The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 08, 1905, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Brief Telegrams
There are now 8,066,672 In New
York state.
Ex-Governor Andrew R. McGIH,
aged 65 years, died of heart disease at
St Paul Minn.
The plank of the Petrolia Packing
company at Petrolia, OnL, was de
stroyed by fire.
The Lightner hoisting works and
forty stamp mills at Angels, Cal., were
destroyed by fire.
Minister of Finance Knudson of
Norway has resigned and his resigna
tion has been accepted.
Frank A. Vanderlip urges the Com
mercial club to take up an investiga
tion of the question of old age pen
sions. First Lieutenant George W. Bradle
of the First United States infantry,
stationed at Fort Porter, committed
Adolph Aistraph has been arrested
at San Francisco, Cal., on the charge
of embezzlement to the amount of
$100,000 from the East Asiatic com
pany. Th Japanese foreign office October
28, accepted Emperor William's sug
gestion that the powers withdraw
their troops from Pekng, excepting the
legation guards.
The international live stock show,
which was scheduled Apr, the flrsjt
week In December in Chicago, has
been postponed until the week com
mencing December 16.
The men who registered at a hotel
Sunday nght in East St Louis, 111., as
M. M. Donaldson and Tony E. Don
aldson, his son, were found asphyx
iated by gas in their room.
The statement of George Bernard
Shaw, playwright, that Sir Henry Ir
ving, importuned the British court for
knighthood, is denied and starts a
spirited dispute in England.
The population of Greater New
York, as counted by the state enum
eration bureau on June 1 and is 4,
014,304, as compared with $3,437,202
in 1900, and $2,507,414 in 1890.
The latest official estimate of the
shortage of the rice crop in Japan this
year places it at nearly 14 per cent less
than the average and 25 per cent,
lower than the crop of last year.
The Kaiser's Moroccan policy dis
pleases France, England, Spain and
Italy, and M. Loubet's warm reception
by King Alfonso shows the depth of
the feeling aroused says J. Comely.
Charles H. Darrling has retired from
the office of assistant secretary of the
navy, which post he has held since
December 16, 1901. He will be suc
ceeded by Truman H. Newberry of
Detroit. Mich.
The Swedish steamer Johan of 1,724.
tons, and the Russian bark Antares of
340 tons, both foundered recently in
the North, sea after a collision.
Twenty-six men of the two crews
were drowned.
William Schaus, an entymologist of
Twickenham England, formerly of
New York, has presented the national
museum a $100,000 collection of over
60,000 speciments of South and
tral American moths.
Association football will be intro
duced as a college sport at the Uni
versity of Chicago. Coach. Alonzo
Stagg started the movement by ask
ing the schools of philosophy and let
ters of the junior colleges to organize
William Schaus, an entomologist of
Twickenham. England, foraerly of
New York, has presented to the Na
tional museum. Washington, D. C, a
SlOO.000 collection of over 60.000 speci
mens of South and Central American
At Minneapolis, Mayor Jones an
nounced that in future all the saloons
and hotel bars must be closed on Sun
day. They have not closed for years
and the announcement' causes the
greatest consternation among the li
quor trade.
An excursion train carrying Mor
mons from Salt Lake .City will arrive
at Mexico City this week. Mormon
agents have purchased tracts of land
in the state of Oaxaca for colonization
purposes, the extent being more than
60.000 acres.
Articles filed with the secretary of
state of Ohio increasing the capital
stock of the East Liverpool Traction
and Light company from $6,000 to $3.
000.000, marks the conclusion of a big
traction and light merger in South
i eastern Ohio.
Edward C. Beardon, money order
clerk in the postoffice at August Ga.,
committed suicide, after being asked
by an inspector to turn over his
cash drawer and books for examina
tion. No shortage in his accounts
has yet been discovered.
The report of the Colorado Fpel &
Iron company for the year ended June
30 shows a deficit payment of interest
taxes and rentals of $311,993. $
Bob Williams, an Australian light
weight pubflist. who will seek a match
with Britt or Nelson, has arrived at
Victoria, B. C, from Australia.
Robbers wrecked the vault and safe
of the bank of Creighton. at Creigh
ton. Mo., and escaped with $4,000.
, Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian drama
tist is now pronounced to be suffering
from arterial sclerosis. He is very
feeble and unable to move, but Is men
tally bright
. Cholera has broken out at Lodz,
Russian Poland. A number of cases
are reported in the most populous sec
tions of the town.
. Alexander C. Botkin. chairman of
the commission to revise the criminal
laws under the department of justice,
is dead in Washington.
It is stated that no cardinal will be
named from Mexico until certain con
tingent events have been realized,
t The president has appointed Charles
'A. Stillings of Boston, Mass., as pub
Be printer to take effect November L
Ifr. Stillings is manager of the print
eca' board of trade of New York city.
LINCOLN It is np to the state offi
cers, who though residing in Lincoln
retain their citizenship in the counties
from which they were elected, and
who have children in the public
schools here, to pay the tuition of
such children at the same rate
as charged non-resident pupils, or to
furnish the school board with a satis
factory reason for not doing so.
Secretary Morris of the school board
discussed the matter with Governor
Mickey this afternoon and it is under
stood to be his intention to present
bills to the state officers and their dep
uties and employes for the tuition of
their children. Governor Mickey dis
cussed the proposition with Attorney
General Norris Brown, and will take
no action about paying the bill until
he has looked into it further. Should
the school board have a right to make
the collection, the governor will pay,
but it is understood that the governor
and the others who have been called
noon seriously doubt the .legality of
the claim, while they have no doubt
about the injustice of it
Speaks Highly of Work of the New
KEARNEY State Superintendent J.
L. McBrien spent a day at the Normal
school. He was most enthusiastically
greeted at chapel and addressed the
school, exhorting the students and fac
ulty to remember and not despise the
day of small things. He spoke highly
of the work hs observed in progress
in the various classes and contrasted
the ancient method of completing a
school building and then watching,
waiting and praying for students to
enter, with the present approved plan
of students apearlng on the ground in
time to study the architecture of the
building during the process of con
strctktn. Mr. McBrien gave a lucid
exposition of the new school law
relative to the qualifications of teach
ers and county superintendents, and
urged the proper preparation on the
part of Normal students to meet the
new requirements.
Figuree on Small Graiin.
LINCOLN The State Bureau of La
bor and Statistics has issued its re
port on the yield and value of wheat
and oats in Nebraska for 1905. A
perusal of the tables shows that the
total production of winter wheat this
year is 36,630.319 bushels at a value
of $25,641,223.30, and the production of
spring wheat is 4,713,438 bushels with
a value of $3,299,406.60, making a total
wheat yield of $41,343,757 bushels, as
compared with 31,825,850 bushels in
1904. The total value of the wheat
crop this year is $28,940,629.90 as
compared with $26,415,455.47 in 1904.
Officers May Test School Law.
As a result of the attempt on the
part of the school board of Lincoln
to compel state officers who vote in
school districts other than this one,
to pay tuition for their children who
are attending the public schools of
this city, a test may be made of the
school law which requires non-resi
Cen-I.'ent pnplls to pay tuition. A move-
ment is on foot to have one of the
state employes bring mandamus pro
ceedings against the school board
should it refuse admittance to those
children whose parents refuse to pay
Hog Cholera in the State.
CENTRAL CITY The corn crop Is
assured and the yield beats all pre
vious records. The only thing now
causing the farmers anxiety is the
hog cholera, which has already wiped
out a number of large droves and con
siderably affected the market
Dedicate Soldier's Monument
STELLA The monument recently
erected to the unknown soldier dead
at Prairie Union cemetery was un
veiled Sunday. The monument is an
imposing granite shaft
Deputy Superintendent Bishop's corn
show, to be given in Lincoln at the
state farm December 14 and 15, in
which 500 school boys will compete for
prizes for raising the best corn and
as many girls as desire may compete
for prizes for cooking, is attracting
much attention not only in Nebraska,
but in other states. The State Beard
of Agriculture has contributed $100 to
the enterprise. It is the intentiou at
this show to organize a state society
of agriculture to be composed of school
boys. Already county and district so
cieties are being organized and others
are to be organized during the month.
Troubles Seem Never to End.
NORFOLK Fate will not allow the
life of Mrs. Herman Wippern, the
young woman recently restored to her
parents in Boyd county, after having
been kidnapped eighteen years before,
to continue long without its incident
of myster. At 10 a. m. Mrs. Wippern
went downtown at Butte, to shop. She
left her 1-year-old baby in its trundle
bed at home, sound asleep and appar
ently in the best of health. When she
returned a half hour later she found
her baby unconscious and it was soon
after dead.
May Sue Lincoln School District
A movement is on foot to recover
from the school district of Lincoln
some $40,000 or $50,000 alleged to oe
due the state, because in years past
Lincoln census takers have enumerat
ed students attending the State uni
versity as residents of Lincoln and
thus received many thousands of dol
lars of the semi-annual school appor
tionments to which the district was
not entitled. Just how much money
the Lincoln school district has man
aged to get from the state through
this manner will soon be figured out
The Burlington ice house at
tings was destroyed by fire.
In South Omaha in October
were 33 births and 27 deaths.
Ernest Guthrie, of Wyraore, an in
corrigible, has been sent to the reform
It is said that the old Hammond
packing plant in South Omaha is to
be re-opened.
Norfolk claims to be the only town
in the state where the cigarette law is
rigidly enforced.
Articles of Incorporation were field
by the Crete Butter Tub company, cap
italized at $10,000.
A stock barn and machinery shed
belonging to J. F. Wheeler near Mil
ard, Douglas county, was burned.
The York Gas and Electric Light
company has about finished laying
pipes and completed the gas plant
Ex-Mayor Bemis of Omaha, has
been awarded a verdict of $5,942 for
injuries received by a billboard fall
ing upon him and breaking his leg.
At Bartley, Mrs. Frances Robinson
fell from a buggy and died in a few
minutes. She was the widow of Thos.
Robinson, who died only a few days
The Beatrice Commercial club will
hold a meeting to make plans to
reach out after the proposed Missouri
Pacific extension from Virginia to
that point.
George von Haller, sentenced to the
penitentiary for twelve years for the
murder of Morris D. Rees at Omaha
some time ago, has appealed the case
to the supreme court
Captain E. C. Pickett of Broken Bow,
of Company M, departed for Fort
Crook, where he will take a thorough
course in military training, under ap
pointment from the governor.
The Cass county mortgage record
for October is as follows: Farm mort
gages filed, 15, amount $31,660; re
leased, 17, amount $1830'. City
mortgages filed, 11. amount 5,000; re
leased. 14, amount $4,962.
R. C. Harris, register of the United
States land office at Sidney, has re
signed his office. Failing health is
given as his reason, his eyesight being
so bad that he can no longer attend to
the duties of the office.
Governor Mickey has not yet named
a successor to Judge Babcock of Bea
trict court of the second district A
number of applications have been filed
with the governor and it is likely that
the man will shortly be named.
Alex Weddle was in Auburn, from
his home in Buffalo county, where he
has resided for the past twelve years.
Mr. Waddle was born in Nemaha
county in the year 1855 and history re
lates that he was the first white child
born in the county.
Hally Madison of Greeley county was
bound over to the federal court at
Grand Island, on the charge of Ille
gally shipping quail and prairie chick
ens under the name of "sauerkraut"
last winter. The district court of the
state recently dismissed Madison on a
similar charge.
Th Interstate Telephone company
filed with the register of deeds of
Richardson county a mortgage of
$750,000 in favor of the Pioneer Trust
company. The mortgage is given to
secure an issue of bonds by the inter
state company, proceeds to be used In
extending their system.
Th Omaha postoffice receipts for Oc
tober were the largest for a single
month in the history of the office. The
increase over the corresponding month
or last year was 17,748.47. The re
ceipts for October of this year were
$54,u5.61. Last year for the same
month they were $46,957.14.
The Rock Island railroad filed in
the office of the secretary of state the
minutes of the last meeting of the
board of directors. The minutes show
that a resolution was adopted increas
ing the amount of indebtedness which
the company was allowed to assume to
$275,000,000, not counting the bonds
issued for the construction or acces
sion of new roads.
Wallfried Jacobson of Hamilton
county, died from the burns received
while trying to save the life of his
wife from fire. This makes three lives
lost from that country fire and two
little girls yet badly burned. These
lives were lost as a result of using
kerosene to light a fire. The same
family lost a child in Omaha by burn
ing to death from the careless use of
Brewing companies and other manu
factories cannot use the national flag
as a trade-mark. This the supreme
court decided in upholding the McCIay
law to prevent the desecration of the
flag of the United States. Halter to
Hayward. saloonkeepers of Omaha, rep
resenting the Willow Springs brew
ery, were arraigned for using the flag
as a trade-mark on bottled beer man
ufactured by this concern. They were
fined in the lower court of Douglas
county and appealed on tie ground
that the law was unconstitutional.
In an altercation, John NoMe, a
retired farmer living in Sutton, as
saulted Cooney Urbach with a ham
mer, inflicting three serious wounds
on the side of his head and fracturing
his shoulder bone. The trouble arose
in a dispute over the possession of a
stalk field.
The next legislature probably will
not have to make an appropriation for
a state bounty on wolf scalps, as
wolves seem to becoming scarce in
Western Nebraska. Deputy Auditor
Cook reports that bounties for several
months have not averaged more than
$100 per month.
Mousel Bros, of Cambridge, sold
their herd bull, Princeps IV, to parties
from La Crosse, Wis., for $1,750. This
is the highest price paid for any single
animal in the state for some time.
This bull will be entered In all the
leading shows of the United States
next r.ear.
The mortgage returns for Otoe
county for the month of October shows
nine farm mortgages filed to the value
of $23,600 and four released of the
value of $8,100. On town and village
property there were eleven mortgages
filed of the value of $7,627.2$ and seven
released whose value was f4.358.50.
Absolute Power of the Caar.
Popular Representation a Farce.
Peasants Practically Slaves.
Personal Liberty dead.
Censorship of the Press.
Privacy of Mails Unknown.
Education a Make-Believe.
A limited Monarchy.
A Cabinet Responsible to the People.
A Parliament Chosen by the People.
Immunity of Person.
Freedom of Press.
Right of Habeas Corpus.
Freedom of Education.
The prediction that the czar would
grant Russians a constitutional gov
ernment, or something like unto it,
has been verified. Count de Witte's
Count Sergius de Witte.
Born in Tlflis. Caucasia. 1849.
Descendant of family of Dutch
grants to Russia.
Graduated from mathematical sciences
department Novorossisk University. 1870.
Successively traction director, exploita
tion director and director-in-chief South
western railways. 1877-1888.
Director railway department, ministry
Of finance. 1889.
President tariff commission. 1889.
Minister of ways and communications,
Minister of finance. 1892-1896.
Financed and built Trans-Siberian rail
way. Reorganized Russian fimfnees, establish
ing' gold standard.
Secretary of state to the czar, 1896.
Privy councilor. 1899.
President of council of ministers. 1903.
Opposed war with Japan. 1903-1904.
Head of Russian delegation to negotiate
peace with Japan, 1905.
counsel has been heeded. The people
are to be given some "inalienable
rights" the right of assembly, free
dom of the press, and the writ of
habeas corpus. The national assemb
ly is to be converted into a real legis
lature with much greater powers than
those given the douma. The suffrage
is to be much extended. This should
pacify Russia, but it may come too
It is manifest that the policy of
coercion could nqJK longer be adhered
to. The reports as to the unreliabil
ity of the army are more detailed and
come from more points. One hears
of soldiers who refuse to fire on the
people, who desert, who mutiny. It
ib evident that the leaven of discon
tent is working among the troops, and
that the right arm of the autocracy
Is weakened. The people are losing
their fear of the soldiers as well as
of the priests. Every sign of timid
ity on the part of the autocracy em
boldens them.
No concessions the czar will con
sent to make will have much influ
ence on the social democrats and the
revolutionary socialists who have en
gineered the extensive strikes and
demonstrations which are reducing
the government to impotency. Their
simple creed is "land and liberty."
They demand for the peasants the
crown lands and those held by the
grand dukes and the large landed
proprietors. They demand universal
suffrange without distinction of race
or sex and the transfer of the powers
of government to a national assembly. j
Live the Simple Life.
Mrs. J. G. Phelps Stokes, bride of
the millionaire reformer, has solved
the servant problem by being her own
cook and housekeeper. Though they
might keep a large establishment and
many servants, the rich settlement
worker and his wife live simply in a
modest six-room apartment on the
East Side of New York city. Mrs.
Stokes' kitchen is in white enamel.
Not a speck of dirt can be found in
the whole flat, and she has made it as
homelike and artistic as a little nest
for two can be.
Conducts Novel Canvass.
Dr. Edward F. Bush, who Is running
independent for mayor of Mount Ver
non, N. Y., has a log cabin mounted
on a farm wagon and from this ad
dresses the voters nightly. The novel
outfit Is drawn by two white mules
and its coming is heralded by the
ringing of a bell. Dr. Brush urges
his hearers to send republicans and
democrats in the council in about
equal numbers, as he does not ap
prove of one party having complete
The peasants are rapidly being con
verted to belief In the creed that the
land belongs to those who- till it
Thefr education has 'gone so far that
peasant congresses are held in which
the large land owners, the state offic
ials, and the priests are denounced as
enemies. Even if peace shall be re
stored in the cities the increasing pop
ulation will remain to be dealt with.
The reforms in government conced
ed by the czar ought to pacify, and
probably will pacify, the educated
classes. They will gain all that they
can reasonably ask for. They should
place themselves on the side of the
government as against the social
democrats and revolutionary social
ists. The latter will not abandon
their campaign for "land and liberty."
It may be that the city workmen, who
are imbued with socialist ideas, will !
(Eighteenth of the
The Romanoff dynasty has ruled Russia for 392 years, or through near
ly four whole centuries, marked by bloodshed, massacre, assassination,
intrigue, conspiracy, and war.
In those four centuries the Romanoffs fought wars with nearly every
people In Europe. They fought Sweden, subdued Poland, subjugated the
Crimean provinces, overrun Livonia, dismembered Poland, and sent their
Cossacks like a scourge across the Caucasus until they had conquered
the center of Asia as far as the tomb of Tamerlane, and added all of Siberia
to the realms of the czar.
In those four centuries the Romanoffs fought wars with Sweden, Eng
land, France, Italy, Prussia, Austria. Hungary. Turkey, China, and Japan.
They fought with and against Napoleon. They helped Prussia against
France, and in turn joined France in crushing Prussia. Three times they
tried to conquer Turkey. Twice they tried to invade Persia. Their hand has
been against almost every nation, and ruler, and people in Europe. They
have been better hated and better feared than the members of any
reigning family that ever held a throne in modern Europe.
And yet these same Romanoffs, whose throne has been washed with
the blood of a million murdered subjects, until its steps were as crimson as
the velvet canopy above it, found Russia a horde of half oriental barbarians,
to a modern nation, one of the recog- to a modern nation, one of the recog
nized powers in the world. They developed commerce, established uni
versities, gridironed the empire with railroads, fostered religion, cultivat
ed art and science. Their ships ply every sea. Their railroads cross two
continents. They are rivals with England and the United" States in many
lines of commerce. Their lawyers are recognized in the international
courts of the world, their scientists are quoted in every laboratory, their
literature is in every modern library, and their music is recognized among
the classics.
The first Romanoff was Michael Feodorovitz who ascended the throne
in, 1613, after the assassination of Feodor I., last of the house of Rurik,
which had ruled for 700 years. He crushed a rebellion and ruled until
1645 in comparative peace. He was succeeded by his son Alexis, who in
his turn crushed a rebellion by hanging, burning, and torturing 7,000 pris
oners. Then came the son of Alexis, Feodor III., who ruled from 167C to 1682.
He left two sons, Ivan V. and Peter I. half brothers. They ruled jointly,
the real empress being Sophia, mother of Peter I. Sophia gave Russia the
bloodiest reign history had ever known up to that time. It all ended in
1696, when Ivan V. died. Then Peter I. asserted himself, and put his mother
in a convent.
The history of modern Russia really dates from the reign of Peter I.,
for he was that most famous monarch of all Russia, Peter the Great. He sig
nalized his entry into power by beheading 5,000 of his enemies. He was a
wonderful, enterprising, broad minded, cruel, bloodthirsty monarch, who
hanged, burned, tortured, and drowned his subjects, until all Russia was
one vast orgy of blood. .And yet Peter the Great built St. Petersburg, estab
lished the commerce of Russia, introduced modern culture, and died after
poisoning his own sen.
Catherine I., wife of Peter the Great, succeeded him in 1725. She was
as famous as she was infamous. She was succeeded by Peter II.. and then
by Anne, daughter of Ivan. Anne was the first ruler of Russia to banish
prisoners to Siberia. She thus exiled 40.000 of her subjects, and sent 10.
000 more to the scaffold.
Anne was followed by Ivan VI.. who was exiled and then assassinated.
A coup d'etat called Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, to the
throne in 1741, and she reigned through twenty years of intrigue and assassination.
Peter HI. mounted the throne In 1762, only to be murdered by his wife's
favorite in a few months. Then his wife. Catherine II., grasped the scep
ter and ruled, a dissolute empress, until 1796. Her son Paul succeeded her,
and in 1801 he was assassinated.
Then came Alexander I., the emperor who burned Moscow to prevent
its capture by Napoleon, and who afterwards marched his army to the
gates of Paris, compelled Napoleon to abdicate, and sent him an exile to
Nicholas I. came to the throne in 1825. He was a warlike ruler, and
his armies fought on every battlefield of Europe for thirty years. During
his reign 1,000.000 of his subjects perished in foreign wars.
Alexander II. began to rule in 1835. He was the most enlightened
ruler of the Romanoff dynasty. He liberated the serfs, and is remember
ed as the czar who sent a fleet to New York during the civil war to check
England's threats of recognizing the confederacy. He was assassinated in
1881 just as he was about to grant Russia a constitution.
Alexander HI. ruled from 1881 until
ceeded in 1894 by the present czar.
Monument Well Deserved.
In New Haven a memorial is to be
erected in memory of Cornelius S.
Bushnell. through whose efforts the
government was persuaded to accept
plans of the Monitor presented by
Ericsson. Connecticut has appro
priated $5,000 and more than that
sum has been raised by popular sub
scription. The monument will be
eighteen feet high and be surmounted
by a carved eagle with outspread
wings and bearing a suitable inscrip
tion on its shaft. The sculptor is
Herbert Adams.
New Fad of Fashionables.
Seeral leading society women in
eastern cities have .adopted the Eu
ropean idea of giving servants' dan
ces. The difference is that the Ameri
can social lights get up such entertain
ments for their servants as make
similar affairs abroad look common
place. Mrs. Seward Webb gives an
annual servants' ball and always
writes the invitations herself. Mrs.
Clarence Mackay's entertainments of
this kind are also of elaborate character.
refuse to be pacified. It Is possible
that their leaders will reason that
further agitation will secure more
There is greater hope for Russia
than there was last week, but one
cannot say positively that the worst
Is over. The foreign bankers who
have been at St. Petersburg to discuss
the placing of a new loan have post
poned negotiations. They are to
leave St. Petersburg to-morrow. Man
ifestly they have not sufficient con
fidence in the stability of the govern
ment to lend it a large sum at this
time. Notice was served on them
some time ago by the revolutionists
that future loans made while the
autocracy was in power would be re
pudiated after it was overthrown. The
bankers seem to think it may be over
thrown. Chicago Tribune.
1894 as a reactionary. He was suc-
Nicholas II.
Biped and Quadruped Hogs.
The Arabians may beat us on
horses and the Scotch on sheep dogs,
but when It comes to swine, America
takes the cake. Our breeds are nu
merous, but all are fat and gifted with
enormous squealing power. Witness
the squeals of the railroad hog when
it is even suggested that he is getting
rather more than his share of swill.
But there are others. There is the
private car hog. the steel hog. the
street railroad ho?, the insurance hog
all fat and ready for the butcher.
Portland Oregonian.
Deed for Imaginary Land.
The litigiousness of a man is illus
trated in an Illinois law suit. A deed
put a cloud upon the title to a certain
piece of land, and it was one of the
smallest clouds ever on a title. The
deed conveyed title to "the east vigin
tlllionith of a vlgintimmh of the
east l-64th Inch of 'o: l," etc. The
court remarked. w':h some show of
reason, that ": tract of land described
as the abo-e may perhaps be pictured
In thn imagination, but such a tract
cculu not be bounded."
IBBLste v '
ft i . .'V --.v v. AijH
Elephant Struck by Traiia.
Says the Shanghai Times: "Ran
goon papers record the rare event of
an elephant being run over by a train.
It happened at the 106th mile on the
Irrawaddy section of the railway. The
elephant was straying on the line. The
front portion of the engine was, of
course, somewhat damaged, as is only
to be expected, but nothing else oc
curred. There was no derailment of
Flays Free Use of Water.
Dr. K. Beerwald of Berlin is opposed
to the free drinking of water, so often
advised. He says: "Excessive water
drinking not only produces temporary
disturbance, it also creates direct or
ganic disorders; the heart and kidneys
are particularly affected by the excess,
and in these cases the vascular system
is overcharged and the heart and kid
neys overworked."
Suggestion to Motorists.
It is suggested that English awtor
ists might save trouble, time and ex
pense by each carrying a supply of
live chickens and geese on his car
to replace, on the spot, those he kills.
Ask Your Neighbors.
Gelatt, Pa., Nov. 6th (Special)
Mrs. H. W. Sterns, a well respected
resident of Gelatt, tells in convincing
words, what Dodd's Kidney Pills have
done for her. She says:
"I was a great sufferer from Rheu
matism, caused through my Kidneys
being out of order. I was subject to
it for years. It would take me with
out warning, and while the attack
lasted I was so lame I could not get
around. So I had to send for Dodd's
Kidney Pills. I took them for three
days, but didn't feel much benefit, but
on the fourth day I noticed a great
change, the lameness in my back was
gone, and the pains I used to suffer
were less. I kept on with Dodd's Kid
ney Pills and now I am glad to say
I have no lameness nor pain of any
kind. I feel as if I didn't know what
Rheumatism was. I shall never be
without Dodd's Kidney Pills in the
house, and I bless the day I first heard
of them.
A Biq Claim.
I have all my life been made awaro
when death has seized or danger
threatened those I love. Thus no fear
of evil tilings ever disturbs me. so
certain am I that if the worst of all
calamities befel, 1 should know it on
the instant of its happening, without
the need of any human agency. Hel
en Mathers in the Daily Graphic.
Startling Method of Protection.
Dr. Barnardo,' the London philan
thropist, had a startling way of pro
tecting the papers upon his desk from
the devastatingly tidy housemaid. In
a waste paper basket under the study
table basked two snakes. This "work
ed like a charm," according to a per
sonal friend of the doctor's.
Brides Remain Hidden.
At a Yezedee marriage the bride Is
covered from head to foot, and when
she reaches her new home she hides
behind a curtain, where she stays for
eight days, and no one can see her. At
Druse the bride is hidden with a red
veil, which is first removed is the
bridal chamber.
MAh, There's the Rub!"
If the victim of unrequited love can
only manage to hold out until the girl
has been married nine or ten years and
is trying to raise a family and do her
own housework, he is almost sure to
be able to get over it. Chicago Record-Herald.
Hot Biscuits, Griddle-Cakes, Pies and
The food that made the fathers
Jtrong is sometimes unfit for the chil
dren under the new conditions that
our changing civilization is constantly
bringing in. One of Mr. Bryan's neigh
bors in the great state of Nebraska
"I was raised in the South, where
hot biscuits, griddle-cakes, pies and
paddings are eaten at almost every
meal, and by the time I located in
Nebraska I found myself a sufferer
from indigestion and its attendant
ills distress and pains after meals,
an almost constant headache, dull,
heavy sleepiness by day and sleep
lessness at night, loss of flesh, impair
ed memory, etc. etc.
"I was rapidly becoming incapaci
tated for business, when a valued
friend suggested a change in my diet,
the abandonment of heavy, rich stuff
and the use of Grape-Nuts food. 1 fol
lowed the good advice and shall al
ways be thankful that I did so.
"Whatever may be the experience
of others, the oeneflcial effects of the
change were apparent In my case al
most Immediately. My stomach,
which had rejected other food for so
long, took to Grape-Nuts most kindly;
in a day or two my headache was
gone, I began to sleep healthfully and
before a week was out the scales
showed that my lost weight was com
ing back. My memory was restored
with the renewed rigor that I felt in
body and mind. For three years now
Grape-Nuts food has kept me in prime
condition, and I propose it shall for
the rest of my days.
"And by the way. my 2 year old
baby is as fond of Grape-Nuts as I am.
always insists on having it. It keeps
her as healthy and hearty as they
make them." Name given by Postunt
Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. There's a
Read the little book "The Road t
.Wellville" in pkgs.
J f