The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 08, 1905, Image 8

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    "riflfBr1 jga'b'aj:3is
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W-" V
-ZJ. isKramJ,
The Radiant Home
the center of the bottom and upward between the draft
flues, in this way coming in contact with the hottest part
af the stove.
A Complete Line of Gem City Goods
(From files of Journal, November 1,
D. W. Feencle informs ns that on
the 15th and 10th days of October
Dr. Welberger and sons and neigh
bors killed 196 rattlesnakes. They
made a raid on the reptiles while they
were in prarie dog holes, along Union
Frank Simms shot a deer on the
island last week, but tne deer got off
on three legs. Frank says that he saw
three but they could travel faster than
faiter than he could.
A bums meeting of the citizens of
Platte county was held in tho court
house the 2Stn to consider matters
pertaining to the offering of an addi
tional bonus for the building of the
road. Hon. O. A. Speice presented
the following pointed resolution : Re
solved, That it is the sense of the
meeting that Platte county has hither
to been effectually swindled and her
people skinned to the bone by railroad
builders, and railroad projects, and
that in the future we want no more of
it Upon consideration the resolution
was not adopted however and an ad
ditonal bonus not to exceed 125,000,
will probably be offered, the railroad
company, providing a good suitable
wagon bridge will be built across the
Loup in connection with the railroad
bridge. The following gentlemen
were selected as the committee to pre
pare resolutions to submit to the coun
ty commissioner at their next meet
ing: J. P. Becker, L. Gerrard, O. B.
Stillman, 6. O. Barnum and L. M.
A petition was circulated in town
during the week, and extensively
signed by our citizens praying the
town council to take measures looking
to the better protection of Columbus
from the possibility of losseB by fire.
We seed one or two good engine
with good oompanies.good cisterns or
wells. (These precautions were no
doubt prompted 'by .the awful fire in
Chicago which started October 8,
(From files of Journal Nov. S, 1871).
N. G. Myer was in town Saturday
last. He built the first sod shanty in
Boone on the 14th day of last April,
and now there are two hundred new
buildings, and more than that many
claims taken, so that the population
at present, is not less than 400. Ma
jor North desires us to say to all those
who are goinsout on the buffalo hnnt
with him, and who have not had any
experience in that way, that he de
sires to meet them at Wasson's Friday
evening to make preparation.
Several weddings have transpired
during the past, week among them
an: Darling and Holman; Clother
and Matthews.
Alleles of corporation for the Loup
Fork Navigation Co., has been draft
ed, and we are assured that the pro
ject is to be pushed to a demonstra
tion of its praticabilitv before the
close of another year. The Loup is a
lengthy stream, never goes dry, al
ways carries an immense volume of
water. The best watermen believe iu
the enterprise of navigation along the
A Mil providing for the emancipa
tion of slaves passed the Brazilan
Parliment September 27.
Yellow fever is prevalent at Charles
ton and Key West
gianaaa Towmship Mews.
Corn husking is the order of
W. H. Qmedtke of Creston was a
baslaeaa caller in Sherman Friday.
Adolph Lueschen drove to Columbus
oa business Saturday.
Frank wardeman has nnarly com
pleted his addition on his house,
xhe plastering is being done now.
W. O. Laesehen marketed hogs at
Ci ton Friday.
Mac Boariter spent Saturday and
Saadar with home folks at Colored
Pocket Joints Prevent
ing cement from falling
out and making an ab
solutely air-tight joint
which will not open.
No Gas The open top
magazine, in combina
tion with a gas flue, not
found in any other base
burner, prevents all ex
plosion or escape of gas.
Circular Bottom Flue
Carrying the heat around
the outside of the bottom
thus increasing the rad
iation. Large Hot Air Flue
Taking the cold air from
the floor, or if preferred
from the outside, thro
John Graf of Columbus was seen on
our streets Saturday.
Miss Anna WciGer who has been
sick with typhoid fever is now slowly
improving, being under the care of
Dr. Jones.
Ferd steiuer thinks he is head man
this year fcr ho has his corn all
Route 3.
We ommitted to mention last week
the birth of a bouncing boy at the
home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Karg
mann and a twelve no and girl to Mr.
and Mrs. D. Brinken.
Fred Miudrup is building a new
brick cellar.
Tho postolHce department hes decid
ed to reven-o Koute .;, and carrier
Reed has been ordered to drive in the
opposite direction beginning Novem
ber J a.
An Original Story by a Young Lady
Many Columbus People Know
"Bat I rather think it ha; its
compensations'' remarked the giri in
the hammock, gazing vaguely at a
handful of yellow and sreen fringe.
"Would you mind telling me what
you mean by "it ' " inquired tne
broad shonldered young fellow in the
wicker chair opposite. .
" Why I mean staying at home this
summer not going to Europe or Port
land or or Lake Okoboji you know,"
she finished explanatorily.
"I suppose I'm one," ne remarked
complacently, as he stooted to flick
off an ant from the white frock
whose ruffles swept the grass so
alluringly. ' But what are the oth
ers?" "You" scornfully "you have to
be compensated for. Do you know
Bastes, I sometimes think vacations
aren't good for you. They make you
'Only appreciative of my real
worth. But what, as I said before
are the compensations?"
Well, one is that everybody feels so
sorry for you that they tell you all
their good times. I'm getting to be
known as the gooi1 listener." This
with the roguish dimple in her cheek,
very much in evidence.
"Gracious, Bess, who ever gave yon
that recommendation?" An otniaons
silence from the hammock and then a
frigid, "So sorrv I've been baring
you, Mr. Randolph, What were yon
about to remaik?"
"That's all right, Bess, I was about
to remark that he had mighty good
taste." unblushingly.
"It was a girl", she remarked with
slightly less frigidity. There's aunt
Clara, on the porch guess I'll go and
ask her how Toby is."
"Now see here, Bess" burst out the
long suffering youth "tnat cat's all
right cats don't die just because
black dogs chas them. And you pro
mised I could stay a long time this
afternoon " "You could talk to aunt
Clara, too' came cooly from the ham
mock, as Miss Wainwright carefully
inspected tne toe of her white canvas
shoe. "I believe I'll try plain soap
and'water as a result of her investiga
tion. "On the cat, Bess: I can't keep up."
"No on my shoes I've always used
that whiting stuff before."
"Oh I see" wih the air of' a man
who doesn't see and doesn't hope to
see, "But aren't you going to tell me
about the girl who agrees with the
world at large including your humble
servant that vou are a good listener?"
"It was Constance Greenley '
"When did she get back?" demand
ed Bastus.
"Why, Bastus, she's been home two
weeks. Haven't you called?"
"You know reading law is very
exacting, Miss Wainwright "Hum
I know anyway, she was telling me
things that happend when she was in
New York recovering from the fever. "
"Mother said she bad an awful pull,
wasn't expected to live, and all that"
put in Bastus soberly.
"I know", and then, thoughtfully
with an odd little quaver in her voice,
" Wouldn't we have missed Constance
Absolutely Pure
A Cream of Tartar Powder,
free from alum or phos-
phstis ccld
tbeegh? But as I was saying," she
went on bripkly, ' it was when she
was quite well but awfully thin.
Why, Bastus. she only weighed nine
ty-six pounds!"
"Terrible! Now you, for example."
This, with a grin which could not
conceal the admiration in his gray
She was staying with Erma
Gregg" went on Bess, ignoring the
interruption " they all decided to go
down to Coney Island."
" Excellent place for an invalid, I
should supppose' dryly rmarked her
, "Kastus, your' a particularly poor
listener. Didn't I tell yon she was
all well jpst needed amusement?"
"Just the same you thought it was
awful that she weighed only ninety
six pounds " he contended stoutly.
" Well anyway Erma and Theodore
and Constance and all of them, with
Sf r. and Mrs. Gregg started out to
take in the attractions. The first
thing they 6truok was the steeple
chase. Did yon ever see one Bastus V '
"Tell me about it." he said eva
sively but with a twinkle in his eye.
"It was a big electrical affair with
wooden horses, you know, going
around on seven or eight parallel
tracks. There was a judge and a big
crowd watching and all that. When
they tried to cet Constance to ride she
just wouldn't."
' Balked, did she?" observed Bastus
with a reminiscent glance at the girl
in the hammock.
"The roree, do you mean?" in
quired that small person with a sug
gestion of ice bergs.
' ' Yes er the electrical apparatus, ' '
assented the hypocrite.
"But they all teased her," went on
Bess, ''and pretty soon Constance was
afraid she was spoiling the fon. so
she got on. t seems that thespeed of
the horses is regulated by the weight
of the rider but Gunstanec didn't
know this. Well when that horse
began to go faster and faster, Con
stance dropped her dignity and hung
onto the horse's mane for dear life."
"Bet she was a graceful picture,"
chnckled Bastus.
"When she started," continued
Bess, with a little giggle, "she was
next to Theodore, and you knew how
fat he is. But pretty soon she didn't
notice him and she was afraid to look
around and see. The horse kept going
faster, the wind whistled aronnd her
ears, and she was simply scared to
death. Finally, in desperation, she
took a fresh grip on the horse's mane,
and turned around. If you believe it,
the others were miles behind, and
poor Con was scudding aronnd so fast
tnat the spectators were mere blots."
Bets was sitting up very st-ongly and
her animation gave point to the story
she was telling. "At last she began
to approach the judge's stand and
breathed a sigh of tkankfullness at
the prospect of terra firms. Imagine
her horror" this with a dramatic
wave of the hands "when the horse
sailed right past. Constance didn't
know that you have to make the cir
cuit three times before the machine
"Money's worth" interrupted her
"Well I should say so. When she
bad been going what seemed hours to
ner, and her arms simply ached from
holding on the blue flag came down,
and the horse stopped. Theodore and
Erma and the rest were in sight but
Mr. Gregg helped Constance off just
as the judge announced that the race
had been won by the lady in the pink
waist, and if she would present her
self for the judgeB, the prize would
be awarded her. Constance gasped
but Erma and Theodore came up just
then and draggd her up to the judge.
And what do you suppose the prize
was Bastus ?"
"A Kentucky pony, 1 expect"
with a grin.
'A ticket for another trip "ripped
Bsee. "Just fancy."
"Holy Smoke! and you say Con.
stance is alive to tell the story?"
"Bastus. you don't suppose she
went again? "indignantly demanded
"Sure thing," she had the ticket,"
chnckled Bastus.
"She's got it yet. I saw it in her
memory bock." She smiled across at
Bastus as she rose and shook oat her
"But Bess, is that the only story
you've heard?" came plaintively from
Bastus as he rose with evident reluc
tance from the wioker chair.
"You'll have to improve, Bastus, if
yon want another. You area't a good
listener. I'm going to moke some
lemonade want to help? "she added,
smiling over her shoulder as she
started for the hoase.
- Origiaal yara by Theodora Marie
Pauline Elisabeth Babeeoa Browa.
August 20, 1905.
Special teheed
Oa sale Nov. 37, 1903
Return Dee. 18th. 1U05
One aad oae-third fare.
To Toronto, Batata,
Pittsburg, Wheeling aad potato
also north of Ohio River, Wheeling to
nario, ; and east of bat aot incladias
3t Lioas, Hannibal. Quiaoy, Keokuk,
Peoria and Chicago.
J. A. KUHN. A. G. P A P. A.
1301 Farnam St, Omaha.
That quaint old aviation towa it one
of the most lovely seaside resorts of
California. Here, hundreds of years
vro, Christianity waa first preached to
the American Indians by the Spanish
friars. The old otissioa is still there,
and is visited every ataaoa, by thou
sands of toaists who travel via the
Union Pacific. Inquire about low
rates to Califoraia.
Every day from Sept 16, to Oct 31.
1905, inclusive, .the Union .Pacific will
9ell one-way. tickets from Columbus,
Neb. as follow:
$30 (10 to Ogden.and Salt Lake City.
12000 to Helena and Butte, Montana.
$22.50 to Spokaneand Wenatchee, Wash.
123.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho
125.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
$25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria.
25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oregon,
via Portland.
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los Aogelee and
Correspondingly low rates to many
other California, Oregon, Washington,
Montana, Utah and Idaho points.
Through tourist cars ran every day on
Union Pacific between Missouri river
anil Pacific coast; donble berth $5 75.
For full information call on or address
4 W. II. Bexham. Agent
Per Imfamts ami Cailirta.
Tlw KM Ytrhti Ahrajs hiflt
Bears the
Signature of
Is the Yeast
that Raised the
First Grand
at the
St. Louis
It is a truly wonderful
YEAST FOAM is sold by all
grocers at 5c a package enough
for 40 loaves. Send a postal card
for new illustrated bookj" Good
Bread : How to Make It."
Creston subscribers may pay subscriptions It
Sydney Eastman at the Creston Pharmacy, of
you have anything to bay or sell, am Mr. East
man and let him advertise it in the leading
paper of Platte county. Journal ads always do
the business. Advertise in your home paper
firt. Supplement that with Journal advertis
ing. E. A. Jones, H. D. Physician and sur
geon. Call promply answered day and
Call Creston Pharmacy.
Calls promptly answered bay or night.
Creston, Nebraska.
We are headquarters for
everything in Drug sun
dries, Paints,WallPaper
and Painter's Supplies.
Frescnptionsa specialty
THROUGH Standard and
Tourist sleepers, chair
cars and coaches to Union
Passenger Station, Chicago,
every day from all points on the
main line of the Union Pacific
Railroad. These cars are carried
on through trains arriving in the
heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m.t
9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford
ing a convenient choifce of hours.
Route Union- Pacific Railroad
Milwaukee aid St. Paul
Any ticket agent of the Union
Pacific will send you East via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway if you ask him to do so.
It is worth your while to insist
that your ticket read this way.
Complete information about
rates, routes and train service
sent on request:
Gaawral Western Acsat
1S24 Fanaaa Straat, Oasaha
lys Cream Balm
This stsinMdv is a atoaclflc.
Sura-to Clva Satlafactlon.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
dweased membrane. It cores Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
Easy to ase Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrils aad absorbed.
Large Size, GO' cents a Druggists or by
ail ; Trial Sias, 10 cents by mail.
ELY MOTHERS, M Warrta ., Haw Yfjfc,
If you will eat more
Uneeda Biscuit
you can do more work, enabling you to earn
more money, so that you can buy more
Uneeda Biscuit V
do mere work and earn still more money.-'
haaai ft n a a a
That is the kind of pillows we keep and recommend. You know when you sleep oa
them how comfortable and restful they are. "
Sold By HENRY GASS, Columbus, Nebraska.
xsooaaooaooonoe soooaoooaaoot
. aaVwSvj'j.'aWkyyiiaiBiflh
5ff J. J. Barnes will offer from his
91 MOIBIffl K 90
SFred Wille will offer 10 boars nnd 4 gilts from his her J of Poland Chi-!
C W. H. Swartsley will offer 7 boars and 3 gilts from his herd of O. I. (J. j
X Whites.
V F. H. Abbott will offer 7 boars
M Only the choicest individuals
3 and take your choice from these
Remember the date:
BRUCE WEBB, Auctioneer.
xsQOQooaaoQoag saooooaaaoaocx
Kansas City Southern Railway
Soatkwest Missouri, Indian Territory, Arkansas,
Louisiana and Texas
Dates of Sale November 7 and 21, December " and 19.
Stopovers on goinp and return trips.
Limit 21 days from date of sale.
The tide of immigration has turned to the south, where land is chenp
and crops abundant The Land of Fulfillment. No other section of
the country promises anch great return from products of the soil ami
increased values.
Write for free illustrated literature.
H. D. DUTTON, Trav. Pass Agt,
Kansas City, Mo.
F. E. ROESSLER, Trav. Pass,
Clean House
Means Clean
A lot of people use the
same pillows too long.
Just because a pillow is
covered and you can't see
the dirt is no indication that
the dirt is not there.
The careful housekeeper
will not keep her old pillows
too long and to insure com
fort in the new ones she wilj
le certain that they are the
famous Emmerich pillows
bearing this tag
c. -.
w w
, Nebr., Nov. 29, '
AT 1 T. M.. SHARP,
herd of Duroc Jerseys. 15 hoars and 2
and 3 sills from his herd of lterkshires.
from these herds will be offered. Come :
four lending breeders at your own prices.
S. G. WARFER. G. P. and T. A,
Kansas, City, Mo.
and ImigTn Agent, Kansas City, Mo.
m?x r
asnnTTf -wsOu-T 3SW'J'
U X. -