jniTfMlpfilTOMiOr -jWf' &fe Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County (Kalnmlras mtmai J.-1 Aw. VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 31. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER I, 1905. WHOLE T JBER 1,776. Uk fV - -" c lrB ' JS;2 THE LIGHT OF OCR BANK phinei on th- pathway that lends up to the GATE OF SUCCESS Oar bank iind d-jn6itorr re a harmon ious irroup. They have our confiilence and wi their Success for ns is sue eass 1 1 you. Ti tit."-, why we are popular. Ii mkiniT with us means sharing our prosperity. The First National Bank Telephone No. 74. New Eoute For Monroe. Tne following letter received from Congressman McCarthy will be of intert to the many Journal readers of Monroe . Pouca, Neb, October 28, 1903. Mr Fred Abbotr. Columbus. Neb. My Dear Mr. Abbott: I have re ceived petition for Rural Free Deli verv fruui Monrce ; have endorsed Fame and requested Deportment to act np.ij It as promptly as possible. "A ub kindest regards and bet wishes I am Yours Truly, J. J. McCarthy. A - S "Vbbbbbbvbbbbw7 Telephone No. 74 for coal. Judge Reeder, Dr. D. Evans. E. H. Chambers and Major Cecil of Fort Cro 3k started on a hunting trip up fLitto river yetterday. They went with complete equipment and with enough ammunition tu prevent next springs flight of water fowL Left at. brick yard of Karr-Nichols by .o:ne unknown party, a lady's bicycle, mak-- "Imperial." Owner can secure earn by calling at ihiS office, paying for . n ti. and secure property at brick .yard. JL The Massillion Engine and Thresh- ing Co.. have tiled snit in district cour to collect a judgment of $1074,15 agaiu.-r John W Harris, John Kenne dy and William Bloedorn, obtained in the Eignteenth Judicial District of Louisiana. II E. Babcock returned from the ea-r, last Sunday morning, wearing thn same optimistic expression of countenance which he always wears. He has no news for publication and ne will return to the east nest Sunday to continue the good work. Jim Nelson, J J. Liscxo Jack Sto vicek and Pill Severn went to the sand hills after ducks last week. They got some rincks, but they got acr, experience. Just as they were Hearing their camping place a wheel of their wagon broke down. They ver ten jniles from civilization. The only remedy in sight was to select their best walkers and stal; them ont for aid. Liscko and Stovicek were selected a the victims, but they die played nerve and returned from their trolI witn a wheel on their shoulders which held up tne wagon uutil they returned to Columbus. One of the mosr delightful dancing parties ever given in Columbus was the party given by the Misses Lottie Becher, Ethel Ellirt and Ella Ras- niussen at Orpheus Hall last Friday nignt to about one hundred of their friends. The ball room was decorated with palms, and pretty cozy corners added a homelike effect. The Orpheus orchestra furnished the music and punch was served during the evening by the Misses Marguerite Becher and Halda Plath. Sherbet t and cake were served during the intermissions by six small boys. Oscar Baker, Harry Hagel, Harley McAllister, Lee Latem, Henry Becher and Fifd Lu.iker, regaled a colored waiters. The out of town guests were Mr. Claude Rife and Miss Richardson of Lincoln. i Telephone No. 74 for coal. Dp. E.H.Naumann DENTIST Ha one of the best dental offices in the state. Full equipped to do all den tal work in Firt-Cla manner. Alwavs reasonable in charges. All woik guaranteed. Over 14 years practice in Co lumbus. J 13th Street. Dr. E. H. PBoae ijl Sports Indors and Oat. A. Drake can bowl some. W. A. Way played in exceptionally hard luck,drawing fourteen splits in the match game last Thursday night. The young "fellers" had the "old' una' beaten to a turn until the last game when, by a series of splits and errors they lost their nerve. Harry A. Graves is assistant engineer at the bowling alley, having accepted a position with Geo. Hagel, commencing his work today. P. J. Hurt is fond of oysters, more es pecially when they are won in a bowl ing match. Whether he wins or loses doesn't matter, as long as the oysters are all right. Following are the high scores of 200 or more, made at the bowling alley last week: Harry Graves, 216 205 21.1. A. Drake, 200-21213-200 209-2M). W. A. Way. 210 210217-224-2M-210 222 207. J. Cornelia 200. Fred Hurzler, 234-237. . P. Wadhams, 204 208 210-244. W. J. Greorious. 2o:S. L O. Marks, Omaha, 213. H. Beslin. Omaha, 203. F. W. Taylor, Omaha. 219. C O. Francis. 211. Geo Hagel, 208 217 200-231-257-21 1-232. 'old men" vros. The Hagel allej s witnessed a most in teresting match game last Thursday night between the "olds" and the 'youngs." It was a hot contest from the beginning and it looked as if young blo:d would tell until Drake began his series of strikes in the finish. In fact the Greek youths of ancient times could not have showed iojjetter form than did Hart, Way, McEver, Drake and Snyder. And the youthful features of Gregorins, Graves, Becher. Hurzeler and Wadhams bore the wrinkles of age befcue the donghty "old men" got through with them. These wrinkles were all smooth ed out however, when the players joined at the banquet table at the Vienna and got outside of several quarts of Corbett's extra selects, for which the "youngs" paid hs a penalty for their weak arms. Witnesses of the game and banquet declare tbat Pat Hart was the happiest man ever seen in Columbus. The score was as follows: TODSGH. Gregorius 162 175 157499 Graves 145 164 170479 Becher 157 143 146-446 Cirzler J47 l5013S-432 Wadhams 160 191 125486 Total 2342 OLDS. Way 116 141 147-404 Hart 150 178 171490 McEver 141 175 144470 Snyder 138 144 159443 Drake 209 175 300-584 Total 2400 Kearney 18 -Colombo 0. The Kearney Military Academy foot ball eleven played the Columbus high school eleven at Columbus Saturday and won a victory by a score of IS to 0. The visitors made all their scores in the first half of the game, after which they were powerless to even have a glimpse of the coveted goal. Columbus kicked off when Kearney secured the ball and lost it bnt twice during the first half and scored three touch-downs, and kicked goal three times netting them 18 points. At the beginning Gray of Columbus was forced from the field by being injured. He ssffered a broken ankle. This greatly weakened onr line-up and during the re mainder of the first half Kearney seemed to walk through onr boys at wilL The second half did not prove that way and tha game continued to the end one of the prettiest contests ever witnessed on a foot ball field. Co lumbus went in to score, and from the beginning had Kearney on their staff until they brought the ball within six inches of a touch-down. Here Kearney strengthened and with stood center rnsnes. one after another for three downs when onr boys comld not gain an inch. This was the nearest onr boys came to scoring. After losing the ball to Kearney the visitors gained a lew yards by center rushes; and after being tightly crowd ed in order to retain the ball before the last down, punted for a short gain and there th work finished with bnt small result for either ide. Though Columbus lost it waa a nervy stand by a nervy bunch ; and had the local displayed their training qualities in the first half a they did in the last the game woald hare ter minated with a score much different. Pi of. Graves refereed for Oolambns while an attachee of tie Keartkey Academy acted in the same capacity for Kearney. The day waa very cold which affected the attendance althongh enough were present to aaore than clear the expense of the risitoa from the cotton city. "" Mrs. H. Elliott entertained a few of her old-time acqwaintaaoe Monday night in honor of her aiater, Mrs. O H Dillon, of Trinidad. Colo, who left today for bar home after a riait of several month. Mrs. J. J. Mackea and Perkinsoa of Platte Canter wars the gnest of Mr. Sues family on Monday. and Republican Candidates ? The men to whom Platte county taxpayers, of all parties must look to break the "court house ring" and to apply the rules of law and economy to the transactions of the county's business. Try them one term If they don't live up to their pledges turn them out. Don,t be de ceived by the eleventh hour statements of democratic candidates who have not dared publicly to deny the statements made by the Journal from the official records. "A change in the court house and lower taxes" is the watchword. J. Dayton Stares, Republican Candidate for County Judge. FROX HIS LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE: "I regard it an injustice to litigants and an abuse of official prerogative, as well as a corrupting political prac tice to give the publication of all legal notices and official proceedings to some party paper as a compensation for political services, regardless of the wishes of interested parties or value to the public." BaaaaaaasaK. TV-aaasasaH aaaaasasasaV -'' rilH aaaaaaasaasK 3aaaaaBsaH iaaaBBaw VlaBaassal 9m9mK9J jaHVL-'aH9M9MMj ssaBPf S9F H BBBamjB ? ?rmr- aaamma BBBam. w -. BaaaBBBBBl aa & "'s aBaBBBBBBai pMbbbIbbbbbbbbH B JBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JHtt)jJJHJJH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV vSbbI BRUCE WEBB, Republican candidate for sheriff. Every body knows the popular auctioneer from Creeton. As sheriff of Platte county he will be satisfied with legal mileage. The Madison Star-Mail, a democratic paper, says of him: "If he were known in Platte county as he is in Madison, that 800 democratic majority would look like 30 cents."' Creston, where he has lived for 18 years, will give him a solid vote. Who is telephone No. 74.' Call and see the beauifal souvernir shell at Seth Braun's on Eleventh street. City Property We have some choice bar gains in city property for sale and a few very desirable res idences for rent See us if you need a loan on either city or farm prop erty. Elliitt, Splice aid Co. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBByBWa -svl - - '-yuaMIHS BBBBBBBBBBKEbVbKp.3 --r-:- " Tv " 3rc2rBBBBB9i25 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWflBwrrjBW;r o'-'vJ- vbbbkZWSBBBwjbt: aflBriBvE'HKS.f IHEiW L T z 5 m BBBBBBVBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ rnsvoK -bbki'-bbbhbbbIK nuBBBBBBBB's&viBBBBBBBBxw Br-' IsnUBV v-"BBBBBHBBBj bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv3subbbbbbV!3e" '-!-5 k.rA'5f --HiBBBBBBBBBBBMI BBBBBBBBBBBRr"BBBBf v 'X :j?t - - J&-bsbbHbbbbK? IHSrK'B asanas . singt - HEn Telephone No. 74. A fine line of burnt leather and plain 1 ather and souveni postal cards at Seth Braun's. Eleventh street. It Max Gottberz ih the champion farmer bowler, having ran up a score of 202, and thereby winning the farm urs prize of a box of Havana?. The prize will be given again tor the highest score bv a farmer during this month. Fred Raymond's Old Arkansaw was played at the North Irs: night to a fair audience. The leading roles were effectively portrayed and the company about the average. Such attractions as the 'Prince of Pilsen", seems to spoil the theatre soiug people of Co lumbus for the mediocre comedy dra mas The next attraction is the Royal Slave, November 11. ED. LUSIENSKL Republican candidate for county clerk. Ed. Lusienski. though a younu' man, is I qualified by education and business ex perienca for this important office of, county clerk. Being of Polish birth he ' could be of special service to the hnn-l dreds of Polish taxpayers of Plaite i county. Mrs. Keh)e and Mr. Greisen of Platte Center, for whom he has wrk ed, both testified to his bu'imss ability. ' No more can be said. Don't Forget BbBLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBwPL VliBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal IKEKi''' ' IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbM bBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'X -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb&bbbbbi HHaa..H 'nnaH HaBBBBBBB&M'.BtlJiBWSta, ' L1 HbbHbKS otH hHB si BBaaV -'"VmJbH BBBvBBvBBvBBK ,i; JBvBBBBl asalararBafSBk -''.( '-w,Bal BWBBBBBBBBBBBBWr - 'aBBBBBJ bsbw1bb1 BBBBBBBBBBLa&M ABBBBBH DXBbHIHbW jgflH aaBaBaBaBaBaBK bbbbbbbbbbbbLbI BBBBW-BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTsaTsBfl i That we carry a complete stock Wall Paper. Prices Right. Chas. H. DacR, Druggist. EjaBBBEBBSaBBM 'BtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB slBBBaBBBBBBBBBal BnaBBBv'' xw- " 'BBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBbIJ bbbbbbbbT bbbbbbbbbbbbTJ BBBBBaV - tJBBBBBBBBBBBBBTsl BBBBBBBI " BBBBBBa.ktBBBBBBBBl5BBBBBBBBBl bbbbbkbbYX.. BTBBWT H BBBBBBBBBlBf ?BBv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IPJa? 8w atBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai " 'bbbbbT''Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw W. L. SMITH, republican candidate for county treasurer. W. L. Smith ii in every way qualified for the responsible office of county treasurer. Both as a businessman and farmer he has lived in Monroe for about thirty yearp. His strongest endorsement is thn hearty FUDport he is recieving from people of both parties in bis home town. W. L. Smith is honest, com petent, safe and is entitled to his party vote. ilrs. H. H. Milliard dav from Minneapolis. returnfd Fri- Telephone No. 74, Weaver & Son for good coal. John Munson of Genoa pays taxes on land in both Platte and Nance counties. Th land is similary situat- 9d. He has a tax receipt from the treasurer of Nance county showing that he paid about $21 on 1C0 acre. On the same kind of land in Platte county he paid 3'JS on 120 acres. Land is higher in Platte county. Mr. Munson make full allowance for difference iu land valued on opposite sides of the imazinary line. But stiU he cannot explain why taxes are high er in Platte county. Nance county has net been in the enntiuons control of one party for twenty years One Fran Swanna ST. EDWARD. Neb., Oct 28 1905. Editor of th Journal, Columtm.', Neb. Dear Sri : Pleae give space for the folio wUg in your next wenks Journal : as the only reuublican member of the present county board of Platte county I take much interest in Um outcome of the coming election. New Platte county has been governed by the democratic party ever since I cam') to to the county twenty-sevan years ago. and I believe if a majority of the republican officials coald be elected this fu'l it would benefit the taxpavers. O .e of the present mem ber! of the Cv.unty board said at the time the Investigation committee waa at work on the Ernst and Bender matter: "Let them that root go to work." I believe there ought to be a few more republicans at the court house to "root." Yours Truly. JOHN SWANSON. Hon. J. E. North and John Oox returned Sunday from Nebraska Oitr, where they attended the exercises at the unveiling of the Morton monu ment. Mr. North was a close friend 'A J Sterling Morton during the early history of Nebraska and he spoke with feeling of thn eloquent tributes paid to Nebraska s greatest ran, by Grover Cleveland and others. He eaid that thousands of Nebraska citizens honor ed by their presence, the memory of the man whosa lore f r NebrasKa permeated his whole life, aud whose name will stand in history clote to the top of the iist of Nebraska s and the-oatlous great men. Mr and Mrs John Gadki of this city celebrated their golden welding innivr.-ary last Sunday. About fifty of their old friends were present and brough with them some handsome and expensive gilts in token of their high regard for the couple who have lived happily together for fitfy years. A big dinner waa served at six o'clock. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat 70 Corn 38 Oats $ bushel 20 Rye $ bushel 50 Barley, 24 Potatoes ?bu 25 Butter lb 14 to 18 Eggs dozen lfi Poultry T Hoirs 4.53 to 4.70 Gifts for November's Winsome Brides Hear the mellow wedding bells. Golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells. Pope. You are probably made aware of the fact that November rivals June as a month of weddings by the number of invitations you have received. Of course you will have to send presents to some of the brides, if not all. We've now ready an unusual display of suitable things, the latest efforts of the best do mestic and foreign makers of china and glass. Marvellous creations for lit tle money. We'll hold your selections for next month's delivery. Ed J. Niewohner The Jeweler Requisites of Oesd Dentistm are care and skill. Care in the smalle-:, detail that the work may be lasting, and skill so tbat pain and annoyance to the patient will be reduced to a mini mum. I solicit your work because I can con fidently guarantee both of these requi sites in my work. Teeth extracted with out pain. n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m mm Mi It 9 ,- Sw wr - - -"j Jbk Dr. C. V. CAMPBELL B HakBVUH laa bbwbTssm iiillHflllmlil A SAFE and profitable depository for your funds a pleasant medium for the transaction of business. Don't hide your funds about the home or let them lie idle. The place for surplus cash is in the banks, where they will be kept in gener al circulation. Did you stop to think what would happen if every monied man kept bis money hidden away or ont of circula tion? Don't invite hard times by bid ing money. The Old Reliable Columbus State Bank is at your service. Telephone No. 74. QentT Sekool Flourishing;. Secretary of State Galasha ha re turned from b visit to the industrial school for girl at Geneva. This institution waa established by the state and ia supported by state f ands, bnt th lass legilature showed a dis position to reduce the appropriation to appoint below what it friend believe is just. Secretary of State Galuaaa was greatly impressed with the meth ods of Superintendent Lyda McMahon who waa formerly matron of the institution. He reports that the girls show evidence of the best of training and he believe genuine reformation will result. The girls on entering the institution are clothed in blue. Later those who show progress are given grey garments and still later allowed to wear a.whit collar and tie. The girl almost invariably strive with all their might to Jcssrve the whiteooilara and ties and other articles of dress that are worn by those in the highest grade. No one is allowed to dress better or richer than the others in her grade. State Journal. Who is telephone No. 74 1 Potato Kings. "Bun" and George Turner of onr city were busy this season showing up the "big ones" from near Greeley, Colorado, on the potato growing question, and they came next to ace high in doing it too. Right near "Good Friday" the boys had all their potato seed under cover of mother earth which included about twenty acres of well prepared soil and now, after most careful culture and earnest labor, are worry ing about a place in which to store the fruits of their la bor. Temporary relief came Saturday when they received an order to ship a car load at once to the hungry people at Milwaukee. The car was shipped and the btys topped the market. This is bnt a trial order. It ia understood that a special train is being arranged to leave here immediately after election to com plete the transportation of the balance of the crop which is now under course of harvesting. Hon. Peter McCaffery, a good judge of the cereal, visited the plantation Sunday and marveled at the growth of the Turner boy's potatoes. He says that he saw potatoes taken from a single "hill" larger than a foot ball and the boys say its a poor year for potatoes too. No more proof ia required the Turners have the belt for "spud" raising, Greeley, Colorado, cot excluded from the territory. The atmosphere in the circles of the city administration is quiet again. R. W. Saley announces as the next attraction at the North Opera house, November 11, "The Royal Slave,' which has had such large audiences in New York. Chicago, and other eastern cities. The Royal Slave is a combination of light opera, drama and comedy, and Columbus is honored by it coming. The opera bouse should be filled to the last seat for this attraction. in an up-ro-date effice, is the best thing we have to offer. We can and do fill and extract teeth POSITIVELY WITHOCT PAIX. We give a written guarantee with all work. If it fails or proves unsat isfactory AT ANY TIME we will either replace it or refund the money Dr. J. E. Paul, Deatitt. 'r.lai MODERN DENTISTRY OwrHTiiilsii -