The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 18, 1905, Image 7

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Ycr? "- " V r
Tited, Neivous Mothers
MaKe Unhappy Homes Their Condition Irritates
Both Husband and Children How Thousands
of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous
Prostration and Made Strong and WelL
aaaafl " aaaaaaaaaaiwaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiwaaaaaaatt twBataWaakJaaaaaV 'aaaaaaaT,BaWYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaiaaV
H BN Hr' " .HWwaaW ' j HIK r
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B t" aSaKKXMXnanL "'' r'' " B Aam '7'tjfl9Wfl9nVtaBBL
-- mwwwtiJ "kt .-, xBk. AmuumfZ,fifWJmuumf
j Analysis of Medicines Open to All.
"There is no public demand and
there is not the slightest public nec
essity for a law compelling the publi
cation of the formula of proprietary
medicines," says the Committee on
Legislation of the Proprietary Asso
ciation. "Every Health Commissioner
and every Pure Food Commissioner
in the country, as well as every pri
vate physician or chemist, if he
pleases, has the right to make an
analysis of any proprietary medicine
and to publish the result and to tell
the public what he thinks, and there
is nothing in the world to prevent
such action. But that is not what the
agitators for such legislation want.
Their object is to destroy the sale of
such remedies entirely."
JMrs. Chester Curry Mrs.Chas.7?rown
A nervous, irritable mother, often on
thj verge of hysterics, is unfit to care
for children ; it ruins a child's disposi
tion and n-acts upon herself. The
trouble between children and their
mothers too often is due to tbe fact
that the mother has some female weak
ness, and she is entirely mi fit to bear
the strain upon her nerves thatgovern
injj children involves; it is impossible
for her to do anything- calmly.
The ills of women actlikc a firebrand
upon the nerves, consequently nine
tenths of the nervous prostration, ner
vous despondency. " the blues." sleep
lessness, 'and nervous irritability of
women arise from some derangement
of the female organism.
Do yon experience tits of depression
with restlessness, alternating with
extreme irritability? Are your spirits
easily affected, so that one minute you
laugh, and the next minute you feel
lilte crying ?
Do you feel something like a ball ris
ing In your throat and threatening to
choke you; all the senses perverted,
morbidly sensitive to light and sound ;
pain in the ovaries, and especially
lietween the shoulders; bearing down
pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost
continually cross and snappy?
If so, your nerves are in a shattered
condition, and you are threatened with
nervous prostration.
1'roof is monumental that nothing in
the world is better for nervous prostra
tion than Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound; thousands and thou
sands of women testify to this fact.
Ask Mrs. Pinkham's AtVtce-A Wi
Mrs. Chester Curry, Leader of ths
Ladies Symphony Orchestra, 42 Sara
toga Street, East Boston, Mass., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"For eight years I was troubled with ex
treme iierotisnessanilhsteria, broughton by
irn-gulantics. I could neither enjoy life nor
Here is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, dis
covered a pleasaut herb remedy for women's
ills, called AUSTKALIAN-LAF. It is the
only certain monthly regulator. Cures
female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and
Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by
mail 50 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address,
The Mother Gray Co., Lelioy, N. Y.
sleep night: I was very irritable, nenous
and deonIent.
"Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound
was recommended and proved to be iho only
remedy that helped me. I have daily
improved in health until I am now strong
and well, and all nervousness has disap
pearcd." Mrs. Charles F. Brown, Vice-President
of the Mothers1 Club, 21 Cedar
Terrace. Hot Springs. Ark., writes:
Dear Mrs l'uikhnm:
" I dragged through nin years of miserable
exist nnce. worn out with pain and nervous
ness, until it seemed as though I should fly.
I then noticed a statement of a woman trou
bled as I was, and tbe wonderful results she
derived from Lydia E. Pinkbain's Vegetable
Compound. I derided to try it. I did so. and
at the end of three mouths I was a different
woman. My nervousni-hs was all gone. I was
no longer irritable, and my husband fell in
love witu me all over again."
Women should remember that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the medicine that holds the record for
the greatest number of actual cures of
female ills, and take no substitute.
Free Advice to Women.
Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass., invites
all sick women to write to her foradvice.
Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with
female troubles enables her to tell
you just what is best for you, and
she will charge you nothing for her
advice. '
Best IMeratuds a Wmui's IBs.
Toothache Destroys Temper.
The Paris Baulois points out that
elephants that show sudden savagery
may be suffering from pain in a tooth,
and cites instances of the restoration
of good temper after proper treatment
by a dentist
Quality Brings the Business.
Seven million (7.000 000) Lewis' "Single
Binder" straight 5c cigar now sold annu
ally. Madeof extraquality tobacco. Many
who formerly smoked 10c cigars are now
smoking Lewis' Single Binder. Lewis'
Factory, Peoria, IlL
Absent-Minded Comment.
"I first met my wife on a trolley
car," he said. "What awfully funny
looking people do meet on trolley
cars, don't we?" she replied absent
mindedly. Yonkers Statesman.
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands. Others say they can
not sell any other starch.
tkt the Trait Sknd
"I followed the
trail from Tezaa
Sucker, used for
an overcoat when
cold, a wind ccat
when windy, a rain coat when h rained,
fid for a cover at nifht if we got to bed.
and I will say that I have gotten more
comfort out of your slicker than any OthSt
M article that I ever owned."
(The nam n! adtlrrM of ton writer of Chta
luioliciirl lrttrr luajr he Lad oo application )
Wet Weather Garments for Riding, Walk.
ing. Working or Sporting.
CO., Limited
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas S4.00 Chi Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
SF&IKXJSC. i &Ltel.
TsrVC?3srj a
What He Paid For.
A cynical highland gillie thus ex
plains a certain rich American's ac
tion in paying $25,000 as a ear's
rental for a castle in tho n.atli of
Scotland: "He pays $5,000 fo- the
house, $5.000-for the fishing. $5 000 for
the deer, $5,000 for the grous" and $5,
000 for being near Balmora5, fccre
the king occasionally visits."
The "Good Fellow's" Way."
It is curious that so many men find
it easier to be generous downtown
than at home. Indianapolis News.
Strange Belief Among the Chukchees
of Siberia.
A Russian correspondent was talk
ing about Siberia.
"In. that strange land," he said, "the
strangest thing is the suicidal ten
dency of the Chukchees. Among the
Chukchees, actually, suicide is one of
the most common forms of death.
"The Chukchees live in northeastern
Siberia. They are small and copper
colored. They dress in skins and ride
reindeer. Tallow and raw kidney are
their chief delicacies. In every Chuk
chee house hangs a death coat.
"A Chukchee doesn't kill himself by
his own hand. He appoints his near
est relative his wife, son or daughter
to do the deed. And the delegate
never rebels, never declines this sad
and horrible task.
"Innumerable are the causes of sui
cide jealousy, unrequited love, an in
curable disease, melancholy, poverty
and so on.
"I knew a man who was prosperous
and apparently happy. Suddenly a de
sire for death seized him. 'In three
months,' he said, I will go home to
my fathers.' And he calmly settled
his affairs and at the appointed time
bade his wife to knot a cord about his
throat and his two sons to pull upon
this cord till he should be strangled.
He died, they told me, joking.
"The death coat which hangs in
every Chukchee house has a hood. It
is for use in suicide. The hood hides
the facial contortions of the dying.
"There are Chukchee families where
in suicide is hereditary, wherein it is
a point of honor for the sons to kill
themselves, a natural death being re
garded in such families as disgraceful
and scandalous, a sign of the most un
pardonable cowardice.
"The Chukchees. despite their sui
cidal tendency, are a happy and
healthy people, moral, truthful, brave
and temperate."
Mrs. Window'! Soothing Syran.
For children teething, softens the fraras. ream
flsmmstiloa, allays pain, cures wind colic aseabottasi
America's Embryo Army.
The total number of men in the
United States liable to military ser
vice is 11,126,750.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundrj- use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In 4-pound pack
ages, and the price is the same, 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
Have men grown so wise that they
may say, "Don't argue with a woman?"
"Acetylene Jones."
See his advertisement in this paper
and write him to-day for free booklet
July . 1ST.
t1fl nflfl PEWARO to myone who CM
I UtUUU disprove ttiit stateiwnt.
W. L. Dotgta $.1.50 shoes hate b their ex
ceHeat stjle. easy fitting, and superior wearing
qualities, achieved tbe largest sale of any $3.50
shoe in the morld. Thev are fust as good as
those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only
difference Is the price. If I could take ou into
0iv factor)' at Brockton. Mass.. the lareest in
the world trader oae roof tnaklng- men's fia
hoes, and "shorn- vou tbe care m Ith which e try
pah-of lkmcfas shoes Is made. ou would realize
why W. L. Dou"ias $SS shoes are tbe best
shoe produceJ in the world.
If I could show ou the difference between the
shoes made In nv factory and those of other
makes, vou would understand why Douglas
$3.50 shoes cost more to make, why tbe hoM
their shape, fit better, wear lontter. and are of
greater Intrinsic alue than any other $3.50
hoe on the market to-day.
W-L. Dmmwlmm Stronm AfrndmShmumfmr
Mmm. S2.BO, $2.00. Bmy' SchmmIS
Brmim Shmtm,S2.SO, S3. $1.7B,1.0
CAUTION. Insist upon b ivitig W.L.long
las shoes. T:tke no substitute. None guuin
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
XVAN'TEn. A shoe dealer in every town where
W. I- Douclas SIuh? ar not sold. Full line of
samples sent free for inie?tion urwm lequest.
fast Color Eyelrtt used; theti will not wear brassy.
Vnt for lllntr.ited Catalog of Fall Style
IV. I lOCGLAS. Brocktou. Mass.
in Western
Canada is the
amount manv
farmers w i I I
realize from
their wheat
crop this year.
25 Bushels to the Acre Will be the
Average Yield of Wheat.
The lard that tnis waa Brown on cost many of
tbe farmers absolutely nothing, while those
who wished to add to the 160 acres the Govern
ment grants, can buy land adjoining at from $6
to $10 an acre.
Climate splendid, school convenient, railways
close at hand, taxes low.
Send for pamphlet "20th Century Canada"
and full particalara regardiag rate, etc., to
Superintendent of Immigration, uttawa,
Canada, or the following authorized
Canadian Government Agent W. V. Bennett,
101 Kew York Lire Building. Omaha, Nebraska.
(Mention this paper.)
"Women are foolish, for they were
made to match the men," said George
A well-known Rochester lady
says : ' I stayed in the Adirondacks,
away from friends and home, two
winters before I found that by
Statb or Onto, Citt or Toledo, I
Lccas Coitjstt. f BB-
Fraxk J. Cheney make oath that be Is sentoe
partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing
business In tbe City of Toledo. County and State
aforesaid, and that i-ald firm 111 pay the sum of
ONE IIUNDItED WM.l.AK- for each and every
case of Catakbii that cmnut be cared by tbe use of
Hall's Catabku Clke.
Sworn to before me and MiMcribed lu my pres
ence, tbl6th day of December. A. I. 1R.
A. W. ULbA!U,
XoTAr.r Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally and acts
directly on the blod and mucou mrfaees of the
system, bend for tcMtnionlaW. free.
V. J. CHENEY 4 CO.. Toledo. a
Sold brail lirufcpMn.T'te.
Take llall's Family 1111 for constipation,
In the palm of the hand there are
2,500 pores to the square inch. If
these pores were united end to end
they would measure about five miles.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA,
a safe and sure remedy for infants and children,
and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
la TJac For Over 30 Years.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
A girl seldom refuses to eat corn
from the cob unless she has store
Acetylene Gas.
All country people will be Interest
ed in reading about it in another part
of this paper.
Most people think white grapes
juice and grape skins together, and
white wine is made by fermenting
grape juice alone.
Elaborate and Primitive Furniture on
Which Great Work Was Done.
The desk of Salmon P. Chase, a
plain piece of furniture made from
mahogany, is in one of the rooms of
the Treasury department at Wash
ington. There are many of these old
desks scattered about the country,
their chief claim to interest being
that once some well known man
leaned over them.
Alexander Hamilton's traveling
desk, made of mahogany and measur
ing 12 by 16 inches and 10 inches
high, is an interesting object Upon
this desk was written much of his lit
erary work, and the worn green baize
with which it is lined attests to the
use to which it was put There is a
drawer in one side, and several com
partments for pens and ink, while up
on the top is inlaid a silver plate with
the name "Gen. Alexander Hamilton"
engraved upon it. Within the top is
a strip of parchment which says:
"Given by Mrs. Gen. Schuyler to her
daughter, Mrs. Gen. A. Hamilton." No
doubt the convenient size was what
recommended it to the general.
Nathaniel Hawthorne's desk is pre
served at the Custom House, Calem,
Mass. A desk at which he wrote
some of his inimitable romances was
just a board standing out from the
wall at an angle. This is still in the
tower room at Wayside, his home at
Concord, Mass. Victor Hugo had in
his Guernsey house a study built al
most entirely of glass and perched
upon the roof. Like Hawthorne, he,
too, stood at his writing, and his desk
was a mere shelf fastened by hinges
to the wall. The Delineator.
Goddess of Smallpox.
"They worship smallpox in western
Hindoostan," said the missionary.
His audience gave a gasp of horror.
"But don't misunderstand me, don't
get a wrong impression," he resumed.
"I don't mean to say that they love
smallpox and desire it. On the con
trary, they loathe and fear it. Hence
their worship, a worship born of hate
and terror.
"They have a goddess of smallpox.
She has a cruel face, two mouths, four
XamsurePiso'sCureror Consumption saved ouc uaa t,UCI MKV lwo mouins, iour
iyl:fe three years ago. Mas. Thos. Robhihs, ! red hands. They pray to her regular-
Map'e Street. Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900.
Generally the only time a person's
conscience troifbles them is after
they have been found out.
2 Kemp's Balsam 2
I could subdue the cough that
drove me away from home and
seemed likely to never allow me
to live there in winter."
Kemp's Balsam will cure any
coutjh that can be cured by any
Sold by all dealers at 25c and 50c
MASON. FENWltt LAWIENCE, Pateat Lawyers,
Washington, O. C, Established 1861.
Send for our 43rd Ann!verarr free Booklet, nhow
lntr Illustrations of Mechanical Muicraent. Refer
ence. Itrad-treet and thonaands of satisfied clients.
ConimualcaUont confidential. Write us to-day.
If you don't pet the hippest and best
its your own fault. Defiance Starch
is for sale everywhere and there is
positively nothing to equal It In qual
ity or quantity.
Getting the worst of it is not the
worst that can happen.
payments. J. MUI.HALL.. Sioux City, la.
A woman who stoops to marry finds
it hard work to straighten up again.
ly. Fresh flowers are always lying at
her feet. A special priest tends her
"And much time and money- are
wasted on this goddess that might bet
ter be devoted to the purchase and
application of some good, pure vac
cine virus." Chicago Chronicle.
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can be used cold or
A married man is seldom older than
he looks.
Don't you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior tc
any other, is put up 16 ounces in pack
age and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds?
Gossip gains currency, but no coin.
D Beat Coofc-h fcyrup TaateaGood. UMH
P3 In time. tola by drngrjata. al
St. Jacobs Oil
is the short, sure, easy cure for
It penetrates to the seat
of torture, and relief
promptly follows.
Price, 25c and 50c
25 Cts.
I won't sell A at! Orll to a dealer who wont SaanatM
The Deserted House.
Life and Thought have gone away
Side by side.
Leaving door and windows wide;
Careless tenants they!
All within is dark as night:
In the windows is no light;
And no murmur at the door.
So frequent on its hinge before.
Close the door, the shutters close.
Or through the windows we shall see
The nakedness and vacancy
ui tne aarK deserted nouse.
Come away, no more of mirth
Is here, or metrv-making sound.
The house was builded of the earth,
And shall fall again to ground.
Come away: for Life and Thought
Here no longer dwel,:
But in a city glorious
A great and distant citv have bought
A mansion incorruptible.
Would they could have stayed with us!
Paris Underground Railway.
After the underground railway lines
of Paris have been completed the next
great piece of municipal work will be
the removal of the fortifications and
great dry moat around the city, which
works lost all military value many
years ago. The space thus secured
will be sold for building lots.
To make Cheap Gas-light
Country Homes
AKE a common Gay Pipe.
fut a simple Acetylene Gasburner on its
Bind the two in position with a tight-fitting piece
of Rubber Hose.
Then fill the bowl of the pipe with fine-ground Cal
cium Carbide.
Next tie a rag over bead of the bowl to keep in the
Now put the pipe into a
Water, as in picture.
1 here you have a complete Gas
plant for 25 cents.
Touch a match to the Burner -, V v
Of course, this is only an experi
ment, but it shows the wonderful sim
plicity of Acetylene Lighting.
That very simplicity gave Acetylene
Glass of
lea g -"gjJlKftf
T wf
I It I m I lift m
1 II 'Urn1 1
i In HI ii ii I
-SX. W2
Light a setback, at first.
It seemed so simple to turn Calcium Carbide into
Gas-light that over 600 different kinds of "tanks" and
"Acetylene Machines" were invented, patented, and
marketed for the purpose, by about as many different
Well, the thing to be expected certainly happened !
About 530 of these "Acetylene Machines" had been
invented and sold by people who knew more about
.Tma'arc than they did about Gas-making.
The "Calcium Carbide" was all right all the time,
but 530 of the machines for turning it into Gas were
all wrong all the time.
So Acetylene Gas "got a bad name," though it is
clear enough nozu that it never dcsen'cd it at any time.
It was like selling Wood Stoves to burn Hard Coal
In, and then blaming the Coal for not burning.
Lots of things happened to grieve the Owners of
these 530 makes of alleged "Acetylene Machines."
But very few accidents occurred from them even in
the days of rank experiment and dense ignorance,
among, "Generator" Makers.
Of course, a gun will go off unexpectedly, now and
then, if the trigger be pulled by a person who "didn't
know it was loaded."
But, that's no fault of the Ammunition is it?
Well, finally the Insurance Companies got after
these 530 odd makes of "Acetylene Machines" that
wouldn't Acetylate, and the Insurance Board made an
investigation of all Generators that were submitted to
Then, out of the 600 odd "Machines" patented,
only about 70 were "permitted" by the Insurance Board
to be used.
Oh, what a howl was there!
By "permitted" I mean that trie Insurance Board
was willing that any building should be Insured, with
out extra charge, which used any one of fh'eseTO
Acetylene Generators it had found safe, and effective,
just as it permitted houses to be piped for City Gas,
or wired for Electricity, under proper conditions.
Now, the Insurance Companies ought to know
whether or not these 70 different makes of Acetylene
Generators were absolutely Safe to use.
Because, they have to pay the bills, if Fire or Ex
plosion occurs, "from any one of the Acetylene Gener
ators they authorize.
And, here's a proof of their good judgment
Though there are now Two Million people using"
Acetylene Light in America, there ha e only been four
Fires from it in one year, against 8S65 Fires from
Kerosene and Gasoline.
There have also been 4691 Fires from Electricity,
1707 Fires from City Gas, and 520 Fires from Candles.
Besides these there hae been 26 Fires from the
Sun's rays. But. only four Fires from Acetylene.
That shows how careful the Insurance Board was
in its examination of Acetylene Generators, and in
"permitting" only the 70 makes that were above sus
picion, out of the 600 experiments that were once on
the market.
Well, the boom in Acetylene Lighting made lower
prices possible on the material it is derived from, viz.,
Calcium Carbide, a material that looks like Granite
but acts like Magic.
Today, Acetylene Light is a full third cheaper than
Kerosene Light, or Gasoline Light, per Candle Power.
It is not more than half the price of Electric Light,
nor three-fourths that of City Gas.
If I can't prove these statements to your full satis
faction my name is not "Acetylene Jones."
But Acetylene is more than the safest and cheapest
Light of the year 1905.
It is also the Whitest Light the nearest to natural
Sunlight in health-giving Blue and Violet rays, and
became of this, with its freedom from flicker, it is
the easiest of all Artificial Light on the Eyes.
It is so much like real Sunlight that it has made
plants grow 24 hours per day in dark cellars where no
ray of Sunlight could reach them. It made them grow
tzvicc as fast as similar plants that .had only the Sun
light of day-time, viz., half the time.
That was proven by Cornell University in a three
months' experiment made this very year.
Now, I've saved up for the last a point more im
portant to you than all the others about Acetylene
It consumes only one-fourth as much of the vital
Oxygen from the Air of Living rooms or bed-rooms,
as either Kerosene or City Gas-Light consumes.
That's a tremendous difference in a lifetime, mark
you three-fourths of a difference.
Because, Oxygen is Life.
And every bit of Oxygen stolen from the lungs of
Women, Children and Men, through Lighting, is a
loss that can never be made good again.
A 24 Candle-Power Acetylene Light costs you only
two-fifths of a cent per hour.
That's about $5 85 per year, if burned every night
in the year for four steady hours.
A Kerosene Lamp of equal capacity would cost you
a third more, viz.: three-fifths of a cent per hour for
Kerosene alone, or $8.75 P" year.
That's exclusive of broken lamp chimneys, new
wicks, and the everlasting drudgery and danger of
cleaning, filling and trimming daily.
I want to prove these figures to you, Reader, if you
are a house-owner or storekeeper.
Tell me how many rooms you've got and I'll tell you
what it will cost to light them with brilliant, beautiful.
Sanitary, eye-saving Acetylene.
Write me today for my Free Book about "Sunlight
on Tap."
Just address me here as
"Acetylene Jones,"
8 Adams St.,
Chicago, IH.
Prove It
By the Oven Fire
Put the wonderful KC Bak
ing Powder to the test. Get a
can on approval. Your monev
1 will be returned if you don't
tgicc, uidi an wc ciaim is true.
You'll be delighted with the de
licious, wholesome things that
will bring to life in your oven.
K C Baking Powder is two-
thirds cheaper and makes purer,
better, more healthful food than
other powders anywhere near
a. C Quality. 25 ounces for
25 cents. Cetitto-dav!
JDBh bahS;
ink Visitors
Neveaafcer 30th
To many points in Illinois. Indiana,
Ohio. Kentucky, Western Pennsylvan
ia, New York and West Virginia, at
The W A HASH has solid road-bed.
rock ballast, anh new equipment. Re
cllninjj chair cars (SEATS FREE.)
For rates, maps and all information
call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Far
nam St. or address
G. A. P. D., Wab. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
Send a noatal for
"Book of Presents."
"ar&LtThtnpstars Eyt Wattr
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
FOR FARMERS. Bar tbe cl
rt and irar. Send for prtoM.
vaicago BCAM V., WCa 1U.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 421905.
ueir sex. ssea as a toucae m aurrelauly sm
cessfel. Tfcoraacalf deasac, Wilt sitsmgw .
stops tuscaarges, seats isuaauuuoa ui iscal
faxtwe U ta powder form 10 rje auaoired rn :
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, serauudal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all 1
For sale at dru gguts, SO cents
Jtut m. PaurroM Company Tea,
foralT !
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Philip Black, an aged Western pio
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ried at El Reno to Miss Euplaha Co
mer, of Watonga, his fourteenth wife.
Several of Black's former wives were
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