The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 25, 1905, Image 5

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flH B ak Aft PSSSSSJ lHHBBPtta
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Special Sale of
Ladies' and Children's
Sew Fall Hosiery....
ct"bor 2S, 27, 23. 30, 1S05
If every woman in this county knew just how good these HOSIERY
SPECIALS were, there wouldn't be a pair left on the tables the second day of
the sale.
Let us state right here that these Specials are tor FOUR DAYS ONLY and
we will not guarantee that they will last that long.
Special Prices for FOUR DAYS ONLY
240 Pairs of Children's Fleece Lined Hose, worth up to 15c at lOc
276 Pairs of Children's Cotton Hose, worth up to 15c at lOc
180 Pairs of Children's Fleece Lined Hose, usually sold at 25c at 15 C
120 Pairs of Children's Regular Cotton Hose, the 25c kind at 15c
48 Pairs of Infant's Wool Hose, the 25c kind at 15c
84 Pairs of Ladies' 25c Wool Hose at 5c
36 Pairs of Ladies' 35c Wool Hose at 25c
300 Pairs ot Ladies' Fleeced Linen Hose, special price of lOc
IF you are going to need a stove or
range it will pay you to buy good
Round Oaks. They save fuel, do
their work perfectly, cost no more
than imitations and outlast them all.
It don't pay to experiment Round
Oaks are time tried and tested, and
have a good character.
Be sure and look them up. They
are by far the cheapest in the long
The Genuine ROUND OAK Stove.
This is the stove you have always heard
about the famous Round Oak. It is the
most popular and has the largest sale of any
stove in the world.
It burns any kind of fuel. It holds the fire
all night, and all day too, if you wish.
It is right in principle; thorough, honest
workmanship and best materials. There are
hundreds of imitations; be on your guard, see
the name on the leg and door. Don't experi
ment, you can just as well have the genuine
it will cost you no more. Remember, it is
nearer to being a perfect heating stove than
any other onearth. Thereis but one Round
Oak and it is sold only by us.
Steel Range
Without a question the finast steel range,
in every raspect, made in this country.
Round Oak quality from top to bottom.
A marvel of tight fitting and fine workman
ship. Holds the fire, saves the fuel. A quick
worker and baker.
Made of Wood's Wellsville polished steel
highest quality known.
Treble-thick asbestos insulation.
"It will save and suit you every day it
Furnished with oven thermometer.
G-rccersr Pepaxtzaaerrt
Try German-American Coffee
The Biggest Thing of The Year
ls-7i-:v.-''.vr.Xr,ip-.v- . . ;
Wisest "
'The Larger the Cheese the
Finer the Flavor"
That's an oM sayinjr. The enormous cheese now on exhibition at our store i
tin famous Crawford make, so the many rocI qualities of the Crawfonls of
onlinary weiKht are to be found in this unusually lan?e one. together with the
aiMeri quality that comes from its preat size. Come and see the hi prize
So much labor and expense are involved in making a
cheese like this Colossal Crawford, that it can not be
sold for the same pi ice as the smaller ones, but it is well
worth the difference. Like the regular Crawfonls, it is
soft, smooth, rich full cream cheese, with the most ap
petizing flavor that conies with right making and right
The Bin Blue Ribbon Cheese will be cut Tues
day. November 28th, and delivered to
our trade lor Thanksgiving Day.
No other table delieacv is in jjreatrr demand or harder to obtain than Kood
cheese, so we feci certain that you will want a piece of this Colossal Crawford.
Leave your order today. V am selling it at Ste a ound.
Use German-American Goffee
ft Bird on Every Package
Dr. lml, dentist.
Dr. Vullier, Osteopath, Harber block.
1'rof. Sike, teacher music. Bnrtierbldg.
G. K. Freib, painting and paper
hanging. dwtf
Diamond O. hams and bacon at Her
man Kersenbrock's.
Wanted A good giil for general house
work, four in family. Call at this office.
Dr. C V. Campbell. Dentist witli Dr.
Luecheu, Arnold's old stand. Olive st.
K. II. Chambers and G. G. Becher
wilt to Humphrey on business Satur
D. S. Hayes of Lindsay was in the
citv over Sunday, the guest of Steve
Frank Katterman of Omaha came
up Saturday to spend Sunday with his
A twelvo pound son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. George Bushel last
Thursday morning.
Girls, don't buy chenp lotions for the
complexion. Just coax your mothers to
use Teter Sclnuitt's Hour.
G- H. Grnbb, painting and decorat
ing country or city. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Try me. Ind. phone 874.
If you want a Hour with nil the nu
tritious pari of the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
desirable line of houses for rent.
Becher Hockenberger and Chambers.
A thins of beauty is a joy forever
Sec the conservatory scena in "Old Ar
kansaw" at the North Opera honseTues?
day, October :J1 st.
LOST Two shoats. cross between
Poland China and Jersey Reds. Have
been sxone over a week. Suitable reward
paid for their recovery.
With every rcts worth of school sup
lies you purchase at Seth Braun's yon
get achance to draw a valuable prize
among the articles displayed in his show
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Don't pat it ofT. Have your house in
sured now. Have your accounts col
lected before they are outlaw. Call
on C. N. McElfresh. wtf.
FOR SALE: Oae good yearling
colt, on j colt fire months old. Both
good ones. Roy Stires. 1
Accounting.- $50 to flOO per month
salary paid our graduates. Operators
always in demand. Indorsed by all
railroads. Write for catalogue.
Morse school of Telegraphy.
Cincinnati. O., La Creese. Wis..
Texarcana, Tex.. San Francisco, CaL
Smoke Little Duke cigar.
Dr. J. W. Terry, Opticas.
Try the Eleventh St. jeweller.
Dr. Mark T. McMahon. dentist.
Journal ads bring results.
Dr E. H. Nauman. Dentist. 13th St
Consult Dr. Terry about your eyes.
Try our Ilex Lump Coal $7 at the
yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. 8.
Lost a vest pocket memorandum
book, red cover, on 15th street, last Fri
day. Finder please leave at Jonrnal
office and receive reward. O. E. Cox.
HELP WANTED. I want 5 or G
people,metnbero of one family preferred,
to top beets. House rent free. Man
can make $ a day. Inquire Journal
Ezra Mahaffey went to Genoa yester
day where he will superintend the con
struction of a telephone line leading into
the country from Genoa, connecting
with the Nebraska Bell line.
Mrs. Otto Kummer accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olcott of Butler
county, returned last Thursday from
a two weeks visit with relatives at
Belvidere, HI.
Will R. Snell gave a banquet in hon
or of six selected friends last evening at
the Vienna restaurant. It was a game
snpper and the manner in which Corbett
served the birds and other edibles was a
joy to the party about the table.
Invitations are out announcing the
approaching nuptals of Frank Micek
and Miss Anna Mosteck, which event
will take place at the Catholic church.
Sunday morning November.'), '05. Every
preparation is being made for a grand
reception for the young people.
David Thomas has sold his hand
some black driving horse to L.G. Stocks
of Genoa is the buyer. He will take
the horse with him to Los Angeles for
his family. No horse in Columbus
combined the qualities of good breed
ing, beauty, speed and gentleness to
greater etxent than this one. He was
a pet of Mr. Thomas's children and a
general favorite in Columbus Con
sideration $200.
Swift and Company at last have lit
the contract for their new cold stor
age plant. Jos. Pearsall was awarded
the contract and the building is to be
erected on ground leased fiom the
Union Pacific railroad company just
across tne street west irom nautr-
saaiurs lumber yard. The new struc
ture is to be of wood covered with
iron. Oas part of the building will
be two stories high and 40 by 40 feet.
The other part will be one story, 40
by 35 feet. The contract calls for the
completion cf the building by Decem
ber 1st
SEND your want ads to the Journal.
Dr. Lueschen, physician an surgeon
121 f Olive street.
The Journal wants all the news.
Phone or write it in.
Boys, buy your cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
A new line of guaranteed pipes and
smoker's articles at The Bowling Alley,
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Mar
tyn Jr., office three doors- north of
Friedhof 's store.
Ladies' suits, skirts and jackets clean
ed, altered, dyed and repaired. R. S.
Palmer, The Tailor.
The big scenic melo-drama '01d Ar-1
knnsaw'' will be the attraction at the
North Opera house, Tuesday October
P. E. McKillip and F. J. Pratt of
Humprhey were in Columbus Friday
night. Politics had something to do
with the errand.
WANTED: .100 now subscribers to
the Jonrnal during the next sixty days
to make our list 2000. Send iu your
name or your friend's name now.
"Old Arkansaw'' wi'.h a strong cast, a
world of mechanical effects and a car
load of scenery will be eeen at the North
Opera house, Tuesday October .'list.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will serve supper Wednesday
evening, November 1st in the vacant
building just west of Pollock's drng
store. A hearty invitation is extendeJ
to all.
One of the features of Fred Raymond's
"Old Arkansaw" is a country quartette
which offers varions tunes, popular
among the people of the Ozark moun
tains. The quartette never puts less
than a half dozen encores, and is one of
the many popular and pleasing features
of 'Old Arkansaw'' which will be at the
North Opera house, Tuesday, October
FARMERS: Remember that the
Journal goes to more Platte county far
mere than any other paper in the coun
ty. When you have a horse or a hay
stack or a machine to sell or buy re
member that a want ad in the Journal
can do it cheaper than you can. Write
out what you want. For every seven
words s-nd 10 cents either in cash or
stamps (25 cents is the least that will
be receivt'il) and we wili do the rest.
Try it once if yon have net tried i.
George Stewart a young man who has
been boarding at the Lindell Hotel for
some time, and who has actad "queer,"
was adjudged insane Satnrday and taken
to the Norfolk sanitarium by Deputy
Lachnit. Stewart recently received a
bnnch of money from an estate and was
spending it as fast as be could. It is re
lated that one day last week he dropped
a roll of bills amounting to $75 on the
sidewalk and then stood off and address
mi the roll in the following lanmiaie: "I
I don't know whether I'll pick you up or
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent Hour. The Co
lumbns roller mills makes it.
Ladies' and gent's clothing cleaned,
pressed, dyad and repaired. R. S. Pal
mer, The Tailor. .'
It is the most gorgeous set of scenery
ever carried by a road company, at the
North Opera bouse, Tuesday, October
The advertising season is here, the
time when the farmers buy their winter
supplies from the merchants and when
they clean np the odds and ends of
6tock and machinery on the farm. The
most successfnl business men have
learned that a newspaper circulating
among the people who buy can do them
cheaper and better service than a sales
man hired to solicit trade from each in
dividual buyer. And buyers Lave
learned that the man who economizes
in his business by using the newspaper
as an advertising medium is in a posi
tion to sell cheaper, other things being
equal, than the man who relies entirely
npon the more expensive method of
keeping a high salaried man in his 6tore
to wait for buyers to "drop in." Like
wise progressive newspapers have learn
ed that the good business man looks uf
on advertising as a cold business propo
sition, placing the money he expends for
advertising in the same column with
salesmen's salesmen's Ealariea, and that
the ono thing demanded by that busi
ness man of an advertising medium, is a
newspaper that circulates widely among
his possible customers. The Journal,
confident of the correctness of that rea
soning has labored incessantly and spent
much money to build up the widest pot
6ible circulation. Not less than 500 in
cash within the last year has been ex
pended on circulation building, with the
result that the Journal's circulation
among the prosperous farmers of Platte
county has much more than doubled.
It has been the Journal's policy to make
people want it by printing the impor
tant news and to speak with scrupulous
accuracy on public questions which
tourrh the pocket books of all the peo
ple. The best testimony to the con
correctness of onr reasoning is the con
stant addition of voluntary subscrip
tions to our list. But we are still not
silisfied. We have 6et our mark for
2)30 bona fide subscribers by January 1
and we need only 500 more to make it.
If just one out of every three of our
present subscribers will send us the
name of a friend our mark is reached.
If you like the Journal and its policy
help us to boost, and do it now. Speak
to just one friend for us and send in
bis name. We are determined to have
2000 by January 1. If you do not be
lieve that the Journal is already the
favorite advertising medium for Colum
bus' best business men, take a moment
to note the large number of local and
display ads earned by them. "Boost"
is the word for the next sixty days.
Dr. J. W. Terry
who for the past eight years has
been making regular visits to
Columbus, has opened one of the
Best Equipped Optical Ofliices
li The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Here we aro again with our White Silk
Handkerchief brand of Pennsylvania
hard coal the same kind we had last
year Genuine Lehigh and Scranton
the best coal in the world. Priee 810.50
per ton at onr shed. Place your orders
before the price advances. We carry a
large slock of coal coal ot all kinds
rind for all purposes coal to burn. Come
and see.
C. A. Speice.
Dr. Terry, the Omaha Eye Specialist,
has opened one of the best equipped
optical offices in the west, over Pol
lock and Go's drug store. Will be in
bis Columbus office Sunday, Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday, of each week.
Spectacles and eye glasses scientifi
cally fitted. Consultation free.
House For-Rent-
For small family, one and ahalf blocks
south of U. P. depot. Inquire at Inde
pendent Tel. X 121.
Economy in Coal.
Why burn your money when you can
save it by buying our Blend coal at 85.50
or Sunshine at 000 per ton at yards. A
trial of this coal will convince you that
they are all right.
Weavei: v Sox, Coal Co.
The idea that an inferior class of peo
ple patronize the tourist sleepers is an
error. On many trips only the best
class of travelers are found. They are
merely men and women of good sense
who would rather travel to California in
this manner and save n snug sum of
money to use elsewhere. It is begin
ning to be understood that it is by no
means necessary for the traveler to spend
a large sum of money in order to enjoy a
trip to the Pacific Coast.
If you cross the continent in one of
the tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific
you will enjoy your trip and save con
siderable money. Inquire of
For Sale.
All my household goods, consisting of
furniture, stoves and other articles, to
gether with horse and buggy, will be of
fered at private sale at my house, com
mencing at once.
2t Wm. Diedkic'II.
The System advertises your
proiorty free until sold. Reli
able Real Estate Agents thrrt
out America find buyers for it.
Show free; allow ILK. fare. For
best bargains alonjt new R. It.
or farms, businesses, etc. Tell us what you want
and where you want to buy. Write for Sellers or
Asent's plan, or best bargain list any place.
6nat Uiiii Land Agency Systti,
Box 96. Uelumfcus. Nek (Center of U. s.)
I carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic is invited to come in and set
for themselves.
51G Twelfth Street Phone No. lib
Protect Yourself for Cold Weather
With a nico fur coat, fur or lap
role. or fur mittens. I have a nice linn
of these goods. I buy thorn direct from
the factory and ran sell them at the
very lowest prices. It. will pay ou lo
look over my .stock before yon buy else
where. I know I can please you.
4t F. H. Rcsche, 11th. st.
For hard coal, iurnace
coal and all kinds of soft
coal Newman & Welch.
Lessons in China Painting.
Mrs. Graves will give lessons in china
punting beginning November 1st. Aleo
take orders for Christmas work. 2t
The Radiant Home
Pocket Joints Prevent
ing cement from falling
out and making an ab
solutely air-tight joint
which will not open.
No Gas The open top
magazine, in combina
tion with a gas flue, not
found in any other base
burner, prevents all ex
plosion or escape of gas.
Circular Bottom Flue
Carrying the heat around
the outside of the bottom
thus increasing the rad
iation. Large Hot Air Flue
Taking the cold air from
the floor, or if preferred
from the outside, thro'"
the center of the bottom and upward between . the .draft,
flues, in this way coming in contact with the hottest part:
af the stove.
A Complete Line of Gem City Goods
at uf ' "
wmr ' in i n"i
- - 4 C Al -XX