u I. .iYnBk. Svv SAj5i?"rv. t0l afaTaTaTaTaTam. aKs--- 0BK& Jm5 CASr! STOR )r Goods Than SglVIIBg 111 r;h . - ie good news Lorn ih rrjalsale of lin e i or Thanksgiving that sliculd bring: every woman ;li Coium u5 to our store. vVeiiove .st openedfresh i.-orn j he .otern Linen market a large as so tai i. oi full bleached Damask cloths, e mined with wide pretty drawn work, remsdtCiH-d. Every thread of good Sound ixx with sc-jt mellow finish, very desirable ns well ab ;ood looking, in pretty floral and conventional designs. Better come early. Ilie.icbl V he -ton TaW- I'aT.tsk st 25c for I5ltch-ii J'lirM Lii f r. fahii Damask t 42c 7- inch Iri't It-eaftieii Linrr. Table Damask dnnn; Our Fes tival ral-ai 95c Wool Challies just received for Waistings in the new dainty patterns. Attend our Festi val sale at least one day. It means money to you. Thanksgiving Day Opportunities. Qaality counts alwav In holiday times it counts more than in other seasons. The Thanksgiving dinner is an event for "which every Liusewif: prepare- wits unnsnal care. We mention here some things tvhich are nnusuaiiy good for Thanksgiving Dinner. Kead the list care f'JIy and see how appropriate every item u: Monarch Mince Meat. Yacht C.n Salad Dre-smr:. English Cnred Citron Peel. New Crop Dates. Finest Smyrna Figs. Thanksgiving Currants. r.aIaM Cluster Raisins, Oriole Seeaod Uai.-ms. Red Jacket Cider, Cape Cod Cranberries, Monarch Olives and Pickles, Fre-h Radishes. Onions. L3ttnce and Celery, Gernian-Amer-icir Coffee. SUNNY MONDAY Have yon tried it' Have our salesman put in a bar with yonr next order. Our customers that have used it cannot say too much about this splendid soap. It is equally superior in cleaning as v. el a-iL the laundry. Price per bar Zc. 3.z3.-w-ire Pspsirtsnezit SAVORY ROASTER. The csly ccruers. A iasnarv Eoaster u easy to clean u plte. Al'avs irtts .BaaBBBBBBBBBSBBBa. BBSBSBSBSBSBSBTBBB A aBVIBSHBSBaHBs" TaaBIBBBaBBBBBBBSBBHS" blasESnsBsBsHKM---'-'' BBSSSSBaSSaSB' Combination HOG 0X 0X 0X fX 0 0 0 0X 0. X 0 0 sWsbsbC- Jw. -" -. V' ZAjbibbibibW slbbIIB asB3K2aisac3BkSBBBBSBas3ia5BSBaBak BBCSHSB!BBBBBBBByfaggtpBBBjT BBBKBJBC2a2J9KnBBBBBMaBB2?cBKBB AT UKANKJAX'S SALE BARN olumius, Nebr., Nov. 29, (0331EMIM: AT 1 P. 31. SHAKP, so mmsm m so KDTJROC JERSEYS-POLAND CHINAS JJ O. I. C. WJHTES-AND BERKSHTRES 0 B J. J. B srncs ..1 ofrer from hi? herd iTlltS. Fred Wille -vnll oiler 10 boar,s and 0 0 nns. g W. II. S-artIey will offer 7 boars 5if Whites. F. H. Abbott will offer 7 boars and J 0 nrlv it. choicest individnals from Only 5 and-take yonr choice from the-e tonr r,tl .- rhr. fmm the-e fonr 0K RemembtT the date: BRUCE WEBB, Auctioneer. xsocsKx;yuw 3 JUal Read Journal Ads 'twill Pay JffcW taa-Vl .aLLl aawiaBBBBhnaw fi w El ZDspaxtsnezrt THE SAVORY SEAMLESS ROASTERS' A roa-ter that is different in con struction and different in opera tion from all other roasters. Re quires no attention, is self bastinp has a raised.oval bottom, seamless smooth as an e-. made in smooth steel o" enameled, jusl the thmj; for your Tnanksmnp turkey Price irom SI. 2 5 up 00X00X00000000 0X000000MMh0000 of D jroe Jersey. 15 boars and 2 sr ' ' riits from his her4 of Poland Chi- J5 and 3 giJts from his herd of O. 55 ' I C Ja. , 0 j 3 cihs from his herd of Berkshires. V 5? j these herds trill be offered. Come a K leadsmz breeders at yonr own prices ZZ leaasne oreeaers ai yonr own pnw?s J- J- BARNEa. FRED WILLE. W. H SWAKTSLET. F. H. ABBOTT. X X X00X0'0000'00000 0 uwuwuuvvuu 'or JOB WORK. . V.BXar. 'i i-ai Dr.Panl, dentin. Dr. Valfiar, Oataofath, Barter block. Prof. Sike, teacher muac. Barber old - G. R. Freib, paintia; aad paaar hanaiag. dwtf Attorney George Wertz, of Schajktr tbb a Ttiitor in Ooiaabaa Satardasr. Diamond O. aaaw aad bacon at Bar sum Kanaabrock'a. Telepkoae No. 74 for coal. John Saiith of Xoame wai ia thia city- on basinets Moaday. WANTED: Good blacksmith for city -work. L. SHCBEIBKB. Joan C. Sandier of the Free Laaee. Safcarlar'B iconoclastic paper, was in the city Monday. Wanted A good girl for general booee work, four in family. Call at this office. F Balaton Moore, of Schnyler, Tisited Friday aad Satarday with Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Kia Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr. Lueechen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st. Miss Maud Brown, of Schnyler Tisited the latter part of last week with relatires and friends in Colaaa bns. Miss Broun is oae of the teach ers in the Schnyler schools. Girls, don't buy cheap lotions for the complexion. Just coax your mothers to use Peter"Schmitt's flour. Misses Florence Hagal. Grace Laa ker, Hedwig Jaiggi. Reaa and Gladys Turner spent Saaday at Bellwood. G. H. Grubb, painting and decorat ing country or city. Satisfaction gaar anteed. Try ae. Ind. phone 874. Miss Enlalia Rickley leave for her home at Council Bluffs, la., today, after an etxended Tisit with relatires and friends. If you want a flour with all the nu- I tritious part of the wheat buy GOLD j DUST made by Columbus roller mills. Miss Winnie Gorman of SUrer Creek was bare orerBaaday Tiaitinf friends. Who is telephone No. 74? Miss Kan HJggins. of Schuyler, who has been Tisiring her sister, Mrs. Sam Gass, jr., returned to her home Mon day. WANTED: A girl for general housework Inquire at residence or store of J. H. Galley. Carl, Walter and Ernest Jaeggi en tertained a number of their friends last Friday eTening. An enjoyable time is reported. Telephone No. 74, Weaver & Son for good coal. Miss Frances Hughes of Platte Cen ter was the guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Oarrig. HOUSES FOB BENT We bare a desirable line of bosses for rent. Becher Hockenberger and Chambers. Seth Braun has pat in a set of new shelves in the center of his store to accomodate his large stock of holiday goods. LOST: A lady's parse, Tuesday j afternoon, containing small change. Finder leave at this office and reciere suitable reward. Telephone No. 74, Weaver & Son for good coal. i Louis Lachnit, assistant in the , county clerk's office was called to Humphrey Saturday night by a tele I phone Baeasage announcing the death of his wife's father Mr. Tiler, from I paralysis. ' Gene Halm has been promoted I asain. He went to Ossaha yesterday and took examination and was pro moted from the position of night bag gageman to that of train baggageman on the Norfolk ran. j A new line of guaranteed pipes and 1 smoker's articles at The Bowling Alley. Paul Hoppen, a lineman in the em ploy of the Electric Light company fell from an electric light pole and injured his foot so badly that he was laid off for a few days last week. He is able to again be atooad aad will resume his duties this week. George Fairchild, George Turner. Pete McOaffery and otners made a mS very pleasant party of fishermen, who O ' had a few days Bport oat on the Platte 2 ' hut week. Fish stories are slighly 0 ' "passe", or we womld repeat some of 2C ! the yarns. A good time was enjoyed, 2 with eatables aad drinkables galore, 0 ! and the party retained Monday with ' a good string of fish so prove their J t right to the title of successful fisher 0 ' men. 0 The home of Mr. aad Mrs. H. L. - i Lnchsiaaer of Bismark township is ciOBjed with grief. Last Satarday night their fifteen months baby .11 into the watering tank and girl drowned. The baby was playing about tbe tank with other chitdran and was not missed by Mrs. Lacasing- Upr U. 5 o'clock. When search was made, the baby was found at the bot- torn of the tank, dead. The faaeral was held Tuesday at the Shell Creek German Lutheran charch. Bev. Graaenhorst, effiemtiag. Telephone No. 74. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mur phy and two children arrived here last week for a visit with Mr. Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Marphv of Platte Center aad other relati Mr. Manny baa been assent Platte comaty for seran ar eight yean and dmriag that time has riaan to the management of a disailsiiit of a mining company at Baste, Mob., with a handsome salary, and baa .added to his family a charming wife and two beautifal children. Mr. Murphy can be seen a long war by his Platte comaty friends both on aooosmt of his vnaeaal height aad oeaaaae of his warm heart. BUY OR SELL The System advertises yonr ip r ii ft mi nril ewL-) 17 alt InmazhKE SrBTBBBA Reli- abieBeai Estxte Asents thro- oct America find borers for it. best bmrsaiasalon new R. R. ' or fwm fcosiBeBses. etc Tell ns whmtyou want ' and vbare you want to bar. Write for Sellers or Arrst's Plc or best barsam list any place. 6mt Uiin Land Agency Systen, 696. OeluaiailS. Ne (Center of U.&) Smoke Little Duke cigar. Try tne Eleventh St. jeweller. Dr. Mark T. MeMahon. dentist; Joaraal ads bring results. 'Dt E. H. Nanasan. Dentist, 13th St The Journal wants all tbe news. Phone or write it in. Try our Eex Lump Coal 8" at the yard. P. D. Smith Co. Botb teL No. S. Telephone No. 74. SEND your want ads to tbe Journal. Dr. Lneschen, physician an surgeon 1215 Olive street. H. C. Oarrig went to Omaha on business Sunday night. Boys, buy your cigars and candy at Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Mar tyn Jr., office three doors north of Friedhof 's store. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. Tbe Co lumbus roller mills makes it. Will Ferrand returned home from Wesleyan University last wees. He had to come home on account trouble with his eyes, which may of be of such a character as to keep him from re-entering school this year. H. L. Dunlap of Monroe was in this city over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Daalap is among a large number of Monroe people who are jubilant over the election results. Who is telephone No. 74.' LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. R. Accounting. 950 to 1100 per month salary paid oar graduates. Operators always in demand. Indorsed by all railroads. Write for catalogue. Morse school of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, O., La Crosse, Wis., Texarcana, Tex., San Francisco, CaL Warren Long of Albion came through Columbus Monday from Lin coln with his brother Jake, who was charge of the train, he asked them suffering from an attack of appendi-1 for tickes when ace of them handed citis. Both boys are University stu-, him a piece of paper remarking that dents, ihey are paying their war by was all the ticket he would get and barbering on Saturdays. They make invited him to put them off. Then about fonr dollars each a week in without any warning one "I them this manner which, fully pays their j grabbed him while the other hit him expenses. I in the face. At this the passengers Mr. E. M. Soarhawk returned lastl06 to tne rescae a free fiht Friday from an eight weeks visit in ensned " wnicil a"6' umbrellas and California. She visited her sister eTer-T available weapon was used. Mrs. A Hoight of San Diego, and ' The Brownings were badly bruised h hmhi- n v nh nt Pnno i on the head and ConductorHoran bus- Ore. She also spflnt some time with Dr. . uK rzxy ..4 n v aRiM at Los Angeles and with the Piiietts mr THm0iAa , . . x -1 xeiejiuout .iu. t-t. Joeeph . Hutchinson has filed a mit in district court asking for an in- junction to restrain the First Nation- al Bank and J. D. Stires from collect- ing in Custer county, a judgment for $235.80 which the plaintiff declares passengers were cut and bruised and that he has paid. He alleges that the all of them thoroughly aroused. The judgment was paid but not released Brownings claim that they bought ana asks the court to order its release, tickets for Omaha and tnat one of The home of Mr. and Mrs. Irre i them gave the conductor his ticket Speiee was brightened last Saturday ' but the other could not find his where afternoon by the arrival of a fine littl jnpon the conductor took hold of him baby girL When Irve came down ; and ordered him to get off of the town Monday he carried a heavy grip t train. A passenger sitting across tne for ballast, and he needed it. for no . aisle from the Brownings substantiat roung father in Columbus ever exhi- ed Conductor Horan 's story. Sheriff bitedmoreof the symptoms of joy all-1 Carng of Platte county came down over hn did Irve Speioe. ! this morning after the Brownnigs as The N. O. K. club gave a reception the SCTP occored whil the train was at the Bellwood Hotel Friday evening!6"11 in Platte coont3'- in honor of Mrs. Hansen, a member of ; the club, who was married last week. ' The parlor and hall were beautifully decorated in yellow and white, the dining room in pink and white. On the table were boquets of cut flowers. , A delicious four-course lunchoen was served at one long table. A beautiful table cloth and salad dish were pre sented Mrs. Hansen in behalf of the club. Bel wood Gazette. Telephone No. 74 for coal. WINTER CLOTHING. Our winter stock of clothing for men and bovs merits the careful at-' tention of any careful buyer, especial ly those who are lookinc for the best made clothing their money can buy. , cek assistant city engineer, who was Our men's and young men's suits and woviing near the jail summoned the overcoats for this winter excel in qual- j police again. Whn the officers ar itv, stvle, make and fit. Our prices ed, Powers had torn all his cloth are correct. TVe are agents for Tirer,,ineff Md was fightinK "finakes-" . . . -, r , , w ' The citv nhvsician Dr. Platz was Lhampion ana stetson fiats, .iz shoes, . , , ' ,, X.IUU auixu; aiiu v:ujjar. aiso -uunuui- ouffh work, and dress shirts. Remem ber our prices are the same to vour child as to you. Hart's one price one dollar and costs for carrying con clothing, shoe and hat house, Colum- cealed weapons. . v- l -u On Monday he was brought before "' Oraat Want AH Pinar Tf 'Jm u n. tJL h or business, or buy something, or you ,- in the Omaha World-Herald. This paper is known as the great want-ad paper of Nebraska, publishing almost as many paid wani-aus as any three other Nebraska papers combined. The World-Herald gives splendid re turns to its "want-ads," and its rates are low. For one day only, the charge is l1 cents a word. For two or more consecu tive days, a cent a word per day. For one month. $1.50 a line of six words. Alii "wint-ads' cash in advance. Have your answers come to tbe World-Herald if you like; no extra charge. The World-Herald's net circulation is 35,000. J 5 i .sKk i Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN who for the past eight years has been making' regular visits to Columbus, has opened one of the Best Eqiipped Optical OsSiees li The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE Fight on Train. The Browning bov6 had a mix-up on train So. (.. with the train crew and passengers Thursday afternoon I in which they drew some usly wounds I and 30 days in jail and $25 fine. Se- veral of tne passengers who got in the way, had to go to the hospital when they reached Omaha. The h reman woo floored the larger Browning and knocked him through a glass door was Palmatter, the man who several weks ago threw acid in his wife's face be cause of her infidelity. The follow ing from the Schuyler Quill gives the details of the mix-up: "Henrv and Bert Browning two, j colored men of Colomboc, formerly of this place were roughly handled by an indignant crowd o: passengers on the , Unton Pacific train No. 6 yesterday I afternoon. They boarded the train at Columbus somewhat under the infin lence of liquor. According to Con- i doctor Tom Horan, wno was in ! tained a ecalP "id and several ' cruises over i ue eye. hobd me irem i stopped here Henry Browning broke ) i away irom uie ieiiow somuuc aim I anc started up street towards the Schuyler House with crowd at his : heels but was soon captured. Deputy sheriff VanHousen happened near there and both of the negroes were turned over to him and were lodeged ' in the county jail. Sereral or the Lesion on Teanerance. Ed. Powers has been chief actor sinceast Friday in a temperance drama which was a striking lesson for those who feel they can win out in a fight against booze. Powers who has ben a peaceable employee of the Union Pacific for five years, most of the time as coal heaver, went on a drunk Thursday and Friday. On Friday afternoon while in Smagacz saloon on Eleventh ! street he challenged the proprietor to "'"SSBKv'BBBBBf'-BBBT' :3:Sci' to : a wrestling match and lost out Then he got a gun and threatened Smagacz life. He was crazy drunk i and wa taken to jail by the police. Soon after his incareration he began tn cn-oam like a lunatic and Joe Sovi- . , . vtn, o htvtH.t exiled and he gave Powers a hypodei- . . ;n;nn tn nntPt him. P- 1 As soon as Powers was able, he was taken before Judge O'Brien and fined jedze Ratterman on complaint of I - 1 f. L. . J AvnsMArl that fek A I 1 1 eiix smagsu w uu muuuucu I g.e bond to keep the peace. A large ' I -M i. . . Mn imwmwAita rw array oi wiiucbbco w euuuuuucu uu both sides. Powers was released. ! And 11 thi6 trnble "J. J,blicw M P" becaa6e Powe" dldn f kaow j wliec t0 toP- COAL. For hard coal, furnace coal and all kinds of soft coaL Newman & Welch. Montana Buflalo Babet. We desire to call your attention to our Montana Buffalo Robes. These robes are the warmest, most durable and water proof. Prices are from $7 to S9 for beet large, size. fl L. W. Weavee & Sox. AB This plate shows you a back view of our "Eaton" Sack Suit and a front view of our "Lipton" Sack Suit and a glimpse of our Sin gle Breasted Overcoat. . Viisi BBBBBa r w rWs V .fe BBBBfSe3 x. Vtet AmT lw C """ . lipton Suits in Fancy Colors ami Black $10 to 15.00 Eaton Suits in Nobby Patterns and Shapings $12 to 10.50 Friend made clothes make friend Everv Suit Guaranteed to be free from defects in every particular. Also a complete line of DRY GOODS. MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING. CLOAKS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS. siHOE-i an.! CARPETS to select from. Don't fail to see our NEW FALL LINE OF LERCHANDISE now open for your inspection. J. H. GALLEY, 505 11th Street. Columbus, Neb. Agents For The Standard Patterns. FOR SALE. A Bargain if taken at Once. $1,700 buys my residence in Columbus consisting of two full lots, honse. sum- mer house, floored barn for 3 horses, chicken house and fine yards, 35 bearing fruit trees, city water, well and cellar All in good repair. Inquire at Journal office. i mini! i 4 ni n V . ... . .. ., .. . . . : 1 1 Henry Ragatz & Co. i T .J Staple and Fancy j 5- v $ QROCERiES GroGkery, Queensware Lamps and Glassware T 4- J. w E MAKE A TEAS AND we have a i always on hand. We have just received some early ar rivals in Fancy Japanese, French and German China, suitable for presents. We buy the best the market affords in Large Quantities. If you trade with us you will be satisfied both in quality and price. T t t -.- We Solicit Henry Ragtz 6 Co., libra sis Ftcn 29. nt'pndint Phones 29 and 229. lllllliii 1 1 1 1 1 WIWTEft & ccraxcfT BOS raao eros aomws ca Per Sale. 3Jy 20 acre fruit farm, two and a half miles east of Columbus and a quarter mile north of telephone road. Price S1500, part cash, balance on time. W. J. .McEathron'. 16th and Jackson Sts., Omaha, Neb. Some furnished rooms reasonable. Enquire Journal. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 t t . 4 a. z. SPECIALTY of fine COFFEES of which splendid, assortment Your Trade i.i : i-h-s-h-v-i -I iiiinimiim 4 i i.