The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 08, 1905, Image 7

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    -? "V
Vlcorooa Health Is the Gnat Sotxrca of
the Power to Inspire end Encourage
All Woman Hhrmld Beafc It.
One of the most noted, successful and
richest men of this century, in a recent
article, has said, " Whatever I am and
whatever success I have attained in
this world 1 owe all to my wife. From
the day I first knew her she has been
an inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of my life.""
To be such a successful wife, to re
tain the love and admiration of her
husband, to inspire him to make the
most of himself, should be a woman's
constant study.
If a woman finds that her energies
are flag-fpng-, that she gets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eyes,
she has backache, headaches, bearing'
down pains, nervousness, whites, irreg
ularities or the blues, she should start
at once to build up her system by a
tonic with specific powers, such as
Lydia F Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound. Following we publish by request a
letter from a young wife :
Dr Mrs. Pinkham:
" Ever since my child was born I have suf
ferwl. as I hope few women ever have, with in
canuuation, female weakness, bearing-down
pains, backache anil wretched hem lathes. It
arTtH-ted my stomach so I could not enjoy my
meals, and half my time was spmt in bed.
" Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made tnea well woman, and I feel so grateful
that I am glad to write and tell you of my
marvelous recovery. It brought me health,
new life and vitality." Mrs. Bessie Ainsley,
611 South 10th Street. Tacoma, Wash.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will
do for every sick and ailing woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un
derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and
always helpfuL
Tablets Mr! nowdeT" advertised
as cures for s:ck-headache are gen
erally narmtui ana mey ao not cure
but onlv deaden the nam bv sattiaa
the serves ts sices for a short time
through thu use of morphine or
Lane's Family
5 Medicine
the tonic-laxative, cares sick-headache,
not merely stops it for an
hour or two. It removes the cause
of headache and keeps it away.
Sold by all dealers at 25c and 50c.
Around the World
"1 have ncd yonr Fads
Brand Slicker for years
la tbe Hawaiian Inlands
and found them the only
article mat suited. I ssa
aw In this country
(Africa) and t&inlc s
deal of your coats.
The world-wide repnts
trn ol Tower's Water
nmnf Clnthinir
urn the buyer of f
Wa h 11 aw I 11 mretB Am St
all rmrmcatB bearing Tiaj
thto Sign of the FIss. I
A. J. TOWER CO., BostM. U.S. A.
tct Toronto. 1
Cffffy Isiaj. Stiveair Put Cards.
Six hrauUfni colored acccour 3c Coney Island
taatal Card Cow Coney Island, H. Va
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 46 1905.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, hut because
each package contains 16 oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in ?i-pound pack
ages, and the price is the same. 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
Sends Oranges to London.
California oranges are now sold ex
teasivelv in London.
Don't loll. If you must lean. lean
straight back and drop your shoulders.
1 Jlrs. Bessie Jfinsley I
Mention Pillsbury's Vitos
if he
to you
J rlSafe-A
If far aay oases as fails to ssasiy jsa
Free Sample Package
a. P. Ml
Safety in Proprietary Medicines.
Replying to the charge that certain
popular proprietary medicines contain
narcotic drugs, an authority says:
"Some years ago one of the leading
pharmacists of America, in connection
with some official work, undertook to
ascertain, by an elaborate inquiry in
representative cities of the country,
what percentage of physicians' pre
scriptions contained a narcotic drug
of some kind. Out of 100.000 repre
sentative prescriptions, dispensed in
drug stores in all parts of the United
States, it was found that 70 per cent
contained opium or some one of its
"Proprietary medicines are almost
invariably accompanied by the most
detailed and specific directions for use,
while the directions accompanying
physicians' prescriptions are generally
very brief and sometimes illegible. It
is also true that but a moderate pro
portion of proprietary medicines con
tain any poison or narcotic, and, when
they do, it is generally in such small
quantities or so protected by accom
panying antidotes, as to carry with it
no danger whatever.'"
Sisters and Brothers.
Don't snob your brothers. They are
lovely things to have around, if only
treated half-way decently. Unfor
tunately, girls forget that brothers
also grow up, and they go on treating
them as if they were boys. This leads
to friction, and very often disagree
able repartee, when it is least wanted,
and is most disagreeable. New York
Cause for Rejoicing.
The Pall Mall Gazette rejoices in
the fact that Canada is a "chip of
the old block5' because a steamship,
with supplies for the Hudson bay
mounted police, has been kept wait
ing at St. Johns for weeks while the
police department and ministry of ma
rine settle a dispute as to which shall
control her movements.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch because they have a
stock in hand of VI oz. brands, which
they know cannot be sold to a cus
tomer who has once used the 16 oz.
pkg. Defiance Starch for same money.
Postmaster Under the Lash.
Robert CeciL postmaster at Tipton,
Ore., convicted of wife-beating, re
ceived, under sentence of court, ten
lashes on the bare back in public, re
cently. He is preparing to sell his
property now and leave the country.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out. by using1
Defiance Starch you obtain better re-
I suits than possible with any other
1 brand and one-third more for same
I money.
"Tainted" Grass.
A Welsh revivalist asked where
some grass that had been brought for
his horse had been procured. He was
told that it had come from the foot
ball grounds. "I would insult my horse
by giving it grass from such a sinful
place," he declared.
Lifting the Hat.
The custom of lifting the hat dates
back to the age when knighthood was
in flower. Knights never appeared in
public except in full armor, but in the
company of friends they removed the
helmet, signifying, "I am safe among
A Lesson in Humility.
Says a Bllville philosopher: "The
automobile, makes you feel too proud
for this world. To get to heaven
you've got to be as humble as the ox
cart and go slow and sore." Atlantic
Castor Oil Good for Shoes.
Leather boots and shoes may he
softened and kept from cracking by
being rubbed well with castor oil.
They should not he used for about
twelve hours afterward.
No chromos or cheap premiums, but
a better quality and one-third more
of Defiance Starch for the same price
of other starches.
Half of us, when we are out of
doors, might almost as well be within
walls, for all the mind relaxation we
derive from our surroundings.
A common good, a public stream, or
conduit that every man hath a share
in. Tibbes.
Take sunny views of things. "A
merry heart doeth good like a medi
cine." Don't neglect your personal appear
ance. Cleanliness is next to godli
ness. Because God helps those who help
tnemselves don't make a hog of your
self. It is easier tfor most people to be
poor than honest.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This is why Defiance Starch
is taking the place of all others.
Malice is a terribly deadly gun at
the breech end.
your grocer and see
don't recommend it
as the most substantial
Breakfast Food.
Economical. Satisfactory..
Pillsbury Quality EsceUs,
Price 15c
Rscky Mssjonm Territory 20c
seas as fo aW8 sai sill i
What Mrs. Ford Says Concerning Or.
Williams' Pink Pilla will Suraly
Intarsst You.
" I wish I could help other women get
rid of certain physical troubles as com
pletely as I have succeeded in getting
rid of mine," said Mrs. B. B. Ford, of
Pushmataha, Miss., recently. "Yon
know," she continued, "that a woman's
health depends chiefly on the regu
larity of just one function. If she
fiiln to keep that properly regulated she
has no end of physical misery. I suf
fered from that oue cause for two
wretched years, during oue of which I
was kept 'in bed all the time. I tried
medicines enough to cure any illness,
but nothing gave me the slightest bene
fit until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. They cured me.
Why, I was snfferiug all the time prac
tically from sickness of the stomach,
dizziness or swimming in my head and
pain in my back. Now I am entirely
free from discomfort of that sort. I am
not only able to keep on my feet, but to
do my work as a teacher, and to enjoy
the pleasures that come through tha
possession of sound health.
" Withiu three weeks after beginning
the use of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills I ex
perienced such relief that I knew they
must be adapted to the needs of my case.
After using them for a short while longer
I became and have since remained a
well woman, ami the reason why is sim
plv that I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.'
These pills make uterine action reg
nlnr :uid namless. banish headaches, lau-
' guor, nervousness, create appetite, pro
1 mote digestion, put color iu the com
' plexion, build up strength and health.
Every woman snouia sena to me ur.
Williams Medicine Company, Scheuec
tadv, N.Y., for a valuable booklet, en
titled " Plain Talks to Women." It will
be mailed free in sealed envelope to the
address of anv applicant. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pill are sold by all druggists.
Effect of Lightning an Trees.
The shattering effects of lightning
upon trees may be accounted for in
some degree, by the sudden evolution
of heat and expansion of gases in the
wood and the vaporizing of the water
in the sap. A veritable explosion may
thus be caused.
Sores on Face and BackTried Many
Doctors Without Success
Gives Thanks to
Captain W. S. Graham. 1321 Eoff
St. Wheeling, W. Va., writing under
date of June 14, '04, says: "I am so
grateful 1 want to thank God that a
friend recommended Cuticura Soap
and Ointment to me. I suffered for a
long time with sores on my face and
back. Some doctors said I had blood
poison, and others that I had barbers'
ifch. None of them did me any good,
but they all took my money. My
friends tell me my skin now looks as
clear as a baby's, and I tell them all
that Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment did it."
Brittany Marriage Custom.
Conspicuous among the adornments
of the bridal feast in Brittany is an ar
tistic and elaborate butter structure
as fanciful and elegant as the most
beautiful bridal cake, and into this
structure the guests stick split sticks
bearing coins of gold or silver.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application, a they cannot reach the n
eaued portion of the ear. There Is only use way to
cure drafnea. and that U by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of tha
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube Is Inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It la entirely closed. Deaf
ness la the result, and unless tbe Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, heating will be destroyed forever: nine eases
out of ten are caused by atarrh. which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We win frtve One Hundred Dollars for any case of
Deafness (caued by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, a
Sold br Druggists. tSc.
Take Hall's Family PUls for constipation.
Advertises Her Financial Value.
The true worth of a girl in Albania
is sometimes readily estimated. When
she desires to marrjj she collects all
her money and mounts it an her head,
so that observers may note her finan
cial value.
Important ta Mathers.
i carefully every bottle of CASTOrtUL
a safe and sore rested? for infanta sad children,
and see that It
Bran too
Signature of
Ial7s For Over 30 Team
Tie Kind Yoa Bars Always Bought.
Band Plays on High Chimney.
A dozen members of an Irish brass
band in Dublin recently gave a per
formance on the top of a chimney 140
feet high.
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as
a couch cure. J. 'W. O'Banra, S3 Third Are.
X, Minneapolis, Mian., Jon. S. 1800.
Low Temperature of Trees.
The average temperature of a tree
is under 50 degrees Fahrenheit, as
against the 98 degrees of the human
Xn. Winaiow's Boetnlas Syranw
For children teething, softens the gums, redness fn
flamm sunn . ell syn pain , mm Trfnrt mllii. Scabottle,
Originates Catchy Phrase.
Prof. Reulaux, who died in Berlin
it is more commonly quoted in this
recently, is said to have originated
the phrase, "cheap and ugly," or, as
country, "cheap and nasty."
Elephant Resents Teasing.
An elephant at Jena, Germany,
seized a man who was teasing him
with a knife and dashed him to the
ground. Three days later the man
succumbed to his injuries.
At Culross Abbey in Fife, Scotland,
a tombstone has been found which is
believed to date from the fourth cen
tury of the Christian era.
Society, science, business, art. liter
ature are all pervaded with competi
tive zeal, which sometimes tends to
kilL Illustrated London News.
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal in Quantity or
Quality 16 oz. for 10 cents. Other
brands contain only 12 oz.
"Word was received at Des Moines
of the death at Ingerscll. Okl.. of Mh
ton Hull, a brother of Congressman J.
A. T. Hull of Des Moines.
Conductor More Than Willing to Make
Room for Belated Traveler v for a
Consideration Made What Might
Be Called "Easy Money."
"My problem was to get away from
Kurgan and out of Siberia," writes a
British traveler who had been trans
acting business in the butter-making;
metropolis of that country. "My train
left at 3 o'clock in the morning. When
I arrived at the station the ticket of
fice was closed, and no one seemed to
know when it would be opened, or if
It ever would be opened. 'Ne znayou'
'I don't know' and an indifferent
shrug of the shoulders were the only
answers I received. At length I beard
ed the station master in his den. The
ticket office would not be opened, he
told me. The train was full; there
were no vacant places; I must wait till
next day; there was a waiting room
and a buffet! I was in despair. But
suddenly an idea came to me. In St.
Petersburg I had been told that the
guard on a certain train had grown
wealthy by the practice of letting peo
ple travel without tickets and accept
ing a small gratuity for his complais
ance. I had heard much in theory of
the potency of tips in Russia, and now
I resolved to test that theory by prac
tice. "By that time the train was standing
at the platform and every one was
busy. I got a porter to take my
luggage on board and pack It In a cor
ner of a dark passage. Then I sat down
near It and waited events. Presently
the train started, and I felt more at
ease. In any case we were off. In
about ten minutes the ticket collector,
accompanied by the conductor, came
round to inspect tickets. In Russia it
always takes two officials to do one
man's job. They did not seem nearly
so surprised as I had expected. 'I have
no ticket.' I said, and they both smiled
knowingly. I explained the situation
and added that I was willing to give
something 'na chai' (a tip, literally,
'for tea') if they could make it all
right for me. How far was I going?
asked the collector. To Chelyabinsk.
Then they left me, shaking their heads
in conference. In a few minutes they
returned. Would I follow them?
"Nothing very dreadful happened. I
was led through several second-class
wagons crammed with sleepers. At
last we came to a halt before a verita
bly vacant top berth. The conductor
laid his band upon it. 'You may sleep
here,' he said, 'and later you may pay."
How came that berth to be so conven
iently vacant? At various stations
along the route I observed that our
conductor seemed to have many
friends and many quiet little confer
ences. It was between the interme
diate and not at the terminal stations
that his business was done.
"Some stations before Chelyabinsk
was reached the conductor beckoned
me aside. 'It is now necessary to pay,'
he said. 'How much?' I asked. 'Three
rubles' (11.53), he .replied. The legiti
mate fare was 6 rubles ($3.06). I glad
ly paid him the 3 rubles and when I
added an extra ruble for his being so
excellent a rogue he took off his cap
and bowed to the ground."
"When I'm a multi-billionaire.
As I shall be some day.
I mean to let my victims hear
Some things I have to say.
The hatchet shall be hurled then.
And hushed all sounds of strife.
While I Instruct my fellow-men
About the Higher Life.
When all the streams are turned, that
Mav swell my tide of cold.
Til give my purest thought away
If they cannot be sold.
I'll gather those who've learned through
How fleet are riches' wings.
And preach the solemn verity
That there are higher things.
When I have crushed my latest foe
Or quieted his claims
Til tell him everything I know
About the higher aims.
Tea, men shall gain much joy through
They surely shall b blessed:
Thev'H have the joys of poverty
And I shall have the rest.
Thus peacefully Til spend my days.
Until I reach the end.
In teaching that religion pays
The biggest dividend.
So shall my debt to men be paid
In wisdom rich and rare
When there Is nothing to be made
And I'm a billionaire.
Errol North in New York Times.
Had a Fel low-Feeling.
Dr. Washington Gladden was at
tacking certain unfortunate tenden
cies of modern finance.
"A modern financier of this type,"
he said, humorously, "was robbed on
Broadway the other day. A little
urchin in sorry rags slipped up he
hind him "and snatched his" handker
chief from his pocket.
"Someone grabbed the boy caught
him red-handed. A crowd collected,
A man said:
" 'I will run for the poliee.'
"But the financier fixed a not un
kindly look upon the trembling little
" 'Oh. let him alone,' he said, T be
gan business in a small way myself "
Methods of Loan Sharks.
The fire department of San Fran
cisco is in the dutches of loan sharks.
Owing to exorbitant interest charges
sixty-eight firemen have no salary earn
ing to them for September, and some
drew none for August. A typical case
is that of one man who borrowed $500
three years ago. has paid $840 and still
owes more than the principal.
Lawyers Lose Fat Fees.
A dispute over the division of a
large tract of California land, left hy
the late Bart Smithson, was settled by
tossing a coin. The land was divided
into four parts, and the four heirs,
with the head and tail of half a dollar,
made successive selections, to the
great loss of the local legal fraternity.
Woman Engineer.
The Marchioness of Tweeddale is a
good locomotive engineer. She ran
the first train over the Forth bridge.
Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem.
Only 1.400 Russian pilsrims went to
Jerusalem this year, as against the
usual average of 8,000.
Limts Use of Royal Arms.
The London Gazette recently pub
lished an official notice that any per
son who, without proper royal author
ity, uses In connection with any trade,
business, calling or profession the roy
al arms or any device, emblem or
title, may be restrained by Injunction
or Interdict from continuing to use the
Eland Made Domestic Animal.
A Rhodesian hunter of the name of
Jelllman has been successful in do
mesticating and training a number of
young eland to the yoke. He has had
eight of them working in a wagon for
some time, and they answer admir
ably, being faster and more powerful
than oxen.
Wild Cats in Nevada.
Wadsworth Nev., once a lively rail
road town of 4,000 population, but now
a collection of deserted shanties, is
overrun by thousands of wild cats, the
descendants of two or three hundred
abandoned house cats.
Poetic Editor.
The rain stays not with us long;
sunlight soon makes bright apologies
for it, and holds a torch to the old
world as she plunges through space.
Atlanta Constitution.
"Pier" and "Pierglass."
A "pier" properly should be of stone.
The word is identical with the French
"Pierre." A "pierglass" is a glass that
should be placed on the stonework be
tween two windows.
Forty-one Years in Service.
The Rt Hon. Sir Francis Bertie. Brit
ish ambassador in Paris, recently
passed his sixty-first birthday, having
been forty-one years in service.
Letter from Marcus Mayer, the Great
Patron of Music and Drama.
Marcus R. Mayer, who brought to
America Mme. Patti, Duse, Salvini,
Coquelin and other
famous singers and
actors, writes:
Gentlemen: I wish
as many suffering
men and women as
I can reach to
know the excel
lence of Doan's Kid
ney Pills. I was
greatly benefited by
this remedy and
know it cured sev
eral who had kidney trouble so badly
they were agonized with pain in the
back, head and loins, rheumatic at-
tacKs ar't urinary disorders, l am
glad to recommend such a deserving
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Education Kills Lace Making.
"The art of making Honiton lace."
says the London Mail, "will soon be (
as extinct as the feather work of the
Aztecs. The reason is that the local
school board insists that children
shall atiend school instead of learn-
ing to make lace.
Variety of Goods on View.
For a nice mint julep, a Tam Col
line or a highball, or a nice, clean
shave, or a haircut, or anything in the j
grocery, hardware, dry goods or milli- i
nery line, call at the City Drug Store.
Also drugs for sale. Irrigon (Ore.) Ir
J. S. Janssan, President of the
Milwaukee Retail Drug
gists' Association,
Talks on tha Oargsrs of Constipation
and Stomach Trouble.
"Have you noticed tbe large number of cases
of typhoid fever lately!" said Mr. J. S. Janssen
to a Daily News represeSaBtJve. "To my notion
typhoid fever, malarial fever, appendicitis and
many kindred complaints are the result of
constipation, -which in many cases is allowed
by the patient to run along without proper
treatment. You will remember when you were
a child and the doctor was called, his flrst pre
scription was a dose of castor oil I All
physicians know the valne of having the bowels
thoroughly opened. People, when they grow
np, allow constipation to become chronic
through lack of attention. Constipation is the
failure of the bowels to carry off the undigested
food, which collects in the alimentary canal
and, there decays, generating poisonous disease
germs. These germs and their way into the
blood by means of which they are carried to
every tissue. The fever thus created affects
not only the lungs, kidneys, stomach, heart and
nervous system, but in fact any organ of the
body is liable to break down as a result. The
blood becomes thin and watery. The sufferer
loses in flesh sad strength. Castor oil and pills
will not cure an affliction like this. Something
more than a laxative is needed. There' are
many physics on the market'and we sell a great
many, having probably the most popular store
of the kind in the city. I do not often talk about
manufactured medicine, but the high esteem in
which Mull's Grape Tonic is held by the drug
and medical fraternities has impressed me and
I know from actual experience right here in our
store that Mull's Grape Tonic cures constipa
tion and stomach trouble positively and per
manently. Mull's Grape Tonic is not a physic,
but it immediately clears the bowels of the
decaying food because of the peculiarly
strengthening affects it exerts over the organs
of the digestive system. As a tonic it is superior
to the nauseating cod liver oil compounds. It
builds flesh faster and creates strength quicker
than any other preparation known to medical
science. The ingredients are positively harm
less, made mainly from crushed grapes and
fruits. Although a full bottle might be taken at
once, no inconvenience would result. I only
wish that people paid more attention to these
little details, which in themselves in the begin
ning are of so slight importance, but which
grow in magnitude until the most serious
trouble and some deadly disease fastens itself
on the constitution. There is really nothing
easier to take than Mull's Grape Tonic I hope
you. through the influence of your paper, can
bring the readers to a sense of the gravity of
allowing constipation to become chronic"
Good for ailing children and nursing mothers.
Send this coupon with yonr name and
address and jour druggist's name, for a
free bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic, for
Stomach and Bowels to
Xcus Gbafb Tome Co.. 148 Third Are.,
Bock Island, m.
Oitt Full Address and Writ Plainly.
The fl.00 bottle contains nearly tares
times the 50c size. At drug stores.
The genuine has a date and number stamped
SB tae label take no other from your arosgist.
zk Ea4orsa
Be la Every
Election Returns That
meats SbomU I afc5aae
ff A ayt
l S aBBSBSBsf ABSBBssBssHaasssBsV afsasW
V-l wfVaBaaBsSBsaBBCBaBBsBsarWsBBV Ata
are a necessity to every K 4nA.ll
m 41 i 1 1 Wl UkV ? VAaf aff Ulwwl
Sloan's Treatise on the Horse,
and Sloan's Advice on the
Care of Hc.-ses, Cattle, Hogs and
Poultry. Send your address to
No matter how trie; the bird, no matter how heavy its plumage or swift its
flight, you can bring it to bag with a long, strong, straight shooting
Winchester Repeating Shotsrun. Results are what count. Thn !
give the best resulta in field,
reacn of everybody's pocketbook.
FREE: Semi nam and address
MASON, FEWICK k LAW1ESCE. Patcat Lawyers.
Washington, O. C, Established 1861.
Send f or onr I3rrt Anniversary free Booklet. how
Inc lllustrntlons of .Mechanical Movement. K'ter- I
cnce. Bradctreet anil thonsandn of atl?fled clients.
Communications conndanUal. Write ua to-day.
5 Ciiar better Qsaiity than swat 10 Cigars
your Jobber or direct from Factory. Peoria. IP
three great pursuits ,
have again shown
woudt-rful results on
Magnificent climate farmers plowing in their
shirt sleeves in the middle of November.
"All are bound to be more than pleased with
the anal results of the past season's harvest."
Coal. wood, water, hay in abundance schools, I
churches, markets convenient.
This is the era of ?l.00 wheat.
Apply for information to Superintendent of
Immigration. Ottawa. Canada, or to authorized
Canadian Government Agent TV. V Bennett.
801 New York Life Building, Omaha. Nebraska.
(Mention this paper.)
troubled wita ills pecmliar tm
their sex, used aa a douche ia marveloosly rac
cessrol. Thorouthlycleansea.lnusdiaaaaazeiias,
tops discharges, heals inflammation ut local
Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pm
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, eeraucdal
rA economical 'ban liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists, SO cents a bos.
Trial Box and Book of laatructioaa Free
tt n. Paxton Company Boston. Mi
"FoUew the Flas"
November 37th
To many points !n Illinois. Indiana.
Ohio. Kentucky. esterci Pennsylvan
ia. New VTork and st Virginia, at
The WABASH lias solid road-bed.
rock Ija.Iast. ana nw juipmeiit Re
clining c :ur cur (SEATS FREE.)
For rates, maps and all jiiformaMim
call at Wabash 'lty Office. JCdl Far
nam St. or ,nl. !--
G. A. P. D.. Wall. R. R.. Omaha. Neb.
25 Cts.
IN 0(C DAY j
IC Call for
-i - "--
The .1. I HEAD CO.
Keal Estate. Lons. All
classe laads. each Prov
ince. Offlces.O'Iieulj-3Ua.
When Answering Advertisements
Please Mention This Paper.
fei Home
Home," I alBTSn
Interest All Parties.
fowl or trap shooting, and are sold withia
on a postal card for omr larz illustrated catalog.
szarf r . . m3
' "v:-jg w . 'an
fT MaV A aPf
M neV dmT
wracaxsTEs kfeatirg aims c&. new havki. ctra.
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas S4.00 Cilt Edge Lin
cannot be equalled at any price.
; MHatM THUaej
tl fl flnn 6EWM0 1 mj9M was cat
1 1 U,UUU diawm this ststemwrt.
W. L. DoNgta S3.M abacs have bv their i
celleat style, eaav fittln-. and Mtreriorweari
qaaUtles. achieved the larsest rale o arrv 3.3
Abe Is the worts. They are ht sa goat as
theee that coat yoa $5.00 to $7.00 the aarty
difference Is the price. If I could take yos arts
my factory at Brockton, Mae., the largest la
the worM under one roof malt ins; ntcn'a Has
shoes, asat show yoa the care with which every
pair of Dfiaa boes is made, yoa wonts realize
why W. L. Doa-ls9 $3.50 shoes are the best
shoes produce J In the worts.
If I coold shew yon the difference between the
shoes SNMte In my factory and these of other
nsakes, yon would understand why Dancjss
S3.5S shoes cost more to make, why they held
their shape, fit better, wear loscer. and are off
greater Intrinsic value than say other S3.5
on the nsarket to-day.
Se.92.Q0: mmym'trnkmnte
93.MO. 99. Sl.TS.MIm
CAUTION). Insist npon baring W.L-Donf-la
.'hoes. Take no substitute. None gnnias
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
WANTKO. Ashndeslerinvrytnwn wbers
Vf. L. Douglas SIkws are not sold. Full line of
samples sent free for Inspection upon reqnest.
Fast Color Eyelets used; th9i mill not ivear brassy.
writs ror Illustrated Catalog of Fall Stvls
w.i uuubias, Hroclctoo. :
TTeahfafl 111 ur
aBaiBiBBBBBa bbbbbb! bbbsbVbI
Look for this brarnl on harness,
collars, saddles, horse blankets, lap
robes, etc.
Maile by
Harphde. Bros. C&, Lincoln, Nek.
Drop as a card aad will mail yaa a sesresir.
DEFIllCECsli Water Starca
makes laundry work a pleasure. IIS oz. pk. 10c
I won't sell ilatl.Crtplae to a dealer who won't flam notes
tuMKt MMTif asrrrer.j
B Base Congo ayrnp. Tames Good. TaS-Bj
aal 1 Una sola by dmnjraea. PJ