The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 01, 1905, Supplement, Image 10

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The problem of getting well made, dura
ble and comfortable underwear at a mod
erate cost solved by the manulacturers oi
Tbe Perfect Fitting, Popular
Pried Mig Uiin Sis
We know ol no other underwear that com
bines so many qualities and that can be had for
so little money. The garments fit well, wear
well, look well, are knit from yarn of fine quali
ty, are thoroughly well made and reliable and
WE RECOMMEND THEM as having given
more satisfaction to our trade than any under
wear we have ever sold. Buy early while our
stock of styles and sizes is complete.
Boys' Union Suits from 50c to $1.00
Misses' Union Suits from 25c to $1.00
Ladies' Uhion Suits . 5C, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3
Essex Mills Childrens' Jersey Sleeping Garments, size 3 to 10 yrs. 5UC
vSpecial Prices
on Millinery
Friday and Saturday
KCaxd.7"are IDep't-
If you are going to need a stove or
range it will pay you to buy good
Round Oaks. They save fuel, do
their work perfectly, cost no more
than imitations and outlast them all.
It don't pay to experiment Round
Oaks are time tried and tested, and
have a good character.
Be sure and look them up. They
are by far the cheapest in the long
The Genuine ROUND OAK Stove.
This is the stove you have always heard
about the famous Round Oak. It is the
most popular and has the largest sale of any
stove in the world.
It burns any kind of fuel. It holds the lire
all night, and all day too, if you wish.
It is right in principle; thorough, honest
workmanship and best materials. There are
hundreds of imitations; be on your guard, see
the name on the leg and door. Don't experi
ment, you can just as well have the genuine
it will cost you no more. Remember, it is
nearer to being a perfect heating stove than
any other onearth. There is but one Round
Oak and it is sold only by us.
3-rccex3r XDepaxtaaaeaa-t
A Combination that Cannot be Beat
Pure New York Buckwheat
Direct from New York State, and
Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
Monarch Brand Direct lrom the
State of Vermont.
Both ABSOLUTELY PURE, and we guaran
tee them to be so. A trial will convince you.
German-American Coffee
Sunny Monday Soap...
cavttq Labor, Time, Clothes,
bAVJbb j Temper Money
"Sunny Monday Bubbles will wash away your
Just one trial cake will do more than all the
argument we can produce. Price 5c per cake.
German-American Coffee
Have You Seen ZSfie Big Cheese?
Have you left an order for a piece ol it lor Thanksgiving? It is going fast
and will be cut and delivered just before that day.
Kitchen Utensils Made of
Handsome, Durable, will not Corrode, will not Burn: Better
than Granite Ware as there is nothing to scale off or chip. Costs
no more than the best Granite and will last indefinitely.
See 15he Display in X5he North Window
lr. Paul, dentist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block.
L'ror. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldg.
G. K. Freib, painting and paper
hanging, dwtf
C. II. Dack went to Omaha Monday
on business.
Key. Benjamin of Palestine was in
the city Mondav.
Diamond O. hams and bacon at Her
man Kersenbrock'p.
Mrs. Barclay .Jones visited her
(.xeiioa relatives last week.
WANTED: Good blacksmith for
city work. b. SHCKEIBER.
Wanted -A yood jjirl for general house
work, four in family. Call at this office.
lr f. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Lue-chen. Arnold' old stand. Olive st.
F. D. Williams of Albion was in
the city Monday transacting legal
Mrs. George Hagel went to Omaha
last fcatnrdav for a 6hort visit with
friends and relatives.
Girls, don't buy cheap lotions for the
complexion, .lust coax onr mothers to
. use Peter Schmitt's Hour.
Dr. G A. Ireland and R. F. Wil
liams or" St. Edward made a flying
business trip to this city Monday.
G. H. Grnbb. painting and decorat
iui; country or city. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Try me. Ind. phone 874.
Mrs. Henrv '.innoclter of Belwood
went ro St. Edward Monday for a
two weeks' visit with her parents.
If you want a U ur with all the nn
tri'iou pailof the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
Mrs. F. H. Rnsche has issued in
vitations for a reception to be given
next Friday afterncon in honor of
Mrs Ben Mayer of Chicago.
LOST Two shoats. cross between
Poland China and Jersey Reds. Have
b?en one over a week. Suitable reward
paid for their recovery.
II. KEusr.xnnocK.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Don't pnt it off. Have yonr house in
cnr.ii! now. Hive vonr acconnts col
lected before they are outlaw. Call
on O. N. McElfresh. wtf.
h. Justus, a prominent Platte coun
ty stockman whose postoffice it at St.
Edward was in this city Moaday re
turning from Omaha where he bad
stock on the market Saturday.
Snell Clark, the good natnred dep
uty assessor from Woodville was ia
the city over Sunday. He name down
Saturday to attend the democratic
committee meeting which filled the
vacancy for supervisors on the demo
cratic ticket.
Smoke Little Duke cigar.
Dr. J. W. Terry, Optican.
Try the Eleventh St. jeweller.
Dr. Mark T. McMahon. dentist.
Journal ads bring results.
Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist, 13th St
Consult Dr. Terry about your eyes.
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
Try our Rex Lump Coal $7 at the
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. 8.
Next Tuesday will be election and
then the agony will end for at least
half of the candidates.
It is a little chilly for a trip up
"salt creek", but 6ome of the boys
must make the voyage.
desirable line of houses for rent.
Becher Hockenberger and Chambers.
Lost a vest pocket memorandum
book, red cover, on 15th street, last Fri
day. Finder please -leave at Journal
office and receive reward. O. E. Cox.
HELP WANTED. I want S or
people.raembera of one family preferred,
to top beets. House rent free. Man
can make i a day. Inquire Journal
Ezra Mahaffey went to Genoa yester
day where he will superintend the con
struction of a telephone line leading into
the country from Genoa, connecting
with tbe Nebraska Bell line.
The new Brannigan sale barn is
almost completed. It is a mamoth
structure and contains plenty rcom
to accommodae without crowding the
large attendance which usually attend
stock sales at this place.
T. B. Riwkin, a capitalist from
Shenandoah, la., is visiting his friend,
Thomas Dack of this city and inci
dentally is looking up opportunities
for investment in farm land. On a
mission of this kind he accompanied
Thomas Dack to Spalding Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Luth went to
Washington Tuesday where they will
live with their daughter. Miss Alice,
who is a teacher in tbe schools at Mt
Yaraon. Mr. and Mr. Luth are
amang the oldest
respected families
and they will be missed by a large
circle of friends.
H. E. Pond of Lincoln, deputy
grandmaster workman, Ancient Order
of United Workmen of Nebraska who
baa been in Columbus for three weeks
for the purpot of increasing the
membership of the local lodge will
eomplete his work this week. Mr.
Pond baa made material addition to
the membership of this excellent
order, and will return November 11th,
to initiate the new members.
SEND your want ads to the Journal.
T Dr. Lneschen, physician an surgeon
121."i Olive street.
Boys, buy yonr cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
A new lino of guaranteed pipes and
smoker's articles at The Bowling Alley,
W. A. McAllister and O. T. Roen
went to Lindsay on business last Fri
day morning.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Mar
tyn Jr., office three doors north of
Friedhof 's store.
J. R. Carter returned last ..Wednes-
dav night trom a business trip to
Norfolk and Omaha.
M. O. Callender a prominent stock
man of Nortn Platte was in this city
last Friday visiting his brother-in-law
C F. '-Todeuhoft, -proprietor ot
the Meridian Hotel. '
FARMERS: -Remember that the
Journal goes to more Platte county far
mers than any other paper in the conn
ty. When you have a horse or a hay
stack or a machiue to sell or buy re
member that a want ad in the Journal
can do it cheaper than you can. Write
out what you want. For every seven
words send 10 cents either in cash or
stamps CJr cents is the least that will
be received) and we will do the res'.
Try it once if you have not tried it.
Homer aiartyn wai brought home
from Omaha last -Wednesday night
suffering from a severe attack of
pleural pneumonia Hi9 health lad
not been the bast and he had spent
the fummer in the mountains of Colo
rado with the hopes that he wcuid
become sumciently rugged to enter
school again. He re-entered college
a wc-eR apo last aionuav unaer nis
parents protest and on the first- day
contracted a severe cold from sitting
in an unhealed class rocra which de
veloped quickly into, pneumonia.
Charlie Krogi was a victim of a
gocd joke Saturday. During the past
year he saved up 2,000 tobacco tags for
which he received a handsome shot
gen. The gnu arrived Saturday while
Uharlifl was at dinner and a couple of
friends opened tbo bcx and proceeded
to have some fan. The plans were
laid by Chris Schmidt and Felix
Sehmazc and a fake ifllae decided
ni)3u. A si en card was tied on the
and most highly igua aud the an placed on the back
in I'latte county, bar of tbe saloon. Witn every ten
cent purchase the buyer was given a
free chance on the fire arm. Chances
went like hoc cakes in the winter time
and when Charlie arrived a whole
pace of names had beenwritten down.
Well, he fell right into tbe scheme
and during the day was doing a land
office basiness raffling off his own
property, least expecting of the joke
to follow. He tumbled to the scheme
toward evening and after treating de-
ci-led to try his new .prize next
and Rays the gun shoots fine.
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
line quality of patent Hour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
WANTED:-.i()0 new subscrilers to
the Journal during the next sixty days
to make our list 2000. Send in your
name or yonr friend's name now.
F. S. Thompson of Albion was the
guest of F. H. Abbott last Thursday
night on his return from the State
Banker's ssociation at Lincoln.
DON'T FORGET to help the Jour
nal swell its subscription list to 2, (XX).
Many new names are coming in.
Read the Journal ads this week, if
you want to see what the advertisers
think of the Journal as an advertising
Ray Young and Vernon Erskine,
two well known young men of this
city havo secured positions as travell
ing salesmen with the M. E. Smith
Dry Goods Oo. of Omaha. They
made their first trip for their em
plovers last Monday.
Leo Gelt zen and Gns Becher, Jr.,
ppent Sunday in the sand hills west of
Columbus in pursuit of te feathered
webb feet. They brought home S3
gocd plump specimens and declared
they would have bagged more had
their " blinds been in the right place. "
L. W. Snow last Saturday closed a
deal wherein he purchased a quarter
of a block on Fifteenth stiee' frcm
A. Luth. Mr. Snow is somewhat
reticent in announcing his plans of
dipsosing of the property but he
stated to a Journal reporter that if
he did not sell the lots before spring
he would prob.ibly replace the old
buildings with new ones.
Fred Wille W. H. Swartsley and J.
J. Barnes met at the Journal oBlce
Tuesday and decided to change the
date of the combination hog sale,
advervtised for December 21. to the
first week in December, to accommo
date tne larmers wno oesire to pur
chase male pigs at a date earlier than
that first set. See their ad in the
Dr. J. W. Terry
who for the past eight years has
been making regular visits to
Columbus, has opened one of the
Best Equipped Optical Olliices
In The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Here wo aro again with our White Silk
Ibind kerchief brand of Pennsylvania
linrd coal the same kind we had last
year Genuine Lehigh and Scranton
the best coal in the world. Price $10.0
per ton at our shed. Place your orders
before the price advances. We carry a
larjje stock of coal coal ot all kinds
am! for all purposes-coal to burn. Come
and see.
It C. A. Speice.
Dr. Terry, the Omaha Eye Specialist,
has opened one of the best equipped
optical offices in the west, over Pol
lock and Co's drug store. Will be in
his Columbns ofSce Sunday, Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday, of each week.
Spectacles and eye glasses scientifi
cally fitted. Consultation free.
The idea that an inferior rlass of peo
ple patronize the tonrist sleepers is an
error. On many trips only the best
class of travelers are fonnd. They are
merely men and women of good sense
who would rather travel to California in
this manner and save a snug sum of
money to use elsewhere. It is begin
ning to he understood that it is by no
means necessary for the traveler to spend
a large sum of money in order to enjoy a
trip to the Pacific Const.
If yon cross the continent in one of
the tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific
yon will enjoy your trip and stive con
siderable money. Inquire of
Accounting. $50 to $100 per month
alary paid our graduates. Operators
always in demand. Indorsed by all
railroads. Write for catalogue.
Morse school of Telegraphy.
Oiacinnati. O., La Croese, Wis.,
Texarcaaa, Tex., San Francisco, Cal.
The System advertises your
property free until sold. Reli
able Real Estate Aw.-nt.-t thn
out America tind buyers for it.
Show free: allow R.K. fare. For
best bargains alonir new R. R.
or farms, businesses, etc. Tell us what you want
and where you want to buy. Write for Sellers or
Agent's plan, or best bargain list any place.
6r at Uiin Uri Agncy Systi,
Bex 96. GehimMis. Nek (Center of u. s.)
I carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic ia invited to come in and see
for themselves.
Jfl. NEVEL.Frprltor
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. 116
Sinner Sets at Cost.
I have several choice &ets of decorated
Holland dinner sets which will lie offer
ed at cost for two weeks. Call and see
prices before buying elsewhere.
Seth Braun.
Our winter stock of clothinir for
ineii and boys merits the careful at
tention of any careful buyer, especial
ly those who are looking for the best
made clothing their money can buy.
Our men's and voting nien' suits and
overcoats for this winter excel in qual
ity, style, make and fit Our prices
are correct. We arc agents for Tiger,
Champion and Stetson hats, Selz shoes,
Lion shirts and collars, also Marlbor
ough work, and dress shirts. Remem
ber our prices are the same to your
child as to you. Hart's one price
clothing, shoe and hat house, Colum
bus, Nebraska.
Economy in Coal.
Why burn yonr money when you con
save it by buying our lllend coal at 'jo.o!! I
or Sunshine at SG.00 per ton at yards. A
trial of this coal will convince yon that j
they are all right. i
Weaver .fc Son, Coat, Co.
Protect Yourself for Cold Weather
With a nice fur coat, fur or pluh Ir.p '
robe, or fur mittens. I !iav a nice line '
of these goods. I buy them diiee.t. from
the factory and can nell tliein at the
very lowest prices. It will pay you in.
look over my stock berore you buy else
where. I know I can please you.
4t F. H. Kcsciie. 11th. st.
For hard coal, iurnace
coal and all kinds oi solt
coal Newman & Welch.
LessoHS in China Painting
Mrs. Graves will give lessons in china
pointing beginning November 1st. Also
take orders for Christmas work. 2t
The Radiant Home
Pocket Joints Prevent
ing cement from falling
out and making an ab
solutely air-tight joint
which will not open.
No Gas The open top
magazine, in combina
tion with a gas flue, not
found in any other base
burner, prevents all ex
plosion or escape of gas.
Circular Bottom Flue
Carrying the heat around
the outside of the bottom
thus increasing the rad
iation. Large Hot Air Flue
Taking the cold air from
the floor, or if preferred
from the outside, thro
the center of the bottom and upward between the draft
flues, in this way coming in contaet with the hottest part
af the stove.
A Complete Line of Gem City Goods