drake and F. M. Cookiugham. H. Hockenlwrger and John Moffett of I'latte Center accompanied Max Gott berg in hi automobile to Creston Mon day. 1L W. Hohitrt returned last Thursday from a trip to Sioux city where he went on important legal business for one of his clients. Seth Braun is going to have a big dish pale during Thanksgiving week. He will offer a part of his tine line of dishes below cost. Best hargains ever offered in Columbus. It There .will he a missionary tea at the home of Mr. M. K. Turner, Friday ov ning. given liy" tfiB Ladien' Society of the Methodist church. A musical pro gram will be given. The ladies of the Altar society of the Catholic church will entertain at euchre at tliu hstuc i if IX C Kavanaugh tonight. The ladies of the society are divided in to groups of eight. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a tea at the home of Mrs. Llans Elliott Thursday afternoon. As is cus tomary at these popular teas, the public is in v) ltd to attend. Mrs. W. M. Cornelius had the misfor tune Sunday to slip on the stairs and fall part way down, wrenching her knee badly. While the injury is very painful it is not believed that any permanent trouble will result. Lon Miller, of South Omaha, has been in the vicinity the past few days visiting his brother-in-law, Ed Westcolt who is leaving this country to take up a new home in Washington. Mr. Miller re turned to his Omalia home yesterday. Kev. Millard went to Central City Tuesday to be present at a reception given by the Methodist church to their vast number of converts who have been received during the union revival ser vices. He returned Wednesday. 11. J. Alexander who has been in Co lumbus for a week will leave for Stock Title. Nebr., where he is engaged in the real estate business with Sawyer Itros. Mr. Alexander's numerons friends here will be glad to learn that he is en joying large prosperity there. The Woman's Home Missionary socie ty will hold a social at the home of Mrs. M. K. Turner Friday evening. A musi cal program has been arranged and Mrs. Millard will give some echoes of the na tional convention at Indianapolis, which she attended three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs P. J. Murphy, Jr. and two children, Mrs. P. J. Murphy, Sr. and Miss Anna Murphy of Platte center were guests Tuesday of Mrs. McMabon. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy have been guests cf Mr. Murphy parent? at Platte Center and are now on their wav to their home in Butte, Montana. Dr. E.H. Naumann DENTIST Has one of the best dental offices in the state: Fully equipped to do all den tal work injMrst-Class manner. Always reasonable iu charges. All work guaranteed. Over 14 years practice in Ct lumbus. mfcsu t. Dr. E. H. its. To the Voters of Platte County. Geatlemon, I do not wish to disap pear from the political stage without expressing to you my appreciation of your kind treatment during te cam paign and your hearty support at the polls. I came among you with the plea that the ollise of county superin tendent should not be political and nk(-u your support ou the grounds of tituoss for rue position, and of meri torious t-ervice, I tried to conduct my iart of the camDaign in a way becom ing the head of the schools oi the countv You know how well I sjc ceedM 1 was received with kinl ;onsideratioii bv -ill. regardless of po litical ufiilittiut I am confident that my t-upporr wns composed largely of those who are directly interested in ihpihlic schools of the county. I submit gr.un follv to the will of the majority, anil shall give Mr. Leavy my heartv support in his efforts to improve the conditions of our schools. I am perfectly satislied with the treatment received at tne hands of those who conducted the campaign. 1 beleive Mr. Hoare was loyal to every man on the ticket, nnd that hn diil all he could to secure their election. The republican papers made a sacrifice in their support of the ticket and shonld be Kindly remembered, not only by the candidates but by nil who are in- terQsted in the success of the party in the county. With best wishes for the public schools of Platte county, I am with out political aspirations, verv truly yours. O. H. SMITH. Fans Happy. Columbus fans aro happy. " Jaok" Corbett, who with his brother Jim bought Wai den's pool hall last week will bo on deck next summer to pre side behind the bat and "Kelly" Welch, the Oamha league pitcher who is working for "Jack" will also be here if business keeps up a it has started out for the boys. With "Jack" Corbett and "Kelly" Welch Columbus will have the fastest " bunch" in Nebraska outside of the league. And the boys will see to it that "Jack" and "Kelly" will bo too busy next spring to sieu any contracts away from Columbus. "Jimmio" Corbett, who won 5S out of C:S games when he was pitching for the- HebTMka-indi ,ara aaina - - the - strongest teams in the United States outside of the leagues, is "itching" to go into the box again and his arm has recovered until it has its old time strength. With ' ' Kelly" ' Welch and ' Jinimie" Corbett to change off with the old re liable. "Dad" Lohr and "Kid" Do Ian in the box, Colnmbns will have a good strong prescription to administer to every visiting team. A Promotion. Ed. Fitzpatrick, the efficient assis tant postmaster of this city received a telegram last Thursday notifying him of his appointment to a position in the Postoffice department on the Panama Canal zone. The telegram contained no particulars but it is known that the appointment is a pro motion which will add materially to Ed's salary nnd it is believed that the position is either that of assistant postmaster, or postal clerk. Last Saturday Ed. received a second tele gram asking him to report at New York for further instruction and in response thereto, Ed. left Tuesday morning. Ed. Fitzpatrick has been six years in the Columbus postoffice where he has done proficient service and has mnsterted the details of hi6 work so as to give him excellent preparation for the promotion. Ed will be missed in Colnmbns social circles, where he has always been a prominent figure. Card of Thanks Unable to personally convey our thanks to the friends and neighbors who gave us aid and sympathy during the sndden death of our child we de sire in this public manner to acknow ledge to each and all our debt of gra titude. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luchsiuger. Sound Teeth may be had no matter what your age if you will have a competent Dentist make and fit them. As a matter of health as well as looks flow Important it is to have firm, regular teeth to prop erly masticate your food. Call and have an examination and es timate of cost made that will give you perfect teeth. Dr. C. V. CAMPBELL ILaVnv'iKX? ALaaaaaaaaaasfl IxLasssssaV av .Jfi)k mt7iL District Court. The court house is crowded today by spectators eager to hear every word of the testimony in the sensational kidnap ping case in which Fred A. Brnenhaber went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiseman last Saturday afternoon and forcibly took away his three year old daughter Lula Marie. It was an interesting but pathetic spectacle to eee Mrs. Wiseman on the witness stand with the sweet little girl not her own, clinging to her neck and refusing to recognize the real mother and father sitting near, to whom the child has been a etrantrer from infancy, but whose parental instincts have led tliem to seek by force, the child of their blood after three years of separation. The story as briefly told by witnesses is is follows: Three years ago Bruenhaber whs night -ugineer at the city waterworks here and lived with his wife and four children the youngest a babe at its mother's breast. Estranged from his wife he left her and the children without means of support and Mrs. Bruenhaber took the babe to Mrs. Wiseman, her husband's a'ster. The conditions upon which the child was given up are in dispute, but at any rate the mother seldom saw the lit tle girl who has come to look upon Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman as father and mother. Finally Fred Bruenhaber wrote from Denver for his wife and family and they went to him. Recently they returned to Columbus and Mr. Bruenhaber went to his sister's home for his baby, and be ing refused, the testimony is that he choked Mrs. Wiseman and took the child by force. Taking a team and bug gy he drove to David City with the child where he was apprhended by Sheriff Car rig Saturday night and brought into district court to answer the charge of kidnapping. The testimony of the de fense is not in as the Journal goes to press. Since last Saturday the court has dis posed of the case of Oscar Nelson against Strand, the slander case from the Look ing Glass in which the defendant is said to have accused the plaintiff of stealing a whip, the verdict being for the defend ant. In the case of Dr. J. C- McKinley against Gustav Teske for a doctor's bill the jury found for the defendant. A case has been filed in district court from Burrows township, Olsofka vs Ols- - of ka, the wife seeking, to njoin the bos- band from selling real estate and other property. Route 3. A magic lantern show was given at the Nick Adamy school house last Fri day by an amateur who is showing at the country school houses. John Kamm is serving on the jury. Corn husking will be completed on this route by Thanksgiving. Boute 5. Mrs. Libbie Coffee visited friends in Monroe last week. Ed. Hahn and Chas. Redding have finished husking. Bert Bryan has gone to the table lands to husk corn the rest of the fall. Word was received today from Fuller ton announcing the birth of an eleven pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mattson of that place. H. P. H. Oehlrieh shipped nine car loads of fat cattle to Chicago Saturday. If he doesn't get right markets he will ship to Europe. Wm. Mattson and daughter, Miss An na, of South Omaha are guests at the home of Mr. and Sirs. G. M. Hall this week. MissAnna will remain two weeks longer to visit friends at Monroe and St Edward. Mr. Dahlberg of St. Edward was ex cused from the jury last Saturday morn ing to witness a very delicate operation undergone by his son Elmer in which a part of the skull was removed The boy is doing finely. The engine pulling the Albion branch train jumped the track at St. Edward yesterday and delayed traffic from Spald ing six hours. No damage to speak of resulted. A number of Columbus citi zens were caught by the accident and detained for several hours, their wives however were greatly pleased when they ' t home with no bones broken. The Spalding passenger instead of ar riving at 1 o'clock, pulled to the depot at 6:10 and fi rty minutes later made up its train and returned to Spalding. Mrs. M. McGowan. liviug in wet Co lumbus, was the victim of a complete and happy surprise Saturday evening. That day happened to be her 45th birth day and her neighbors and friends to the number of about 0 quietly planned a program and when leant expecting an cciHsisn of the kind the party swarmed in'" Ik r home nd made the evening . no o. j u and m-rriment. Every thing that xa- good to at was in abundance and on leaving at a late hour the friends wished Mrs. McGowan many more years of happiness. Columbus society has been active dur ing the past week in honoring Mra,C.D. Brown of Papillion, gaeat of Mrs. Edgar Howard. Last Friday Mrs. Thos. Dack gave an elaborate six o'clock dinner in her honor. On the following afternoon Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Hanwa gave a Kensington to twenty-five gueats. Tu esday night Mrs. C. E. Pollock and Mrs. C. D. Evans entertained nine tables at four-hand euchre. Mm. Arthur Gray re ceiving the prize for games. A beauti ful guest prize was presented to Mrs. Brown. I K K.K's Entertained Harold Kramer enteratained the K. K. K.'s at a six o'clock dinner Satur day evening. Afterward at a game of gaessing advertisements, Arthur Wil son won the prize, a Katzen jammer Kids book. The olnb resumed its re gular meetings this fall. Melvin Brugger as the only new member. The members were to regular is their attendance last year, thai not enongb fines were collected to give the theatre box party as had been planned. But these youthful promoters now have a loftier aim. It is their ambition to U6e their dnes and fines, together with the proceeds from work done during vacation to erect a small club house, which shall be their own. Should they succeed in this enterprise, no donbt their lady friends young and old. will be beseiged with pleas for sofa pillows, pennants, rugs, and all those feminine touches dear to bache lor hearts. At a recent business meeting Cliff ord Galley was elected chairman nnd Harold Kramer treasurer. The other officers will be elected later. The nnxt meeting will bo with Melvin Phillips next Frida7 evening. Furnished House for Bent. A good house furnished centrally located, desirable for keeping board ers. Inquire Journal office. 31 2 COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat i.. 68 Corn ai Oats ? bushel 22 Rye $ bushel 53 Barley, 23 Potatoes $ bu m Butter $ tt. 1 to. IS Eggs dozen 20 Poultry 61.. Hogs 4.23to4.30 HOT WATER BOTTLES Perhaps your old hot water bottle did not last as. long as it should. There might have been better rubber in it. Our bottles are made of pure Para rubber from Brazil, one of the veiy best in the whole world. Our hot bottles will not disappount you Chas. H. Dack, Druggist. District 44 and Vicinity. Corn hnsking is in full blast. A few have finished and larger ears were never grown in this vicinity. The finit trees are going, into win ter quarters in better shape than for three years past. The autumn thus far being very favorable for the ripen ing of the upper wood. Dan Sheedy, about twenty -one years old a eon of Michael Sheedy of this place was taken qnite ill Thursday evening just after finishing up their corn bnskmg. He took to his room where he remained an til Saturday p. m. when he was conveyed to tbe hospital a Colnmbns, where he could recieve better care. Dan is an in dustrious and a hardwoiking boy, and has tbe sympathy of this neighbor hood. His reasoning power seemed to be affected. With a slight knowledge of the shrink in new corn from the first of December to tbe first of Jane, follow ing we are of tbe opinion that those who are going to sell would do well to dispose of that article now, at present prices. M. Sheedy has had "new chimney tops put upon his buildings and -4 1 has caused a now chimney top to be placed upon tbe schoo (house. Tbe farmers are getting ready to receive Old Boreas and a long winter. J. H. Drinnin has been lookiug in the mailfor a valuable farmers pocket knife, which he drew as a preminm for work done for the St. Lonis Semi Weekly Star, when last Friday the mail carrier showed him the package with the proper address and post marks, bnt the package had been broken open and was empty. Post master Kramer was informed of that fact, and is now investigating. The town board of Columbus town ship will be in session on the first Saturday in December at ! o'clock a m. Nearly every farmer in this neih borhood has become happy nnd con tented with his lot. On meeting one yoa are greeted with a pleasant woid, when you can see evidence of the above in his countenance and, we are inclined at this time of ytar to give credit to pumpkin pie and other good things served as our mothers use to serve them, but then maybe we aie partial to pumkpin pie. REGISTERED Short Horn Bulls FOR SALE At Branigan's Barn: Yearlings and 2-Year Olds JOHN R. L. LEUSCHEN Mian Lida Clayton spent Saniay with her parents at Schuyler. C. H Buscnraan on Decenberl. will start a racket store in the old Home meat market. Bruce Webb was in hoars today enroute imtdness. the city a few to Omaha on E. H. Chambers and H. Hock an burser left for points in Kansas and Indian Territorv the first of the week on real estate business. Rev. Mnnro announces his subjects for next Sunday at the Congregation al church as folio W6 : Mornin "The New Commandment ;' evening, ' ' An English Seer and Defender of the Faith." There is located in ing over Mrs. KeNo's, instruction of ladies and ladies' tailoring, tisement next week. the Barber huild a school for the in dress making Watch for odver- Saturday evening Earl and George, the two yoangest children of H. E tiabcock, were playing at the resi dence of A Anderson with the two little Anderson boys, when they got some rat biscuits that the maid had carelessly thrown in the coal hod. As there were only three, not enough to go around, George Babcock got none, but all of the other children became sick. With the Anderson children the poison acted as an emetic and pro bably saved their lives, bat little Barl Babcock was very Hick, and all Satur day night his life was despaired of. By Sunday night, however, the physi cians in attendance pronounced him out of danger, bnt (till very sick and weak. East Lynne. Iu the presentation of the Lewis' East Lynne at the North Opera house Monday evening of this week, some thing out of the usual was seen, be cause of the local interest attached to the companv, and a pleasing prefor niance was witnessed of an old yet greatly admired play. As a whole, from the rise of the curtain, to its final fall the plav was smooth, even and harmonious in all details, stage settings, the cast of characters, and the individual imper sonation of them. Seldom, if ever, has a handsomer dressing of the itige been seen in Columbus. Of course the chief both in the plav and as a drawing card, was Miss Kathryn Dale, the handsome and talented daughter of Mrs. J. E. North. In tbe difficult dual roles of Lady Isabel and Madam Vine. Miss Dale, throughout, displayed a charm and power, in all the light and serious shades which make up the sad love and life story of tbe leading character in East Lynne. She is an ideal Lady Isabel, swaying the audience with the varied passions which are stirred in the breast of the jealous wife and deceived and deserted woman of the world, now bringing tears and anon winning sympathy from all. It is safe to say that Kathryn Dale's Lady Isabel will be long and favor ably remembered. J'he balance of tbe cast was nnnsally even and harmonion. each appearing to the best advantage. Mr. Darcy as Sir Francis Levis in made a handsome appearance, and gave a genteel and trne impersonation of the second part in tbe play. Ivlr. Lewis' Dill and Miss Lewis' Corney Carlyle, were managed in a skillful manner repeat ing on them great credit. Master Jack Lemon made his appearance first as a sweet little girl and afterward as Lady Isabel's son Willie, capturing the andience with tbe cutness and ea?) of his sytle and manner. And last but not least in either their im portance in the plav or the. abilitv with which they rendered their re spective parts, were Miss Phoza Mc Allister. O. B Nair and Ward Osborne. Miss McAllister as Barbrn Hate was as sweet and capible as the pretty conntrv girl may be mad p. This young lady riisplav an ease and grace of appearance that border a sue cesful career for her in the dramatic world. Mr. Nair's Archibald Carlyle was a neat and acceptable impersona tion of that character, while Ward Osborne appeared to better advantage as Lord Monnt Servern, than any thing in which he has neretofre been seen. All in all, tbe East Lvnne en eagmenfc'was a verv sgecessful oaa. The company went west from here. 'Marriage license was granted last week to Fredinand H. Wachter of Norfolk and Emma Arndt of Platte Center. Gifts for November's Winsome Brides Hear the mellow wedding bells, Golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells. Pope. You "are probably made aware of the fact that November rivals June as a month, of weddings by the number of invitations you have received. Of course you will have to send presents to some of the brides, if not all. We've now ready an unusual display of suitable things, the latest efforts of the best do mestic and foreign makers of china and glass. Marvellous creations for lit tle money. We'll hold your selections for next month's delivery. Ed J. Niewohner The Jeweler Mrs. Mark flatbburn will entertain the Young People's card club tonight. William Terrell and George W. Turner left the oity Tuesday for sever al days' visit in Sherman county with the MoKinnie brothers, Carl and Burt. Mrs A. B. Tomcon entertained at a three course dinner at six o'clock Sun day night for Mr. and Mrs. Lewip, Mr. Nair and her daughter Phota McAllister, who are members of the East Lynne company. Judge and Mrs. A. M. Post and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke and little son Junior, took an automobile trip to York Saturday afternoon to visit Mr. Post's brother G. W. Post. Thev returned Saaday night. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ewerr, jr , residing eight miles northeast of Columbus, last Friday an eleven pound daughter. This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hake, who are accordingly proud. M. B. Kari. who recently purchased tin property at the corner of Fifteenth ana uiive streets, nas a rorce or men at work on a new brick barn 30x30 feet which is expected to be finished before the severe freezing weather of winter sets in. "The Trident" a musical paper published for the tri cities Daven port, Rock Island and Mohne, 111., has on the title page a fine portrait of Mr. Poole. In speaking of a concert recently given it says: "Prof. Alvin E. Poole rendered most artistically a violin solo and responded also to an enthusiastic encore. " A half column of the same magazine is devoted to the same musician from which we cnU the following: "Mr. Alvin E. , Poole the young violinist recently located in Davenoort is meeting with splendid success as a teacher and soloist. Mr. Poole was for a number of years a favorite pupil of Jan l Jan Ordt who with Caesar Thompson is at tbe bead of the violin department of the Brus sels conservatory, Belgium, and is therefore an able exponent of the Belgian school of violin playing Mr. Poole has opeaed a atadio in Hibernian hall, and will devote his time to teaching and concert work. He wiU also direct a pupils amateur orchestra. Public concerts and reci tals will be given throughout the coming season, and Mr. Poole will be pleased to meet all those who ' con template the study of this king of all instruments the violin. JSfl&. OwnYourHome Do you belong to the rent -paying number in Columbus 9 A) I 111 I 'I VLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL- I BSIb'SSuT 4vsf i If you do, and desire to purchase City Property either improved or un improved call and see us. We have many choice lota and residences for sale as well as a' few desirable business properties. Elliott, Speice and Ce. There is always a best way. Do yon always find it? The Old Reliable Columbus State Bank I always aims to find the best way, and having found it, to pursue itr It never chases rainbows, nor does it indulge in speculation, or questionable undertakings. Mrs. Forest Merrill is visiting her sister Mrs. Charles Mason in Eln wood. Mrs. O. A. Speice who has been eer ionsiy ill for the past week is reported as improving. Mrs. H. I. Murdock and Miss Geer are entertaining this afternoon in honor of Mrs. Brown. Mrs. H. P. Coolidge will leave Saturday for Lead. S. D.. to visit her sons. She expects to spend the winter there and in Iowa. Mrs. E. R. Brown, who has been visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. W. H. Hensley wiU return to her home in Norfolk Thursay evening. Miss Nellie Harris entertained a few friends at tea Monday evening in compliment to Miss Julia Weissenberg. Later in the evening tbe gentlemen arrived and encher was played. Dr. and Mrs. G P. Waller arrived Sunday from Pennsylvania and wero the guests until Monday of Col., and Mrs. Whitmoyer. They were on their way home to Los Angeles, after a brief bUEiness trip in the east. The new Branigan sale barn is almost completed. The building is one of the (digest and most commodious of its kind in this part of the state, and fills the demand long needed by the Btock mra of this . vicinity wlic-teld- annual stock sales. The building is Gl.xSO and is substantially built. Carpenters have been busy lately re pairing the Storz storage house here. Making ready for ico this early in tbe season may look out of order, but Vogel & Moschenross, the Storz' agent here are right up to dato in every thing and always prepared good and early to handle what may come in their line. The approaching marriage of Mr) John Valasek and Mrs. Katie Micek has been announced. The ceremony is to take place at the Catholic church in Co lumbus, Wednesday. Nov. 21. After ceremonies the bridal party will go to the home of Mr. S. Skornpa, two miles northeast of town where the friends and relatives will do honor to the event. Mrs. II. H. Millard spent Sunday in Norfolk where she addressed the Wom an's Home Missionary society. Mrs. Millard, as corresponding secretary cj tho socitety visits many congregations in this way. The society is about to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary. While in Norfolk she received the silver offering from that church which amount ed to 873. Mr. Joe Olsnwka and Miss Vera Zyiaek, both of Platte county, were married this morning at Duncan. After the cermony the wedding party congre gated at the home of the groom's par' ents seven miles northeast of Colnmbns and celebrated the event in royal style. A number of Columbus citizens attend ed the wedding among them being Mr. and Mrs. Felix Smagacz. Stephen Rolph of Fullerton passed through Columbus yesterday on his way to Omaha. Iu his haste to change cars ha left his overcoat in the car on which he arrived. It was a few minutes before he missed his los. but the lost was in good hands. Conductor Fox placed the garment in what is called tbe "lost ward" in the depot. The throng at the train and Barney McTaggert's yell "bag gage mister" must have confused tho visitor from the town of the famous "Lover's Lea;." His coat was safe. MODERN DENTISTRY in an np-ro-date tflice,is the best thing we have to offer. We can and do fill and extract teeth rOSITIVELY WITHOUT TAIN. We give a written guarantee with all work. If it fails or proves unsat isfactory AT ANY TIME we will either replace it or refund the money Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist. Ovar Niewokner'a cor. 13th sad Olive Sta. 8. E. earner ofcPmrk. iebi V-wtf ,.-