" 1 TNlmlaligUtoSrfhr Q. Whatlstflebesinnlaiof A. Constipation. Q. Vtut is Constipatioa? A. FaUnre of the bowels to carry oS the waste matter which lies in the alimentary canal where it decay and poisons tee entire system. Eventually the results are d-aih under the Btaeot some other disaj.-. Note the deaths trom typhoid Jever and appendicitis, stciaaca and bowel trouble at the prefect time. Q. What causes Constipation? A. Neglect to respond to the call of nature promptly Lack of eserci. Excessive brain "work. Mental emotion and improper diet. Q. What are the results of neglected Cocrti pation? A. Constipation causes more suffering than any other disae. It cn.se" rheumatism. cols. fevers, stomach, to1! k:dney lung and heart troubles, etc It 1-. the one diaea.se that starts all others Indisron dyspepsia, diarrhea, loss it sWp and str"nifih arr; its syirptoms piles, appendiciti and nstuia, are caused by Constipa tion. Its conjurnces are known to all phy sicians, but few suSerrs realize thir condition until it i too late. Women become mr!i-med invalids as a result of Constipation. Q. Do physicians recaen'ze this? A. Ye. The first quttion your doctor asis you is "are you constipated?" That is the secret. Q. Can it be cured ? A. Yes, with proper treatment. Th common error is to resort to physics such as pills, salts, mineral watr. castor oil intlona. etc . every one of which is injurious. They weaken and increase the malady. You know this by your own experience. Q. "SVaat then should he done to cure it ? A. Getabottleof Mull's Grape Tome at once. Mull's Grape Tocic will positively cure Consti pation and Stomach Trouble in the shortest space of time. No other remedy has before been known to cure Constipation positively a&d per xcanently. Q. What is Mull's Grape Tonic ? A. It is a Compound with 40 per cent of the juiceof Oracord tiixps. It exerts a peculiar strengthening healing influence upon the intes tine, so tbut they can do their work unaided. The process is gradual but sure. It is not a physic, but it curs Constipation. Dysentery. Stomach and Bowel Trouble. Havln a rich, fruity grape Savor it is pleasant to take. As a tonic it is unequalleii. insuring the system against disease. It strengthens and builds up waste tissue. Q. Where can Mull's Grape Tonic b had ? A. Yonr druggist sells it. The dollar bottle f contains nearly three times the 30-cent size. 8oo4 fa ailing Cbildxsa asd Harsiag Btotfcsrs, A free ottl" to sll who hare neTer used It because we know it will cure you. 124 FREE BOTTLE. 1 1403 Send this coupon with Tour name and ad dreia and your druxirist's same, for a free bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic for Stomach and Bowels, t JsXtlVS GRAPK TONIC CO.. 18 Third Arl ae. Rock Island. Tlltnnsa Gin JWI JLddrat and WriU JHaitCf. The SI 00 bottle contains nearly three times the 30c size. At druz stores. The genuine has a date aa.1 number stamped on the label take no other from your druggist. Tkfc-eTOWBD POMMEL SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND 30LD FOB A QUAETaOFAONIUK LIKE ALL jSsWAIBWOOF 3555 Qoum It is safe of the bet ttotenab. in black or jtfow. fully (uannteei tad sol4 bjr rckUc dcslcrs cvcrwhcrc. STICK TO THE SIGN OF TH FISH. CANADIAN CO.! a JTowea co. sotoM.rtAu.ua. TOeONTO. CAM. W. L. Douglas m. ka n m aa n mm S & w wMwtwL1 ' H. L. Douglas 94.00 Cilt Edge Line ' cannot be equalled at any price. ! WAOOUGLMMMSMmMMIIOMfLLM mome MEm'M B MMOEM TMMM MMY OTHER MUkmiiFAC CIO Ortl REWARD to MYcns wfta ean IU,UUU diapravt tms statemsnt W. L. Doagla $3.50 shoes bare by tbeir ex ceUent tle. aasy fitting, and sureriorwearniK' qualitiea. achieved theUrjest sale of any $3.50 sftoe in the orld. Vtiev are Just as good a thow that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the ely ainerenca is te price, if I could take you into my factory at Brockton. Mass.. the larxest in the world under one roof snaking men's fine i xJfSmmwf I l VkaaH gi vjv r m a TLBBBW BS?. ' P mtW i fiSgiSi! l shoes, and Sow you the care with which every J at onc. Xot alone because it is guar w"bv04Pl.B!5o sVi,ETil! anteed by the manufacturers to be su ri&.crtia'S. SSl"" I perior to any other brand, but because it 1 coula how ou the difference between the each 10c package contains IS ozs.. shoes ssaJe in mr factory and those of other ' while all the other kinds contain but makes. ou would understand why Douttlas ' ozs j. Is safe to say tnat the lady ttT.ZSX&Jft -0 once uses Defiance Sarch will use grater Intrinsic iue than aay other $3.50 no other. Quality and quantity must shoe on the market to-day. win. W.L. toanjfos tr0 tmudm ! rest B2.SO.02.OO. Bmy'MmhmmlA az.ao, 92. si.73,9i.sa CAUTION. Is:st apon h tris W.IImic- las !hv. Tke ao sulwtjtnt. None cnuine without hi nnie xnd price stamped on bottom. WAXTED. A ho dealer in eTTTtowTSirhere W. L. Douglas Shi' are not sold. Fall line of aropl?fl sens fre fr inspection upon request. Fast Cofer fyeeti uteii- tt-ej will rat cear brassy. Writ for MnstrrM Catalog of Fall Stvlea. IV. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mass. COMFORTER A confuted vein pressisg en a nerve accounts for the swelling, throbbing ache of Neuralgia St. Jacobs Oil frees the circulation, allays the prsssurs and soothes away the pain. Pric. 35c. avxad 50c. 25 Cts. rT0 CURE THE fiRPj .WONECrYr JUMrlNE rWCWOBALFOR JSgtBF r EFIMCE STIRCI finest liaas. I BastCesxa Syrup. Tastes Giod. tsiH JIiUs5ctoby4raggstaB LAW URGED BY SELF-SEEKERS. Real Animus f Movement Against Remedies Deservedly Popular. An adroit bat plausible scheme by which it is hoped to prejudice the sale of riroprietary medicines is the propo si I, a to prohibit the sale of any rem edy which "contains poison" unless each package or bottle is expressly la beled "Poison." Such bills are also well designed to impose upon men who have no familiarity with the subject matter. The pretense of protecting the public health put forth in support of such bills is generally the merest subterfuge; and whenever you hear a demand for a law of this kind it originates with those who have a direct pecuniary interest to serve by destroying the sale of proprietary rem edies. Some of the best and most widely used remedies in the world contain some one Ingredient which, if taken in sufficient quantities, might be poi sonous, and yet the preparation as a whole is not poisonous at all. Opium, for instance, is used in small quanti ties in many of the best cures for coughs, colic, diarrhea, etc, in tooth ache drops and in almost all liniments. To require such medicines to be false ly labeled "poison" would be merely a cunning device to alarm the public and thus bring about the destruction, of the sale of those remedies, and in directly to compel people to procure the medicine they want by the more expensive method of consulting a phy sician and getting his prescription. In other words, it is an effort to prevent them from getting cheaply the reme dies which they and their fathers be fore them have used for many years. Medical exchange. HEALTHY CHILDREN. Without good health life is not worth living. Sickly, peevish chil dren are a source of endless trouble and anxiety to their parents, yet the ! children's condition is frequently due i to their parents' ignorance or thought lessness, or both. To make children healthy and to keep them in that condition it is nec essary to feed them proper food and to see that they get plenty of exer cise and fresh air. Meat is very bad for children. It should be avoided and food rich in phosphates, such as 1 Pillsbury's Vitas, should be given in its place. This food Is truly the "meat of the wheat." It is made by the world's greatest millers and it is free from artificial coloring or adulteration. It ! is not especially a child's food. Your whole family will enjoy this common sense cereal. It makes a wholesome, ' substantial breakfast or an appetiz- . ing dessert and can be prepared in one hundred different ways. ' Every good grocer will supply you I with Pillsbury's Vitos. Large pack- age enough to make twelve pounds of strength-building food. 13c, Rocky Mountain Territory, 20c. Ask your grocer about It to-day. Cactus Blossoms. The cactus Is coming Into fashion in England and Germany. A German ' writer maintains that cactus blossoms excel all others in variety and in beau ty of form and color. Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they ; will save not only time, because it Y never sticks to the iron, but because ' eaeh nackaee contains 16 oz. one full , pound while ail other Cold "Water ' Starches are put up in i -pound pack l ages, and the price is the same. 10 cent3. Then again because uenance Starch is free from all injurious chem- I icals. If your grocer tries to sell you I a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stocK on nana wnicn ne wisne? to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money , WK. . .w..-.. Ing. Defiance never sticks. Business in Lhassa. Lhassa. the Forbidden City of Thib- ai. , t- hnrI,nj rvrmTo rtrn-t-hirHs . """ "-" - -..-,.... 'of whom are women, who conduct all the business of the city. To the housewife who has not yet bcome acquainted with the new things i of everyday use in the market, and who is reasonably satisfied with the old. we would suggest tnat a trial or Defiance Cold water Starch be made Our worst enemies are the friends who have failed to find us profitable. Tltm. Wlnstow SootMnc Syrtrp. for ehlMr-n teet&ln. softens tne gsrs, reduces W flaaumi-ou.a:iji pain. carta wind cuUc Scabool Diamonds have been found in meteorites. ANTI-GRIPINE IS GtJAlUaMTXCD TO CTJUX GRIP, II COU, IEAIACIE All IEIIALUA. I woat Mil aM S3rtl to a dealer who won't CwJtrsatee Ik Call for roar MOSIT BACK IV IT BO.VT C17KC. V. W.Mem er,mM.,tlumtrwtniafHnafUt Mm. for strchia?,Ciaef Mm. SfllYtRir PtSt Cai-S. , ., . , ,- ,,.-.,,. Postal Card Co., Coney Island, N. V FOR rARMERS. Bay tie cheso- Alill hA en snd he. Send for prices. ww.. w iniean acaia ua vmua ill C&icacs Seals Ca SaSThMptM't Ejt Wtrtf j POLITICIANS ARE INVOLVED IN PENNSYLVANIA BANK SCANDAL THMOAS LEE CLARK. investigation which aligned with the old Quay machine Following an disclosed that the Enterprise Nation- al bank of Allegheny, Pa., was in solvent, T. Lee Clark, cashier of the institution for many years, committed suicide. One of the most sensational fea tures of the affair is the charge that Clark had loaned thousands of dollars to Pennsylvania politicians who were WWVWVWVWWVWWWWeAeeeAeeMeeeiWWWWMW BELIEF IN AN ERA OF PEACE Nations of the World Likely to Rest for Some Time. We are optimist enough to believe, as even the pessimist hopes, that an era of peace is at hand. Some, in deed, contend that its advent would be assured by some international agreement to reduce armaments. There seems, however, far stronger ground for holding that mischief would arise out of an international discussion on the subject than for ex pecting that it would hasten the mil lennium. The strong man armed Is the trustiest custodian of peace. It is not the best policed district that is the most exposed to the enterprises of the burglar. The growing cost liness of war in blood and treasure is the strongest guarantee against reck less recourse to it by any power that is not absolutely desperate. Under modern conditions the victor must be prepared to contemplate years of straitened means and painful sacri fices: bankruptcy and ruin are the probable penalties of the vanquished. The progress of science is doing as much as the advancement of morality to convince mankind of the hopeless wickedness of any war which is not undertaken in defense of national honor of national existence. London Telegraph. Delights of Fall Days. Given health and the physical ca pacity for appreciation of this season, and man feels the joy of living in its fullest extent. Mere existence is ex uberant. Its delights are the right and the possession of the poorest as well as the richest. There is no plu tocracy in nature. Wealth cannot buy the joys which the humblest may gather for themselves. And the in spiration for the future which comes with this season is universal. It is the time of new endeavor for new en terprises. The vigor which springs in the sound mind in the sound body under the impulse of this period makes for great accomplishment. The harvest of the fields has been gath ered, but for humanity it is the seed time of action. Boston Post. Awakening of China. Luella Minte, writing from Miss Pekin. says: "Few realize that al- i ready we have a new China, not quite ' steady as yet on her feet, nor quite sure of all that she blinks at with her i long-closed eyes, but full of real life ! and ambition. There are over sixty j high schools In Pekin. with an aver- age of over 100 pupils each. These are all schools of 'western learning' . and are closed en Sunday. One has ! six teachers, three of whom speak English well. A few in high power ! still hold to the old regime, but it will soon be swept away, and then changes will come suddenly. Four hundred millions are now in a state of transi tion, plastic, inquiring, and the church has never had such opportunity as now." Largest Drydcck in World. United States Consul Bardel of Eamberg. Germany, reports that to ward the end of the year 1305 the port of Hamburg will have the big gest drydock in the world. It is to have a lifting power of 33.300 tons; the largest dock at present lifts 17,- 500 tons. The largest ships of the mercantile marine can be decked in it. In building this dock care is taken that, if necessary, it can be transported to the lower Elbe, near Brunushausen. "vrhich, in the event of war, would be important. Pastor Refused Increased Salary. Dr. Robert Mclntyre, formerly of Chicago, is now pastor of the First Methodist church in Los Angeles. His congregation is so well pleased with his work that it was about agreed to advance his annual salary $1,000. When the doctor was informed re garding the matter he said with char acteristic impetuosity: If you do that I shall resign my pastorate." Re iteration of their desire by the dea cons had no effect, the preacher stick ing: to his first position, and so the taaideat closed. Frederick Gwinner, the aged presi dent of the institution, said: "Nearly $700,000 of the $500,000 state deposits of our bank is out on paper of state politicians. "W. H. Andrews has bor rowed nearly $400,000; Frank J. Tor rance has borrowed considerable I do not know how much. But the bank is solvent" WOMAN OWNER OF MANY TREES Mrs. Arthur Henry Takes Much Pride in Her Collection. Mrs. Arthur Henry, wife of the nov elist, probably owns more trees than any other woman in America. Some of them grow on the mile square tract which the Henrys possess up in the Catskills, but most of them grow on other people's land. Tree collect ing is Mrs. Henry's fad.. Whenever she sees an especially fine tree she goes to the people on whose land it stands and offers to buy it. Usually, when the owners find that she wishes neither to cut down nor to transfer the tree, but only to feel that it is hers they make her a present of it. Most of her trees are named and all of them have their pictures taken and filed away in an immense album. "My pet tree just now," she says, "is a eucalyptus out in Riverside, Cal. It's named Bernard Shaw. It's an original tree. It sheds its bark when other trees content themselves with shedding merely their leaves and it holds its leaves edgewise to the sun, so that the tree doesn't give a bit of comfortable shade to anybody. It's a tree that wouldn't conceal anything, least of all itself." STARTS AT FOOT OF LADDER. August Belmont III Enters Father's Banking House as Clerk. August Belccnt III. the third scion of the famous banking family, is soon to enter his father's banking house as a clerk. He is 22, but looks older. He is a trifle below medium height. Likf his father, he is an athlete, an ardent sportsman, a lover of horses, a good sailor, a fair boxer, a hard hitter and a simple liver. He dislikes notoriety and is less known to the public than any of the young men of New York destined to inherit many millions. The only time his nam h mmo into print has been in connection with sail-' ing his boats in regattas on the sound or in playing polo, a sport which he is as passionately devoted to as his father always has been and in which he plays almost as good a game as his father does. Proper Use of Spectacles. Spectacles, according to an ocnlist, often increase the eye trouble they are meant to correct because they are improperly used. "The man who needs glasses to read by, but not to see at a distance, often puts them on in a street car or similar place," says this oculist, "and then when he looks up still uses them for looking at things a little way ofT. This gradually changes the focus of the eye, so that he comes finally to see better with them than without them. Then he needs stronger glasses to read with, and the trouble gets worse and worse. One way to avoid this is to wear the reading glasses so low on the nose that they may be looked over instead of through when the glance is raised." Philadelphia Record. Grave of Patrick Henry. Inquiry is made now and then as to where Patrick Henry Is buried The orator lies in a quiet grave on the estate in Charlotte county, Virginia, where he formerly lived. Red Hill is the name of the estate, which is on the Staunton river, thirty-eight miles from Lynchburg. When Patrick Hen ry bought the place it comprised about 3,300 acres. One of the near est eighbors was John Randolph of Roanoke, fifteen miles away. Red Hill Is now owned fay Henry's grandson, W. "W. Henry. New York Tribune. All Copied Irving. Sir Henry Irving furnished the mod el for the typical actor of the comic papers. Xo actor was ever so much imitated by his co-professionals, and in their attempt to loik like Irving there was developed such exaggera tions of his manner and his appear ance that irresistibly called for cari cature as a type. Yet no man wu further from being of that type than Sir Henry. The fact merely adds an other proof, if any were needed, of the acknowledged leadership af the great actor. Siberian Reindeer Farms. In Siberia reindeer farming is a growing industry. Owners of young deer brand the animals on the ear. In capturing the creatures a long Ias 300 with a thick knot on one end and a noose on the other is used. The weapon is composed of sealskin straps braided together, and some of the young women on the reindeer farms are as expert as the men. Hers is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, dis covered a pleasant herb remed v for women's ills, called AUSTRALIA-LE"AF. It is the only certain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, Backache. Kidney and Urinary troubles. At all Drureists or by mail 50 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. "Yump!" A Swede, intending to leave the country, started for the steamer, ac companied by a friend. As they reached the dock the boat was leav ing. The friend excitedly exclaimed. "Yump, Yon, yump! I dank you can mok it in a couple of yumps!" When Your Grocer Says he does not have Dea.ance Starch, you may be sure he is afraid to keep It until his stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. Defiance Starch is not only bet ter than any other Cold Water Starch, but contains 16 oz. to the package and sells for sme money as 12 oz. brands. Highest of World's Trees-. Highest of all trees in the world is a specimen of the eucalyptus colossea in the Dandenong mountains near Melbourne, Australia, it nas a nignt of 494 feet, exceeding by 25 feet the highest of the big trees in California. Piso's Core Is the hest medicine we ever used for all aSections of the throat and lungs. Wa O. SsnsuY. Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. Beer and Heart Disease. Some German writers think there is a connection between the fact that the consumption of beer in Germany has trebled in twenty years and the fact that there are now almost four times a3 many heart disease "rejects" at the recruiting offices of the army and navy as in 1S91. Struggles of Life. In the realm of conscience and char- acter man must work out his own sal- I vatlon through ceaseless struggling. toiling long, hard, and patiently. And I just in proportion as he goes toward cult. Newell Dwight Hillis. ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS. Little Girl's Awful Suffering With Ter rible Skin Humor Sleepless Nights for Mother Speedy Cure by Cuticura. "My little girl had been suffering for two years from eczema, and dur- j ing that time I could not get a night's j sleep, as her ailment was very severe. I had tried so many remedies, deriv-' ing no benefit. I had given up all hope, i But as a last resort I was persuaded to try Cuticura. and one box of the Ointment and two bottles of the Re solvent, together with the Soap, ef fected a permanent cure. Mrs. L B. Jones, Addington, Ind. T." Selling Out. A legitimate, bona fide advertise ment: "A young couple has to ride out in the country for some purpose, and has seven rooms, with best furni ture, with piano, to be sold cheap be fore eight days around." Omaha, Nebr., Oct 26. It ia re ported from Casper, Wyo.. that sales of town lots for the new town of Sho shone, located at the edge of the Wind River Reservation on the new line of The Chicago & North-Western Railway across the state from Cas per, have been unprecedented. Bidding for town lots runs high and a Iaice number have been disposed of within a short time. Buyers evident ly figure on the growth of the city here when the Indian Reservation Is thrown open to settlement next June. OiVA a woman a Oiana ei,A Viive a woman a CUance to ShOW Off and She Will make good I. tt Bl-llt AVegelahfePreparatiorifGrAs similating tteFoodandBegula Uag tfcStoaacis andBowels of Promotes Dieeation.Checrfur- nessandRest.Contains neither 0pium3forphine iwr Mineral OT XARC OTIC . Smd- Bil HbmStmd.- Aperfecl Remedy for Cons lipa lion. Sour Stonach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fevens h ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of ygy YORK. srHTTl mm EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. PUTNAM tm ajart Wnts avtrsotssUlt OPERATIONS AVOIDED Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided Serious Operations. Many Women Suffering from Like Conditions Will Be Interested. fS .AMKsBBBaFVaswfew lV rs'ABW?t-"aJfV. ,l-ViMBBs9!BKSVOvSBlV!1iBsr0 mm ABBBBBnSBBBBB9sr9l.'BBas fsfsHIBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBC3BBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBa3ltBBBBBa1 SW hWw- ''-ssBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa'BBK 5Sp-3?" " BBBB-. EsfBBF SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMEBBBBBBBBsiBBBBBBBBBBBBBis?IBBflsBr Ak JFgafcTJfflH Wlsssi "" (lw BSsrTfflWwsrwaffn llsti":fiiLEK "k BiBBK?Arti3l'4Bls9BBBBBBBBvSvA 1 Wf iMrt-r.y g " BBBBBk 9Mi ssw- zm BsaBsa3Br?BmvBi IBEw" t"- BBSW-'"--' lCr l ICSBBBBBBH BIf "J- as - -jssbbLaV" " "5 bbbbbeS--4SB Wl vbbVlWs- a t- I w w-t" v VasBr Mil Was . - -s. X .sssTSI 1 Br-JyF Jk . "7,y - V " 3" mW fll fcr -vr- "tZTw-af . " Jk4S- "SBBW 1 V kF-.""- " M "w-l T 11 t c5!rf - "-"-jSv 1 kw U When a physician tells a woman, suf fering from ovarian or womb trouble, that an operation is necessary it, of course, frightens her. The very thought of the operating' table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. As one woman expressed I , it. when told by her physician that she must undergo an operation she felt that her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals are full of women who are there for ovarian or womb operations! It is quite true that these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only rtisource, but such cases are much rarer than is generally supposed, because a great many women have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after the doctors had said an operation must be per formed. In fact, up to the point where the knife must be used to secure instant relief, this medicine is certain to help. The strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, have escaped serious operations. Margrite Ryan. Treasurer of St. An drew's Society, Hotel English, Indian apolis, Lud-.writes of her core as follows: Dear Mrs. Pinkhara: " I cannot find words to express mv thanks for the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did me. The doctor said I coul.i not get well unless I had an operation for ovarian and female troubles. I knew I could not stand the strain of an operation and made np my mind I would be an invalid for life. At Irs. FMhiaVs Atrfce-A Wi Send postal for "Book of Presents " 959 aJHBl Send for K C : nght a- m-; way. It's purer and more efficient than any Bak ing Powder that costs three times as much. 25 oz. for 25c All grocers PATENTS1PR0FIT MUST FULLY PROTECT AN INVENTION. MASON, FBVWKK LWtBKE, PW Lnrjcrs, Washington, D. C, Established (Mi. Send for our 43rd AnnlTerssry free Booklet. "Iw- UKriiiawrsKonsof Mechanics! MTement. Befer- ence.Brsdstreet snd thirasacd f sUfled clients. , CommunicaCon cenfliisnrlsl. Wrfce as to-day. CUSTOM For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASH M FADELESS DYES llsessDyt. Moachasa MaC4on. mommo Hearing bow Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had saved other women froaa. serious operations I decided to try it, and ia loss than four months I was entirely curve's and words fail to express my thankfulness." Miss Martrret Merkley of 275 SA Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Loss of strength, estrwne ncrvonseea, severe shooting pains through the pelvio onrans enropsj bearing down pains and extreme irritation compelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor, after makiasj an examination, said that I had ovarian trou ble and ulceration, and advised an operatioa as my only hops. To this I strongly objected and I decided as a las rvort to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " To my surprise the ulceration healed, al tne bad symptoms disappeared. ani I am more strong, vigorous ana well; ana 1 not express my tnanas lor wnac it nas i rorme." Ovarian and womb troubles steadily on the increase among ' and before submitting to an opera tion every woman should try Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. aaA write Mrs. Plakham at Lynn, Masa for advice. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkhaart Vegetable Compound has been curias; the worst forma of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, inflammation. al ceration, falling and displacement ef the womb, leucorruoea. irregularities indigestion and nervous prostratioaw Any woman who could read the maa grateful letters on file in Mrs. Pimk- ham's office would be convinced of 1 efficiency of her advice and Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. a Warna I Do you know the secret of the Wave Circle? Wonderful! iDon'tdelaVi another day! g iwcS "-TkS no: JaquesJffg. Cm, Chicago Tht 6tf tnMtflf tf Cauda Give FREE tO TS settler m sired aa acres ef Western Land adjoining this, can be purchase, from railway and land companies at froat f6 to $10 per acre. On this land this year has been prodncea upwards of twenty-live bushels of wheat te the acre. It is also the best of grazing land and fo? mixed farming it has no superior on tha continent. Splendid climate, low taxes, railways convenient, schools and churches close as hand. Write for "Twentieth Century Caa-ida' and low railway rates to Superintendent of i Immigration, Ottawa, Canada; or ta authorized Canadian Government Agent ' W. V. Bennett. SOI New York Life Builo 1 ing, Omaha, Nebraska. I (Mention this papezv FOR WOMEN InaUes wita ills secoliar ta ueir sex. asea aa a aoucne is norvelooslw sac cessfol. TlwrotttJilycleaass,fcIl3 disease wraia, tspa diacaarres, seals infiam-nar, aa acu soreness. Pixane is ia powder form to be dissolved ta pot witer, and is far more cleansing, healing, geraicidss and rrrmmmral than iiqeid aasscpfces for au TOsLET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For ale at drapsK, CO crr.u a box. Trial Box aaa Book of Instructions Frsss. ec a. fturroM Com ran v Bcstch "FsJIsw tar. Flag" Home Visitors ExcursiOD Movember 371b To many points in I Jinois, Indiana. Ohio. Kentucky. Western Pennsylvan ia. New York ami West Virginia, at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. The "WABASH has solid road-bod. rock ballast, ana new pquiptEent. Re clining cair cars SEATS FREE.) For rat-. map" a-d ait Information call at Waba-h City OlSce. 1501 Far nam Sr or addss IIAKRV E. MOO RES. G. A. P. D., Wab. R. R.. Omaha. Neb. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 44 19Q9L OBUm CO., UmimmwmS. mtm9mtj Jj fyaY i i.j - ij- T rSL a-. jl n &.