V c- V- A No Rival! There is no country in the world Xbere so many people and such a large proportion of the total popula tion live -without doing any physical or mental -work, and on the earnings of other people as in India. The Hindu. De Virginibus. Nowadavs everv callow and affect-1 ed young girl wants to "study art." Simplicity's what she ought to study, if she but knew it. New Orleans Times-Democrat. r, THE BEST COUGH CURE t Many a lozesonie and expensive trip to Florida, California or the Adirc-ndacks has been saved by the use of J Kemp's Balsam 4 the best cough care. If this great f) remedy will not cure the cough, no medicine will, and then all hope rests in a change of climate but try Kemp's Balsam first. Sold by all dealers at cc and 50c. Ml OUNCES fpJ te?i ssssd L- CmgO 25 ounces for 25 cents JAQUES Chicago The article " f r apon W.L. Douglas 3i0&l3 SHOES S W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. .L.JOUGLAS MAKES AMD SELLS MORE MEM'S S3.SO SHOES THAM AMY OTHER MAMUFACTUREM. CIA flflfl REWARD to anycre fco em 9 1 UjUUU discrove this ttatement. W. L. Douglas 53.50 shoes have by their ex cellent tle. easy fitting, and superior mealing qualities, achieved the largest rale of any 53.50 shoe In the world. Thev are ust as good as thoe that cost you 55.00 to 57-00 the only difference Is the price. If I could take you into my factory at Brockton. .Mass.. the largest In the world under one roof making' men's fine hoe, and iow vnu the care with which eery pair of Douglas hoes is made, you would realize why W. I Oou las $3.50 shoes are tkt best Abocs rrnducel in the world. If 1 could show ou the difference between the hoes made in mv factory and those of ether makes, you would understand why Dou das 53.50 shoes cot more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer ."and are of greater intrinsic alue than any other $3.50 hoe on the market to-day. W. L. Dmumlmm Stfmttm Mmdm Snmrnrn fmr Mtma.S2.50.S2.00. Bmym'SchmmlA DrmmmShmmm.S2.SO,S2.Sf.7S.S1.SO CAUTION. Insi-t upon bivirr W.L-IVinf:- , la shoe. Tiler an snbtitite. None pemiine withoct hi nam and price stamped on bottom. ( WANTEH. A -hoe dealer in every town where V L. Douclis S .ire not old. "Full line of samples ent free for Inspection upon request. I fast Color Eyelets used, fey ur il rot wear brassy. I TVnJe for Illn-t-ited Catalog of Fill Stvles. I IV. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Maw. Draw Your Own Comparisons! TEXAS is the only State in the Union with room enough for a population preat enough to consume its total pro duction of food, fabrics and building material. Big- enough? Yes ! Now here is the comparison. Suppose you are an Iowa farmer. Ac cording to Government reports the average value of crops in Texas is 52 00 per acre more than in Iowa; and the average returns on Texas farms are twelve per cent greater. The average acreage of Texas farms is 337 acres as compared with 157 acres in Iowa. With products yielding better returns with a minimum amount of labor, mild winters and plenty of room does it not seem to tou that Texas promises much? The possibilities were never brighter than now for men seeking to better their condition. In five years' time these possibilities will be gone. You should :nat.e the change now while the prices of farming lands are reasonable and investment opportunities are not overdone. W hy not locate in a progres sive loealitv and grow up with the country? It will certainly pay you to investigate conditions whether you im migrate to Texas or not. I can give you many valuable point ers about locations where prospects are brightest. Write me tell me what you want, how much you have to invest. I will give you information and gladly assist youin getting in touch with the opportunity. fCrlte to-av for a FSEE copy or y book "Texas. S&res S. G. LANGSTOW Canacal Immigration Agent. mm 52S Wainvnetit B'tig.. ST. tOVIS. MO. 7t a" 1 VbWV J9 l JMA "1 mmmmf&?s sm. w Best Coosa ejrn-x Tastes Good. CsePS P3 in time. Sole by drasstsra. PJl Show Lack of Intelligence. It is astonishing how interested some folks can get in the announce ment that a new satellite has been discovered near Jupiter, and how little they care when you try to tell them about your new baby. Immense Growth of Seaweed. The largest plant in the world Is j probably a species -of seaweed, which i ten attains a length of 300 feet The stems are dried and used as ropes by I the South Sea islanders. The Richest Man. Croesus was king of Lydia, a coun try of Asia Minor, in the seventh cen tury before Christ, and was renowned for his prodigious wealth. His coun try was conquered by Cyrus and an nexed to Persia, 546 B. C. His wealth gave rise to the expression, "As rich vj Croesus." But with all his money h& could not buy food so wholesome, nourishing and palatable as Pills bury's Vitos. the leading cereal fooc cf the day. Ancient Statue of David. A status of the Sumerian Kin: David, found at Bismya, Babylonia, recently, it is believed to date back to 4500 B. C. BAKING POWDER is the wonderful raising powder of the Wave Circle. Thousands of women are bringing greater health and better food into their homes by using K C Baking ?owder. Don't accept a substitute! Use the safe, wholesome and reliable K C Baking Powder. If you have nev er used it you don't know what you've missed. MFG. CO. Book of Presents request. $16 AN ACRE in Western Canada is the amount many farmers wil I realize from their wheat cropthisyear. 25 Bushels to the Acre Will be the Average Yield of Wheat. The land that this vras prcsra oa cost many of the farmers absolutely nothing, while those who wished to add to the 160 acres the Govern ment grants, can buy land adjoining at from 53 to 510 an acre. Climate splendid, school convenient, rail trays close at hand, taxes low. Send for pamphlet "20th Century Canada" and full particulars regarding rate, etc, to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to the following authorized Canadian Government Agent "W. V. Bennett, 601 JCew York Lire Uuildinc, Omaha, Nebraska. (Mention this paper.) Ituem: ic am ... 1IILKL M nil .""E SLICKER Lilt CT? Fart)r years acjo and after mary years oi use on the eastern coast. Tower's Wfeterproof Oiled Coats were introduced in the West and were colled Aiders by uvc pionrcio ana comxya. i nu rapruc name has cone into such General use that it is frequent though wrongful! applied io man su&sxitaiea. You want trie genune look tor the oign of the nsfxand inenme lower on the wittons. fUDC M KACX At YBLOW A SOLD BY REPBESENTATtVl TRAM ira; nwKW uwck. ml A. JLT0WH Ca.BOSTOII.MASS.U.S.A. T3Wtt(AIUMAM CO.Urtrf.TOtOHTO.CMt FOR WOMEN troubled with His peculiar to tieir sex, used as a doucne is maryeloasjy rnc- ?.M. inn ii mmj i i i i , ill, n in i i n i i ii ii Steps aiscsares, anus inuammiUOS aaa locu i soreaess. j J?ixt:ae is in cowcer forra. to be dissolved in cere water, and is far more deasine, heal:g, germicidal ar.. economical than lu-cid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, 50 cents a box. Trial Box and Book of lastructions Free. The B. PazTOM Company Boston. Mas.. m.lU'JI CURES I50c. and si.oo.l Swine Disease iHog Cholera Send for Circular -run Directions. Sr. EAR1.S.SLGAN, 615 Albany StJost:R.Ms. "Folio tSe Flaa" Home Visitors Excursion November 37th To many points in Illinois, Indiana. Ohio. Kentucky. Vsern Pennsylvan ia, New York and Wer-t Vircmia. at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. The WABASH has solid road-bed. rock ballast, ana new equipment. Re cinmg ciair cars iSEATS FREE.) For rates, maps ard all information call at Wabash City Office. 1501 Far nam St. or add-ess HARRY E. MOORES. G. A. P. D.. Wab. R. R-. Omaha. eb. ".SSTlMipsfi't Eyi Wafer IEFIIRCE STMCI acrer sticks to tot lrosv nn AW& FjUt JSjE MUO IS CITY'S CHIEF STAPLE. Houses and Utensils of Yezd Ah Made of the Earth. "One of the -most extraordinary cities in the world is Yezd, in central Persia," writes a traveler. "It is sit uated in the midst of a vast salt des- ert which stretches for hundreds of miles in all directions. The nearest inhabited place of any size is Ispahan, and that is 200 miles away. The In habitants of Yezd who have been away from Yezd during their lives number, perhaps, two or three score, and the bulk of these have cot ex tended their travels further than &hi raz or Kirman in the one direction, or to Ispahan in the other. Yet be tween 50.000 and 60.000 people make the place their home. For ninety nine out of every 100 of these the great outside world has not merely no Interest it has absolutely no ex istence at all. "Yezd is a city made almost entire ly out of mud. Not only are the houses built of this material, but the very furniture, the firepans, the bar rels for grain, the children's toys, the bread receptacles, even the beds, are simply mud, molded into a rough J form and dried in the sun "In the Yezd shops the goods, most ly mud, are displayed on tiers of mud ledpes. and there is a mud room be hind. The bakers' ovens are of, mud, down to the very doors. Many of the Yezdis even eat mud and develop an unwholesome muddy complexion in consequence." Hint for the Bald. Gillicuddy Miggleberry writes Mr. i as as follows: i "It is not generally known that it is a simple matter for a bald man to I relieve himself of the one great worry ! of the summer months, i. e., flies get 1 ting on his bald head. It is a well known fact that flies have a marked predilection for sugar, and will eat it in preference to almost anything e-se. "If you are bald, and you feel that a 1 fly has alighted upon your head I which is easily ascertained, as the j feet of the fly will create a slight tickling sensation as the fly walks 1 around and around looking for trou , ble if a fly has alighted on your head, ; then take out a lump of sugar which I you may carry in your pocket for just such an emergency. Place the sugar on a shelf at the same altitude as the top of your head, and the fly will nine times out of ten leave your cranium tor the sugar lump. I "By watching the sugar, you can see when it has as many flies as it can I hold; then take another lump from your pocket and place it beside the first one. An ordinary lump of sugar will accommodate from 15 to lt flies. One hundred lumps of sugar should be a sufficient quantity to carry in the pocket for ordinary emergencies." Cleveland Leader. Easing the Pressure. "Mr. Kiljordan," said the young man with the bill, "would it he convenient for you to " "No, it wouldn't." stormily inter rupted Kiljordan, looking up with blood in his eye. "You addlepated idiot, don't you know enousrh not to ( interrupt a man when he's at work? The payment of this installment isn't due till to-morrow, anyhow, you dad- i dinged lunkhead! For half a cent I'd throw you out of the window! Take your gum-dasted face out of here or I'll " The terrified youth waited to hear no more. He darted out through the door and made for the stairway, down 1 which he went three steps at a time. "What ails you, Kiljordan?" asked the man at the other deck. "Why did you try to scare that boy half to death?" , "I've no grudge against the boy," ' he answered, turning to his work, 1 "but I couldn't swear at the woman with the gentle manner and the neigh borhood charity scheme, who had buzzed me for half an hour before he , came in, and I had to let out on some body." When Peggy Pokes the Fire. When Peggy pokes the kitchen fire She makes a picture fair; I linger till I miss my car To see her working there. She takes the poker half way up. Perhaps a little higher. Falls on her knees before the range And starts to poke the tire. Her slender arms are fair to see. Bared to her elbows white: 1 7Tr irmrpfiil mm'PmpnN n h -in"t Just fill me with delight. Left handed? Oh. but what of that? I never could quite tire i Of seeing Peggy on her knees While poking at the fire. j What tho the coal comes tumbling down. nd one side all goes out? She sas a man can't poke a fire. She knows what she's about. And so she pokes and jabs away, ...... w . ... nile 1 can put admire -ine wannve picture sue presents While poking at the fire. I often wish to move away upon i whit ir?fi. Where Pegey could attain the set 5ha falTins MrnpH In m&fT. j But one thing ever holds me back '. From promenading higher: Poor Peg would nnd the gas ranges there. And couldn't poke the fire. I New York Times. German Kaiser an American Citizen. 1 The commissioner general of immi I gration has the legal papers making I Emperor "William of Germany a citi , zen of the United States. The certifi cate is signed by Judge Thayer Melvin and Charles H. Henning. clerk of the court of Ohio county, "West Virginia. Several years ago Jacob Ohlinger 1 came to the United States, and, as he thought, took out his papers. Recent ly he made a visit to the fatherland and when he returned an immigration inspector confiscated his papers and 1 sent them to Washington. The blank ( containing the applicant's name was 1 filled out by the clerk of the court so as to read: "It is thereupon consid ered, ordered and adjudged by this , court that the said emperor of Ger- many be and he is hereby admitted a ! citizen of the United States." Chica 1 go Chronicle. ; Difference in Creeds. ( "I ran across two new sects np In Minnesota, a few days ago," said the returned traveler. "In a village of a few hundred people I saw two large churches. I thought there must be intense piety among the natives, coupled with a difference of opinion, and I made some inquiries. "'Yah," sa.d the Swede, 'das wan we tank Ev she made Adam ate ap ple, an' das wan we tank Adam dam rascal all time.'" Have Proved Their Worth. The campaign undertaken by Inter ested publications to undermine the faith of the people in proprietary medicines has drawn forth the follow ing from a high medical authority: "It must never be forgotten that the interest of the manufacturer is to put out a remedy which is not only meri torious but safe. With a small army of enemies constantly on the alert, ready to seize upon and magnify every unfavorable circumstance, how few are the cases of accident or injury from the use of proprietary medicines! Complaints in regard to the use of such remedies are exceedingly rare and utterly insignificant, in compari son with the amount sold and the mil lions of people who avail themselves of these remedies." NOT A TRACE LEFT Rheumatism Thoroughly Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. There is oue remedy that will cure rheumatism iu any of its forms and so thoroughly eradicate the disease from the system that the enre is permanent. This "remedy is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and the proof of the statement is found iu the experience of Mr. T. S. "Wagar, of No. 72 Academy street, "Watertowu, N.Y. He says : " The pain was in ray joints and my sufferings for over two years was beyoud description. There was an intense pain in my shoulders that prevented xne from sleeping and I would get up and walk the floor at night. When I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the improve ment was gradual, but by the time I had taken four boxes I was entirely cured and I have not had the slightest touch of rheumatism since that time." Mr.Wagar's wife is also enthusiastic in her endorsement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says: "I have tried the pills myself for stomach trouble and have experienced great relief from their use. My daughter, Mrs. Atwood. of Gill street, Watertowu, has used them for female weakness aud was much ben efited by them. I regard Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People as an ex tremely valuable family medicine." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured the worst cases of bloodlessness, indigestion. influenza, headaches, backaches, lum bago, sciatica, neuralgia, nervousness, spinal weakness, and the special ail ments of girls aud women whoe blood supply becomes weak, scanty or irregn lar. The genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or any harmful drugs and cannot injure the most delicate .-ysteni. At all drug gists or from the" Dr. Williams Medi cine Co.. Schenectady, N.Y., postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for 2.50. London's Deaths by Accident. London's average death roll by acci dent among males is between four and five a day. London's male popu lation number 2,167,S97, so that the risks of death by accident are more in London than in the rest of the coun try. Every two days throughout the year nine Londoners are killed by un premeditated violence. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, & safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Pears the Signature of Iu Tse For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought, School for Aeroneauts. Paris has a school for aeronauts and contemplates a second. In the one al ready in existence beginners in the navigation of the air can get instruc tion in the last theory and practice or airship management. Anchored bal loons with cables as high as 400 me ters (aoout 440 yards) in length are at the disposal of the pupils. The Isthmian Canal. Now that the Canal Treaty has been ratified, we may expect to see work resumed in a short time, and the great canal-ships, carrying huge loads of Pillsbury's Vitos to all parts of the world. By the way, have you ever eaten Vitos? You'll like it bet ter than any other cereal food. Must Blame Something. If a man misses a train he is trying to catch it is hard for him to make himself believe it isn't because he has to support a big family. New York Press. Here is Relief for Women. Mother Gray a nurse in New York, dis covered a pleasant herb remedv for women's ills, called AUSTKALIAN-LgAF. It is the only certain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and Urinary troubles. At all Dru-rrists or by mail 50 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. A girl seldom marries her ideal, which is one reason why there is so much happiness in the world. Defiance Starch should be in every household, none so good, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. The man who said eternal vigilance was the price of liberty probably nev er tried a campaign cigar. Mr. Cin9lowa Soothing Syrorp, For children teetalcir, tof less the pn-ns, redaces tfe Cam-naaon. allaya pola. carea wtaj colic 25catntOSk True, the pen may be mightier than the sword, but the pencil isn't much good without the help of a knife. Men who worry because they are compelled to work, worry the most when they have no work. When a woman wins at cards there comes into her face an exceedingly self-satisfied expression. A widow understands the most ef fective method of sympathizing with a sorrowing widower. Some men mind their own business so well that they fail to catch many a passing opportunity. To the woman in love every senti ment expressed is deftly turned to suit her feelings. A woman who is jealous Is almost as exasperating as a man who Isn't. C&t&yfyucAUK Reality and Seeming. There is an old Greek proverb which says: "We are what we seem."" Note that! Not "We are what we are," which would really be a finer sentiment and far more popular with disagreeable persons. Cold Bath Cures "Insanity." Miguel Antony, a murdered under sentence of death in San Quentin state prison. California, ferigned insanity, but was "cured" by a cold bath every time he .manifested symptoms. Composite Englishman. It is hard to define the typical Eng lishman. One might take a London policeman, a naval officer, a success ful farmer, an honest city man, a manufacturer, the British workman, a bishop, an eminent Nonconformist divine, and a large land owner, and roll them into a kind of composite be ing. Perhaps the result would repre sent the type. Exchange. Altar Erected by Roman Soldier. A perfectly preserved Roman altar, four feet in height and of square for mation, has been discovered at the site of an ancient Roman camp at Newstead, near Melrose, England. An inscription upon it in accurately chis eled Roman letters reads: "To the great and mighty Jupiter, Carolus, centurion of the 20th legion, the vali ant and victorious, cheerfully, willing ly and deservedly paid his vow. Alliterative. There is a pessimist in every park. There is a growler in every gand. There is a kicker in every crowd. It is fashionable to fuss. It is the rage to reform. It is distinguished to des pair. It is courageous to condemn. Every dog must have his day. Lon don Daily News. Teaches Girts to Make Butter. There is a society in Norway, which In order to increase the output of but ter for the British market, offers a six months' course, with free board and tuition, to young country girls who wish to learn how to take care of cows and make the best butter. Lewis' "Sinple Binder" straight 3c cigar. The highest price 5c cisnir to the dealer and the highest quality for the smoker. Lewis' Factory, Peoria," HJ. First Application to Burns. For burns, the first thing to do is to exclude the air, but do not use water, or put on dry eloths. The best things are caron oil, vaseline, cosmo line, lanoline. olive, linseed or castor oil. or even lard and butter, provided they are not salted or rancid. If nothing else is near by use mascilage, molasses or milk, especially cream. i to be told to their physician at this Why It Is the Best critical period. is because made by an entirely differ- t When a girl's thoughts become slug ent process. Defiance Starch is un- jrish, with headache, dizziness or a dis like any other, better and one-third position to sleep, pains in back or lower more for 10 cents ' limbs, eyes dim. desire for solitude? , when she is a mystery to herself and He Sold and Left. j friends, her mother should come to her A lawyer had a horse that always j aid, and remember that Lydia E. Pink stopped and refused to cross a certain ham's Vegetable ' Compound will at bridge leading out of the citv. No ' this time prepare the sstem for the wnipping. no urging, would induce ' coming change, and start the menstrual Mrr, t I co o o'rico' h, IK-P0-1 I1 a -V?UI? S vl S life Without .m v..v,o ... v. .....v....-.. ...., "To be sold for no other reason than that the owner wants to get out of town." Pittsburg Press. All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be cause it is better, and 4 oz. more of it for same money. Easy to Please Londoners. The manager of a theatrical com pany stated in a London court the other day, in the case of a singer who had sued him, that the singer's voice had disappointed him at Ufracombe, but he had given him another trial in London, because "London audiences are the easiest to please in the world." Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold ( Water Starch for laundry use tne? will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz. one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages, and the price is the same. 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem-1 icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishe to dispose of before he puts in Defiance, i He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let- J ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money t and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Sins of the imagination are by no means imaginary sins. STIFF AND SORE from head to foot? Can't work today, but tomorrov you can, as tne Old-Monk-Curs St. Jacobs Oil will softsn asd hsal the muscles while you sleep. It Conquers Pain Tricm, 35c. a 5oc. When Answering Advertisements Please Mention This Paper. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 461905. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CtristsMrBskfihteTSii4fBstercs(srsthuisnTtrda. One 10c oackate colors all fbers. The the in cold water better than an. nfw a Y.,e, ilaaiil - : aaart Hfrtta tee Im - - - - - " --.-.. Jackdaw in Flywheel. A pet jackdaw was missing in a large machinery shop near Kilmar nock, Scotland, the other day, but was found Inside a large flywheel, after it had circulated for over two and a half hours at 176 revolutions a min ute. The bird was unhurt. Press Salmon Into Bales. The Japanese method of preserving the salmon which are caught in large numbers at Sakhalin is to salt them down and press them into bales. Umbrellas in Abyssinia. Nearly everybody in Abysssinia car ries a Robinson Crusoe straw um brella, which can not be clotted. Watch Style of 1770. One of the fads of 1770 was the wearing of two watches. Oldest British Colony. New foundland is the oldest colony of Graet Britain. FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMftNHBOD Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters Interesting Experiences of lisses Borman sod Mills. Ksprv--ayiwii'i--s-- mAYrAAT ' AMUUUMUwAMMAuuuAumMmS. Kall mm m MMAut MMMMMwBmuuwMJ VY Ba!W tl ilfliW LmrSmmAmmMMMMMmWmmwAmm M vmflsT K illlllllir l&iii5wB k"eM MS""5sPaw Jjjjji I 1 ljL5fc.sfc- Lkwm W MrTtLOA SOKA4AH (J J) MYRTLE MILLS (fZT Every mother possesses information which is of vital interest to her young daughter. Too often this is never imparted or is withheld until serious harm has result ed to the growing girl through her ignorance of nature's mysterious and wonderful laws and penalties. Girls" over-sensitiveness and modesty often puzzle their mothers and baffle physicians, as they so often withhold their confidence from their mothers and conceal the symptoms which ought i pain or irregularities, , Hundreds of letters from voun? girls and from mothers, expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundhas accomplished for them, have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., at Lynn, Mass. Miss Mills has written the two fol lowing letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which, will be read with interest : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (First Letter.) "I am but fifteen years of age, am depressed, have dizzy spells, chills, headache and back Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoiid Hakes Sick Vemen Wcis tik&9 . A?Tltefll 2 I & "They Say It Cures r j 19 Where All Others Fail" hJP I JUDGE or. DOLPH DRUG CO. IIC .ftitV !& "From present indications, it won't be verv long before Mull's , t .l C 1' A' uiKuy sum lur curoupjuon ana siomacn irouoie. It is the only one now in our store that b selling to amount to anything. Our customers are actually enthusiastic about it. "They say that it cures constipation and stomach trouble where all others fail. That it builds up and strength ens the digestive organs and the whole general system. In bet. we hear more good wards about this remarkable remedy than anything that we carry in stock. "Those who have used MulTs Crape Tonic not only tell us that rt is a certain cure for stomach trouble and constipation, but they tell others. We have new customers calling for it constantly who have been sent to the store by those who have been cured." JUDGE & DOLPH DRUG CO.. 515 Olive St. St. Louis, Mo- &2L 1 Thkw MffsMs ITS CSMfMM uutttmlmmm tm .tT.,'1T " 9,tlllae . ol for josc asd old aa MCU5 GRAPS TOMC. It bnil.ls tip aa pats the stomach, tho bovela. the wtule Glgealire system la perfect condition to do Its natural wort. It L indeed nature's owa trae tonic, made from th p-oSncts of nararp'a oa atoreaoais. It do- not shock or weakes th delicate orjrisj and thus make a bad matter worse. It Is healing-, scotainjr. strecsicesin and pleasant to take. MULLS GRAPE TONIC CURES Constipation and sad all th diseases which thy canse. Yocr own pbv-ician win tell yo that nearly every caae cf pile, billouineis. typhoid ttvr. slci neadache. blood and skin dieaei. appn.J-cltl). Lerrotj3 aS-ctlons and every kind of fema!s t-oable ar dinwttr pt".t-i t.-r !if o.rini nV and constipation. ByremorinK the caa asdeansx tfc pares; d!s aae Mt'LL'-J OUAPS TONIO cura these dani-encs complication 23 cent, 50 cents and Sl.M siie bottle, at all drocjrlst. The $1 00 size contains ahont 6 times as much as the 55 cent li? aid about 3 times aa much as the Ed cent size. It pays to boy the largest :ze. EDE Upon receipt of your address, your drrrzift s name a cd ire. to pT J " fc txetaze -e w'n ma:l you a sample free. If u have nere-ned 31 mi sGrane Tonic, and win also send tou a cert.2cate tid tor I. CO toward the purcsaseof more Tonic Irom your drugzisu MULL'S CRAPE TONIC CO.. PRICE. 25 Cts. CURE TIE GHP INONEDAY rVflHKM rawtMLrtritoMaE - - " -1. n Dl.k ZmA H- ri mmmmiil . mi..i.i. MvnKwa Heat in Electric Lights. It is usually Imagined that the in candescent electric light gives out very little heat. As a matter of fact, only 6 per cent, of Its energy goes ta make light, while 94 per cent, goes into heat. Cheer Up. By continued study of the things that depress and the things that exalt, one is able to see the way to positive ness by accumulated strength. Earl m. Pratt Insist en Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Stareh. This is because the have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 1- oz. in a package which they won't be able to sell first because Defiance contains 18 oz. fof the same money. Do you wan; 10 oz. instead of 12 oz. for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Reiiufres no cooklnjr. You do not need to prove that you are a square man by sticking your corners into everybody. ache, and as I have heard that you can gr?t hcviiful advice to girL in my condition. I am writing you." Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, BL Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Second Letter.) It is with the fwlins of utmost f-ratltudo that I write to you to tell you what your valuable medicine has done for tne IVhen I wrote you In regard to my condition I had consulted several doctors, but they failed to understand my cae anj I did not receive any benefit from their treatment. J followed your advice, ami took Lvdia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Comj-ouml and am now healthy and well, and all the dis-tressms symptoms which I had at that tune have disappeared. Myrtl Mills. Oquawka. I1L "Miss Matilda ltoruxan writes Mrs. Pinkham as follows : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Before tfking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound my monthlies were irregu lar and painful, and I always had such dreadful headache. 'But since taking the Compound mv head aches have entirely left me. my monthlies ar regular, and I am getting atronr ani well. I am tellini; al my mrl friends iv hat Lvdia E. Pinkham's getabl Compound has done for me."' Matilda Borman, Farmmton, Iowa, If you know of any young girl who is sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address "Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass.. and tell her evety detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back. She will receive advice absolutely free, from a. source that has no rival in the experience of woman's ills.and it will, if followed. p--t her on the right road to a strong, healthy and happy womanhood. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound holds the record for the greatest number of cures of female ill of any medicine that the world has ever known. Why don t you try it ? Grape Tonic is the onlv JX . . - Sims Am Am tmmch with mhmuht Aw 1mm mmmwm m trtml mt thtm mmwmm-fr Stomach Trouble 148 Third Ave.. Rock Island. EL J-vk.I jj 1 ! mj ANTI-GRIPINE j IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD COLO, HEADACHE AMD IEURAL6IA. I won't sell AntUArlplae to s dealer who won'tfiaaraiits It. Call for-vourliOSCT BACK IF IT BOXT CfJKX. S7.W.Itemier,W.lK,ii&MtazerA&riMsMU,Mm. "... T. '..'.' ""1.? ""-!?" -" vnw fcv., Wtysif,ml -..4.., ,Jk9!"--.-V .. 4 &. k V-.-d .. ..i'v