.sarasastsissszassassaesaaBBS! i i&ssses&p MesS.raliiAr. is-Att fkViScSl 1 IV. Ill 1 I ' 4? i lip II I' Ffj! ikS'i e n 1 t- o fkoaineat Physicians ad Chemists CALUMET Baking Powder Perfect In Quality Economical in Use Moderate in Price Platte Center. Mr. James Lee and Miss Joseph ilen neey were married at St. Joseph's church at Platte Center at 9:30 Wednesday morning. Rev. Father Syamith officiat ing. The bride wore white silk, a white veil and carried white roses. The groom wearing the customary black. They were attended by Mr. D. Lee and Miss Gertrude Hennesy. The contracting parties are among our most popular young people and have a host of friends who vie in wishing them the best life af fords. Mr. Ben Nilson and Miss Hattie Keel er, both of the Wattsville neighborhood west of town were married in Columbus Wednesday. Mr. Nielsoa is a prosper ous young farmer and Miss Keeler is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Keeler, pioneer settlers of Platte coun ty. These young people are well and favorably known in this locality and have many friends who wish them only the best. Mrs Grace Dockborn of Arcadia, Neb., has been visiting friends here for several days. The dance at Henry hall last Friday was rather poorly attended. However those present report a fine time. D. D. Roberts is the hardest worked man in town these days. Between buy ing hogs and trying to make people be lieve that he believes a single democrat ic nominee will be successful this fall. Denny said one day last week, for ten dollars worth a certain republican candi date would be defeated. He got a tele gram next morning 'saying that there was a five sent drop and unloaded to n sympathizer at a few cents below par. Politicians galore' . number of candi didates have been here this week, among them John Graf, nit. We are all Lus ienskimen up here. Mr. Joseph Lamb of University Place came up Saturday to look after his farm northwest of town. By the way, Mr. Editor, publisher or what ever you may call it, of the Signal, is it not a fact that the republican can ditatea that you spoke of as not having lived in the county long enough to be interested, have any one or all of them been here longer than yourself; Well they are pretty much interested just now, and from the tracks that the court house gang are making it would appear that they too were becoming interested. We wonder why! The new High school building is pro gressing very satisfactorily and the building will be ready for occupancy about January 1. Edwin Hoare lost a fine driving horse Tuesday. Hello Denny! What are hogs worth? What odds are you giving on election today? Called. A stranger drifted into town Friday evening and after imbibing freely want ed to make his lied in the gutter. Can't do that here, we have a place for drunks Ed. Lnsienski will make as good a county clerk as he is a ball player. He is always in the game. Home run old man. Ditto Doc Morris. Mr. L N. Jones was in town Wednes day on his way home from South Dako ta and he reports quite a snow falltlierr. Also said Joe Frevert is as fat and jolly as ever and is improving his homestead nicely. Sorry we couldn't sandwich in a little politics but we don't talk it up here, just do things, see! Mt Pleasant. M. H. Oailes and wife, after a brief visit with Mt Pleasant friends retained to Beatrice Monday. Shell Clark and son spent Sunday ia Oolambns. L. Jastns went to Omaha on business this week. J. B. Weloh went to Columbus Saturday to visit his wife at St Mary 'f hospital . Lomis Crunn is suffering with a spraiaed wrist. Z Messrs. Will Binner and Fred Frank of Iowa are husking corn in Mt Pleasant neighborhood. Melooate Marshall and family visit ed their parents Sunday. kilAAAAAAAAAAAAkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkAAAkkkkkkkkkkA The Home Meat Market The best of everything in the eating line. Meals at all hours, day or night t Fresh Fish and Game in Season . . ? Herman Kersenbrock J JOVVVVVVVWFVVV. by LINDSAY The Opinion. By their refusal to prcai'yo needed reform?, the democratic randidates virtually nncennce that thy wonlil rather bo defeated than to qnir. graft ing the taxpayers So bo it. Throughout this campaign the de mocratic papers and the democratic candidates have lonillv announced that the candidates were akius for bup port on their "records;" and yet it seems impossible to get one of them to really talk afcont those records. Whenever a republican paper takes thorn at their wont and begins to hunt up the records ot these men and tell rho peoplf about tbPin the demo cratic riegsters and newspapers begin to yell "Liar' Mudslinger!" etc. The Opinion Ims a notion to offer n prize to anyone who can get a demo cratic Candida;) o a ilomocratio newspaper iu Platte county to really discus the iccord of a democratic coantv candidate not his record as a 'good fellow" bnt his local record. Leigh I From the World Gerd Asche sr., returned Taer.day cvrn n from a trip to PtMbodj, Ivan s', and Enid, Oklahoma. Xornvin Markhim and (ilfiin Deity rHurded Monday nojn from Wheeler county whert they h ivo been on a weeks huniiug o-V-'ur-ion. They had a One hunt and brought back a big bag of game. Woodville. Superintendent Leavy was visiting the schools ia Woodville township thip week. He spent Wednesday nicht with his old friend Frank Kieruan, taking dinner Thursday with Kay Clark. He was also looking after nis political fences. Miss May Covins of Mt. Pleasant is spending the week with Mrs. J. V. Currier. Miss Mand Abernathr and Miss Mcrv Thompson were Albion visitors Saturday. The young ladies missel the last train and so wem obliged to spend a little more time in the conn re seat tbau thsy had intondeil. Mr. and Mrs John Fiuch toak tea with G. W. Price and family Saturday evening. Mrs A. S. Fonda of St. K:iwarri visired s. Kay Clark jv few day3 .this week. J. E. Weldon, Lawrence Clark and Will Mahon wero hunting ducks over on the Loop Saturday and Sanday. Mrs. Weldon stuved with Mrs. Mahon during the boys absence. Doctor and Mrs. Ola Britell tea Wednesday evening with Mr. took and Mrs. Roy Clark. Grandpa aud grandma Finch of St. Edward spent Thnday and Friday with their 6on, Will. Andrew Chnstcnson of Gregory, S. D , arrived in Wordville Tuesday. He will assist J E. Weldon through earn husking Andrews many friends were very glad to seo him. Horn, to Mr. and Mre. Lou Faliuor, Friday. Ocrober 27, a girl. Several of the Woodville ladies attended tte Ladies Aid society held at Mrs. J. W. Fonda's last Wednesday. William L. Smith of Monroe, re publican candidate for County Treas rer, was in the neighborhood this week doing a little political work. DON'T FORGET to help the Jour nal swell its subscription list to 2,0C0. Many new names are coming in. Read the Journal ads this week, if you waut to see what the advertisers think of the Journal as an advertising medium. Through Tourist Cars If you elcet to go to Caliomia in a trourist. car, as many d you need not wait for certain davs, but can go any day in the week on the Union Pacific, as this line runs daily toutiot cars to the Pacific Const and personal lv cendncted excursions four times a week. Double sleeping car berths. Tickets on sale every day. Inquire of It W. H. EENHAM. Route 4. Mrs. Schonlow of Omaha is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Al Butler this week. Mrs. Thomas Shaffer gave a delight ful nallowe'en party to abont twenty five guests last night. '1'he house was decorated with jacko'lanterns. Stories and games amused the guests till mid nigos when lunch vran Fervod. The guests were all costumed ns guests. Mr. x. E. Campbell and daughter jJnzin entertained the Vesta circle last Thur-day iu celebration of the first anniversary of !be organization. Tea was served is the evening Mrs. Grace Bark horn left this week for her home in r -ndia alter s-veral weeks visit among friends at Oconee. Rot Doods left for Portland. Ore., last Light. Ed. Mayberger is hauling lumber for a new corn ciib. Mtts Kelso was called to Lincoln la t Wednesday by at telegram an nouncing the very critical condition of her bister. Mm John Burky of U lysis, who had undergone an opera tion ar St. Elizabeth's hospital. She rer.ched the bedside of her sister jnst before her death. The following marriage license were issued lat week : Benjamin L Nel son and Hattie M. Keeler. Monroe, William H. Cur, Lincoln r.nd Cather ine A. Burgess, Collego View; Mike .1. Duraneki and Lucy BorowiaV. Co lumbus; John Bugher and Lottie Ruseli, Oconee. F. T. Walker and a number of capi talist of David City snd Lincoln have opened up an office at Warneta Chase count v. Neb. The name of the con cern will be the Wanneta Falls Land Co., and they have secured control of 30,000 acres of farm land in Cbae Hitchock and Duady counties, wh:ch they are goinng to pat on the market on November 1st, 1903 J. M Curtis, police judge agairst whom the council ordered impeach mont proceedings for his alleged re fusal to correctly record certain com plaints, and who on his part refused "to make fish of ono aud fowl of an other, has resigned and is absent to look after a position as telecraph onerator for the Great Northern. William O'Bnonwa? appointed police judge to fill the vacancy until another election. Myron Gray sustained a fracture of the large bono of hie lower leg about four inches abave the ankle during the Columlms-Kearney foot, ball game Inst Saturday Although the bone was broken squarely off, young Gray went into the game and played for two downs. Then his father C. C. Cray induced him to quit and under go an examination. Gray is one uf the strongest; players on the Columbus team and his injury in the early part of the game caused Columbus defeat. Ho will not be able to get into the game again this year. Were you visted by ghosts Tuesday night? The Idlers ten ic nnmber, dressed, in white shoes and spooky white clothes went around town, and at each house visited, opened tho doer without the ceremonv of knockmr, and in ghostly array, marched through the house, aud wherever fruit was standing on tho tibia they helped themselves to it, and left by the back door as silently and mystorously as they had come. After travelling aronnd until their ghostships wore rire.l. they repaired to the home of Mrs Julius Nichols where they were served cake and ice cream. I FOR SALE! j , Tno 8u.nnro -foi.m nkn.iC 1 5 and 1-2 miles east and 1-2 mile north ot Columbus, just east of the farm of H. E. Babcock, now occupied by Ed Morrow; SO acres of good land; present price, $65 per acre. Also for sale, sw4 sw4, sec. 15, twp. 19, rg. 1, east, just west of the farm of H. E. Babcock, about 1 1-4 miles east of Columbus; nnimprov'd land. This is close to the city and will make a splendid home. Price is very low, $40 per acre. Apply to Leonard Everett t8 Paari St. Council Bluffs, la. LEGAL NOTICE. Oliver ( LofelibanKii, otherwise known ai O. 0. Lo-lilmiJ'.-h. Levi Li-Ii!):i'jk!i, Ma (Jri-soin ami William (iri.-om defendant-, will tako no tice t'mt on the 17th il.ij of Octo!r, 1W, IVrry 11 Ijnshbaash, ilaintifT, herein filul his petition in the Di-trict Cosrt or Platte County, Ne braska, against said defendantf, (impleaded with another.) the object and prayer of which ar" to reinire defendants to t.et forth the nature of any claim or claims they may ha in the following J'sniSte'l nreraise. to-wit. Th" north half of lot nnni'iHTtt) and I he north half of l.t unnilxrn) ia block iiuinlxr one hundred and it i IiXi in tho city of Columbus I'latte coanty, Kibmka; that all adverse claims to Nid premis? may bo de:ermine.l by a decree of feaid District Court of I'latte County, Nebraska; that a decree may ! entered by eaid conrt wherein it may be declared and adjudged that defendants have no estate, interest, claim or lien of any kind whatsoever in, to or upon said premises; that title maybe declared good and valid in plaintiff in fee simple; that the dofen danU and all persons claiming by, through and under them may be forever enjoined and de barred from asserting any claim, right title, interest, or lien in to and upon said premises. You are reqnired to answer said petition on or Iwiore the 27th day of Xovemlwr, 1!KT. I'EI'.KY E. LOSIIUAUGH, Plaintiff. 1L W. IIobabt, Att'y. for Plaintiff. AHATTI-ROFHiAUH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS KO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos- phatlc acid 1CYAJ. BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW Mr. E. E. Fitpatrick is reported seron-ly ill again. Telephone No. 74, Weaver & Son for gcoi coal. Born, to Mr. and Sirs. Thomas Adiua3 VtinB(lAy, November 1, a danghter. Mrs. Cnas. Dack went to Olarinda, Ia , Monday for a visit of several weeks with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. 6. A. Young of Lin coln arrrived Monday night for a week's visit with relatives. Leland Waters, who had an slight operation on his throat Saturday, ia diiig nicely and has returned to school at the convent. Miss Minnie Mo Mahon returned Tuesday night f. o n a visit of several weeks at Geneva ith her 6iter, Miu Lida McMahon, who accompanied her home, retnrning to Geneva today. Manvitz Landenbere was brought before William O'Brien anting police judjre. Tuesday and fined 1 and costs fur allowing a cow to ran at large in violation of a citv ordinance. He appealed the case to the district court. At the Congregatonal church Sun day morning, Rev. Minro will dis cusp, the Great Exemplar, answering incidentally the question : "Is Hull horbt a Heretic. " lathe evening, a political sermon. Bow should we vote at next Tuesday's election." Lafit night was hallo we 'en and of courso more or less devilment was carried out by the boys. No damage has been reported and the way our police conducted matters made the merrymakers loath to meddle with people's property. A few coal sheds und other small buildings were turned star-board and aside from a few of these small maneuvers nothing of un usual note occured. Joe Casev has a very sore knee. Me is lucky not-to have a broken leg. He drove into the country Monday for a load of hay. He loaded the hay alright and after riding a few miles homeward bound, his horses missed the main traveled road and the hay. Joe Casev and the wagon went into the ditch. Joe is still on earth but dcelares tbat a few more accidents like the last one may lead to serious re sults. GROTON Creston snliscribers may pay subscriptions It Sidney Eastman at the t'reeton Pharmacy, uf jou haveanthingto buy or sell, see Mr. East man and let him advertise it in the leading Ikiimt of Platte county. Journal ads ala do the business. Advertise in your home paper hist. Supplement that with Journal advertis ing I E. A. Junes, M. D. yeon. Call promplv Vhy siciun and sur uiiaWLTcd day and nitflit. H. G. MORRIS, M. D. Call Creston Pharmacy. Calls promptly answered bay or night. Creston, Nebraska. We are headquarters lor everything in Drug sun dries, Paints, Wall Paper and Painter's Supplies. Prescriptions a specialty CRESTON PMMUCY &$$$ CATARRH lyvs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Spsclflc, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives awav a Gold in the Head Ileatcres the Senses of Taste and 8m Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, SO cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY MOTHERS, 5t Warraa ft, Ntw Ytrfc, Soda Crackers and That is the kind of pillows we keep and recommend, tbem how comfortable and restful they are. Sold By WANTED: -500 new subscribers to the Journal daring the next sixty days to make our list 2000. Send in yonr name or yonr friend's name now. Hollowe'e Party. The Hallowe'en party (riven ly Prof. and Mrs. E. V. Graves for was a delightful success, was decorated and lighted the Junior The houet- ffith jack-'o lanters, appropriate to the occasion. The place cards at the table hnd jack-o'lttn. tern designs, and at each plate stood a candle set in an apple. In a dark room stood an im pro visaed coffin, with Hora tio Adams in it, looking a very life like corpse. Into this dark room the Jun iors were led one at a time. Screaming was the principal occupation here. Prof and Mrs. Graves had devised a very clever guessing game which we pnblisb for its ingenuity, with the answers. The questions were to be answered by the name of some one in the high school. They were: 1. Which one uf the. foot ball team makes the best light? Gass. 2. What is a popular way of crossing a-river? Boen. 3. What usually brings a rainy day? McCloud. 4. What bread do doctors prescribe for good health? Graham. 5. What is a popular outdoor game for girls? Hockey. 6. Into what is our last step on earth? Graves. 7. ' Whose forefather cot canned? Adam. 8. How do Jr. eirls dress differently than others? Neater. 9. Who is a namesake of one of our presidents? Hays. 10. Give a good seasoning. Mace. 11. What great general is represent ed in high school? Sherman. 12. What boy in high school will make a literary man? -Seeder. 13. Who has one of our great authors for a namesake? Byron. li. What is it about the head tbat signifies old age? Gray. 14. Who is the heroine of "The Lit tle Minister?" Bab. Moataia Buffalo lobes. We desire to call your attention to our Montana Bnffulo Itobes. Those robes are the warmest, most durable und water proof. Prices are from $7 to S9 for best large size. tf L. W. Weaver & Son. COAL. For hard coal, furnace coal and all kinds of soft coal Newman $ Welch. ia Cbiaa Paiatng- Mrs. Graves will give lessons in china painting beginning November 1st. Also take orders for Christmas work. 21 any-thin yon choose aulk for instance or alone. At every meal or lor a winch between meals, when yon feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant corner, in the morninf when you wake hungry, or at night Just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at times when yon could not think of eating anything else. Bnt as in all other things, there is a difference in sod crackers, the superlative being Uneeda Biscuit a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is preserved for you. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY aktatatafafei HENRY GASS, Columbus, Nebraska. " JliTiTisTHilgsaWMMaiaaTirM ibbbbbI n wrTt!ZIIiiiiTitt--"iTri,fciiilii'wu'twtt iuui' ggfMfcj.ggSigf H M m ti in.nituw.mntH MtiiMH Hntwtim'w f tilifcm-'tt tinTiT I XdabkrYeparationfofAs- B I simjIalingieFoodandBegula- I biicStoutfcsalBowcisof m I vBBBBaaaaaiaMiaaaBB D RonolesDigedtionJCfaerFul 9 ness and RestContains neither H r ijjuiiiui ;n uui mil pMMj H vMvMBiaaaB'aBBBBaaaaBBva H Aperfecl Remedy forCoaslipa- m lion. Sour StOBUCh.Diarrtwca m Worms.Convulsions.Feverish- M ncss And Loss of Sleep, m Facsimile Stihiahtre of Bh NEW YORK. m EXACT C0TY QT WRAPKR. I Girts rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach. tfred stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure Miinfwa.sj.wm I Sold by Chms. H. sftss tfss sVosf SHRssaf 4 assess m r F I Clean House Means Clean Pillows A lot of people use the same pillows too loni;. Just lecauo a pillow is covered and jou can't see the dirt is no indication thai the dirt is not there. The careful housekeeper will not keep her old pillows too loin and to insure com fort in the new ones jhe will be certain that they are tha famous Emmerich pillows bearing this tajj c. &. Yoa know when you sleep ob w m -j 6AST0RU For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years mm iwiww. mcw toub cnr. Dyspepsia Cure JtaNMnckuttol Dack, Dnusist. AW i -a Hi1 fl atlt :- 'J dMUUMklMM i--fe . rf- 1fcU.' -A4 -m& j TV-; i